WITHOUT RESULT. Another Session of Peaeo Commissioners is Held. SPANIARDS' ARGUMENTS. For Two Hours and a Half Dons Talked About Cuba's Debt. AMERICANS DIDN'T BUDGE. Wuxblngtmi Official* Have Come to the Conclusion that It Will be Impossible for All of the Spantnh Soldiers to Evacuate Cuba by December l*t. Paris, Oct. 22.—The joint session of the peace commissions yesterday last ed from 2p. m.to 4:30 p. m. During this time the commissioners discussed the second series of written arguments put forward by the Spaniards for the purpose of prevailing* upon the Anieii can commissioners to assume the Cuban debt. No definite conclusion ■was reached and the commissioners adjourned until Monday, when the Cuban question will again be discuss ed. Tt is pro Viable that this feature of the negotiations will be disposed of next. ■week. Thus far there have been seven joint sessions, four of which have been de voted to the discussion of the first ar ticle of the protocol. In this manner two weeks have passed and no result Ims been reached. The American com missioners have listened to all the ar guments of the Spaniards, but they have not changed the position which they first assumed, in refusing to take over the Cuban debt. Washington. Oct. 22.—1t is now certain that the complete evacuation of Cuba will lie delayed beyond the period originally fixed by the adminis tration. Tliis will follow without reference *o anything that has oc curred in Paris before the peace com mission. The war department lias sat isfied itself that the task imposed upon the Spanish authorities, namely, the removal and transportation to a great distance bv sea of about 120.000 soldiers, sick and well, with their ac coutrements. was beyond the ability of the Spaniards. The magnitude of the task is shown by the fact that the great trans-Atlantic steam lines cross ing the Atlantic from New York, all combined, in prosperous seasons, transport only about 50.000 persons in one year —less than half the number that the Spanish officials, with their poor facilities, were expected to trans port in about ten weeks. Del a v in the evacuation of Cuba will cause a delay in the relinquishment of sovereignty by the Spaniards over the entire island, which was set for Decem ber 1. It is hardly deemed prudent to undertake to assume charge of the municipal affairs of Havana so lonjy as tfie city comtains a strong garrison of Spanish troops, and it is felt that law and order could be better main tained in such centers by allowing them to remain under Spanish Juris diction until they are evacuated by the troops and reoccupied by United States troops. It is not to be. understood from this that the American military commission is in any sense abating* the pressure it has brought to bear upon the Spanish military commissioners t<\ secure the evacuation of the island and the relinquishment of Spanish sovereignty. On the contrary they have redoubled their efforts to secure these objects, but are not disposed to in-ist upon the performance of im possible tasks. A Jlebelllon In the Tra *v tal "Pretoria. Oct. 22.—Serious trouble Is brewing with the Maputo tribe, south of the Limpo river. The natives re cently massacred a Lutheran mission ary and his family at the town of Zoutpansberg and the Transvaal gov ernment sent an expedition to punish them. Chief Opefu with 20.000 follow ers fully armed, and four cannons sup plied by white traders, has attacked the laager. Heavy fighting is proceed ing 1 . The ultimatum of the command ing officer of the Transvaal troops, Gen. .Toubert, demanding an uncondi tional surrender, was ignored by the tribesmen and lie has summonded 3,000 burgdiers to reinforce the 5.000 now in the field. Strsini;l" m 112. Dili nth, Minn., Oct. 22.—Three men were killed here Friday by an explos ion of dynamite. They were working on the government canal blowing' up an old hulk. Knjoined. Chicago, (let. 22. Writs of tempor ary injunction were served Friday oil ;U railroad ticket brokers. The peti tions upon which the injunctions were granted set forth alleged fraudulent dealing's of the brokers in one-fare round-trip tickets. Seven railroads pe titioned for the injunction. War Sentiment lii«rea»ea. Paris, Oct. 22. During the last 4S hours the sentiment of the people lno undergone a change and the feeling in favor of war with Kngland has in creased in a remarkable degree. Tht attitude of the press is defiant. IT IS SPAIN'S NEXT MOVE. BMlrn at K*erjr Stag* In the lomatle <»ani« She AHKH ft> r and IH iilveu » ISrlwf llreathlns Spell. Paris, Oct. 20.