Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 29, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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fcuch itf the Claim 31 ado hy Ciov. Illack'H
Friendi—"Teddy*®" Supporter# are Not
Albany, X. Y., Sept. 24.—The sup
porters of Gov. Black have exposed
their hands, which have been responsi
ble for their great confidence in their
ability to defeat Roosevelt for the
gubernatorial nomination, and which
makes the nomination of Roosevelt an
impossibility. Roosevelt, they say. is
"ineligible" to run as a candidate for
governor in this state at this lime.
When Roosevelt was sworn in as as
sistant secretary of the navy he swore
to his residence as Washington, D. C.
The federal constitution, however,
■provides that persons holding office in
the federal government retain their
residence in the state from which they
are appointed, but when Roosevelt re
signed from the navy department he
retired to private life. I hereafter he
enlisted in the army, and in accepting
his commission again swore to his
residence as Washington.
New York, Sept. 24. - Chairman
O'Dell, of the republican state com
mittee, was interviewed at the Fifth
Avenue hotel in reference to Roose
velt's alleged ineligibility for the
office of governor.
"We know all about the affidavits
sitrned by Mr. Roosevelt." said Mr.
O'Dell, "and we are not in the least
worried. The best lawyers and the
best judges in the city have had the
subject under consideration and they
are unanimously of the opinion that
there is nothing in these documents
which will prevent the nomination
and election of Theodore Roosevelt."
A Keniatlonal Story.
San Francisco, Sept. 24. —The Post
publishes a sensational story to the
effect that Germany is planning to
send numerous trading vessels to the
Philippine islands and will arm 150,-
000 Filipinos, besides furnishing
Krupp guns and artillery for field
use. The islanders, the Post alleges,
will be thoroughly drilled by (ierman
officers and by February Aguinaldo
wi 11 be prepared to make an onslaught
on the American forces According to
the Post, German agents have made
a report to their government that it
will be impossible for the United
States to land more than 50,000 men
in the Philippines before Aguinaldo
is ready to make his coup.
Sarcent R»-elfCted.
Toronto, Out., Sept. 24. F. P. Sar
gent was yesterday re-elected grand
master of the Brotherhood of Loco
motive Firemen, by acclamation. E.
V. Debs has come and gone, but he
did not capture any office in the gift
of the order. It is asserted that what
Debs wanted was his old position of
secretary-treasurer and editor of the
Firemen's Magazine. The firemen
will hold aloof from the trouble
threatened on all roads entering Pitts
burg. There is no possibility of the
headquarters of the brotherhood be
ing removed from Peoria, 111.
No More llrliiy Can l>e Tolerated.
Washington, Sept. 24.—A vpry pre
emptory mesage of instruction has
been sent to the Cuban military com
mission and by them made the basis
of a note to the Spanish commission
ers. The authorities here will not
make public the terms of the note, but
its general tenor is that the Cnited
States will not be satisfied with any
further delay in the evacuation of
Three Minorx Killed.
Xanticoke, Pa.. Sept. 24. — By a rush
of coal in No. 1 shaft Friday three
men were entombed and probably in
stantly killed. They were George H.
Morgan, aged 34 years; John Shan
non, aged 32. and John A. Jones, aged
28. Two other miners narrowly es
caped with their lives.
Their Voyage Almont KII<IO<I.
Queenstown, Sept. 24. The steamer
Campania, from Xew York, with tht
United States peace commissioners on
board, arrived here on Friday, after
an uneventful voyfge, with ull well on
European Monoy Markets Re
spond to Our Control.
Wonderful Activity at the Chief
Centers of Trade.
Iron and Steel IStisinefts Kxpand* with a
Rapidity that KxceciU Ail Expectation!*
—Americiu Plants Crowded witli Orders
for Months Ahead.
