Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 10, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
XWHEN you see this item mark
ed with an X, in blue or black
pencil mark across its face you
will know that your subscription
is due, or past due. Your name will
be found printed on each copy of the
PRESS, as you receive it and gives the
last date to which you have paid. Our
terms are $2.00 if not paid in advance,
51.50 in advance. Many, very many,
of our patrons allow their subscrip
tions to run year after year. This we
are unable to stand. It requires
money to purchase paper and pay em
ployes and we must insist upon the
payment of subscriptions due us. We
have been patient, but "patience lias
ceased to lie a virtue," and we now
propose to weed out all those subscri
bers who show no disposition to pay
for their paper.
Itusincss Cards.
I!. W. G REEN,
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
-states, Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35-1 y. Emporium, Pa.
F. 1). LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, also stumpage&c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. F. D. LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of thisoldand
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
30-1 y.
(Opposite Post Oflice,)
Emporium, Pa.
1 take pleasure in informing the public that i
have purchased the old and popular Novelty
Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be
my endeavor to serve the public in a manner
that shall meet with their approbation. Give me
a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours.
n027-lyr Wm. McDONALD.
Near Huffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
forthe accommodation of the public. New in all
its appointments, every attention willbepaidto
tbe guests patronizing this hotel. '27-17-1 y j
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
F. C. RIECK, I). 1). s..
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa.
112 Gas and other local anaesthetics ad
ministered for the painless extraction
SPECIALTY: Presc rvation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
I will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, and
Sinnemahoning the third Wednesday of each
ynr J tmaammmmmmflnanßUMßCMEi
School Report.
Report of Sterling Primary school for month
ending Nov. 7th. Those who have missed no
days during month :«rc.
Gladys Keefc. Frances Summer son.
Grace Summerson. t'elia Giimarten.
Lizzie Devling. Katie May.
Katrina Smith. Jennie Libbey.
Lola Hart. Lucy Fitzgerald.
Waluce Whiting. Harry Whiting,
Joe Furlong. George Keefe.
Ilarley Newkirk. li ven New kirk.
Number enrolled—2B.
How to Grow Lean Work.
If the brood sow belongs to a family
noted for their production of fat meat,
then her progeny will certainly start
in life with a tendency in the same di
rection. But if the young pigs are fed
lightly after weaning and com polled to
forage in the field for most of their sub
stance, the active life will prevent them
accumulating much fat and turn a
large share of their food into lean meat
or muscle, the natural product of active
Victim of Peritonitis.
Mrs. A. Zanhiser, wife of the Rev.
A. Zanhiser, formerly of this place,
died at her late home at Butler, Pa.,
on Sunday, Oct. 30th, of peritonitis,
aged twenty-five years The funeral
was held the following Wednesday
from the home of her parents at Eldred.
One red steer; one year old, hole in
left ear.
Cameron, Pa.
.♦ * 'K&ptc&yc&yc&pK. ❖ :s£..♦ s>• jcc^ec^DtC^:
I Uoyd's long [|aiicje foreeast of the Weather FOR EM |g§ I^ INITY . I
FRIDAY, Partly cloudy: snow (Juries; colder. V
SATURDAY, and SIN DAY. - Fair: westerly winds: much colder. Look out for your perishnl»li» goods. -J
--♦ w-? We have been elected to keep the bust stationery 'tore in this county, and we want to deserve the best opinion ofthe public. We propose to deserve
♦, { "TIT PffTlOn V il I" 0 " 11 ''' m 'deuir.,, without "red tape," by good qualities and small profits. Our »i-, window this week has a display of fashionable writing
» EiLCIUIDI/. < ' r will enjoy a view >t them. Women have congratulated us on the new tinted riting paper displaytd at ''
J £ ) " ur store> amt have given <leli t-' l "<"l acceptance to this new stationery for dainty ooirespondence. And at prices that are entirely satisfactory to those ft
■ 'J, , who know what's what. i.eave your order with us i' >r sheet mu 'c, or any music written and we will get it for von at a remarkable low mice. We &
■Tf have bought the Christmas presents. Hut it will be time enough to talk ofthe toys and playthings later -haven't them unpacked vet H¥
R 4
B'onrlli Street. H. S. IXOY1). "n
Wf- <• *e£pocs: <• <► ••4;^:^X^HG^DOC^S
The Result.
