RIIE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 33. NOTICE. XWHEN you see this item mark- j ed with an X, in blue or black j pencil mark across its face you | will know that your subscription i is due, or past due. Your name will I be found printed on each copy of the I PRESS, as you receive it and gives the | last date to which you have paid. Our j terms are $2.00 if not paid in advance, 51.50 in advance. Many, very many, i of our patrons allow their subscrip- | tions to run year after year. This we | are unable to stand. It requires i money to purchase paper and pay em- j ployes and we must insist upon the | payment of subscriptions due us. We i have been patient, but "patience has ceased to be a virtue," and we now j propose to weed out all those subscn- j bers who show no disposition to pay for their paper. 10 PAGES. Business Cards. B. W. GREEN, ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. A business relating to estate, collections,_ real estates. Orphan's Court and general law business will receive prompt attention. 42-ly. J, C. JOHNSON. J. P. MCNABNEY, JOHNSON & MCNARNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en rusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, „ „ m t ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate and pension claim agent, 35-1 y, Emporium, Pa. F. D. LEET. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. To LAND OWNERS AND OTHERS IN CAMERON AND ADJOININU COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard wood timber lands, also stum page &c., and parties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call on me. l *'- '-> LEhT. CITY HOTEL, WM. MCGEE, PROPRIETOR Emporium, Pa. Having again taken possession of thisoldand popular house I solicit a share of the public pat ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county. 30-1 y. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the public that I have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours. 11027-lyr Wm. MoDONALD. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, THUS. J. I/YSETT, PROPRIETOR, Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now opened for the accommodation of the public. New in all its appointments, every attention willbepaidto the quests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly MAY GOULD, TEACHER OF PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Outoftown scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this place. F. C. RIECK, D. D. S.. DENTIST. Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa. Gas and other local anaesthetics ad- V)®~?*Sininistereil for the painless extraction SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. I will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, and Sinnemahoning the third Wednesday of each month. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Sulve in the world for cuts, | bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction cr mor.ev refunded. Price 25 cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart;. v3:-n4O-ly Retains His Equilibrium. Colonel Roosevelt has not lost his head on account of the fame the war has brought him. In an address to his regiment of Rough Riders Sunday he displayed much sound sense. He said to them: Don't get gay and pose as heroes. Don't go back and lie on your laurels, they'll wither. The world will be kind to you for about ten days and then it will say, 'He's spoiled by the fame of the regiment in Cuba.' Don't think you've got to have the best of everything and don't consider your selves as martyrs in the past tense. A martyr came to see me to-day. He hadn't had any milk for a whole day. I said to him, 'O you poor thing,' and he went away. I hope he felt better. What I want of all of you is to get right out and fight your battles in the world as bravely as you fought the nation's battles in Cuba. Lookout for Brimstone. The following "stony" wedding an nouncement appears in ;in East 'lYunes see exchange: "Married at Flintstone, by Rev. Winds-tone, Mr. Neheiuiah Whitestone and Miss Wilhclmina Sand stone, both of Limestone." This is get ting mighty "rocky," and there's bound to be a "blasting" of these "stony" hearts before many "pebbles" appear on the connubial beach. The «riiid.->tone of do mestic infelicity will sharpen the ax of discord and jealousy, and sootier or later one or the other of' the pair will rest be neath a tombstone. Then lookout for brimstone.