Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, November 03, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Candidate Shaffer Denies.
Editor Cameron County Press :
Through the kindness of a soldier
friend I have been furnished with a copy
of a letter, which is being circulated
throughout the county, and being used
against me as a campaign issue. J sub
mit the letter together with my affidavit,
for publication, denying the whole as a
fabrication of falsehoods. A copy of all
will be given to the other county papers
for publication also.
Democratic candidate for county
Erie, Pa., Oct.. 20th, 1898.
Mr. George Barker,
Emporium, Pa.,
Sir and Comrade:—
Yours just at hand and in reply will
say that that fellow Shaffer did say that
the old soldiers were trying to drain the
U. S. Treasury as fast as they could, and
that the I'resident ought to veto every
pension bill that came before him. Shaf
fer also said "What are you drawing a
pension for? We do not know you were
in the army.
lie also said that the government had
paid the men all it owed them and that
they had no more right to a pension than
he (Shaffer) had. Now this conversa
tion was heard by three or four men. 1
do not recall the names but am sure that
F. M. Overhiser was oue of them.
1 was very much surprised to hear that
any party in Cameron county should
nominate a man of that kind for the
office of County Treasurer.
I think the party must be hard up for
timber and am only sorry that I cannot
be there to help defeat him.
You are at liberty to show this to C.
Shaffer and also to have it printed if you
wish to do so, and now tell all the "old
boys" to pull off their coats and not sleep
night or day until a man of that stamp is
so deeply buried under good loyal votes
that his friends (if he has any) will never
find him. We are all well and hope all
our friends there are the same. Give
my fraternal regards to all the boys who
wore the blue.
Yours fraternally,
Personally appeared before me, C. W.
Shaffer, who being first duly sworn ac
cording to law depo-es and says that he
is the same person named in the above
letter; that he never said to >J. F. Haver,
or any other person, "that the old sol
diers were trying to drain the United
States Treasury as fast as they could,
and that the President ought to veto
every pension bill that came before him;
that the government had paid the men
all it owed them and they bad no right
to a pension."
Deponent further says that Samuel N.
Shaffer, father of deponent, was a uieni
b of Co. A, 22nd Pennsylvania cavalry
am. served during the civil war as a
private and is now receiving a pension
from the United States Government, and
further that Lyman E. Shaffer, brother of
deponent is now a member of Co. B.
Bth, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and has
just returned from Cuba whe-e he was
engaged in the recent war between United
States and Spain. Deponent further says
that the above letter from J. F. Haver
to (leorge Barker dated at Pa.,Oct.
25th, 1898 is false in its entirety, and
further that said F. M. Overhiser advises
deponent that he does not remember
ever hearing depondent making the
statements alleged in the above letter.
Sworn to ami subscribed before me
this 31st, day of October. A. 1).. 1898.
Justice of the Peace.
Personally appeared before me, F. M.
Overhiser, who being first duly sworn
according to law deposes and says that he
is the same person named in the above
letter, and that he does not have any
recollection of the conversation between
said J. F. Haver and C. W. Shaffer re
ferred to in above letter from J. F.
Sworn and subscribed to this Ist day • 112
November, A. 1)., 1898.
Ladies' fleece lined underwear, at
Mrs. Bardwell's.
While you are waiting for tho elec
tion returns next Tuesday night, goto
the vacant store room opposite Dod
son's pharmacy, where yon can pro
cure a substantial meal for 25e.
The sermon in the M. E. Church
will be to the children. Subject: "She
bears the children." Children's choir
will conduct the music. Infants bap
tismal service at 10:30 a. m. Subject of
illustrated sermon in the evening:
"Connecting link between time and
Soothing, healing, cleansing, I)e
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the im
placable enemy of sores, burns and
wounds. It never fails to cure Piles.
You may rely upon it. R. C. l)od
son. 451y
A near-by farmer, studying economy
says the Cochran ton Times,mixed saw
dust with cornmeal fed to the chickens.
It worked so well hegradna lly reduced
the quantity of meal, until the ration
was all sawdust. About this time a
white hen stole her nest, and, after re
posing three weeks on 13 eggs, she
camo off with 12 wooden-legged chick
ens and one woodpecker.
