Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 17, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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n Part of our Fall Goods are here and more are on the
Q' way. Come and see is the cordial invitation we extend to all.
The goods are new and the prices are right.
A large assortment of w
& PRfINB " iiBBK " Mi 112
j#? Men's. Women's H . Table Cloths, <fj
and Childrens' ' 'V> ' Sheetings, M
b Undcnvpar, . /• Itlankets und *
_Q Art Linens, - —>• 'V C v .^"' Bed Comfortables, ,|A
Traced fV t .. .!*' > ! 'y 'T iVt Corsets, .JT'-
V j <'entre Pieces, ' i |- V. Corset Covers, u
W ('ushlon Covers, 112 !' : M Ladies and *
Heminwiiy's I ! Z^ x /jgC^^MHk112 «' ( luldrens s-A,
[4K Kin broidery, ' 'J OTJ 1 Muslin and <W.*
n Silks. Towels, I i l»«jffin®|iasVl- , Flannelette O
« Towelings and I iPW|AflU!Mltgv'l ♦. t! : Underwear 7*
Napkins, : • \ fIBMBB A good variety of -V
Datnusk Tablings. A WHHf /' sJ,<\» Infants Robes. .-T
W i"; *
J " I
Offerings for CASH Oniy.
Ladies, set, white wool vests and pants, usually sold at ju (
Si.oo, for 60 cents. n
<f Ladies' set, white wool vests and pants, usually sold at ft
♦ $1.25, for 75 cents. <£■
W Ladies' set, white wool vests and pants, usually sold at <►
i • s°, for 90 cents.
'£f 1 Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at w
U, 65c, for 45 cents. &■
■ 112 Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at KJ
. ; 75c, for 50 cents.
* Chi id reus' white wool vests' and pants, usually sold at
M 85c, lor 60 cents. p
&£ Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at
I#f $1.15, for 70 cents. &
/. Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at sA
W s oc ' ur ceuts - *
• Childrens' white wool vests and pants, usually sold at O,
J 45c, for 30 cents. Xj
Infants' pants and vests usually sold at 45c, for 30c. )
These are short sleeves. ) j*
V Ladies' white Merino vests, sold at 65c for 45 cents. $8
These are all perfect goods. Come early.
| D. E. OLMSTED, 112
P* Near Odd Fellows Hall, East Fourth St. u
£ fijl
M ulj, Our line ol Groceries is complete.
tfiJCA' -j T f a Our aim is to purchase nothing bu't the ■■'p t
" best and keep our stock fresh. Come and
) "■ examine our goods.
'%■: ;; -A .- JSar Our shoes are from the .
'.(>■ Ijcst manufactures in the [WX-ri
country. They comprise ®
all the latest stvles and j /•->*%
■| colors in footweaf. j,..
•■l'. Our lines ol linens and '\yLlfej£r j
DOVJTfcS domestics tare carefully |~l Ik
>M ** I selected from large stocks I>. i - <f
%\ M.and are the best goods for I _I J
'W the money obtainable. If in need ot such ,0
| •! '% _ .1 ;..""ds give- us a tria.
m Our notion departnient |||
'M 15 112 jis made up ol only reliable XNQTIQ\\ |
® E.U3 tgoods at medium prices. //' •■iefe-iNV j M
I'm Examine and let us name you prices. (t 1 v;'4 J ffl
™ A fl
Lffilj t- Our stock of Fall and H
■M Winter Clothing has ar- ''(:j 'M
/ 'J' rived. 111 it you will find M
% / Uj3/'\ ) all the latest cloths. _ Call C'Jjm \J
' and examine before line is jffl
IV' ■■ ■ I
We have shirts and lots of them at ll^j
pj all prices. Let us show them to you and fe
I name our prices. |
; If you want to save money, give us a call.
We defy competition. All goods guaran- I \ lli-j
: j tec<l - |
S3US TP fl 0 iT* ® There is no
kfeOIJ 8 t'lliil'l 0 of meaning
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " MOTHER " —she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth
er 1 is beset with danger and all ef
fort should be made to avoid it.
-1 1 so assists nature
MnfhPr Q >n the change tak-
IVlUillul 0 ing place that
db a ■ the Expectant
Friend ese
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement —in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
"My wife suffered more in ten min
utes witli either of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last, having; previously used four bot
tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It is a
blessing to any one expecting to be
come a MOTHER," says a customer.
