2 CAMERON CODNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OR SUBSCRIPTION. CM »sar It 01 Itlllo tdTtnci.... 1 M ADVERTISING RATES: semen ts are published at the rate ot •a« doliar per square for one Insertion and fifty •eats par square for each subsequent insertion Rates by the year, or for six or three montha. arc low and uniform, and will be furnished on ••plication. Xe»nl and Official Advertlsln» per square, three times or less, *2; each subsequent inser tion i.O cents per square. Local notices 10 cent* per line for one lnser ■•rtlon; f> cents per line tor each subsequent ••executive Insertion. Obituary notices oyer flTe lines, 10 cents per Hae Simple announcements of births, nsar rlaies and deaths will be inserted free. Business cards, five lines or less, *5 per year; #rer tlve lines, at the regular rates of adver tising No local Inserted for lesa than 75 cents per Issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PKESS Is complete and s Surds facilities for doina thf best class of *rork PAHTICULAK ATTENTION PAIDTO Li* JPHINTING. No payer will be discontinued ntll arrear ues aro paid, except at the option of the pub lisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid (or in ail vai.ee. The trolley lias emancipatedithe car horse, and before many years will re lease the camel in Africa from his an cient thraldom. Steam and the elec tric current are powerful workers in the field of philanthropy. Gen. Denver, the man after whom the Colorado city was named, is still living-. It has been his good fortune to see his namesake expand from the status of a frontier village to the dignity of a hustling western city, with a popula tion of 170,000. The three prizes offered by the Cen tury company for the best stories writ ten by college graduates of 1597 have all been won by young women. In times of expansion the young men have to hustle in the production of history instead of romance. Theodore Camp, of Mount Vernon, N. Y., has been teaching school for over 62 years, and now, although in the eighty-first year of his age, is still energetic, and seems to have a deeper interest than ever in his class of boys and their studies. If Spain had only stopped to think that tliere are in this country 240.G'.»S public Gclioolhouses and 11,4Gj,370 chil dren in the public schools, it would have chosen some other antagonist. The difference in the men behind the guns began in the schoolrooms. The laborers who built the pyramids did not work under such disadvan tages as have long been attributed to them. Recent research shows that they had solid and tubular drills and lathe tools. The drills were set with jtwels and cut into the rocks with keenness and accuracy. William Barclay Parsons, the chief engineer of the American syndicate that is to construct a railroad between Hong-Kong and Han Kow, has sailed for China to look over the ground and Lave the preliminary surveys made. The line will be GSO miles long and will be strictly American made. The American scientists are anxious to undertake a botanical exploration of the island of Puerto Jlico, and an ex position has already been organized for the work. The Yankee is never easy in his mind until he knows all about the natural flora of every part of the country in which he lives and pays taxes. Observations made at tine Massachu setts agricultural experiment station show that 80 per cent, of the food oi the ungainly and' repulsive-looking toad is made up of insects injurious to agriculture. The toad is an especial enemy of the army worm, the cut worm, and greenhouse pests general ly, andidoes a lot of good in its modest •way. Germany maintains 40 commercial schools and l.'l textile schools as an aid to its manufacturing interests, and in this connection it is interest ing to note that during the past quar ter of a century that country has in creased its manufactures ten times. The fostering ofindustriesisoneof the prime necessities of a nation's prog ress. MissLotta Burns, famed as the "moth er of Klondike," having been the first white woman to live at Dawson, took her bicycle with her on her last tlip to that place. She had no sooner land ed in Dawson than scores of miners were bidding for it. The offers went tip until they reached S7OO, when a young man named McWilliams became the owner of the first wheel ever seen in the Klondike. A report comes hurtling down the pike from Havana that the Cubans are disposed to resist the United States au thorities. The further claim is made that the Spaniards would have pro longed the war indefinitely had they known the true condition of Shaffer's army. Those are interesting topics for country debating societies to wrangle over, but the probabilities are quite strong that both Cuba and Spain have had all the fighting they are likely to want