Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, October 13, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
V. C. RIECK. D. D. S.,
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, I a.
■ ■ -- (ias and other local anaesthetics ad-
Tr!ti*i Ti J f" r lhe painless extraction
-- HTTP»of teeth. , . ~ .u •
SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown ami Bridge Work.
1 will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday t and
Sinnemahoning the third Wednesday of each
My entire time being devoted to the
political canvass for the Legislature, it
is utterly impossible for me to till the
position as editor of the PRESS, there
fore from this date, until further notice,
I shall not be held responsible for any
thing that may appear in its columns.
Emporium, Pa., Oct. 18th, 1898.
Grand Display.
Saturday afternoon and evening,
Oct. 15, 1 will display one of the finest
lines of Ladies' and Misses' sailor hats
and children's hats ever brought to
Emporium. Prices very low.
Meeting of the State Board of Agriculture.
The autumn meeting of the State
Board of Agriculture convened in the
Court House, Wednesday afternoon at
two o'clock. Thos. J. Edge, Secretary
of the State Board presided and B. W.
Green, Esq., made a neat address of
welcome, which was replied to by
Prof. S. B. Heiges, of York, Pa.
The remainder of the afternoon was
occupied by discussions on interesting
topics by Josiah Howard, Hon. J. C.
Johnson, J. A. Gundy and others.
In our next week's issue we hope to
be able to give a full report of the pro
ceedings of this convention.
The Philadelphia Inquirer sums up
the situation in this district very ac
curately when it says: Joe Sibley is a
dangerous man. He believes thorough
ly in free trade and free silver and is
not the sort of a representative that any
district in Pennsylvania ought to send
to Washington. It is to Mr. Sibley's
credit that he has never tried to deceive
the people on the qustion of where he
stood with respect to these issues. He
has said substantially that he believes
in a depreciated dollar, in giving em
ployment to foreign workingmen rath
er than to American laborers, and if
the people of bis district believe in his
theories they ought to vote for him.
But, unfortunately for the hides-hang
ing-tails down statesman, the people of
the Twenty-seventh district do not be
lieve in Mr. Sibley's theories. They
want a dollar worth one hundred cents.
They prefer, much as they like other
Nations of the earth, that the smoke
should curl above American factories
to having the fires here banked
while European workingmen worked
overtime supplying American markets
with goods.
Addressed Warren County Voters.
Among the many prominent. Repub
lican speakers at the Warren Fair on
Wednesday Sept. '2Bth, was B. W.
Green, of Emporium, who made the
opening address and said, in part:
Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellow Citizens: I fool
that I am acquainted with the people of Warren
county. I reside in the most easterly county of
this Congressional District. In years gone
by I have liail the pleasure of supporting
some of Warren county's successful and dis
tinguished citizens. Well do I remember the
campaign in which the greatest commoner of
this great commonwealth, Glenni W. Scolleld was
the honored representative of this district and
again when your fellow-citizen L. I*\J Watson, re
presented you, and I am happy to say that now
and for the past eight years you have been well
represented by your distinguished fellow-citizen
in the House of Representatives at Washington
and it has been our privilege to cast our vote for
C. W. Stone. We sent our representatives to the
state convention at Harrisburg last spring to sup
port C. W. Stone for Governor, not because we
did not think W. A. Stone was the right man for
Governor, but that we delighted to honor our
distinguished congressman. On the Bth day of
November next a tickot is presented for your
careful consideration and every man is to cast
his ballot. Let me say here that it is not only a
privilege but a duty for every man togo to the
polls and vote his convictions. You have a num
ber of officers to elect this fall, governor, secre
tary or internal affairs, lieutenant governor, two
congressmen-at-large, besides the congressman
you vote for in the 27th congressional district.
We say to you, that whether upon state or nati
onal issues, the Democratic party has been in
variably in the wrong.
| Lioyd's forecast of the Weather FOR EM lnd vicinity
♦ FRIDAY, - Probably rain in the morning, clearing during afternoon; warmer; variable winds.
SATURDAY Clear; colder with northwest winds. SI NDA V—Fair; west winds. $
♦. '
<>' Tlie frost that we predicted for last Friday morning, did not materialize, the temperature K)° almost the 'jvC
% > DpCHQ VfIHnQQQ > freezing point, the dense log kept Holt, we noticed that yon were prepa red for it by putting covering on ''
i rlCUdl Cltllubb. { those vender (lowers—result that we have lloweas and roses in bloom the middle of October. Our store is ?