The result of the election in this
county, last Tuesday, while it is hum
iliating to the editor of the PRESS, is
not to be wondered at. Those familiar
with the tactics resorted to to debauch
the voters, know that Sibley's money
was openly used to defeat the Republi
can county ticket,especially the head of
it. The campaign was the dirtiest and
| most rotten ever known in history and
I those beautiful Reformers (?) who
joined with the whiskey element and
| the boodlers to debauch the voters of
j this county must have an exalted
j opinion of themselves. When men, in
; this enlightened age, are not permitted
to vote their convictions under the
penalty of being discharged; when
men calling themselves christians and
would-be leaders will get down to the
lowest depths of filthy of the filthiest
politics, it is time for thinking men to
stop and ponder.
We are satisfied with the results and
if those so-called Republicans can
justify their course, well and good.
We are none the less a Republican and
believe in the principles of the party.
We have no regrets to offer and no
apologies to make. Our campaign
was conducted strictly in accordance
with the law governing the same.
The result in the State is very grati
fying to true Republicans. The Re
publicans sweep the State by an over
whelming majority —over 125,000 plu-!
rality over Jenks. Swallow was no I
where in the vote, falling all to pieces, !
and not carrying the vote he did last j
year by over 20,000, and carrying only i
one county—Lackawanna. The leader <
of the sour-faced gang has crawled into 1
his hole.
Out of thirty Congressman the Re- j
publicans have elected twenty-one, :
and the Legislature is overwhelmingly .
Republican, insuring the re-election of
Senator Quay, or some other good, j
stalwart Republican to the United I
States Senate. The Nation is Repub- ;
lican and stands by the President.
Pleasant Social (iathering.
Last evening the young people of j
Emporium again manifested their !
ability in the social line by giving one I
of those brilliant parties which has j
made Emporium justly popular. The i
interior of the opera house was very j
tastefully decorated and presented a I
scene of gay festivity. At 9:30 the j
program opened with a waltz to the i
entrancing strains of the Ridgway j
orchestra, and from that time up to an |
early hour this morning the merriment!
continued. Refreshments were served !
at midnight, and an enjoyable time is j
reported by all present.
A party of guests from Smethport i
with Wm. Segor as chaperon, together 1
with the following young men from j
out of town, added greatly to the !
pleasure of the evening: Messrs. j
Sheldon and Gunzberg, lienovo; Mr. j
Holliday, Ridgway; E. L. McCloskey, !
Wilkinsburg; John and Andrew j
Denny, Driftwood, and P. .1. Cooper, j
Keating Summit.
Important Notice.
From this date, notices of festivals
and entertainments of any nature
church or associations—will be charged
for. There is no reason why an editor
should be expected to donate his work
any more than the grocer should give
his merchandise. While the single
items are of small expense, during the
year we find the aggregate to be sur
prising and more than we feel like
The Defeat of Chas. W. Stone.
The defeat of Chas. W. Stone in this
Congressional district is a burning
shame. While Cameron stood by him
nobly and his friends here made per
sonal sacrifices, we feel the defeat of
this gentleman more keenly than
words can express. The district, state
and nation deeply deplore his defeat.
Hon. Chas. W. Stone carried every
election district in this county.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß.
Narrow Escape of An Emporium Boy.
A shocking drowning accident hap
pened yeaterday at Ely in which John
11. West and F. C. Hamen, the former
of Ely and the latter of Superior, lost
their lives. Martin Pattison, a well
known iron mine owney of Superior,
and John D. Morrisey, agent at Super
ior for the Dulnth, South Shore &
Atlantic road, had narrow escapes
from drowning. Mr. West was for
merly a resident of Superior. He and
Mr. Hamen were married to nieces of
Martin Pattison.
The four gentlemen were out fishing,
according to the reports from Ely, and
one of the party hooked a big fish. In
the excitement incident to landing the
fish the boat was tipped over and two
! were drowned.
The accident happened on Burnside
lake, where Mr. Pattison maintains an
I elegant summer cottage and where dur
ing the summer he always entertains
many of his friends. It is said that
West and Hamen could not swim,or if
they could were probably overcome by
the cold water. Both Mr. Pattison and
Mr. Morrisey nearly lost their lives
and their condition required the at
tendance of physicians after they were !
finally ashore.
