Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 10, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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H. H. MULLIN. Editor.
Published Every Thursday.
FW F»R W 01
11 paid In advance I M
A#T*rtlsernents are published at the rate ol
•ae dollar per square for one insertion arid flfly
eeati per square for each subsequent Insertion
Hates by the year, or for six or three aionthi.
•re lon and uniform, and will be furnished on
Legal and Official Advertising per square,
J tree times or less. *2. each subsequent lnser
l«n 50 cents per square.
Local notices 10 cents per line for one lnser
gertlon: 5 cents per line for each subsequeul
eepsecutive Insertion.
Obituary notices over five llnea. 10 cents per
Hae. Simple announcements of births, mar
riages and deaths will be Inserted free.
Business cards, five lines or less. »5 per year;
»rer five lines, at the regular rates of adver
No local Inserted for less than 75 centa per
The Job department of the Pkfss Is complete
aad iff .rds facilities for doing the best clnss of
Work attention paidto Law
No paper will be discontinued ntll arrear
ages arc paid, except at the option of the pub
Papers sent out of the county must be paid
lor in advance.
Protestants in France only number
rather less than two per cent, of the
populat ion.
Tin-: spoken language of China is not
written and the written language is
not spoken.
•Jkwei.s 10 tin- amount »112 §1*0.000,000
have been imported into this country
in the last 25 years.
Tiik basin of the St. Lawrence river
covers 5:10,000 square miles, of which
400,000 are in Canada.
I'hof. Pkoctor asserts that 100,000,000
people lived anil died in America be
fore Columbus' discovery.
Tiik number of cigarettes made in
North Carolina last year was 27,740,000
less than the year before.
In Hungary there are thousands of
villages and hundreds of small towns
without a doctor within ten miles.
Som k wonderful stalactite caves have
recently been discovered eight miles
from Krugcrsdorp, in the Transvaal.
The Japanese dentist* perform all
their operations in tooth drawing with
the thumb and forefinger of one hand.
Thirty years ago there were only
two dozen explosive compounds
known to chemists; now there are over
A critic foot of newly fallen snow
weighs five and a half pounds, and has
12 times the bulk of an equal weight of
Tiik barbers in Cuba make you get
tip and wash your own face after a
shave, as they did in this country 50
years ago.
Tiikhk are in circulation in China at
the present time coins bearing the
names of emperors who lived 2,000
years ago.
A tkmi'khan'i i: association composed
of members of the Six Nations is doing
much to check intemperance among
the Indians. ,
M aj. li ex. Milks has issued an order
that volunteers in the hospital corps
whose regiments have been mustered
out may be discharged if they so re
Tiik smallest man who ever lived was
the dwarf Hebe, born in France in
1740. He was just 20 inches tall and
eight pounds in weight when full
Tiik cost of the world's wars since
the Crimean war has been $12,205,000,-
000, or enough to give a couple of sov
ereigns to every man, woman and child
on the globe.
Amoxo the Tartars, if the wife is ill
treated. she complains to tin- magis
trate. who attended by the principal
people, accompanies her to the house
and pronounces a divorce.
llrsslA has fewer newspapers (only
about 000) in proportion to its inhabit
ants than any other European country.
Germany has seven times, France five
times and England four times as many.
The largest tree in the eastern hem
isphere, if not in the world, is a mon
ster chestnut standing at the foot of
Mt. Aetna. The circumference of the
main trunk at 00 feet from the ground
is 212 feet.
A I'Aiti.iA mexta rv paper just issued
tates that the number of cases in which
coroner's juries in London found that
leath was caused by starvation or ac
celerated by privation during the year
1897 was 41.
It is the opinion of G. Godfrey Gu
mel, a scientist, that a deficiency of
salt is the cause of apoplexy,diphtheria
and other diseases. He has reached
this conclusion after long study ex
tending through 20 years.
The profit from a single whale that
is captured is very large. One about
fifty feet long weighs 140,000 pounds
jitid will give 00,000 pounds of blubber,
from which 48,000 pounds of train oil
can be made, and:!, 000 pounds of whale
A good cry is beneficial to a woman.
