Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 15, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
XWHBN you sec this item mark
ed with an X, in blue or black
pencil mark across its face you
will know that your subscription
is due, or past due. Your name will
be found printed on each copy of the
PRESS, as you receive it and gives the
last date to which you have paid. Our
terms are §2.00 if not paid in advance,
.$1.50 in advance. Many, very many,
of our patrons allow their subscrip
tions to run year after year. This we
are unable to stand. It requires
money to purchase paper and pay em
ployes and we must insist upon the
payment of subscriptions due us. We
have been patient, but "patience has
ceased to be a virtue," and we now
propose to weed out all those subscri
bers who show no disposition to pay
for their paper.
RusincHtt Cards.
Emporium, l'a.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted tothem. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, also stumpage&e., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. F. D. LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnishedand is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
(Opposite Post Of lice,)
Emporium, Pa.
1 take pleasure in informing the public that i
have purchased the old anil popular Novelty
Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be
my endeavor to serve the public in a manner
that shall meet with their approbation. Give me
a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours.
no'27-lyr Wm. McDONALD.
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
for the accommodation of the public. New 111 all
its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
F. C. RIECK, D. D. S.,
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa.
Gas and other local anaesthetics ad
fowT'J7JiS'nistered for the painless extraction
SPECIALTY: -Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
I will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, and
Sinnemaboning the third Wednesday of each
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must In
signed by the candidate and paid in advance tn
insure publication.
Republicans of Cameron County :
After deliberating upon the qiK-slion of my be
ing a candidate for the Legislature, at the sug
gestion of many friends throughout the county,
1 have finally decided to allow the use of my
name and hereby announce myself a candidate
for said nomination, subject to the action of the
Republican County Convention. I should
greatly appreciate the support of the Republican
voters at the Primary election.
Emporium, Pa., Sept. l'2th, 18!)8.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
-8 tion.
Grove, Pa., April Ith, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate .Judge of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., May 7th, 1898.
Editor Press ;
Please announce my name as a candidate for
the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to
the decision of the Republican county Conven
Emporium, Pa., June 27, 1898.
Editor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Treasurer of Cameron County, subject to the
decision of the Republican county convention.
< . (i. CAT LIN.
Emporium, Pa., June 28th, 1898.
Editor Cameron County Press-.
Please announce my name as a candidate for
the office of County Treasurer, subject to the de
cision of the Republican County Convention.
( '. M. THOMAS.
Emporium, Pa., Aug. IG, 1898.
Must Have Been Hungry.
On Saturday night a gang of sneak
thieves succeded in carrying out a well
laid plan for the purpose of procuring
a goodly supply of eatables, and as a
result the cellars of several East Fourth
street residences show a plentiful lack
of canned fruits and other valuable
stores that had been laid away for
winter use, to say nothing of the
inconvenience and disappointment
caused by having togo without the
usual extras that had been provided for
the Sunday dinner.
The base of operations began at tlie
Odd Fellows block, and extended to
the residence of Jas. Welsh on Spruce
The thieves gained an entrance to
the Odd Fellows Hall and after ran
sacking that, tried to force their way
into Prof. Stauffer's cellar, but found
the fastnings too secure and were
obliged togo away empty handed.
They next visited the Episcopal Rec
tory and helped themselves to a roast of
lamb and other provisions which they
found there and then called to inspect
the brick residence of J. F. Parsons,
but finding nothing that they could
carry away, continued their search 'til
the cellar of the house occupied by
Mr. Fred Julian was reached, where a
most successful raid was accomplished.
Besides taking some chickens and ham
belonging to Miss Corrnya,they helped
themselves to a large amount of jellies
and canned fruits belonging to Mr.
Julian. Jas. Welsh's place was evi
dently the last on the list and here the
robbers satisfied their ambition by
eating some pies and sugar,and empty
ing a few pans of milk, they left Mr.
Welsh an old butcher knife as a
souvenir of their midnight call. We
have also learned that before leaving
town the miscreants visited the resi
dence of Mrs. Robinson at the rear of
the Eagle Hotel and relieved her cel
lar of six cans of fruit, and by a very
singular coincidence same six
cans were found on top of a box car at
Shippen station the next morning, by
Mrs. Robinson's son William, who is a
conductor on"the hill." Mr. Robin
son thought himself the richer by
making the above find, but upon his
arrival home was appraised, by iris
wife, that the fruit belonged to his
Our citizens should prepare for these
midnight marauders by loading up
their shot guns and giving the watch
dog an extra long chain.
Back From Washington.
