Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 24, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
XWHEN you see this item mark
ed with an X, ill blue or black
pencil mark across its face you
will know that your subscription
is due, or past due. Your name will
be found printed on each copy of the
PRESS, as you receive it and gives the
last date to which you have paid. Our
terms are §2.00 if not paid in advance,
$1.50 in advance. Many, very many,
of our patrons allow their subscrip
tions to run year after year. This we
are unable to stand. It requires
money to purchase paper and pay em- 112
ployes and we must insist upon the 1
payment of subscriptions due us. We j
have been patient, but "patience has |
ceased to be a virtue," and we now j
propose to weed out all those subscri- j
hers who show no disposition to pay i
for their paper.
v_V Hon.CIIAS. A. MAYER President Judge and
the Hons. B. V. WVKOFP and J. ('. HONHAM, AS- |
sociate Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of
the Peace, Orphans'Court and Court of Common
I'leas for the county of Cameron, have issued j
their precept bearing date the 10th day ofSept.,
A. D., 1898, and to me directed for holding I
Court of Oyer and Terminer,General Jail Delivery. |
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court j
and Court of Common I'leas, in the Borough of |
Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 12th day of ;
December, 1898, at t o'clock, p. m., and to con- !
tinue one week.
Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices
of the Peace and Constables within the county, I
that they be then and there in their proper per- j
sons, at '2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, with their j
rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and j
other rememberances, to do those things which ,
to their offices appertain to be done. And those j
who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute
against them as will be just.
*_ Dated at Emporium, Pa., November 11th, 1898, I
and in the 122 d vear of the Independence of the
United States of America.
I J at December Term of Court, 1898, commenc- :
ing on Monda\, December 12,1898.
No. 63, May Term, 1895.
Frank Moon vs Charles W. Hall.
(j. W. Huntley, Jr., for Pltr.
B. W. Green, C.W. Shaffer, for Deft.
No. 27, February Term, 1896.
H. S. Crissman vs James O. Jordan.
Johnson & McNarney, for PlflT.
B. W. Green,C. W. Shaffer, for Deft.
No. 1, May Terin, 1897.
J. Frank Craven vs O. F. Balcom and W. F.
Lloyd, doing: business as Balcom & Lloyd and
E. H. Marshall.
B. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for PlfT.
Johnson & McNarney for Defts.
No, n, December Term, 1897.
Isaac Lewis vs Elias Barton, Roy Chad wick.
Johnson & JVNarney, for Plff.
J. H. Calkins, for Deh.
No. 6, February Terra, 1898.
Charles M. Vail to use of Elk Tanning Com- ,
]>anv, a corporation, vs S. S. Racket.
B. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for PUT.
S. W. Smith, for Deft.
No. 1, September Term, 1898.
Joseph F. Craven, late Supervisor ofShippen
Townsnip vs Shippen Township.
B. \V. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for Plff.
F. D. Leet for Deft.
No 33, December Term, 1898.
Daniel Briton vs W. F. Dickson.
Protlionotary. j
HENRY W. GRAHAM 1 In the Court of }
I Common Pleas of j
vs County, !
j Pa.. No. 10, Decern- j
MARY A. QRAIIAM. J ber Term, 1897.
To MARY A. GRAHAM, Respondent:
You are hereby notified to appear at the next j
term of court to be holden at Emporium, Camer
on county. Pa., commencing on Monday, the 12th
day of December, A. D., 1898, at 1 o'clock, p. in.,
and answer to the complaint of said libellant <
and answer to the charge, and show cause if any j
you have, why a decree should not be made,
divorcing the said liabellant from the bonds of
matrimony which he has contracted with you, ,
and if you fail to appear then and there such de- '
eree will be made in vour absence.
Sheriff's Office, I
Emporium, Pa., Nov. 14th, 1898. \
fn the Court of Common Pleas of Cameron Con nil/,
No. n, December Term, 1898.
