2 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN. Editor. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, FW F»R W 01 11 paid In advance I M ADVERTISING RATES: A#T*rtlsernents are published at the rate ol •ae dollar per square for one insertion arid flfly eeati per square for each subsequent Insertion Hates by the year, or for six or three aionthi. •re lon and uniform, and will be furnished on •■plication. Legal and Official Advertising per square, J tree times or less. *2. each subsequent lnser l«n 50 cents per square. Local notices 10 cents per line for one lnser gertlon: 5 cents per line for each subsequeul eepsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five llnea. 10 cents per Hae. Simple announcements of births, mar riages and deaths will be Inserted free. Business cards, five lines or less. »5 per year; »rer five lines, at the regular rates of adver tising. No local Inserted for less than 75 centa per laaue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the Pkfss Is complete aad iff .rds facilities for doing the best clnss of Work Pakiu:l:i.au attention paidto Law Pkintino. No paper will be discontinued ntll arrear ages arc paid, except at the option of the pub lisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid lor in advance. CURRENT TOPICS. Protestants in France only number rather less than two per cent, of the populat ion. Tin-: spoken language of China is not written and the written language is not spoken. •Jkwei.s 10 tin- amount »112 §1*0.000,000 have been imported into this country in the last 25 years. Tiik basin of the St. Lawrence river covers 5:10,000 square miles, of which 400,000 are in Canada. I'hof. Pkoctor asserts that 100,000,000 people lived anil died in America be fore Columbus' discovery. Tiik number of cigarettes made in North Carolina last year was 27,740,000 less than the year before. In Hungary there are thousands of villages and hundreds of small towns without a doctor within ten miles. Som k wonderful stalactite caves have recently been discovered eight miles from Krugcrsdorp, in the Transvaal. The Japanese dentist* perform all their operations in tooth drawing with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Thirty years ago there were only two dozen explosive compounds known to chemists; now there are over 1,000. A critic foot of newly fallen snow weighs five and a half pounds, and has 12 times the bulk of an equal weight of water. Tiik barbers in Cuba make you get tip and wash your own face after a shave, as they did in this country 50 years ago. Tiikhk are in circulation in China at the present time coins bearing the names of emperors who lived 2,000 years ago. A tkmi'khan'i i: association composed of members of the Six Nations is doing much to check intemperance among the Indians. , M aj. li ex. Milks has issued an order that volunteers in the hospital corps whose regiments have been mustered out may be discharged if they so re quest. Tiik smallest man who ever lived was the dwarf Hebe, born in France in 1740. He was just 20 inches tall and eight pounds in weight when full grown. Tiik cost of the world's wars since the Crimean war has been $12,205,000,- 000, or enough to give a couple of sov ereigns to every man, woman and child on the globe. Amoxo the Tartars, if the wife is ill treated. she complains to tin- magis trate. who attended by the principal people, accompanies her to the house and pronounces a divorce. llrsslA has fewer newspapers (only about 000) in proportion to its inhabit ants than any other European country. Germany has seven times, France five times and England four times as many. The largest tree in the eastern hem isphere, if not in the world, is a mon ster chestnut standing at the foot of Mt. Aetna. The circumference of the main trunk at 00 feet from the ground is 212 feet. A I'Aiti.iA mexta rv paper just issued tates that the number of cases in which coroner's juries in London found that leath was caused by starvation or ac celerated by privation during the year 1897 was 41. It is the opinion of G. Godfrey Gu mel, a scientist, that a deficiency of salt is the cause of apoplexy,diphtheria and other diseases. He has reached this conclusion after long study ex tending through 20 years. The profit from a single whale that is captured is very large. One about fifty feet long weighs 140,000 pounds jitid will give 00,000 pounds of blubber, from which 48,000 pounds of train oil can be made, and:!, 000 pounds of whale bone. A good cry is beneficial to a woman. Crying does not consist merely in the shedding of tears, but includes so gen eral and widespread an action of the muscles that the whole body is con vulsed and the blood pressure on the brain is much reduced. The fact is noted that the collar of the Golden Fleece which has just been conferred upon M. Felix Faure was the one which bad belonged to ltismarck. It is also said that the one now worn by King 1 Humbert once adorned the shoulders of Christopher < 'ol tun bus. A new telegraph instrument, known as a "Morse watch," has been put on the market. Outwardly it looks like an ordinary timepiece, but, in reality, it is a transmitting and receiving telegraph instrument, a key and a sounder inclosed in an ordinary watch case. The first American locomotive for England has just lieen finished by the lialdwin locomotive works, says Kiej'i neering News. It is a double ender, intended to run between ] tarn staple and Lynton, the latter place being a sea resort about 15 miles from liarn staule. THEY LACK A QUORUM. McmhcrM of the I iilmn A*M»m!