Hon. C. W. Stone arrived Thursday
morning from Washington, where he
has been on a special mission in behalf
of the Sixteenth regiment, whose re
ported condition has aroused much
solicitude among the relatives and
friends of the soldier boys at Porto
Congressman Stone's high official
standing and popularity gave him ac
cess to the President, secretary of war,
surgeon general, quartermaster gen
eral and commissary general.
President McKinley and Secretary
of War Alger would give no assurance
that the Sixteenth would be mustered
out of service at present. They stated
that Pennsylvania has already had
more than her proportion of the regi
ments already mustered out, and as
the regular army is inadequate for the
present needs, it is probable that those
of the volunteers now abroad for
whose return home no provision has
already been made, will be required
to remain there.
The heads of none of the depart
ments had any knowledge of the fact
distress existed in the Porto Rican
volunteer army.
The surgeon general stated that
abundant medicine and hospital sup
plies were shipped to the island with
the army of invasion and that there
could be no scarcity in that direction.
The commissary general assured Mr.
Stone that there could be no ground of
complaint regarding the rations. The
department had provided an abund
ance of healthy rations and that if at
any time the men received wormy
hard tack or pork, upon complaint of
an officer the issue could be exchanged
and the government would return the
defective goods to the parties to whom
they were purchased. He was further
advised that stoves and flour had been
sent to the army and that by this time
they are eating fresh bread. At the
suggestion of Mr. Stone he consented
to cablegram at once and order an in
vestigation of the complaints made.
Should any irregularities exist in is
I probably that they will now receive
: prompt attention. —Warren Mirror.
Seed Wheat.
Mr. L. G. Cook has several varieties
1 of seed wheat for sale, samples of
| which may be seen at Walker's hard
ware store. 201 112
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WKßSTKß.
Hucli Needed Improvement.
The ladies of Rich Valley have
secured a piece of ground for an addi
tion to the Rich Valley Cemetery and
will petition for a charter for the same,
in it few days.
Hasons Banquet.
After disposing of the usual ceremon
ies Tuesday evening the Masonic order
repaired to the vacant store room op
posite the post-office where they par
took of an elegant spread, prepared
by caterer Schmidt.
(ione to Smethport.
R. Seger & Son, of Emporium, will
this week open a first-class clothing
and furnishing goods store at Smeth
port, in the Riley block. Mr. Wm. T.
Seger, the junior member of the firm
will have charge of the business at
that place. Our Smethport friends
can bank on it that the Messrs. Seger
will give them the best in the land.
They are all right at all times.
An Informal Reception (iiven to Dis
tinguished <jues{s by Judge Mayer.
Judge C. A. Mayer, who had as his
guests over Sunday, Judges Green and
Dean, of the Supreme Court and Judge
Arnold, of Philadelphia Common
Pleas Court, No. 4, gave a reception in
their honor Saturday night at his
home. The members of the Clinton
county bar were present together with
the following gentlemen from out of
town: Senator Wolverton, of Sun
bury; Senator Cochran, Attorney Gen
eral McCormick, Judge Metzger, Su
perintendent Wallisand Fletcher Cole
man, of Williamsport and Superintend
ent Tomas A. Roberts, of Renovo.
The reception was an informal, but
very enjoyable affair—Clinton Repub
Back Horn Porto Rico.
Harry Alvan Hall, captain of Com- |
pany H, Sixteenth Regiment, has re-|
turned from Porto Rico, where he hits
been assisting General Miles to win
victories for the American flag. His
mission to the United States at this
time is to deliver to the President the
royal ensign of Spain, captured at the
battle of Coamo on August 9th, and he !
will probably remain here for some I
time. The gallant captain has been |
recommended for promotion in re
cognition of his distinguished services j
at Coamo.
In a recent interview Captain Hall
told some interesting things about the
Porto Rican campaign. He said:
"This is, I believe, the only standard !
captured in actual battle, and we had i
a bit of a tussle for it. From the time
we landed until we reached Coamo we ]
had practically nothing to do in the !
way of fighting. We simply marched j
in at one side of the towns and the j
Spaniards marched out of the other !
side. But when we came to Coamo we
found it fortified and partially en
"Here also the Spaniards made a
very determined stand. The fortifica
tions were on the eastern side of the
place. So leaving the artillery to open \
the attack on that side my regiment
proceeded to execute a flank move- j
ment with the object of getting it on
the west side. In order to do this we j
had to march up a very steep moun
tain pass—it was not even the pretense
of road—and we had to march the
whole distance, about live miles, in
Indian file.
"Just as we got into postion we heard
our artillery open fire on the east side
of the place, and we began to get dis
appointed, for we thought we should
be too late, but we were not.