UEN-DKUSON I>AI.K, C'armi, Illinois.
or PrnpKlstH at 11.00, or sent bverpre-s on receipt
of price. Wrlio for bonk containing testimonials
and valuable Information for ail Mother.*, freo.
Tlie 1) rail Held lleffulator Co., Atlanta, (;'a.
Dyspepsia Cure.
Some symptoms: uneasiness,
weight and tension over stomach,
heartburn, sour stomach, bloating,
sour eructation, spitting food, belch
ing wind, offensive breath.
If you are a sufferer from any oj
the symptoms here given we want
you to consider that when you take
this medicine you are not taking a
preparation hastily gotten together
to sell, but one evolved by many
years of hard study and wide ex
perience in private practice by a
physician of recognized eminent
If not satisfied after using one bot
tle your money will be refunded by
It. C. Dodson, Emporium, Pa.
CURES i FEVE,IS ' Lung Fever» Milk Fever.
" "'isPHAIXSJ Lament**:*. Rheumatism.
CUKES ) COI'GHK Coliln. influenza.
CUKES ( COLIC, Bi llyaelip. Diarrhea.
U.H. Prevents MIKCAHItI AOE.
iVi'rM " A!l COMMTIOV, Slarine Coat.
CUc. each; Stable Case, Ton Specifics, Hook, &c., $7.
At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Cor. William & John
nnd Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Sp*. j
No. i2B, 111 use over 40 years, the o. iy
•successful remedy.
$1 per vial,or 5 vials and larjje vial»powder,for $5
Hold by Dru»;gißtß, or Hunt |»o«t-puld ou receipt of price.
11l J1 I'llUL\b'HLl>. CO., Cur. William it Jobr Bu.«New Vurk
Constant coughing is not onty very
annoying, but the continuous hacking
and irritation will soon attack and in
jure the delicate lining of the throat
and air passages. A simple cough ia
bad enough; but a chronic cough is
really dangerous. Take advice and
use "the celebrated Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup at once and be cured.
Cough Syrup
Cures a Cough or Cold at once.
Doses arc small and pleasant to take. Doctors
recommend it. Price 25 cts At all druggists.
WILLIAMS' pi 11 e
:ill troubles i>ecu]iar to her sex. {jfy~Soml by
mail or from our Agent. SI.OO per box.
For sale by 11. Dodson.
From New Zealand.
! am very pleased to state that si nee I
took the ngcney of Chamberlain's medi
cines the sale lias been very large, more
especially of the Cough Remedy, in
two years I have sold more ol this par
ticular remedy than of all other maker,
for the previous live years. As to ita
efficacy, I have been informed by scores
of persons of the good results they have
received from it, and know its value
from the use of it in my own household.
It;is so pleasant to take that we have to
place the bottle beyond the reach of the
children. E. J. SCANIJCBUKY.
For sale by L. Taggart Nov.
If all the people are going to heaven
who claim to Vie headed that way,there
will be a very conglomerated mass up
there, too.
The Best Plaster.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bound
onto the affected parts is superior to
any plaster. When troubled with a
pain in the chest or side, or lame back,
give it a trial. You are certan to be
more than pleased with the prompt
relief which it affords. Pain Balm is
also a certain cure for rheumatism. For
sale by L. Taggart. Nov.
Probably Salisbury has a notion of
trying a lecture tour in this country.
The sooner a cough or cold is cured
without harm to the sufferer the better.
Lingering colds are dangerous,a Hack
ing cough is distressing* One minute
Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why
when such a cough cure is with
in reach'? It is pleasant to the taste.
R. C. Dodson. 451y
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures whoop
ing cough and measles' cough. This
wonderful remedy will save the chil
dren from many a distressing coughing
spell and soon effect a cure.
Speaker Reed will have his say in
the next House.
History will tell about "Dewey"
Hobson, Sampson and Americans pro
tecting themselves from serious throat
diseases by using "Armstrong's Diph
theria and Quinsey Drops." The
greatest throat remedy in the world.
Sold by druggist, R. C. Dodson. 61y
One county of Forida alone, Volusia
has an average annual output of 360,
000 pounds of honey.
