2 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN. Editor. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. '? 2 XI pAli la advance 1 ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements are published at the rate of tae foliar per squsre for one insertion ana fifty •eats per square for each subsequent insertion. mates by the year, or for six or three months, •re low and uniform, and will be furnished on application. Legal and Official Advertlsinc per square, ffcree times or less, *2. each subsequent inser tion 50 cents per square. ... . Local notices 10 cents per line for one lnser tertion: 6 centK per line for eaeb subsequent r&uSi 1 ™ notices orer fWe line., 10 cent, per Hae. Simple announcements of births, mar tiues and deaths will he Inserted free. Business cards, Bve lines or less. 15 per year; »ver five lines, at the refular rates of adver- No' local Inserted for less than 75 cents per laau*. JCB PRINTING The Job department of the PBBSS is complete and affords facilities for doing the best class ol Work. PARTICT'LAB ATTENTION PAID TO LAW FMNTING. No paper will be discontinued nttl arrear- Mes are paid, except at the option of the pub- Usher Papers sent out ol the county must be pa.o (or in advance. CURRINT TOPICS. HIIITAIN makes $20.000.000 a year profit out of its post offices. SMAM.rox is the most infectious di» Then comes measles. (; hN . MII.KS' wife is John Sher man's niece. The general has power ful friends. OvKit 100 persons disappear in Lon don every year without leaving the slightest trace behind. SPAIN is in a position to take the head of the line iu the czar's universal disarmament condition. A F11.6T-CI.ASK locomotive carries from three to five tons of coal and from 2.0(0 to U.OOO gallons of water. MAI:K '1 WAIN is now living in a cas tle near Vienna, which he has taken for the summer for himself and family. (< .vv.ui or.K AI.I:I:I.T KAUTZ lias been selected to command the l'acific squad ron upon the retirement of Itr. Adm. Miller. THE present population of the United States exceeds that of Germany by about 2*2,000,000, and that of Great JSritain by 34.000,UU0. EMII.E ZOLA is to come here next month, lie will deliver lectures on art, on literature anil on"The Pris oner at Devil's Island." Ix India elephants ever 12 and up tc 4."> years of a< r e are deemed best in purchase, and will generally work well until they are 80 years old. Ox his arrival in Boston the other day Richmond liovev. the poet, was first hissed as a Spaniard and then cheered as a returned rough rider. THK cost of keeping up the drink ing fountains and cattle troughs in London is $5,500 per annum A single trough in a busy thoroughfare costs *250. IT costs 22 cents a day to feed a soldier, according to war depart ment figures, counting transportation of provisions. This would be SGO/J4O a day. GEX\ SHAFTEI; comes home minus 75 pounds, and he admits that he could afford to spare it. lie is still a good sized man, of considerable "heft," as they say. A HAFFI.B for Bibles takes place < very year in the parish church of St. Ives, in Huntingdonshire. Eng. This quaint custom has been observed for 1100 3'ears. TIIK French minister of justice lias appointed six men to examine the se cret papers in the Dreyfus case, and the reopening of the case depends on their decision. LN Mexico everything and everybody pays a direct ta.\. from the street por ter to the largest mercantile establish ment, and the stamp tax for documents is equally lucrative. SWEDEN is the latest country to lay claim to the ancestry of Adm. George l>ewcy. Canada insists that the par ents of Adm. Sampson were reared by the '"Lady of the Snows." DR. JOHN S. GRIFFIN, who died in Los Angeles, Cal., the other day, was a veteran of the Mexican war, a pio neer physician of California and the founder of east Los Angeles. THERE are supposed to be nearly 50,- 000 dentists practicing upon people's teeth in the world. A dentist's ease of instrumen'.s nowadays contains be tween 30' and 400 instruments. PIiINC S VIATOPOLK MIRSKY, who re cently died at St. Petersburg l , became a major-general at the aye of 29 and served in all the wars in which Rus sia has been engaged since the Crimean war. MMK. AI.BANI. who has been making a tour through South Africa, is de» lighted with that country. When she visited the De Keers compound at Kim bcrly recently :;,000 Zulus danced and sang for her. CONSIDERABLE trouble was recently caused in a Chicago court, when Mr. I*. R. Harries, a prominent lawyer of that city, brought suit against a butcher because his meat caused ••schlerostcmapingue-eolisteritis." WuKN the snake sheds his skin, which occurs requently—as often as every four or five weeks —the skin of the eye comes ofl' with the rest. Trans lucent in most parts, the skin over the snake's eye is perfectly transparent. MARK TWAIN writes that it "feels sq pood to be out of debt that 1 have can celed a number of lectxire engagements in Australia. 1 have no respect for n man who goes about robbing the pub lic on the platform unless lie is in debt." A PRIZK hog, weighing 1.524 pounds, has been raised by T. \V. Williams, of Meigs county. Tenn. Here are its di mensions: Height, 4 feet (i inches; di ameter, 7 feet; length. 