"A detachment of the Spaniards had
come out on the western side and were
lying ambushed behind a stone wall,
with a thick head of cactus in front of
it, and no sooner did we reach their
hiding place than they poured a volley
right into our midst.
"I don't know how it happened but
somehow, though they seemed good
enough shots, they had the range all
right and the bullets whistled in among
us, yet only eight of our men were
"We didn't allow that sort of thing
togo on without very complete retali
ation. We had to fire through the
cactus hedge, where the Spaniards
were hidden, but whenever a man
showed any portion of his body that
man was instantly killed. The officers
must have been brave fellows.
"They exposed themselves to our
fire repeatedly and unhesitatingly. We
killed three. The commandant was
wonderfully brave. Three times he
rode in front of his men giving them
orders and cheering them on When
at last he was killed we found eight
bullets in his body. Immediately after
his death the Spaniards surrendered.
They lost seventy-five men. That
little fight was short, but sharp. It
only lasted about one hour.
A Terrible Catastrophe.
The most appalling accident that ban
happened on the Philadelphia & Erie
R. R., for years, occurred at North
Bend last Friday morning, when Erie
mail jumped the track at the tannery
switch below the bridge at Young
womans Creek, resulting in the death
of engineer John Butler, ofHarrisburg,
and the injury of fireman Ira Kutz,
baggage master DeVictor, and express
messenger Stanley Crossmire, all of
Harrisburg, besides completely wreck
ing engine No. 1768, formerly No 2106.
The train was one hour late at
Williamsport and when it reached the
place of the accident it had made up
twenty minutes. It is stated that the
train was running at a speed of fifty
miles an hour at the place where the
accident happened and when the
wheels of the locomotive struck the
frog of the switch she left the track
without the last bit of warning. The
tender was thrown over the top of the
engine, the combination baggage and
express car was turned end over end
and laid on the south side of the track
and the mail car was found on the
north si da of the track, lying flat on
its side. The smoker and day coach
did not leave the road bed, and this
fact alone accounts for the miraculous
escape of the passengers, among whom
were Messrs. B. W. Green and Josiah
Howard, of this place.
The passengers, baggage, mail and
express were brought to Renovo on a
special and from there were trans
ported through to Erie on a made up
Took a Free Ride.
Monday forenoon Mr. Zacharias, of
Gardes*! drove to Emporium to trans
act business, at noon he tied his team
in front of the Emporium House, and
while eating dinner, a tailor by the
name of Rockafellow, late in the em
ploy of John Edelman, came along
and untied the team and started west,
probably thinking he would goto
Kane, his former home, but when he
reached Bernal Spence's farm at West
Creek, ne tied the horses to a tree and
took to the woods. In the meantime
Zacharias had a warrant sworn out
and gave it to sheriff Mundy, who
deputized Ed. Strait to serve it. Ed.
mounted his scorcher and soon located
the team where Rockafellow had left
it. Mr. Zacharias having no desire to
prosecute the thief allowed him to go.
A wise move, as it saves much unnec
essary cost to the county.
Arrested a Forger.
On last Thursday afternoon consta
ble Harry Hemphill received word
from constable W.W. Tadder, of Brad
ford, to arrest and hold Burt Lenoard,
of Grove Hill on two charges of for
gery and larceny.
Mr. Hemphill found his man near
the W. N. Y. & P. Junction that even
ing and after a lively scramble suc
ceeded in capturing him. Mr. Tadder
arrived on the evening train and took
the prisoner back to Bradford the next
Young Lenoard has the name of be
ing a "tough case," and no doubt will
get a trip to Allegany City, after the
October term of court.
Anti-Saloon League.
W. L. Riley, I). I)., Field Secy, of
Pennsylvania Anti-Saloon League, of
Harrisburg, Pa., was in Emporium on
Saturday, Sunday and Monday in the
interests of the above organization.
He delivered two very able sermons,
Sunday,one in the Presbyterian church
in the morning and one in the even
ing at the Methodist church. On Mon
day evening he met in the Baptist
church with a number of our citizens
who are interested in temperance
work and arrangements were made
for the perfecting of a local organiza
An Honored (Juest.
Hon. C. W. Stone arrived in Empo
rium on the "flyer," Tuesday morning,
and spent the intervening hours be
tween the arrival of that train and the
departure of the W. N. Y. & P. morn
ing express, in calling on several of
his friends and acquaintances. He
was on his way to Smethport.
For Blood.