To the Old Soldiers.
I desire, through the columns of the
PIIESS. in order to vindicate myself, to
make this statement:
Some time ago in conversation with
Mr. Charles Shaffer, he said "that the
soldiers ought not to draw a pension, it
was simply robbing the Government;
that the soldier knew at the time ot his
enlistment just what he would receive
for his services."
This conversation took place some time
before I even knew he aspired to the
office of County Treasurer, and after he
was nominated I repeated our conversa
tion to several old soldiers and Mr.
Shaffer denied it, calling me a liar to the
old soldiers, saying it was a plan to defeat
him. Now, neither Mr. Thomas nor
any one else knew anything about this so
it cannot be said that 1 told it for politi
cal purposes, for I should have done the
same thing had such a man been running
for office on my own ticket.
Oct. 31st, 1808.
Sworn to before me this second day of
November, 1898.
M. M. LARRAH?:E, .J. I'.
Erie, Pa., Oct. 2."> th. lSn^.
Mr. George Barker,
Emporium, Pa.
Sir and Comrade:
Yours just at hand and in reply will
say that that fellow Shaffer did say that
the OLD SOLDI MI'S were trying to
drain the 1". S. Treasury as fast as they
could and that the President ought to
veto every pension bill that came before
him. Shaffer also said, "What are you
drawing a pension for. We don't know
that you were in the army."
Ho also said that the government had
paid the men all that it owed them and
that they bad no more right to a pension
than he (Shaffer) had.
Now this conversation was heard by
three or four men. I do not recall the
names, but am sure that F. M. Overhiser
was one of them.
I was very much surprised to hear that
any party in Cameron county should
nominate a man of that kind for County
Treasurer. I think the party must be
hard up for timber, and I am only sorry
that I eannot be there to help defeat him.
You are at liberty to show this to C.
Shaffer and also to have it printed if you
wish to do so, and tell all the "old boys''
to pull off their coats and not sleep night
tir day until a man of that stamp is so
deeply buried under good loyal votes that
his friends (if he has any) will never find
him. We are all well and hope all our
friends there are the same. Give my
fraternal regards to all the boys who
wore the blue.
Yours fraternally,
Erie County, SS:
Erie, Pa., Oct. Hist, 1898.
Personally appeared before me, an
Alderman, in and for said county, J. F.
Haver, who being duly sworn deposes
and says the within statements signed
by him are true and correct as stated.
Sworn and subscribed before me this
31st day of October, A.J)., 1808.
Pressed Bricks.
An attachment for $30,000 lias been
issued on the Appert Glass Works at
Port Allegany.
John McDonald will do honor to the
bench and will be elected by a hand
some majority.
The recent discovery of oil on the
Finn farm has thrown Olean into a
fever of excitement.
John McDonald, our candidate for
Associate Judge, will make an honest
official and dignify the bench.
A bear weighing 380 pounds was
killed on Cowley Hill, Potter county,
last week by Robert Mackey.
Chas. M. Thomas is a responsible
business man and you cannot make a
mistake by electing him County Treas
urer. Vote for Thomas.
Mr. A. 11. Buckland, oneofßidgway's
prominent citizens, dropped dead on
Mill street of that borough, last Friday
evening. Heart disease was the cause.
The Supreme Court has decided that
the excess check given by a conductor
to a passenger, when a fare is paid on
the train, does not have to have a reve
nue stamp.
Port Allegany is to have a town
clock that will cost §575 and E. B.
Dolley & Co. have headed a popular
subscription with S3OO. Emporium
ought to make a similar move.
In case Mr. C. M. Thomas is elected
County Treasurer his deposits will be
made at the First National Bank of
Emporium, as usually made by other
treasurers. County orders will be ac
cepted the same as checks. Every
woodsman should voto for C. M.
If you don't care for oysters don't
goto the supper at Mr. A. Hockley's
this evening, for the ladies of the Pres
byterian church are going to serve
oysters in the most appetizing styles,
from half-past five o'clock this evening
until all are served.