10 feet 2 inches. It is considered the largest hog in the world. THE late Adm. Kirkiand's opinion of newspaper men was summed up while he was in San Francisco in this way; • If you are caught taking pictures anywhere in the navy yard you'll be arrested, but I suppose you'll take them anyhow." WILL MEET THE ISSUE. Ho jmlt'. !«•« i» * Are Willing to Stand oTheir Ut'4'iiril Mu«le in the Wiir, The democrats, who have already beguu in wveral states to make un is- Ki;e o! the var, will he promptly met by *.!.** republican congressional com mittee with the democratic record in congress when that body was trying to prepare for such emergencies as have arisen. The Washington Times, the only democratic newspaper at the capital, on June 2'2 published a leading editorial, in which it said: "Since the outbreak of the Spanish war they (the democrats) have committed about every error possible, giving a grudging »upport to the various Imperative meas ures which followed the original appropria tion of $30,000,000 for the national defense; they lined themselves up almost solidly against the war-revenue bill, and capped the climax last Wednesday by casting the bulk of their votes in opposition to the an nexation of Hawaii, a consummation de votedly desired by a two-thirds majority in both houses of congress and four-fifths of the American people, without regard to party. "The result was plain. What was in tended to be. and what was originally, a purely American war has Jegeiitrand in the eyes of the country into a republican war with all that that implies. "The republican president stands before the world to-day as one pursuing a pa triotic policy In the teeth of unswerving democratic opposition. When victory comes to him and Spain is humbled in the dust; when America's possessions are enriched by the addition of Hawaii, the Philippines, Puerto Kico, and perhaps the Canaries. Mr. McKinlt y can rise and truth fully say: 'This is my work—mine ar.d the republican party's. As we saved the Inlon in lfctil, so now do we glorify it with vic tory. Ours the triumph, ours, the spoils, including a majority in the new house of representatives." And the people on the fcth of November will say 'Amen.' " This was true, and it was left for a democratic organ to declare it true. The record will bear it out, and since democrats are in their state plat forms trying to make the war a political is sue, the republican committee will ac cept the gage of battle and goto the Congressional ilecord for facts. It will be shown that the democrats voted against the war revenue bill and a tli o Tronatiry II« l»n r I in «* r> t. No doubt some thanks are due to the treasury department for the suc cecs of the "popular loan'' idea in connection with the new bond issue, as disclosed by the. process of the al lotting oft i.e securities. To be sure, the intent of the law is plain enough. It reads: "That the bonds authorized by this sec tion shall he offered at par in a popular loan under such regulations. prescribed by the secretary of the treasury, as will give opportunity to the citizens of the t'nited States to participate in the subscription* to such luan, and in allotting the said bonds the several subscriptions of individuals shall be first accepted and the subscrip tions for the lowtst amounts shall be Hist allotted." This vs quite clear, but, of course, there are two ways of obeying the law, end that the secretary stuck firmly to the spirit of the act instead of contenting himself with keeping fairly within its letter merely did much to make tlx popular feature a success. A great many big fiscal institutions that should have been in better busi ness procured dummy subscriptions in small amounts to the. aggregate of millions. The conscientious scrutiny of the department prevented the suc cess of such subterfuges in many in stances. .Some $"'2,000,000 of the bonds have already been delivered to over 150,000 individual subscribers. Many of these bonds, it is true, have since been sold to banks, but the individuals got the premuim. And after making due al lowance for such sales it still appears that many millions of the new bonds will go permanently into the hands of small investors. The treasury depart ment has faithfully discharged its duty to the people in their behalf.— Chicago Kecord (Ind.). DRIFT OF OPINION. ICIt is as much the duty now as ever of every patriotic American to protect his government against the as saults of mugwumps, copperheads and traitors.