Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 27, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
Our Candidate for Representative.
Warren Mail.
We are glad to note the re-nomina
tion last week of Harry H. Mullin,
editor of the Emporium Press, for the
Assembly from Cameron county. He
has been there one term and knows
the ropes. He will make an efficient
and faithful member of our next Legis
lature and should receive a large
Katie Republican.
Hon. 11. H. Mullin lias again been
nominated as the Republican candi
date for the Legislature in Cameron
county. There is every probability
that he will be elected, as the men who
fought him the last time he run will
support him in this campaign. "Harry'
as he is popularly called, is not only
capable but his experience as former
member of the House, gives him ex
ceptional advantages in being of ser
vice to his constituents. He ought to
receive a rousing majority on the Btli
of November.
McKean Miner.
Editor H. H. Mullin of the CAMERON
PRESS was unanimously nominated
for Assembly in Cameron county. The
Miner hopes that Mr. Mullin may be
elected by an overwhelming majority.
Potter Enterprise
Harry Mullin, editor of the CAMERON
COUNTY PRESS, relinquishes responsi
bility for whatever may appear in
his paper during his canvass
for election to the State Legis
lature. Mr. Mullin's many Potter
county friends will be glad to read.
November 9th, of his substantial ma
"They Say."
"They say" the war is over and it is
110 longer desirable to "remember the
Maine." But, it is a very good time
to remember the "Wilson bill," and
the rotten, puerile ancl disgraceful :
management of the last Democratic j
That Congress, the Democratic maj
ority of it, did not know enough to
frame a tariff bill that would provide
revenue enough to meet the ordinary
expenses of the government; and that I
was a genuine, old, Jefferson-Jackson-
Andy Johnson-Beauregard Democratic
Congress, Simon-pure and no discount. |
But, the party has changed since
then. Alas! too true! It has changed.
If such financial* and economic mis
management is all we could expect
from the real old original Vallanding- J
ham-Buchannan Democrats, what j
should we expect now, when I
all the fads, freaks and fancies, I
find warm welcome and honored posi- j
tions in the councils of the party?)
Alas! poor old Jefferson-Jackson; it is '
a good thing you are dead.
Every vote for Swallow is half a vote !
for Jenks. Every vote for Dr. Smith
is a whole vote for a Democratic United j
States Senator, and for a Republican j
to vote for either oft hem is to give aid !
and comfort to the enemy, and 110 j
Republican who is also a patriot can
afford to do that. Perhaps you could i
not enlist and suiter on the gory field
of battle; too old, married, false teeth, I
or one thing or another kept you back, 1
but you can do the next best thing, !
you can help the cause of right, justice,
freedom and humanity by voting the
straight Republican ticket. Vote it
straight from top to bottom. Just put
a cross in the circle at the head of the j
Republican column, and let 'ergo.
James S. Benn, of the Local staff of
the Philadelphia Record, Charles W.
Campbell, Washington correspondent
of the Philadelphia Record, William J.
Wert, of the local staff of the Philadel
phia Press and W. E. Meehan, an asso
ciate editor of the Philadelphia Public
Ledger, are with W. A. Stone on his
campaigning tour.
Mr. Hugh White one of Clinton !
county's oldest citizens died at his home |
at Lamar last Saturday, aged eighty j
eight years. His grand father was a j
colonel in the Revolutionary war.
» Uoyd's Jong H^s e Forecast of the Weather FOR em I
■+■ FRIDAY, < 'old and windy.
.*. SATURDAY, Fair. $
« w E AIJ 10 y\<i ISTVT*"* FOR TIIE '£■
♦ Buckeye Window Shades and Fixtures.
* Raises from the Bottom or Lowers from the Top. The Rest Window Shade on Earth. *
' *0
I'ourtli street. H, J S. LLOYD.
% +'• *&■*s%yrs;.ycsyGsjf. * >& * »c£yc&:o :♦ ♦:
ilutual Admiration fleeting.
Last Thursday evening found the
opera house partly filled with a mixed
crowd of our Democratic bretheren, a
goodly number of small boys, and a
few Republicans who had assembled
there to hear the biennial complaint of
the calamity howler and listen to the
worthy disciples of Annanias give
vent to their distorted imagination in
describing the horrible atrocities (?)
perpetrated by the Republican legisla
tors during the present administration.
