THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 33. EDITOR'S_ NOTICE. XWHEN you see this item mark ed with an X, in blue or black pencil mark across its face you will know that your subscription is due, or past due. Your name will be found printed 011 each copy of the PRESS, as you receive it and gives the last date to which you have paid. Our terms are $2.00 if not paid in advance, $1.50 in advance. Many, very many, of our patrons allow their subscrip tions to run year after year. This we are unable to stand. It requires money to purchase paper and pay em- i ployes and we must insist upon the j payment of subscriptions due us. We 1 have been patient, but "patience lias j ceased to be a virtue," and we now ! propose to weed out all those subscri- ] bers who show 110 disposition to pay 1 for their paper. / LOL'RT PROCLAMATION. WIIEKKAH: The I J Hon. Cms. A. MAYKR I'resident .ludge and the Hons. 11. V. WYKOKK and .I.e. BONHAM. As sociate JudgesoftheCourtsof Oyer and Terminer | and General Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol ; the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common ■ Pleas for the county of Cameron, have issued their precept bearing date the 10th day of Sept., j A. D., IS9B, and to me directed for holding ('ourt of Oyer and Term iner,General J ail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans'Court I and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of , Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the 12th day of December, 189S, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and to con tinue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and therein their proper per sons, at '2 o'cU>ck, p. 111., of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute against them as will be just. _ Dated at Emporium. Pa., November 14th, 1898, and in the 122 d year of the Independence of the United States of America. FRANK MITNDY, Sheriff. LIST OIMUSHS. I IST OF CAUSES SET DOWN FOR TRIAL 1 j at December Term of Court. IK9B, commenc ing on Momla*, December 12,1H98. No. 63, May Term, 1895. Frank Moon vs Charles W. Hall. <«. W. Huntley, Jr., for Plff. ii. W. Green, C.W. Shaffer, for Deft. No. 27, February Term, 1896. H. S. Crissman vs James O. Jordan. Johnson & McNarney, for Plff. IJ. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for Deft. No 1, May Term, 1897. J. Frank Craven vs O. F. Balcom and W. V. Ijlovd, business as Balcom & Lloyd and E. H. Marshall. B. W. Green. ('. W. Shaffer, for IMlt. Johnson A: McNarney for Defls. No, 112», December Term, 1897. Isaac Lewis vs Klias Barton. Hoy Chadwick. Johnson & McNarney, for Plff. J. H. Calkins, for Deft. No. 6, February Term, 1898. Charles M. Vail to use of Elk Tanning Com pany, a corporation, vs S. S. Hacket. B. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for Plff*. S. W. Smith, for Deft. No. 1, September Term, 1898. Joseph F. Craven, late Supervisor of Shippcn Townsnip vs Shippen Township. B. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, tor Plff. F. I>. Leet for Deft. No 33, December Term, 1898. Daniel Briton vs W. F. Dickson. C. JAY GOODNOUGH. Prothonotary. hIVOKCE_KOTICE HENRY W. GRAHAM 1 In the Court of I Common Pleas of vs County, | Pa., No. 10, Decern- MAR VA. GRAII AM. J ber Term, 1897. LIBEL IN DIVORCE. To MARY A. GRAHAM, Respondent: You are hereby notified to appear at tin; next term of court to be holden at Emporium, Camer on county, Pa., commencing: on Monday,the 12th day < 112 December, A. D., 1898, at 1 o'clock, p. in., and answer to the complaint of said libellant and answer to the charge, and show cause it any you have, why a decree should not be made, divorcing th - said liulx llant from the bonds of matrimony which he has contracted with you, iiid if'yon fail to appear then and there such de cree will be made in your absence. FRANK MUNDY, Sheriff*. Sheriff's Office, i Emporium, Pa., Nov. 11th, 1898. S niAKTERjOTICK. In the Court of Common I'lcar.of Cavicrou Conn! /. No. 11. De(!ember Term, 1898. N'OTICK N hereby j;iveii that an application will be made to the said Court on the 12tli day of December, 1898, at 1:00 o'clcck, p.m.. m'der the Act ot Asbcxntyy ol the Comr.on wealth c.f Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro vid 112 i tb< incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations/' approved April 2'Jtli, 1871, md tlis supplements thereto, for the charter of in intended corporation to be called "Tin-: Rn n VAI,I.I:V C'KM iiTfc.LI V As.-ociATioN,"thecharacter and object of which is to establish and main tain a perpetual burying place for the dead and for this purpose to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act ot Assembly and its supplements The proposed charter is now on file In the Prothonotarv's office. JOIINSON & McNARNEY. Solicitors. 