THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 33. F. C. RIEC'K, D. D. 8., DENTIST. Office over Taßgart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa. a JI s (Jas and other local anaesthetics ad- Sw£2ininistcred for the painless extraction teeth. . i SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teetn, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. I will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, and Hinnemahoning the third Wednesday of each ] month. Pressed Bricks. The Y. P. S. C. E., of the Baptist church, will serve supper at the church Friday, Oct. 14,1898. Supper, 25 cents. The attendance of all requested. "Dooley says", he is that tired of hearing about the Philippines that he'd sell his interest in them for a pair of rubber boots, and he hardly ever goes out in wet weather on account of his "rooraatism." Rev. E. E. Mulliner will preach in the M. E. Church next Sabbath morn ing and evening. Rev. Mulliner will sing one or more solos at the services. The hour for evening service is changed to 7:00 o'clock. Angus McCormick, a brakeman on the B. & S. R. R., was seriously injured at Gaines, yesterday afternoon Wm. Hackenberg has reopened his store on Costello avenue, and will des pose of the balance of his stock.— Autograph. Mr. William W. Lloyd and Miss Louise Courtright both of Sinnema honing were married on Wednesday, Oct. sth. by Justice M. M. Larrabee. The groom is the son of the Democratic nominee for associate Judge, of Cam eron county, and the bride is the daughter of Orrin Courtright of Cherry Springs, Potter county. "Now," said the Sunday school teacher, "tell me who made the world and all that is in it." "God did," re plied the boy, with commendable promptitude "God can do everything can't he?" she said again. The boy hesitated a moment. "I don't believe he can lick Dewey," he answered at last, and his teacher sat silent between her religion and her patriotism. —Mc- Kean County Miner. The Associate Society of the Red Cross of Philadelphia is maintaining its hospital at Camp Meade- Patients too ill to be moved to city hospitals are taken there. Its capacity to receive all these cases is inadequate because of the Society's inability to secure experienced women nurses for the nominal suir> of sixteen dollars per month. Nurses willing to make the sacrifice and to engage in this laudable work will kindly apply b3' letter or report to "The Committe on Nurses," 1501 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia. Cards of Thanks. The relatives of the late John T. Hertig desire to express their sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted them during the illness and death of their father. JOHNT. HEETIG, JR., AND FAMILY. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crandall take this method of thanking their many friends for kindnesses shown them during their late bereavement. MR, AND MRS. C. E. GRAND AM.. Editor Press:r- Please extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our son. MR. AND MRS. LEMUEL EVANS. Robhed the Creamery. On Sunday night sneak thieves broke into the engine room of the Emporium Creamery and from there gained en trance to the main building where they succeeded in looting the money drawer to the sum of five dollars, in change. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction cr money refunded. Price '25 cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart. VBl-n4O-ly " Lloyd's Forecast of the Weather FOREM P°^ I T yM T * .A.JN JJ V IGIiN 11Y. a!>l \ tin* 111'st killing frost lor tins season on iM'idav or Saturday niornin acki " s tlie Jin( ' st lin( ' of STATI< ,N ,:R V brought to 111 is town, it being the result of my trip to j! KA.AwiA'VTAwi.vii N< ' w goods are constantly corning to freshen and brighten this showing of line Stationery. M v ". weather w,l l on Saturday, we bid you a hearty welcome to come and enjoy this astonishing exhibit: effects that cannot 1 ,ig, be seen elsewhere in this line. V Kourtli Srteet. fj. Q. ULS DYBS. .♦ >: sc&xQsjfj# yzgpr#.