THE CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. ESTABLISHED BY C. B. GOULD, MARCH, 1866. VOL. 33. EDITOR'S_ NOTICE. XWHEN you see this item mark ed with' an X, in blue or black pencil mark across its face you will know that your subscription is clue, or past due. Your name will be found printed on each copy of the PRESS, as you receive it and gives the last date to which you have paid. Our terms are §2.00 if not paid in advance, $1.50 in advance. Many, very many, of our patrons allow their subscrip tions to run year after year. This we are unable to stand. It requires money to purchase paper and pay em ployes and we must insist upon the payment of subscriptions due us. We have been patient, but "patience has ceased to be a virtue," and we now propose to weed out all those subscri bers who show 110 disposition to pay for their paper. 10 PAGES. Business Cards. B. W. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. A business relating to estate, collections, real estates. Orphan's Court and general law business will receive prompt attention. 4'2-ly. J. C. JOHNSON. J. P. MCNARNEY. JOHNSON & McNARNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, EMPORIUM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all business en rusted to them. 16-ly. MICHAEL BRENNAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections promptly attended to. Real estate and pension claim agent, 35-ly. Emporium, Pa. F. D. LEET. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. To LAND OWNERS ANI> OTHERS IN CAMERON AND ADJOININU COUNTIES. I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard wood timber lands, also stum page &c., and parties desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call on me. F. L). LEET. CITY HOTEL, WM. McGEE, PROPRIETOR Emporium, Pa. Having again taken possession of this old and popular house I solicit a share of the public pat ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county. 30-1 y. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Ottice,) Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the public that i have purchased the old and popular Novelty Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be my endeavor to serve the public in a manner that shall meet with their approbation. Give me a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours. no'27-lyr Win. McDONALD. ST. CHARLES HOTEL. THOS. J. LYSETT, PROPRIETOR, Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now opened fortlie accommodation of the public. New in all itsappointments, every attention will be paid to the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly MAY GOULD, TEACHER OF PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this place. P.C. RIECK, N. 1). 8.. DENTIST. Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa. Gas and other local anaesthetics ad ministered for the painless extraction SPECIALTY:—-Preservation of natural teeth, in cluding Crown and Bridge Work. I will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, and Sinnemahoning the third Wednesday of each month. Political Announcements. All Announcements under this head must be signed by the candidate and paid in advance to insure publication. REPRESENTATIVE. Republicans of Cameron County : After deliberating upon the question of my be ing a candidate for the Legislature, at the sug gestion of many friends throughout the county, 1 have finally decided to allow the use of my name and hereby announce myself a candidate for said nomination, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention. I should greatly appreciate the support of the Republican voters at the Primary election. HENRY H. MULLIN. Emporium, Pa., Sept. 12th, 1898. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Editor Press:— Please announce my name as a candidate for Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven tion. JOHN A.. WYKOFF. Grove, Pa., April 4th. 1898. Editor Press: Please announce my name as a candidate for Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven tion. WM. BERRY. Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898. •*# Editor Press:— Please announce my name as a candidate for Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven tion. JOHN McDONALD. Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898. * ♦ Editor Press: Please announce my name as a candidate for Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven tion. S. 1). McOOOLE. Driftwood. Pa., May 7th, 1898. COUNTY TREASURER. Editor Press : - Please announce my name as a candidate for the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Republican county Conven tion. 11. C. OLMSTED. Emporium, Pa., June 27, 1898. Editor Press:— Please announce my name as a candidate for Treasurer of Cameron County, subject to the decision of the Republican county ' onventinn G. CAT LIN. Emporium, Pa., June 28th, 1808. Editor Cameron County Presr,: Please announce my name as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the de cision of the Republican County Convention. C. M. THOMAS. Emporium, Pa., Aug. 16, 1898. HOT TALK FROM A CHAPLAIN. j C. C. Bateman, an Army Parson, Tells Something About the Cuban Campaign and Scores the Cubans. Chaplain C. C. Bateman, ' \ S. A., who, at his own request, was detailed to accompany the Sixteenth United States Infantry when it was ordered to Cuba, and came to Pittsburg to officiate at the funeral