When you ask for De Witt's Witch
Hazel salve don't accept a counterfeit or
imitation. There are more cases ef
Piles being cured by this, than all
others combined. R. C. Dodson. 4. r )ly
Redlands, Gal., has a giant mowing
machine, which cuts a strip 50 feet
Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. De
Witt's Little Early Risers will remove
the trouble and cure sick Headache,
Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear
the Complexion. Small, sugar coated,
don't gripe or cause nausea. It. C.
Dodson. 451y
One acre of land will comfortably
support four persons on a vegetable
Old fashions in dress may be revived,
but no old-fashioned medicine can re
place Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by L
Taggart. Oct.
John Bull pays £70.000,000 a year for
tobacco and pipes.
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
your coughs and colds with One Min
ute Cough Cure It is so good children
cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and all throat and
luug diseases. R. C. Dodson. 451y
Thirty-eight vessels fly the Hawaiian
Late to bed and early to rise, pre
pares a man for his home in the skies.
But early to bed and a Little Early
Riser, the pill that makes life longer
and better and wiser. R. C. Dodson.
Hildeshime has a 1000 year old rose
Many a household is saddened by
death because of the failure to keep on
hand a safe and absolute certain cure
lor croup such as One Minute Cough
Cure. See that your little ones are pro
tected against emergency. R. C. Hod
son. 451y
Having recovered his breath, Sock
less j, rr y Simpson is telling sympa
thizing friends how it. happened.
Sooth 1 'g, healing, cleansing, !)e
Witt's tcii Hazel Salve is the im
plac enemy of sores, burns and
we ~ It never fails to cure Piles.
v may rely upon it. R. C. Dod
After the Stars and Stripes had been
raised over her, the Maria Teresa be
came non-sink able.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup stops that
tickling in the throat. This reliable
remedy allays at once irritations of the
tin-oat, sore throat, hoarseness and
other bronchial affections.
Nature's ice-making machine re
sumed operations last night.
A cough is not like a fever. It does
not have to run a certain course. Cure
it quickly and effectually with One
Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy
for all ages and for the most severe
cases. We recommend it because it's
good. R. C. Dodson. 451y
Ladies and gentlemen suffering from
throat and lung difficulties to call at
our store for a sample bottle of Otto's
Cure. We confidently recommend it
as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Consumption, and all diseases of the
throat and lungs. It will stop a cough
Quicker than any ether known remedy.
We believe it will cure you. Large
sizes 50c. and 25c. Sold by R. C. Dod
son. 33-15-ly
Regardless of what the experts nay,
the great American people want the
Maria Teresa?
Great Excitement in Town.
Over the remarkable cures by the
grand specific, Bacon's Celery King,
which acts as a natural laxative, stim
ulates the digestive organs, regulates
the liver and kidneys and is nature's
great healer and health renewer. If
you have kidney, liver and blood dis
order do not delay but call at our store
for a free trial package. R. C. Dodson
I.arge sizes 50c. and 25c. 33-151y
& 'M\
JAo •vj _ ,
Mfdal and 11 ighctt Award at World « Columbian Exposition
IlKfiT SIT WORKS IN TIIK WOICLI). Warranted th«* »>est
mart.*. Bbii)Rl<* Mills Miehlru-rr, au*t Standard Agricultural
Implement* of Ileit (Jiiality at lowest price*. Il!us«. Catalog.
A. 15. FA It Q CHAR CO., Ltd., YORK, I'A.
J. A. Fisher,
jH'ofse $
Broad Street, Emporiuai, Pa.
Meldrum &
Anderson Co.
The American Block.
About Our Book
and Stationery Department.
We solicit mail orders for books and stationery.
We will gladly quote you our prices at any time
for any book or books published, and we can
always supply you with the best writing paper
and stationery at very low prices. We do card
engraving in the best form for much less than
usual prices.
Quo Vadis, the authorized and unabridged
edition, cloth binding, illustrated,soc., postage 12c
The same in paper covers 18c., postage 7c,
The Prince of the House of David, new edition,
cloth, illustrateo, 19c, postage 6c.
The Prince of the House of David, new edition,
cloth, illustrated, 19c, postage 6c.
The Beth Book, by Sarah Grand, published at
$1.50, our price $ I.loc, postage 1-c.
The Story of an untold Love, by Paul Leicester
Ford, published at $1.25, our price 95c., postage9c.