-*. J«G^3ec^^;^Goc^>J^JsD9C£: Ladies Wanted. To canvass for Madame Wood's Celebrated Bid Protected Hip Corsets, and for a fine line of Sateen, Italian, Changeable Moreen, Fancy Stripes, and Silk Skirts, Address J. E. Wood, 312 So. Warren St., Syracuse, N. Y. 2t Obituary. Charles Augustus Crandall, the in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crandall, died at the family residence on Fifth street, on Thursday, Sept. 29th, aged one year, one month and twenty-one days. The funeral was held from the house on Monday morning. Volume oil Domestic Animals. A volume of 500 pages, giving the treatment, cure and care of domestic animals, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry—by Dr. Fredrick Humpheys an acknowledged authority on the subject, the discovery of Hum phreys' Veterinary Specifics, with which more animals are treated, cured and saved, than by any other known system of medicine. This book is sent free on request, by addressing the Humphreys' Homeo pathic Medicine Company, Cor. Wil liam & John Sts., New York. Aged Citizen (jone. Tuesday evening brought rest and relief from pain for John Herdic, whose home Tor the past few years lias been with his daughter, Mrs. James McCon eghy, on Oak street, in this boro. He had been aflicted with paralysis and had been a patient sufferer. Ser vices were held at the residence yes terday, Rev. Tanesmeire officiating, and the remains were taken to Empo rium, his former home, for burial. Deceased leaves two sons, John, of Emporium, and George, of Buffalo, and three daughters, Mrs. Keepler, of Central City, Mrs. James McConeghy and Ida Herdic, of this place, to share with their mother the loss of the de parted. —Coudersport Journal. Church Dedication. "Great success" is the report from the dedication of the M. E. Church at Yus tin last Sunday. Dr. Gray of Dickenson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., was pre sent and gave new proof of his master ful ability as preacher and financier, and was assisted by the Rev's It. W. Whitely and C. F. Weise who did noble service in raising the necessary funds. Fine music for the occasion was fur nished by a choir, led by Dr. Crosby. Pledges amounting to over twenty five hundred dollars were secured which sum is within seven hundred dollars of the amount necessary to meet all indebtedness. Great credit is due to Rev. A. S. Bowman for his energy and success in having the edi fice rebuilt and the laudable zeal exert ed by him in soliciting subscriptions. We are requested to publish the following letter which explains itself. The doctor says that although the in vitation in only extended to policy holders, he has no doubt but that Mr. Woods will lie very glad to include in the invitation all persons from here who are interested in life insurance. PITTSBURG, Pa., Sept. 28, 1898. My Dear Doctor: The Triennial Conclave of Knights Templar will be held in Pittsburg, October 10th to 15th. We take pleasure : in extending to you and through you ! to such of our policy holders as may then visit our city the use of our offices while here. The Tradesmens Building is centrally located, and our offices, occupying the entire seventh floor of the building, are fully equipped with long distance telephones, numerous desks, writing materials, etc. Even if we cannot be of any service to our friends, we should be very glad to have the pleasure of meeting them in our offices. If you will be kind enough to extend this invitation in our behalf, we shall appreciate it. Yours very truly, EDWARD A. WOODS, Manager. | DR. EUGENE O. BARDWELL, Emporium, Pa. Ladies trimmed hats, a handsome new lot just received from New York I City at Mrs. Bardwell's. "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." EMPORIUM PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6,1898. Made an Examination. EMPORIUM, Pa., Oct. 1, 1898. To the Officers and Members of the Shippen Township School Board: GENTLEMEN:— In accordance with your request I have, Thursday, Sept. 29th, 1898, made a thorough and searching examination of the conditions and sur roundings of your school at Beech wood, Pa., with regard to the following points: First—As to whether there is now, or has recently been any disease in the residence of D. C. Kirkpatrick, of the above school district, which would render it dangerous to the health of other school children for members of said D. C. Kirkpatrick's family to at tend the public school of the district. Second—As to whether there is any evidence that the disease which has prevailed in this locality, during the past summer, and from which three patients have died, was any other than typhoid fever. I have the honor, gentlemen, to re port: First—that D. C. Kirkpatrick himself is at the present time convales cing from an attack of pneumonia, which is not a contagious disease, and that Mrs. Kirkpatrick and a five year old son who have been sick, with what I have no doubt to have been