N"OTICK is hereby given that an application
will be made to the said Court on the 12th J
day of December, 1898, at 1:00 o'clock, p.m.. i
under the Act of Assembly of the Common-i
wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro- |
vide for the incorporation and regulation of cer- |
tain corporations," approved April 29th, 1871, ,
and the supplements thereto, for the charter of J
an intended corporation to be called "THE KICK J
and object of which i.s to establish and main- ■
tain a perpetual burying place for the dead and !
for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all j
the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of |
Assembly and its supplements
The proposed charter is now on file in the :
Protlionotary's office.
Solicitors. I
Estate, of ELLIOTT L. CHAPMAN, Deceased. J
j ETTERS of Administration on the estate of'
1 Elliott L. Chapman, late of Lumber town- j
ship. Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased .
have been granted to John Chapman, residing in |
said townthip. to whom all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make payment, and i
those having claims or demands, will make (
known the same without delay.
Administrator. (
November 10. 1898. 38-6t. '
30C^(^36C$g30f:^jOCa^3eC^^38C^|?30C^30C^g3 «• sL<* JCG^3C^:>':♦: o
| Lloyd's i o fig forecast of the Weather FOR EM and i vicinity E
FRIDAY, - Fair; west winds: continued cold.
♦ ♦
SATURDAY, Probably fail*; winds becoming easterly; warmer. SIN I)A Y, - rain or snow.
- V To-day is the great least of the year, the house-wife's thoughts during the past week have been on good things to eat. Our thoughts, energy, power and
"Of & - 3 experience has been to produce the greatest book store in this county. We are thankful for a Dewey, a ffobson, a Lee and a Wheeler we are also thankful
lj~ ff* tf \ we * iavc> :i sto,e commensurate with your need, spacious, well lighted, convenient and filled with the best obtainable goods. Our west window will also
LI 3 vJP tL J4 show you this week what every one can he thankful for, and if ever there was a time when patriotism should find general thanksgiving expression, it seems
jx g j to be now,no matter what form the observance? shall take, that honored American institution— the Thanksgiving Dinner—will he in full evidence. Therefore
our store will be closed from 12 noon tint ill 7:00 o'clock, p. in., to allow us time to accept the invitation to a Thanksgiving Patriotic Menu as follows: Balti.
jj more Oysters, Manila Soup, Oregon la Turkey Massachusetts Salad, Newark Sweet Potatoes, Santiago Chips, Terror PickJes, Marblehead Cheese, Porto Rico Coffee, New York Ice Cream, CoiivLj
Qrord Grapes, lowa Nuts, Philippine Toothpicks, Miantonomah, Havana Cigars.
4$ Fourth Street. H. S. LLOYD. '
What is the Hatter? Waste!
One item of waste is time. Elihu
Barrett, the learned blacksmith, was
able to converse in several languages
and could read and write in many.
This he acquired while at work at the
forge, and that when his advantages
through books and living teachers
were much less than now.
There is not a boy or girl in our land
of fair abilities and health who may
not become proficient in some calling,
choosing that to which their talents or
inclination prompts.
Another source of waste is careless
ness, thoughtlessness. The want of a
nail in a horse shoe causes the loss of a
horse; the want of a bolt in a carriage
causes the loss of the carriage; the lack
of the use of a plow, cultivator or hoe
causes the loss of a crop and allows
the weeds to grow and to seed, which
increases the time and labor of caring
for the succeeding crop, and lessens
the value of it, for the strength re
quired to produce the weeds takes so
much of what should have gone into
the crop. The cook sits down to read
a silly story, or steps out to discuss
some gossip with an associate and the
steak or other food is injured or spoiled
and with it the tempers of the house
Were it not for woste of time, means
and talent, what a nation this might
become in knowledge, wealth and
power, and how happy.
Supporting the Administration.
From the Pittsburg Dispatch.
The complete figures of the vote for
Governor and Congressman, respec
tively, in the Twenty-seventh District
of this State, will give the people an
object lesson in supporting the Ad
ministration and upholding national
issues that are calculated to take away
the public breath This, it is to be
remembered, is, according to all re
presentations of the Republican au
thorities, the first duty of man, and
the way that duty was performed up
in the Venango district was a stunner.