At the annual reunion of the Buck
tail regiment held at Kennett Square,
Philadelphia, recently, it was decided
that the sons and daughters of the mem
bers be admitted to full membership in
order to perpetuate the association.
Gettysburg was chosen for the next
place of meeting.
First Pork.
It is reported here that Mr. Kcl Bovvers has
bought the Millard Wykoft farm and has left
John Mahon ifamilarly known as chicken John)
the First Fork stage driver, move in.
A good many of our farmeis were a little Blow
getting their potatoes out, and "jack frost" nip
ped a good many of them.
The numerous candidates are going the rounds
now, and Campbell Floyd, the democratic candi
date for Associate Judge was up on Friday with
a box of "Square Timber" cigars, looking up the
voters. He says he thinks he is old enough and
gray enough for Judge.
Chauneey Logue captured another bear in his
trap, a few days ago. If Chaunce gets after a
bear he might as well give in.
A large party of hunters are down today.(Mon
day; from Austin, hunting near Soli Ross' Dlace-
Train No. 6 was about five hours late, Tuesday
on account of a wreck at Wilcox.
Fred Norton made a Hying trip to the county
seat on Wednesday.
Claud Lyons was seen passing through our
burg. Wednesday, but failed to stop. It must be *
broke up.
We have a few old women who have almost
gone crazy over telling one anothers fortunes
with tea grounds. God help them.
Mrs. Mike Ililliard is slowly improving.
Pete the happy pumper of the P. & F. U.K. Co.,
at this place, claims that he can cut more wood
than any other man on the Creek.
Jno. La WHO n and his happy crew are helping
Martin Lawson's crew putting in new tics on
the siding.
Luie ought to get his elbows padded or pad
that pump.
Frank Judd, of Emporium, drove through cur
burg on Friday.
We understand that there is a certain young j
man in our town who is going to start a dress j
maker shop. lie can be seen every night going
up the track with a dress, apron or something
else in that line.
H. F. Kresge is moving to Dußois this week
where he accepted a position from the Diamond
Meat Market Co.
Farmer Kresge made a visit to Emporium,
Heath & Kresge have a large force of men on
their telegraph line. All messages, we under
stand, will be sent until the Ist of January at re
duced rates.
Mr. Thos. Norton had the largest lot of honey
on the Creek this year.
The water spout tore off the stove pipe of one
of the coaches of No. 9, on Tuesday morning.
C. M. Kresge is seen hobling around with one
of his home-made canes. Glad to see you Chas.
Hope you will soon be able togo without any.
Miss Carrie Spay is about to leave for York
state where she intends to make her future home.
While here she has made many friends who will
miss her when she has gone.
We understand that a liars club is about to be
organized here, We have some people who will
make very good members.
W. C. Heath is quite busy of late making rab
bit pens.
Now let every Republican get out Nov. 8.
Put your shoulder to the wheel and roll in a
large majority, rain or shine.
I'at C'urnes, who broke his leg at this place
a month ago is reported getting along nicely.
Geo. Spay made our burg a visit over Sunday.
Fred Norton, one af Buckwalter's prominent
young men has business at Port Allegany this
A neat looking young man drove into Mike
Hilliard's, Friday evening and stayed over night.
He got up about five a. 111. and went to the barn
and got his robe and has not been seen since.
We learned that the rig was stolen from Austin,
and the sherilf of that county took the rig back
on Sunday.
The P. <fc E. work crew has been around cur
burg the past few days.
Mr. Tom Norton and son Luie are hauling the
goods of H. F. Kresge to the station.
Rev. Mulliner spent Sunday with the Norton
We hear some strong talk by a few of our
friends, we don't know but think it is a love af
John Kelly of Emporium passed through our
city on Sunday.
W. H. Weaver, of Emporium spent Sunday in
our burg the guest of A. Kresge.
Boys think of that song, "Once I was single
and my pockets did jingle, oh, how I wish I was
single again."
A graphophone entertainment was given in j
the school house last Tuesday night to a full
house, Everybody seemed to be well pleased.