typhoid fever, have entirely recovered, and that there is no danger whatever to the public health incurred by any of the members of this family attending the public schools. Second—The evidence 1 have been able to secure as to the origin, spread and general course of the disease brings me to the conclusion that there need be no doubt whatever but that the disease which prevailed in this sec tion during the past season and which was called thphoid fever by the at tending physician, was typhoid fever and nothing else. Typhoid fever, gentlemen, is a serious disease and the fact that, under decidedly adverse sur roundings, a few of the cases failed to recover is not a valid reason for cast ing doubt on the diagnosis. There is a great deal of popular misunderstand ing with regard to the manner in which typhoid fever is spread. This fever is not a contagious disease in the same sense in which scarlet fever, small pox and measles are contagions. Typhoid fever is taken through the mouth, stomach and intestines, and in no other way. If a spring or well is contaminated by secretions from a typhoid fever patient every person drinking water from that source, before it is thoroughly disinfected, is liable to have typhoid fever, and every cow drinking such infected water is liable to pass the dis ease onto any person using her milk. These facts being incontrovertible it naturally follows that a rigid enforce ment of certain sanitary rules ought to prevent the spread of this disease. A quarantine of persons who have en tirely recovered is not, however, among these rules. Your school building at Beechwood is admirably situated, and the sanitary surrounding are most excellent. Your teacher here, Miss Evers, is an un usually intelligent and sensible young lady, and is to be strongly commended ■for the position she assumed in this dispute; pending a decision she ex excluded the cause of the controversy from the school, which is exactly the proper thing to do in all such cases. In conclusion, gentlemen, allow me to say that I most heartily approve of your course in this matter. If, in your minds, there was the slightest sus picion that in the presence of any scholar there lurked danger to the health of the school, then that scholar should have been excluded till all doubt was satisfactorily removed. 1*:. O. BARDWELL, M. D. Seed Wheat. Mr. L. G. Cook has several varieties of seed wheat for sale, samples of which may be seen at Walker's hard ware store. 25tf —WEBSTER. Death of an Umbrella Mender. Last Saturday a traveling umbrella mender was found on the south side of the P. & E. R. R. tracks, near where the yard engine is kept, in a pitable condition. He was very ill and was unable to give but little information as to his home or relatives. The over seers of the poor had him removed to the City Hotel where he died, Tuesday. He gave his name as John Eddinger and said he was a native of Illinois. His remains were shipped to Philadel phia Tuesday night. (iood Things to Eat. At Emporiums finest Grocery a vari ed assortment of fruit and vegetables, both fresh and preserved. Marshalls Saratoga Potato chips. Junket, an ideal health food and deli cious desert. Pure Maple Syrup guar anteed to please, at only 85 cents the can Emporium Creamery Butter none better. Self rising Buckwheat, Pills bury's or Schumacker's Hour. Schu mackers Rolled Avena fresh from the factory. Royal Mocha and Java coffee. DAY'S. Fire at Austin. Austin was visited by another fire yesterday at 10 o'clock. It started in the Starkweather block in the rear of Attorney Arthur Ormerod's office over the barber shop. It spread along the second and third stores of that block, destroying everything for the length of five stores. The fire did not get down to the first floor, but the contents of the stores were ruined by water. Mr. Ormerod lost everything—cloth ing books and papers. The destroyed property was fully insured.—Enter prise. Engineer Kerby and Fireman florri son of Renovo, Injured. Local freight, No. 27, known as Kar thaus train,coming east on the Susque hanna & Clearfield branch of the P. & E. R. R , near Keating, Saturday struck a cow, causing the derailment of the train. The engine jumped the track and was. thrown across it. Engineer Alex Kerby was thrown violently from the cab window. His left arm was badly splintered and broken near the elbow. The fireman, George Morrison, had one hand broken across the knuck les and otherwise bruised. Both men reside in Renovo, and were brought down on train No. 6, the same evening Dr. Weymouth gave Mr. Kerby surgical attention. The Renovo wreck train was dispatch ed at once to the scene of the accident. The damaged engine and cars are in the shops awaiting repairs.