Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 27, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Emporium, Pa., Oct. 19, 1898.
NEMOPHJLA, persack, |1 20
Graham " W>
Rye " 60
Buckwheat, " SO
Patent Mea1..,...." '0
Ooarse Meal, per 100, 90
Chop Feed, " "0
Middlings " 1 00
Bran, " 90
Corn, per bushel, 80
White Oats, per bushel 40
Choice Clover Seed, "1
ChoiceTimothv Heed, ! \t Market Prices.
Choice Millet Seed.
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, )
Contributions invited. That which you would
like to nee in this deportment, let uh know by poR
tnt card. or letter, personalty.
Will Auchu left for Elnrira, Tuesday,
on a visit.
Edwin Floyd, of Erie was in town
on Friday.
Chas. M. Thomas was on the siek
list a few days last week.
Ira Barclay, of Wharton, was in
Emporium on Friday last.
Leo Hayes, son of D. C. Hayes, is
seriously ill with scarlet fever.
Fred McVicker, of Driftwood, had
business in town this morning.
Mrs James J. Bailey has entirely re
covered from her recent illness.
W. A. Dalrymple is at the Quaker j
City attending the Peace Jubilee.
Ed Council, of Cameron, autograph- ;
ed at the Warner House, Sunday.
S. W. Nyce, of Bennett's Branch, j
was an Emporium visitor on Monday.
Mr. D. B. Johnson, of Sinnemahon- ■
ing was transacting business here to-day.
Wm. Seger came over from Smeth
port, to spend Sunday with his cousin Henry.
Mrs. John Catlin nee Ella Slagle, cif
Renovo is visiting her parents on Spring street.
Mr. Ed. Cook, of Olean, was shaking
hands with his Emporium friends the first of the
Henry Auchu and wife left for Phila
delphia Monday evening, to take in the Peace \
Mrs. Wamsley, of Ridgway, was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Flora Ryan, Friday and
Editor Bert Olson of the McKean
Miner was a guest at the Warner House, Moil
day night.
A. F. Redfoot and S. S. Miller, two
of IJriftwood's prosperous citizens were in town
on Saturday.
P. C. Foley, of the well-known firm
of Foley Brothers, of Olean, N. Y., transacted ;
business here on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Coppersmith, of:
Freeport, Armstrong county, Pa., are visiting !
their son Frank and lamily on east Allegany
L. Taggart and wife left for Phila- j
delphia Monday night, where Mr. Taggart will j
receive medical treatment.
Mr. C. H. Judd is seriously ill with I
typhoid pneumonia, at his home on Pine street.
Dr. Baker is attending him.
Ralph Stone, son of our distinguished ;
representative in Congress, C. W. Stone, was in
town Tuesday between trains.
Mrs. E. T. Osborn, who has been at
Charlevoix, Mich., the past season, is the guest
of her mother, Mrs. .J. M. Judd, oil Third street.
Mrs. Theo. Newton and Miss Lizzie
M ulcahy favored lis wit h a call Monday and Miss
Mulcaby changed the date of her paper to one
year ahead.
Henry G. Seger, of Chicago, spent
Sunday and Monday with his parents, at this
place. Henry reports business in the Windy
City tip-top.
Mr. C. E. Judd, representing the
Bradlord Building and I.oan Association, is in
Emporium this week for the purpose of organiz
ing a iocal board.
Alex. McDonnell and W. R. Robin
son are spending their vacation in Philadelphia,
where they will putin the time viewing the
sights of the big demonstration.
Mrs. Barclwell who has been spend
ing the summer with her step-son Dr. E. O.
Bardwell and wife, returned to her home at
Cainsteo, N. Y., Wednesday morning.
Mr. Thos. Gallagher, accompanied
by his wife, and neice, Miss Mazie Gallagher, de
parted on No. 4, Sunday night, for Philadelphia
to witness the grand demonstrations incident to
the Peace Jubilee.
W. G. Robinson, of Punxsutawney,
was the guest of his brother Charles on Thurs
day. Mr. Robinson is a member of the Fourth
Corps now located at Huntsville, Ala , and upon
the expiration of liisfurlough will leave for Cuba.
Mrs. C. Bliss has taken charge of the
Junction House and we bespeak for her a liberal
share of the patronage of the traveling public,
knowing that she will conduct this well known
hostelry in its usual up to date manner and ably
cater to the wants of her guests.