Republicans, follow Davy Crockett's advice:
"Be sure your right, then go ahead." Mark an \
X at the top of the Republican column, then go
What Representative can best serve the in
terests of his constituents, he who is, except for
eight or ten days of the legislative session,
"absent and not voting", or he who is on hand
from the beginning to theend of the session and
places himself on record in favor of ALL GOOI)
bills and against ALL BAD ones? As "eternal
vigilance is the price of liberty" so is it also the
price that representatives pay for the legislative
benefits their respective districts receive. Our re
presentative cannot devote nine-tenths of the
time the legislature is in session to the practice of
his profession one hundred and fifty miles away
from the seat of legislation and do justice to his
constituents. Voters, elect "Eternal Vigilance
Mulliu" and feel assumed the county's interests j
will be faithfully served.
The Cameron County Teachers' Institute, in
the resolutions adopted at the close of its session
here, strongly endorsed the Compulsory School
Law, and the law establishing High Schools in I
Townships, and adds: "That the interest inani- |
tested in the public schools by the Legislature
demands our thanks and we would respectfully
pray a continuation of the same liberal policy."
Listen voters, if the school teachers in our
county, in whom we all have the greatest confi
dence of being able to distinguish between that
which is good and that which is evil, can so |
strongly endorse laws enacted by the Republican 1
party can we make a great mistake by continu
ing t'lat party in power? We rely for the
future of our children upon the judgment and
integrity of the teachers of our public schools.
Should we reject their judgment on economic
questions when those questions directly affect
the schools? The Democratic party, whose re
presentatives have been hopelessly in the minor
ity for years, are trying to claim credit
for having enacted laws that have so manifestly
benefitted the State, but they can mislead no per
son who will give tiie matter a thought. The
Republican majority is responsible for those laws
and the voters should see that the party which
has "manifested such interest in and accorded
such liberal treatment to our public schools", is
continued in power.
The Democrats urge as a reason for Hon. C. W.
Stone's defeat that he voted for the 4, Dingley 1
Bill" which placed a tariff on hides, against ;
which the tannir.g interests were working.
The fact of the matter isthat Mr. Stone bitterly j
fought the tariff 011 hides both in and out of com- •
mittee, bringing to bear against it every influence
he could command, just as he fought lor and
gained an increase in the tariff on lumber, which
so materially benefited his district.
He voted for the "Dingley Bill" as a whole, be
cause the people, by an overwhelming voice,had
demanded a change of policy from that of free
trade to protection. He could not place him
self on record against a policy that the people
were demanding because he could not accom
plish for his district all that he desired. Would
Sibley have accomplished as mnch? No! He
would have accomplished nothing and in addi
tion to having a tariff on hides we would have
had a lighter tariff on lumber which would have
practically killed our lumber interests. This is
but onecomparisonjthere are do/ens more which
could be quoted as reasons for Mr. Stone's re
election did space permit.
The satement is made that Sibley money is
turning the political sentiment of the county
against the Republican ticket. The most forcible
way for the Republican voters to refute the
statement is by rolling up a handsome majority
for the entire Republican ticket.
Vote the democratic ticket and you give coun
tenance to the statement; vote the Republican
ticket and you give the lie to the individual, or
party, who intimates that you place a commer
cial value upon your right of suffrage.
The Republicans of this district have the satis
faction of knowing they have done, and are do
ing, nothing to debauch politics.
Their candidates .stand squarely upon their
records. They do not ask the voter to barter
away his right of suffrage for a mess of potage.
the records of the respective candidates, and
then cast his vote as his judgement dictates is
right, and for the best interests of the county. If
the voters do this Republican success is assured
as Republicanism stands for clean and honest
government of Nation, State and county.
"Charley" Thomas strongly appeals to the
voters as being the proper man to elect for
County Treasurer. Beginning as a day laborer
in the woods he has, by careful, energetic man
agement of his resources, added to his lumbering
and other interests until he stands to-day one of
the substantial men of the county, and an ex
ample of what an honest and energetic man can
He did not sit idly waiting for opportunities
(or public office;) he created the opportunities
and to this fact alone he is indebted for getting
ahead in the world.