—The Spanish peace commission was unable to meet the United States peace commission at the joint session arranged for Wednesday and the next meeting of the two com missions has been fixed for Friday. Judge Day received a communica tion in the morning from Senor Kios, president of the Spanish commission, saying' that advices expected but not received from Madrid made it neces sary for himself and his colleagues to request a postponement of any further conferences until Friday. A courteous reply was returned by Secretary Moore, on behalf of the American com missioners. granting an extension of the time of the next meeting as re quested. While the deferring of any one conference for two days is not in itself an important request, the de lay by the Spaniards at this juncture is something more than significant. The game of diplomacy now progress ing here has reached a stage which makes it necessary that the next move be made by the Spanish commission ers. They are confronted by the plain fact of their protocol agreement to relinquish and evacuate Cuba without "ifs," "ands" or "buts." The assigned reason for the request for delay is believed to have been to allow an interchange of communica tions with Madrid and to formulate a final attitude on the Cuban matter. The tone during the last four days of the Spanish and French press is sig nificant of widened confidences by the Spaniards as to t lie attitude they have assumed in the negotiations here, and the recurring assurances of Spain's desire for arbitration may have had a meaning. The Spaniards may not have sought to promote sympathy, but had they desired to lay down n basis upon which to set up a plea to Europe to prevent what it is sought, to present as her ravishment, the surface indica tions could not have been more favor ably disposed for that purpose than they have been. WAR CLOUDS GATHER. Sir Michael ISearli, Chancellor of tlio Kichequer* Thrown Down tlie tiauiitlet to Franca —The r lllair Is. Taylor, surgeon in charge of the general military hospital here, and Rev. Orvillo J. Xave, chaplain of that institution. Dr. Taylor said he had in the begin ning of the camp's history had con siderable difficulty rn getting requisi tions filled, although he had hail no difficulty in getting them approved >.v the authorities at Washington. One requisition made on May 10 and another on June 24 had not been en tirely filled until very recently. ljev. Xave said he had visited every patient who had been in the hospital and that he had never heard a single complaint from n man who was possessed of his reason, while on the contrary he had heard many expres sions of gratitude and commendation for the excellent conduct of the hos pital. Mr. Xave expressed the opinion that in the conduct of military hospitals there was too little care of the clothes and other property of patients. "In a word the thieving which has been going on and the petty pecula tions which have been practiced upon soldiers" said he. "oftentimes by their comrades, has been one of the saddest features of the war." ON A WAR FOOTING. A Portion of 11>•» French Army l» K««tly to Take the Field—Marcliaii lt«n>ort Rfwlvwl in I'arlx. Paris. Oct. 2:2. Maj. Marchand's re port, telegraphed from Cairo, has been received here. It does not mention the arrival at Fashoda of Gen. Kitchener and only gives an account of the inci dents of xpedition, with an elab orate description of the route followed, the points occupied, the lnaner of oc cupation and the raising of the flag over Fashoda. The Temps publishes a dispatch from Nantes saying that the Fourth battalion of the infantry regiments, comprising the Twenty-first division, with headquarters at Nantes, has com pleted its war equipment. Each man has received 120 rounds of ammunition and his camp outfit and the officers of the four regiments of that division have been supplied with revolver cart ridges. The division is now in readi ness to march when ordered and it is believed these troops are intended for coast defense. ON THE ROCK OF AGES. Steamer Chinholm Wrecked Near I«le Hojnlfl-ThA Crew Saved. Port Arthur, Ont., Oct. 22. —The steamer Dixon has