38-3t. AIIMI.MSTKATOK'S MICE. Kstate of ELLIOTT L. CHAPMAN, Deceased. | ETTERB of Administration on the estate of I J Klliott \J. Chapman, late of Lumber town „hip. rameron county, Pennsylvania, deceased have been granted to John Chapman, residing in said towntnip. to whom all persons indebted to -aid estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands, will make known the same without delav. JOHN CHAPMAN, Administrator. it. W. GREEN, (J. W. SHAFFER, Attorneys. November 10, 1898. 3S-6t. < .«■ <►'<♦:« •* •»<►:*:.>:£: <* ♦,;joc^3oc^3eG^ac&Dec^*:^.o $•; •> ❖.♦:>> v;♦. | Uoyd's Lonfl ffcage Forecast of tbe Wedtber FOR BM sgg^g nilXT . | J FRIDAY, - >' <£ SATURDAY, ami SI NDA Y. - Ocnerally Fair. £ Nine happy women came into our st ore this week and thanked us for last week's forecast oft he weather for Sunday, for by it they knew 011 £ < W v \/ ,/v V Thursday that they could wear their new coats and hats on Sunday morning, but it seen as if 999 men, women and children bounce down on us, and /^ /^~ V |La 2 v r * send cold chills up our back bone, if Kourili Street, 11. S. LLOYD. ♦ o ❖■> :*K> >s» #.♦ .❖ «■ «► ■> «• «•">jsr*csGcc^. SENATOR QUAY A CANDIDATE. he flakes an Announcement to that Effect, Before Leaving for Florida-- Offers a Reward of SIO,OOO. Senator Quay, before his departure for Florida, formally announced his candidacy for re election. He was in consultation with Senator Penrose, State Chairman Elkin, ex-Auditor General Mylin, Allen I?. Rorke, Senator Durham and other lieutenants. Sena tor Penrose, Allen B. Rorke and the Beaver man's three sons accompanied him to Florida. The announcement of Senator Quay's candidacy was made in the following signed statement given out by him just before lie left the Hotel Walton for Florida: "Throughout the remarkable cam paign just closed I declined to give ex pression to any opinion regarding the issues involved or the methods resorted to by the enemies of Republicanism, though persistently urged to speak It may not be out of place to briefly do so, now that the battle is over and the victory won. There has never been such a contest in Pennsylvania or any other Commonwealth. Those engaged in the warfare against the Republican candidates and against those conspicu ous in the councils of the party cast issues and principles to the four winds, and the contest was a man-hunt, pure and simple. "Villification and misrepresentation took the place of argument and logic, and the passion of man was appealed to rather than his reason. Never in the history of American politics did personal abuse reach such a high tide of development, not even in the days I of Alexander Hamilton, who was j hounded by malicious enemies as no | man in political life had ever been j before. The result in Pennsylvania ] is not only personally gratifying to me, | but it must be to every fair-minded j Republican in the State. "The sovereign people have, by their emphatic verdict, set the seal of con demnation upon the hideous methods | of campaigning resorted to in the late ; contest, by the enemies of the Republi can party. The falsifier, the scandal- ; monger,the libeler,has been repudiated i by the people, and never again will the present generation witness the performances of this brood of character i assassins. "Despite the extraordinary efforts to : defeat Republican candidates for the • Legislature, which have been success- ] ful in a number of counties, the Gen eral Assembly will be overwhelmingly j Republican, the political complexion of the two bodies being as follows: "Senate-Republicans, MS; Democrats, 12. House —Republicans, 1*27; Demo crats, 74; Independents, 3. "The Legislature will comprise, therefore, 165 Republicans. 80 Demo crats and 3 Independents, a liepubli cro majority on joint ballot of 70, or nearly two-thirds. Regarding the United States Senatorship, I can only say this: All of my personal friends have been aware of my personal an tipathy to another term in the Senate, but those prominent in the late crusade against the Republican State Legisla tive candidates chose to force the issue. "They have made it imperative that I shall be a candidate for re-election. "The guage of battle is accepted. The result is in the hands of the lie publican members of the incoming legislature, a very large proportion of whom are my political and personal friends. "Of the result there can be no pos sible doubt. Throughout the campaign just closed enormous stuns of iioney were used to defeat Republican Legis lative candidates. 