S. W. Nyce of Bennett's Branch was
in town Monday.
The many friends of P. R. Beattie
will be pleased to learn that he is slow
ly improving.
Miss Hannah Hanley of Shingle
House, Pa., is learning millinery with
Miss H. L. Raymond.
Lawyer J C. Johnson of Emporium
was in town on professional business
yesterday.—Port Allegany Reporter.
Miss R. Ellen Howells and Mr. Chas.
Davis two of Kane's popular young
people were united in marriage, Tues
day Oct. 18th.
Miss Ina Mable Sheadell of Keating
Summit and Mr. John Truman Beech
of Elmira, were married at the home of
the bride's parents on Wednesday, Oct.
Mr. I*rank J. Seel and Miss Anna
Blanch two of Renovo's highly esteem
ed young people are to lie married at
St. Joseph's church at that place on the
first of November.
Miss Anna G. Herrick, a sister of J,
P. Herrick of the Bolivar Breeze, has
been awarded a free scholarship in
Cornell University and will enter that
institution of learning the first of' No
vember. Miss Herrick is a vaduate of
the Bolivar high school the four
year scholarship was .n a compe
titive examination standing was
such that she v' admitted to the
I'niversity >■ staking any entrance
Beautiful Wedding at Keating Sum
j One of the prottiest weddings of theseason was
! witnessed at Keating Summit by about fifty
guests who assembled at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Heath on Wednesday, October 19tli.
j when their daughter Miss Ina Mabel Sheadell
was married to Mr. John Truman Beach of East
Smithfield, Pa.
The ceremony took place at five o'clock when
the bridal party entered during the rendition of
Mendelssohns' Wedding March by Miss Janet
Rose of Port Allegany. The groom and best
man entered and took their places under a prettily
decorated arch followed by the maid of honor,
and the bride leaning on the arm of her mother
who gave her away. The ceremony was perform
ed by Rev. G. N. (,'rotsley of the Methodist Episi
cop'il Church, of which the bride and groom are
both members.
The bride was beautifully attired in white silk
mul! and carried a bunch of bridt.s roses. The
groom wore the conventional black. The maid
of honor Miss Jessie Camp, of Port Allegany wore
white organdie over yellow and carried yellow
roses. The mother of the bride wore black satin
and carried pink carnations. The best man was
Mr. Gerald Bullock of Elmira, N. Y.
After congratulations the party was ushered to
the beautiful decorated dinning room where a
delightK 1 supper was served. After which the
happy pair . *»re accompanied to the station by
their friends v. ho expressed the extreme regret
of their departure by the regulation shower of
rice Ac. Mr. and Mrs. Beach left for a short trip
to Williatttsport, Elmira and other points. They
will be at home after November first, at East
Smithfield Pa. where Mr. Beach is engaged in
the mercantile business. Mr. Beach was former
ly connected with the Emporium Lumber Co.
of this place. He leaves a host of friends who
regret his departure. The bride is well known in
this vicinity not only for her musical talent but
her tact in making friends who wish them both
many happy day at the "Beach."
Among the out of town guest present were:
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sykes of Buffalo. Mr. and
Mrs, W. 8. Walker of Emporium, Mr. and Mrs.
Evan Jones of St. Marys, Pa. Mrs. Beach and
mother of East Smithfield, Pa. Mr. Bullock of
Elmira, the Misses Jessie Camp, Janet Uose.
Flora Lay and Mrs. J\ M. Coleman of Port A lie
gany. X
Don't Trade.
Republicans don't trade votes. It is
not necessary. Vote the straight Re
publican ticket. The victory is ours
and the enemy knows it.
Pressed Bricks.
Overcoat's in endless varieties, at N.
Our own make sausage and mince
meat now on sale at Day's.
The best meats and groceries. Satis
faction guaranteed at Day's.
"Honest Joe" says his record speaks
for itself. So does General Coxey's.
David Kaufman, of Lamar, Clinton
county, raised a sweet pumpkin on his
farm this season that weighed one
hundred and seven pounds, and was
six feet in circumferance.
No need of you experiencing that
disagreeable sensation, viz: wet feet,
when N. Seger can fit you out in the
best quality of rubber over shoes, at
your own price.
The subject for the illustrated sermon
in the Methodist Episcopal church for
next Sunday evening is "Contrasts Be
tween Time and Eternity." All are wel
The PRESS acknowledges the receip
of a neat little booklet entitled "Public
School Directory" of Potter connty. It
was issued from the office of the Potter
Journal and is a very attractive and
interesting little volume.