—Renovo Record. Mrs. Niles Taylor Passes Away. Mrs. Ann Elida. Taylor entered the blessed rest of Paradise, September 24th, 1898. She was born in Unadilla, Otsego Co., New York, December 28th, 1825. She was of English descent, being a direct descendant of Edward Fuller who emi grated from that country to the colon ies in 102(1. Her grandfather, Issac Fuller, was a lieutenant in the Revolu tionary army, and received promotion for bravery at the battle of Bunker Ilill. Mrs. Taylor first came to Smetliport in 18-18 on a visit to her uncle Ezra Bard, then sheriff of McKean county, and was married March Ist of the fol lowing year to Mr. A. N. Taylor; thus making a residence among us of about half a century. Her character was a strong one, with an underlying vein of tenderness, abundantly evident by her kindly min istrations to the sick, tlio dying and the dead, many instance of which are well remembered by our people. The will of the late Mrs Ann Elida Taylor was presented for probate Tues day and contained the following be quests:? 5,000 to Mary Elida Cummings; SI,OOO to St. Luke's church; §1,500 to Rennie H. Fuller; $1,400 to May W. Fuller; §3,000 to Frank N. Taylor; SI,OOO to Raymond Young'. SI,OOO to Lois Young; SI,OOO to Ned Newman; SI,OOO to Jerome Newman; SIOO in trust for cemetery lot; $3,000 in trust for Frank N. Taylor. The balance of the estate is to be divided between Ada M. Young and the children of Flora T. Newman, deceased.—McKean Miner. Latest designs in stamped linen, and sofa pillows, at hard times prices. Em broidery silks in new and brilliant shades, a nice line of cliildrens Silk Hoods, at Mrs. Bardwells. ALL AROUND THE COUNTY. Mason hill. E. I. Walker had business at the County seat on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barr visited friends at Mix Run, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Russell visited friends at Straights, Elk county, last week. Irvin Miller, one of Miller Run's hustling farmers, had business here on Wednesday. Tom Marsh took in the sights at Sinnemahoning on Monday. Mrs. Lester Losey, of Dents Run, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jordan, this week. C. L. Williams, the Huston Hill, poli tician, was seen on our streets, Sunday. Miss Jessie Sterling, of Sterling Run, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Miller, the latter part of the week. A number of young people from Huston Hill, attended church here on Sunday night. Wes' Marsh wants it distinctly un derstood -'that if he does quarrel with his neighbors" that he is not a Wes leyan. H. M. Bailey attended the Demo cratic County Convention at Empori um, on Monday, as a delegate from Gibson township Mrs. S. W. Nyce and Harry Ford, of Miller Run, and Mrs W. W. Miller, of Huston Hill, were guests of Mrs. L. B. Russell, on Sunday. Threshing is about done—oats half a crop, and buckwheat less than half a crop. Wonder how this would strike "Con Lemuel" on the poor house ques tion. O. B. Tanner and Claud Williams were out coon hunting on Saturday night. I don't know how many they captured, but can say they captured something that wasn't a coon, judging from the unpleasant odor that came from their clothes at a distance of half a mile away. It has been authoritatively stated that J. S. Farley and Charles Connor, of this place have contracted to cut A. S. Shaw's timber on Mix Run. The job consists of about five million of hem lock, one million of pine and about two thousand railroad ties. They expect to run about fifty men. Shake, Gent lemen. We are sorry to hear that the Sterling Run correspondent has stopped "Buz zing" "Peggy." We thought this would make a wedding in the near future. But the Editor interfered and now we can take the chickens we've fattened for the wedding dinner and use in the coming quarterly meeting, providing some body don't steal them. October 3rd. DING. Sinnemahoning. The bridge builders are once more at work and the prospects are that the much discussed bridge question will soon be settled for good and for keeps. Surely everybody will appreciate a rest, and after we get a bridge "let us have peace " Grove township Republicans are ex pressing themselves as well pleased with tho result of the late County Con vention and all indications