—Lexington Argonaut. MIL HOI Jill! A HARMONIOUS GATHERING AND A STRONG TICKET NOM INATED—FLAG RAISING. An Enthusiastic Day In Emporium. MONSTER MASS MEETING ! Addressed by Hon. Wm. A. Stone, Congressman C. W. Stone, United States Senators Penrose and Mason, Hon. J. C. Johnson and B. \V. Green, ESQ. THE COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican County Convention, the most harmonious and largely at tended for many years, convened hist Tuesnay at one o'clock. The conven tion was called to order by County j Chairman H. C. Olmsted, when the roll of delegates was read. Mr. C. Jay Goodnough offered the following order of business, which was adopted : OIIIIER OF BUSINESS. 1. Election of Chairman and two Secretaries. 2. Calling roll of Delegates. 3. Nomination of Candidates for Representa tive. 4. Election of Candidate for Representative. 5. Nomination of Candidates for Associate Judge. 6. Election of Candidate for Associate Judge. 7. Appointment of Committee on resolutions by Chair. 8. Nomination of Candidate forCounty Treas urer. 9. Election ofCandidate forCounty Treasurer. 10. Report of Committee on County Rules. 11. Action of Convention on report of Com mittee on Rules. 12. Election of County Chairman. 14. Appointment of County Committee. On motion Mr. A. C. Blum, of Emporium was elected Chairman, Chas (ileason, of Driftwood and Chas. L. Butler, of Emporium, Secretaries. The following delegates were record ed as being present: DELEGATES ROLL. Orove township, J. 11. Drum, M. J. Logue. Gibson township, B. V. Wykoff, D. S. I.ogue. Lumber township, Frank Hoag, Chas. Norton, G. B. Sclierer. Portage township, N. R. Covil, Alva Ensign. Shippen township, J. W.Lewis, F. B. Housler. I. H. Legget, Chas. King, J. F. Lewis, W. W. Lewis. Emporium borough—East Ward, E. C. Davison, A. C. Blum, F. P. St raver. Middle Ward, F. P. Rentz. Harry Hemphill, John J. Hinkle, C. J. Goodnough. Westward, C. H. Jcssop, George F. Balcom, llenry Auchu, Chas. Butler. Driftwood borough, Chas. Gleason, \V. H. Mitchell, J. C. Martin. Nominations for county officers be in order, Mr. W. H. Mitchell, of Drift wood, placed in nomination for the legislature Hon. Henry H. Mullin, of Emporium. The nomination of Mr. Mullin was made by acclamation. The nomination for Associate Judge being next in order, Mr. E. C. Davison, of Emporium, placed in nomination the name of John McDonald, of Drift wood Mr. McDonald was declared the nominee by acclamation. While the officers were preparing the certificates of nomination of the Representative and Associate Judge, the chair appointed as a committee on Resolutions, Messrs. C. Jay Good nough, of Emporium, J. H. Drum, of Grove and Frank G. Hoag, of Lumber. Returning to the completion of the county ticket, Mr. John J. Hinkle, of Emporium, placed in nomination the name of C. M. Thomas, of Emporium, for County Treasurer. Mr.Thomas was declared the nominee by acclamation. The committee appointed by the last County Convention to draft new rules for the government of the Republican party of Cameron county reported. Mr. C. F. Barclay, the chairman of the committee, read the report, after which the rules were unanimously adopted. The primary election next year will be conducted under the new rules. The sub-committee was extended to ar range the rules and have the same printed in pamphlet form. On motion it was resolved that the | chairman of the County Committee j to be elected this year to act, until the i first Monday of January 1900. The committee on resolutions report | ed tlie following, which were unani | mously adopted: 1 RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, First, the Republicans of Cameron County in Convention assembled hereby reaffirm our adherence to the principles of the Republi can party as enunciate.l at the Harrisburg and St. Louis Conventions. Resolved , That we accord all honor to the bra ve ofilcers and men who won such a signal victory ; under their matchless leader. Admiral Dewey, ;.t ! Manila harbor, in Spanish Pacific possessions, and to Admirals Sampson and Schley, and officers and men at Porto Rico, and to our sailors, sol diers and officers besieging the island of Cuba. We hereby express the utmost confidence in our army and navy and their ability to maintain the "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß EMPORIUM PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,1898. honor of our country under the wise manage ment of their Commander in Chief, and veteran soldier. President McKinley, and to bring about early and honorable settlement of the questions now before the Peace Commission. Resolved, That we endorse the patriotic and untiring efforts of our U. 8 Senators and Mem bers of Congress and their unanimous support of the