Except for the covert reflections of political
opponents, not a harsh word can be uttered
against Mr. Thomas. But many are the generous
acts accredited to him. In Driftwood borough
where he resided for years, his one-time neigh
bors take pride in testifying to his honesty, up
rightness and generosity.
When a man's neighbors, people who know
him thoroughly through a daily intercourse,
testify to his worth, he is a good man to tie to
when the people have offices of public trust to
He does not go around extending the political
"glad hand" only when a political campaign is in
progress. His right hand of fellowship and aid is
extended to his fellow men at ALL times.
Being a man of thorough business methods,
whose honesty and reliability are beyond ques
tion, he deserves, and should receive every Re
publican vote in the county, as well as ti
nt every man, irrespective of party, who believes
that public office is a public trust and that only
trustworthy men should be elected to them.
Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for your
cough, on cheat or lungs. It is truly a
wonderful medicine. No other remedy
has made so many remarkable cures.
Price 25c.
Earthenware sleepers are in use on
some of the Japanese railroads.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures a cough
or cold in short order. One bottle of
this wonderful remedy will effect a
cure. It is absolutely the best cough
syrup made. Price 25c.
On an average the letters received by
the German emperor number 600 a day.
History will tell about "Dewey"
Hobson, Sampson and Americans pro
tecting themselves from serious throat
diseases by using "Armstrong's Diph
theria and Quinsey Drops." The
greatest throat remedy in the world.
Sold by druggist, R. C. Dodsou. (ily
Protestants in France only number
rather less than two per cent of the
When you ask for De Witt's Witch
1I azei sal ve don't accept a counterfeit or
imitation. There are more cases ef
Piles being cured by this, than all
others combined. It, C. Dodson. 4oly
A nutmeg tree of the largest size will
produce no more than five pounds of
A couch is not like a fever. It does
not have to run a certain course. Cure
it quickly and effectually with One
Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy
for all ages and for the most severe
cases. We recommend it because it's
good. It. C. Dodson. 451y
The dew that is annually deposited
on the surface of England is equal to
five inches of rain.
Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. De
Witt's Little Early Risers will remove
the trouble and cure sick Headache,
Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear
the Complexion. Small, sugar coated,
don't gripe or cause nausea. R. C.
Dodson. 451y
The number of cigarettes made in
North Carolina last year was 27,794,000
leBS than the year before.
Old fashions in dress may be revived,
but no old-fashioned medicine can re
place Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by L.
Taggart. Oct.
After a trial of two sessions daily in
the high schools ot Cleveland a return
has been made to the one-session plan.
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
your coughs and colds with One Min
ute Cough Cure It is so good children
cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and all throat and
lung diseases. It C. Dodson. 451y
The oyster is one of the strongest of
creatures, and the force required to
open it is more than 1.300 times its own
Late to bed and early to rise, pre
pares a man for his home in the skieh'.
But early to bed and a Little Early 1
Riser, lli>' pill that makes life longer
and better and wiser. It. C. Dodson.
Many a household is saddened by
death because of the failure to keep oil
hand a safe and absolute certain cure
tor croup such as One Minute Cough
Cure. Sec that j our little ones are pro
tected against emergency It. C. Dod
-8011. 451y
Postponing Proposed Peace Settle
ments Until After the
Hope the Americans Will Be Less Aggress
ive if the Vote Does Not Appear to
Sustain President McKin
ley's Administration.
A special dispatch from Washington
tells of the receipt of a cablegram
from Paris which indicates that the
Spanish representatives in the peace
commission have shown within the last
ten days a remarkable and significant
determination to postpone settlement
of all questions coming before the com
mission. They give different excuses
for not taking up certain matters
which have been hanging fire and
which could readily be disposed of
without forther delay. They are un
doubtedly living in hope that condi
tions will change and that they will b«-
in a better position than they are to
day to insist upon concessions which
the American commissioners do not
Intend to grant.
