Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 13, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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H. H. MUL.LIN, Editor.
Published Every Thursday.
|l flit Id advance 1 M
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The Job department of the PRSSS IS complete
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Kuropean nations may acquire our
superior guns and armor plate, but
they cannot acquire by purchase our
inan behind Hit- gun. He belongs to us.
and there is none like him.
One-half of the restaurant menus in
Havana are now written in Krglish.
After we occupy the town this natural
mistake will be corrected and the bills
cf fare changed to bad French.
Col. Karl Hobson. of Howling Green.
Ky . a cousin of the naval hero, was
made a colonel for his conspicuous cool
ness and courage at the battle of Pitts
burgh Landing, when he was not quite
£0 years old.
Prof. A. (1. Webster, of Clark uni
versity. has invented an instrument
which shows that t here is no such thing
as absolute silence. A number of mar
ried men are out in interviews claim
ing that they knew it before.
In the death of Fanny Davenport,
which occurred at her home in Dux
bury. Mass.. the American stage has
Jost one of its most striking figures.
Miss Davenport descended from a fam
ily of players and inherited a love for
the stage which took her behind the
footlights when >lie was only ten years
of age and kept her there uninterrupt
edly through life.
Herri Dunant, the founder of the
Tied Cross society, is now about 70
years old. lie spent half his fort une in
hi' great work and then lost the other
half by business reverses, lie was in
ali s olute want, but lias been pensioned
by the dowager empress of Russia and
the federal council of Switzerland.
The citizens of Stuttgart have also
raised a generous subscript ion for him.
The floating of the Spanish armored
cruiser Maria Teresa is a matter of
some historical importance. She will
be an object of national pride and a
great naval curiosity. She was Cer
vi ra's flagship as she steamed out of
the harbor of Santiago to try conclu
sions with an American fleet. Yankee
courage sunk her. and Yankee in
genuity raised her. Under our flag she
enters cn a new and better career.
Speaking of questions of diet, the
Christian World says: "If a man finds
that he can think better, pray better
and see further cn a changed diet cr
restricted diet, let him take to that,
in God's name! Only, for his soul's
sake, we would beseech him to avoid
making the Pharisee's fuss over it.and
reviling his neighbor who sees different
ly." This is sound sense. The crank is
harmless, but the crank with a mission
3s a nuisance.
A peculiar trait of American char
acter is shown in the Cervera incident.
He was captured while the warspiri'
was highest, but as soon as he became
a prisoner he was treated with the ut
most consideration by the very people
who might naturally be expected to
manifest the greatest hatred for him.
The old admiral had to wait until he
had landed again on home soil before
he could realize that he had been en
gaged in a war.
A New Jersey woman divorced her
husband because he would not allow
her to put pie on the family bill of fare.
The wretched man pleaded self-de
fense. but the plea didn't work. II
Iried to show that he couldn't affor>.
pie. because he didn't have the dough.
He insisted that pudding is really pie
with the lid missing. He even ad
vanced the proposition that pie had a
bad effect on his wife's temper, by
making her crii'Sty. But the judge was
obdurate, and the brutal husband got
bis just desert?.
General Manager liawn. of the Balti
more Ai Ohio South Western railway
has prepared a detailed statement of
the number of people carried into Cin
cinnati on the occasion of the thirty
second annual encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic. Septem
ber 3to 12 inclusive. According to the
train records :17.8C7 people were trans
ported. the largest number being on
September 5, when the total reached
8,.'122. According to these statistics
the Raltimore Ohio South Western
carried about ,'lf) per cent, of the travel.
There is one locality in the world
•which has thus far resisted the inva
sion of the bicycle, and that i- Aden, on
the Red sea. The I'niied States consul
there, in reply to the inquiry relative
to the bicycle industry in that far off
quarter, reports that owing to the
rough streets and hill.- arid the heat, to
which no one can expose himself on
■the whpel without danger, as well as
to the fact that the native* are toe.
poor to buy w heels even if they wanted
them, there is no prospect "of a de
mand in this market for bicycles of
any description or make."