point to a good Republican majority at the Nov ember e'ection, which will be the proper and natural result and in per fect harmony with the "eternal fitness of things," at a time like the present when the very atmosphere is charged with reasons why a sweeping Republi can victory is "needed in our business." Mr. Isaac Floyd and Miss Maggie Bailey slipped away to Lock Haven on Saturday, Sept. 24, and were quietly married, so their many friends at home wouldn't find it out (?) until too late for the calathumpians to celebrate the event. O, no; they didn't find it out! But all the same the 'band' was in tune when the happy couple returned, but the wily groom, who is foreman on the log train found it necessary to take a trip up into tho woods and stayed all night. On his return one would think Ike was running for all the offices in the county and was going to buy them cigars. He silenced (he band, however, and everybody joins in congratulations and best wishes for the future happi ness of these popular young people. May their prosperity be abundant and their troubles only little ones. JOB. Austin. The new M. E. Church was dedicated last Sunday. Reverends Grey and Wilson doing the dedicatory work, as sisted by Rev. Bowman, pastor in charge. On Saturday the old "Klondyke" building, on Costelle Avenue, ancl the one adjoining it, were destroyed by fire The firemen succeeded in keep ing the fire from catching the Bismark House, which adjoined the "Klondike." Austin suffered two conflagrations last week. The upper story of the east end of the Starkweather block burned out on Tuesday, shorty after dinner. L. Starkweather, who had just returned to Austin with his bride, started a fire in a new cook stove, with gas, and from some cause unknown it exploded, sotting lire to the building. The fire laddies soon hail six streams on the building and drowned the fire out in a few minutes. The mystery surrounding tho dis appearance of C. J. Kittle, about nine months ago, was solved the fore part of last week by the finding of his bones by Elijah Prouty, while on a gingseng expedition, about two miles from his home, in the woods. The authorities were notified, the bones gathered up, and interment made in Austin Ceme tery. Your readers will remember the finding of a man in Decatur township, about two years ago, nearly famished and of being taken care of by the authorities. This was C.J. Kittle under a different name. TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE Slzerville. Editor Press:— Wheelmen do not take kindly to the roads since the heavy rain. Messrs. Bradford and Meacham. of Eldred, were seen in our town on Mon day, guests of Messrs. Cotter and Sloan. Charley Welter savs he was in Glean last Saturday, "by Katie." Our old friend Cy Sage, Jr., and family dropped in on Saturday last to visit father Burlingame. Cy says he made a hit in locating at Johnsonburg. Its a case of husband desertion this time; she's gone and left him in tears and sorrow. Poor man. By the amount of Stone in the field this fall, it looks as if the Swallow would homeward lly and stay there. P. Ames is about to make his final departure to Butte, Mont., where he will make his home with a sister in the future. The chestnut crop is plentiful this season. There are many brought to town daily at 20 cents a quart. Mr. C. W. Shaffer was in our town on Monday, looking on both sides of the political fence. N. R. Covel will leave for Kennett Square, on the 11th, to join the old vets that marched with him in '6l. KIT. Programme of the Autumn Meeting of State Board of Agriculture; The following is the program for the Autumn meeting of the Pennsylvania State Board of Agriculture and General Farmers' Institute, to be held in the Court House, Emporium, Cameron county, Pa., Wednesday and Thurs day, October 12th and 13tli, 1898: ORDER OF BUSINESS. Meeting will be called to order at 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 12th. Adjournment on motion, 1. Roll call of members. 2. Appointment of Committee on Credentials of Members and Delegates. 3. Reception of Credentials of Members and Delegates. 4. Address of Welcome by Hon. B. W. Green. 5. Replv on behalf of the Board, by Hon. D. H. Hastings, Governor, fi. Report of Committee on Credentials. 7. Obituary notice of E. N. Fairchild. late member of the Board from ('aineron county; Messrs. Herr, Gardner, Reed and Bher burii. Committee. 8. Obituary notice of George Hopwood, late member of the Board from Fayette countv; Messrs. Critchfield, Clark, Thomas and Mc- Dowell, Committee. 