last week ol Capt. T. W. Morri son, of that regiment, who was killed on July 1 in the first assault before Santiago. | delivered an address at the Fourth Avenue Baptist church last night. He told something of the conditions sur rounding the beginning and ending of the war. and related some of his personal experiences and observations while in Cuba. The forco and eloquence of' his address were interlined with pathos and humor. He said, in part: "You all know how much the people clamored for war, how Congressmen appealed lor it. how the 'yellow' journals demanded it, and the preachers preached for it, and how tenaciously President McKinley resisted it all. You know how slow he was to believe that a Spaniard blew up the Maine. He knew the Spaniards are not idiots, and the de struction of the Maine was certainly the work of an idiotic person, It was just like a Cuban, and Miss Clara Barton believes it was a Cuban who did it, and so do I. The President knew how i poorly we were prepared for war; that our army was small and our navy was small, and that we had no forage, nor food, nor clothes, nor ammunition for the soldiers. lie knew that war meant sending au unprovided army to a tropical climate in mid-summer. Yet Congress and the people wanted war. lien. .Miles and Secretary Alger and all the naval officers and everybody who should have been consulted, advised against it. Hut still we were sent to Cuba to liberate the oppressed, in transports haviug (>f> distinct smells and none of theui cologne." Chaplain Bateman gave a hurried description of the voyage to the southern coast of Cuba, and the landing of the troops near Sibony, and continuing,said: "We soon learned to know the Cubans, and before long a feeling crept around among the Fifth Army Corps that almost made them ashamed of their isiis.-ion down there. The country from Sibony ! to Santiago showed signs ol great pros perity in past years; 300 years ago there was a good road there, but it had long since been obliterated by jungle. It was under cacti a long this route that the Spanish guerrillas, which is only another name for Cubans, concealed themselves and picked off our officers and men. Peo ple now say, "Why was not the artillery taken up San Juan hill and the bushes shelled ?" 111 tell you why. It was because what was done in Santiago had to be done quickly; the yellow fever was upon us and there was no time to lose. It was a hard thintr to get artillery up there. We couldn't get (he Cubans to work. They wouldn't lift a hand. 1 | stood on the shore and offered them I money and pleaded with tlieni to help us j get our wounded men aboard the boats, but they would do nothing. It was the most trying moment of my life and I finally took a club and drove them away. I spoke to them in the most forcible Knglish at my command, but I did not swear. day the colonel said to iue, 'Chaplain, why don't you swear, too?' I replied that 1 did not think I could do justice to the occasion. "The Cubans said it was not their war and we should not ask tiiem to work. While we were building the road up San Juan hill they were eating our hardtack; while we were fighting for their liberty they were stealing our blankets and any thing else we happened to have. We would feed the Cubans one day and they would go next and trade places with the Spanish sharpshooters in the jungle, and, the latter would come out to be fed by us. We couldn't tell them apart. I know of my own knowledge that we fed Cubans who we afterward captured as Spanish guerrillas. I talked for sotne time with Garcia. He is a wily politi cian. He marched his army up the hill until the fighting began, and then he i marched it down again. '•The public is now clamoring to have ! the responsibility fixed for the mistakes i of the war, but it will never go where it j belongs. The crime of the war was com- ! mittcJ by Congress, the 'yellow' journals j and the preachers. Kvcry man connected | with the war did his full duly. It, comes with poor grace for members of Congress to say, 'Why did you not wait at Sibony until the artillery arrived?' If we 1 had waited we would have all been dead now, and it is an ignominous death fur a soldier to die of yellow fever. To send infantry against entrenched artillery was i never heard of before and it astonished I lie whole world, but we took their •juns just the same, and there is no more glorious page in American history than tiie chargr at the blockhouse oi'Kl Caney and San Juan hill. And all this time 1 the Cubans were beating tan bark for the rear. The criticisms of the Santiago campaign have been unfair because the ' "Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß. EMPORIUM PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1898. conditions were forced upon us. Iri the ."uinminiMip of the whole affair the facts remain that we were unprepared for war, that we accomplished what we set out to do and that no men or set of men could have done better."