Charles Donahue, a well known con
tractor and builder,was terrible mangl
ed in the saw mill of the Rich Lumber
Co., at Granere, last Wednesday and
died in a few hours from the result of
his injuries.
At the close of the Teachers Institute
last Friday, county supt. Miss Anna
Bodler was presented with a handsome
gold watch»aiid chain by the teachers
of that county as a token of their high
esteem for her.—says the Potter Enter
Bradford gave Co. C a right royal
welcome on its return to the oil metro
polis Wednesday. Between 10,000 and
15,000 people turned out to do honor
to the lieroes cf Coamo. Bradford put
its best foot forward in her proverbial
hospitality Wednesday.
Mud slinging appears to be the favor
ite vocation ot some people "You
may fool the people part of the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all
the time," said Lincoln. In this cam
paign the smut machines have al
ready commenced to grind out the
usual doses of campaign filth. Having
no arguments to give why the candi
dates upon the Republican ticketshould
not be accorded the suffrage of the peo
ple, campaign lies of the vilest nature
iiave already started the rounds. Char
acter,homes,reputation—nothing stopst
Arrangements are being made at the
War Department to bring to this coun
try for burriial bodies of all the sol
diers of the American army who died in
Cuba, Porto Rico or the Philippines.
Congress made an appropriation of
§200,000 for this purpose and the execu
tion of the law has been placed in the
hands of the Quartermaster General,
with instructions to spare no effort or
expense. The present plans contem
plate the removal of the bodies of the
soldiers buried in Cuba and Porto Rico
as soon as the weather is cold enough
to justify such action. A ship wity be
fitted for the special purpose of trans
porting the bodies to this eountry.
From a Swedish American.
Editor Miner:—
I will vote for Hon. C. W. Stone for
Congressman; and, furthermore, I will
vote for every man on the Republican
ticket this fall, and I hope that all of
my countrymen in McKean county,
and in th 6 whole State of Pennsylvania,
will vote a straight Republican ticket
at the polls this fall. Don't split your
ticket, because we cannot afford to
lose anyone nominated on the Repub
lican ticket. We must not lose the two
branches of Congress this time through
any carelessness on our part to sup
port the party that governs the land
with sound principles To this party
1 we belong, and as we have declared
ourselves Republicans let us keep our
, word as men and vote the Republican
ticket at the election next November.
: Don't let any other party have the
1 glory of your vote this fall.
I hope every man will do his duty
this fall and elect the whole Republi
can ticket."
Smethport, Pa , Oct. 12, 1898.
McKean Miner.
It Was a Boomerang.
The publication of the alleged action
of Mays Post, G. A. R., relative to the 1
appointment of a postmaster at Frank
lin, together with the gross misrepre
sentations ofCongressman C. W. Stone j
in connection therewith, has acted as j
a "boomerang," returning upon the !
perpetrators and causing a feeling of
indignation among the members of the
Post and veterans generally, through
out the county, who feel that the fair j
fame and name of the organization i
was dishonored and prostituted by a
small coterie of individuals for politi
cal purposes, who violated the most
solemn obligations and vows taken by
each member of the Grand Army of
the Republic, in order to carry out
their scheme. The demand is vigor
ous for an investigation by leading
members of the Post to ascertain de
finitely the names of the men who
violated their oaths in publication of
false statements in the name of the
organization, and the case will prob
ably be called to the attention of the j
State Department of the G. A. R.
The whole despicable job was gotten
up for the solo purpose of influencing
and prejudicing veterans against Hon.
C. W. Stone, the Republican nominee 1
for Congress, whose devotion and
industry in their behalf in the matter ;
of securing pensions and every other
interest and request presented to him j
for consideration has deserved'y won !
for him their regard, confidence and j
respect. No veteran ever applied in j
person or by letter to Charles W. Stone j
for assistance that it was not cheer- j
fully rendered. All letters received j
from veterans were promptly answered i
by him, and every request was granted. ;
Mr. Stone was never too busy to at- 1
tend to all demands made upon his J
time and services for the veteran
soldiers. A multitude of soldiers not I
only in this county and Congressional
district, but throughout the State, can
boar testimony to the truth of this
statement.—Franklin (Citizen-Press.
Will Drill Two Wells.