The full returns show that there
were about 1400 people who nobly
rallied to the defense of Republican
principles and the support of the
national administration by voting for
W. A. Stone for Governor. But having
done so they had to have relief and
recreation, which they found by voting
to send Sibley, the rankest free silver
man the State has produced, to Con
gress. The novelty of upholding the
Administration in that way is striking,
but may lead to incongruities. For
instance, if two years hence a large
element should be found to uphold
Republican principles, in voting for
county officers, and then rest them
selves by voting the Democratic elec
toral ticket, there might be sarcastic
comments evoked, to say nothing of
the jeers of the unregenerate.
Party Wreckers.
The Philadelphia Inquirer, a reliable
Republican paper, wraps the "party
wreckers" over the knuckles in the
following manner:
"While they have elected neither a
Democratic Governor nor a Demo
cratic Legislature, they have succeeded
in sending several new Democratic
members of Congress to Washington
to aid other Democrats in opposing
the policies of President McKinley.
While they did not assail Republican
candidates for Congress, except in one
instance, we believe, they stirred up
strife in bitter factional speeches, and
in close districts this was fatal. They
went into C. W. Stone's district and
Mr. Stone was defeated. They went
into the Luzerne district, and Morgan
B. Williams was beaten. They went
into the Crawford district and Clear
field district and the Schuylkill and
Northampton and Northumberland
districts, and the Republican candi
dates were all defeated. The present
Pennsylvania delegation in Congress
stands: Republicans, 27; Democrats, 3.
The next delegation will stand: Re
publicans, 20; Democrats, 10. We
trust that the Party Wreckers are en
tirely satisfied with their work. How
grandly they stood by McKinley !"
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß.
For Sale.
Pair of light Bob Sleighs, two bodies
—one for pleasure and one for work.
Single or double. Good as new. Will
sell cheap, or exchange for hay.
Emporium, Pa., Nov. 22,1898. —39-tt.
Serious Accident.
Last Sunday a serious wreck occur
red at Rathbun, totally destroying one
engine and twelve freight cars. While
second section of train No. 60 was
pulling into a siding, the train broke,
the rear end stopping. This necessi
sitated the quick stoppage of other
trains coming down the steep grade
and train No. 60 ran into the rear of
No. 58. Traffic was suspended until a
late hour. The loss was heavy.
riHk riaids' Convention.
The Inter-State Milk Maids Associa
tion will hold a convention at the opera
house, on Thursday evening, Dec. Ist,
1898. The convention will be largely
attended by all the pretty maids from
the surrounding country. Be sure you
go and enjoy an evening's fun, and hear
how much the maids don't know about
cows, butter making, etc. Programs
and tickets will be issued in a few
days. The prices of admission will be
25 and 36 ets. Proceeds for benefit of
Emmanuel Church.
Rescue Hook and Ladder Ball.
The twelfth annual ball and supper
of Rescue Hook & Ladder Company,
of Emporium, Pa., will take place at
the opera house, Friday evening, Dec.
30th, 1898. The several committees
are actively at work preparing for a
big time this year. They have engaged
Jamison's Orchestra, of Bradford, Pa.,
comprising eight pieces, and propose
making their '9B ball the most popular
yet given • The Hooks never do any
ihing on a small scale. Remember the
date. 39-6t ***
What Troubles You, Sam?
"What particular fault can neighbor
Rogers, of the Kane Republican, find
with Dr. Smith, of Cameron county,
the Democrat who was elected to the
Assembly in that county last week,"
asks the Smethport Democrat. As Dr.
Smith's name has never before appear
ed in this paper, and as no occasion
has called for any reference to him or
his candidacy, it is not easy to deter
mine what editor Lindsley is driving
at. Dr. Smith may be all right as a
citizen, but as a legislator he was very
much of a nonentity in the last House.
He did not command anything like the
position that Mr. Mullin did in the
proceeding House. This is the reply
we make to Mr. Linds'ey's mythical
query.—Kane Republican.
Miss Laura Evans, of Emporium,
who has had five years experience in
tlio large dressmaking establishments
of Philadelphia is prepared to do dress
making at home or by the day. 2t
That's Hodest.
