Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 22, 1898, Image 8

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    <j f .tA& RON C 0 *?***.
Additional Local News.
To Farmers.
I desire to inform the farmers of this
and adjoining counties that 1 have
recently purchased a Fearless Thresh
er and Cleaner, and am prepared to
do any work in this line in first-class
manner and at reasonable rates. Hav
ing the best machinery I take pride in
giving my customers good clean work.
lam also making contracts to bale
hay, having purchased the Eli hay
press. Give me a call.
Emporium, Pa., Aug. 8, 1898.—24tf
Are you Troubled with Dyspepsia?
If so, do not neglect until It Is too late this
opportunity of riddin« yourself of this trou
ble. l)r. Tenner's Dyspepsia Cure, as the
name implies. Is simply for Dyspepsia and
Indigestion. This Is a preparation lons and
successfully used In private practice by one
of America's best qualified physicians, who
is an accepted authority on nil medical ques
tions. If not satisfied after using one bottle
your money will be refunded by
R. C. Dodaon.
During the Battle of
The Packers at theßattle of Santiago de
Cuba were all Heroes. Their Heroic
Efforts in Getting Ammunition and
Rations to the Front Saved the Day.
P. E Butler, of pack-train No. 3,
writing from Santiago, de Cuba, on
July 2.5 d, says: We all had diarrhoea
in more or less violent form, and when
we landed we had no time to see a
doctor, for it was a case of rush and
rush night and day to keep the troops
supplied with ammunition and rations,
but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we
were able to keep at work and keep
our health; in fact I sincerely believe
that at one critical time this medicine
w.lB the indirect saviour of our army,
for if the packers had been unable to
work there would have been no way of j
getting supplies to the front. There j
were no roads that a wagon train could '
use. My comrade and myself had the I
goop fortune to lay in a supply of this I
medicine for our pack-train before we
left Tampa, and I know in four cases '
it absolutely saved life."
The above letter was written to the <
manufacturers of this medicine, the i
Chamberiain Medicine Co., DesMoines, |
lowa. For sale by L. Taggart. Sept.
|- - |
| For the next Thirty Days we will Sell Everything in the Store, at or |
|| Below Cost. Here are some of the prices: |
CTa " W Boys' knee pants, only 19 cents, formerly 25. . . " gjgj
i?l Bo\s knee pants, ou ]y cents, formerly 50 and 75 " ;»f EP^gj
Ova W Men's and Hoys'shirts, only 19 cents, formerly 35. .. . " &
SS £. Men's and Boys'shirts, only 39 cents, formerly 50 ... . " ft MSI
SS i)L Sh V.and Boys' suspenders only 10 and 15 cents, formerly 25 and 50 " # ;(f EE*
gSEB Neckties, only 15 cents, formerlv 25 ... . " ft H
o§s $ Men ' s Su j ts > only $8 oo . . formerly . ... sl2 00. $
Kfl en s Suits, only $6 50 . . formerly .... $lO 00. $ B^fj
|g|! Men's Suits, only $ 5 00 . . formerly .... $ 8 50. & yc&yrfK*rVr*^-*r+
£g? £ Me »' s Suits, onl y $4 00 . . formerlv . ... $ 7 00. # gfeg
k(j Men s Snits, only $3 00 . . formerly . . . . $ 5 00. M. WK
KSo y Boys' and Children's clothing at the same rates. w SPSS!
§§ Remember this Sale only lasts thirty davs and tmod only to Cash Customers. H
i . ipiUM [ QHRI F §
Empol^i>tni > Pa * V-^/1 II \ {_/ i y Jvjy IJI I j|g
Hight-Day Personally-Conducted Tour via j
Pennsylvania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
; pany has arranged for a special eight-1
day personally-conducted tour to the I
I Trans-Mississippi and International
j Exposition at Omaha on October 1,
| allowing four full days at the
j Exposition. Round trip tickets, in-
I eluding transportation and Pullman
I berth in each direction, meals, in din
| ing car going and returning, hotel ac
t commodation and meals at Omaha, ad
j missions to the Fair, and carriage drive
j and hotel accommodations at Chicago,
I will be sold at rate of SIOO from New
j York; $96 from Philadelphia; §95 from
j Washington and Baltimore; §9l from
| Williamsport and Harrisburg; SBO from
Pittsburg; and proportionate rates
from other points.
I The party will be accompanied by a
' Tourist Agent and Chaperon, and will
j travel in special Pullman sleeping cars. I
For the benefit of those who may j
| desire to remain longer in Omaha, I
j tickets will be made good to return on I
regular trains until November 15, in
clusive. Such tickets include only
railway transportation returning, with j
i reduction of sls from above rates from !
| all points.
For further information apply to j
ticket agents, Tourist Agent, 119(» j
j Broadway, New York, or Geo. W. I
I Boyd, Assistant General Passenger 1
j Agent, Philadelphia. 1092-27-st. I
I Five-Day Personally-Conducted Tour viu the j
Pennsylvania Railroad.
j The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
| has arranged for two five-day person-1
ally-conducted tours from Buffalo, Erie, 1
| Pittsburg, and principal intermediate |
points, to Gettysburg and Washington, j
i on October 17 and November 7.
j Round-trip tickets, including trans- !