fort he next 50 years. Three different ri uimendations as to the size at whirl *» regular army should be put will rt *v>ngress at its coming session, fro U quarters. Gen. Miles will say ttiy should number about one so Very 1.000 of the country's popul is would make the army numb Vooat Ihe present tin \ Set ;r will favor 75,000, and "'bail Sf the house military committee, will intro duce a bill calling for 100.000. A reg ular army large enough to meet, all the immediate needs of the nation will probab'y be provided. WHAT THE PARTY DESERVES The Republican* Have Won n «.ootl Claim 1 pon the People for Their Support. LittJ* more than a year ago the re publican administration and congress staked everything on the soundness of their conviction regarding the true remedy for business pros! ration. The second year of an administration al ways brings political low tide. If, added to that perennial tendency to ward reaction, there should be failure to perform the promises of the party, failure to discharge the chief duty for which it was intrusted with pow er, the public disappointment might he expected to produce reverses. To republican leaders the duty was then plain, and also the fact thai respon sibility would fall upon the party in pow r if the methods emplryed for the restoration of general prosperity should prove mistaken or insufficient. It was earnestly urged by the advo cates of various monetary theories that nothing could bring prosperity unless their theories were adopted. Some said that nothing would serve but free coinage of silver; others noth ing would answer but retirement of greenbacks and substitution of bank notes. without limit or with more or less freedom. The republican party be lieved the one thing necessary was lo restore protection of home industries and an adequate revenue, and with a full sense of its responsibility acted on that conviction. The state of business and of indus tries to-day shows how far this course has been justified. It is not necessary here to recapitulate well-known facts. Since June, 1897, the month before the nsw tariff was enacted, the volume of business throughout the country has increased more than $1,000,000,000 in a month, and has come to exceed by from ten to fifteen fier cent, the largest busi ness ever done at the same season in the most prosperous of past jears. The number of hands employed in the va rious industries has increased greatly —in the iron industry about a quarter, in some others more and in others less, but on the whole so largely that earn ings and expenditures of the working people have everywhere expanded more than was expected by the most san guine. Meanwhile heavy crops have also added to the prosperity of the mil lions of farmers and those dependent on them. The republican party would not be discharging its duties to the country if it did not earnestly appeal to the peo ple to uphold a national policy which has so completely surprised its adver saries and even surpassed the hopes of most of its adherents. It is not in or der to maintain that nothing else re mains to be done, that the public pros perity cannot be further promoted by reforms in the currency or elsewhere. But it is the duty of the party to show that the course it selected as the one necessary above all others has been abundantly justified by events, and it may with abundant reason claim that the party which has thus wisely dis charged its duty in the past shall be trusted to deal with other problems that may concern the general welfare. The right of the party to public con fidence and support has been greatly in creased by the honorable negotiations which preceded war and enlisted for the country the admiration of civilized jiations by the great foresight and en ergy of preparations for war which made it the shortest and cheapest struggle of modern history in propor tion to its vast results; bf the wise and resolute leadership which brought it to a victorious close, with the least ex penditure of lives and resources, and with such honor to American arms that the nation has taken a new place in the world. All this accomplished, in un wavering accordance with the pledges given in the platform upon which Pres ident McKinley was elected, deserves from the country hearty support for the president in completing the work and securing its results for the nation. Errors tliere have been, and no nation long without experience in war ever en tered upon an important struggle with out many mistakes; but the same fidel ity and wisdom which have brought the main result so quickly and so cheaply for the country may with reason be expected to apply without hesitation or needless delay those reforms which experience has shown to be necessary. The government, which has far sur passed ail expectations, both in do mestic and foreign emergencies, is not one which the people can with wisdom or fairness fail to uphold.