Utmorrali Are Krfling Aronnd to
Find a Substitute fur Free
The democrats are pushing' war is
sues to the front in their state and
congressional campaigns. Nearly
every democratic state convention has
adopted resolutions antagonistic to
'he annexation policy of President Me-
Kinley's administration. In New
Hampshire the democratic convention
declared against the acquisition of
any territory except for coaling and
naval stations. The sume declaration
was made in the lowa convention. The
Missouri convention declared against
the annexation of the Philippines or
other territory in the eastern hem
isphere. In Vermont the convention
opposed the "imperialistic policy of
the republican party." In Ohio the
democrats declared that they did not
want the Philippines annexed under
eny conditions.
On the othtr hand, the republican
convention in California declared that
national welfare demanded the reten
tion of the Philippines. The Vermont
convention opposed the-surrender to
Spanish misrule of any territory now
or hereafter acquired. The Colorado
republicans declared unqualifiedly in
favor of keeping forever in place the
American flag wherever it has been
unfurled. Ohio approved the presi
dent's policy Illinois declared that
the United States should hold such
possessions in the conquered territory
as would be advantageous to its inter
ests in time of war and peace. New
Hampshire declared in favor of such
disposition of the Philippines as would
extinguish the sovereignty of Spain
and make good our obligations to the
peoples of these islands. New Jersey
declared emphatically in favor of the
expansion policy of the administra
tion, and the New York convention
spoke as positively.
At first there was disinclination on
the part of the democratic managers
to grapple with the war issue. The
campaign on land and sea was so suc
cessful and the results so great that
they could not. as in 1804, say that the
war was a failure. But within recent
weeks the yellow press campaign, en
larging on the horrors of war, has in
fluenced democrats to make the con
duct of the war an issue. The demo
cratic convention in Connecticut made
the astonishing declaration that.while
the war had been a great success and
had brought new honors to the Amer
ican people and fresh glory to their
flag, the management of the war "has
chilled our exultation and brought
home to us a sense of shame." II
charged the administration that has
conducted the most successful war in |
our history with incompetence and j
venality. In Illinois and in New York
the democrats are taking practically
the same position. Everywhere the
word has gone out to dwell on the
horrors of the war in an effort to
make the people forget the glories of
the war.
The democrats are making the same
mistake in ISOB that they made in
1864. Then in the very crisis of the
war for the union, just before the At
lanta campaign, when the great issues
of the war were hanging in the bal
ance, when the union cause needed
strengthening and the union soldiers
encouragement, the national demo
cratic convention declared the war a
failure and asked for a cessation of
hostilities. Thousands of war demo
crats in the army and out turned
squarely against the infamous and
treasonable platform of their party
and supported Abraham Lincoln
i gainst George P.. McClellan. So dis
astrous was the blunder of the demo
crats in 1864 that it required 20 years
for the party to regain the confidence
cf the people. Some of the most con
spicuous democrats of the time open
ly went over to the republican party,
and in many of the regiments in the
field not a single vote was cast for the
democratic candidate.
It seems incredible that the demo
cratic leaders of this day should re
peat the blunder of 1864. but they are
doing it. Certain republicans are giv
ing them aid in trying to push petty
local issues to the front. This is a
suicidal policy. The issues of this cam
paign are the expansion pol icy of Pres
ident McKinley and the conduct of the
war. Will the people stand by the ad
ministration that brought the three
months' campaign to so glorious an
end. or will they turn just when the
Spaniards are watching every indica
tion of public sentiment and give en
couragement to the enemy by repudia
tion of the war policy and war admin
istration? This is the issue, and it can
not be evaded. The democrats are
against holding the Philippines,
against the annexation of Puerto Pico
and Cuba, and they were against the |
annexation of Hawaii. They are in
favor of belittling the results of
the war in the interest of partisan ad
vantage. Republicans should vote this
time for the army and navy, for the
expansion policy and for the approval
of the war policy. Chicago Inter
election of a house hostile to
the administration would be a na
tional calamity. It would halt and
turn backward a rising tide of agricul
tural. industrial and commercial pros
perity which under a continuance of
present conditions seems destined to
surpass the proudest records of the
nation. The approaching struggle will
result in the election of a republican
house. Of that we have no doubt what
ever. But it will be no mere boys'play,
and the sooner we make up our minds
to that fact the better. —N. Y. Mail
and Express.