New York, Sept. 24. R. O. Dun fi
Co.'s Weekly Review <»f Trade savs:
Europe will have to consider possible
American demands for money milch
more anxiously in the future. Doubt
less there has been for many years
a feeling that the new continent could
be put off with promises. But the
control of this country over money
markets in the old world is coming to
be that of a master. Our banks lend
over there heavily when it is the most
convenient market for them, but they
draw on Europe whenever they want
Reports from different cities dis
close a wonderful activity at the chief
centers of western trade. To eastern
dealers it. may be hard to realize that
such extraordinary activity exists at
the west, although their own trade is
excellent. Even in eastern markets it
is commonly said that no larger trade
has ever been known, unless in 1892,
but the western cities are running
things much after their own taste
this year, having greater advantages
than ever before in heavy bank bal
ances, and while the exchanges for
the week fall below those of last year
3.5 per cent, they are 13.1 per cent
larger than in the same week in 1892.
The iron and steel trade expands
with a rapidity which throws into the
shade all expectations, with a steel
famine in Germany and fireat Britain
in the market for 10,000 tons of
plates and American works are crowd
ed fi»r months ahead.
The textile industries are not shar
ing the general improvement to a full
extent, in part because the heavy de
cline in cotton, with large stocks of
goods accumulating, makes the mills
disposed to wait for future develop
ments and in part because the price
of wool is higher than the mills are
at present disposed to pay.
Failures for the week liave been 173
in the I'nited States, against 200 last
year, and 10 in Canada against 28 last
Flood* In North Carolina.
Charlotte. X. C„ Sept. 24.—Specials
from points in western Xorth Caro
lina tell of serious damage from a
cloudburst. The Yadkin and Catawba
rivers are booming. In Caldwell
county the rainfall was six inches in
24 hours. The Carolina & Northwest
ern railroad tracks are two feet under
water in one place. The river bottom
corn crops are ruined. The hay crop
is also seriously damaged. Louis
Moser was drowned in the Yadkin
near Donnaha.
At He*t in Hollyivood.
Richmond, Va., Sept. 24.—Varina
Jefferson Davis, "the daughter of the
Confederacy," sleeps her lust sleep in
the land she loved so well, ller re
mains arrived here Friday and were
met at the depot by camp. Con
federate veterans, of which she was a
member, and delegates from Pickett
camp. The casket was placed in St.
Paul's church a .id after the services
the remains were buried in Hollywood
Republican State Convention at Detroit
Renominate* the Famou* Heformer for
Governor—A Kinging Indorsement of Mc-
Klnley and Alger.
Detroit, Mich.. Sept. 2:2. Gov. I'in
gree was renominated by acclamation
yesterday by the repn bl ieall state con
vention. His reform ideas and efforts
toward regulating alleged inequalities
of taxation were heartily commended
in the platform adopted, and many
members of his party who have here
tofore not hecn in accord with the
governor joined in the cheering when
lie appeared .->.•<! made a characteristic
speech of acceptance.
A contest between the so-called
Sheldon and Stephenson sets of dele
pates from Marquette county occupied
the committee on credentials most of
the afternoon. Meanwhile the con
vention and crowd of spectators in
the galleries listened to addresses by
Webster Davis, assistant secretary of
the interior; ex-Congressman O'Don
nell (who was to have been l'ingree's
opponent but had withdrawn), »nd
others. It was late in the day before
the credentials committee report*"! in
favor of the Sheldon delegates. The
report was adopted after a sharp fight.
E. O. Grosvenor, state dairy and food
commissioner, a I'ingree appointee,
was made permanent chairman. I'in
gree men largely outnumbered the
others on the resolutions committee.
When the resolutions were reported
to the convention they were unani
mously adopted without debate.
On the war issue the resolutions say:
"We indorse the present national ad
ministration and express confidence
in the honesty, integrity and patriot
ism of President McKinlev. During
the trying times that culminated in a
war with Spain, lie displayed rare
ability and discretion until the cessa
tion of hostilities, which we hope will
speedily result in permanent peace.
"We indorse our honored secretary
of war and commend his conscientious,
patriotic and unselfish devotion to the
honor of the nation and the welfare
of the army. We denounce the unjust
attacks made on him and offer him our
undivided support and confidence.