—N. Y. Trib une. ItcneKndc Oeinocrnts. The country is still standing on its arms., waiting to see whether Spaiu will yield to its demands or force it iiito war again. Hut the democrats of New York refuse to discuss national affairs. They turn sullenly to"state issues." The national good or evil with which the situation is fraught is immeasurable; yet the New York dem ocrats deprecate considerat ion of that question and profess to be absorbed in"state issues." There is still before the country, kept there by renewed declarations for free silver on the part if nine-tenths of tlie democracy, a financial issue that the supporters of honest money say threatens national dishonor and commercial disaster, and the democracy says is the on'? national salvation. But the NewYoiH democrats slink from mentioning il, end say that "state issues" alone are properly before the public. Yet in this election there are to be chosen in the state of New York 34 members of the house of representatives, nearly a tenth of the house, and one of New- York's two senators. Was there ever so pusillanimous a flight from the po litical defense of a nation, as the party of the renegades sees it. or so shame faced an avoidance of a party's atti tude upon the great national ques tions?—N. Y. Sun. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1898. CHANCES IN CONGRESS. The Outlook for the Democrats Jo the Coiuliift Content In Mot Very Pronilnliitf. The Louisville Courier-Journal is a pretty earnest democratic newspaper. But evidently it«s Washington corre spondent has no hope of democratic success in the coining congressional contests. He has been looking the grout,ur merchant marine and of starting the ration on its new career of prog ress. The elemocratic party ignores all these and other kindred questions of national importance and ny.l silver that local issues of any kind dwarf into nothingness in comparison. Hence the shrewder of the democrats, who are for democracy before anel after everything else, lay low and cloud the fight with local issues. But tli« silverites appreciate the sit uation, as is shown by an extract from the paper owned and controlled by Senator Stewart, e>f Nevada. This frank paper, called the Silver Knight Watchman, says: "If it is the purpose of the democratic leaders In New York to weaken their op ponents this year by the defeat of stata Issues, and then in 1900 to place the demo cratic party of the Kniplre state in the thickest of the as marked out by the national convention, the result may prove their wisdom. There is nothing in the New York democratic platform which shows the slightest opposition to an-y portion of the Chicago platform, hut on the contrary, its declaration of contin ued allegiance to democratic principles ii» a substantial endorsement of the latest an nouncement eif these principles by ho national convention of 1896. It must not ba feirgotten that New York is the enemy's country, and that if he can be dislodged In that state by any method short of re nunciation of bimetallism pure and sVm ple, the friends of free coinage of both metals will then be in better condition for the great struggle of 1900." 'i' Wat presents the situation plainly. The democrats have not repudiated the silver heresies, nor will they. When the national convention meets the sil verites of the west and southwest will hold the balance of power and free sil ver will be in the platform in char acters good and plain. The safe way at present is to kill the issue at its horning. Fleet republicans all along the line, and especially republican congressmen. To do otherwise is to provoke discussions and meddling in the lower house, to the great detri ment of business everywhere. As a whole, democracy cannot handle national questions in a broad and itatesmanlike way. Better keep them out of power for another gen eration at least.—Cincinnati Commer cial Tribune. C~7"lt is intimated that if Col. Bryan secures his release from military du ties before election elay he might be induced to come te> New York to aid in the canvass of his friend, Judge Van Wyck. If he waits for the induce ment to be helel out. it is safe to say fliat lie will never come. The demo cratic managers, on the contrary, would goto any length to induce him to stay away in order that they may not b» embarrassed in their efforts to dedge national issues.—Troy Times. (DT.ound money, protection and ter* rito' ial expansion—these are the tlirce issues on which the republican party will win thi« year.