W £ e 1,11 l of things useful ami things beautiful. We are prepared to give the largest equivalent alike to the ,*•"
& Ilongestllongest purse and to the purse that is lengthened by economical choosing. A hundred Hai-gains awaits you <>
on Friday and Saturday in WALL I"AI* 10 If remnants. A change of store room, results of a change in prices heretofore unknown to
Lmporium. Now is your opportunity to prepare to paper your room. t
The "Bolter."
Editor of the I*rrnß :
In war time the only communication
allowable with the enemy in through
powder and lead, or perhaps, an oc
casional formal demand for surrender;
and any person caught giving aid and
comfort to the enemy is promptly shot.
A man, even a leader, vide Benedict
Arnold, may desert and go over to
the enemy, body and breeches. A
soldier may become discouraged and
homesick and be carried to a hospital,
but surely neither the sick man nor
the traitor can have any voice in the
conduct of the battle. The same or
similar conditions confront us in politi
cal battles. We have our sick men
occasionally and we should kindly
nurse them back to health, but what
shall we say of the traitors; men like
John Wanamaker, who try to ruin the
party which has given them all the
prestige they ever had ?
And why is this Philadelphia dealer
in general merchandise trying to ruin
the party that made him what he is
politically ?
Is it because the party is not good
j enough for him ? Is it because lie is
I too pure and honest to longer associate
| with Republicans? No! We might,
| perhaps, believe some of the lies of
Honest John and his tool Swallow, if
j we did not know that this precious
I pair are working for nothing else under
j God's Heavens but to sneak into office
in some way. Little matters it to
them how many lies they tell, what
j cess-pools they wallow in, how many
1 sewers they crowd through, so that
j they slide into office in the end.
; Wanamaker goes through the State
; howling that he is a good Republican.
: Swallow is a Prohibitionist if he is
; anything. Now even a fool knows
that even a Prohibitionist can have
nothing in common with the Demo
cratic party. Yet these two men stand
hand in hand, traitors and hypocrites
both, working might and main to de
feat the regular Republican ticket in
Pennsylvania this year.
That they are trying to defeat the j
Hon. C. W. Stone in this district, is
plain from the sneaking lies told early
in this campaign.
The Hon. C. W. Stone is one of the
ablest representatives in Washington;
and is so considered by the best men
of both parties, not alone in this State,
but throughout the whole Union. No
district in the State ever had a man
who represented his constituents with
more honesty, ability, and fairness to
all, than Congressman Charles VV.
Stone, of Warren. And who are we
offered in his place?
Joe Sibley, a man who wins his way
by the corrupt use of money; by the
open, brazen debauchery of the citizen
| and the ballot box. A man who is a
i rank free trader and a free silverite.
Emerson said: ''Hitch your wagon
jto a star." This advice was probably
intended for a poet, for no political
tparty has yet advanced far enough to
; tie to anything quite so high,but .surely
there is no reason why we should
fasten to a corpse, and Free Silver is
•lead—dead as a last year's mackerel.
• Every patriotic citizen is in favor of
I supporting the administration of Win.
I All-Kin ley and endorsing his sound,
| aggressive, popular foreign policy,
I but if for mere spite, for mere personal
j and petty reasons we lose a Congress
man here and there, and here and
there an Assemblyman, we are likely
to present to foreign countries in 1899
the disgracefully humiliating spectacle
of a great and powerful nation binding
hand and loot the executive, who has
just brought that country successfully
through a glorious and honorable war,
and holding him helpless aloft, a pitiful
example of the short-sightedness of
the Republican bolter, who has ac
complished more than he really in
tended. B. R.
Seed Wheat.
Mr. L. G. Cook has several varieties
j of seed wheat for sale, samples of
i which may be seen at Walker's hard
-1 ware store. 25tf
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß.
Situation Wanted.
A steady, industrious, reliable man
desires employment at some light
work, or a position of trust and honor.
Can furnish good references. Ad
dress, "Junior," Cameron County
Press office, Emporium, Pa.
Last of Clearfield's Pine.