Crying does not consist merely in the
shedding of tears, but includes so gen
eral and widespread an action of the
muscles that the whole body is con
vulsed and the blood pressure on the
brain is much reduced.
The fact is noted that the collar of
the Golden Fleece which has just been
conferred upon M. Felix Faure was the
one which bad belonged to ltismarck.
It is also said that the one now worn
by King 1 Humbert once adorned the
shoulders of Christopher < 'ol tun bus.
A new telegraph instrument, known
as a "Morse watch," has been put on
the market. Outwardly it looks like
an ordinary timepiece, but, in reality,
it is a transmitting and receiving
telegraph instrument, a key and a
sounder inclosed in an ordinary watch
The first American locomotive for
England has just lieen finished by the
lialdwin locomotive works, says Kiej'i
neering News. It is a double ender,
intended to run between ] tarn staple
and Lynton, the latter place being a
sea resort about 15 miles from liarn
McmhcrM of the I iilmn A*M»m!>ly Have Not
Got I>O\VII to lltiMiueHrt- \\ ill Not Touch
the Aniirxutlon Ouehtlon.
Washington, Nov. President Mas
so, i>f the provisional Cuban (Govern
ment, has cabled from Santa Cruz del
Surto Senor Quesada, secretary of the
Cuban legation here, saving: "Assem
bly has not yet met, owing to the ab
sence of a quorum."
This was called out by an inquiry
from Senor Quesada as to reports com
ing by way of Santiago, representing
the Cuban assembly as in session at
Santa Cruz del Sur and engaged in im
portant questions relating to the fu
ture of the island, the disarmament of
the Cuban arm;/, and the extent of co
operation between tiie former insur
gent forces and the United States au
thorities. It had been stated that the
assembly organized by choosing Gen.
(iareia as presiding officer, thus indi
cating that the military element under
(iarcia would dominate the assembly.
Senor Quesada was surprised at these
reports, as he was likely to be notified
of the convening of the Cuban assem
bly, particularly as lie lias been chosen
a member of the assembly, represent
ing one of the districts of the province
of Puerto Principe. lie accordingly
telegraphed President Masso for infor
mation and the foregoing answer was
There are evidences that President
MeKinley and his cabinet have assur
ances that the action of the Cuban
provisional government will not be
antagonistic to the policy at Washing
ton, but rather in sympathy with the
execution of that policy. Senor Que
sada is satisfied that this will be the
course of the Cuban assembly when it
begins work, and it is provable that he
made this view known during a recent
interview with Secretary Ilay at the
state department. In the event of his
leaving Washington to attend the as
sembly at Santa Cruz del Sur it will be
with the special purpose of securing
co-operation between the authorities
there and here and of avoiding frictions
which may arise.
Speakingof the Cuban assembly. Mr.
Quesada said: "It is only the first step
toward a constitutional form of gov
ernment, and it will give way later tc
mi assembly truly representative of all
the people of Cuba. For the present
President Masso has called together
this provisional body, which is neces
sarily crude because of the unsettled
condition of affairs in Cuba. It is not
a military assembly, only eight or ten
out of a membership of 48 being from
the military ranks. The others are
from civil life doctors, lawyers and
planters—and represent the best ele
ments in the community. This assem
bly will not form a constitution, but
will provide for a constitutional con
vention that will take up the more im
portant work of framing a constitu
tion and establishing a permanent
government for the island."
With this programme in view it is
hardly expected that the question of
annexing Cuba to the United States
will assume large proportions for the
present, but will remain in abeyance
until the Cuban government is suffi
ciently established to permit it to ex
press the wishes of the people of Cuba
on annexation.
Husky lin I ■ 1111) **H llriiik the AVlndowx of
Street turn llecuiHe They are Not Al
lowed to Ktrie with Oflieer* and Ladies.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. —Three
private soldiers of the Eighth United
States volunteer infantry, colored mi
ni lines, camped at Chickamauga park,
were ejected from the ladies' car of the
Chattanooga Kapid Transit Co.'s line
which runs to the park, by the con
ductor and trainmen last night. The
negroes were very disorderly and ugly
about it and when they reached the
park they went to tliercamp and gath
ered together several hundred of their
comrades and went to the station,
where they began stoning the train
just as it was pulling out for the re
turn trip to the city.