J portation, Pullman berth in each direc- j
I tion, hotel accommodations and car- ;
riage drive over the battle-field at
| Gettysburg, and hotel accommodations
|at Washington—in short, all necessary
expenses—will be sold at rate of $25.00
I from Suspension Bridge, Buffalo,
1 Rochester, Syracuse, and intermediate
stations on the New York Central and
j Hudson River Railroad; §'24.00 from I
| Elmira; $25 00 from Erie and Corry;
j $21.50 from Williamsport; $23.00 from
| Pittsburg and Altoona, and propor-
I tionale rates from other points
Tickets will also be good to return
on regular trains until October 27 and ■
| November 17, but without Pullman
1 accommodations.
Descriptive itineraries and full in
formation can be obtained of Ticket
Agents; B. P. Frazer, Passenger Agent
! Huffalo District, Buffalo, N. Y.; E. S.
i Ilarrar, Division Ticket Agent, Wil
| liamsport; Thos. E. Watt, Passenger
1 Agent Western District, Pittsburg; or
• Geo. W, Boyd, Assistant General Pas
senger Agent, Philadelphia. 1090-27-7t
i Don't think love's young dream will
! kindle the kitchen fire on a cold niorn
Bucklen s Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in the world for cute,
bruises, Bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
| tively cures piles, or no pay required.
1 It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
I cents a box. For sale by L. Taggart. j
| " v3l-n4O-ly
I Don't hang your head if you are
I guilty. That is what the sheriffs paid I
Truth wears well. People have
learned that DeWitt's Little Early |
Risers are reliable little pills for regu
lating the bowels, curing constipation,
and sick headache. They don't gripe.
R. C. Dodson. 451y.
Don't expect a man to take water j
when you invite him to have some- I
j thing.
Liver Complaints and Nervousness
A torpid liver always produces dullness \
Irritability, etc. You are all closed up and I
j feel despondent. Perhaps you have treated
with physicians or tried some recommended !
j medicine without benefit. All that is nc I
| argument against "Dr. Fen tier's Wood and I
I Liver Itemedy and Nerve Tonic," which we j
] insist will cure nervousness and liver com- |
j plaints. If not satisfied after using one bot- i
tie your money will be refunded by
R. C. Dodson.
i Don't forget that instructors actions j
are superior to words,
A remedy that cures this disease will I
quickly cure common sore throat. As i
; soon as soreness is felt in the throat I
use "Armstrong's Diphtheria and j
| Quinsy Drops." It will prevent, check I
\ and cure the most serious throat dis- !
! ease. 11. C. Dodson. sept !
' Don't think a national debt isn't a I
I blessing—to the bankers.
How to Cure a Cold.
Simply take Otto's Cure. We know j
' of its astonishing cures and that it will !
stop a cough quicker than any other 1
known remedy. If you have Asthma, I
Bronchitis, Consumption or any dis
ease of the throat and lungs, a few !
doses of this great remedy will surprise
you. If you wish to try, call at our
store and we will furnish you a sample j
bottle. Large bottle 5Cc. and 25c. R. I
C. Dodson. 33-141y
Don't make fun of a fool unless you
are in the same boat.
Worth Knowing.
Thousands have found a friend in ;
Bacon's Celery King. If you have !
never used this specific for the prevail
ing maladies: dyspepsia, liver com
plaint, rheumatism, costiveness, nerv
ous exhaustion, nervous prostration, i
sleeplessness, and all diseases arizing
from derangement of the stomach,
liver and kidneys, we will give you a
package of this nerve tonic free. Large 1
packages 50c. and 25c. R. C. Dodson.
33-141v I
Don't work too hard in trying to
avoid hard work.
Everyone who has diphtheria, croup, j
quinsy, catarrh or sore throat, can pos- I
itively and speedily bo cured by i
Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly
If a man takes offense he always
1 makes a. poor selection.
1 One Minute Cough Cure surprises
people by its quick cures and children
may take it in large (juantities without
i the least danger. It has won for itself
: the best reputation of any preparation
used to-day lor colds, croup, tickling
in the throat or obstinate coughs. R.
C. Dodson. 451y.
If men were not such fools girls
wouldn't be such flirts.
J DeWitt's Witch ilazel Salve has the
j largest sale of any Salve in the world,
j This fact and its merit has led dislton
! est people to attempt to counterfeit it.
| Lookout for the man who attemps to
deceive you when you call for DeWitt's
, Witch Ilazel Salve the great pile cure.
J It. C. Dodson. 451y.
If hops were sedative frogs ought to
j be better sleepers
History will tell about "Dewey"
Hobson, Sampson and Americans pro-
I tecting themselves from serious throat
i diseases by using "Armstrong's Diph
| theria and Quinsey Drops." The
I greatest throat remedy in the world.
Sold by druggist, R. C. Dodson. 61y
| If a pressirnist has nothing to worry
1 him he worries about that.