President in the various war measures. Resolved, That we endorse the candidacy of Hon. Charles VV. Stone, of Warren, Pa., for Con gress. In all respects he stands for the principles of Republicanism as expressed by the National Convention; with his wide experience in nublic life his public record is without a blemish; lie stands the peer in ability of the foremost repre sentatives in Congress; his private life is spotless, his personality strong, courageous and self re liant and he represents all that is desirable in a candidate. Resolved, That we congratulate the Republican party of Cameron county upon a reunited party and call upon all who believe in the principles of protection and sound money to rally round the .State ticket, so gallantly led by our standard bearer. Col. William A. Stone, who by his own ability and honest methods lias risen from the farmer b«»y of old Tioga, to be a prominent candi date for the highest honor that can be conferred by the citizens of this Commonwealth. Resolved , That wecordiallyendor.se the County ticket this day nominated and pledge it our united support. C. JAY GOODNOUGH, J. H. DRUM, FRANK H. HOAG, Committee. On motion of C. L. Butler, Mr. C. F. Barclay, of Orove, was unanimously elected Chairman of the County Com mittee. The nominees for the several posi tions were called upon and each made appropiate remarks, thanking the con vention for their confidence and their support. The Republicans of this county are to be congratulated upon the har monious opening of the campaign and those who expected the Republicans of Cameron county to continue the dis cord that has disrupted the organiza tion in the past were disappointed. The Republicans are thoroughly united and propose to elect every man upon their ticket, from Wm. A. Stone, our gallant candidate for Governor, to the entire county ticket. The ticket is a strong one and commands the entire supportof the party. It will be elected on theSth of November. FLAG RAISING. The beautiful American flag, 20x30 feet, presented to the Republican party of Cameron county by the Re publican State Committee, was unfurl ed from the Warner House to Walker, Howard & Co.'s block, at five o'clock. Several hundred of our citizens wit nessed the scene, while Emporium Band played "America." MONSTER MEETING. When the hour for the evening meet ing arrived the opera house was filled with our citizens, very many ladies be ing present, to hear the addresses by the speakers. The Reception Com mittee composed by Hon. J. C. John son, Mayor W. H. Howard, B. W. Green, Josiah Howard, A. C. Blum and Henry Auchu, escorted Hon. Wm. A. Stone, our popular candidate for Governor, Chas. W. Stone, our pres ent and next Congressman and the handsome and talented junior United States Senator Boise Penrose, to the opera house. The speakers were given a hearty Cameron county welcome. Never has Emporium and Cameron county turned out a more intelligent and attentive audience than that of Tuesday evening. The meeting was called to order by County Chairman C. F. Barclay, who recognized Protlionotary C. Jay Good nough, who nominated Mayor W. H. Howard for President, with a long list of active Republicans as vice Presi dents. After music by the band Mr. Howard introduced Hon. J. C. John son, who, after the hearty applause had subsided deliveaed an address t hat made a lasting and beneficial impres sion on the audience. HON. J. C. JOHNSON'S SPEECH. Cant. Johnson's remarks were heart ily applauded and when the veteran took his seat the audience made the old building ring with approval. MR. B.W. GREEN'S ELOQUENT REMARKS. When the President introduced Mr. Green, the audience knew they were ! to be treated to no off-hand remarks. I The determination depicted upon his | countenance, his known enthsiasm ; and active interest manifested for the 1 success of the Republican ticket head ! Ed by his old school-mate, Col. Wm. I A. Stone, down to the lowest nominee ; on the county ticket was recognized by his neighbors and they accorded I him close attention and generous | applause. The addresses made by i Hon J. C. Johnson and B. W. Green, Esq., were highly complimented by the talented gentlemen from abroad. They were able speeches and would carry conviction on any platform in ; the state. SENATOR PENRO3E . United States Senator Boies Pen rose was given a reception that clearly demonstrated how many admirers the tall and handsome gentleman has in Cameron county. Senator Penrose said, in part: "Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentle men: lam glad to have this oppor ; tunity to see this splendid