—Chicago Inter Ocean. ICThe Bryanites wanted a pretext for an assault upon the administration and the alleged neglect of the soldiers was eagerly seized. It has taken the place of free silver in the Bryan plat form. —Cleveland Leader. £?'Thc democratic theory is that everybody in this country tries to do something for the soldiers except tlie government. That same old coppery twang is back in democratic columns. —St. Louis (Jlobe-Democrat. iCThe national goifi reserve is now the largest in the history of tlie I'nited States, farm loans are down to five per cent, annual interest, and the gen eral prosperity is daily increasing. What a "ruin" that Dingley tariff is proving to In*! —lowa State Register. ICY cry naturally Secretary Alger has not answered his critics to the satisfaction of the mugwump press, llovv could he? Bid anybody of good common sense ever answer anything to the satisfaction of these chronic complainers? Secretary Alger needs no defense to begin with, and if he did he could not hope to make a de fense that would be satisfactory to thrf scatter-brained creatures who guidt the mugwump thought of the nation. — Chicago Inter Oceau. HUNDREDS DEAD. A Hurricane Sweeps Over West Indian Islands. lfarl>:idoe* and St. \ lucent are Devastated by On© of I lit* Flermt Storm* on Record - KnortnouM Loai of I-ife and Property —Thousand!* of People Made Homeless. London, Sept. 15.—\dvices were re reived here late last night saying that a terrible hurricane has swept over liarbadoes, in the Windward group of tlie Lesser Antilles. Two hundred per sons have been killed and 40,000 ren dered homeless. St. Thomas, Danish West Indies, Sept. 15. According to the latest re ports from St. Lucia the storm which broke upon the island Sunday night developed almost unprecedented vio lence. being accompanied by a tidal wave and tremendous rains. Numer ous landslides were caused, and many houses, bridges anil churches were de stroyed. At least 12 lives were lost. (iuada 1 oupe, the French island ir. the Leeward group, experienced veiy heavy weather. Nineteen deaths are reported and there have been destruc tive landslides. A boat from the island of St. Vin cent, a hundred miles west of Barba loes, arrived Wednesday at the island of (irenada and reports that St. Vin cent has experienced the most violent and destructive cyclone ever known there. Kingstown, the capital of St. Vincent, is totally destroyed. It is es timated that :soo lives have been lost in that island, and that 20,000 people are homeless. The bodies of the (lead are being buried in trenches. Thou sands are starving or being fed at the public expense. The amount of property destroyed in St. Vincent cannot yet be estimated. Every small house is down and many large ones have been destroyed. The lemolished buildings include churches, stores and almost all the estate build ings. Three large ships are ashore on the Windward coast and many smaller vessels are stranded. A FEW PLAIN TRUTHS. Spanish Peace Commissioners Will Ileal Thetn When tlie Paris Conference Opens l ilto of the Philippines I.ies in Ameri cans* Hand*. Washington, Sept. 15. Three mem bers of the peace commission Secre tary Day, Senator Davis and Whitelaw lleid were in conference for two hours at the state department Wednes day. Senator Frye will arrive to-day and join in the conference of the com missioners. Senator (Sray. the fifth member, is also expected to join his as sociates in their conferences to-day. "In official i|Uarters much satisfac tion is expressed over the reports from Madrid that the lower house of parlia ment has passed the government bill accepting the terms of the protocol. The upper house had already passed this measure, so that tlie last fear of legislative opposition to the trans fer of Cuba, the Lad rones and Porto Kico is over. The authorities here feel that this carries them by a danger point, as it has been feared for some time that the animosities in the Span ish cortes would lead to the defeat of the Sagasta ministry on the ques tion of evacuating the Spanish islands. There is little doubt that a general line of policy was agreed upon between the president and bis cabinet .it their meeting Tuesday afternoon, but there is good reason for believing that the assertion that the decision was defi nitely in favor of not permitting Spain under any conditions to retain sov ereignty in any part of the Philip pine islands is based on a misconcep tion. Members of the cabinet and members of the peace commission re fuse to discuss the subject with news paper men. and, therefore, whatever is said is based more or less on in ference or roundabout information. It is not doubted that the commis sion will start the negotiations at Paris with the assertion that we have conquered Spain in the Philippines, and that Spanish sovereignty has al ready been forfeited there. This will not, however, necessarily signify that it is the purpose of the administration to retain possession of the entire group of islands, or to permanently deprive Spain of all her possessions in the Pacific. It is not believed that the ad ministration has gone beyond the de termination to retain the whole of the island of Luzon, but it is understood to be tlie intention of the president to establish at the outset the right of this government to determine the fate of the islands and to name the conditions under which a government shall be es tablished there. The matter of relinquishing posses sion of the rest of the islands is in volved with so many conditions to be considered that it may become neces sary to deprive Spain permanently of all her possessions in that quarter. It is understood not to lie a matter of policy to acquire all this territory, but it may become a necessity. lianker Assign*. Sturgis, Mich., Sept. 15.