arrived here with six of the crew of the steamer Henry Chisholm, who were picked np in a yawlboat by the Dixon off Isle Uoyale. The Chisholm left Dulnth Sunday evening with the schooner John Mar tin in tow. Monday afternoon, when off Keewenaw point, the Martin cut •the t.ow line and was soon lost to view, as the weather was thick and the wind blowing a gale. The Chisholm cruised about, until Thursday morning trying to find the missing schooner, but with out success. Thursday morning, while trying to enter Washington harbor, at the southwest end of Isle Uoyale, the steamer struck the Rock of Ages. The crew of If> men abandoned their boat and reached fsle Koyale in safety. The Chisholm is owned by M. A. Brad ley, of Cleveland, and is worth $70,000. Dewey llu«n*t Ile>ir«l of the C'apturea. Washington, Oct. 22. —A telegram was received Friday by the secretary of the navy from Admiral Dewey at Manila, saying that the collier Nero arrived at Taku on the 10th with her coal on fire and suggesting that she be sent home. Admiral Dewey said nothing with regard to the capture of any more ships belonging either to the Spaniards or to the insurgents, or at least, if he did, the officials of the de partment will not admit it. THE MARKETS. Finnncta!. New Yor!<, Oct. 22. —Money—On call per cent. Prime mercantile paper 3V«'o days. Government bonds steady. (iritir, Provisions HIHI f.ive Stock, Flour Minnesota patents $4.00(2/4.33. Wheat- No 2 red 77% c. Corn No. 2 at 38% c. Oats -No 2 at 29c. Butter Western creamery 15tf»23c. Cheese Large white S%c, small white 3c. Eggs Western 20c. Cleveland. Oct. 22. —Flour—Winter wheat, [latents, 7'Wo 4 00. Wheat No 2 red 70c. Corn No 2 yellow, in elevator. 36c. <>ats No. 2 white 28V-»c. lUitter Western creamery 22 1 -V"23e. Cheese York state 10c, Ohio c. Potatoes- Per bushel 40^145c. Kggs Strictly fresh 17(« ISc Cattle Choice steers $ I'•()(% 4.75. fair to good $1 % >&< a 1 50. ralves *5 77.mW ~0 Sheep Choice $4 00tfM.25, fair to good $3.50'" 3.7.". lambs $5 20w5 30 Hogs Yorkers $3 sO«3 85, pigs $3 40r«3 00. Chicago. Oct. 22 Wheat—October 66% c. Corn - October 3P<»c. ()ats (>ctober 22V*fo22 i /*c. Pork October *7 92 I ,ard * )ctober S 1 95. Ribs—(October $5 35 Hoes Yorkers $3.90. light $3 50(r'i 3.95, heavy $3.45tf>3 97 1/ -. Cattle Beeves S4.(Wo 5 70. cows and heifers $2 4 75. stockers S3 orv#» 4.T.0 Sheep Lambs $4.r». fair 9<'W/i J r,M. Prime mediums s3.9& -*.*>s, common M0 >3.50, choice lambs $5 ftVas 7'). Toledo. Oct 22. Wheat No. 2 cash 70Vfec. Corn No. 2 mixed 32 , -c. Oats N 3 mixed 2'.! , «»c. Clover Seed Prime cash $4.55. Oil 1 'nchanged. Cincinnati. Oct 22 Hogs—Active at $3 lOiJ 3.95. Cattle at S2 ~QOi 1 S5. Sheep Weak at $2.25*»4.00. lambs $4.0:)fi5.40 Oil !>liirl<<*t. Oil City, Oct. 22 Credit balances SI.IS. Ccr tificates closed at $1.19% bid for cash. FOR THE BETTER. A Change in Business Con ditions is Noted. GOLD FOR THIS COUNTRY. European Financiers are Puzzled to Find Enough of It. THREE-CENT RISE IN WHEA'I A Hettfr Demand Is I ImerviMl for C.'otton und Woolen Manufacture* —(lesitatlon In the Iron anil Meol Trade ltecaune of Un certainty ICegurtliiiK Combination!*. New Vork, Oct. 22.—1t. G. Bun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says: With growing foreign litical uncer tainties abroad. While Kurope waits for the outcome between England and France about tin' I'pper .Nile, the financiers of European countries are trying to force upon each other the burden of providing cash for the enor mous demands of the 1 nited States. ICnglanil has so managed as to make France and Germany send most of the gold, and the resulting war of ex changes between foreign nations checks for the moment the movement of gold this way. et these and all other causes do yot so far hinder busi ness as to prevent an excess over the most prosperous of previous years. I he exchanges through all clearing houses for the past week have been 0 percent, larger than last year and 1.7 per cent, larger than in 1H92. but outside Xew York for the week transactions were smaller than in 1892. The outgo of wheat staggers all prophets of disaster, but while the price has advanced three cents at the west, the rise would have been much greater but for the feeling that the enormous foreign demand may not last. While cotton spiners have agreed upon a selling' agency and a curtail ment of prod