—Pittsburg Times. After a Runaway. Sheriff J. J. McMaclcin and deputy D. Fitzgerald, of Ridgway, were in town Sunday night on their way to Potter county in search of a prisoner who broke jail at Ridgway last week. Emmanuel Church. The quarterly offering for Diocesan Missions will be received next Sun day morning, Sept. 25th. J. M. ROBERTSON, Rector. Death of Mrs. Fred (joodman. Mrs. Fred Goodman, of Trout Run, Pa., died very suddenly at her home at that place last Friday, aged twenty three years. The deceased was the daughter of Rev. Miller, of Dubois town; led an exemplary christian life and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss. The funeral was held from the M. E. Church at Trout Jtun last Sunday and was largely attended. A Significant Parade. A significant sight in these times of parades over returning soldiers will be the marching of hundreds of members of the Sunday Schools of Johnstown and vicinity at the State Sabbath School Convention commencing there on Tuesday, October 18th, to continue three days. This feature will take place Wednesday afternoon, and at its conclusion the children in line will be gathered into three great meetings in the largest churches of the city, where addresses will be made by some of the leading Sabbath School workers of the country. To those people tinged with pessimism, who believe all the forces of the country are being marshalled for evil and none for good, this will be a sight worth going many miles to see. It will be but one feature, however, of what it is hoped will prove the most beneficial gathering of Bible School workers ever held in the State. Dele gates and visitors arc expected from every county, and the Johnstown peo ple have generously offered to enter tain all who come. Excursion rates will be charged on the railroads. Local Necrology. 'Neath the sunny skies of an ideal September day, all hearts beating high with the most sanguine expecta tions of the brilliant victory we thought so surely won, the score stand ing at 7-2 in favor of Emporium and every indication that the day was ours, over three hundred loyal Emporium ites were compelled at the last "stage of the game" to stand by and witness, with sinking hearts and sick ening disgust, one of the most humili ating defeats ever administered to the Emporium base ball team. The weather was perfect, auspices favorable, our team supposed to be in excellent condition and thoroughly alive to the importance of playing good ball that day, whether they ever did again or not, there seems to be but one reason for our losing the game and that is due to the grand reproduc tion of that farce, "The comedy of errors," enacted in the final scene of "The Inglorious Defeat 0f'98." The enforcements received from out of town were of valuable assistance and are not responsible for any of the costly errors made during the fickle and ill-fated "ninth." The stick work of Burden and Hauna, the phenominal catch of a foul fly .as well as a double play to Farrell,by Mc- Manigal, some of Gainey's one hand specialties and the effective work of Roach and Friel were the leading features of the game. Our own "Jimmie" played his old position on "first" and put up an ex cellent game. Score, 7 to 8 in favor of Port Alle gany. Batteries: Tull and Kensell; Roach I and Friel. Rallying Day. Next Sabbath day will be observed i as rallying day in the Presbyterian ! church of this town, as well as Presby- I terian churches everywhere. All ! members of the church and Sabbath School are earnestly requested to be ' present at all the services, and to "turn over a new leaf" if they have not heretofore been regular in their attendance. Let it be truly a day for rallying all who have not been to the front in earnest church work and at tendance. A special program of ex ercises will be rendered in the evening. Come and bring others. The PRESS, one year 81.50. Oil on Pine Creek. A special dispatch to the Elmira Ad vertiser from Qaleton says: "Great ex citement has been caused here by the discovery of oil in large quantities in the well drilled upon the Atwell farm at Gaines and from all appearances Pine Creek will become one of the greatest oil fields in Pennsylvania. E. M. Atwell, the lumberman of Gaines, has been at work on this well for some time, and about two weeks ago dis covered oil at 800 feet, which was con sidered phenomenal, owing to the depth that had been drilled and the fact that the well had never been shot; however, nothing exciting occurred until last Saturday when arrangements had been made to pump the well, and as soon as the pump was started the oil commenced to flow, in a manner which surprised the operators, and the pump was shut down while the well continued to flow until ten barrels had been taken from the hole. Mr. At well has up to this date taken fifty barrels of fine oil from the well and hr s never been able to allow the oil to run to its greatest capacity owing to lack of storage, but has under con struction a 200 barrel tank and it is expected that the well will be pumped this week and the exact production ascertained. Scores of oil speculators and other curious people are flocking to Gaines and every effort is being made to lease the land ot the adjoining property owners, who are inclined to give the privilege of operating to the man that has demonstrated beyond a doubt that Gaines is rich in oil and gas deposits, and anyone doubting this to be a fact has but to visit the scene and witness the How of oil from a well, whi ,'h experts claim will produce thirty urider proper facilities for oper ating. That there is plenty of gas in this territory is also demonstrated by the flowing of this oil,the gas of which at times will force the oil to the top of the, derrick and which can easily be distinguished while the well is flowing. Mr. Atwell has under