1 have no doubt efforts will be made to tamper with , some of the members-elect, but they will not be successful. The attempt to purchase i he United States Senat orship two jean: ago did not succeed then, nor will a similar attempt succeed now, bargain-counter methods having been repudiated by the people of this State. "Should, however, any attempt be made to bride Legislators-elect, the same leniency will not be shown as in the Van Valkenburgcase. That there may be no mistake regarding my posi tion in this matter, I hereby offer a reward of £IO,OOO for information lcad \ ing to the arrest and conviction of any one endeavoring to bribe any State Senator or Representative-elect. The money for the payment of this reward I is on deposit with George A. Iluhu & ; Sons, bankers and brokers, Philadel phia." M. s. QUAY. Farewell Sermon. Rev. W. 11. McNeil will (D. V.) , preach in the Baptist church, next | Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock and I in the evening at 7:00 o'clock there i w, : '''.< : e a general farewell meeting, to j which all whose convenience it may ' suit are cordially invited to participate. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."—WKßSTKß. EMPORIUM PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1898. Shooting Match. There will be a shooting match at A. L. Ensign's farm, near Sizerville, Pa., Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1898, at 10:00 a. m., for turkeys, ducks and chickens. Local Institute. The Local Institute advertised to be ! held at Sinnamahoning, Nov. 19tli, i has been postponed to Dec. 3, 1898. JOHN C. HART, Chairman. Turkey Dinner. The ladies of the Methodist church will serve one of their popular TURKKY DINNERS in the parlors of the church on Thanks giving day. Usual price, 25c. Supper will also be prepared from j 5:00 o'clock until till are served. Obituary. Theresa, the bright little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Normanly, j died at the family residence on Sixth j street, on Thursday the 10th inst. of a complication of diseases, aged two years and eight months. Funeral was held Saturday and interment made in j St. Marks Cemetery. There Are Others. Temperance workers tire not those j who keep jugs of whiskey in their cellars. Hypocrisy and tomcats. — Cross Forks News. Brother Moore, did some of them get over there? We thought we had most of that gang in Cameron, but we forgot that the county line is not far away. You are right, they tire sweet scented flowers. Austin Burglarized. The "Saw Dust City" was visited early Tuesday morning by a gang of "bold, bad men," who proceeded to do the place up brown. After procuring a slab they broke in the plate glass window in Warner's jewelry store and secured revolvers and ammunition to the amount of twenty dollars. They then repaired to the Enterprise House and relieved the till of about thirteen dollars in cash, and taking the cigar ease with them up Turner street, where it was emptied of its contents Wat kin's Racket Store was next visited but they couldn't have made much of a racket in effecting an entrance to the store as they found no trouble in reaching the old gentleman's bed room j and gaining possession of his clothes, which they quickly rifled of a watch, pocket book and pair of spectacles. At this hour no further depredations have been reported. No clue to the robbers. Obituary. MRS. MARY ANN ELLIOTT, aged 80 years and four months, died at the residence of Mrs. 11. C. Rockwell, her daughter, at this place, Friday, Nov. 11th. Deceased had been an invalid for several years, suffering from the effects of a fall. During the past two or three years she has made her home with Mrs. Rockwell and received every care and comfort a dutiful daughter could bestow upon her. Her remains were taken to Hughesville on Monday and laid to rest beside the husband who had preceded her twenty-three years ago. Short religious services were held at the residence of Mrs. Rockwell, before departing for Hughesville, by Rev. Robertson. Services were also held tit the grave at Hughesville. Next Sun day, at 10:00 a. in., a special sermon will be preached at Hughesville by the Pastor of Mrs. Elliott's church, where she resided so many years and was greatly respected and loved by all. Death of Chas. Welton. ('has. Welton, proprietor of (he Enterprise House, at Sinnemahoning, died !:is L Tuesday night, aged 55 years. Mr. Welton litis been in poor health for several years, yet his death was a great shock to his community. De feased wits well and favorably known in this county and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his death. The funeral v.'as held this morning at 8:00 o'clock, from the family residence and the re mains were interred in family lot at Gilmore school house, on First Fork. Mr. Welton