Mr. Hamen is a druggist at Superior j
and his place of business is at 287 West j
Fifth street. He was a well known and I
popular young man. Mr. West, or J
"Jack," as he was familiaaly known to '
his friends, has been a resident of Ely
with his wife for about a year. He was
formerly in the register of deeds office
at Superior but since going to Ely has
had charge of the interests of Martin
Pattison there. He looked after the
quantity of ore taken from the Chand
ler mine and from the Pioneer when it I
was operating. Telegrams were re- !
ceived at Superior regarding the ac- j
Early last evening there were reports !
that Martin Pattison was drowned, but I
a telegram received from Capt. John
Pengilly about 11 o'clock stated posi
tively Mr. Pattison is safe. It is sup- j
posed Indian guides brought the news !
of the disaster to Ely from Burntside
lake. The distance is about five miles.
West's body was recovered and a
searching party headed by Capt. Pen
gilly is searching for Hamen's body, i
As soon as the news reached Mrs.
Martin Pattison last night she ordered
a special train to take her and others
related to the persons involved in the
accident to Ely. The train left the
union depot at 11 o'clock last night
with orders to run as fast as was safe
The party on the special is composed
of Mrs. Martin Pattison, Mrs. F. C.
Hamen, Mrs. John I). Morrisey, Miss
< Mara Thayer, Byron Patterson and
Ralph C. Pope.—Duluth News Tribune.
Blew Open a Safe.
Early last Friday morning a gang of,
five burglars broke into the store of
John E. Smith, at Sterling Run, and
after ransacking the money drawer,
and a show case containing watches ;
and jewelry, they blew open the safe
but the report of the explosion aroused
the whole neighborhood and scared
the robbers so that they beat a hasty
retreat and took refuge in a box car of
a west-bound freight train that was
passing. Telegrams were sent to all
the towns along the road, west of Em-1
porium, to arrest any tramps that j
should be seen getting" oft' that train,
and at St. Marys when three of the
men got off of the train two of them
were promptly arrested by Chief of
Police Wilhelm, assisted by Deputy
Olson. Considerable jewelry, a watch,
about twenty-three dollars in money
and a bottle partly filled with gun
powder were found upon the men.
that evening Sheriff Mundy and Spec
ial Officer Reid brought them to Em
porium on mail and lodged them in |
the county jail.
This moriiing the two prisoners were
brought before Justice Larrabee, who,
after hearing the evidence, bound them
over to court in the sum of §I,OOO bail
Mr Smith testified that notes and ;
orders, amounting to nearly four
thousand dollars, which were in the
safe, were destroyed by the explosion, i
You don't need to steal your neigh
bor's umbrella these rainy days. Goto ;
N. Seger's clothing house and you will j
find one of the largest assortments of
umbrellas ever brought to Emporium. !
They are marked way down.
And the Swallows homeward (lew.
Now settle down to business and see
j if something cannot bo done for Em
j porium.
An antimatiscope exhibition will be
| given in the M. E. Church on Nov. 19.
j Two hours of moving pictures.
Tho subject for the illustrated sermon
j in the Methodist Epiacpal church next
j Sunday night is "Separations in Etern
i ity."
Beautiful specimen of Prohibition (?)
was that manifested by the great ma
: jority of the so-called temperance vot
ers of Cameron county.
Capt. Edward Clark, who was the
oldest mail agent on the P. & E. route,
died at his home in Lock Haven, Sun
day, Oct. 30th, aged sixty-five years.
Wanamakerism and Swallowism
were beautifully snowed under in Penn
sylvania. There were Republicans,
ouUide of Cameron county, not for sale.
The Kane Republican says that five
hundred cars are handled in the P. &
E. yards at that place every twenty
four hours, and it requires eleven
pushers to get them over the mountain.
Revival services will bo held in
Methodist church, this and next week.
! The services will be held in the lec
ture room—all most cordially invited
! to attend.
| Any man in Cameron county can
obtain a suit of ready made clothing
that will fit him as well as a tailor-made
suit, at prices ranging from eight to
twelve dollars, at N. Soger's.