CXot only the New York and Illi
nois democrats, but also the Ohio dem
ocrats, are proving most anxious to
keep Col. Rrynn and his financial views
cut of the campaign.—Leavenworth
I The Itrmm-rntM Are I.etlliiK <■» of
■ lie Cnnilirrnnnir (Inap
Money I'lnnk.
The simultaneous repudiation of sil
ver by the Connecticut democratic
stateconvention and by Brooks Adams,
a former Massachusetts Bryanite lead
er, show that the democratic party
east of the Alleghenies has forever
broken with the sixteen to one folly.
In the Connecticut convention there
was a square fight made on the sixteen
to one issue. An out and out goid man
was nominated for governor, and the
attempt of the silver faction to secure
a reaffirmation of the Chicago plat
form was overwhelmingly beaten.
About the same time that the Con
necticut democrats were overthrow
ing the silver element of their party
Brooks Adams, one of the best known
of the living members of the great
Adams family, was declaring that the
silver issue was forever dead in this
country. The surprising part of the
Adams matter is not that he has aban
doned the silver cause, but that he
ever embraced it. The only books or
tracts of any ability ever printed on
the silver side were written by Adams.
His advocacy of sil*-erism in 1896 gave
a semblance of solidity and respect
ability to the sixteen to one fraud such
as it did not get from any other source.
This repudiation of silver by the
eastern dtmocrats is. of course, of na
tional significance. Connecticut's ac
tion will probably be followed by the
New York democrat? in their state
convention. A strong attempt has
been made by the Bryanites to get the
New York democrats to indorse the
money plank of their party's platform
of 1596. This object sent ex-Gov. Stone,
of Missouri, on his recent eastern pil
grimage. Stone, as well as Bryan and
all the other silver chieftains, fee! that
if silver is defeated in the coming
New York convention it will have no
chance in the national gathering in
1900. If Xew York's democracy re
fuses to sanction the democratic
money plank of 1896 no state in the
entire east will accept it, and this will
force its abandonment by the national
democracy. New York was whipped
into line for the support of silver in
1896. but the plurality of 268.000 against
that foil J' in that state in that year will
frighten the western and southern
democrats from attempting any such
disciplinary measure two years hence.
The democratic leaders know that
while the republicans may be able to
win without New York, that state's
electoral vote will be absolutely es
sential to democratic success.
There is no room ior doubt now that
silverism will be immediately and for
ever abandoned by the democracy of
'every eastern state."The free silver
cause is hopeless in this country." says
Joseph B. Sargent, the Bryanite condi
*'ate for governor in Connecticut in
1896. Sargent has given up the silver
tight, and the majority of his support
ers of two years ago are following his
course. Silverism is doomed in this
country, and Bryan. Stone. Blaml and
the rest of the fanatics will discover
this truth long before the convention
of 1900 meets. The national democ
racy will not deliberately throw the
whole cf the eastern group of states
into (he republican column two years
hence, as they did two years ago. They
said then that they could win without
the east, but the immense preponder
ance against Bryan in the electoral
college has cured the western demo
cratic leaders of this lunacy. No policy
which the eastern democrats will re
ject will be sanctioned by the next na
tional convention. For selfi'h reasons
the republicans would be glad to see
the democrats two years hence put
up the ticket upon the old platform,
as that would make the republican vic
tory easier and bigger than it was two
years ago. but it is safe to predict that
a new set of men and a different set of
influences will be at the front in demo
cratic politics in 1900. —St. Louis Globe-
C7"Mr. Bailey thinks the democrats
will have a majority in the next na
tional house of representatives. But
what Mr. Bailey thinks has ceased to
be important.—Cleveland Leader.
in7"one of the democratic sorrows at
the coming session of congress will be,
an increased surplus in the treasury.
The people must be willing to stand it
or they would not, have elected a re
publican administration.—St. Louis
IC"If Col. Bryan on!} - realized how
greatly his reputation for good sense
has been enhanced by his enforced si
lence of the last few months he would
cling to his commission with the des
peration of a drowning man. But
speech is silver, silence gold, and Cel.