Spain's intentions in regard to the
Philippines are apparently indicated
by her action in dispatching the auxil
iary cruiser Buenos Ayres loaded with
arms and ammunition to Iloilo. Against
the expressed opposition of the United
States and in violation of the position
she herself assumes in the matter of
the dispatch of reinformements to the
American military and naval forces at
Manila, the Buenos Ayres was sent to
that point.
Rear Admiral Dewey has reported
the arrival of the Spanish auxiliary
cruiser at Iloilo. He adds that he la
reliably informed that she has on board
6,000 stands of rifles, 11 quick firing
guns and a large quantity of ammuni
tion for the use of the garrison at that
point. The Buenos Ayres will be re
tained at Iloilo for the purpose of at
tacking any insurgent men-of-war
which Aguinaldo may send to the isl
ands to the southward of Luzon.
Admiral Dewey several weeks ago
reported that the Spanish consul at
Singapore was expecting the arrival of
the Buenos Ayres. No action was then
taken by the administration for the
reason that when the Spanish govern
ment, through the French embassy
here, asked permission to send supplies
to the Spanish parrisons in islands
other than Luzon Mr. Moore, then as
sistant secretary of state, and now sec
retary of the American peace commis
sion, declined positively to permit what
he termed a violation of the peace pro
It should not be overlooked that al
though the Spaniards have left Porto
Rico, they have still 120,000 men under
arms in Cuba, more than the total
strength of the United States army.
They are. therefore, in a position to
give the United States trouble should
they determine to press their claims
for greatei consideration in the peace
It is believed in diplomatic circles in
Washington that the Spaniards are
counting up- n Democratic victories at
the polis next Tuesday in a number of
states liV- r ■ Xew York, Pennsylvania,
Ohio and lown. that are usually Re
public;! n. and that they will be
strengthened in their position by the
argument!' that the American people
do not .-•■• stain President McKinley in
the attitude of bis administration on
the i u-ions arising from the war.
Democ i a •:ucc. ss at the polls, with
the !•■ ■ I iss of congress, will not
only I. r ; President McKinley at
home, : • I;, serious trouble for h'm
and th > i< m people in the great
diploir ti ' utle that is to be fought
out in Paris.
The Political Conspirators' Latest
Move in the Senatorial
How Kdttors of Representative Re
publican Papers of Pennsylvania
Generally View the Attack uu .Sen
ator Quay.
As yet there is no evidence that im
plicates Senator Quay in wrongdoing
end the chances are that his enemies
have overplayed their game, in which
case a reaction is likely to set in that
will make Senator Quay stronger than
ever.—Reading Times.
As the case now stands it is a prose
cution for political effect, and Senator
Quay will lose none of his supporters
and his enemies will gain nothing.
Were the names of the prosecutors re
vealed it certainly could be shown that
their action was inspired by political
hate or personal spite.—Hazleton Sen
As the case now stands the Quay
forces will not be weakened to th# ex
tent of a single vote by reason of it.
To be effective the case must be strip
ped of all mystery and the prosecu
tors must come to the front and con
vince the people that the case is not
Volitieal in its character nor instigated
for political ends.—Wilkesbarre Record.
The bitterness of it grain of strych
nine can be tasted in 600,000 grains of
The Wyoming wool clip this year
weighed 14,000,000 pounds.
From New Zealand.
I am very pleased to state that since I
took the agency of Chamberlain's medi
cines the sale has been very large, more
especially of the Cough Remedy. In
two years I have sold more ot this par
ticular remedy than of all other makes
for the previous live years. As to its
efficacy, I have been informed by scores
of persons of the good results they have
received from it, and know its value
from the use of it in my own household.
Itjis so pleasant to take that we have to
place the bottle beyond the reach of the
children. E. J. SCANLEBURY.
For sale by L. Taggart Nov.
It takes 37 specially constructed and
equipped steamers to keep the sub
marine telegraph cables of the world in
The Best Plaster.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bound
onto the affected parts is superior to
any plaster. When troubled with a
pain in the chest or side, or lame back,
give it a trial. You are certan to be
more than pleased with the prompt
relief which it affords. Pain Balm is
also a certain cure for rheumatism. For
sale by L. Taggart. Nov.