The Port Allegany and Emporium
ball teams will meet on the diamond at
Sizerville to-day, to decide who shall
wear the honors for '9B. Indications
are that it will be the most exciting
game of the season and a purse of
twenty-five dollars will be awarded to
the winning team.
Position Wanted.
Having decided to again engage in
the business of running steam log
loaders, I am ready to contract for the
season or year.
Austin, Pa.. Sept. 6tli, 1898. —28-3t
A "Japanese Tiffin."
At Mrs. Swain's and Mrs. Baker's on
Saturday evening, Sept 24th. Supper
from five until all are served, for 25 cts.
For the benefit of the Daughters of the
King, of Emmanuel church.
Potter's Oldest Son.
The first white male child born with
in the confines of Potter county was
John R. Burt, who passed away at bis
Burtville home on the 7th, inst., aged
eighty-nine years.
Sewing Society Supper.
The Sewing Society of the M. E.
Church will serve a supper at the res
idence of H. F. Stauff'er, on Thursday
evening, Sept. 22, from 5:30 until all
are served.
New Millinery and Fancy (ioods Store.
Mrs. Bard well wishes to inform the
public that commencing Saturday
afternoon, Sept. 17th, she will offer for
sale a fine new stock of millinery and
fancy dry goods, at her parlors. No. 7,
W. Fourth street. An unusually fine
line of ladies and Misses' hats.
flust Wear Their Uniforms.
For the benefit of those who believe
that soldiers home on a furlough wear
their uniforms for show, we will state
that a soldier is compelled to wear bis
uniform all the time and the minute he
removes it and dons citizen's clothes
he becomes a deserter and is liable to
be arrested by any constable or officer
and returned to camp, a reward of $lO
being offered for such arrests.
Have Resumed Practice.
The familiar strains of the Excelsior
Band were heard issuing from the
City Hall Tuesday evening and upon
inquiry we learned that the boys have
decided to start in again "on their
own hook" and will practice every
Tuesday and Friday evenings, in order
to keep themselves in good trim in
case their services should be needed.
This will be good news to our people
who no doubt will appreciate band
concerts hereafter by giving the boys
encouragement of a substantial nature.
Much praise is due Leader Fisk for his
enterprise and perseverance in trying
to maintain a good musical organiza
tion in Emporium.
Saw it on the Pasture Fence.
The Dansville, N. Y., Breeze pub
lishes the following fable: "A donkey
stepped into a store one day and asked
for the proprietor, who walked out of
his private office to meet him, but was
surprised to see a donkey in his store.
'Why are you here ?' he asked, 'you
know this is no place for a donkey.' 'I
am here,' said the donkey, 'because I
saw your advertisement on the fence
that surrounds my pasture. I knew
that you, too, must be a donkey or you
would have placed the advertisement
in a live newspaper where it would be
read by people, not donkeys. Being a '
little lonesome to-day, I thought I
would be neighborly and call on you.
Three Boys Drown.
Mr. Hamilton Fish, of Hammersley's j
Forks,was in town last week. He gave |
particulars of a sac! drowning accident, !
which occurred there on Wednesday. :
Three boys, aged from 5 to 8 years, of ;
Polish families, were swimming in
Kettle Creek at the point where the
stream from Cross Forks empties into
that stream. No one saw the boys go
into the stream nor saw them while j
Mr. T 3e Linhardt, while crossing the |
bridge on the Goodyear railroad, on
looking down into the creek, saw what
he supposed was a human body. Cast
ing his eyes on the shore, he saw the j
clothing of the children. Surmising
that some one had lost their life by
drowning, he called to assistance men ;
who reside in that vicinity. They pull- !
ed out the body of one child and after
a further search soon found the other
two bodies. Two of the boys belonged
to one family and were brothers of a
child that was buried about two months
ago. When the mother was informed j
that her remaining two boys had been
drowned she acted wildly and attempt
to drown herself. She was rescued,
however, and a close watch is now be
ing kept over her.
Two other children were drowned at
the same place about two years ago.
Last Week Day Excursion of the
Season to Portage Falls.
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry. will run the '
last week day excursion of the season '
to Portage Falls, Saturday, Sept. 17th.
Special train will leave Emporium
at 7:30 a. m. Fare for round trip SI.OO.
Train will arrive at Portage Falls Park
10:50 a. m.; returning leave 5:30 p. m ,
giving 6hours at the Falls, and re- i
turning home at a seasonable hour, j
Fill your lunch basket and join the j
last week day excursion of the season !
to Portage Falls. 28-2t
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Republican Comily Convention.