A tract containing eight hundred
acres, principally or virgin pine and
hemlock forest, located on the Little
Mahoning, in Clearfield county, was
sold to Philadelphia parties a few days
ago. It is the best tract of timber re
maining in Clearfield county and the
pine covering it is of an exceptionally
fine quality.
All Work Guaranteed.
Mr. J. H. Logue, of Sinnemalioning,
desires to inform the people of Cameron
county that he is prepared to do all
kinds of masonry and stone work, also
clern wells and repair pumps. Wells
drilled or dug, all work guaranteed or
money refunded. Address,
Sinnemahoning, Pa.
Appointed District President.
Mr. Geo. *H. Altvater, a prominent
member of Washington Camp, No 88,
P. O. S. of A , of this place, has re
ceived the appointment of District
President of the Clinton-Cameron dis
trict. Mr. Altvater lias been an active
member of the organization for the
past ten years and will no doubt make
an efficient officer.—Renovo News.
Two of Emporium's young people,
Mr. John Robinson and Miss Elizabeth
Stably surprised their friends, a few
days ago, by announcing their mar
riage, the same having taken place at
St. Paul's M. E. Parsonage, Niagara
Falls, August 30th, 1898, Rev. Robt. C.
Brownlee, officiating. These popular
young people will commence house
keeping on West Fifth street. Mr.
Robinson is a hard-working,industrious
young man and a son of our esteemed
citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Robinson.
Miss Stahly, the bride, bits resided in
Emporium for several years and her
pleasant manners and many good
traits of character have made her
hosts of friends. The friends of the
young couple extend their best wishes
for a long and happy life—the PRESS
joining in the good wishes.
Elect All Republican Representatives
Every day now is developing new
steps in the campaign. It is apparent
that the Republicans do not propose to
lose any ground in this part oftheState
through apathy. The opposition has
nothing substantial to urge against Re
publicanism, and the people know it,
while the Democrats have nothing
themselves to commend them to a re
turn to power.
The hardest times the people of this
country ever had was when the last
Democratic president elected was back
ed up by a free trade congress. The
country does not want any more of it.
They want Republicans in the different
branches of the legislative department
now to work with the Republican pre
sident. We want Republicans in every
legislative district in the land, congres
sional and state, and national progress
will prevail. There is strength at stake
to cause the people to awaken and see
to it that no ground is lost.—Dußois
Teacliers* Institute.
Our County Superintendent, Miss
I Mattie Collins, always an untiring
worker in the office she so ably fills, is
putting forth every effort to make the
institute of'9B the best the county has
ever had.
She has secured the services of an
excellent corps of instructors, who
will occupy the greater part of the
programme of each day's session, and
the evening entertainments promise
to be rare treats to those fortunate
enough to attend.
On Monday evening Dr. Lincoln
tlulley, of Bucknell University, will
lecture on "Riley the Poet." Tuesday
evening, the celebrated lecturer, John
B. DeMotte, will deliver his famous
masterpiece, "The Harp of the Senses;
or, the Secret of Character Building."
Wednesday evening, Slayton's Jubilee
Singers, the leading colored company
of America, will give one of their en
tertaining concerts, which have justly
given them the name of being the
greatest company of colored artists
that has ever appeared before the
American public. Thursday evening,
that master of wit, humor and pat hos,
Georgia's brilliant and gifted son, Rev.
A.W.Lamar,will give a vivid portrayal
of "Dixie Before and During the War."
All of the above artists are too well
known to need any comment from us
and we hope they will have the pleas
ure of appearing before a crowded
Independent Republican's Opinion.
Editor Preta:—
There is probably not a Republican
in Cameron county who does not most
heartily endorse the course of William
McKinley's administration. The far
reaching statesmanship displayed by
Wm. McKinley, the power to reason
clearly and calmly, and to act with
judicial fairness and firmness, for the
best present and future interest of a
great nation, called suddenly to decide
questions of momentous import, has
surprised the friends of the President
and well nigh confounded his detrac
tor. And yet, there may be some
voters who, at first thought, do not
realize that a vote for a Democratic
Assemblyman in this county is a vote
to tie the President of the United
States hand and foot in the next Con
gress. There is too much at stake
this year to take any chances. A vote
against the Hon. Henry H. Mullin in
Cameron county this fall is a vote to
send a Democratic Senator to Wash
ington next year; a vote to send a man
to Washington to oppose the President
in his great and glorious policy of
expansion and freedom to all people
who come within our sphere of in
fluence; a vote for a Democratic U. S.