was a charter member of Coudersport lodge, A. Y. M., and was buried with the honors of the order. Thoroughbred Poultry for Sale. Two trios of rose comb White Leg horns, bred from the finest prize win ning stock in the IT. S. R. C. DOTiSON. Notice. To any person having an account at our store, please call and settle at once, as we are going to leave Emporium. JOHN J. SOULE. Sailing Under False Colors. The Erie Dispatch in commenting on the defeat of Geo Higgins for Congress, in the Erie-Crawford district by only 21 votes, claims the almost unanimous vote of the Prohibitionists (?) was east for the Democratic candidate. Why bless you soul, of course they voted for the Democratic candidate—they will do that always. As a class the Prohibitionists are the most hypo critical, inconsistent and unreliable commodity on the market and may be expected to work and vote with the whiskey class every time, no matter how worthy the other fellow may be or how strong he may be in favor of temperance. Honest, conscientious temperance men are not Prohibition ists—this class of men have long since deserted that crew. Prohibitionists are sore-heads, disgruntled, "holier than thou" class of men—demagogues masquerading tinder the disguise of temperance. Scratch under the hide of nine out of every ten of the leaders and you will find a free trade, free silver Democrat. All for "Reform." The 27tli Congressional district should have six Republican members in the Legislature but the potent in fluences of free silver and lots of it knocked out three of them—two from Venango and one from Cameron. Thank the Lord that Dempsey and Richmond of this county and Parshall of Warren were saved; even if the lat ter only got in by a scratch. Mullin of Cameron, by good rights should have been elected. It is it disgrace that he was not as the rest of the Re publican ticket in that county went through in good shape. It seems that there are treacherous, purchasable Republicans in that county as well as in others of the 27th district.—Kane Republican. Selling Out, Regardless of Cost. We have decided to leave Emporium for a larger town, and everything in the store will be sold regardless of cost. We have a fine stock of men's and boys' suits and overcoats, nearly all this season's make, which we will sell without regard for cost. We also have an immense stock of hats, caps, shoes, underwear, men's furnishings, trunks and valises, which must be sold within the next thirty days. You will miss a good bargain if you do not call and see for yourself. | Such an opportunity to buy good clothing cheap, was never before offer ed to the people of this vicinity. JOHN J. SOBLE. Opp. post-oflice. Changed Hands. Mr. Chas. Seger, who has been the owner of the Commercial Hotel, at i this place, for some time, disposed of I the property yesterday to Mr. Michael : Murphy, of Driftwood, who will take ; possession of the same within a few | days. Mr. Murphy comes to Empo j rittm well recommended, in fact his i friends here are legion. Mr. Murphy i will be "at home" about Dec. Ist. We have been intimately acquainted with | Mr. Murphy since he first came to l Cameron county and always found | him a square, upright and honorable man. Longfellow to be Illustrated. L;u't year Charles Dana Gibson illus | trated "The People of Dickens" for ! the Ladies Home Journal. The pict ' tires were so successful that this year, j and during next year. W. L. Taylor, i!,'. New England artist who has made i such rapid strides in his art, will i 1 iti - ' trate "The people of Longfellow"— ! also for the Ladies' Home Journal ! The poems selected are "The Psahn of ; Life," "Hiawatha," "Evangeline," I"The Courtship of Miles Standish," I "The Children's Hour," "The Village I Blacksmith," and others. Result on Congress. Sibley Stone Cameron 501 8 in I M civ can. 3900 3516 Warren 3498 :{969 I Venango, 6069 3434 Total, 14,034 11,798 I 11,798 | Sibley's plurality, 2.236 j The above ($) is the result of the ; election in this 27th Congressional dis | trict. The men to blame for Chas. W. | Stone's defeat have two years in which i to repent in sack cloth and ashes for j their devlisli deeds. Sudden Death. Elmer E. Bailey, son of our old friend | Washington Bailey, of First Fork, died suddenly on Sunday at his residence in Philadelphia. His remains were brought to Westport on Tuesday for burial. His death was a severe shock to his family and friends. ALL AROUND THE COUNTY. Buck waiter. Claud is acting as assistant cookee at the hotel Hillara. The continued rain we had, made the creek very high. Henry Wad nen was a visitor to the county seat last week. Geo. Spav was a visitor at Mr. Hil- j lard's one day last week. Postmaster Heath made