Cuba's tobacco output this year will
be 50,000 bales.
Anxious Mother:
If one child has Diphtheria the rest
may have it. To prevent, check and
cure it, the best known remedy is Arm.
strong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops-
Mexico has had 55 presidents since
1821. Of these, 1G have died violent
The quick sure cure for all throat
diseases is Armstrong's Diphtheria
and Quinsy Drops.
Australian rabbit skins are being
converted into sealskins for the Amer
ican trade.
A Sure Sign of Croup.
Hoarseness in a child that is subject
to croup is a sure indication of the ap
proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse, or even after the
croupy cough has appeared, it will pre
vent the attack. Many mothers who
have croupy children always keep this
remedy at hand and find that it saves
them much trouble and worry. It can
always be depended upon and is pleas
ant to take. For sale by L. Taggart,
New theatres to be erected in Paris
will hereafter have to be approachable
from all sides.
Discovered by ft Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. '-Disease fastened its clutches
upon her and for seven years she with
stood its severest test, but her vital
organs were undermined and death
seemed imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly, and could not
sleep. She finally discovered a way to
recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, and was so much relieved on
taking first dose that she slept all night;
and with two bottles, has been absolu
tely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther
Lutz.' Thus writes W. C. Hamnick &
Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottle free at
L. Taggart's Drug Store. Regular size
50c and $1 00. Every bottle guaranteed.
Kangaroo tails have appeared again
in London. The shipment of 500 last
year was quickly sold for soup, as was
that of 1,000 tails this year.
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
Suffering humanity should be sup
plied with every means possible for its
relief. It is with pleasure we publish
the following: "This is to certify that
I was a terribie sufferer from Yellow
Jaundice for over six months, and was
treated by some of the best physicians
in our city and all to no avail. Dr.
Bell, our druggist, recommended Elec
tric Bitters; and after taking two bot
tles, I was entirely cured. I now take
great pleasure in recommending tliem
to any person suffering from this ter
rible malady. I am gratefully yours.
M. A. Ilogarty, Lexington, Ky." Sold
by L. Taggart Druggist.
The once vast tea trade of the Chinese
port <jf Amoy is decreasing so rapidly
that it seems likely to disappear alto
gether before long.
Ladies and gentlemen suffering from
throat and lung difficulties to call at
our store for a sample bottle of Otto's
Cure. We confidently recommend it
as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,
Consumption, and all diseases of the
throat and lungs. It will stop a cough
quicker than any other known remedy.
We believe it will cure you. Large
sizes 50c. and 25c. Sold by R. C. Dod
son. 33-15-ly
Great Excitement in Town.
Over the remarkable cures by the
grand specific, Bacon's Celery King,
which acts as a natural laxative, stim
ulates the digestive organs, regulates
the liver and kidneys and is nature's
great healer and health renewer. If
you have kidney, liver and blood dis
order do not delay but call at our store
for a free trial package. R. C. Dodson.
Large sizes 500. and 25e. 33-151y
The River Nile has a fall of only six
inches in 1,000 miles.
The sooner a cough or cold is cured
without harm to thesufferer the better.
Lingering colds are dangerous,a Hack
ing cough iti distressing- One minute
Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why
suffer when such a cough cure is with-,
in reach? It is pleasant to the taste.
R. C. Dodson. 451 v .l>
.l> •
An Australian sporting pa per records
a 90 foot jump by a kangaroo.
■ I PO Br ' Williams'lndian Pile
■f V ■ ■ L will curt' lilim .
m r**Bleeding and licliiiiL
■ I M Piles. It absorbs the tumors.
■ lailays the itching at one acts
■ ■ Hias a poultice, gives instant re
tg. I lief. Dr. Williams'lndian Pile Oint
■ ment is prepared for Piles and 1 teli
| ins of the private parts. Every box is
warranted. By drurfrists, by mail on re
ceipt of price. 50 cents ami sl,Oll. WM
MANUFACTURING CO., Props.. Cleveland, Oi.iu'.
For sale by R. C. Dodson.