Senate, a vote in favor of exhibiting
ourselves abroad as a booby people
who are afraid to accept the fruits of
their victory,or too egregiously idiotic
to understand that there is any fruit.
By all the fires of patriotism; by all the
blood shed by our heroes at El Caney
and Manila this is of all years the
wrong year to vote anything but the
straight Republican ticket.
And where in Cameron county can
we find a better man to send to Harris
burg than Henry H. Mullin; where a
man who keeps in closer touch with
his constituents and with the great
heart of the laboring people?
We can can find 110 better, 110 fitter
man in Cameron county, because—
there is no better man.
Emporium, Pa., Oct. 12th, 1898.
An Elegant Turnout.
Wm. McGee the popular and wide
awake proprietor of the City Hotel has
recently purchased a handsome new
bus for the use of his patrons to and
from the W. N. Y. &P. junction. The
wood-work of the bus is decorated and
finished off in a highly artistic manner
and when it is drawn by the spanking
team of "Greys", to the music of a set
of sweet chimes, it presents a very
stylish and attractive appearance.
Supper. '
Under the auspices of the ladies of
St. Marks Church, a supper will be
served at the Opera House, Wednes
day, Oct. 19, 1898. Supper will be
served from /»:30 p. t until all are
accommodated. Supper, 25 cents. All
are cordially invited and an excellent
supper will be in store for them. Come
young and old and enjoy yourselves.
Fred Norton is under the doctor's
Mr. Sipple is in lino with swelled
What is the matter with the parties,
boys ?
Johnny Hobson is suffering with the
Dr. A. W. Baker is seen every day
on our streets.
Luie Norton has accepted a position
with R. P. Bingeman.
Chester Sykes is swelled up like a
man, with the mumps.
Mrs. J. Hobson was a visitor to the
county Beat, 011 Friday.
H. F. Kresge has secured a position
as meat cutter, in Dußois.
Our postoftlce has been changed to
P. M. Heath's new residence.
P. M. Heath will soon have a force
of men building rabbit pens.
Tourner and Welch don't come up
quite so ofcen. I wonder why.
O. M. Kresge is using his leg and
will soon throw away the sticks
There was an ice cream festival in
the school house Saturday evening.
"Pete," the pumper for tho P. & E.
R. R., is like the cat —he came back.
We understand that a new telegraph
company has been formed in our town.
W. H. Weaver was up the creek,
looking over the cider and chestnut
Buckwalter can boast of having one
of the finest postofflces in the State, for
the size of the town.
Pat Curnes, who has been laid up for
two years with a smashed knee and
has only worked four weeks, fell down
stairs and broke his leg in two places.
A report comes from the hospital at
Kane that he will lose it.
A new lot of men's and ladies' col
lars at Hoble's.
The Republican candidates on our
county ticket are calling on ihe voters
! and are being well received. The cor
j diality with which the voters are re
! ceiving the candidates clearly demon
j strates that this is a Republican year.
Clias. M. Thomas, the Republican
j candidate for County Treasurer, is
I making an honorable canvass. Mr.
i Thomas lias resided in Cameron county
j for upwards of twenty-five years and
Jis a successful lumberman. That he
1 will be elected goes without saying.
John McDonald, the Republican
i candidate for Associate Judge, will call
ion the voters this week. Mr. Mc
| Donald is a very efficient gentleman in
i any position he may bo called upon to
| fill. Vote for him.
Death of Mrs. Lusk.
The many Emporium friends of Mrs.
j Sara Ann Lusk, of Penn Yan, N. Y.,
I will regret to learn of her death, which
occurred on September 2fith. The de
, ceased was a sister of D. H. Lamb,
formerly of this place, who, with a son
Loren, and mother, Mrs. Eliza G.
Lamb, survive her.
Committed to Fort Mundy.
On the niglit of Oct. 4th. burglars
broke into the office of L. R. Gleason
and Sons at Driftwood, and after ran
sacking the office and safe were obliged
to leave without having secured any
thing of value.
Special officer Reid of the P. R. R.