They broke all the windows of the
cars and seriously injured a brakeman
named Faircloth. Fortunately there
were few passengers aboard. After
ward thej' stoned another passenger
and three freight 1 rains which passed
the station, doing great damage. They
declare that they will stone every
train on the road until they are al
lowed to ride in the ladies' car. This
car was put on during the summer for
the use of officers and ladies and 110
privates, not even white soldiers, were
allowed to ride in it. The negroes re
fused to listen to their officers, but
Gen. Hoynton states that there will be
no further trouble.
(iraliiim is Believed of Command.
Camp Meade, Middletown, Pa.. Nov.
—Maj. lien. Graham was relieved
yesterday of command of the Second
corps by Maj. Gen. >'ollllo-, of the First
division. The order relieving Gen.
Graham was a surprise, as it was
thought he was to remain with his
corps until the troops were fully estab
lished in the south. The general has
been anxious to get to Cuba and 110
one doubted he would not go there
until the orders came relieving him.
Krcwers' Lockout llml <l.
Denver, Col., Nov. U.—The lockout of
300 employes of the Denver breweries
ended yesterday, the differences be
tween the Brewers'association and the
Ilrewery Workmen's union having
been adjusted. Concessions were made
by both sides.
Found 100,000 Hidden Letters.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 3.-—Advices from
I)awson report that I'<>minissioner Ogil
vie investigated tin 1 post office at that
city and found over 100,000 letters hid
den away in tanks. He discharged the
entire post office force and hired
others. The mail was immediately
I.<*kh tliiin llalf the Men Voted.
Camp Meade, Middletown, Pa., Nov.
3. —An election was held Wednesday in
the Two Hundred and F*irst New
regiment and less than 45 per cent, of
the total vote was polled. The Two
Hundred and Third regiment will vote
Sixth Virgin!** Regiment KefiiNfH to Obey
Orders Uivon hy Wl»it*» Office™.
Camp Poland, Knoxville, Tenn., Nov.
3.—Tin- camp of the Sixth Virginia
colored regiment was the scene of u
mutiny yesterday among the men of
that command. The trouble was in
the nature of the men in several com
panies refusing to obey commands is
sued by the nine white officers who
were recently assigned to the regiment
by Gov. Tyler, of Virginia. The officers
were assigned to the various companies
a few days ago and since then there
has existed a feeling of discontent 011
the part of some of the negroe*.. who
preferred to be commanded by officers
of their own race. The feeling grew
until it evidenced itself Wednesday
morning in a positive declaration
against the white officers. The regi
ment was called for drill at the usual
hour and the white officers assumed
command. To their surprise the ne
groes refused to execute the drills and
when pressed for an explanation it
was announced that the presence of
white officers was the cause.
The officers were inclined to the
opinion that it was a momentary com
plaint and sent their companies out
under colored lieutenants. At police
formation the same open disregard for
orders from the white officers was ap
parent and it was then determined to
report the matter to higher authori
ties. Col. Croxton, commanding the
regiment, reported it to Col. Kuert.
division commander, who in turn vis
ited the camp with Maj. Gen. Kates,
who arrived in the camp for the first
time a few moments before the mutiny
begun. It was evident that serious
trouble was in order if the riotous ne
groes were not quieted and Col. Kuert
at once ordered the Thirty-first .Michi
gan and Sixth Ohio regiments to the
scene. These regiments were under
arms, but the Ohio boys were turned
back before reaching the camp.
Cols. Kuert and Croxton and Maj.
Johnson, a colored officer of the regi
ment, addressed the men. They ex
plained that such action was in direct
violation of the military laws and was
punishable by death. They assured
the men that a complaint, if such they
felt that they rightfully had, should
be forwarded to the governor of Vir
ginia, and they were assured that such
a complaint would receive attention
from all officers concerned. Col. Crox
ton stated emphatically that a con
tinuance of this revolt would mean
rigid enforcement of the discipline
covering such cases and said he de
manded obedience and had the power
to enforce the demand.