Mr. Josiuh Howard informs us that j
he will d.ill two wells on the park in
front of his resident';! on west Fourth
street, with the In. poof finding gas
enough to heat and illuminate his resi
dence. The machinery from the Gaskill
well is being transferred to .lonic, "'irk
and operations will be commenced .. u
few days.
Special Notice.
Special sale of ladies' and children's
hats, all this week, to make room for j
Holiday goods now arriving. Handsome j
pillow tops as low as 25c. each. New I
line of art linens just received, at Mrs. |
Hindwell's, opposite Warner House.
Last Land Sale.
County Treasurer \V. L. Thomas de
sires to announce that the last land sale I
will take place on the 1 -Ith of November j
and all lands on which taxes have not
been paid, will be sold that day.
Political Lies.
A political lie circulated on the eve of
election carries no weight and never fails
to react with bad effect on the party or
parties who tell it, but a political truth
always carries conviction.
Oyster Supper.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian church >
will serve an oyster supper on Thursday,
Nov. .'Sid. at the home of .Mr. A. Hock
ley, Fourth street, opposite Kink. 1
< lysters served in all styles.
Somewhat Conceited.
That Joe Sibley has a fond desire to j
refer constantly to himself when on the j
rostrum was plainly evidenced by the j
length of time he spent talking about "one I
eyed politicians," last Thursday evening. !
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leut/.e take this |
method of expressing their deepest grati- j
tude to the many friends who so kindly I
assisted them during their late bereave- j
Pratt's Food.
For horses, cows, pigs, sheep, poultry;
the best known regulator of the day. It
makes them well and keeps them healthy.
For sale at Day's.
Cow for Sale.
A good fresh milch cow for sale. For
particulars inquire of
Robt. E. Dkvling, j
Sterling Run.
Seed Wheat.
Mr. L. G. Cook has several varieties
of seed wheat for sale, samples of
which may be seen at Walker's hard
ware store. 25tf
History will tell about "Dewey" |
Hobson, Sampson and Americans pro- ,
tecting themselves from serious throat j
diseases by using "Armstrong's Diph- j
theria and Quinsey Drops." The
greatest throat remedy in the world.
Sold by druggist, R. C. Dodson. 61y
The New York Democrats refuse to
have anything to do with the Chicago
platform, and the refusal is not based
on jealousy of Chicago, either.
Three Doctors in Consultation.
From Benjamin Franklin.
"When you are sick, what you like
best is to be chosen for a medicine in
the first place; what experience tells
you is best, to be chosen in the second
place; what reason (i.e., Theory) says
is the best to be chosen in the last place.
But if you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr.
Experience n,, d Thr. Reason to hold a I
consultation together, they will give ;
you the best advice that can be taken." j
When you have a bad cold Dr. In- .
clination would recommend Chamber- !
lains Cough Remedy because it is I
pleasant and safe tq take. Dr. Ex
perience would recommend it because j
it never fails to effect a speedy and !
permanent cure. Dr. Reason would 1
recommend it because it is prepared on j
scientificprinciples, and acts on natures ;
plan in relieving the lungs, opening 1
the secretions and restoring the system I
to a natural and healthy condition. For |
sale by L. Taggart. Oct.
Our school opened again last Mon
Milfred Bliss spent Sunday with his
; parents.
Miss Ethel Waddington is staying at
Mrs. Hillard's.
Arthur Norton came home Sunday
i to visit friends.
Charley Welch was a visitor to Em
porium on Tuesday.
Mrs. Martin Lawson was a visitor to
St. Marys on Friday.
Mrs. Hopkins and daughter are visit
ir,, e county seat.
Miss Effie Bliss, of West Creek, spent
Sunday with her parents.
Mrs. Fisher and daughter were St.
Marys visits on Friday.
Miss Carrie Spay made a flying trip
to the county seat Tuesday.
Louie Norton was blowed back to
town in that large storm last week.
Mr. J. Hobson has been doing mason
work for F. X. Blumle, of Emporium.
Wm. Tiiomas and our next Associate
Judge, passed through our city, Mon
Mrs. Mike Hillard fell and dislocated
her knee At this writing she is much
; better. »
Martin Lawson looks ten years
| younger since he took that ride in the
| little red car.
T. VVaddington, of Emporium, was
! seen passing through our streets with
| three nice birds, last week,
j Geo. Taggart and Will Mundy, two
i of Emporium's mighty hunters, were
1 seen in our woods last week.