Co's force was detailed on the case and
011 Friday the 7th. arrested his men
at Lock Haven and brought them to
They were brought before Justice
Larrabee, the following day, who after
hearing the evidence bound them over
to court in the sum of SSOO each, in
default of which they were committed
to the tender keeping of Sheriff Mundy.
The men gave their names as Robt. J.
Hoyt and James Price, and when ar
rested were found to have in their pos
session a complete set of burgular's
tools besides a good supply of powder
and fuse.
Some Good Advice.
Monday's Cleveland Leader contains
the following editorial:
"Joseph C. Sibley has agreed to stand
as the Democratic candidate for con
gressman in the twenth-seventh Penn
sylvania district, and, we are sorry to
say, it is reported that he was induced
to become a candidate by promises of
support from Republicans in his dis
"Joseph C. Sibley ought not to get a
single Republican vote, for his election
would serve no good purpose, and it
would be hailed everywhere as a vic
tory for the most pernicious princip'e
the Democraaic party has ever advo
cated. Sibley is, moreover, scarcely
a Democrat. He was elected to con
gress four years ago as a Populist, and
became a Bryan Democrat in 1896. He
is a radical free silverite and is opposed
to everything which tho Republican
party has ever advocated or any de
cent Republican believes in.
"To the Republicans of the twenty
seventh Pennsylvania district who are
thinking of giving their support to this
Popocratic candidate the Leader says—
Don't. The place to settle their quar
rels is at tho caucuses or in the conven
tion. When a candidate is fairly chosen
by his party he is entitled to the sup
port of all its membres at the polls."
University Association Notice.
At the meeting last Monday evening
it was resolved to adjourn until Mon
day evening, Oct. 24, on account of
the Teachers' Institute next week
The assignment for that evening is
' 539-518 in Syllabus 11. We are now
in the most important and interesting
part of our History course, viz: in
American History. All members are
cordially urged to be present at the
meetings. The members of the Asso
ciation will also please take notice:
1 That the first year's work will bo
completed about the first ofDecember.
The work for the second year will be in
literature. It will be well for those
who contemplate taking up the second
years work to communicate with the
organizer, Mr. Josiah Howard, not
later than Nov 15. The price of the
magazines to old members is 1?2.75.
2. There is a deficit in the Treasury
which calls for the payment of dues
that are in arrears.
(irand Concert.
There will be a grand concert in the
M. E. Church, Saturday, Oct. 15. by
Cecelia Bradford Trio, of New York
City. Admission, 25 cents; children,
15 cents.
j Trio—"Serenade," Cecelia Bradford Trio
| Recital—"The School Ma'am's Courting."
Miss Charlotte Bradford.
j Violin Solo—"Zigeunerweisen,"
Miss Cecelia Bradford.
Piute Solo—"Concertstiick," John Bradford.
; Recital Miss Charlotte Bradford.
| Duett, Flute and Viloin— j g; "'!!
John and Miss Cecelia Bradford.
i S a. "Alia Stella Confidents,"
1 hongs - ( b *. Ce i esU% M
Miss Charlotte Bradford.
: truiin a S a. "Romance."
! j b. "Serenade Badine,"
Miss Celelia Bradford.
| Flute Solo —"Mazurka de Salon,". .John Bradford
! Recital—"The First Spat,"
Miss Charlotte Bradford.
Trio—"Faust," Cecelia Bradford Trio
Program subject to change.
This celebrated trio consists of Miss
| Cecelia Bradford, Pupil of Madam
■ Camilla Urso, Violin Soloist Miss
; Charlotte Bradford, Elocutionist, Viol-
I inist and Vocalist. John Bradford,
j Flute Virtuoso.
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Pressed Bricks.
A new lino of hats at Soble's.
Austin ia to have a new gas line. It
will be piped from Sharon, Potter
N. Soger has just opened a new line
of boy's winter clothing upon which he
intends to make a special run.
Peter Chastain, one of Roulette's
pioneer citizens, passed away Friday
Oct. 7th., aged seventy eight years
The last of the illustrated sermons
will be next Sunday Evening in the M.
E. Church, subject' - The Way ward Boy
at Homo."