Corleone, by F. Marion Crawford, 2 vols., $1.40,
postage 17c.
The Seats of the Mighty, by Gilbert Parker
£1.20, postage, 11c.
The Choir Invisible, by James Lane Allen, pub
lished 112 t $1.50, our price, $1.15 postage Bc.
The Chautauqua Books, for course 1898, 5 vols.,
|4.50 the set, expressage 25c.
Pelonbet's Notes on the International Sunday
School Lessons for 1898, 85c, postage 12c.
Subscriptions for all magazines and periodicals
are received at publishers' rates.
Our "Swan Vellum," and "Swan Satin" are
high-class writing papers, made in four sizes—
"Joseph" and "Billet"sizes, 40c box of 5 quires.
Envelopes to correspond, 40c box of 125.
"Octavo" size, 50c. a box; envelopes 50c.
Our "Swan Everwyn" and "Swan Feather"
are smooth tnd rough linen papers made only in
octavo and commercial sizes, ruled and plane, 30c
and 35c the 5 quire packets, envelopes 7c and 8c
"Swan Seconds" in octavo and commercial
sizes, ruled and plain, 13c pound packet, envelopes
5c and 6c a packet.
Papeteries of new square shaped paper and
envelopes in fashionable tints, azure, heliotrope,
cream and mazarin 15c hex, worth 20c, postage Bc.
The same in larger size 20c. worth 30c, postage
Papetoritviof initial paper with envelopes, all
initials, new and beautiful, all colors4oc box.
worth 50c.
The same illuminated in gold and colors
square paper 55c bo;;, worth 75c.
Card Engraving.
Plate and 50 cards for $1.25, postage 6c. En
graving address line 30c extra.
50 cards from your own plate 55c, postage Gc.
100 cards from your own plate 95c, pvstage lie.
Specimens of engraving and sizes of cards for
warded on application.
Monograms and address dies sunk from $1.50
upwards. Stamping tin any color 50c for 120
sheets, or 90c in gold and silver.
ADAM, miHilS \M)EIiSO\ CO..
The American Block.
Boots and Shoes
'fravi'lers CiUicle.
In tiled May 20, 18l>&.
j 20 M. Train ri week dkj s for Sunbury
Wilkesbarre, .Serauton, lia/leton, Pottsvilie
iiarrisburg and intermediate stations, arriving
at Philadelphia 0.23 P.M., New. York 9.30 P. M.,
Baltimore G.oo P. M., Washington 7.15 P. M.
Pullman Parlor car from Williamsport to
Philadelphia andpassengercoachesfrom Kane
i to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Balti-
I more and Washington.
|320 P. M.—Train 0 week days for Harris-
I burg and intermediate stations, arriving
at Philadelphia,4.3o A. M., New Y0rk7.33 A.M.
, Pullman sleeping cars from Harrisburg to Phil
i ad el phi a and New York. Philadelphia pn«-
I sengerscan remain!i:sleeper undisturbed un.
I til 7:30 A.M.
. 0 37 P. M. Train 1 Daily for Sunbury, Harris
burg and intermediate stations arriving at
j Philadelphia H. 52 A. M.. New York 9.33 A. M.,
weekdays, (10.38 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 6.25
i A.M.. Washington 7.40 A.M. Pullman sleep
! ing cars from Erie and Williamsport to Phila
; delphia and Williamsport to Washington.
P; ssengers in sleeper for Haltimore and Wash-
I ington will be transferred into Washington
i sleeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from
Erie to Philadelphia and Williamsport to
' Baltimore.
I 5:10 A. M. Emporium Junction—Train 0 week
days for Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clermont and
i intermediate stations.
jlO 30 A. M. Train 3 Daily for Erie and
j week days for Dußois and intermediate
628 P. M. Train 15. week days for Kane
and intermediate stations.
1 Train 'J leaves New York 5:50 p. m., Philadelphia
J 8:50 p. m., Washington 7:20 p.m., Baltimore
8:40 p. ni., arriving at Emporium Junction 5:10
| a. m M week days, with Pullman Sleepers and
passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Erie
and from Washington and Baltimore to Will
j iamsport.
Train 3 leaves New York 7.40 p. m., Philadel
phia 11.20 p. m., Washington 10.40 p. m, Balti-
J more 11.50 p, m., daily, arriving at Emporium
10.30 a. m., with Pullman Palace Sleeping
! Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and
; passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Erie
and Baltimore to Williamsport- on Sunday?