The Philadelphia Press, in a recent
issue, says:"The Lewisburg Satur
day News, whose esteemed editor was
defeated for the Legislature at the late
election, seems to be impressed by the
idea that the result was brought about
by bribery. It declares that some of
the attendants at a prayer meeting in
West Buffalo Township were called
out by a Democratic constable, who
treated them to whiskey, "one fellow
being offered seventy-five cents for his
vote." It further says that in Hartley
Township "another Democratic office
holder exhibited a marked ability as a
convincing behind-the-door orator and
passer of red-eye and coin," and"to
record every incident of this kind
that occurred in the recent campaign
would require more than ten columns."
Bribery or attempt to bribe is a pretty
serious crime under the statutes of
Pennsylvania. Our contemporary
would 1)0 doing the whole state an im
portant service by using its informa
tion to prosecute the guilty." Had the
editors of the Philadelphia Press and
Lewisburg News been in Cameron
county on the Bth of November they
could have seen the most brazen ex
hibitions of bribery—no beliind-the
door business about it, but open bargain
and sale to the highest bidder The
prices paid for votes for the Demo
cratic candidates were from $0 to §ls;
§5 to $lO to refrain from voting and
"name-your-priee" should you be a
Republican worker or committeeman,
to stand around and keep quiet and
call "assistance" when voting. No
wonder a leading Emporium Demo
cratic worker exclaimed the other day,
"don't talk to me about the election,
we have nothing to be proud of; it was
a disgrace and I am ashamed of it —
ashamed of our people—and, seriously,
what is Cameron county coming to?"
Respectfully referred to the Reform
ers (?).
Genuine hair cloth for dresses at
Mrs. Bardwell's. 2t
Farewell Services.
Rev. W. R. McNeil's pastorate of the
First Baptist church of Emporium,
ceased with last Sunday's services.
Rev. McNeil came to Emporium eight
years ago and has labored zealously
for the upbuilding of his church. Dur
ing the past year his health has failed
and his physician has ordered him to
cease active labor for the present. It
is with general regret that this elo
quent divine leaves Emporium. He
has by his genial manners won the re
spect and esteem of all classes and
creeds. Ever ready to lend a hand in
any laudable enterprise, always gladly
raising his voice in behalf of any good
cause. W. R. McNeil was closely iden
tified with our town and county. A
man of liberal and consistent views up
on all subjects, a man of strong will
power, he dares to do what he con
siders right at all times and under all
circumstances and never buries his
opinions under a half-bushel measure.
Rev. McNeil is a broad-guaged gentle
man, a consistent christian —a true
American citizen. ,
The services at the Baptist church
last Sunday were largely attended by
our people, a mark of respect to the re
tiring Pastor. At the evening services
Rev. Rob't McCaslin, Pastor of the
Presbyterian church, occupied the
pulpit and delivered a very able ad
dress and feelingly referred to the high
esteem in which Rev. McNeil is held
by our citizens. Rev. McNeil's re
marks were notofthe ''farewell" order,
yet he spoke in his usual happy strain
and related his experience of forty
years in the ministry.
Prof. H. F. Stauffer, principal of Em
porium schools, spoke a few words in
behalf of the friends and admirers of
the Rev. gentleman present. His re
marks conveyed the unanimous senti
ments of our people.
The Emporium lodge, No. 382, A. Y.
M., of which Rev. McNeil has been the
faithful Chaplain for sometime, attend
ed the services in a body, a mark of re
spect seldom accorded one of their
The PRESS extends to our old friend,
and his estimable family, its best and
hoartfelt wishes for a long life of much
happiness. It has been our good fort
une to coun tamong our intimate friends
this good man and words cannot ex
press how deeply we feel indebted to
him for the many kind acts of
friendship so cheerfully rendered in
our behalf.
Rev. McNeil and family will reside
at Bridgeton, N. J.
Another Pioneer (jone.
HERRICK. At Keene Hospital, Philadelphia,
Nov. 18th, 1898, of cancer of the stomach, \v IL
i,iAM P. HKRHICK, aged C 8 years, six months
and fourteen days.
Mr. Herrick was one of the pioneers
of Cameron icounty, having been
identified with its interests since 1803.