If the shades of the departed Jefferson
and Jackson, as well as the lamented
Randall, could have looked down upon
the unique collection of oratori
cal (?) talent present on the rostrum
that evening and could have heard the
vicious calumnies and villifications
hurled against some of the honored and
beloved servants of this great Com
monwealth; could they have heard the
vile and contemptable slanders told
about men whose names are svnono
mous with all that is loyal—brave,
true and statesmanlike, these noble
spirits of an eventful and historic past
would have blushed with shame and
turned away in disgust, at these repre
sentatives of a party whose crimes are
committed in the name of Democracy.
| After a selection by the band, Rosen
zweig, of Erie, was introduced and for
over three quarters of an hour he tried
to bolster up "Honest Joe's" forlorn
hope and wound up by giving a silly
harangue about the last session of the
Joe Sibley representing the Standard
Oil Co. and other trusts of which he is
a stockholder, was then trotted forth
by the chairman to show off what
smart tricks he knew. Joe acted very
coy and after greeting the audience
with a bland smile went 011 to inform
the voters of Cameron county that he
was running in the 27th. district
against Hon. C. W. Stone, which state
ment created a great surprise among
the audience. After telling a real fun
ny story about a one eyed mule in
Nebraska, Joe remarked that the free
silver question was not an issue in this
campaign, and no doubt if the mule
had heard this startlingannouncement
he would have brayed a hearty "amen"
and gone on eating his pop-corn con
tentedly. Realizing that his oratorical
efforts were in vain and that he was
not arousing much enthusiasm he gave
a parting admonition to"the faithful"
and retired to make room for the other
speakers. Joe possesses some of the
abilities of an orator but is entirely too
fanatical and presumptuous to capti
vate the voters of the 27th district.
He was followed by Geo. R. Dixon of
Ridgway, Hon. W. E. Ritter of William
sport, and Eugene Mullin of Bradford,
and their remarks were but a continua
tion of the evasive tactics resorted to
by the previous speakers.
To the Point.
"You can't vote for President Mc-
Kinley this year," said the Hon. Chas.
Emory Smith. "If you could ) know
how that vote would be cast. But you
can strengthen and support him in the
work that has been so nobly begun by
sending representatives to Congress
who will not thwart, but work hand in j
hand with him.
"Elect a Democratic Congress and I
you encourage nations who look with
jealous eyes upon the progress of this
grand and glorious country, which did
not fight for conquest, glory or ag
grandizement, but to relieve a distress
ed and down-trodden people."
Mill Hall's New Brick Works.
The people of Mill Hall are very jubi
lant over the auspicious beginning of
the new brick works which commenc
ed operations a few days ago. The
plant has a capacity of 30,000 bricks I
daily and is owned by a chartered I
company of Lock Haven of which j
Moore Fredericks is presidentand Ross 1
W. Barrows is secretary and treasurer. |
Don't forgot the oyster supper given j
by the ladies of the Presbyterian church I
en Thursday evening, Nov. 3rd
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß.
MAJ. J. Z. BROWN, Republican candidate for State Senator
Rosenzweig's Bad Break.
While Rosenzweig, the oily tongued
speaker from Erie, was delivering his
scurrilous and violent invectives
against the Republican party of Penn
sylvania, last Thursday evening, and
was trying in vain to show to the
people how they had been robbed and
imposed upon by the late legislature,
his zeal to turn the searchlight, not of
truth, but of Democratic slander and
abuse, upon the acts of Republican
members got the better of his reason
ing faculties and in one of his bril
liant (?) flights of oratory, he said:
"Why voters of Cameron county, the
last session of the State legislature was
one of the worst in the history
of the State; just look at the
records of the men composing it; just
look at the record of your own member
and then judge for yourself" And
then the Doctor's friends who were
present grew red in the face, coughed
a few times, moved about uneasily in
their seats and inwardly felt like giv
ing the gentlemen from Erie a few
wholesome kicks, while many of the
Republicans who were there could not
refrain from smiling out loud.