—lndianapolis Jour nal. THE WEST HAS MOVED. Won I nnu Man In IV'ew York Objects to Former Geogrnpliieul Clu*- • llicatlon. "We of the east," said a New York man, "do not appreciate how the country has spread, as a result of the war with Spain, «9 our fellow-citizens in the west appreciate it. I was in the office of my hotel, near the counter, when a new arrival wrote his name arid town and said he wanted a front room with a private hath. My business keeps ma on the alert for people who live beyond th« Mississippi, and as soon as I could do BO with propriety I looked at the register and saw that the new arrival was from Helena, Mont. Then 1 made my advances by ask ing him how business was in the west. At that he flared and asked: " 'How do you know where I am from— what makes you think I am from the west'r' "1 explained that [ had looked at the reg ister, and in order to appease any suspicion on his part that I had a gold brick to dis pose of 1 handed him my card and apolo gized, for when you have done that to a western man he is yours. " 'But 1 am not from the west,' he pro tested. " 'You are from Montana?' I asked. " 'That's what; but you don't call Mon tana the west, I reckon,' he replied, with a combination of southern and western ac cent. "I said as mildly as I could that it was so classified in the geography I knew and ao re garded by people in the east. " 'Not since the war,' he replied. "For a moment I did not know where I was 'at.' Hut he came to my relief: "'I reckon you know we ve recently took the Sandwich islands in out of the wet?" "I acquiesced with proper American pride. " 'I reckon you know about that other is land, Luzon, or whatever they call it? That's just as good as ours as long as Dewey's there.' "I followed him in his enthusiasm, for it was infectious, and I assented. _ " 'Well, then,' he asserted as a clincher, 'if you want to know how business is in the west, you had better call up Honolulu or Manila. Strikes me, if there was no mis take made by Dewey—and I don't think there was—that Helena, Mont., comes pret ty nigh being in the middle of the United States as they lay at the present writing.' " —N. Y. A Jiocejunry Crimp. Celebrated Lawyer—Now tell me, hon est ly. did you rob that bank? Client (in disgirst)—Of course T did. Do yer s'pose I'd be able to retain yer if I didn't? —Harlem Life. Free Home* In \Ve*t* m rn Florida. There are about 1,000,000 acres of Gov eminent land in Northwest Florida, subject to homestead entry, and about half as much again of railroad lands for sale at very low rates. These lands are on or near the line of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, and Mr. It. •!. Wernyss, General Land Commis sioner, I'ensacola, will be glad to write you all about them. If you wish togo down and look at them, the Louisville &, Nash ville Railroad provides the way and the opportunity on the first and third Tues day of each month, with excursions at only $2 over one fare, for round-trip tickets. \Vrite Mr. ('. I'. At more. General Passen ger Agent, Louisville. Ky., for particulars. Advice (Inlrkly Taken. Physician—You are living too high. Patient—That's so;_ I've got to get ft cheaper doctor. —N. Y. Vim. Ever thus—heirs to aches and pains. St. Jacobs Oil's the doctor. Hi* Way. The Suitor—l love your daughter with all the intensity of my nature, sir. Her Father—Yes—same way you smoke cigarettes. After that, of course, nothing more could be said.—Chicago Evening News. A mixed pain has bruise and 6prain. St. Jacobs Oil cures the twain. Beauty is like a cooking stove —no good if the fuel gives out.—Chicago Daily News. ~ Scrofula Cured Sore on His Limb Had Troubled Him for Years. "I had a bad case of scrofula, and there was a sore on one of my limbs which trou bled me for three or four years. I saw Hood's Sarsaparillaso highly recommended for scrofula that 1 began taking it, and it has completely cured me. lam sound and well." CLARENCE L. DELAXEY, Waller, 111. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. It ; six for 85 Hood' S Pills cure sick headache, iloc. i ?Trylfoain-0 P"! i: Try Grain=o! | J J Ask you Grocer to-day to show you J < * a packagoof GRAIN-0, the new food ♦ < > drink that takes the place of coffee. X J J The children may drink it without J < * injury as well as the adult. All who ♦ } try it, like it. GRAIN-0 has that X J | rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, X < > but it is made from pure grains, and • 11 the most delicate stomach receives it X J J without distress. \ the price of coffee. J «► 15 cents and 25 cents per package. • J { Sold by all grocers. 2 \ J Tastes like Coffee £ J J Looks like Coffee T 4 > <9 o InsistthatjrourgrocerglvesyonGSAlN-O • J J Accept no imitation. y You'd rather have an Estey Organ of course, but you only have so much money. Row much ? Write and tell us. Estey Orqan Co., Vt. Top Snap g-feS KISH TACKLE C'om CHK"m'ihiili'till IS* G:>OWELUT'CIEMENTCO. Loadtr u.i IM IVN>TL ■vmjmumamtmttmaumaßmsaamr