The inspection car, loaded down
with a lot of jolly section foremen, pass
ed through our city Thursday.
Mr. Fred Norton, manager of the
! Norton farm, had a large force of men
j threshing his buckwheat last week.
There was a special train run from
j the section house to Emporium Satur
day eve, in charge of Charley Welch.
Our farmers have suspended work
and can be seen on every fence corner,
waiting for candidates and their cigars.
Chas. Shafer, democratic candidate
for county treasurer, was hunting
voters and passing around the Havanas
on Monday.
W. C. Heath and C. M. Kresge are
| putting a telegraph line from the Post
Office to Mr. Kresge's home, a distance
jof of a mile.
Henry Weidner has a smile as long
j as a fence rail all on account of that 16
| pound girl that arrived at his home on
i Saturday evening.
Postmaster Heath has had an experi
enced architect instructing him in the
I many changes he is making in the
Postofffee department.
We have a would-be hunter who
j shot six times at a bird and didn't even
! make him change his position. A pair
i of leather glasses would come in handy.
We understand that Fred Norton, an
old-time Republican, is coming out in
the spring for road supervisor. Ho is
worthy of it and would make an excel
lent official.
Mason Hill.
David Ives took in the sights at
| Medix Run on Sunday.
Walter Hair came down from Medix
I and spent Sunday at home.
Quite a number of people of this place
attended tlie lectures at Driftwood last
| week.
Contractor W. l r . Barr, of Mix Run,
j was seen in our burg last Tuesday.
A butcher from Potter county bought
! a fine lot of cattle here last week.
Chas. Barr contemplates moving to
j his farm in Oklahoma in the near future.
Clarence Miller attended the lecture of
! of Jos. (J. Sibley at Emporium on Thurs
| day ni<;lit.
C. W. Williams has just harvested a
| fine potato crop.
Miss Cora Russell.of Sinnemahoning, is
j visiting friends at this place.
Mrs ('. L. Williams, of Huston Hill,
was the <_'uest of her sister, Mrs. Lane,
last week.
Ituss llussel W. U. Ilarr s efficient
bookkeeper, of Mix llun, was home over
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Bailey, of Sinne
mahoning circulated among friends here
on Sunday last.
George Lane formerly of this place,
but now a tonsorial artist of Renovo was
j the guest of his father J. W. on Sunday.
Albert Jordan, of Huntley, attended
church here on Sunday.
Candidate for Representative, Dr.
Smith was in town one day last week,
patching up his political fence.
Revs. Fuller and Sibley of the Wcsley
j an M. E. are making a protracted effort
|at this place in the interest of their
! "Father's business." It is to be hoped
| that some of the old sinners may be
| made to see the error of their wicked
ways. Dinu.
Chas. Morton, of Huling, W. Va., was
in town Monday.
John Snyder, of St. Marys, was in
town Sunday.
F. R. Lininger is visiting friends at
St. Marys.
E. C. Council left for Philadelphia
j Monday, where he will attend the Jubilee.
Geo. Morton and wife, of First Fork,
are visiting E. F. Comley and family, of
this place.
Jim Snyder moved his family to St.
I Marys, where he is working in the yard.
Ed. Wykoff, of Austin, is visiting his
■ parents Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wykoff, at
this place.
Mrs. John Libby and family, of Sterl-
I ing Run, was the guest of her daughter,
Mrs. M. L. McConnell, a few days last
j week.
Wm. Wykoff has finished up his job
| at Bailey Run, and moved his family back
' to this place the first of the week.
County Institute.
The* most successful institute this county ever
had, opened at 1:30 p. m. Monday, October 17th.
1898. and closed Friday at noon.
During the week the following educators gave
efficient instructions in their various subjects:
! I)r. Martin (J. Benedict, of State College, took
up, and very ably discussed, the following subjects
during the week: "Methods of Studying the
Mind,,' How to Use, How to Abuse the Memory,"
Spelling; Its Place in the Public Schools," and
j "Man is Hidden in the Heart and Not in the
i Head." On Wednesday his address to directors
was appreciated by all.
In his course oi talks, Dr. Benedict showed us
that we stud," w ~chology everyday and that the
I best place to study that branch of science is in the
I school room.