One by one the old pioneers are drop
ping by the wayside, wearied with the
long march of life, while time covers
up their foot-prints, as generations
come and go. The deceased will be
missed in the circle of friends that
surrounded him —sadly missed, yet the
Ruler of the universe doeth all things
well. The funeral was held from his
late residence at Sterling Run, on Sun
day afternoon, at two o'clock and was
very largely attended by friends from
adjoining towns. Rev. W R. McNeil,
of Emporium, preached the funeral
sermon, a very able effort and highly
appropriate to the occasion.
They're drifting like the falling leaves,
Before the Autumn blast;
The pioneers of former days,
Whose lot with us was cast.
Yes, one by one, they pa?«s away.
When nature's work is o'er:
And 'mid the daily walks of life,
Will meet with us no more.
At a meeting of the Presbyterian
Sabbath School, held Oct. 23, it was
moved and adopted that this school
recognize in appropriate resolution,
the excellent service rendered by Miss
Bessie Ault and Mr. Roy McDonald,
and the deep itgret of said school at
the loss sustained by their removal
from town. The committee having
charge of the preparation of said
resolution, places on public record the
sense of the school and expresses its
high appreciation of the noble charac
ter and faithful service of these mem
bers, praying God that He will guide
and protect them in their homes; that
they may live long to render such
service as shall be acceptable in His
sight and a continued honor to the
society into which destiny shall cast
their lot.
I'lows for Sale.
I have ten South Bend Plows for
sale, at a bargain. Having rented my
farm I desire to dispose of them. They
are all new and the best in the world.
Emporium, Pa., 37-tf.
Ugly Cut.
Yesterday morning Everett Housler,
while working on Bobby Run, received
an ugly cut on the right wrist. Dr.
Baker dressed the wound.
Card of Thanks.
Editor Prrns:
We take this method of expressing
our thanks to the people of Sterling
Run and elsewhere, for their kindness
during our late affliction, caused by
the death of our husband and father.
Sterling Run, Pa., Nov. 22, 1898.
Visits the Temple.
A number of Emporium Shriners
visited the Olean Temple last Tuesday
evening, and, no doubt, traveled over
the hot sands of the desert. Among
the party we noticed Geo. J. Laßar,
W. F. Lloyd, I). W. Felt, A. Hockley.
A jolly party for a good time.
Seriously 111.
The many friends of Miss Ella Her
rick, of Sterling Run, will be pained
to learn that she is dangerously ill at
Philadelphia, at the home of friends.
She accompanied her father to the
hospital and was stricken with paralysis
before he was operated upon. Miss
Herrick was unable to be present with
her father at the time of his death,
although Dr. Wright, of Erie, his son
in-law was. Mr. Herrick was conscious
until ten minutes before his death.
A Personal Card.
Having narrowily escaped, through
the goodness of God and through Mr.
Thos. Gallagher's incomparable pres
ence of mind, quickness and courage,
from a terrible accident, as the result
of an attempt to board a moving train;
I wish to acknowledge publicly my
sense of the great criminal carelessness
of which I was guilty, and to express
the hope that my experience will prove
a warning to all persons, especially to
young men and boys, against similar
fool-hardy attempts.
Emporium, Pa., Nov. 22, 1898.
The Happy Little Folks.
Last Saturday afternoon, Miss EDNA,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cruise,
celebrated her eighth birth-day by in
viting twenty-one of her little lady and
gentlemen friends, who hugely enjoyed
themselves, as little folks only can,
until five o'clock, when supper was
Miss Edna, attired in pink ?aslimere
and pink cap, escorted by Master Geo.
Barker, who also wore a pink cap, led
the march to the dining room, followed
by Warner and Marion Judd, Joe and
Jean McNarney, Harold Seger and
Lena Coyle, Frank Housler and Edna
Clark, Lee Schwartz and Olive Miller,
Lloyd Swartz and Mable Miller, Helen
Auchu and Mildred McQuay, Clyde
Fisher and Ruth Pearsall, Lena Richie
and Irene Richie. The little tots
greatly enjoyed the afternoon. Miss
Edna was the recipient of many beau
tiful presents from her friends.
Narrow Escape.