"We reaffirm the principles of the
St. Louis platform, and pledge them
onr support as a sure guarantee of
national prosperity and honor. We
stand upon the existing gold standard
anil condemn the proposition to admit
silver to free and unlimited coinage at
the ratio of 10 to 1 by this country
The administration of Gov. Pingree
is commended, especially his care and
energy in equipping and caring for
the interests of the troops and their
families. A state immigration bureau
is urged to be established for the pur
pose of promoting 1 development, of lin
occupied lands.
For lieutenant governor O. W. Roh
ison, of Houghton, an ardent I'ingree
state senator, was nominated after a
close contest with Gerritt J. Dickman.
ex-speaker of the house of representa
In his speech of acceptance Gov.
I'ingree announced that he was "just
the same old bald-headed I'ingree I
was two years ago; the kind of re
publican that believes in principle be
fore party."
The state ticket was completed by
the following nominations: For sec
retary of state, J. S. Stearns, of Lud
ington; auditor general, Roscoe I).
Dix. of Berrien Springs; attorney gen
eral. Horace M. Oren, of Sault Ste.
Marie; treasurer. George E. Steele, of
St. Johns; commissioner of land office,
W. A. French, of Presque Isle.
Canadian* tiive a Koyal Welcome to the
Marblehead** Men—-Dedication of the
< ham plain Monument.
Quebec, Sept. 22.—Yesterday the
Canadian people paid a magnificent
tribute to the memory of the French
explorer Champlain, who 290 years ago
founded the city of Quebec. In the
presence of one of the greatest assem
blages ever seen in the province of
Quebec, and near the spot where the
great explorer's body is supposed to
have been buried, a grawd monument
to his memory was unveiled. The en
tire city took a holiday, business places
were closed, daily papers suspended
publication, and last night the old city
gleamed with fantastic illuminations.
The principal dignitaries of the Do
minion were present. All of the
speeches were made in French.
To Americans the most interesting
feature was the enthusiastic reception
given to ('apt. Mel alia, of the cruiser
Marblehead, and his marines and sail
ors. Three Hritish men-of-war arrived
several days ago, but the seamen did
not «-et the spirited reception given
the battered Marolehead and her sail
ors fresh from the stormy scenes on
the south coast of Cuba. It was a little
after sunrise when the Marblehead
steamed up the gver and when she
came in sight the British warships
made the old walls of the citadel above
them tremble with the thunder of
their welcome. The Marblehead an
swered the salute with her R-inch guns.
The moment the Marblehcad's guns
spoke a tremendous cheer went up
from the ramparts, where a great
throng of people were looking down
upon the warships in the river below.
Then again when the marines marched
tip through the streets and gate of the
old city it was one continuous chorus
of cheers for the men of the Marble
head. At the unveiling ceremonies
the Marblehead men were given the
position of honor.
A Slnrtllnir I)eatli-hed St- ra
Denver, Col., Sept. 22. —Capt. C. A.
Worden, Seventh infantry, died at
Fort Logan yesterday. He was 51
years old. Capt. Worden was in the
fighting around Santiago. On July 16
he was taken sick and was returned
to Fort Logan on August 13. Worden,
just before expiring, said: "While
sick with fever at Tampa. I was left
for ten days in an abandoned ware
house without a mouthful to cat. My
sole subsistence was cast-away lemon
peels. I die of starvation." Worden
made the above statement in the pres
ence of his family and a notary public.
Urn. tValto Tell* Oeneral
Kuddliigton that the Itail Condition of
a Camp IK Due to tlie Latter'* Neglect.
Lexington, Ky., Sept. 22. —-A promi
nent gentleman close to the national
administration as web as to the offi
cers here at Camp Hamilton, says:
The tour of inspection of the southern
camps by Secretary Alger. Quarter
master (icn. Lnddington and Surgeon
Gen. Sternberg will likely develop nu
merous charges from regimental and
general field officers against both the
medical and the quartermaster's de
partments and especially against some
commissaries. The talking was begun
here by Gen. Sanger against the med
ical department and by lien. Waite
against tin* quartermasters, and it is
expected that officers at other points
will aiil materially to this testimony
before the tour of inspection is com
pleted. Secretary Alger stated that
all of this information and all other
.evidence that he could secure would
be presented to the investigating com
mission at Washington.