Surprising News.
We are aware that the member from little
Cameron cuts but a small figure in the House,
especially if he be a Democrat, because of the
overwhelming Republican majority in that body,
but by looking over the record, we Unci the vote
of Dr. Smith recorded on the side of the people as
against the jobbers and trusts. Independent.
We are glad to hear the Independent
acknowledge that a democrat has lit
tle influence in the Pennsylvania House
of Representatives and that is one rea
son why the people should elect Hon.
Henry H. Mullin,who lias proven that
he lias influence to pass legislation in
the interest of his county.
No doubt the editor of the Inde
pendent heard the eloquent (?) remarks
of Rosenzweig the other evening who
probably had examined the records of
Smith to see whether he voted with
the people or not. The editor of the
Independent would do well to put oil
his glasses and take a squint at Smith's
record, for then ho would know that
Rosenzweig's unintentional bad break
was true. He will also l»e able to as
certain how many times Dr. Smith
voted with the people (the few days
that he was present in the House) and
he will be astonished to ascertain how
many times he DID NOT VOTE with
the people.
Will you give Dr. Smith's votes as
recorded on the Beer and Whisky
Trust tax bill, a measure proposed for
the purpose of raising the monies to
conduct our charitable institutions and
common schools for two years ? You
will find it recorded on page 3710 of
the Legislative Record. Examine the
Record, Mr. Editor.
Oysters served, in all styles at A.
ITockle's residence, opposite the rink,
Thursday evening, Nov. 3rd.
A Quibbler.
Joseph Sibley'in his speech at the
opera house last week said that he is
not, and never was, a free trader.
This prevarication shows that Sibley is
not a fool; this shows that he under
stands perfectly well that he must get
the votes of protectionists if he is to
be elected. This is Honest Joseph's bid
for the votes of honest men, but all
the same the Honorable Joseph C.
Sibley, of Franklin, Venango county,
Pa., is r. free trader, and one of the
rankest ones in the United States.
Mr. Sibley said in referring to free
silver, that it would be time to talk
about that in 1900, two years from
now. Indeed Mr. Sibley, is that so?
and yet we are to elect a United States
Senator from Pennsylvania next year,
We believe, who will remain in office
'till 1904. The Senate is very close
r> 'v, and if we elect a democratic Sen
ator next year the great protection
state of Pennsylvania may present the
anomalous spectacle of a great Repub
lican and protectionist Commonwealth
pressing the combination which will
inflict upon the country another
"Wilson bill," another series of na
tional deficits, and bond issues such as
has already, under Cleveland, well
nigh disgraced the country from a
business stand point.
Down with the quibbler, the whole
outfit. Vote the straight Republican
ticket from top to bottom and take no
chances. Give the President a fair
show, send him a Republican Congress
and a Republican Senate, and let him
finish in peace the work he has so
nobly begun. The war may be over
hut the great questions growing out of
the war are as yet scarcely pro
In all fairness and right, President
McKinley ought to be allowed to finish
his term without being hindered, nag
ged at and paralyzed by a democratic
1 louse.
/lore Truth Than Poetry.
A man who enters politics styling
himself a "reformer" needs very close
watching. Past experience lias shown
nine out of ten of them to be hypocrites
of the worst character. This statement
is correct. Recount in your mind all
the self-announced "reformers" you
have ever known of and see if they
don't verify it. A self-announced "re
former" will usually lie, steal, sell him
self or do anything else to gain for his
own benefit. Study their actions awhile
and you'll find them out. —Waynesburg
Let all Republicans stand manful
ly by their principles and vote the
straight Republican ticket. This cam
paign is the most important since 1860.
Repuiieans! let not factional differences
deter you from voting to sustain Presi
dent McKinley.
The Duty of Republicans.
There is an important duty incum
bent upon every loyal, intelligent Re
publican this fall and that is to vote
the straight Republican ticket from
top to bottom. Whilst we may have
differences of opinion in regard to the
issues of this campaign, yet we cannot
afford to let our mortal enemy come
into our garden and weed our potatoes.
The Republican party is broader,
deeper and longer than any individual
in it.