The Michigan regiment, which had
appeared upon the scene in quick
time and which was armed for battle,
was ordered back to its camp and the
negroes agreed to send their com
plaints in through the military chan
nels arnl in the meantime to obey their
white officers. It is not believed that
the white officers will be removed lie
cause the negro officers who preceded
them resigned on account of incom
(xlhkk Blower* in the I'ittiiburfj DUtrirt
Obeyed I'reslclent Hum* and the luc
torles are Only Partially Manned.
Pittsburg, Nov. ;i.—There lias not
been the general resumption of win
dow glass factories that w as expected.
All of the pot plants have their fires
lighted in anticipation of going to
work, but enough blowers and gath
erers are loyal to President Simon
Burns to make the question of resump
tion a doubtful one. Several of the
factories 011 the South Side started at
midnight, but with a limited number
of men. The Chambers factory at New
Kensington is in partial operation,
but at the It. C. Schmertz plant at
Kelle Vernon not a man responded to
the whistle at midnight.
At the 1). O. Cunningham factory in
this city there was great excitement
Men and women were out in force to
see who would disobey Burns. A num
ber of men were in readiness, but when
the word was given to start Burns got
on the inside and ordered idleness.
Some obeyed, but a few remained and
were made the subject of jeers by the
crowd outside. The police finally dis
persed the mob and no one is allowed
near the factory. At the l'hillips
plant, just below Cunningham's, seven
blowers are at work and the firm ex
pects to be in full operation soon.
British WarKhljis at Wei-llai-Wel are
Keiuly to Fight—Trouble wltli ItuKHla i»
YYei-Hai-Wei, Nov. 3.—A1l the British
warships here, seven in number, have
cleared for action and are ready for
sea at an hour's notice. A large Ilus
rian fleet is at Port Arthur.
London, Nov. :S. —The dispatch from
Wei-Mai-Wei announcing the war
preparations of the British naval au
thorities there is regarded here as be
ing of grave importance, coupled with
the Anglo-French war preparations.
It is surmised that Russia, profiting by
the present strained relations between
Great Britain and France, has decided
to push forward her aims in the far
east by forcibly seizing the valuable
treaty port of New Chwang, which
Great Britain cannot permit.
The fact that the coast guardsmen
throughout the United Kingdom have
been warned to be in readiness for
mobilization is regarded as a menac
ing sign. Many of them have already
joined their ships.
SiiecesKful Tewt of Armor Plate.
Bethlehem. Pa., Nov. -i. —Armor plate
manufactured by the lvrupp process
was given its first test yesterday by
the Bethlehem Iron Co. at its proving
ground. Many notable engineers wit
nessed it besides the Uussiau ordnance
engineers. It was the first test of
Krupp armor of American make and
was a great success. Three shots were
fired from an S-inch gun. the projectiles
weighing ».">:! pounds and the velocity
ranging from I,<>o(J to 1 soo feet pi
second. The plate was not cracked
The Bethlehem company has receive!
a iTiy order for this make of plate fron
Tlie War Hoard Hears a Mass
ul" Testimony.
Evidence Was as Varied as the
lia.nk of Its Givers.
One Man Illumed the Commanding Offi
cers. Another Thought the hurgeona
Were at Fault and a Third Saw no Kea
hoii Whatever for Any Kicking.
Cincinnati, Nov. 6. -The war investi
gation commission bad interesting
sessions Friday. It had among tlie
witnesses four officers who served in
the Santiago campaign, one of them
being (Jen. Egbert, who as lieutenant
colonel of the Sixth l.'nited States
infantry was shot down at San Juan
hill by a bullet piercing his chest.
Lieut. Col. Minor, now in command of
the Sixth infantry, was another inter
esting witness. Perhaps the most sug
gestive testimony was that given by
Maj. Griffith, of Kansas City, who was
in charge of the Third division hospital
of the First corps.
The first witness was Dr. Menage,
contract sergeon with the Sixtli in
fantry. He testified as to the absence
of hospital tents for the regiment in
Cuba. The medical supplies were
reasonably sufficient. The appliances
and supplies at the hospital the wit
ness did not know about. His chief
trouble was in getting an ambulance.