Bryan abhors gold. So beware the
flood.—Chicago I'ost.
CThe next congress should' be a
wise congress. The work it has in
sight is of vast importance to this
country now and for general ions to
come. Let the republicans, if they
wish to merit success, nominate the
very bes*t talent without, regard to
rings and cliques.—Cincinnati Com
mercial Tribune.
ICT'The Dinglcy tariff law is vindicat
ing itself. During August last the cus
toms receipts were $16,249,209, as
against $12,329,-195 during August, 1896,
and estimates based on receipts to
September 15 give the customs revenue
for this month at $17,000,000. as against
a little over 11.000.000 in September,
IS96.—lndianapolis Journal.
CAeeording to the way the demo
crats 'ook at the Maine election the
republicans gained a great victory in
Arkansas, where the falling cfT from
Bryan's vote is near 35.000. But then
we have nothing to show for the vic
tory. and neither have the democrats
anything to show as the frui's of their
triumph in Maine, but they are claim
ing things, and it is rude to stop them.
—Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Tha Senator and His Sor> are Held
for Trial.
1 lie Preliminary Hearing In tt.e ("on«|»lra
ry Cane Against tlie Kirnuui Poli
tician Ih Marked l>y a Lively Le
gal Contest Over the In
troduction of KvlUence.
Philadelphia, Oct. 6.—Senator Quay,
his son Kichard, and Charles 11. Me-
Kee, of Pittsburg, law partner of
Lieut. Gov. Lyon, appeared before
Magistrate Jertnon in the Central sta
tion court yesterday to answer to the
charge of conspiracy in the alleged
misuse of public money in connection
with John S. Hopkins, former cashier
of the People's bank, of this city, who
committed suicide soon after the fail
ure of the bank in March last. Ex-
State Treasurer Haywood, for whom
n warrant has been issued in connec
tion with the conspiracy charges, was
not in court, but it is promised that
he will be here on Friday to answer
to his accuser. After a hearing Sen
ator Quay, his son and Mr. MeKee
were bound over for appearance at the
next term of court. I'.ail was fixed
at $5,000 in each case, David H. Lane,
a local political leader, going bail.
The case now goes for trial at the
November term of court.
The testimony produced by District
Attorney Graham was in the shape of
al»out 20 letters and numerous tele
grams covering a period from Septem
ber. 1897. to February. 189 tt , addressed
by Senator Quay to Cashier Hopkins,
directing the purchase and sale of
large blocks of stocks and arranging
for the placing of margins; a letter
from State Treasurer Haywood to the
president of the People's bank, and a
private memorandum book of Cashier
Hopkins'. The lawyers representing
the accused fought hard against the
introduction of the latter, but it went
in as evidence.
The district attorney averred that
the evidence he produced showed that
Senator Quay had the use of $200,000
of the state's deposit of over $500,000
in the People's bank for stock specu
lation; that Haywood placed SIOO,OOO
of state funds in the People's bank on
condition that that amount of money
lie loaned to Senator Quay's son. and
that there was a regular assignment
of interest on state deposits in flie
bank to certain accounts, one-third of
it going to MeKee, all of which he
claimed was a violation of the state
law prohibiting a bank official from
making such transactions and that
the accused persons were guilty of
conspiracy in joining with Hopkins in
these transactions.
liufus K. Shaplcy and A. S. Shields,
two of the brightest lights of the local
bar. represented the accused. The at
torneys for the defense opened the
proceedings with a fruitless effort to
secure from the district attorney the
names of the persons responsible for
the prosecution.
There were only three witnesses.
The first was Thomas W. Harlow, re
ceiver for the People's bank, who is
also a special assistant district attor
ney. Mr. Barlow stated that in his
capacity as receiver he opened the
dead cashier's desk and found among
other things a number of letters and
telegrams and a book containing
memoranda in Hopkins' handwriting.
This book, referred to by Lawyer
Shields as "the red book." was about
a foot square and contained 200 pages.
Albert L. Tabor, receiving teller of
the People's bank, identified the hand
writing in the book as that of Cashier
Hopkins and also identified a num
ber of letters as written by Senator
Quay and Treasurer Haywood. A
number of these letters were putin
evidence, one from Haywood to Pres
ident McManes. saying that $600,000
of state funds would be deposited the
following week and that Richard
Quay be allowed to borrow SIOO,OOO.