a flying trip I to Emporium last week. Election day was a holiday for Mar tin Lawson and his crew. Harry Moore made postmaster Heath a visit last week one day. If you want a package, rat trap or j any thing from town, tell Clatie. Mr. Tom Norton took a load of very | fine turnips to town last Saturday. Miss Birdie Taggart, of Emporium, I was in our city between trains, Satur- j day. Miss Ethel Waddington of this place made a flying trip to Emporium, elec tion day. Will Lyons, of Emporium, was seen going through our city on Leet& Co.'s meat wagon. Joe Fisher and Tom Waddington were seen going through our burg one day last week. Mr. Wm. Moore, of Moore Hill, spent a few days with Mr. Norton and family at this place. Mr. Zerby, of Straight Creek has re cently moved onto one of Mike Hil lard's farms at this place. Butcher Sipple is doing a rushing business, and if trade keeps up will have to add a few more hands. Miss Carrie Spay and her cousin George,spent Sunday in our burg hunt ing for certain verses in the bible. Fred Norton and his brother Arthur left last Wednesday for Beechwood, wood where they have secured a posi tion from Mr. Kline. Richard Bliss and son Milfred, re turned on Saturday from Potter county. They claim a person isn't in it over there unless he has a leek hook. We understand Beechwood will be booming this winter. Kline is putting in an extract works, and will employ in the neighborhood of 100 men. Mr. J. W. Heath, manager of the Summit Supply Co s store at Keating Summit,visited his son Wm. who holds .a lucrative position with the P. & E. R. R. Co. at this place. The other day I was going by a house in the east end, and I heard a young man say, that he knew he could go with a certain young lady in the west end. My boy, you had better keep on putting down carpet. SinnemuhoninK. The mills at this place has been idle for a week or more on account of high water, a break down and election. A. R Berfield and Bert Lighter have formed a co-partnership in the grocery business and mean to hustle trade for all it is worth. May success crown their efforts. C. W. Welton has moved out of the Enterprise House into his cozy cottage on the hill Charley is in very poor health and found it necessary to aban don the hotel business. O. L. Bailey is now the proprietor and "coc.ktailed architect" of this popular hostelry. A telegram received here on Satur day announcing the death of E. E. Bailey, at Philadelphia, caused a sad ness in the hearts of the many friends of deceased at this place. He was a Sinnemahoning boy, born and raised on First Fork, the only son of Wash ington Bailey, one of Grove township's substantial farmers. Elmer was a bright and energetic young man, very companionable and had a host of I friends in this county. Several years ago he invented and patented an air gun and moved to Philadelphia and : established a manufacturing plant, where he has been in active business [ up to the time of liis death. JOE. Cameron. E. F. Cornley visited at Emporium on Wednesday. C. C. Craven, of Sterling Run, was t in town Tuesday. } Joe Yocum was at the county seat ' on business on Tuesday. Bill Snyder, of St. Marys, was in ' town the first of the week. E. C. Counsil visited his parents at j Sinnemahoning one day this week. Miss Adly Mason, of Sterling Run, j was the guest of Mrs. M. L McConnel j over Sunday. Wonder what was the matter with i Frank, last Sunday night, that he fell I out of the seat. Miss Lily Rendt, of Emporium, is : visiting with her sister Mrs. Fred Morse of this place. Emery Dininey moved to Kinnama ; honing last week, where he is laboring in the mill for Barclay Bros. JIMMY. First Fork. A man by the name of Jack Hartnett was found dead on Saturday morning in Smith Corwin's barn 0:1 Bailey Hun. Some person or persons stole the carpet out of Wharton church, a few days ago. Nothing has been learned of the whereabouts of carpet or parties. On Hallowe'en several boats were exchanged along the creek but Fred Williams had a good one that was taken and nothing has been seen of it since. Jeff Bailey's crow of about thirty men, left for New Mexico 011 Wednes day last, where he has a large contract 1 for putting in a stock of logs for the TERMS: $2.00—51.50 IN ADVANCE. Lackawanna Lumber Co. They were to be joined at Olean and other points by thirty more men who were going out to work for that company. Joseph Haynes, of Sinnamalioning was with Bailey's crew. Lew Taylor, of Gale ton, went down to run n.n engine for them. Elmer Ellsworth Bailey, son of W. Bailey, of First Fork, died on Satur day morning, Nov. 11th, in Philadel phia of gastric fever. lie was in his 38th year and leaves a wife, father, mother and three sisters to mourn