2 CAMERON CODNTY PRESS. | H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Fw **»r * VMM > D advance ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements are published »t the rata ot Ota 4oliar per square for one Insertion and fifty MBts p*r square for each subsequent Insertion. Kates by the year, or for aisor three mouths, low and uniform, and will be furnished on •■plication. Xagal and Official Advertising per square. Ktree times or less. 12. each subsequent inser •n :>0 cents per square Local notloes 11) cents per line for one lnser ••rtlon: 5 ernts per line for each subsequent ••gsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices oYer fire lines. 10 cents per Use. Simple announcements of births, mar riage* and deaths will be inserted free Business cards, fire lines or less. 15 per year; »ver five lines, at the regular rates of adver- No* local Inserted for lass than 75 cents per lasua. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the Puns la complete and affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAIDTO LAW HUNTING. No paper will be discontinued ntll arrear ages are paid, except at the option of the pub lisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid lor in advance. ABRAHAM LISCOI.N'H nomination fop the pr sidency of the United States is to be commemorated l>y a tablet that will be inserted- in a ten-story steel frame building now reaching skyward at the southwest corner of Lake and Market streets. Chif»"o. IT has been anuuunceu t>y the Ainor> ican Society of Professors of Dancing that the dizzy and mazy waltz, which is the hugging feature of the terpsi chorean business, lias got to It is out of fashion. Hereafter empty arm dancing' is to be in vogue. 'J lis prince of Wales is the champion pod fat her of Great lJritairi, his record being 75 occasions on which he has of ficiated in that capacity. lie also holds another unique record in this re spect in having-stood as godfather to the duke of Marlborough, as well as to the duke of Marlborough's infant heir —that is, godfather to both the lather and the son. TIIEIiE are in the world several kinds of animals that have never swal lowed a drop of water in all their lives. These include the llamas o 112 l'atagonia and certain gazelles of the far east. A paroquet lived 5'J years in the London Zoological gardens with out drinking a drop, and some natural ists think that hares take no liquid except the dew that sometimes forms on the grass that they eat. BOARDINO house keepers will rejoice to know that the war with Spain will not cut off entirely the supply of their staple table delicacy—prunes. Cali fornia has come to the rescue with a crop of 84,000 tons this year from orchards which aggregate 55,000 acres. At least 10,000 more acres will be in bearing next year, and a crop of 100.- 000 tons of green prunes is prophesied for the first year of the next century. POPE LI:O XIII. is said to have ac cumulated more wealth during his pontificate than any of his predeces sors in the chair of St. Peter. Pius IX. collected $10,000,000, and that was looked upon as a large sum. But Leo is said to have acquired twice as much for the Vatican. The greater part of the money is said to be deposited in the Bank of England, and the remain der rests in various other European banks. PROBABI.Y tlie smallest monarch in the world reigns over the Hindoo vas sal state of Bhopal. and governs a peo ple of more than a million souls. This dwarf is a woman, Djihan-Begum by name; but although she is about fifty years old, she does not appear larger than a child of ten. Her diminutive size does not prevent her. however, from holding the reins of government with a firm hand, and in her realm quiet and order are supreme. THE problem of choosing a president for the Cuban republic has already agi tated the patriots \»no have been struggling against the rule of Spain for years. There is much talk of Dr. Eleuterio Betrances for the first presi dent of the Cubans. He is a noted savant, Hellenist and oculist of Paris. He was born in Porto Rico but has long lived in Europe, and attained great prominence because of his abil ity as a surgeon and a man of letters. EMPRESS EI.IZAHKTU did not perif.lt herself to be guarded by detective. As soon as she noticed them she avoid ed them. Seven Austrian detective.! followed her to Switzerland, but they were ordered to remain at Gilon while she went to Geneva. fTer majesty oft en complained of the watchfulness im posed by the Swiss government for her safety. When leaving the hot.'l on the day she was assassinated, and perceiving detectives outside, she left by a side door to escape them. LCI.VAKA, the king of Barotse Land, says a traveler, is held in great fear and respect by his peaple. His court lias as much etiquette and ceremonial as that of Louis XIV. His baud of musicians make both day and