This he got after a delay of two days.
Lieut. Schendel, of the Sixth infan
try, said he left with the Sixth for
Tampa and at Santiago was made com
missary. They had ample quarters on
the trip from Tampa to Santiago. Com
missary supplies were always suffi
cient. At Montauk Point the supplies
were sufficient.
Lieut. Col. Minor said the Tampa
camp was excellent. There was diffi
culty in getting transportation from
Tampa to Cuba. The transport i.iami,
in which bis regiment went to Santi
ago. was not fit for troops. The men
would have died in their quarters if
the voyage had not been mild, so that
the port holes were left open and air
thus supplied.
Col. Hunt, of the First Ohio infantry,
testified that when his regiment
reached Chickamauga it was poorly
supplied with clothing and arms, and
never was fully supplied. The sickness
among the troops was not the fault of
the camp nor due to the lack of medi
cines, but more to the incapacity of
commanding officers.
Gen. Egbert was the next witness.
He had no fault to find with the camp
at Tampa or the supplies, or even with
the transport Miami, except with the
ventilation. He found troops abund
antly supplied for the campaign. The
witness received excellent care at the
hospital. Referring to his return on
the Seneca he said the conditions on
that vessel were not good.
Maj. Griffith testified regarding the
conditions at Chickamauga and the
hospitals. He had difficulty in getting
enough tents and when he secured the
proper number be found the last ones
of poor quality. As a rule the men
detailed us nurses were unfit. Witness
asked Dr. 11 of for female nurses. This
relieved the situation. The stall' of
the division hospital was inadequate
when the increase of sickness occurred.
Sickness among the surgeons reduced
the working force. He said there
would have been no difficulty in get
ting hundreds of competent surgeons
at Chickamauga within a week. He
said he knew many applications were
refused. He attributed the failure at
the Camp Thomas hospitals to "red
tape'' and "peace for HO yeat-s," which
incapacitated the department for ex
pansion for emergency.
Washington, Nov. s.—Acting for the
war commission Col. Denby has taken
the testimony of Gen. Lawton, who
was in command of the Second division
of the Fifth corps in the Santiago
campaign. Summing up Gen. Lawton
"Taking into consideration the con
ditions we were obliged to face, the
character of the country, its climate
and other things being considered, I
can say there were no serious or gross
mistakes made. I can say there was
no lack of cure on the part of any of
those in authority, whose duty it was
to look after the interests of the camp.
We had with us as fine staff officers as
there are in the world; no better could
be found. These men worked night
and day and no human being could do
more than they."
Camp Meade, Middletown, Pa., Nov.
5. —Chief Commissary Allison and other
officers at corps headquarters went to
Harrisburg Friday to appear before
the war investigating board. The com
mittee heard testimony relating to
Camp Alger anil other camps estab
lished at the breaking out of the war.
I'lie testimony of the witnesses heard
did not aid materially to that taken at
other places by the board.
Joint. Traffic Ansociation Die*.
New York, Nov. 5.- The board of
control of the Joint Traffic association
decided yesterday to dissolve the or
ganization. This action was taken be
cause of a recent decision by the
I'nitcd States supreme court that the
efforts of the association to control
railroad rates were ille gal.
\ Complete Backdown.
Paris, Nov. 5.—A semi-official note is
sued last evening says the government
has resolved not to retain the Mar
ehand mission at Fushoda, adding that
this decision was arrived at by the cab
inet after an exhaustive examination
of tlie question.
Shall We Keep the l'hil lpi»lne» 112
Public opinion * divided as to the wisdom
of keeping the Philippines. \\ n»e statesmen
are found on both sides of the question.
Public opinion, however, is all one way in
regard to the wisdom of everybody keeping
their health. For this purpose Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters is widely used. This medi
cine is both preventive and cure for malarial
fever#, stomach disorders, torpid liver and
impure blood. It is agreeable to weak stom
achs and soothing to the nerves.
Then She Sat Down.
"In Hawaii," said the man who was oc
cupying the greater part of two seats, "the
Women have hogs for pets."