way the imme diat erection of two more derricks and a company of oil speculators will also drill a well in that vicinity within the next thirty days. Real estate in that little town is decidedly booming. Raised a Check. Monday morning a man by the name of Amer, claiming to hail from Geo. Hart's camp on Bailey Run, pur chased a suit of clothes at Soble's and ordered some slight alterations made in them, saying that he would call for the suit in a few hours. In payment for the same he offered a check of Mr. Hart's, drawn to the amount of §40.90 and in return received §26 30 in change. Shortly after Amer's departure from the store Mr. Soble discovered that the check had been raised from the original sum of §4.90 to the aforesaid amount which he had accepted it for and when his smooth customer returned for his suit Mr. Soble demanded the money which he had given him in return for the check, which Amner immediately forked over, and left the store. Mr. Soble, having secured his money, not desiring to prosecute him, let him go, but Mr. Hart, whom Mr. Soble had informed, desired to make an example of the crook, and immediately started in search of him, and was rewarded for his trouble by locating his man at Austin, on Tuesday. He was lodged in jail to await the action of the Grand Jury next December. Death of Mail Agent McNarney. Thomas McNarney, father of our townsman J. P. McNarney, died at Coudersport last Saturday, aged 70 years, after a short illness. His re mains were brought to Emporium for interment in the Newton cemetery on Monday. Mr. McNarney was one of the oldest and most popular postal clerks on the P. & E. R. R., having been continuously in the service for thirty years During the past few months he had been assigned to Coud ersport and Port Allegany run, but the warm weather was too much for him. He leaves a wife and tour children to mourn liis death. We regret we are unable to do justice to the memory of this excellent gentleman, for whom we j always|entertained the greatest respect, j His family were all at his bed-side ex- ! cept one son who is in camp in Georgia j and unable to attend the funeral, I'ainful Accident. I'rothonotary C. Jay Goodnough met with a painful accident at Sizerville last Thursday, while watching some : of the ball players practicing, previous ' to the game. A swift ball struck him I under the right eye, knocking him ; down. Mr. Goodnough remained un- j conscious for two hours. Fortunately ' no bones were broken, but he suffered severely for a couple of days. It was certainly a close call and hereafter Jay J will play ball at a distance. A Prolific Dandelion. Mr. Al. Hockley was around exhib iting a dandelion plant Tuesday morn ing, that he had taken from his garden, the root of which measured just two feet, four inches in length. Fire! Fire! Let all good citizens turn out this Friday evening about five o'clock, to seo the firemen's inspection at Warner House. By your presence you will show your appreciation of the firemen who volunteer their services absolutely free for your protection. Important fleeting. Pursuant to an order sent out by Secretary Thos. J. Edge, the State Board of Agriculture will meet in the Court House at Emporium on Oct. 12, and continue for two days. This is the Autumn session of the Board and is considered the most important of the whole year. All persons interested in agricultural and horticultural pur suits are earnestly invited to attend. Last Sunday Excursion of the Season to Portage Falls. The W. N. & P. Ity. will run the last excursion of the season to Portage Falls, Sunday, Sept. 25th. Special train will leave Emporium at 8.00 a. m. Fare for the round trip, §I.OO. Train will arrive at Portage Falls Park, 11:20 a. m. Returning, leave 5:30 p. m., giving six hours at the Falls, and returning home at a seasonable hour. Fill your lunch basket and join the last excursion of the season to Portage Falls. Brockwayville Races. The Brockwayville Driving Park Races will be held at Brockwayville, September 29th and 30th. In order to accommodate persons desiring to at tend, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell excursion tickets from Kane, Clermont, Emporium, Dußois and intermediate stations, on above dates to Brockwayville and return, good to return until October Ist, 1898, I inclusive, at reduced rates. Firemen's Inspection. The Emporium Fire Department will have their annual inspection, Friday j afternoon, Sept. 23d, at 5:30. The fire j alarm will be sounded from the Middle j Ward, the Warner House being the j place where the inspection will take place. As soon as alarm is sounded all companies will run with their ap paratus to the Warner House, laying hose and running up ladders, just the same as it there was a fire. 1 expect every fireman to be present at this in inspection and trust no man will be absent himself without a reasonable excuse. Mayor Howard, Town Coun cil and citizens in general are request ed to be present at the inspection. J. B. SCHRIEVER, Chief. Letter From Porto Rico. The following is an extract from a letter received by Rev. J. M. Robert son, Rector of Emmanuel Church, from his brother, Lieut. J. R. Robert son, Adjutant of the Sixteenth Regi ment, now in Porto Rico. It is dated Coamo, August 27. "I get along here well—have my own way; and am treated with respect ful consideration, even though others get fits; but am anxious