At the conference here of Secretary
Alger with Gen. Breckinridge, the
commander of Camp Hamilton, and
other offieriTS, Gen. Sanger said while
the division hospital may be a good
thing, that as it was conducted it had
been a disgrace to the service; that it
had deprived the regiments of their
surgeons and caused hardships on the
sick who should have had better atten
tion at the proper time. Surgeon Gen.
Sternberg in reply insisted that all
requisitions had been honored in
Washington and that any medical men
failing to do their duty should be re
Gen. Waite told Secretary Alger that
neglect of some quartermasters to fur
nish supplies was criminal. While in
Chickamauga he frequently made
requisitions which were not honored.
An imperative order had been sent to
have all water boiled. He made a
requisition upon Quartermaster Gen.
Lee for water boilers. No attention
was paid to his requisition and.after
lie repeatedly urged Quartermaster
Lee to send the boilers and telling him
how the men were contracting typhoid
fever, he was met with a reply which
read: "The war department does not
furnish boilers." (Jen. Waite then pur
chased the boilers himself, but the
seeds of typhoid had been sown and
the daily report showed the list of
deaths and of cases in the hospitals.
Pointing to Quartermaster I.udding
ton. Gen. Waite said: "These men can
not say it was somebody else's fault.
It was the fault of Quartermaster Lee
and it was the fault of Quartermaster
Luddington, who is standing right
there." Luddington made no reply to
Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 22.—Secre-
tary Alger, who inspected Camp Po
land yesterday and reviewed the enlist
ed men encamped there, made a speech
to the commanding officers at Gen.
McKee's headquarters during the
morning in which he fixed the blame
for the sickness in the different camps
throughout the country on the com
manding officers. Secretary Alger was
given an enthusiastic reception by the
citizens of Knoxville nnd by the com
manding officers of the camp on his
arrival. He went from the depot di
rect to the camp and shortly after
wards the secretary rode over the drill
field and inspected the troops.
He then reviewed the grand parade
arranged in his honor and afterwards
made a speech to the commanding offi
cers. lie next visited the hospitals and
regimental quarters and made a tho
rough inspection of the camp and men.
Gen Alger congratulated Gen McKce
on the splendid condition of his camp
and of the troops. He expressed satis
faction with the location of the camp
and the showing made by the men.
The Tran«port Seguranca Arrives at Moil
tank with One Cane of Yellow Jack on
Camp Wikoff, Montauk Point, L. 1.,
Sept. 22.—The transport Seguranca ar
rived Wednesday from Cuba with one
case of yellow fever aboard. The
transport brought sick and convales
cent soldiers from tlie hospitals at
Siboney. Gen. Wheeler sent one of
the camp surgeons to inspect the
transport and to arrange for the re
moval of the sick to the detention
hospital, which will now have to be
The yellow fever patient on board
the Seguranca is isolated, and will be
kept on the vessel for the present.
The Seguranca brought 40 men who
were not able to care for themselves
and 35 convalescents.
The City of Mexico also arrived at
the camp with troop M.of the Tenth
regular cavalry, which was left be
hind in Cuba to care for the belong
ings of the regiment. There were 715
men in all, 18 of whom are sick.
There were 496 patients in the hos
pital yesterday and 350 of the men in
the hospital are seriously ill. There
were two deaths Wednesday.
McKlnley Thank* Hough It id >T«.
Washington. Sept. 22.—President
McKinley yesterday received a dozen
members of the Roosevelt Rough
Rider regiment. A majority of the
delegation are from New Mexico, nnd
are enroute home. Each of the callers
was presented to the president, who
spoke with enthusiasm of the regi
ment's work in the Santiago campaign,
saying that he was pleased to have
the opportunity to thank the regiment
through the present delegation for the
work it had done.