! Dr. Lincoln Hulley, of Buckncll University,
j gave several very interesting and instructive
I talks on"The Adoption of the Constitution." He
1 showed that "The Essential Things in U. S. His
j tory" could be very profitably centered around
ten important dates. After hearing Dr. Hulley
we are sure that the history of a country depends
largely upon its geography. The Doctor's address
to directors was of great interst.
Mi.-s Katherine Sweet, of Canton, read papers
on "Oratory," and"The Need of Physical Cul
ture." which was interestingas well as highly in
structive. The applause of the audiene showed
tha her "Headings" were appreciated.
Prof. It. D. Owen, of New York, very ably con
ducted the musical department of the institute,
as well as giving instructions in the rudiments
of music. Miss Myrtle Smith presided at the
piano and rendered able assistance.
; Prof. H. F. Stauiler's discussion on "Child
Study" was thorough and showed that he is
familiar with child nature. He also gave a very
plain interpretation of the Compulsory school
| law.
! Prof. S. D. Fess, of Ada, Ohio, in his instruc
tion in Literature is line, He makes two divi
! sionsof the results in the study of literature.
Ist. Many study Literature merely for the infor
mation thus gained; 2nd. The most important
result to be attained is Power. The talk on
j History Thursday afternoon showed deep in
j sight on that subject.
I Supt. T. A. Roberts, of the P. K. It. gave an in-
I teresting talk to the directors on Wednesday.
| Resolution*, It is with pardonable pride that
| your committee on Resolutions would call the at
tention of teachers and Patrons to the present
1 efficiency of the schools of Cameron county.
Your Committee would also bring to mind the
tendency toward greater excellence under the
supervision of our superintendent, and it is en
couraging to look forward to what may be done
in the future if the three educational forces, Sup
erintendent, Teachers, and Patrons work toge
ther in harmony.
We believe the Teachers of Cameron county
are intelligent, progressive, energetic and fully
awake to their responsibility, and as a teaching
body, in Institute assembled, we would express
our views and record our opinions concerning
certain Educational laws that concern 11s and
our professions. Therefore be it
Resolved— that we, teachers ol'Cameron county,
express our sympathy with and give our endorse
ment and recommendation to the following laws;
First —The Compulsory School L**w. We re
cognize in this law, an instrument L. which we
can reach a class of pupils hitherto beyond our
Second— The law with reference to the estab
lishing of Township High Schools. We recog
nize in this law the best means of spreading
higher education and therefore of ma King oui
puplic school system more complete. As Teach*
ers we would urge Ho»-Directors to make
provisions for High Schools throughout our
county. Be it further.
Resolved —That the interest manifested in the
Public Schools by the Legislature demands our
thanks, and we would respectfully pray a con
tinuation of the same liberal policy.
That music is an important factor in Education
and its importance should be recognized by its
being placed by law upon the same standiug as
the common English branches.
That a teachers duties, a teachers responsibil
ity, and the debt he ows to the profession de
mands that lie be progressive. To be progress
si ve a teacher must study, and, therefore, we as
an institute would urge the teachers of Cameron
Co. to procure the professional works adopted by
the institute, and make those works their own.
Be it further,
Resolved:— That we express our thanks to our
instructors, for the efforts they have put forth
in our behalf. To Miss Frank Huntley and Miss
Myrtle Smith who have entertained us so highly
To the people of Driftwood for the-ir cordiality
co-operation, and successful efforts in making
our stay in Driftwood pleasant and beneficial.
Especially would we express our appeciation of
the tireless energy of our County Supt., Miss Col
linn, in providing the very best day instructors,
and eveningentertainments. and we further voice
our appreciation of her devotion to the educa
tional interests of Cameron county. Signed.
Last Five-Day Personally-Conducted Tour via
Pennsyl\ania Railroad.
The last of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company's five-day personally
conducted tours from Buffalo, Erie,
Pittsburg, and principal intermediate
points, to Gettysburg and Washington,
will leave November 7.
Round-trip tickets, including trans
portation, Pullman berths in each di
rection, hotel accommodations and
carriage drive over the battlefield at
Gettysburg, and hotet accomodations
at Washington—in short, all necessary
expenses—will be sold at rate of $25.00
from Suspension Bridge, Buffalo, Roch
ester, Syracuse, and intermediate sta
tions on the New York Central and
Hudson River Railroad; $24.00 from
Elmira; $25.00 from Erie and Corry;
$21.50 from Williamsport; $23.00 from
Pittsburg and west of Altoona, and
proportionate rates from other points.