Can we afford to assassinate our con
victions for the sake of any individual?
No! No! A thousand times no. Can
we, by criminal ignorance, renounce
those grand principles taught by Lin
coln, Grant, and last but not least, that
statesman of statesmen, Wm. Me Kin
Shall we allow our enemy to mislead
us by a campaign of villification, hypoc
risy and malicious lies? They tell you
on the rostrum that they are friends of
President McKinley and the present
administration. Stop one moment and
look back at their recent conventions,
held in every county in this grand old
Commonwealth of ours, and the resolu
tions adopted were these: "We pledge
our loyal allegience to Bryan and his
free silver heresies; we denounce the
present administration of William Mc-
Kinley, the War Department and the
war." Yet they will come to you and
tell you there are no national issues.
They cite you beautiful passages of
Steady, Republicans! Stand shoulder
to shoulder; don't deceive your better
judgment, by hankering to the tirades
of calumny, heaped upon individuals
in order to mislead you.
What is the matter with W. A.
Stone's candidacy for Governor? A
man of ability, of sterling qualities and
one upon whom the sword of criticism
has left no mark.
C. W. Stone, our candidate for Con
gress, is a man who has been tried and
not found wanting; an able legislator
of not only State but of National repu
tation and one who was even recog
nized by the Cleveland administration
for his ability.
Major J. Z. Brown, our candidate
for State Senator, in this district is an
old soldier, with a record for bravery
that is enviable. He should receive
the vote of every patriotic citizen.
Remember how important it is to elect
Maj. Brown for Senator.
Our next candidate is Representative
to the State Legislature; one who has
alreadv represented us with ability;
one who, if you examine the records
of that Legislature, cast 110 vote to
exempt foreign corporations and Ex
press companies from taxes; a man
who time and time again, has proven
himself the poor man's friend, and a
worthy exponent of those grand prin
ciples of Lincoln, Grant, Garfield and
McKinley. The coming Legislature
elects a United States Senator and we
want 110 Democrat to represent us and
denounce McKinley's administration
as they have in their recent resolutions.
This war is not settled yet. Are we
by our votes going to print the mark
of shame on the brow of that grand
patriot, soldier and statesman whom
the nations of the world have learned
to respect and admire? God forbid!
Elect Henry 11. Mullin to the Legis
lature and by so doing you will be
doing your small part towards sustain
ing the President, as that is the only
way you can help him.
Our candidate for County Treasurer
is a man you cannot afford to defeat; a
man who is responsible; one who arose
from a day laborer to be recognized as
one of the most successful lumber and
business men of his district; one who
is a large property owner in this town;
a charitable humanitarian. No man
ever left his camps hungry. Any man
who can conduct his own business
successfully can easily by trusted to
conduct the business of the county
without placing any of his friends in a
precarious condition. He is worthy of
the office, elect him.
John McDonald, our candidate for
Associate Judge, needs 110 introduction
to the voters of this county. He will
be elected by a large majority. His
popularity among the laboring'men of
the county speaks volumes for his
standing in the community. A quiet,
unassuming man, yet his high moral
character and manly treatment of all
with whom he comes in contact gather
the people around him. Judge Mc-
Donald will not disappoint the people.
This is a campaign of vital import
ance to the country. Be intelligent,
be true to yourselves and to the princi
ples you have always advocated. If
grievances exist amongusisit patriotic
to throw down our arms to the enemy
because some captain displeases you ?
Leg Broken at Mix Run.
A woodsman by the name of Doree J
Wallace, of Clearfield, in the employ of |
A. S. Shaw, had the misfortune, on j
Friday afternoon, to get his leg broken j
below the knee. He was taken to his j
home in Clearfield, 011 Saturday.
Another young man by the name of j
ltoss, of Pen field, in the employ of I
Cochran & Perry, as teamster, was struck, '
on the 1 Ith inst., by a log jumping the !
slide, breaking his leg.
A full ar.d compete line of men's
stylish neckwear at N. Seger's.
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE
My entire time being devoted to the
political canvass for the Legislature,'it
is utterly impossible for me to fill the
: position us editor ofthePiiESS, there
j fore from this date, until further notice,
| I shall not be held responsible for any
{ thing that may appear in its columns.