>ly Have Not Got I>O\VII to lltiMiueHrt- \\ ill Not Touch the Aniirxutlon Ouehtlon. Washington, Nov. President Mas so, i>f the provisional Cuban (Govern ment, has cabled from Santa Cruz del Surto Senor Quesada, secretary of the Cuban legation here, saving: "Assem bly has not yet met, owing to the ab sence of a quorum." This was called out by an inquiry from Senor Quesada as to reports com ing by way of Santiago, representing the Cuban assembly as in session at Santa Cruz del Sur and engaged in im portant questions relating to the fu ture of the island, the disarmament of the Cuban arm;/, and the extent of co operation between tiie former insur gent forces and the United States au thorities. It had been stated that the assembly organized by choosing Gen. (iareia as presiding officer, thus indi cating that the military element under (iarcia would dominate the assembly. Senor Quesada was surprised at these reports, as he was likely to be notified of the convening of the Cuban assem bly, particularly as lie lias been chosen a member of the assembly, represent ing one of the districts of the province of Puerto Principe. lie accordingly telegraphed President Masso for infor mation and the foregoing answer was received. There are evidences that President MeKinley and his cabinet have assur ances that the action of the Cuban provisional government will not be antagonistic to the policy at Washing ton, but rather in sympathy with the execution of that policy. Senor Que sada is satisfied that this will be the course of the Cuban assembly when it begins work, and it is provable that he made this view known during a recent interview with Secretary Ilay at the state department. In the event of his leaving Washington to attend the as sembly at Santa Cruz del Sur it will be with the special purpose of securing co-operation between the authorities there and here and of avoiding frictions which may arise. Speakingof the Cuban assembly. Mr. Quesada said: "It is only the first step toward a constitutional form of gov ernment, and it will give way later tc mi assembly truly representative of all the people of Cuba. For the present President Masso has called together this provisional body, which is neces sarily crude because of the unsettled condition of affairs in Cuba. It is not a military assembly, only eight or ten out of a membership of 48 being from the military ranks. The others are from civil life doctors, lawyers and planters—and represent the best ele ments in the community. This assem bly will not form a constitution, but will provide for a constitutional con vention that will take up the more im portant work of framing a constitu tion and establishing a permanent government for the island." With this programme in view it is hardly expected that the question of annexing Cuba to the United States will assume large proportions for the present, but will remain in abeyance until the Cuban government is suffi ciently established to permit it to ex press the wishes of the people of Cuba on annexation. RIOTOUS SOLDIERS. Husky lin I ■ 1111) **H llriiik the AVlndowx of Street turn llecuiHe They are Not Al lowed to Ktrie with Oflieer* and Ladies. Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. —Three private soldiers of the Eighth United States volunteer infantry, colored mi ni lines, camped at Chickamauga park, were ejected from the ladies' car of the Chattanooga Kapid Transit Co.'s line which runs to the park, by the con ductor and trainmen last night. The negroes were very disorderly and ugly about it and when they reached the park they went to tliercamp and gath ered together several hundred of their comrades and went to the station, where they began stoning the train just as it was pulling out for the re turn trip to the city. They broke all the windows of the cars and seriously injured a brakeman named Faircloth. Fortunately there were few passengers aboard. After ward thej' stoned another passenger and three freight 1 rains which passed the station, doing great damage. They declare that they will stone every train on the road until they are al lowed to ride in the ladies' car. This car was put on during the summer for the use of officers and ladies and 110 privates, not even white soldiers, were allowed to ride in it. The negroes re fused to listen to their officers, but Gen. Hoynton states that there will be no further trouble. (iraliiim is Believed of Command. Camp Meade, Middletown, Pa.. Nov. —Maj. lien. Graham was relieved yesterday of command of the Second corps by Maj. Gen. >'ollllo-, of the First division. The order relieving Gen. Graham was a surprise, as it was thought he was to remain with his corps until the troops were fully estab lished in the south. The general has been anxious to get to Cuba and 110 one doubted he would not go there until the orders came relieving him. Krcwers' Lockout llml