The smart Alec's in this county, who
wanted to defeat the Republican party
in order to destroy Senator Quay, must
get plenty of consolation when they
read the returns from this state. Sena
tor Quay will never know they existed.
The engineer on train 12 on the Erie
road was found dead at his post while
going into Susquehanna, on the 31st,
ult. The fireman noticed that the
engineer did not whistle for the station
and upon investigation found he was
D. I. Roberts, general passenger
ageiu for the Erie railroad company,
has ordered that all soldiers without
mo. ley and traveling on his road, be
provided with food in the dining cars.
The waiters are instructed togo through
the train and ask each soldier if he has
Popular Young Man Dead.
St. Marys, Pa., Nov. 3.—Edward
Reuscher, the son of ex-County Com
missioner Geo. Reuscher, Sr., of St.
Marys, was killed yesterday about a
mile from the site of the new county
home near this place, by being struck
by a locomotive on the Buffalo, St.
Marys and Southwestern railroad.
The young man, in company with his
brother George, was going to Bendigo,
via Glen Hazel, with a wagon load of
pr rvisions for a lumber camp.
They were driving a team and when
tliey reached the school road crossing,
about a mile from their home, the en
gine came along, unattached, and
going at a pretty fair rate of speed.
The boys did not see the locomotive
until the wagon was on the crossing,
and it struck the vehicle full force.
The engineer saw the boys and put
his hand on the throttle, but the loco
motive was going at too rapid a speed
to be stopped. Edward was on the
side of the wagon next to the engine
and received a heavy blow in the head,
rendering him unconscious.
. ieorge was more fortunate and es
caped without serious injury, although
bruised a little by being thrown from
the wagon. One of the horse's legs
was broken and had to be killed.
Dr. Mullhaupt was summoned and
examined Edward's injuries, but lie
never gained consciousness and died in
about an hour.
Edward Reuscher was about eighteen
years of age and a bright, studious and
intelligent young man, being a grad
uate of the Benzinger high school. He
was a brother of Prof. Jos. H. Reuscher.
late district superintendent of Benzin
ger schools, who died of typhoid fever
on Saturday, October 2nd, 1897.
Besides the aged father and mother,
who have been (-ailed upon twice with
in almost a year to mourn the loss of a
dearly beloved son, Mr. Reuscher
leaves two brothers, William and Ed
ward, and four sisters, all married.—
Elk Advocate.
Holiday (ioods.
One of the largest assortments of i
holiday goods ever displayed in Em- ]
porium can be seen at tho store of Miss j
11. L. Raymond, on East Fourth street, j
Mason Hill.
Sheriff Mandy bad business hereon
| Thursday.
The dance on Friday night was a
i grand success socially.
There was a hot time in the Middle
I Ward on Thursday.
Mrs. 1 lousier, of Rich Valley, visited
j friends here Last week.
Miss Alice Ives, came home from
j Sinnemahoning on Sunday.
Claud Williams came down from
j Medix and spent a few days at home,
j Mr. and Mrs. C. Williams visited
i friends at Sterling Run on Sunday,
j H. M. Bailey recently took charge of
j the Enterprise House at Sinnemahon
i ing.
| Mrs. A. Barr was the guest of friends
at Driftwood, the latter part of last
A few young people of this place at
tended the oyster supper at Sterling
Run, on Saturday night.
Mid-night mechanics visited O. B.
Tanner on Wednesday night, and re
lieved him of three nice turkeys.
Clell Bailey proceeded to the wilds of
Millers Run, on Thursday, and now
has fresh meat for sale by the car load.
Most of our people are very sorry
that the campaign is over, as the choice
Havanas will no longer be delivered
by "advance agents," free of charge, at
our doors.
Buck waiter.
Mr. Gaskill, Jr., had business in our
burg last week.
All our farmers were enroute for
Emporium on Tuesday.
Luio is like the man who fell out of
the baloon—he isn't in it.
John Kelly, of Emporium, drove
through our burg Sunday.
Farmer Kresge killed two fine pigs
for the McGyers, Wednesday.
We are glad to state that Mrs. Mike
Hillard is getting along fine.
Farmer Kresgo and his girl made a
trip to the county seat Friday.