night hideous with their performances. The music is done to drive away evil spir its. Luinaka himself is an imposing spectacle. He wears a long blue dress ing gown, trimmed with red braid, trousers and shirt, and on his head u scarlet nightcap, and above it a black teral hat. Kit Ami. SAMPSON will reive as prize money and bounty about -JO.OOO. Br. Adm. Dewey wijl recci' *fcbont 89,000. Rr. Adm. Schley's share will be about 85.000—less than that of some of the captains in the navy who were capturing prizes while Schley was "bottled tip" in Hampton Roads at the beginning of the war. The seamen, including the "men behind the guns," will get from $:;0 to S2OO or £:;00, according to their pay and the number of prizes captured by their re spective ships. THE NATION'S FINANCES. Cretfllnhle Work of the Administra tion Shown In (he Tres»- ury Department. Not the least remarkable of the achievements of the present national government at Washington is found in its skillful and accurate adjustment of the nation's revenues to the na tion's expenses. The success with which this has been done, both in peace and war. stands out in striking contrast with the failure of the dem ocratic government of the preceding years. An examination of the official figures for the last year shows a re markable accuracy in making the rev enues meet the disbursements of the treasury through the Dingley tariff and allied sources, and an examination Df the figures for the month of August shows the same thing with regard to the war revenues. For purposes of clearer comparison it will he helpful to separate the pro visions tor peace times and those for war expenses and to reduce each to daily averages. As the postal service is almost exactly self-supporting, it may be left out of the calculation. Exclusive of this, the government ex penditures have for several years aver aged a little less than $1,000,000 a day, so that a revenue of that amount suf ficed to meet peace expenses at the start and provide a slight surplus as the population increased. The act of 1897 was intended to yield about $190,- 000.000 in customs, averaging $520,000 daily; $157,000,000 internal revenue, averaging $430,000 daily; and about s22j -000,000 miscellaneous receipts, aver aging about SOO,OOO daily—a total of $1,010,000 daily. When war broke out it was judged that at least $138,000,000 should be added to the yearly revenues, or $378,000 daily, these being the fig ures given by Chairman Dingley in his estimate of what the war tax would yield. This was expected to raise the total internal revenue to SBOB,OOO daily, and the total income of the govern ment to $1,388,000 daily. How closely the actual receipts have approximated these calculations is notv shown in the official returns for August, the second month after the new act went into force. The follow ing table explains itself: Amounts expr-cted. Aetiml. Dallv. 31 days, receipts. Customs $ $520,000 $Hi,l2erlty Bryant ten. August is almost always a dull busi ness month. Last August was a wot able exception. The clearings were the largest ever known in that month. They exceeded by 23 per cent, those of 1892. There have not been for five years as few failures in any one month as in that which closed last week. As one of the commercial agencies puts it: "Business is larger than in the best of all past years, and yet there is every prospect of much further in crease." Nevertheless in a few weeks Altgeld and' other Bryanites will be roaming from place to place proclaim ing to all who can spare the time to hear them that there is no real prosper ity and there never can be any until 44- cent free coinage silver dollars flow from the mints in a flood and inundate the country. These prophets of evil will go past busy factories, through fertile fields from whose products the farmers are getting good prices, and through cities and towns where all is activity and confidence, and will crj' out continually: "Yet a little while and prices will be low and laborers idle if the country does not have cheap dol lars and debtors are not enabled to swindle creditors." It is no wonder that the Bryanite orators who are about to start out on their fall anii prosperity crusade feel blue. They have a terribly up-hill job of it this year. As "the stars in their courses fought against Sisera"so is the jubilant, prosperity of the country fighting against the Bryanites.—("h.'-igo Trfb nce. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1898. ISSUES OF THIS YEAR. The Prenlilcnl Should Have a I'arti ■au CoiiK'ream (o Help Handle New OltlleultlcN. The congress which will be elected a few weeks hence will have to deal with more questions of great impor tance than presented themselves to any congress which has met since the civil war and recons-truction days. It will have to devise a system of govern ment for each of our new possessions with the possible exception of Hawaii, which may be attended to in the com ing short session of the present con gress. The work of forming a per manent army to meet the new needs which enlarged territory will impose may possibly be transacted in the com ing four months' session of the exist ing congress, but the chances are that it will go over to the next body. Then, too, a staff organization for the army in line with modern requirements will have to be devised. The old issue of the staff and line wrangle in the navy will have to be settled, and a new sys-- tem of naval promotions must be created. Work enough to keep a congress busy during nearly all of its term, aside altogether from the routine business of the government, has here been cited. The task of framing gov ernments which will recognize the local capabilities and meet the pe culiar needs of the people of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines de mands time and intelligence. In a considerable degree the conditions here arc new. Some of the peoples to be dealt with may have to remain in a state of dependence forever. The full territorial status which is enjoyed by New Mexico, Arizona and Okla homa cannot be extended to nny of our new possessions immediately, though the indications are that it may safely be given to Puerto Rico before many more years pass. An entirely different and a less advanced sort of a government will have to be provided for the Philippines. Government for Cuba will involve some delicate ques tions of a different order from those which will come up in the* Puerto liican and Philippine matters. For the adjustment of all these com plex questions the republican party will be held primarily responsible. The necessity, therefore, for the re publicans to elect a majority of the next house of representatives and) to gain the two or three seats which will give them control of the senate is par ticularly urgent. A republican con gress should be chosen to assist the republican president in dealing with these delicate issues. Not since IR7O, when Georgia, the last of the seceded states, was restored to her old rela tions to the union, has congress been called upon to deal with so many ques tions requiring discrimination, bal ance and tact as will present them selves to the congress which is to be elected a little less than two months lience. The president in managing the war which has brought all these troublesome issues to the front, and in dealing with some of them in their rudimentary stage since the armistice began, has shown excellent judgment. It is particularly essential that the congress elected on November 8 shall be in partisan accord with him on these and the other grent issues which may arise.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. PRESS OPINIONS. the democrats make an issue of the sick soldier there will be a very decided increase in the number of sick democrats next fall.—Chicago In teT Ocean. ICThe typographer who made his paper speak of the "sliver plank" in the democratic platform was not so far out of the way. The democratic silver plank is full of slivers. —Troy Times. ICTProsperity cannot always be as sured, but it will depart never to re turn so long as there is any doubt about the continuance of a dollar worth a dollar in the markets of the world. —Indianapolis Journal. ITT At first Bryan complained that there was a plot to prevent him from obtaining military glory by keeping his regiment out of the army. Now he is afraid there is a plot to injure him politically by keeping him and his reg iment in the army. It is pretty hard to satisfy some people.—Cleveland Leader. £3"The republican party under whose policies and administration prosperity has been restored and a foreign war successfully conducted, has earned the right to be further intrusted with the task of solving the territorial, colonial and commercial problems that have re sulted from the war. —lowa Republican Platform. e y—better known as "Coin"—is lecturing on free silver in Colorado. While this looks much like "carrying coals to Newcastle," it would probably be more just to regard it. as evidence that missionary work is needed to keep the free silver party from going to pieces in the champion free silver state. —Chicago Tribune. P"The responsibility for the greater part of the sickness and mortality? It ! rests upon all who favored the war, and it is a pretty widely distributed burden. The newspapers who are now waxing wrath and censorious over stories of privations and sufferings will have to bear a portion of the blame. And it is not their fault that the horrors of war did not begin soon er. —Detroit Free Press (Dem.). CSoine of Mr. Bryan's friends think ; he will catch tiie soldier vote if he runs j again. But they deceive themselves. ' lie has another record which he can not run away from and that will drag him down. The sixteen-to-one busi ness is completely out of sight as far as national polities is concerned, and the soldiers will beagainsttheeloquent champion in a ratio just about the same, —Cincinnati Commercial Trib une. TEN LIVES LOST. Explosion of Grain Dust Destroys a Grain Elavator. Toledo, 0., Is Visited by One of the Mo*t falaraitien In It.