—The bank of I). F. Parsons at Burr Oak, six mijes east of Sturgis, failed to open its doors yesterday, an assignment having been made the night before. Mr. Parsons has been engaged in the banking busi ness in liurr Oak for 35 years. No statement of the assets or liabilities has yet been made. Citizens of Burr Oak claim the deposits will amount to between $75,000 and SIOO,OOO. Found ail Interest Ing Kelio. Newport, I!. 1., Sept. 15.—The ac count book of the paymaster qf the Cristobal Colon was picked up on the beach near Middletown. by Philip Peckha m, of that town, yesterday. The record in the book was carried up to June 1,1 S9N, and the balance showed that the officer had on hand 4.'S..'!72. It is thought that the paymaster carried the book ofT the Colon after she surrendered, but threw it overboard from the Harvard when she was off this port on her way to Portsmouth with the Spanish prison ers. AVOIDING COLDS. Oettlng Ileifed In tiiHiiKCMble Wwihw 1h Something 10 he ( artfully Avoided. Avoiding colds is an art which should he acquired by every individ ual, as it usually requires only proper precautions. Colds are often there- of some condition of the constitu tion. or manner of living, or a lack of mental hygiene. In the latter case, people frequently encourage colds by expecting and looking for them every time there is a change of atmospheric influence, such as often occurs daily. Good mental resolutions and ali- Fenee of undue fear of colds will do something towards avoiding them; but mostly the art is secured through increasing the resistance of the body. Colds are frequently caused by draughts of air striking sensitive por tions of the body, usually the back of the neck, abdomen, feet and legs, as these portions are perhaps the most susceptible. To avoid this tendency the skin should be toughened, so Ihat it will bear cold air better; this is done by daily cold sponge bathing better than any other way. If this habit Is taken up during the warm weather, and kept up during the entire year, it will do much towards exempting indi viduals from colds. People who have not acquired this resistance will have to exercise more pains to adapt their clothing and ex ercise to tlie condition of the climate.j fietting heated in changeable weather renders the individual very much more susceptible to taking cold. Practical adjustment of clothing, exercise, rest and protection, during the seasons when colds are prevalent, will often be a temporary measure against taking cold, while, on the other hand, con stant worry about one's inability to adjust these conditions may be a cause for its development.—N. Y. Ledger. Free with IUH Favors. A foreign letter states that Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, persists in con tinuing to render himself ridiculous. When at Carlsbad last summer he con ferred one of his decorations upon the local chiropodist who had attended to his feet, and now it is announced that while traveling from St. Petersburg to fierlin he was so pleased with the good cheer provided for him at the railroad restaurant at Dantzig that on leaving lie solemnly invested the man ager of the eating house with the or der of St. Alexander, presumably in lieu of a tip. —N. Y. World. He Wan Crnel. Mr. Nupop—l think 1 will have my whis kers shaved off. Mrs. Nupop (reproachfully)— Why, John, I didn't think you could be so heartless. You know how baby ioves to pull thorn! —Up to Dute. Swallowed a Needle anil Died. A tailor in Chicago accidentally swallowed a needle and died as a result of the inflam mation set up by the small needle. Little things have frequently great power, as is seen in a few small doses of the famous Ilos tetter's Stomach Hitters, which, however, has an entirely different effect from the needle in this notice. The Bitters make nervous, weak and sickly persons strong and well again. They are also good for dyspepsia and constipation. Only for Mnslc. "Have you a soul for music?" she asked as she turned from the piano. "Fir music, yes," no replied, and then he hastily changed the subject and neglected to ask her to sing again. Hut she knew. You can't always fool a girl, even if she does think she has a voice.— Chicago Post. Tlie \\ «r IM Over And now our thoughts are all of peace and home. There are, too often, people to he found who have no home, and it is to them these few words -ire addressed. If you real ly want a home you can easily got one, but you should act at once before the relapse from the war puts prices on the advance. 111 Marinette County, Wisconsin, the very finest farming land is to be had now at a most modest figure. Excellent home mar kets are at hand to take whatever the farm er raises, and good prices aro given. These land* are on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, and full information con cerning them will cheerfully bo furnished by ('. K. Rollins, Immigration Agent, 161 La Salle Street. Chicago. Tlie Host lleanon. Little Clarence (who roads and ponders)— Pa, 1 have just been reading a paragraph, which says there are various reasons why a man who talks in his sleep should not marry; what aro some of those reasons, pa? Mr. Callipers—The best reason, my son, is because he 'alks in his sleep.