9. Reports of Standing Committee. 10. Miscellaneous Business. 11. New Business, 12. The Agricultural Possibilities of Cameron County, by Josiah Howard, Esq., Empori um, Cameron County, Pa.- 13. The County Agricultural Society, by J. Blair Reed, member from Clearfield, Clearfield, 11. The Law and the Land, by Hon. J. C. John son, Emporium. Pa. 15. Discussion of Essays and Addresses. 16. Questions and Answers. WEDNESDAY EVENING,OCTOBER 12TH, 1898. Call to order at 7.20 p. m. Adjournment on motion. 1. From Pine Trees to the Farm, by Dr. R. P. Heilman, Emporium, Cameron County. Pa. 2. LECTURE The Old Agriculture and the New, by Prof. 8. B, Heiges, Member from York, York, Pa. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13TH, 1898. Call to order at 9a.m. Adjournment on Motion. 1. Opportunities Possible, by W. A Gardner, member from Potter, Andrew's settlement, 1. How I Raise Turnips and other Root Crops, by H. P. Spence, Emporium. Pi. 3. The farmer as a Citizen, by Col. J. A. Wood ward, member of the Board from Centre, Howard, Pa. 4. Good Citizenship, by J. A. Herr, member of the Board from Clinton, Cedar Springs. Pa. 5. Questions and Answers. THURSDAY AI'TEKNOON, OCTORER 13TII, 189S. Call to order at 1.30 p. m. Adjournment on motion. 1. How can we make Farming Pay? bv I. K. HoHtley, Emporium, P«i. 2. Dairying in Denmark, by I)r. Leonard Pear son, State Veterinarian, Ilarrisburg, Pa. 3. Successful Dairying, by C. L. Peck, Couders port, Pa. 4. Crimson Clover, by Dr. J. T. Rothrock, For estry Commissioner, Harrisburg, Pa. 5. Soma Points in the Purchase of Fertilizers. by .1. K. Murray member of the Board from Montour, Pottsgrove, Pa. fi. Questions and Answer-. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13TH, ISSS. Call to order at 7.30 p.Yn. Adjournment at 9 p. m. 1. ADDREss—The Department of Agriculture and its Relations to tiie Farming Interests of Pennsylvania, by Prof. John Hamilton, Deputy Secretary of Agricblture, Harrisburg, Pa. Arrangements have been made with tlie Penn sylvania and Reading Railroads for the sale of tickets, at excursion rates. These tickets can only be obtained from local ticket agents, by the presentation of proper orders, which will be furnished by the .Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, without charge. Tiios. J. EDGE. Sec'v. Harrisburg, Pa. Council Proceedings. Regular Meeting, Borough Council, October 3rd. 1808. Present: Balcom, Palmer, Hacket, Day, Warner, Burns, Strayer, and Burke. Absent, Lloyd. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Committee appointed to draft ordinance was continued. Committee appointed to confer with Attorney in Regard to requiring the W. N. Y. & P. Ry. Co. to place watchman at crossing in the Eart. Ward, reported that council could not compel the Ry Co. to place watchman at said crossing and committee was then discharged. Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Burke, that the W. N, Y. I*. Railroad Co. be notified that unless within 15 days they make some pro vision for the disposal of surface water coming down Portage Street, the Council would do it ai their expense. Carried. On notion by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr" Day, the following bills were ordered paid. P. E. Land Co. on contract GO.OO Thos. Cavanaugh, work on streets 10.50 Jas. Haviland, work on streets 2.25 H. L. Hacket Lumber 9.19 John Blinzler Draying 5, 75 Gee. Kempher Drying hose . 2.00 OraOdell Drying nose 1.00 F. B. Pel key Drying hose 1.00 E. G. Strait Drying hose. 2.00 J. Bair to apply on Water troughs. 15.00 Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded bv Mr. Day, that a refunding order for £2. be drawn in favor of George Stevens to refund dog tax of 1898. Carried. Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Strayer that side walk notices be sent in accordance with list tiled with Secretary, by the Street Commis sioner. Carried. Moved by Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Balcom, that the usual appropriation be made to the Fire Companies by the Council' for the year 18H8. Carried. Moved by Balcom, seconded by Strayer that the list of Fire Police submitted by the Burgess be approved. Carried. On motion the Council then adjourned. C. JAY GOODNOUGH, Sec'y. N. Seger will, for the next ten days, Hive his customers the benefit of a sacri fice sale in men's anil boys' clothing. All prices have been reduced thirty per cent NO. 32.