* History S.x of tlie Injured Will Hie—prop erty I.oss Over Half u Million. Toledo. Sept. 21.—Eight men cremat ed and eight more fatally burned is the result of the most disastrous tire that ever occurred in Toledo. The spon taneous combustion of dust, in tho jrrain elevator owned by Paddock, Hodge & Co. caused this terrible de struction of life last night and none of those who were taken out after the lire started were far enough from death's door to tell any of the details. The dead: Samuel Alexander, Bert Wainwriglit, Fred Carreft, Harold Parks, John Smith, Grace Parks, Frank Van Ilotis en and John Carr. The injured: David Kemp, Barney Welch, Charles Keifer, Fred I'argillis, Elliott, Charles Brookseeker. Ev erett Smith, Hamilton Parks. William T . Parks, W. C. Jordan, Peter llaas, A1 Baldie. Four others, names not known. William .T. Parks, the superintend ent, after being blown through the window of the lower story, was con scious for a moment and said that about S:.'io a terrible explosion oc curred on the south side of the eleva tor, and that he knew there were about 20 men at work on the seven floors of the building. Besides thi/se regularly employed at the elevator the three children of Superintendent Parks were visiting him at the time. One of these may recover from his burns, but Grace, a 17-year-Md girl, is burned almost be yond recognition, and Harold, the third child, has not been found, being either blown to atoms er cremated. At 8:."!0 last evening the people of East Toledo were startled by a ter rific explosion which caused a panic all over the neighborhood. Houses were shaken as in an earthquake and windows were shattered for blocks around. Those in th« vicinity of the Union elevator soon noticed flames bursting from all sides of the building. In a few minutes the fire department began the work of rescue. The river cut off escape on one side and there the flames seemed to be less fierce. The families of a dozen men who were at work Within rushed to the acetic, and women calling for their im prisoned husbands, brothers and fath ers made a scene indescribable. The force of 20 men expected to load 80.000 bushels of grain during the night. Not one of the entire number could be seen in any part of the build ing and it was impossible to reach them in any way. William Parks was found first. He was 20 feet from the building, frightfully burned and his clothing almost entirely torn ofT. He had been hurled from his place in the main room through a window and his agonizing cries were most pitiful. Arother employe, John Carr, was hurl ed from the fifth floor of the building and was found bleeding and burned with many bones broken. He did not long survive. Fireman David Kemp and Charles Keifer, the engineer, were found at their places in the engine rooms. They were wounded by falling timbers and their faces were charred The little daughter of William Parks was sitting at the desk in the office at the time of the explosion and she was hurled out of the door. She walked down the elevation on which the building stands and dropped down to be carried away unconscious, suffer ing from wounds from which she can not recover. ' John Smith was fatally burned. He, was literally disemboweled and was taken to the hospital to die. The miss ing men are doubtless all dead. trace can be found of any of them and as they were employed at the top of the elevator their chances for escape ■were bu» slight. Superintendent William Parks and one of the unknown injured men died early this morning of their injuries, making the total number of fatalities ten. There were between 500,000 and 600,- 000 bushels of grain in store at the time. The property and the grain is an en tire loss and will reach $550,000. The insurance is $40.1,000. DONS; ARE MOVING OUT. Less Than One-Third of f'orto Klco Is Now Held by Sp:tnl*h Troopn. San Juan, Porto Rico, Sept. 21. —The evacuation of the outlying positions occupied by the Spaniards began Mon day. Aguadilla, San Sebastian and Lares were abandoned by them and the troops of Gen. Garretson's brigade moved in and hoisted the American flag. The Spanish troops from the abandoned positions are being concen trated at Areeilio, from whence they will reach San Juan by railroad as soon as transportation is available. They could not enter the city before, owing to its crowded condition. On Wednes day the Spaniards will evacuate the island of Vieques, where a company of American troops from Gen. ('.rant's brigade has been landed. The Spanish