< onvletH Mutiny*
London, Sept. 22.—A dispatch from
Paris says that a mutiny has taken
place among the convicts at Cayenne,
the capital of French Guiana. The
mutineers overpowered and murdered
their guards, then stormed the mili
tary storehouse and seized the arms
and ammunition there. They are be
sieging the principal prison and it is
feared they may succeed in freeing the
4,000 convicts confined 1n the build
ing. Reinforcements have been tele
graphed for to the island of Martin
ique. but it is said they w ill not arrive
in time to suppress the mutiny.
Eight Miners are Killed at
Brownsville, I'a.
Gas and Firedamp Let Go with
the Usual Etfeet.
Sieariy All of tlie Men Who Escaped I»i<l
So by Means of an Underground I'aftiage
that Led to the Surface - A List of the
Brownsville, Pa., Sept. 24. —Seventy
men were entombed yesterday in the
10 nip ire mine of Snowdeu, Gould &
Co., one-fourth of a mile below town,
as the result of an explosion of gas
followed by another explosion of fire
damp. Of the number entombed all
escaped or were taken out by rescu
ing parties except eight, who were
killed outright, and three more or less
hurt. The dead:
John Flaiston, miner, aged 35,
colored, wife and two children.
Salem Haistou, miner, his brother,
aged 25, single.
Robert Davidson, miner, aged 45,
white, no family.
John Bennett, driver, aged 22, single.
William Pritchard, miner, aged 50.
wife and seven children.
Henry Hager, driver, aged 17.
John Cartwriglit. miner, aged 50,
married but no children.
James Hall, miner, aged 27, unmar
The explosion is said to have been
caused by the loosening of a large
block of coal which opened a pocket
of gas. Immediately following the
explosion of gas there teas a second
explosion of firedamp. There were 70
men at work in the mine at the time
of the disaster and at fif-st it seemed
an impossibility for any of the 54 men
in entries No. 0 and 10, where the ex
plosion occurred, to escape. Four
men, who were near the entrance,
managed to crawl out, and the others,
with the exception of those caught by
falling coal, escaped by traversing a
mile and a half of underground pas
sages, coming out at the entrance
near Lynn station. This point is four
miles from tlie opening of the mine on
the Monongaliela river.
Shortly after the report was circu
lated that an explosion had taken
place at the mine and that many min
ers were entombed. Water street, a
narrow thoroughfare leading to it,
was crowded with men. wdmen and
children, all moving at a breakneck
speed towards the mines. There were
moans and sobs and a general feeling
of painful apprehension. There were
conjectures of whether husband,
father, brother or sweetheart were
victims. When the mine was reached
willing hands at once went to work.
Everybody seemed to want togo into
the mine. It was by sheer force that
those in charge at the entry kept the
crowd out.
Several hours later the tinkle of
the electric bell in the engine house
announced that a train of coal cars
was coming. The scene of the dis
aster is more than a mile from the
entry. Three cars are taken in and
out by means of a lieavv iron cable
wrapped and unwrapped by two large
spools. It took about ten minutes for
the first load to reach the outside
world. While the cable was winding
there was a suspense that bordered
on the awful. Xo one knew what was
coming, but feared the worst. As one
of the spools indicated that the load
would soon arrive, the suspense was
all the greater. "Here it comes" was
an almost unanimous whisper. When
the little train of cars emerged a
shuder was visible in the crowd. First
there came two cars loaded with coal.
Then four cars, in each of which
there were two bodies.
At 9 o'clocK last night the last of
the explorers of the mine came out
and announced that there was noth
ing—living or dead —left behind in
tlie mine, leaving tin* list of fatalities
as given above.
IfaiulitH Hold Up a Train.
Kansas City, Mo.. Sept, 24. —The
Colorado & Coffeyville express train
on the Missouri Pacific railroad, which
left here at 0:15 last night, was held
up by robbers near Leeds, a suburban
station about six miles out. The loco
motive and baggage car were detached
from the t" ' . nnd taken down the
track toward Dodson, after which
the robbers shattered the Pacific Ex
press Co.'s car with dynamite. It is
not known what the robbers secured.