net ion, there is a better demand for staple goods, and prospect of a better demand in future. In wool en goods also, there has been a mark ed improvement during the past week, and better sales, with extensive in quiry. There is much hesitation in the Iron and steel trade, partly because the out come of various combinations in T?es semer pig. steel rails, bars, wire na.ils and the like cannot yet be definitely anticipated. Vet prices of domestic prod nets have not declined, and al though the tone is somewhat weaker for liars and plates, quotations are in part sustained by considerable orders for export. GAGE IS UPHELD. Hid l*ow*r to Rrj-ct Bond Hill* I* Af firmed l>v » Court. Washington, Oct. 22.—Judge COT in tlu* district supreme court yeßterday decided the cases of George B. Wiglit uian and William 11. Wharton against Secretary (i'age in favor of tlie secre tary of the treasury. One suit sought an injunction and the other a man damus, the basis of complaint in each being the rejection by Secretary Gage of bids submitted for the recent war loan bond issue by the complainants. Secretary Gage rejected the bids, be lieving the bidders really represented certain institutions. Judge Cox held that Secretary Gage had discretion In the award of the bonds and that the intent of congress was that they should goto individuals, to tlie ex clusion of banks and corporations. A Ma4»-|tll of tfllllUH Cincinnati, Oct. 22.—Last night at tiie home of Attorney Kittridge, in Avondale, .Julius Defter suddenly dropped dead. Mr. Dexter has been a prominent ligure in Cincinnati for many years. His reputation as a tinan cier was national. He was a man of means and a student. His opinions on all matters of business commanded respect. Once he was nominated for governor on the gold democra-tie tick et. lie served a term in the state sen ate and at one time he was a hisrh offi cial of the Cincinmrti, Hamilton & Day ton railroad. IwlSiife^ 1 MOVABLE SWILL BARREL. It Helps to Keep Kverythlnit About i tlie Fttriiiliiiunr inn t'lrun und Tidy Condition. In order for the farmer and his fami ly to remain healthy and contented, it is imperative that everything about the farmhouse be kept clean and tidy. Indeed, the least items tending to slov- , < nliness should never be tolerated any longer than is absolutely necessary, for such are highly susceptible to aug. mentation, in which case they are very liable to breed disease and ruin. This applies especially to the swill barrel, of which a stationary one, in back yard or front, is about the biggest and in summer the most dangerous (pes tiferously speaking) nuisance to ba met with anywhere on the farm. Hence it is that we advocate the usa of a movable swill barrel, as shown herewith in the cut; for then, when the warm clays of summer have arrived, —— MOVABLE SWILL BARBEL. the skim milk from the dairy-room can be emptied in, and the barrel and all wheeled away to the orchard or yard where the pigs are, thus removing from the kitchen door one of the great est attractions mentionable for vari ous insects, as wasps, flies and the like. The same is also very serviceable at other periods of the year for convey ing slops and milk, as well ns the wastes of the pantry and kitchen, from the house to that place where tha twine are kept. This has been demon strated by actual experience, we hav ing in mind one barrel alone that has been in constant use for several years, and still is not much the worse for wear. The illustration requires but little explanation. As can be seen, all that Is needed is an old wheelbarrow wheel, two sticks for handles, a fish barrel, some wire nails of proper lenths and several wooden strips of different size for braces. The cost is therefore al most nothing at all, but so handy and convenient is it that it aids much toward making farm life a grace and ioy forever. In case one has a lot of calves, and they are out to pasture, so that tli« feeding of milk to them occurs in a trough, this movable wheelbarrow barrel is just the thing for "wholesal ing" their rations to them. Try it and see. —Frederick O. Sibley, in N. V. Trib une. CROPS AS MANURE. Thin Synteni of Fertilising Hoe* Not llrinif in UuU-k Itetuma, Hut It Im Profitable. Such crops as turnips, rye, buck wheat and crimson clover assist in re ducing the plant food in the soil and making it possible for