troops from Vieques will remain at Uumaeao until the Spaniards fall back on the line of the military road. Span ish control is now confined to less than one-third of the island. Miners* Strike Kntfecl. Monongahela City, Pa., Sept. 21. — The coal miners' strike in the third pool is over and work will be resumed in all the pits to-day, pending a settle ment of the differences by arbitration. Both sides have agreed to abide by the decision of the arbitrators. The ac ceptance of the arbitration proposition is regarded as a victory for the miners. The operators have agreed to with draw the suits against the strikers who are now locked up in the Washing ton county jail, charged with riot, and to refund the money withheld from the employee HOSTILITIES AVERTED. Bat It Tuik tbr I'nllrd Effort* of the Whole Crowd to Prevent * Hot UiiKngrmcnl. "One of the liveliest brushes I have w-t --nessed since the opening of hostilities, said one of the representatives at the re cent meeting of the credit men, "took place in a quiet New England village of my state. Both participants had passed their three score years and ten, but were still vigorous in mind and body, and especially vigoruos in language, for both had been followers of the sea. "One of these old fellows espoused the cause of Spain, declaring that she had heen jumped on because she ws.a little, and that this country was playing the part of a great big bully. After they had ex changed hot shots for a few minutes, the champion of the government got things to going his way by shouting that the other fellow came honestly by his principles and was bred a traitor. " 'What do you mean, you old shrimp?' from the advocate of Spain. " 'During the war with Great Britain the British entered the harbor and burned the town of New London, didn't they?' "Course they did. What of it?' " 'Why, somebody piloted them there and when he come home his pockets was full of British gold, paid for his dirty work, and his neighbors, hearin' of what he had done, got ropes and made him an evenin' call. He scudded by the back door and never stopped till he got to Bermuda, and he never had the cheek to come back.' " 'What you tryin' to git at?' " 'That there pilot was your grandpap.' And it *ook a dozen bystanders to keep the two old sea dogs from clinching."—Detroit Free Press. THE RUSH FOR GOLD. From the Times, Bluffs, 111. The rush of gold seekers to the Klondike brings thrilling memories to the "forty niiiers" still alive, of the time when they girdled the continent or faced the terrors of the great American desert on the journey to the land of gold. These pioneers tell some experiences which should be heeded by gold seekers of to-day. Constant exposure and faulty diet killed large numbers, while nearly all the survivors were afflicted with \ AjdC'fi disease, many of ((( them with rheuma /g\ tisin. Such J\ a sufferer \. was Adam yj s* Vangundy, r\P' J fii w ' lo nowre_ sides at \ Bluffs, 111., V "*» where he J\ /' has been \JV justice of / VI tlie Peace -L / I J KTliland was the dent of the "AFortynintr." board of trustees. In a recent interview he said: "I had been a sufferer of rheumatism for a number of years and the pain at times was very intense. I tried all the proprietary medicines I knew of out received no relief. "I fianlly placed my case with several physicians and doctored with them for some time, but they failed to do me any good. Finally, with my hopes of relief nearly ex hausted 1 read an article regarding Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for I'ale People, which in duced me to try them. 1 was anxious to get rid of the terrible disease and bought two boxes of the pills. I began using them about March, 1897. After I had taken two boxes I was completely cured, and the pain has never returned. I think it is the best medi cine I have ever taken, and am willing at any time to sign my name to any testimony setting forth its good merits." (Signed) ADAM VANGUNDY. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th day of September, A. D. 1897. FRANKLIN C. FUNK,Notary Public. Air. Vangundy'.? statement ought to be regarded as a criterion of the good merits of these pills, and what better proof could a person want than the above facts. She Wanted Healthy Ham. Mrs. Murry—Give me tin cints wort' av ham. , , Grocer —Sugar-cured, madam: "No! I want some tliot has niver bin de •azed." —Judge. Lots of men don't know enough to stop boring when they strike oil. —CLucagv Daily News. Fever patients should be kept in good spirits.— Buffalo Times. Every now and then a mans mind is stretched by n new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions. —O. W. Holmes. A good fire is all it's puffed up to be.—L. A. \V. Bulletin. If salt used at the table is damp it should not be kept in the cellar. —L. A. \V . Bulletin. He—"lt costs ne $5,000 a year to live." She —"l