Officials of the express company say
the safe contained little treasure.
Filipino** Three KeqnoHtM.
Manila, Sept. 24.—The Filipino na
tional assembly has decided to request
the Americans to recognize the inde
pendence of the islands; to establish
a protectorate over their external af
fairs and to induce the powers to rec
ognize their independence; also to
appoint a joint commission of Amer
icans and Filipinos for the arrange
ment of details to "reciprocate the
Americans' services."
Kan a TVft»etlnc "Sneak K««y."
Camp Meade, Middletown, Pa., Sept.
24.—John Kennedy was arrested yes
terday for running a "traveling speak
easy" in the Second Tennessee regi
ment. Kennedy carried about with
him a tube from a concealed flask,
with which the thirsty soldier con
Uncle Sam Won't Fay Their Fare.
Washington, Sept. 24. An order has
been issued by the war department to
different commanding generals, stat
ing that furloughed men are not en
titled to transportation to their
homes at government expense.
SSOO Reward
Tb* ilmti R«wv4 will W paid fbr Ik
fbraatioa that will lead to the uTort mm
ecnrietio* of th* party or patio* «h»
eaoed iroa and alaba oa Ike trtek of tkm
mporiuiß k Kick Valley R R., MMJ
th< eaat line of Frmaklia Hoiulwr's (Warn,
a* tho •T«nukj( of NOT. 21«t, 18C>1.
88-tf. /Veuwiw*.
THS *n Arraigned Kaa oponod *
olaaa Liquor *toro, and lav lias Ab
trade of Hotola, lUMaarajta,
Wo thai) carry DODO bat lha baat
loan and Imported
Cketee flu «112
Bottled Goodr.
»tMI ui BH*ar4 iMßbaMtaHkat^
OBIA Am nl KB.
rtorairroi, bkpobtom. FA.
■ .
W Battler ad mmd •eater to A
& WINES, «112
M And Liquor* of AH Kinds. A
H Tbo boat of gooda at way* R
3k carried In etock and ovory- afi
rf thing warranted u roproaoaV TT
I Eapoctal Attonttoa Paid to ■
Ag nkil Order*. M
112 60 TO i
sJ. A. flinslef'U
I Brae* Street, Baepertaa, Pa., 1
J What* yea aaa I* aaytidag r*< nil k I
C tk« liaa of 1
S Groceries, y
l Provisions, 112
I tea, Utm, Pndta, (alMon /
S Mum ui Clfin. C
V Ooeio Delivered Vvmm mmp /
/ riace taa Town. |
c cm id xn d id m men.)
< ixii r. * i. tint (
Bottling Worts,
mtw MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Wear 1.11 Dapet. Ka»realaaa, la.
Bottler aa* Skipper a#
Lager Beer,
Tka HihlMh« ef Ml
nriaka aa« Dealer la abator
Wlaar aa* Pue Liqnara
Wo k«or bobo but the T*IJ boat
Boar and or* prepared to fill Order* «a
abort notiot. Private flunllloa a err*4
*»iiw urdealitd.
Ceraata, and Tr*A»-MaJ*B afcteirv,d and ell FW
i Itfliwia aoodacto* tar MODERATE Puce,
oynornei i* Oreoeirj U, 8. hTiaTOrrw;
aa* we cae aaaara pa teal ja lot line taaa iheee
moot* [rvxm WaaWaatoa.
, Sea* «e«UL 4rawto« er pfcote_ witk <hea(<f»
tlaa. Wa ad viae, If patentable or not, (r«e el
c*ax*a. Oar (aa oat due till eatant la ••carao.
i * PaaaMLTT. Ho« te Obtain Fatanta,' •«*
! ooil u? aamaia the U. & aaC turcica oaenutea
'•eat free. Altna,
. O
l» NEW YORK Omo*a #