H. 11. MULLIN.
Emporium, Pa., Oct. 13th, 1898.
Will Support C. W. Stone.
I Inn. Byron D. Ilamlin, of Sincthport,
I who is well and favorablv known by all
j of our old citizens, will support lion,
j Charles W. Stone, our able Rcpresenta
! '' ve Congress, and gives his reasons
! therefore in the following letter :
SMKTHI'ORT, McKean Co., Pa., I
(Jet. 11th, 1898.
j llo.v. C. W. STONE,
Dear Sir:
Chancing to meet with you about ihe
j time Mr. Sibley was announced as the
Democratic candidate for Congress 1
made to you the remark that if he still
favored the free coinage of silver on the
basis of ' ; lli to 1, and adhered to the
.so-called Chicago platform, I could not
give him my vote and would cast it for
I have since learned that he continues
to sustain this platform, and proposes, if
elected, to aid in carrying out its populis
tic and socialistic dogmas. These are
hostile to my views of what is to the best
interests of the masses, who by toil make
their way through the world. Hence, 1
cannot in good conscience give him my
support. Mr. Sibley apologetically in
formed Gold Democrats and Sound
Money Republicans who have local
grievances, that his election will not affect
these questions because President Mc-
Kinley will prevent such legislation from
by his veto. This is an evasion rather
than an answer. If Mr. Sibley's views
are right, we should support him because
of them ; if wrong, oppose him lor the
same reason. The cflect of clectinu him
would be to show our people and the
country that we favor the silver standard,
which is deeeptionally called bimetallism,
and a departure from the use of the good
money, which has ever been the pride of
the American people. We now draw
our purses with coulideii.'e that what we
tender will be accepted in every clinic.
No blush need mantle our cheeks. lam
a Democrat still and believe the party
will return to its first love. The signs
are propitious, and 1 will aid what I can
by firm adherence.
These views are not private.
Very truly,
(Signed) BYRON D. lIA.MI.IN.
Charles fl. Thomas.
Mr. Chas. M. Thomas, the Republican
candidate tor County Treasurer, is em
phatically a self-made man. He came to
Cameron county thirty years ago from
his native State of Maine, and first en
gaged in lumbering near Emporium, as a
day laborer. By strict attention to his
duties he rapidly gained a foot-hold and
is to-day one of the most successful lum
bermen in this section of the State. The
firm of Thomas it Whiting, both resi
dents of this county, are conducting
large lumber jobs on Bailey Bun, giving
steady employment to a large force of
men, most of whom are Cameron county
boys. Next season this successful firm
will be operating on this side of the
county line.
It lias been reported to injure Mr.
Thomas with the voters, that he is not
interested in Cameron county. This re
port is false. Mr. Thomas is a large
property owner and a large tax-payer, his
tax in Emporium borough alone amount
ing to 82l)i) per year That Mr. Thomas
has managed his own affairs successfully
is sufficient evidence that he will just as
carefully conduct the finances of Cameron
county, when called onto enter upon the
discharge of his duties as County Treas
Mr. Thomas will give the office his
personal attention, all reports to the con
trary notwithstanding. His election is a
foregone conclusion.
Excelsior Bant! Elects Officers.
At a recent election of officers of the
Excelsior Band,the following were chosen
to serve for the ensuing year. President,
B. J. Cameron; Vice Pres.,Chas. Colson;
Treasurer, C. J. (Joodnough ; Secretary.
F. ( <■ Vonker; Manager and Leader, L.
S. Fisk.
The boys have succeeded in effecting a
solid organization in the face of the most
trying circumstances and are making
rapid progress in their work. They are
practicing two nights a week and'iu a
short time will favor our citizens with
some open air concerts. Nothing enlivens
our town more than a good barm and our
people should not be slow about givinsr
them aid of a substantial nature.
New Ice House.
I'. X. Blumle is having a new beer
cellar and ice house erected at his bottling
works i" Plank Road TTollcv.-. The
structure is to be built entirely of stone
and will be furnished with all the modern
conveniences. Tlios. Waddingtori has
charge of the work.
NO. 35.