"In the United States," said the woman
who was hanging onto a strap, apparently
speaking to the woman next to her, "the
women often marry hogs."
Immediately thereafter three men got up
and made believe that they really preferred
to stand. —Chicago Post.
Hon'i Thin?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured bv Hall's Catarrh < ure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
\\ est & Truax, Wholesale Druggiists, To
ledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan ft Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price 7oe. per bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonial
llall's Family Pills are the best.
He Knen Illm.
Apain it was the terrible small brother
doing the entertaining until his sister
could putin an appearance.
"I guess you don't know me," said the
caller, with a commendable desire to be
"Oh, yes, T do. When I saw you through
the winder I heard sister say 'there comes
that everlastin' Sinipkins again!' " —Detroit
Free Press.
TJo Yon tilninu Tbemf
May—They say the Spanish girls are 'most
Carrie —What for?
"Because the Spanish soldiers are coming
home without their arms."—Up to Date.
Faller must naver be too particular 'bout
hes cookin' ven hae es ferst married. Yust
tak 30m' gute mediceen for dispepsya on te
quiet an' say noting.—Denver Times-Sun.
Clarence—"( holly got his man to pwo
pose to Miss Specie fatv him." Stacv
"Clevah idea." Clarence—"l dunno. She
accepted the man, don't you know." —
'I own Topics.
"Doan' jump at conclusions," savs Bro.
Wall iins. "Menny a man am unjus'ly sus
picioned when his nose am only sunburnt."
—Philadelphia Record.
ou ought, like us, to have holidays in
honor of your great men," said the Rus
sian beauty. "But in the American year,"
said the major, "there are only 360 days."—
Nashville American.
Stage Manager—"Dos't you think we'd
better eliminate the poker jokes from your
lines? We've got a select audience to-night
—people, you know, who know no more
about poker than you and I do of Sanscrit."
Actor —"Then we'll keep them in, by all
means. It is the people who never played
a game in their lives who laugh the loudest
and the longest over a poker joke."—Boston
The Model Policeman (to the arrested
man) —"But if you are innocent of wrong
doing, how conies it that 1 iind you in a
storage house at midnight, and after the
folks in it have retired?" Man —"My dear
sir, don't you know it is not gentlemanly to
question one's motives?" The Model Po
liceman —"Oh, if you put it that way, 1 have
nothing more to say. You will excuse me
for arresting you." Man—"Don't mention
it. So long."—Boston Transcript.
"John," said a Topeka wife to her bus
band, "1 will quit drinking tea and save th<
War tax it you will do the same with beer."
"Woman," responded John, with cold se
verity, "do you think it is the part of pa
triotism to abandon your country in its time
of peril ?" —Kansas City Journal.
Mr. Hodgson—"Do you keep track of the
news of tlie day. Miss I'inklcy ?" Miss
Miss I'inklcy—"i es, indeed: 1 read the Her
ald through every morning. ' Mr. Hodgson
—"What do you think of annexation?"
Miss I'inklcy—"Oh, Mr. Hodgson! tins is so
suddeu." —Rochester Herald.
Woman's Mission.
Successful competition in any field depends on physical health.
~r | -jmlplll A Ml! IA I? —"
; j t|j{ 7 A..&. JL/ AxjL £% ares constantly
I gM Shall women vote? Shall they practice law?
• j[ Shall they compete with men in every field?
lij* Whatever woman's mission may finally be de
' ! vyf* i'ajfcA'St |jaNaS^s® , ~* clared to be, it is certain that something'
(Til , . —-* must be done for her physical health.
v\vi fWiiTf T —--- round woman's delicate organism. Heroic
|- v / —i e ff or^s en( i ure pain is part of woman's
*"///' /fill creed. Many women's lives are a constant
Zxcr struggle with lassitude; many are violently
lrXf illwithout apparent cause, and few indeed
are in normal health.
lijl'il if women would follow Dr. Ilartman's ad
vice. Perhaps the most practical printed
l&:j Mfl N Wwr • talk to women to be found anywhere is in
"fl FJppW* r - Uartman's book called " Ilealth and
nb :itl; •>. if Beauty," which the Pe-ru-na Medicine Co.,
Ixll 'IIII1 1 '/ Columbus, 0., will mail free to women
r ;M 1/ HI III I I' cn b'- It i s certain that Dr. Ilartman's
'■/iillfl lP' I llliisf 'ty * >e " ru ~ na * ias proved a perfect boon for
llf If: IH ■lii IIP lIM3V\\VWS ''l&* women's diseases of the pelvic organs. It
//sll/ / im i llmi\l\»raV\vvSl treats them scientifically and cures them
vw///lit® |V ( ' —° permanently. All druggists sell it.