Last Thursday, the Rev. Robertson,
Rector of Emmanuel Church, met with
an accident while attempting to board
Erie mail. He waited to procure a
newspaper from the newsdealer and
after procuring the same walked back
to the ladies car to get aboard. The
train was moving at quite a brisk rate
when lie made the effort Being en
cumbered with a satchel and an um
brella he had only one hand to assist
himself with. Ho was thrown on his
head and shoulders close to the car
wheels and had it not been for the
presence of mind of Station Agent
Gallagher, who pulled him from the
passing wheels, the Reverend gentle
man would have been terribly mangled.
The train was stopped and the thor
oughly frightened Rector got aboard
and resumed his journey to Warren.
A Brilliant Wedding.
The society event of the season was
the marriage of Miss Georgia Elizabeth
Barclay, the charming and accom
plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George B. Barclay, to Mr. William L.
Beddow, at the home of the bride's
parents, at Wysidc, last evening.
Promptly at 8 o'clock the bride and
groom, preceded by the maid of honor,
Miss Lillian Barclay, sister of the bride,
appeared in the parlor and in the
presence of a very large number of
invited guests Rev. M. C. Piper per
formed the beautiful ring ceremony of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, unit
ing them in the holy bonds of matri
mony, and every detail passed off in a
perfect and delightful manner.
The bride was attired in white silk
and chiffon and presented a charming
appearance, while the maid of honor
looked beautiful in her dress of white
mull and nun's veiling.
It was a most brilliant affair and the
home was handsomely decorated for
the occasion.
After a sumptuous wedding supper
the bride and groom departed for the
east on an extended wedding tour.
They will return and spend the holi
days with t he bride's parents and later
make Seattle, Wash., their permanent
The bride was one of the leading
society young women of this county
and a daughter of George B.Barclay,
of the well-known lumber firm of Bar
clay Bros.
The groom is an exemplary young
man and enjoys an extensive law prac
tice in Seattle, Wash.
The presents were varied, beautiful
and valuable and beggar description,
the list being too long to use in this
issue.—Driftwood (lazette.
The best line of underwear at
Regular sets of furs for small chil
dren at Mrs. Bardwell's. 2t
TERMS: 82.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Miss Huffman, of Rathbuu, in visiting in tow* .
I Farmer Kresge is adding a wagon shed to I.«*
iJr. S. S. Smith passed through our burg ctt
Mrs. Fisher and daughter were visitors to SSL
Marys last week.
John Laivson, of Beechwood passed through
our town on Friday.
Arthur Norton come down to see his mauut
and spend the Sunday.
Charley Spay, of Moore Hill, was a visitor o
St. Marys Wednesday.
Thos. Norton has his wood pile open for all
who care to take a hand.
Miss Ethel Waddington left Saturday evening:
for her home at Emporium.
Kev. Mulliner is holding revival meetings t>a
Moore II ill with good results.
The P. & E. surveyors were locating a piace fc>
put up a gas pump last week.
liert hasterbrooks of West ('reek is assisiaci
manager on the Billiard farm.
Plasters from Itenovo were working 011 Marti?.
Lawson's residence last week.
Postmaster Heath and wife was in St.Marjo
between trains 011 Wednesday.
C. M. Kresge has hung up his crutches and cae
be seen hobbling along on a cane.
Chas. Welsh made a flying trip to Emporium
on a "long tailed rattler" last week.
Will Johnson and family drove through our
city enroute to Beechwood, Sunday.
Andrew Ingersall drove a line lot of cat'.is
through our city enroute to Emporium.
Henry Madner is making some good improve -
ments on his residence in the east end.
John Myers and John Sullivan, two Emporium*
boys passed through our city last week.
Miss Carrie Spay, one of Moore Hill's promi
nent young ladies was visiting Henry Wadner
and family.
Pete the always smiling pumper at this place
showed up with a new suit of blue after the pa?
car passed.
Mr. Swartwood, of Kich Valley, was up oui*
way last week telling our farmers he knew ho**
to make good roads.
Wm. Moore claims he can plow more groun#
in a day than any man 011 the creek.but we think
he is talking through his hat.
Frank Easterbrooks, one of West Creek'*
prominent youcg men was helping to place ins©-
lators on the posts of the new telegraph 00.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lawson, Mr. and Mn
John Hogan and Mr. anil Mrs. John Lav.soi
attended the wedding of Patrick Denning a.