—l'uck. An actress is often indebted to the florist for the flowers she gets over the footlights. —Chicago Daily News. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRLP OF FIGS L, due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SVRUP Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs lias given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty o f the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name oi the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. •AN FKANCIICO. CaU ltOl UVIJLUU JNEW YORK* *. Y. Scrofula Taints the blood of millions. »nd sooner or later may break out in hip disease, runmnir sores or some more complicated form. To cure scrofula or prevent it, thoroughly purify your blood with Hood's Sarsnparilla, which has a continually growing reccrd ol wonderful cures. Hood's s SSSi; Is America's Greatest Medicine, tl; si* for $5 Hood's Pills c ure indigestion, biliousness. Ni> ( niim- fur Jraluuny. Mrs. ilenham—Don't you really care any thing about mother? Benham—Well, not enough to make you jealous.—N. Y. Journal. Free Home* In WfHlrrn Florldn. There are about 1,000,000 acres of Gov ernment land in Northwest Florida, subject to homestead entry, and about half as much again of railroad lauds for sale at very low rates. These lands are on or near the line of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, and Mr. R. .T. VVemyss, General Land Commis sioner, Pensacola, will be glad to write you all about them. If you wish togo down and look at them, t)he Louisville & Nash ville Railroad provides the way and the opportunity on the first and tliird Tues day of each month, with excursions at only $2 over one fare, -for round-trip tickets. Write Mr. ('. I'. Atrnore, General Passen ger Agent, Louisville, Ky., for particulars. Suriirinlni; Achievement. "What is luck. Uncle Jim?" "Luck? Well, it when a boy turns out to be as smart as his grandmother uaui he was."—Detroit Free I'ress. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. When a worthless man isn't staring at the clock he is gazing at the thermometer. — Atchison Globe. Ilnll'H Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally. Price 75c. He who rides behind another does not travel when he pleases.—Span. I could not get along without Piso's Cure for Consumption. It always cures.—Mrs. E. C. Moulton, Needham, Mass., Oct. 22, 'O4. Why isn't memory the thing we forget with? —Chicago Daily News. MKS. PINKHAM'S ADVICK What Mrs. Nell Hurst has to Say About It. DHAH Mr.s. PINKITAM: —When I wrote to you I had not been well for five years; had doctored all the time but got no better. 1 had womb trouble very bad. My womb pressed backward, causing l piles. I was in such misery I could scarcely walk across the floor. Men- I struation was irregular and too pro thad given up^all five bottles of ham's Vegeta- JL ICIU very much better and was able to do nearly all my own work. I continued the use of your medi cine, and feel that I owe my recovery to you. I cannot thank you enough forvour advice and your wonderful medicine. Any one doubting my statement may write to me and I will gladly answer all inquiries.—Mrs. NELL HI,' EST, Deep water, Mo. Letters like the foregoing, con stantly being received, contribute not a little to the satisfaction felt by Mrs. Pinkham that her medicine and counsel arc assisting women to bear their heavy burdens. Mrs. I'inkham'saddressisLynn,Mass. All suffering women are invited to ■write to her for advice, which will be given without charge. It is an ex perienced woman's advice to women. CONSTIPATION "I have norm 14 days at a time without a movement of tho bowfli, not being able to move them except by using liot water Injections. Chronic constipation for seven years placed me In this terrible condition; during that time I did ev erything 1 heard of but never found any relief; such was my case until 1 began using CASCAKETB. 1 now have from one to three passages a day.and if I was rich 1 would give SIOO.OO for eacii movement; 11 II such a relief. * AYIMEUL. HI NT. 1089 Kussell St., l>etrolt. Mich. M CATHARTIC wamd TRADE MARK REOfOTYfVED Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 20c. Soc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Slarllcg Coapaay, Chicago, Sfontrcal, Raw York. 321 A UNITED STATES WALL MAP; gpm —» pi ng A copy of our handsome map,) ] II 4HxB4 inchen, printed in color«£ and mounted on n roller, will? ■ II b U be Kent to any add resn on receipt) < of 15 cents in pofttaga to pay for packing and trans* S I portation. P. S. EUBTIB, General Passenger Agent, S j O. U. t Q. H. R.. Chicago. 111. READERS OF THIB PAPER DBBIRING TO BUY ANYTHING ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUMNS SHOULD INSIST UPON HAVING WHAT THEY ASK FOR, REFUSING ALL SUBSTITUTES OR IMITATIONS. The Best BOOK t °h n o WAR tuously Illustrated (prirr <•«!). frt -r to anybody sending two a nnual subscriptions at $1 each tot he Overland Monthly. SAN FRANCISCO. Sample Overland 6c. DROPSYr^S^&ri Cu*cs Send for be*'-.* of teanmonials ami lOdaya' treatment Fvc*. Dr. H. I». SOKB. Atlaats, Ma A. N. k.-C 17 26