representa lion of the citizenship of Cameron county here to night, and I feel amply repaid for the long journey I have made from my native city of Philadel phia. About two years ago these same enthusiastic citizens assembled to discuss the issues of the Pennsylva nia campaign and now we are here to discuss the issues of'9B. I believe that as far as Pennsylvania is concerned, she will do her duty. All the reports that I could learn on my way here indicate the large majority that will be given, and I would like to see your Congressman, C. W. Stone return to Congress with such an in creased majority that will forever re buke the free silver heresy of Sibley - ism. I have had the pleasure ofknow him at Harrisburg where I served with him as t i member of the Senate and where I came in contact with him when he subsequently filled the posi tion of Secretary of Commonwealth to Gov. Beaver, and I know his record to be clear and capable, I understand to-day,gentlemen, that you have completed your local ticket in this county, and while it is needless for me to refer to the individuals on this ticket, I would be committing an unpardonable error if I did not refer to my old associate in the legislature, and your present candidate, Hon. Henry H. Mullin. I knew him at Harrisburg and know that there was not, in the whole legislature, a more conscientious and indefatigable repre sentative. I know that lie was as hard a worker in the interests if his constit uents as any representative in that body I doubt whether any county in Pennsylvania was more ably and fairly represented in all that represen tative body, and I trust and believe he will again bo returned to the legisla ture to assume the duties he should have been permitted to continue, by being elected two years ago. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have taken much more time than I intended and it is better that I withdraw and give you an opportunity to see and hear that splendid specimen of Pennsyl vania manhood; that splendid speci men of American manhood; of Penn sylvania citizenship and education, the citizen of Tioga county—our n3xt Governor, Hon. W. A. Stone. I would like to refer to other issues in the campaign, but 1 will yield to him and thank you for your cordial at tention which you have given my re marks, which I feel were very dry and uninteresting " When Senator Penrose closed his re marks, only a portion of which we re gret we are able to print, lie made a very favorably impression. United States Senator Mason, of Chicago, at this juncture of the meet ing surprised Senator Penrose by walking onto the stage. Ho was pass ing through Emporium and, hearing that a Republican meeting was in pro gress, kindly consented to say a few words. He caught the audience at once and for fifteen or twenty minutes poured shot after shot into democracy, to the delight of the audience. He has made a lasting impression and Cameron county Republicans are de termined to have him here at some future date. CHEERS FOR NEXT GOVERNOR. Mr. Howard then introduced Col. Wm. A. Stone, who was greeted with tremendous applause. Col. Stone said. "Ladies and gentlemen and fellow citizens: I came here anticipating what 1 have found,an intelligent audi ence equal to interpret everything that is said—what i have always found in Emporium. It is always a pleasure for me to come here, for 1 feel that I am not entirely a stranger, having been born and raised in a neighboring county, and know a number of your people. 1 came here to speak in the Congressional district of the man with whom 1 have had the pleasure and honor to serve with in Congress eight years, i came here to suggest to you, ladies and gentlemen, that perhaps it may not have occured to you that you live in a Congressional district that has been honored not only since he be came your Congressman, but I can remember when G. W. Seofiekl was looked upon as one of the leading men in Congress. "Congressmen are thick in Washing ton and an ordinary Congressman is more often to be met than an extraor dinary Congressman. I want to say to you, and say it in all sincerity, that ! the Republican record that Mr. | Seolield made in Washington has been j maintained by C. W. Stone. "The great question that has hung i over this country and is the sentiment of the public is the vuestion of sound ! money. The main question that has 1 j agitated our people has been the free I coinage of silver. Do you know ; I that great question during the Fifty- j i fourth and Fifty-fifth Congresses, so ' far as a Congresssman of the United i States is concerned, has rested