ROOSEVELT INELIGIBLE. fcuch itf the Claim 31 ado hy Ciov. Illack'H Friendi—"Teddy*®" Supporter# are Not Alarmed. Albany, X. Y., Sept. 24.—The sup porters of Gov. Black have exposed their hands, which have been responsi ble for their great confidence in their ability to defeat Roosevelt for the gubernatorial nomination, and which makes the nomination of Roosevelt an impossibility. Roosevelt, they say. is "ineligible" to run as a candidate for governor in this state at this lime. When Roosevelt was sworn in as as sistant secretary of the navy he swore to his residence as Washington, D. C. The federal constitution, however, ■provides that persons holding office in the federal government retain their residence in the state from which they are appointed, but when Roosevelt re signed from the navy department he retired to private life. I hereafter he enlisted in the army, and in accepting his commission again swore to his residence as Washington. New York, Sept. 24. - Chairman O'Dell, of the republican state com mittee, was interviewed at the Fifth Avenue hotel in reference to Roose velt's alleged ineligibility for the office of governor. "We know all about the affidavits sitrned by Mr. Roosevelt." said Mr. O'Dell, "and we are not in the least worried. The best lawyers and the best judges in the city have had the subject under consideration and they are unanimously of the opinion that there is nothing in these documents which will prevent the nomination and election of Theodore Roosevelt." A Keniatlonal Story. San Francisco, Sept. 24. —The Post publishes a sensational story to the effect that Germany is planning to send numerous trading vessels to the Philippine islands and will arm 150,- 000 Filipinos, besides furnishing Krupp guns and artillery for field use. The islanders, the Post alleges, will be thoroughly drilled by (ierman officers and by February Aguinaldo wi 11 be prepared to make an onslaught on the American forces According to the Post, German agents have made a report to their government that it will be impossible for the United States to land more than 50,000 men in the Philippines before Aguinaldo is ready to make his coup. Sarcent R»-elfCted. Toronto, Out., Sept. 24. F. P. Sar gent was yesterday re-elected grand master of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen, by acclamation. E. V. Debs has come and gone, but he did not capture any office in the gift of the order. It is asserted that what Debs wanted was his old position of secretary-treasurer and editor of the Firemen's Magazine. The firemen will hold aloof from the trouble threatened on all roads entering Pitts burg. There is no possibility of the headquarters of the brotherhood be ing removed from Peoria, 111. No More llrliiy Can l>e Tolerated. Washington, Sept. 24.—A vpry pre emptory mesage of instruction has been sent to the Cuban military com mission and by them made the basis of a note to the Spanish commission ers. The authorities here will not make public the terms of the note, but its general tenor is that the Cnited States will not be satisfied with any further delay in the evacuation of Cuba. Three Minorx Killed. Xanticoke, Pa.. Sept. 24. — By a rush of coal in No. 1 shaft Friday three men were entombed and probably in stantly killed. They were George H. Morgan, aged 34 years; John Shan non, aged 32. and John A. Jones, aged 28. Two other miners narrowly es caped with their lives. Their Voyage Almont KII.•T«. Washington. Sept. 22.—President McKinley yesterday received a dozen members of the Roosevelt Rough Rider regiment. A majority of the delegation are from New Mexico, nnd are enroute home. Each of the callers was presented to the president, who spoke with enthusiasm of the regi ment's work in the Santiago campaign, saying that he was pleased to have the opportunity to thank the regiment through the present delegation for the work it had done. < onvletH Mutiny* London, Sept. 22.—A dispatch from Paris says that a mutiny has taken place among the convicts at Cayenne, the capital of French Guiana. The mutineers overpowered and murdered their guards, then stormed the mili tary storehouse and seized the arms and ammunition there. They are be sieging the principal prison and it is feared they may succeed in freeing the 4,000 convicts confined 1n the build ing. Reinforcements have been tele graphed for to the island of Martin ique. but it is said they w ill not arrive in time to suppress the mutiny. A BLACK FRIDAY. Eight Miners are Killed at Brownsville, I'a. TWO GREAT EXPLOSIONS. Gas and Firedamp Let Go with the Usual Etfeet. SEVENTY MEN ENTOMBED. Sieariy All of tlie Men Who Escaped I»i1. UUIT ACCIIB, 88-tf. /Veuwiw*. FINE LIQUOR SiORB —or— EMPORIUM, PA. THS *n Arraigned Kaa oponod * olaaa Liquor *toro, and lav lias Ab trade of Hotola, lUMaarajta, Wo thai) carry DODO bat lha baat loan and Imported WHISKIES, BRANDIES, GINS AND WINES* BOTTLED ALE, CHAMPAttIiE, Ik Cketee flu «112 Bottled Goodr. CIGARS AND TOBA(XXX. »tMI ui BH*ar4 iMßbaMtaHkat^ OBIA Am nl KB. A.. A. McDONALD, rtorairroi, bkpobtom. FA. ■ . §F. X. BLUMLE.If W IMFOBIUH, FA fi| W Battler ad mmd •eater to A & WINES, «112 & WHISKIES, S M And Liquor* of AH Kinds. A H Tbo boat of gooda at way* R 3k carried In etock and ovory- afi rf thing warranted u roproaoaV TT I Eapoctal Attonttoa Paid to ■ Ag nkil Order*. M $ EMPORIUM, PA. $ 112 60 TO i sJ. A. flinslef'U I Brae* Street, Baepertaa, Pa., 1 J What* yea aaa I* aaytidag r*< nil k I C tk« liaa of 1 S Groceries, y l Provisions, 112 / FLOUR, SALT MEATS, ) C CMOKEb MEATS, \ J CANNES SOUS, ETC., ) I tea, Utm, Pndta, (alMon / S Mum ui Clfin. C V Ooeio Delivered Vvmm mmp / / riace taa Town. | c cm id xn d id m men.) < ixii r. * i. tint ( nroaica Bottling Worts, mtw MCDONALD, Proprietor. Wear 1.11 Dapet. Ka»realaaa, la. . Bottler aa* Skipper a# Rochester Lager Beer, m BUIM ir ITNKI Tka HihlMh« ef Ml nriaka aa« Dealer la abator Wlaar aa* Pue Liqnara Wo k«or bobo but the T*IJ boat Boar and or* prepared to fill Order* «a abort notiot. Private flunllloa a err*4 *»iiw urdealitd. JOHJT MoDOlf AJLD. Ceraata, and Tr*A»-MaJ*B afcteirv,d and ell FW i Itfliwia aoodacto* tar MODERATE Puce, oynornei i* Oreoeirj U, 8. hTiaTOrrw; aa* we cae aaaara pa teal ja lot line taaa iheee moot* [rvxm WaaWaatoa. , Sea* «e«UL 4rawto« er pfcote_ witk