More than twenty million free sam- i
j pies of DeWitt's Witch Ilazel Salve
' have been distributed by the manu
j tacturers. What better proof of their
confidence in its merits do you want?
| It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores in
i the shortest space of time. R. C. Dod
son. 451y
If sin is ugly, it at least understands
! the art of beauty culture.
1 When you call for DeWitt's Witch
I Hazel Salve the great pile cure don't
1 accept anything else. Don't be talked
| into accepting a substitute, for piles,
i for sores for burns. R. C. Dodson.
45)y |
If a man falls off a roof he certainly
1 has an excuse for eaves-dropping.
A stubborn cough or tickling in the
; throat yields to One Minute Cough
1 Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the
right spot, reliable and is just what is
wanted. It acts at once. R. C Dod
| son. 451y
If a man would only keep his opin
| ions to himself he would deny his
j right to them.
You invite disappointment when you
experiment. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough
little pills. They cure constipation
and sick headache just as sure as you
take them R. C. Dodson. 451y
Don't comb your hair over the bald
spot on your head and then kick be
cause your grocer puts the big potatoes
on top of the measure
For broken surfaces, sores, insect
bites, burns, skin diseases and especi
ally piles there is one reliable remedy,
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. When
you call for DeWitt's don't accept
counterfeits or frauds. You will not
be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. R C. Dodson. 451y.
Meldrum &
Anderson Co.
The American Block.
>T. Y.
About Our Book
and Stationery Department.
We solicit mail orders for book sand stationery.
We will gladly quote you our prices at any time
for any book or books published, and we can
always supply you with the best writing paper
and stationery at veiy low prices. We do card
engraving in the best form for much less than
usual prices.
Quo Yadis, the authorized and unabridged
edition,cloth binding,illustrated,soc. 112 postage 12c
The same in papercovers JBc., postage 7c.
The Prince of the House of David, new edition,
cloth, illustrated, 19c, postage Be.
The Prince of the House of David, new edition,
i cloth, illustrated, 19c. postage 6c.
The Beth Book, by Sarah Grand, published at
$1.50, our price sl.loc, postage l Jc.
The Story of an untold Love, by Paul Leicester
Ford, published at $1.25, our price 95c.. postageQc. i
Corleone, by F. Marion Crawford, 2 vols., $1.40,
postage 17c.
The Seats of the Mighty, by Gilbert Parker
♦1.20, postage, lie.
The Choir Invisible, by James Lane Allen, pub
lished at $1.50, our price, $1.15 postage Bc.
1 The Chautauqua Books, for course 1898, 5 vols.,
$4.50 the set, expressage 25c.
Pelonbet's Notes on the International Sunday
, School Lessons for 1898, 85c, postage 12c.
Subscriptions for all magazines and periodicals
are received at publishers' rates.
1 Our "Swan Vellum," and "Swan Satin" are
high-class writing papers, made in four sizes
"Joseph" and "Bi!let"sizes, 40cbox of 5 quires.
Envelopes to correspond, 40c box of 125.
"Octavo" size, 50c. a box; envelopes 50c.
Our "Swan Everwyn" and "Swan Feather" j
are smooth and rough linen papers made only in
octavo and commercial sizes, ruled and plane, 30c
and 35c the 5 quire packets, envelopes 7c and 8c
"Swan Seconds" in octavo and commercial
sizes, ruled and plain, 18c pound packet, envelopes
5c and 6c a packet.
Papeteries of new square shaped paper and
envelopes in fashionable tints, azure, heliotrope,
cream and mazarin 15c box, worth 20c, postageßc.
The same in larger size 20c. worth 30c, postage
Papeteries of initial paper with envelopes, all
initials, new and beautiful, all colors4oc box,
worth 50c,
The same illuminated in gold and colors
square paper 55c box, worth 75c.
Card Engraving.
Plate and 50 cards for $1.25, postage 6c. En- j
graving address line 30c extra.
50 cards from your own plate 55c, postage 6c.
100 cards from your own plate 95c, pvstage 11c.
Specimens of engraving and sizes of cards for
warded on application.
Monograms and address dies sunk from $1.50
upwards. Stamping jin any color 50c for 120
sheets, or 90c in gold and silver.
The American Block.
"" Bargains
Having purchased the largest and most
handsomeline of those goods I shall
be compelled to cut close to the
cost in order not to carry
any over to another'
season. Come quick
and get your
EASELS. Etc.. Etc.
it is to rec!ine|at ease on one of our
superb couches. Slumber comes un
sought under such delightful conditions.
Pieces of furniture like these are as
pleasant to look on as they are to lie on
and this fact makes them an irresistable
temptation to repose. Our entire stock
is packed full of temptations for that
matter, temptations in parlor and bed
room suits and in every kind of furni
ture, and unprecedented temptations
in prices. Some people are always
! quoting from somebody, but our favor
! ite quotations are figures like these:
Couches, $5, $6, SB, and $lO.
Best Furniture.
We have the largest line ever
J exhibited in Cameron county.
Geo. J. Laßar.