Tickets will also be good to return on
regular trains until November 17, but
without Pullman accommodations.
Descriptive itineraries and full infor
mation can be obtained of Tickets
Agents; B. P. Fraser, Passenger Agent
Buffalo District, Buffalo, N. Y.; F.
Palmateer, City Ticket Agent, 11 East
Main Street, Rochester, N. Y-; E. S.
Ilarrar, Division Ticket Agent, Will
iamsport; Thos. E. Watt, Passenger
Agent Western District, Pittsburg; or
Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pass
enger Agent, Philadelphia.
Reduced Rates To Philadelphia via Penn
sylvania Railroad, Account of Peace
For the grand Peace Jubilee at Phila
delphia, October 26 and 27, the Pennsy
lvania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets from all ticket stations
on its line, to Philadelphia, at rate of
single fare for the round trip (minimum
rate, 50 cents). Tickets will be sold
and good, going, October 24 to 27, and
returning leaving Philadelphia to Oc
tober 31, inclusive.
This jubilee will be one of the great
est events in the history of Philadel
phia. The rededication of Independ
ence Hall, recently restored; the un
veiling of the Great Equestrian Monu
ment, Fairmount Park; a monster civic
and industrial parade, and a grand
military and naval pageant, led by
General Miles and other distinguished
heroes of the late war, will be promi
nent features. The President and his
Cabinet will also be present.
For the accommodation of persons
desiring to witness the evening cere
monies and return the same night,
special late trains will be run from
Philadelphia to the principal cities on
each division each night.
Dr. Bull'sC JUgh Syrup prevents con
sumption. One-(lfth of the deaths in
cities is from consumption, caused by
neglected colds. Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup always cures colds.
Everyone who has diphtheria, croup,
quinsy, catarrh or sore throat, can pos
itively and speedily be cured by
Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly
Coin Harvey refuses to withdraw
himself from circulation, although
many Democrats revilis him for taking
charge of the cash icgister.
CURES { FKVEIIS * Lung Fever. Milk Fever.
CURES 1 *PISAI.\S, Laments*. Kheumati-iiii.
j(Ol'fllis, Cold*. influenza.
Brllyarhe, Diarrhea.
G.t;. Prevent* MIKCAItItI AGE.
CORES i MA! * OE ' Kk '»
CURES j BAD '-'OXMTIOY, Stnrina Coat.
CUc. each; Stablo Case, TOM Specifics, Book, &r\, $7.
At druKKi*t* or prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William & John
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
No. £2B, in use over4Q ycary, the only
successful remedy.
$1 per vial,or 5 vials and lartrc vial»powder,forss
Sola by Druggists, or scut post-paid on receipt of price.
lICMPUUCVb'UED» CO., Cor. William U JuUr Ms., .New York
Mothers, when your children are at
tacked by the dreadful croup, you
need not despair; Dr. John W. Bull's
Cough Syrup will relieve and cure
this disease at once. You can always
depend on this marvelous remedy; it
never fails to cure. For whooping
cough and rneasle-congh it is the best
remedy in the land. Children like it.
Dough Syrup
Will cure Croup without fail.
Doses arc small and pleasant to take. Doctors
recommend it. Price 25 cents. At all druggists.
Jtfedal and 1/igHeit Auard at World * Columbian Exposition
BEST SET WORKS IN THE WOULD. Warranto.! the bent
made. Shingle Mill*. Machinery, ami Stnrnlar'l Agricultural
Implement* of lie»t Quality at lowest prices. lllus. Catalog.
\ \ n \ \: Vs. \ \ \ \ \ \ /
; Clothing. ;
/ /
/ IF you need a fall suit or /
' overcoat, you certainly
want your money togo /
/ as far as possible and
x want the very best for /
/ the money. /
/ /
/ I have just returned from /
Rochester where I have /
purchased a line of /
floods such as has never
/ been equaled in Cam
' eron county. Do not /
/ fail to look over our /
/ elegant line before you /
/ buy. /
| j
/ /
I $9 Overcoats.
$ ✓
/ Our all-wool overcoats /
/ are beauties. /
z $8 and $9 Suits. /
All-wool men's suits andy
% $5 and $6 suits for men 112
% nearly all-wool. 112
i JIN J. lit ?
/ /
( Opposite Post-ofllce, Emporium, I'a. /
1 I