Johnsonburg, last Tuesday.
Our young people attended the revival nieiti
ings on Moore Hill in a body. Our hopes are that
some of them will see their sinful) ways an?
repent before it is too late.
William Moore and Thos. Norton beat a.,
records a few days ago, cutting wood. They cut*,
eight cords in one hour and ten minutes ani
stopped six minutes to let the saw cool.
Fred Norton one of the most prominent youcfc
men of our place has begun to tell the boj's th::t
he knows how to make good roads and if elected
road supervisor in February he will prove that Im.
is the right man in the right place.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lawson gave a social part/
Wednesday night at their residence in the eat 1
end. After filling up 011 oysters and all tlve
delicacies of the season, all departed in the wee
hours, well pleased and wishing they might have
the pleasure of being there next Thanksgiving
Local Institute.
The following is the program of the
local institute to convene in the M. R
Church, at Sinnamahoning, Pa., Sat
urday, Dec. 3, IS9S, at 10:00 a. m:
1. Devotional Rev. Piper
2. Address of Welcome, V. A. Brooks.
, President of Board
Song by Institute
4. Causes of Success and Failure in Teaching,
It. G. Woori'varc
5. Kindergarten Work in the Primary School.
Miss Marian Laivabee
6. Recitation, Miss Hat tie Shaffer
7. Music Miss Emma Nefcj
8. Training Children to See...liarry F. StauttV
9. Song by Institutc
2:00 P. n. Opening of Afternoon Session.
10. Song by Institute
11. Composition Work,
Miss Helen Van Valkenbur\
12. Composition and Grammar,.. . I>. B. Petersoi
13. Music. Miss Maud WykoS
11. Recitation Miss Lillian Barclay
15. Geography, Miss Mattie Collins,County Sup*-
; Hi. Arithmetic A. L. Wilef
17. Song by Institute
All the teachers are invited to be ready to tak*
an active part in the discussions.
Sinnemahoning, Pa.
Death of I). B. Reed.
I). Blair Reed died at the Warren Hospit7>
about 3:45 last Saturday morning, after an illnesi
of several years, aged li) years. His remain*
were taken to his home ai Driftwood on tlvs
Erie mail same day, The funeral was held o*
Monday from the family residence and was ver*
largely attended, Rev. M. ('. Piper. ofM. 1-
C'hurch officiating. Mr. Reed was, we believe, i
charter member of Driftwood Lodge, A. Y. M_
and that fraternity took charge of the funera.-
| When taken sick he had been continuously is
> the employ of the Pennsylvania R. R. Co., OK
telegrapher and yard inasttr, since a mere lad.
and so far as known held the record on the mid
dle division for continuous service with tha:
company. He leaves a wife and one daughter,
with whom the PRESS sincerely sympathizes i»
their allliction. We regret deeply our inability t.»
be present and pay that last respect due *
dear friend of our boyhood davs. Blair Rce«
came from a family who valued tin ir word, their
principles, l.ii* above this world's goods, in lit#
he was a genial, generous, whole-souled fellow,
whose time and energies were exerted for t)w
benetit of his fellow man.
Politically we never knew a more stalwart.
! Republican than he and in these days of corrup
! tion and debauchery, his equal does not exist.
J "Make it unanimous, Harry," were his cxclama
I t ions as he cheered us on in the battles forth*
| principles of that great party he so dearly loved
| and believed in. Peace to lus memory.
Bound Over to Court.
' On Monday, S. A. Conover, special ofTieer for
; the W. N. v. & P. By. Co., am steel John M<
I Donald, charged with breaking open a box o."
| gloves at the freight depot, at this place, a few
j weeks ago. McDonald was taken into custody :v
Coudersnort where he wasidentilled by the Snip
i pen track foreman as the man who had sold hi/*
I some gloves the morning after the robbery,
j The prisoner was arraigned before Justice
Larrabcc, Tuesday evening, who after reviewing
the evidence bound McDonald over for his ap
pearance at Court, in the sum of SSOO bail, in de
fault of which he was committed to the county
NO. 39.