now to get home—need to be home for office work and a political campaign, but we have not the least idea when we shall be ordered home. We would like to have had another tight or two before going home, because it does not seem to us as if we had any campaign at all, though we had a stiff fight, August 9th. We made a tremendous march that day and fooled the Spaniards who thought we would block one road, but instead we crossed it and forced our way to the second road beyond, reach ing there just as the Spanish were starting for Aybonito. We went at them like so many Indians, so that in just one hour and ten minutes after the first shot they put up a white flag and surrendered. During the fight I picked up a rifle and fired for a half hour, taking careful aim at each in dividual, and, I suppose, missing each one. "The rainy season is on—frequent | rains—a dozen a day—then a few min- j utes red hot sun. Must trench my j tent and get it ready for floods. "The people here seem to think that i it will be to their advandage to be- 1 long to the United States. Visited | the Roman Catholic parish chureh last Sunday. It appears to be two hundred years old, is made much like a fort, very massive and plain in architecture —neat little altars and confessionals, j no pews, marble tile floor." Fall opening display of pattern hats | and millinery novelties, Saturday, I Sept. 24th at E. M. Hurteau's. TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE. Republican County Convention. The Republican County Convention will meet 011 House, in the Borough of Emporium, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27, 1898. at 1:00 o'clock, p. m., For the purpose of nominating one candidate tor Representative, one candidate for County Treasurer, one candidate for Associate Judge and the transaction of such other bu inessasmav properly come before the Convention. By Order of County Committee, H. C. OLMSTED,Chairman. < . JAY GOODNOUOH, Sec'y. Republican Primary Election. In accordance with a resolution adopted by the Republican ( ouuty Committee, empowering the Chairman to call u Caucus and County Conven tion, the Republican Primary elections for Cameron county will be held oh SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1898. Emporium Borough—West Ward, at Opera House, at 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. 1 delegates: Middle Ward, at Council Room, at 7:00 to 8:30 p. in.—4 delegates; East Ward,at I lose I 7:00 to 8-30 p. m.—3 delegates. Shippen Township, at Court House, at 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. -6 delegates. Ja°l£'i ge , I? wnshi P' af Sizerville Bath House, at 8:00 to «):00 p. m.—2 delegates. Lumber township, at otiice of R W. Barrows at Cameron, at 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. 3 delegate* Gibson Townsliip, at Curtin House, Drift wood at 3:CO t5:30 p. in.—2 delegates. Driftwood Borough, at Curtin Hotel, at 8:00 to 0:30 p. m.—3 delegates. ' ou ' at Joe M. Shaffer's, from 3:00 to 6:00 p. m.—2 delegates. r , T H. C. OLMSTED, Chairman. C. JAY GOODNOUOH, Sec'y. fiilli" - FUjipK! County Convention! Mass Meeting! —AT— EHPORIUM, PA., Tuesday, Sept. 27, '9B HON. WM. A. STONE, Republican Candidate for Governor. HON. CHAS. W. STONE, Our popular Congressman. HON. BOIES PENROSE, i United States Senator. HON. J. B. NILES, Ex-Auditor General. HON. J. C.JOHNSON, B. W. GREEN, ESQ., and others. Will be present and address t!io C'ii i zens of Cameron County. The Republicans of Cameron and adjoining counties are invited to meet at Emporium upon the above date. It is expected that this vi:l be an enjoy able and beneficial occasion to all who may attend. The Chairman of the Republican State Committee has presented to the Cameron County Republican Com mittee a beautiful American flag, 20x3C feet in size, which will bo llung to the breeze with appropriate addresses. The flag raising will take place at 11:00 a. m. Prominent gentleman will ad dress the people upon this occasion. The Republican (Jounty Convention will meet at the Court House at one o'clock to place in nomination a county ticket to be voted for at the approach ing election. Seats will be provided for ladies and the Emporium Excelsior Band will enliven the occasion with music. Eloquent speakers will address the convention. At seven o'clock, sharp , there will be a grand mass meeting at the opera house. Let Republicans and all citi zens attend and hear the live issues of the day honestly discussed by gentle man of National prominence The ladies are especially invited to be pres ent upon this occasion. The Emporium band has been engaged for the evening. The State Committee has secured some of the most eloquent gentlemen for this rally and it is hoped the opera house may be packed from stage to door. The steamers St. I.ouis, St. Paul. Yale and Harvard, which have been taken out ot commission, were used 133 days and cost the government $1,530,- 000. Instead ol putting the shins in first-class condition again aa per agree ment the navy has given the owners a lump sum for the work of restoration The amount is believed to be $50,000 for each ship. While the Yale and Harvard were in use as army trans ports it is said they were disfigured in a shocking manner by the volunteers, who whittled their lime away cutting their names on the fine mahogany woodwork. Nearly all the decorations will have to be replaced. NO. 30.