on the ] right hand of C. W. Stone? Do you! know that no bill in Congress could be 1 considered by the House without it j met his approval ? There is no greater | menace to this country than the free coinage of silver. The menace in Spain is not to be compared to it." Col. Stone then impressed upon the audience the importance of Cameron county electing a Republican to the State Legislature and appealed to them to elect the Republican candi date, Hon. Henry H. Mullin. OIIAS. \V. STONE. The lateness of the hour rendered it impossible for our reporter to note the remarks of our popular Congress man. His eloquent speech made a^ deep impression upon the audience. No living man is closer to the hearts of Cameron county people than Chas. W. Stone and they will give him such a majority that will be a stinging re buke to free silverism and boodleism. The meeting closed with three cheers for the Republican state, judiciary and county tickets as well as the speakers present. It was a grand meeting and has done much good. The Oldest Engineer on the Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad. The last issue of the Austin Demo crat contains a cut of our old friend Henry E. Page, a former resident of Emporium. The Democrat says: "There is no better known or more popular man in Austin and vicinity than Henry E. Page. Entering the employ of the Goodyears early in the eighties, lie has remained with them ever since, taking an interest in their affairs such as few men show in the affairs of their employers. Mr. Page was born September 4, 1854, at Covington, Tioga county, Pennsylvania. He attended the High School at that place, and after leaving school learned the trade of glass flat tener. He was not in love with his trade, however, and in the early seven ties he quit and came into the lumber country. After two years lumbering he entered the employ of the W. N. Y. & P. Railroad, first as wiper, in 1873, car repairer in 1874, firemen in 1875, and engineer in 1879. On the Bth of August, 1885, Mr. Page entered the employ of the S. V. R. R., now the B. & S. When ho entered the employ of the railro" d there was no track at all. They coui menced to lay the track on the 9th day of August, prior to which time all the switching had to be done on the other railroad. In his early manhood Mr. Page was married to Alice O. Taylor, at Empo rium. They have three children, viz: Jean, aged twenty-three years; John, twenty-one; Charles, nineteen. Mr. Page has boon a member of the Masonic order for sixteen years, a member of the Ancient order of the United Workmen for eighteen years and is an active member of the Knights of Maccabees. He is at present serving a term as Councilman, having been elected on the Democratic ticket, and discharges the duties of the office faithfully and to the best interests of the taxpayers." Farming Don't Pay- Hardening Don't Pay! Why? If you punch a hole in the ground and drop in a potato, or a kernel of corn, or a grain of wheat, and leave the crop to care for itself while you go to the corner to get a drink, or tell or hear a story, or sit on the stoop and smoke and expect to harvest a crop except of weeds—you will be disap pointed; but if you will take one rod, one rood, one acre, or so many acres of land as you can fertilize thoroughly, and cultivate faithfully and will keep an accurate account of all expenses, labor included, and will also keep an account of the value of everything gathered from said lot at market rates, and will see that all grown on said land which is not marketable, but has a value as food for animals, is faith fully and j udiciously fed to your horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poultry, you will find the percentage of net gain is as large as is the average of any calling in life, amount invested, labor and talent considered. Ride along our country roads and village streets and note the weeds in the fields and gardens from a foot to four feet high, growing vigorously and seeding boun tifully and shading the ground effect ually. Except for the slight working j given the ground before planting and j the little cultivation given the crop as |it shows itself above ground, you I might as well have sowed your seed in i the forest. You cannot raise a big | crop of weeds and a good crop of ! vegetables or grain on the same ground jat the same time. It takes as much j strength of land to grow a weed as to I grow a potato, an ear of corn, or a | head of wheat. Weeds like evil in j men and women, boys and girls needs | no cultivation, and will, shade and j effectually stunt and dwarf any crop ! under them, as evil crowds out good in men and women. j "Gives fools their gold and knaves their power; Let fortunes bubbles rise and fall; Who sows a field, or trains a flower, Or plants a tree is more than all. : '-For he who blesses most is blest, And God and man shall own his worth. Who toils to leave as his bequest An added beauty to the earth. ! "And soon or late, to all that sow, The time of harvest shall be given; , The flower shall bloom, the fruit shall grow. If not on earth at last in Heaven." J Subscribe for the PRESS. TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE, A SOLDIER FOR SENATOR. Major Jeremiah Z. Brown, of Clar ion County, Nominated by Ac clammation for Republican Can didate for State Senator in the Thirty-eighth District An Able and Highly Respected Citizen With a Brilliant War Record. Ridgway Advocate. The Republican conference to nomi nate a candidate to represent the Thirty-eighth district in the next State Senate, was held at the New Hyde, in Ridgway, 011 Thursday evening last. The conference was organized by electing C. D. Osterhout, of Elk county, Chairman, and Gush. Evans, of Forest, and W. H. Howard, of Cameron, for Secretaries. The following con ferees were then enrolled: Cameron—\(. H.Howard, M. Mur phy, and H. H. Mullin. Clarion—R. G. Yingling, J. J. Black ford, and F. L. Andrews. Elk—C. D. Osterhout, G. W. Warner, and R. F. Oswald. Forest—Gus. B, Evans, M. E. Ab bott, and W. M. Coon. The organization being completed, Chairman Osterhout called for nom inations of candidates for Senator. F. L. Andrews placed in nomination the name of Major J. Z. Brown, of Clarion county. No other name was presented and on motion the nomination was made by acclammation. Several other candidates had been talked ol but when it became known that a gentleman of such a high character and a soldier with such a brilliant military record as Major Brown had agreed to accept the nomination, all others willingly withdrew in his favor. After the nomination had been made Hon. H. H. Mullin, of Cameron, who had been spoken of as a leading candi date for the nomination, arose and made an eloquent and enthusiastic speech in favor of the nominee, and he emphatically declared the Thirty eighth was rightfully a Republican district as shown by the vote on State tickets on several occasions in recent years. lie urged a hearty support ol Major Brown and expressed confidence in his election. The nominee was not present, but there was much en thusiasm over liis nomination, and when Mr. Mullin spoke of the candi date's brilliant war record and the fact that this is a groat year for soldier tickets, his words were heartily ap | plauded. j There being no other business J;he conference then adjourned. The following is from Bates' history of Company K, 148 th Regiment, Penn sylvania Volunteers: Jeremiah Z. Brown entered the ser vice Sept. 7, 1862, promoted from Ist Sergeant to Ist Lieutenant, Nov. 15, 187:3; to Captain, July 31, 1804; Brevet Major, Oct. 27, 1864. Mustered out with company June 1, 1865. In front of Petersburg on the 27th of October, General Nelson A. Miles, who commanded the division, ordered a detachment of 100 men from the regi ment under Capt. J. Z.Brown, to as sault a portion of the enemy's lines on his front. Having formed the men for the desperate work just at dusk, he dashed forward, thrust aside the dense abbatis, drove in the opposing pickets and scaled the ramparts, carrying a strong work, capturing four commis sioned officers and more men than he had led to the encounter. For his gallant conduct, Captain Brown was highly commended and breveted Major. In recognition of his bravery in this desperate assault, Congress voted him a medal suitably engraved, which was presented to him. Following is an exact copy of the recommendation submitted by General Miles in 1864: Headquarters Ist Division, 2nd Army Corps, October 31, 1864. MAJ. SESS CABNCKOSS, Asst. Adjt. Gen., 2nd Army Corps: In compliance with instructions con tained in circular of this date I have the honor to submit the following recommendation: That Captain Jeremiah Z. Brown, 148 Pa. V., receive the brevet rank of Major. Captain Brown, on the 27th of Oct., led a party of 100 men through clievaux de i'rise and abbatis of the enemy's line, opposite Fort Morton, capturing one of his works with several prisoners, among whom were officers j of rank. Very respectfully, NELSON A. MILES, Brig. Gen. Commanding. i An illustrated sermon in the M. E. Church next Sunday night. Subject: "The Homeward Journey of the Way ward Boy." | The PRESS, one year 51. 50. NO. 31.