Through the third witness, Meyer
(loldsmith. an expert accountant who
had worked on the bank's books, Mr.
Graham finally got the "red book" ad
mitted in evidence.
Only a few entries were read. They
showed that between April .10 and
Oct fiber 31, 1897. the state deposit in
the bank ran up from $525,000 to
$565,000. From this total there was a
deduction of 20 per cent, evidently as
Mr. Graham explained it.for the
bank's use; then an entry "less $200,-
000 Quay. 184 days." For this period
the interest was computed in the
hand book as $5,944, one-third of
which was marked paid "C. 11. McK."
In October. 1896, there was a compu
tation of interest on state deposits
amounting to $7,253. of which $2,451,
or one-third, was marked "handed to
('. H. MeK."
Mr. Quay last night in response to
an inquiry for a statement by a re
porter spoke as follows:
I think no one who was present at the hear
ing to-day entertains afiv doubt to the truth
fulness of the charge boldly made by my coin?
scl that this proceeding was instigated hv po
litical enemies of mine who hide behind the
district attorney and will not nermit him to
renal their names, and that t'eir sole pur
pose was to manufacture campaign "literature
by false charges that could not be met and
answered except on a trial in court. <if course
everybody knows that on such a hearing 1
could not be permitted to make any defense
or show the falsity of these charges, and my
counsel advises me it would be useless to at
tempt to do so at this time and in such a
proceeding Hut you may be sure that I have
instructed them to force this case to a speedy
trial in a court where both sifLes can be heard,
and after that to expose legally and punish to
the utmost the instigators of this proceeding.
Mr counsel assures me that not a scintilla ol
legal evidence was offered to-day to justify the
issue of a warrant or a binding over. As to
the charges themselves I have simply this to
say, that they are absolutely false and wholly
without foundation.
Mll st I.t-avc Inside of CIO Mays.
Constantinople, Oct. 0. —The collec
tive note of Kngland. France, Italy
and Russia, demanding the with
drawal of the Turkish troops in the
island of Crete, was presented to the
Turkish government yesterday. t
insists that the Turkish troops
evacuate Crete within a month.
I'atclten Outpac-H (gentry.
St. Louis, Oct. 6.—The star feature
at the fair grounds yesterday was the
pacing race between Joe Patchen a'.irl
John !'. Gentry, l'atehen won in two
straight beats, taking the first in 2:1)7
and the second iu 2:07',' x .
Hardtack Converted Into a Durable
Souvenir of tlie War iviih
She wji a collector cf scuver.ire.
The young inun who had just returned
from the war could not refuse so slight a
request. All she wanted was something by
which to remember the campaign in Culm.
He was about to respond in the usual ro
mantic fashion and oiler himself, when she
"All I desire is some worthless trifle that
will remind trie of the hardships you went
through m defense of liberty."
"How would one of the buttons cfi my
uniform do?"' he inquired.
"No; I want something that was associ
ated with you in your daily routine of life:
oot a mark that would designate any and all
of Uncle Sum's soldiers. I want to hang
it in the parlor and preserve it forever."
"lt_ must be indestructible, then?"
"Weil, the mole nearly so, of course, the
He was lost in meditation for some min
utes. Then, with biightwcing countenance,
he exclaimed:
"How thoughtless it was of me not to
realize it before! I have the very thing.
I ve carried it for weeks in my pocket over
my heart as a piece of armor plate. You
can take this hartack r.nd paint a little
landscape on it and let it hang on the wall
for the next century. Now that the war is
over I'm glad to see it put to some legiti
mate use. It will make a lovely plaque."—
Washington Star.
Fropnard Alliance with England.
If the United States and England should
form an alliance, the combined strength
would be so great that there would be little
chance for enemies to overcome us. In a like
manner, when men and women keep up their
bodily strength with Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters, there is little chance for attack from
disease. The old time remedy enriches the
blood, builds up the muscles, steadies the
nerves and increases the appetite. Try it.
A Family Affair.