The Republican County Convention will meet
at the Court House, in the Borough of Emporium
at 1:00 o'clock, p. m.,
For the purpose of nominating one candidate
tor Representative, one candidate for Count
Treasurer, one candidate for Associate Judge
andthetransaction of such other bu iness as may
properly come before the Convention.
By Order of County Committee,
„ H. C. OLMSTED, Chairman.
Republican Primary Election.
In accordance v.ith a resolution adopted by the
Republican County Committee, empowering tl:
Chairman to call a Cancua and County Conven
tion, the Republican Primary elections for
Cameron county will be held oil
Emporium Borough—West Ward, at City
Hall, at 7:00 to 8:30 p. m.~ 4 delegates: Middle
Ward, at Council Room, at 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. 4
delegates; East Ward,at Hose House,at 7:00to8:30
p. m.—3 delegates.
Shippen Township, at Court House, at 2:00 to
5:00 p. in.—o delegates.
Portage Township, at Sizerville Bath Hou
at 8:00 to 11:00 p. m.—2 delegates.
Lumber township, at office of R. W. Barrows
at Cameron, at 1 :00 to.3:00 p. in. 3 delegates.
Gibson Township, at Curtin House, Drift
wood at 3:00 to 5:30 p. m,—2 delegates.
Driftwood Borough, at Curtin Hotel, at 8:00
t09:30 p. m.—.3 delegates.
firove Township, at Joe M. Shaffer's, from .3*oo
to <5:00 p. m.—2 delegates.
H. C. OLMSTED, Chairman.
Pressed Bricks.
Suit cases, valises and satchels itt
endless varieties, at N. Sogers.
Interest Paying Society meets at
Mrs. Stoddard's next Friday afternoon.
Special line of soft shirts going at
your own price, at N. Seger's.
The girls need not despair. There is
a big consignment of unkissed heroes
on the way home.—Washington Post.
A twelve year old boy named Jam en
Dunn was struck by Niagara Express,
last Thursday, near Renovo. He was
horribly mangled.
Complete in every detail, is the stock
of men and boys' furnishing now dis
played at N. Seger's clothing store. If
you doubt, it, call and see for yourself.
D. Burlingame, of Sizerville, is as
regular in his subscription as the sun is
to rise and set.—Smethport Miner.
Yes, or any other payments due from
William Bush, who was arrested at
this place, some time ago by Constable
Harry Hemphill, was sentenced at
Clearfield, last week, to the Hunting
don reformatory.
Operations at oil well No. 3, near E.
W. Gaakill's farm, are progressing
rapidly. Messrs. Niver& Russell have
everything in good working order and
at present writing the .-ope shows the
bit to be down over a hundred feet. •
The borough council are erecting a
large stone watering trough at the
corner of Broad and Fourth streets.
Joshua Bair is doing the work. This
convenience will be greatly appreciated
by the people of Emporium and
A telegram from the 3d batallion of
the 16th Pa. Volunteers, under Lieut.
Col. Rickards, located ot Middletown,
Pa , states that the fever has been
headed off. IT. S. Senator Quay is
furnishing oatmeal and ice for the
boys at his own expense.
A large band of gypsies passed
through town Saturday, and pitched
their tents in Wiley's grove for a brief
sojourn. A part of their number re
turned to the West Creek bridge on
Sunday so that we now have a small
colony on each side of us.
The Second Quarterly meeting of
the Wesleyan Methodist Church of
Emporium, will be held Sept. 16tb,
17th and 18th, commencing Friday
evening at 7:30 p.m. Rev. E.Hilton
Post, of New Jersey, will conduct the
services. Let everybody come and
have a good time.
Several exchanges note the fact that
gunners are getting ready for squirrel
shooting. Its all right if they continue
getting ready for some time yet, but
hunters should bear in mind that the
Pennsylvania game laws for 18U8 per
mits the shooting of black, gray or fox
squirrels, only from October 15 to
December 15.
Rev. J. M. Johnston, pastor of the
M. E. Church, begins next Sunday
evening a series of illustrated sermons,
to continue over the fourth Sunday.
Each sermon will be illustrated by
three large Scripture paintings especi
ally designed for Pulpit use. Come,
see and hear about the wonders of
On Tuesday morning Peter Schemm,
a millionaire brewer,bank director and
art patron, of Philadelphia, leaped
from the Goat Island bridge into the
swirling rapids above Niagara and was
swept over the American Falls a
moment later. His body has not yet
been recovered.
BRADBURY -REED—At the office of M. M.
Larrabee, on Wednesday, Sept. Mth. MR
CUAS. BiiAi.KT U ■ and Miss TII.LII: Ri:::o, both
of Rathbun.
NO. 29.