! only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to
I Train 15 leaves Philadelphiaß.3o a. m.. Washing
ton 7.50 a.m., Baltimore 8.50 a. m., Wilkesbarre
10:15 A. M., weekdays, arriving at Emporium
i 6.28 P.M., with Parlor ear from Philadelphia
to Williamsport.and passenger coaches from
Philadelphia to Kane.
i JLY Connections.
(Week days.)
| A.M. | A.M. Ip. M. P.M.
| 855 j lOO. . . Renovo .... 500 11 05
947 .... 441 ...Driftwood... 103 10 12
jlO 25 .... sin Emporium June 325 940
II 08, • 552 ... St. Marys.. 240 901
1115 .... Kane 112 20 905
11 34 . ..Wilcox 11 58 842
11 49 l .Johnsonburg.. ill 43 8 26
I 12 10 0 20 ...Ridgway, 8 50 8 05
1 12 17 627 Island Run... 843 755
12 22 fi 32 Carman Tr'nfer 8 38! | 749
12 31 641 .. Croyland 829 .... 7 40
12 35 645 ..Shorts Mills.. 8 2(1 7 S<;
12 39 fi 48 ... Blue Rock... 822 733
12 43 6 53 Carrier 8 17 7 2S
12 53 702 .Brockway ville. 808 7 18
12 57 • .. 7 Ofi ...Lanes Mills.. 8 02' 7 13
7li .McMinns Sm't. 758
107 711 Harveys Run.. 751 704
, 115 720 ..Falls Creek .. 750 700
j 140 7 35|.... Dußois .... 7 40|.... 610
! 1 20 7 25 .Falls Creek. .I 7 00 655
| 1 35 7 4o Reynolds', ilie.. | C 45 6 40
2 11 816 ... Brookville . . 86 09 604
3 05 9 10 New Bethlehem I 5 20 5 10
3 50 9 55 .. .Red Bank.... I 1 T>
6 30.... 12 loj.. ..Pittsburg ... 11 *lO
P. M P. M.| FA. M P. M.
General Manager. CJen'l Passenger Agt.
I Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smethport, Eldred.
I Bradford, Oleanand Buffalo,connecting at Buf
falo for points East and West,
i Buffalo Express, dailv except Sunday 8.30 A. M.
j Mail, (108> daily except Sunday 1.45 P.M.
| Train No. 103 mail willconnect atOlea
I River Division for Allegany,Bradford,Salamanca
; Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg.
Call on E. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, for
time tables or other information
It. BELL, Gen'l Supt.
J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Pass'ngr & Ticket Agt.
Mooney Brisbane Building, Cor. Main an<?
Clinton Streets, Buffalo, N. Y.
On and after July 3, 1898, passenger trains wil'
depart from Johnsonburg daily, except Sunday,
as follows:
8:52 a. in., from p. & E. station for Ridgway,
Brock way ville, Duß«.is, Punxsutawi;e\ an.
11:52 a. 111., from P. & E. station, mail for Mt
Jewett, Bradford and Rochester.
2:35 p. 111., from P. & E. station, mail for Ridg
way, Brock way ville, Dußois, Punxsutawney,
and Clearfield.
2:28 p.m. from B. li. ft P. station, Buffalo Ex
press for Bradford, Salamanca, Springville anc
Thousand mile tickets good for passage be
wen all stations at two cents per mile.
ED WA ED C. LAPEY, Gen. Pass. A gt.
Rochester,N. v .
KMUfffr *3 ip £p Dr. Williams' Indian Pile
BHI H K |_ will cure Blind,
g Sw g E Bleeding and Itching
mJ'jj jjji] Pj ItoPik s. It absorbs the tumor
SHBV By H allays the itching at once, acts
fej SaEI.I.S a poultice, gives instant re
B B lief. Dr. Williams*indirm Pile Oint
ment is prepared for Pile * and Itch
8h ing of the private parts. JO very box is
warranted. Isy druggists, by mail or. re
cipt of prie»*. •"»<> cents ami SI.OO. WILLIAMS
MANUFACTUHING CO.. Props., Clew-lanu, Ohio.
For sale by 11 C. Dodson.