Rich Uncle—You might as well stop
mooning about Miss Beauty. She hasn't
been in love with vou. after ail. She's been
after the money she thought you would in
berjt from me.
Nephew—lmpossible! Why do you think
"I have proposed to her myself and been
accepted."—N. Y. Weekly.
For Whooping Cough I'iso's Cure is a
successful remedy.—M. P. Dieter, 67Throop
Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 14, '94.
Sot Dilllcult.
He Cindignantlyj—l hope I knew my own
She (sweetly)— Yes! You surely ought to
know as much as that.—Piek-Me Up.
Hall's C'nlurrli Care
Is a Constitutional Cure. Price 75c.
"A thing of beauty," said the Cornfed
Philosopher, "is a joy until the fashion |
changes."—lndianapolis Journal.
Some people die eating and others di et.— :
Chicago Daily News.
Between the Acts. —She—"The procrrnnrne
pays it is 'taken from the German.'"
He—Humph! 1 guess they were glad enough
to get rid of it."—Brooklyn L.fe.
After the Correction —Papa—"Now, .Tobn
rrv, I have whipped you only for your own
good. 1 be.ieve I have only done niy diitv.
fell me truly, what do you think yourself?"
Johnny—"if I should tell what I think,
you'd give me another whipping."—Boston
The Folly of Marrying Rich. —"Sav, Chon
nie, how would yev like to be married to that
little nibsey queen of Holland? Wouldn't i
d" t be gro.t?" "Nuw, I wouldn't want no
o' dat. Me Uncle Ike married a pirl wid a
hundred and fifty (lollers, and she ain't never
let 'im say his soul was his own." —Cleveland (
Leader. J
Tomrnie—"Hullo, Jimmie, what kep'
you?" Jimmie—"Me and the ol' man had
an arg'ment. lie wanted me to haul some
wood into the back yard." Tomrnie —"How
did it end?" Jimmie —"In a draw—l
drawed it."—Truth.
Biggie—"Soak is ordered to take seven
different kinds of Jiquor every day." Jig
gie—"His doctor must be easy." Biggie—
"No, his p'an is togo to seven different doc
tors." —Town Topics.
"Yeast—"When a woman sings I take no
tice she wants a piano, a fnkLle or something
to accompany her." Crimsonbeak—"Why,
certainly.'' Yeast —"Well, a bird doesn't
need anything to accompany it." Crimson
beak—"Oh, yes, it does.' Yeast—"What?"
Crimsonbeak —"A bottle."—Yonkers States
She (reading)—" Mice are fond of music,
and will get as close to it as they can." He
—"Just cut that out ; and I'll send it to the
girl in the next flat.''—Good Housekeeping.
A Frank Opinion.—Caddy—"Dere's onlv
one good t'ing I kin see in playin' golf.''
Golfer—"What's that?" Caddy—"De folks
what play don't have cto carry de sticks."—
Mrs. Brewer's Humane Work.
A well-to-do Rhode Island lady, -who locks after the sick of her citv, writes It
Dr. Hartmart of her practical experience with Pe-ru-na'.
< S£PI ffiyi A MI TV * s hlessed with some good
'P 1 I IVB fNJ 1 I B Samaritans. Mrs. Lizzie
E3 |& 1" II II II I | M. Brewer, of I<<o High
s*!§! Jg® St., Westerly, R. 1., is a
nobie woman who devotes a great deal of time and money
to caring for the sick of Westerly. She has been for
10 wS .isaßflk several years one of Pe-ru-na"s strongest
iIS j friends, and under date of March 17, 1898, she
Mp !B*3s -Sa wr >tea the following letter to Dr. Ilartman,
P* um^>us ' originator of Pe-ru-na:
" our welcome advice is at hand, and my
gratitude is unbounded for the privilege I
1 S£3U- > enjoy of coneultingsorenowned a physician
as yourself, always receiving such prompt
an d satisfactory replies to my questions,
pfc And what amazes me most is that this
/fe,be done year after year, with unfail
jf^~> have learned thatj-ou havebecomti
households the same beneficent
guide and adviser that you are
**yw Alflr '!/ them everyone, and treasure their
/If Av 1 Yt_ V. ' X contents as the choicest wisdom. I
~ T . ir t, I have used Pe-ru-na in my familj
Mrs, Lizzm M. BREWER. for over four years. I find it a sure
ccro for all catarrhal affections BO common in this part of the country. I'
cures a cold v.t once; there is no cough medicine that can at all equal Pe-ru-na;
as for la grippe there is no other remedy that can at all compare with Pe-ru-na.