his loss. At present writing funeral ar rangements have not been made, but interment will probably be made at Westport, Pa. He was a graduate of Lock Haven normal school, also of the school of pharmacy. lie was a mem ber of the Masonic fraternity of Cou dersport. At the time of his death he was engaged in the manufacture of the 1000 shot air gun of which lie was the inventor. Pressed Bricks. Creamery butler at Day's. Men's shoos at cost, at Soble's. Genuine hair cloth for dresses at Mrs. Bard well's. 2t Leave your orders for Thanksgiving poultry, oysters, etc., at Day's. Regular sets of furs for small chil dren at Mrs. Bard well's. 2t Don't wait, go at once to Day's and leave your Thanksgiving order." Fine line of fleece lined children's hose at Mrs. Bard well's 2t Everything necessary for a genuine Thanksgiving feast at Day's. Leave your order early. See those pretty eiderdown baby coats, and dressing sacks at Mrs. Bardwell's. 2t Nuts, fruit,vegetables, Thanksgiving mince-meat, poultry—in fact evsry thing desirable at Day's. Spain thinks that a heavy price for the Philippines would heal the holes shot into Spanish honor by American gunners. Miss Laura Evans, of Emporium, who haa had five years experience in the large dressmaking establishments of Philadelphia is prepared to do dress making at home or by the day. 2t You will never bo able to secure such bargains in ready-made clothing again, in Cameron county, as are now bting offered the public at N. Seger's. While N. Segcr is making such gen eral reductions in the prices of ready made clothing you will save big money by coming many miles to purchase a complete outfit for the winter. You will save more than your fare. Senator Magee says he is not a can didate for United States Senator: that he may not vote for Senator Quay in caucus, yet he will support the nominee of that caucus, even should it be Sena tor Quay. Senator Magee is a Repub lican and not a kicker. When he goes into a convention or a contest, he always abides by the decision of the majority. He is consistent—that pays in the long run. The "Holier than Thou" campaign, carried on bv Dr. Swallow, the dema gogue and convicted libeller, followed by a few second fiddles, resulted in an inglorious defeat to them. Swallow carried one county—Lackawanna—by 590 plurality. Last year he carried ten counties, his own county, Dauphin, be ing one of the number. This year Co!. Stone snowed him under in Dauphin to the tune of 5119 votes. Good bye Brothc r Silas. Plows for Sale. i have ten South Bend Plows for sale, at a bargain. Having rented my farm I desire to dispose of them. They are all new and the best in the world. G. S. WILEY. Emporium, Pa., 37-tf. Schoo! Report. The following is the report of the Sterling Hun Grammar school for month ending Nov. l, 1898: Enrollment. Males, 11, females, 13. Average attendance, males 11; females, 12. Percent of at tendance, males 91; females, 90. Names of pupils who have missed no time: Minnie Furlong-, Nellie Keefe, Edna Summerson, Flora Ebersole Lora Keefe, Grace Devlin#, John Furlong, Jomes Furlong, ! Louis Whiting. Visitors—None. We are glad to see that there has been a;i in crease in attendance this month over last month also very glad to see an increase of interest mani fested by both patrons and pupils. D. 15. PETERSON, Prin. Council Meeting. Regular meeting Borough Council, Nov. :.IS9H. The Council met and adjourned for one week : from above date. I Adjourned meeting, Borough Council, Nov. M, IMS. Present—Hacket, Warner, Balcom. Burke, I Strayer and Palmer. Absent—Day, Lloy-.' and ' Burns. I The minutes of last meeting read and approved. The committee appointed to draft ordinance was continued, i On motion by .Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. I Palmer, the following bills were ordered paid: .St. Marys (las Co., gas to Dec. !, 18DS,. .WS 00 j S. E. Murry, plumbing, etc f>7 | 11. L. Hacket, lumber, etc s:i Wm. Snyder, work on streets i ail Will. Gross, work tin streets :> 7:> ! las. Haviland. work on streets .10 75 I'. R. Heat lie, work oil streets t ; 73 Tlios. Smith, work on streets, 375 John Blinzler, draying, 50 Ed Strait, police service, ! 50 ! Jos Friendel, police service . !50 T. N. Hacket, police service 1 50 J. Hair, to apply 011 water troughs In On Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. ">a!- mer that water trough in Middle Ward be loca ted in center of Broad street about three feet north of crossing from Bank to Warner House | Carried. 1 Moved by Mr. Balcom. seconded by Mr. Burke, I that Patrick Clare be notified to repair sidewalk j on south side of Fourth street. Carried. I On motion the Council then adjourned. C. JAY GOODNOUOH. See - ;.. NQ.3S.