Road Supervisors are making some
much needed improvements on More
Clate Toner claims to have the
agency for the best rat trap in this sec
The pump that Pete, the pumper,
runs at the siding, refused to do duty
one day last week.
We understand that Henry Wadener
and John Hogan have started a meat
market in the west end.
Clias. Welch, one of the P. & E. R.
R.'s trusty employes, was a visitor to
the County Seat, last week.
Boys don't forget our coming Road
Supervisor, Fred Norton, Talk it up
and help the good work along.
Miss Carrie Spay, who has been stop
ping at this place, left Tuesday for her
old homestead on Moore Hill.
Horseback riding is getting to be
quito a fad among our young ladies.
Be careful that you get on the right
Post Master Heath has purchased a
very fine gun, and hereafter will be
numbered with the hunters of this
Its a shame for a brother to bo so
mean as to take his younger brother's
girl, especially when he went one way
with her.
Buckwalter can boast of having the
finest conducted school in the county,
under the management of Miss Fanny
Lyon, of West Creek.
Arthur Norton and Geo. Spay left
for Glen Hazel, Wednesday, where
they expect to take a large contract to
cut 2000 cords of wood for the chemical
works at that place. They will employ
about 100 men.
Following are the officers of the I
Liars Club at. this place: Arthur Nor- ;
ton, President; C. M. Kresge, Vice
President; Clate Toner, Director; Fred
Norton, Secretary; Chas. Welsh, Treas
urer; Luie Norton, door tender. Any
body wishing to join this order can do
so by applying to Fred Norton, secre
tary of the club.
Oldest Person in Central Pennsylvania
Oil last Monday night Mrs. Nancy
Bargor, the oldest lady in central
Pennsylvania, answered her last roll
call, aged 106 years, 1 month and 14
days. On the 26th of August she fell
and injured her hip. Since then she
has been unable to walk around. Up
to that time she attended to her house
hold duties. During the past summer
she weeded her own garden and milked
her two cows.
Mrs. Nancy Barger was born at
Middle Ridge, Cumberland county,
September 17, 1792. Her father and
mother were among the first settlers in
the community where she lived. At
the age of 20 she married George
Barger. Soon after they emigrated to
In 1820 they moved to Curtin, and
later onto Mill Hall. In 1532 they j
moved back to Curtin, where she has j
lived ever since.
She was the mot her of soven children, j
four of whom survive her. Samuel,
oldest, son, her "bachelor boy," aged j
81 years, lived with her until ner ;
death.—Mill Hull Times.
A cousjh is not like a fever. It does
not have to run .a certain course. Cure |
it quickly and effectually with One
Minute Cough < Hire, the best remedy
for all ages and for the most severe \
cases. We recommend it because it's j
good. R. C. Dodson. 451y '
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
! Official Vote of Cameron County
November iB9B.
„.. R®P- Dem. Pro.
Shippen 'JO") "7
Emporium W. W„ 111 . . . . . 70 To
Emporium M. W.. 78 77 14
Emporium E. W... 56 61 15
Portage 23 10' II!!
Lumber 60 52 " "27
Driftwood t'/i 4-7 -
Gibson 74—111.111 el'll 22
Grove 93 67 1....1 "9
Majority 222 762 510 "129
1 Lieutenant Governor)
Rep. Dem. Pro.
Shippen 206 102 19
Emporium W. YV.. li t 72
Emporium M. W.. 86 72 k
Emporium E. W... 60 .. . 02 i->
Portage 21 10 1111
Lumber 04 55 is
Driftwood tis 37 " ,
" ibs °» 75......1111 eel!!!!;;::;" 12
Grove 88 60 4
Majority 211. 777 536 ~~76
Secretary of Internal Affairs, i
. Rep. Dem. Pro.
Shipper) 209 102 17
Emporium W. W.. 112 72 4
Emporium M.W.. 8S 73 r,
Emporium E. W.. 63 r>] 10
Portage 21 10
Lumber 66 58 11
Driftwood 01 39
IJibson 75. 65.'!!!! 11
Grove 91 57 3
Majority 2I» 786 537 "~62
'Judge of the Superior Court, i
~,. R e P- Dem. Pro.
Shipptn 207 98 . ]H
Emporium W. W.. 115 72 3
Emporium M. W... 89 72. \
Emporium E. W... «i <jl
Portage 21 1011... 1.!.'.'."
Lumber 01 67 11
Driftwood 61 34. . . . I .. 1
Gibson 75 71 I. . h
Grove 91 59..1.. . .'.!!!.' 3
Majority 240 787 547 59
Rep- Dem. Pro.
Sbippen 199 91 17
Emporium W. W.. 114 72 2
Emporium M. W.. 90 09 ...... t
Emporium E, W. 55 60 . 9
Portage 20 10
Lumber 64 57
Driftwood 64 34.111.1 ] III! I 1
Gibson. 69 64 9
Grove 88 57 3
Majority 249 763 514 15
(Representative-at-Large in Congress.)
Sbippen 208 97 15
Emporium W. W.. 115 73 2
Emporium M. W.. 90 711111111.. 111 4
Enipo r i 11111 E. W. 63 60 9
Portage 20 10
Lumber 68 57 9
Driftwood 66 33 1
Gibson 74 64 7
Grove 90 57 3
Majority 272 794 522 50
Rep. Dem. Pro.
Shippen 198 100 14
Emporium W. W.. 112 72 2
Emporium M. \V\. 90 73 5
Emporium E. W 56 60 8
Portage 19 1(1
Lumber.. 67 57 8
Driftwood 64 39 1
Gibson 70 64 8
Grove 90 66 3
Majority 235 766 531 49
Rep. Dem. Pro.
Shippen 212 116 10
Emporium W. W„ 118 75..
Emporium M. W.. 93 73 3
Emporium E. W 65 61 8
Portage 23 14
Lumber 73 61 •!
Driftwood 82 25 2
Gibson. 80 67 ti
Grove 91 57 3
Majority 288 837 549 36
(Senator in the General Assembly.)
BROWN. Rep. NEELY, Den..
Shippen 207 110
Emporium W. W 116 7.1
Emporium M. W 88 73
Emporium E. W 63 63
Portage 23 10
Lumber 70 59
Driftwood fill 33
Gibson 76 67
Grove 92 59
Majority 253 801 5)8
1 Representative ill tlio General Assembly.
MULLIN, Rep. Dem
Shippen 163. 179
Emporium W. W. lus 86
Emporium M . W 79 8K
Emporium E, W 18 89
Portage 12 22
Lumber 11 101
Driftwood 61. 44
Gibson 63 94
Grove 61 98
Majority 168 633 801
(.1 udge of the Court of Common Pleas.
(No opposition.)
Shippen 309
Emporium W. W 185
Emporium M, W . 155
Emporium E. W 119
Portage 31
Lumber ... 121
Driftwood 100
Gibson 137
Grove 118
(Associate Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.)
Shippen 202 120
Emporium W. W 121 71
Emporium M. W. 100 61
Emporium E. W 71 60
Portage 22 12
Lumber 76 67
Driftwood 89 20
Gibson 66 87
Grove 71 82
Majority 232 818 586
(County Treasurer.)
Shippen 181 159
Emporium W. W 90 103
Emporium M. W 67 101
Emporium E. W 66 72
Portage 28 «
Lumber 78 —. 62
Driftwood 67 37
Gibson .so 69
Grove 81 77
Majority 50 738 688
The following is the scattering vote of the
several districts commencing with Shippen:
Peoples—Governor, 5: Lieutenant Governor, 2.
Secretary of Internal Affairs, 2; Judge ot Super
ior Court, Tricket, 1; Huston, 2; Representative
at Large in Congress, Johnson, 2: Weiler, 2.
Liberty—Governor, 4; Lieutenant Governor and
balance of ticket one. Honest (Government—
Governor, 2.
Emporium—West Ward. Peoples—l. Middle
Ward. Honest Govt r/iriient—3. East Ward.
Peoples—Representative at Large .n Congress,
Weiler, 1. Honest Government, 2.
Lumber. Peoples—Lieutenant Governor, l.
Grove. Socialist Labor—Lieutenant (Gov
ernor, 1.
Seed Wheat.
Mr. L. (J. Cook lias several varieties
of seed wheat for sale, samples ot
which may be seen at Walker's hard
ware store. 25tf
NO. 37.