crops the suc ceeding year to utilize the plant fotxJ plowed under in the manure crop. All soils contain unavailable matter that the farmer needs. There are crops that do not have the power to break dowr the chemical compounds existing in the soils, but there are other crops which have a partiality for some substances which are beyond the ability of plants of a different kind. One crop inny be preparatory for another, henc* the plowing under of a crop is not a loss, but a gain. In England the tur nips are regarded as a renovator of tlu soil, andt the seed is broadcasted ovei the surface., sheep being allowed ac cess to the turnips after they have ma tured. The turnips can feed on al most anything in the soil, and wher. eaten by sheep the gain of mutton and manure gives the farmer a profit, but the English farmer attaches as much value to the increased fertility of his soil as he does to the product which he markets therefrom. It may be urged, as some have done, that green crops can add no mineral matter to the soil other than it takes therefrom, which is true; but such crops rendei the mineral matter available for the next season. —Farmers' Journal. Sutnr Meet K*perli>»»nt*. Experiments with sugar beets this year have given very encouraging re sults. In the west the general rule is to pay four dollars per ton for beets containing 12 per cent, of sugar. In New York state the yields have been from 14 to IS tons per acre in some localities, one plot producing 20 tons per acre. The percentage of sugar has also been high, some samples giving 17 and 18 per cent., the average being 14 per cent. It is possible to grow over four tons of sugar per acre with the aid of beets. This industry is apparent ly slow to take hold on a large scale, but it is believed that in the course of time it will be a regular feature of agriculture. —Dakota Field and Farm. Irrigation Before l'luntln». Irrigation of the soil before planting ia very important and profitable, and very simple. To have this it is only necessary to plow the land into ridges by throwing the furrows toward each other and run the water between the [ ridges. After the water has had sufll cient time to drain off properly the land is to be plowed, harrowed and planted. This enables the crop to get u good start, and it will stand well. There is no better irrigation. —Dakota JTleid and Farm. s6ooßeward TV* aVora Rmr4 vfO k paid At hi fcraabo* tk*l will Uad to tfca unrt mm mmllsi of tba party mr fwtw «W aiaoad ires tad akto o* Ui tn.uk ef *■ Kaaporiuai A Mtk T*B«jr R R., MM) tba cut 11m of Fraaklla HoaaWa lto» aa tlx* araaiag at Her. Slat, ISM. Huit Adciii, Awutot FINE LIQUOR SIORB EMPORIUM, PA. THB u<*nl|Md baa opened * to* elaa* Liquor itoN, and invitee tM toad* of Ho tela, Btataaiaate Jka> W* aball oarry none bat the beat Am» lou tad Imported WHISKIES, BRANDIES. GINS AND WINES, BOTTLED ALE, CHAMPAMiE, C*. (MM Bh of Bottled Goods. P^S2i,Vi^vJrv'r?—— * CIGARS AND TOBACCO. O*LL Ajrs ni xm A. A. MoDONALD, nopanrat, «»owcn, »a &fTx. blumle,? * IMFOIIUH, TJL. M W lattbf * aad Butor It A & BEER, W £ WINES, 7 WHISKIES, 1 M Ail Liquor* of All Klada. « K Tha baa* ef good* alwaya K carried la dock and every- AM "tr tKlng warranted aa repareeeat- g *[ Bapaclal Atteatlea Paid *• W ft llall Ordera. M EMPORIUM, PA. $ } 60 Ti 1 SJ. A. pisler'S, S 1 Itm4 Mrxt, Emftlmm, N,, J 1 Wtoi ;n (u |d aafthiag jraa wast to C C the Ma* at 1 s Groceries, / ) Provisions, ? ) FLOtm, SALT MEATS, / ( SMOKEI) MEATS, \ ) CANNES BOWS, ETC., / I IM, CdbM, fhdta, biMnefc ) S Mau« ui Clear*. C \ Qaifla Ballyerc* Fr«» / / riaca la Town. J L CIU ID BKB II ID est rucxi. \ ? mi r. * i. iim v aaroßiia Bottling Works, JOHN MCDONALD. Proprleter. Ilaai Ml D.p»t, Batrulaaa, Va. IMUu tad Bklppu* a* Rochester Lager Beer, or hum if iimi l%a tfaanfketnrar at Ml Orlaka aad Daala* to (MM Wlae« aad Tan Llqnora -J Wa Imp noaa but tfca wry M Beer aad are prepared to fill Order* ea abort notice. Private fbmlllea aarra4 iaU/ If daaired. JOHN MoDONALD. kml 1 aad • P®*- MaoBKATt faaa. Ova Orriaa la Oare*tT*U. B. pATiflTOrr*** •lUncM ihu'l aaiaalla Ua tima than laaaa, ra»o«a tram W aafcngtM. . ; hW a»~W, drawtn* ar j>k«ta_ with *«■"£ ! tioa. Vl advlaa, II pataoiablo or not, fr«a at eoaautoa 1 Mat baa. Addraa, O.A.SNOW&CO. . JO aa. WT e^o^.^W«aHiwarow^ ' chicaco . tw NEW YORK O TIC»» A. H. KELLCBB MKWSM'iI Clb 3