'iLL'lflmfi I received j-our book and commenced
" Nl iV^—- the use of your medicine at once," writes
Mrs. 11. D. Amoss of Greensboro, Ga., to
— '' \;v Dr. Hartman. " I took five bottles ol'
Pe-ru-na and two of Man-a-lin. 1 feel like a new woman. \\ hen I commenced
taking Pe-ru-na I could hardly walk across my room; now I am doing my own
work and can walk to church. I shall never cease to thank you for prescrib
ing for me. I had been under the treatment of two doctors but never received
any benefit until I commenced taking your medicine. I wish every woman
who was suffering as I was would send for one of your books. May God bless
you and spare you many years to relieve women who are suffering as I was."
Fifty thousand women will be counselled and prescribed for this year free of
charge by Dr. Hartman, president of the Surgical Hotel, Columbus, O. All
women suffering from any disease of the mucous membrane, or any of tho
peculiar ills of women, may writo to him and the letters will receive his
personal attention. Write for special question blank for women.
i §
Gratifying Letters to Mrs. Pink
ham From Happy "Women.
"I Owe You My Lifo."
Mills, Neb., writes:
" DEAR MRS. PINKHAM :—I owe my
life to your Vegetable Compound. The.
doctors said I had consumption and
nothing could bo done for me. My
menstruation had stopped and they
said my blood was turning to water. I
had several doctors. They all said I
could not live. I began the use of Lydia
E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound,
and it helped me right away; menses
returned and I have gained in weight.
I have better health than I have had for
years. It is wonderful what your Coin
pound has done for me."
"I Feel IJk« a New Perton.*
ICO9 Belle St., Alton, 111..writes:
" Before I began to take your Vege»
table Compound I was a great sufferer
from womb trouble. Menses would ap
pear two and three times in a month,
causing me to be so weak I could not
stand. I could neither sleep nor eat, and
looked so badly my friends hardly
knew me.
" I took doctor's medicine but did not
derive much benefit from it. My drug
gist gave me one of your little books,
and after reading it I decided to try
Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I feel like a new person. I
would not give your Compound for all
the doctors' medicine in the world. I
can not praise it enough."
! What's the I
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I KANSAS OWNS (in round numbers) 2
CI 909.000 horses and mules. 550.000 a
• milch cows, 1,600.000 ether cattle, £
& 2,400.000 swine and 225,000 sheep, q
& elude 150.000.000 bushels of corn, Q
S 60.000.000 bushels of wheat and mil- q
• lions upon millions of dollars in value Q
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® In debts alone it has a shortage. Q
Send for free copy of "What's the &
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Hicks—"You want to know if Innerby
loves that girl? Why, he actually loves her
faults." Wicks —"Lucky girl! She has so
many."—Boston Transcript.
I.ane'n Knmlljr Medicine.
Moves the bowels each day. In order to be:
healthy this is necessary. Acts gently 011
the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache.
Price 25 and 50r.
TTioks—"Just saw TTogley. TTad been tc
the doctor's. Doctor tells him he is looking
himself again." Wicks—"ls he really as bad
as that? Poor fellow!" —Boston Transcript.
To Cnre a Colli in One Pay
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.. AIJ
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Et es te men det talk all tem det haf nc
tern to poot en at tankin.—Denver Times-
Told you so. In one night cured. St. Ja
cobs Oil masters Lumbago.
A waitress should always wear a fetching
costume.—Chicago Daily News.
See there. A bad sprain cured; and St.
Jacobs Oil cured it.