These cool nights and mornings re
mind you most forcibly of your over
coat. But you don't need to wear the
oid shabby one any more, for you can
get a new one at N. Seger's, mighty
On Saturday Sept. 24th. Abner Red
ner of Hector, Potter county, celebrated
his 103 rd birthday, with fair prospects
of passing a few more milestones on
his way down the sunset slope of life's
There will be a supper at the Bap
tist Church next Friday evening Oct.
13, under the auspices of the Y. P. S.
C. E. Baked Beans and brown bread
and a good supper in general will be
served for 2.sets. The patronage of all
is earnestly requested.
Charles McKean, on Friday last, ex
hibited at this office a beautiful rose he
picked on his premises that morning.
He grafted the rose bush into a tree on
his grounds last summer, and the rose
has hlossomed every month since.
Frost does not appear to have any ter
ror for this rose.—McKean Democrat.
In the death of Sydney A. Wetmore
on the 24th inst. Warren loses one of
its oldest and most respected citizens.
He was born in Warren July 18, 1825.
He was the seventh in descent from
Thomas Wetmore, who was one of the
founders of Hartford and Middletown,
Conn., andwho in turn had immigrated
from England where the family had for
centuries held estates. The former's
more immediate ancestors for genera
tions had been lawyers and judges.
When one person is uplifted into a
higher, nobler sphere of living through
the influence of another, the power of
that uplift will tell in other lives
brought into touch with him, and from
soul to soul the ever-widening circle
will bless and ennoble. But when the
larger part of a community is thus up
lifted, who can tell what the end will
be-in stronger manhood, purer woman
hood and a more determined battle for
the right and against tho wrong. Such
an uplift has come to Newton through
Prof. J. B. DeMotte. Every such wave
brings us a little nearer the perfect life,
for which all true-hearted people are
striving, and the moral tone of the
whole community will be stronger and
purer thereby.—Margaret Robinson in
Newton Journal. At Teachers' Insti
tute, Driftwood, Pa., Oct. 18th, 1898.
No man in the United States is ac
complishing more good than Prof. De
Motte. There is nothing of the sensa
tionalist about him, but with his ele
gant actions, fine presence, ripe
scholarship, ability as a thinker and
reasoner, and exalted ideas, what a
a man he is! He is a man of the world,
a practical scholar, a profound student
of human nature, who has successfully
grappled with the problem of Life, and
who is teaching a lesson that should be
learned by every young man and
every young woman in this land—the
lesson that impurity and immorality
will undermine them, physically and
mentally, ar.d in the end hurl them
down to destruction. No man or
woman, capable of thinking or being
instructed, ever heard Prof. De Motte
without being deeply impressed aud
benefitted.—Marysville (Mo.) Tribune.
At Teachers' Institute, Driftwood, Pa.,
Tuesday evening, Oct. 18, 1898.
What are little personal enmities
and petty jealousies compared to the
country's welfare* Perhaps the defeat
of a Congressman in this district or a
member of the Legislature in this coun
ty will not cut much figure in the ag
gregate, and yet it does not pay to take
chances. It is very important that the
next Congressman shall be strongly
Republican and we should not risk los
ing a single member when there is no
good reason therefore. A United States
Senator will be voted for by the Legis
lature elected this fall and we certainly
want a Republican to take Senator
Quay's place. Tho Senate is too close
as it is and has been too much of a
drawback on legislation. The war is
over but the questions arising from the
same will have to bo settled and the
President should be given all the help
possible in the power of the patriotic
citizens of this and every community.
Vote the ticket and you will show that
you believe in the president.—Mt.
Jewett News.
The Slayton Jubilee Singers now en
tering on their sixth year, have become
so well known that there have been
several calls for their services in Eng
land, Europe and Australia. During
the period they have been in the field
this company has given a larger num
ber of concerts than any other musical
organization. There are already many
cities that do not consider their course
complete unless they include the com
pany each season. The Slayton Jubilee
Singers have given over fifty concerts
in Chlortb" a11,.ii.. Then ddCoiid ap
pearance at the Auditorium drew the
largest door sale ever known in the
history of that famous hall, and the
cheapest seat in the house at that time
was one dollar. At the Chautauquas
there is no musical organization that
can equal this in popularity and draw
ing power. As this prospectus coes to
presH over one hundred and forty
nights have been sold for the season,
from Maine to Kansas. At Teachers'
Institute, Driftwood, Pa., Wednesday
evening, Oct. 19, 1898.
NO. 33.