I notice in medical journals and from the testimony of my neighbors that the
doctors sccra quite unsuccessful in treating la grippe, especially in removing
the after effects of la grippe. From personal observation in many cases 1 know
that Pe-ru-na is a sure (specific for these cases. I am among the sick a great
deal in our city, and have supplied many invalids with Pe-ru-na, simply 1 cause
lam enthusiastio in my faith as to its results. I have never known it to fail to
quickly and permanently remove that demoralized state of the human system
which follows la grippe.
"In eases of weaknesses peculinr to my sex I am sure that no other remedy can
approach in good results the action of Pe-ru-na. It meets all the bad symptoms
to which females are subject. The irregularities and nervousness, the debility
and misery, which afflict more or less the women from girlhood to change of
life, are one and all met and overcome by your excellent Pe-ru-na. I wish
every young lady in our city could read your book ' Health and Beauty.' Any
•oe wishing to inquire of me further can do so by enlcosing a stamp for reply."
%W9BI |
We are sure you do not.
Nobody wants it But it comes
to many thousands every year.
Itcomesto those who have had
coughs and colds until the
throat is raw, and the lining
membranes of the lungs are
inflamed. Stop ycur cough
when it first appears, and you
remove the great danger of
future trouble.
Ayer's n
fCherrg I
112 pectoral 112
stops coughs of all kinds. It
does so because it is a sooth
ing and healingremedy of great
power. This makes it the great
est preventive to consumption.
Put one of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Plasters over your lungs
A wholes Madfcal
Library Froo.
For four cents i n pt.impn to par cont
| ape, wo will vend you sixteen mealcal
Mad leal Ad vie a Frea.
Wo hav« the exclusive services of
lome of the most eminent physicians
in the United States. Unusual oppor
tunities and loug experience emi
■ nently lit thum for giving ynu medical
H advice. Write freelv all the panic
■ ulars in your case. You will receive a flB
IB prompt feplv, without cost.
BP Address. DR. J. AYEK^
; When a man who does know patiently lis
tens to a fool who doesn't know it's a euro
sign the latter has much money or a very
handsome sister.—L. A. W. Bulletin.
Free Homes lu Western Florida.
There are about 1,000,000 acres of Gov
ernment land in Northwest Florida, subject
to homestead entry, and about half as much
again of railroad lands for sale at very low
rates. These lands are on or near the line
of the Louisville &, Nashville Railroad, and
Mr. R. .1. Wemyss, General Land Commi.
sioner, Pensacola, will be glad to write you
ail about them. If you wish togo down
and look at them, the Louisville & Nash
ville Railroad provides the way and the
opportunity on the first and third Tues
day of each month, with excursions at ou!y
S2 over one fare, for round-trip tickets.
Write Mr. C. P. Atmore, General Passen
ger Agent, Louisville. Ky., for particulars.
Ills Ability.
Reporter—Can you substantiate that
statement ?
McLubbertv—Naw, sorr: but Oi ran
prove ivery dom wor-rud Oi hov said!
Hnirnll nnil tlie Philippines.
Send four cents fin stamps) for an il
lustrated booklet issued by the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. I'aul Railway, the direct
route across the American Continent to tlm
New Trans-Pacific possessions of the United
States. Full of latest reliable information
arid valuable for reference. Can be used
as a text book in school. Address Geo. H.
Heafford, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent,
Chicago, 111.
Pip—"Did you suppose the good really do
die young?" Nip—"Don't know, I'm sure;
but I'm perfectly convinced none but tha
young ever die good."—Town Topics.
To Cure it Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets.. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.
Our idea of a difficult task for anyone to
fill would be for a woman to make herself
popular at her boarding house.—Atchison
Cure your cough with Hale's Honey of
Horehound and Tar.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute-