Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 08, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Gdrrjeror) (Sour)ly jfWss.
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For Governor,
WM. A. STONE, of Allegany.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
J. I'. S. GOBIN, of Lebanon.
For Secretary of Internal A (tail's,
JOSEPH W. LATTA, of Philadelphia.
For Judge ofSuperiorCourt,
WILLIAM M. PORTER, of Phiadelphia.
WILLIAM D. PORTER, of Allegany.
For Congress-at-Large,
GALUSHA A. GROW, of Susquehanna,
For Representative in Congress,
For President Judge,
Gen. Miles, has probably con
cluded togo into limited partner
ship with those Kansas Populists
who have announced their purpose
to raise less corn and more hell.
Honored the Rough Riders.
An officer of Colonel Roosevelt's
rough riders invited a dozen of the
genuine cowboys of the regiment to
goto a Broadway theatre with him
last week. None of the soldiers
had any other clothes to wear for
the evening than his soiled uni
form, antl it is probable that an}'
of them had ever been in a New
York theatre before. When the
officer appeared at the box office
and asked for seats for his men,
the ticket seller caught a glimpse
of the soiled uniforms and said:
"I can't sell you a seat as the
house is full, but you are welcome
to take your men in, and if they
can find any vacant seats, let them
take them."
The cavalrymen filed in and
stood up in the hack of the theatre
for a few minutes. Then a man
who had an orchestra chair got up,
and, walking back to the soldiers,
took one of them by the arm and
led him to his seat. Other men in
he audience followed this example
and in a few minutes every rough
rider was not only seated, but en
gageetl in conversation with the
people around him. Those who
had seats near the soldiers asked
them all sorts of questions. Down
near the front of the house was a
rough rider in his soiled uniform
seated between two women who
never seen him before, but were
evidently delighted at the oppor
tunity of making his acquaintance.
Their escort had given up his seat
to the soldier, and they evidently
thought they had a right to talk to
him. It is only fair to the cow
boys to say that the novelty of their
surroundings did not appear to
embarrass them in the least, and
their enjoyment of the evening was
marked.—N. Y. Sun.
The Assault on Republicanism.
Any stranger reading the reports
of the meetings of the so-called
Business Men's League would
naturally suppose that Pennsyl
vania was an unsafe place to live
in. There are resolutions which
paint a terrible state of affairs and
speeches which call men theives
and charge them with nearly every
crime short of deliberate murder.
Here, for instance, is the principal
agitator- of the association indulg
ing in an arraignment which in
cludes "hideous and profane
orgies," the "suspicious burning
of the Capitol," "onslaught on the
treasury," "padded pay rolls,"
"Grace church scandals," "crime
so gross," "fraud so palpable,"
and so on through columns of
invective until one would natur
ally suppose that Pennsylvania,
instead of being the great and
proud state she is, is nothing but a
den of thieves.
And what does it all mean V
Nothing on the face of the earth
except a political attack 011 the
Republican party, which, in all the
years of its management of the
State administration, has made the
magnificent record of accounting
faithfully for every penny. There
has never been a defalcation to the
amount of a single dollar. And
what is the object of these attacks
found upon an exaggerated im
agination ? Simply to break down
the Republican party at a time
when every Republican force in
State and nation is needed to
grapple with the great and new
issues which are opening up as a
result of the war. Because a few
men, seeking political advance
ment. have started into tear down
other men who have been placed in
office by the people, "crime" and
"fraud" must be shouted from
the house tops and men are ex
pected t»> believe that Republican
ism is rotten to the core.
Is any Republican voter who
knows that his party is not corrupt,
who realizes the importance of
keeping Pennsylvania in complete
touch with the national adminis
tration. is any such voter going to
be turned aside by reiterations of
the virulent abuse that has been
overwhelmed at the polls by a free
and independent people who would
have none of it? Are the Repub
licans of Pennsylvania going to
follow the so-called Business Men's
League into alliances with Demo
crats, Popocrats, Populists—any
where and everywhere an oppor
tunity offers to defeat a Republi
can candidate for the Legislature ?
Are the Republicans of Pennsyl
vania ready to send other than a
Republican to the I'nited States
The League has had two experi
ences, and deserted by its presi
dent, who is presumably no longer
in sympathy with its aims, is about
to start on a third campaign.
What it will do beyond making its
openly avowed alliances with every
dissatisfied political element in
Pennsylvania perhaps it does not
know itself, but the less said about
its previous campaigns the better
for it. It entered politics with an
attempt to defeat Penrose for the
Senatorship, and well-known bood
lers claiming to represent the or
ganization filled the streets of
Harrisburg with the scandal of
their own doings and attempted to
carry debauchery to a limit never
before dreamed of in this or any
other State —debauchery under the
white banner of political purity!
Then it turned its attention to the
Governorship and appealed directly
to the Republican voters, and was
overwhelmingly beaten by the
popular vote. It has been at work
ever since in the Legislative dis
tricts, and in almost every instance
has been thrashed as of old.
We do not believe that the peo
ple of Pennsylvania are in a mood
to listen to campaign orators who
deal in personal spite and try to
promote personal interests by out
rageous assaults upon everything
Republican. Republican rule has
brought prosperity, and we rather
think that the party, under the
leadership of Col. William A.
Stone, the veteran soldier, and
General Gobin, now with the
troops, can be trusted despite those
who prefer to run things according
to their own peculiar notions. —
Facts About Our Camps.
For weeks the newspapers have
been filled with complaints about
our various military camps. Some
of these reports were well founded
and many were grossly exaggerat
ed. Yesterday we published the
report of General Boynton, a man
whose word can be relied on. He
is a veteran of the Civil War and a
newspaper man of wide experience.
He found the conditions at Camp
Thomas were satisfactory in most
respects. To-day we report an in
vestigation of Camp Meade by a
reporter who has visited camps all
over this country and Europe and
who states things exactly as he saw
them. That conditions have not
been ideal is apparent. That they
are improving is an unquestioned
fact. It is now seen that the selec
tion of the original camp sites was
a mistake but that was not foreseen.
Camp Thomas was selected because
it was in the South, and it was
supposed a brief stay there would
help to inure men for the expected
Cuban campaign. Camp Alger
was selected because it was near
the eapitol, but it proved to be less
satisfactory than had been origin
ally supposed.
That many of our men suffered
unnecessary hardships, that there
were deaths that might have been
prevented under ideal conditions,
is now apparent. There are a great
many tilings that we learn l>y ex
perience. We have learned some
bitter lessons that we shall not
soon forget, hut it is doubtful
whether we could have avoided all
the mistakes that have been made.
Let us consider the conditions
under winch the camps were carried
When war was declared in April
we had an army of 25,000 men
scattered all over the country.
There was absolutely 110 general
staff and the regular staff was in
adequate because the officers lacked
experience. There were few posts
where so much as one regiment
was collected and at most posts
there were one or two companies.
The staff ollicers could well take
care of these, but could not reason
ably be expected to look after an
army. Suddenly the army was in
creased to 300,000 men and the
same machinery was putin opera
tion to care for all. The staff was
increased partly by detailing regu
lar armj' officers, but largely from
civil life, as many line officers pre
ferred remaining with their regi
ments, where the chances of fight
ing were better. Many of these
civilian officers conducted them
selves well, particularly at Santi
ago. Others were incompetent or
took a long time to learn their
duties. Nevertheless they did
fairly well, as the results show.
The Santiago campaign was con
ducted under the most trying cir
cumstances, with a rapidity under
the conditions never before equaled,
and we have no reason to be dis
satisfied with the result. It is true
that there were many casualties,
particularly from disease, but these
were to be expected. When one
remembers the terrible loss of life
some ten years ago when the yellow
fever scourged Jacksonville and
compares it with the results of the
Santiago campaign, there is reason
to be grateful. It is true that
there were many casualties, par
ticularly from disease at Santiago
and incident thereto will outrun
the loss of life in the field, but this
is always the ease in war. In our
Civil War there were twice as many
men who died of disease as those
who were either killed in battle or
died from wounds. We have not
reached those figures yet, but we
probably will very soon. It is
noticeable that the efficiency and
care of the line officers had much
to do with checking the ravages of
It has been so long since we had
a war that most people have for
gotten what it means. When
General Sherman said "War is
hell" he knew what he was talking
about. There were many people
who did not believe this. They
thought only of the "pride, pomp
and circumstances of glorious war,"
and forgot that in any war glory
comes seldom but suffering always.
When 300,000 men were called in
to the field it was expected that
there would be many die of disease.
There would have been many of
them died if they had remained at
home. Every year some twenty
persons in each thousand die, and
though the mortality of infants
counts for many of these, when we
consider the conditions of camp
life, this average is not much too
great. These men have now been
in camp about four months and 011
the basis above there should have
died from natural causes about
1,800 of them, which is far in
excess of the actual number.
It should also be remembered
that, while the men who goto war
are picked men physically, they
are largely young men who have
not learned how to take care of
themselves under abnormal con
ditions. Most of them look on war
as a sort of picnic and are willing
to eat or drink whatever comes to
hand and are not careful of their
persons. It is easy to get camp
disease and very hard to get rid of
On the whole, therefore, we re
affirm that conditions are not so
bad as have been painted and not
much worse than was naturally to
have been expected. In saying
this we do not in any wise mean
to say that there have not been
grave abuses, grave errors of om
mission and commission, and that
for some of the things that have
occurred there is punishment due
some persons and the offenders
ought to be sought out and justice
meted out to them. There were
some things about the Santiago
campaign that need explaining,
but it is probable that friction and
red tape between the War and
the Navy Departments will account
for some of them, and haste or in
competency will account for the
rest. There ought to be a search
ing investigation into all the events
of the war, not only to punish the
guilty but to prevent their recur
rence in future, in case we should
have another war.
We do not believe that the blame
can be laid on any one man or 011
a few men, but 011 a lack of system
and lack of time to perfect one,
Wonders have been accomplished,
and what has been done that si
praiseworthy should be taken into
consideration alongside of that
which is so deplorable. We cannot
conduct war as if it were a picnic.
1 We have done better than reason
ably could have been expected, but
we must do better next time. The
one lesson of the campaign is that
we must have a general staff of
well-equipped men, so that in case
1 another war breaks out we shall
not have to learn all over what has
just been gained at so great a cost.
—Philadelphia Inquirer.
in a New Field.
Carpet Bagger J. C. Sibley, after
having the prongs of defeat thrust
| into him in the Erie-Crawford
i district, has bobbed up again as
the Demo-Pop-Free Silver candi
date in the 27th congressional dis
trict, composed of Warren. Mc
| Kean, Venango and Cameron
I counties.
To the shrewd politician this
move 011 the part of "Honest
| Joseph" was made clear when the
Oil City Derrick came out in a
j leading editorial against the candi
! dacy of Hon. C. \Y r . Stone, of
J Warren.
The Derrick is the organ of the
i Standard Oil Company, and Sibley
lis one of its members. Sibley's
suit against the Derrick, for libel,
is now explained.
It will require more than "brass,
belly and brains" to pull "Honest
Joseph" through and defeat Mr.
1 Stone. Sibley's refusal to be a
j candidate in this district caused
j much wailing among the political
I leg-pullers and roosters. But our
J gain is the other district's loss,
i Thus it comes to pass that Mr.
' Sibley, for once in his political life,
i is nominated in a district wherein
I he is a voter —away over in the
| jungles where the whangdoodle
mourneth, &c. —North East Breeze 1 )
The Congressional Aspect.
The Philadelphia Press says:
"The northwestern tier is a dis
couraging section for ambitious
Democrats. In the Erie-Crawford
district 'Silver Joe' Sibley could
not be flattered into entering the
congressional fight against George
i 11. Higgins and it took a dragnet
for the Bryanites to fish out ex-
Mayor A. Gaston, of Meadville, so
that a name for Congress might
appear on the Democratic ticket.
Mr. Gaston is an enthusiastic
Spiritualist, and was a leading
figure at the Lily Dale gathering.
Ex-Congressman Sibley, however,
j is quoted as likely to accept the
j nomination of the Demo-Pops of
| his own district, comprising War
| ren, McKean, Venango and Cam
j eron counties —and prepare for
| freezing weather by entering the
j contest against the Hon. Charles
i W. Stone, who has upwards of
! 4,500 normal Republican majority
| as a starting figure in the Twenty
j seventh district."
Free Pills.
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
; box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
| trial will convince you of their merits.
I These pills are easy in action and are
i particularly effective in the cure of
constipation and sick headache. For
| malaria and liver troubles they have
i been proved invaluable. They are
guaranteed to be perfectly free from
every deleterious substance and to be
j purely vegetable. They do not weaken
! by their action, but by giving tone to
| the stomach and bowels greatly invig
; orate the system. Regular size 25c.
per box. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist.
Bathing of the neck and face in cold
| water will often check bleeding of the
j nose.
: During the Battle of
The Packers at theßattle of Santiago de
Cuba were all Heroes. Their Heroic
Efforts in Getting Ammunition and
Rations to the Front Saved the Day.
P. E Butler, of pack-train No. 3,
writing from Santiago, de Cuba, on
July 23d, says: We all had diarrhoea
j in more or less violent form, and when
j we landed we had no time to see a
| doctor, for it was a case of rush and
I rush night and day to keep the troops
| supplied with ammunition and rations,
I but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic,
I Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we
| were able to keep at work and keep
! our health; in fact I sincerely believe
i that at one critical time this medicine
j was the indirect saviour of our army,
j for if the packers had been unable to
I work there would have been no way of
getting supplies to the front. There
| were no roads that a wagon train could
use. My comrade and myself had the
goop fortune to lay in a supply of this
medicine for our pack-train before we
! left Tampa, and 1 know in four cases
I it absolutely saved life."
The above letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, the
Chamberiain Medicine Co., DesMoines,
lowa. For sale by L. Taggart. Sept.
Syracuse, N. Y., has a population of
Founded in 1815.
Oood Traditions.
Strong Faculty.
Unsurpassed Location.
Reasonable Expenses.
Catalogue sent free of Charge to any address
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FAi.LTERn President Crawford,
opens Sept. 2o Meadville, Pa.
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Burns & Scalds,
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Cuts A Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
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Sore Lips & Nostrils.
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iII'nPURKYS* WED. CO., 111 * US William St., New York.
I Get an
1 Education
S An exceptional opportunity offered
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3( prepare for teaching or for business,
j Four regular courses; also special
| work In Music, Shorthand, Type
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4 graded work, good discipline and E
] hard study, Insure best results to |
i students of ;
] Central State
Normal School
I LOCK HAVEN. Clinton Co.. PA.
kf Handsome buildings perfectly equipped, :
ft* steam heat, electric lights, abundance of
M pure mountain water, extensive campus 112
Hand athletic grounds. Expenses low. state C
i j aid to students. Send for catalog,
g JAMES ELDON, Ph.D., Principal. I
I Central State Normal Scbool,
I i
(*• Have you seen •)
(• OF V
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% SHIRTS, 5)
j HOSE. 2
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"TWIN COMET," price S5
Delivered Free with privilege 5 days triai.
Will sprinkle four times greater area
than any other Sprinkler made.
Can be seen in operation at tlie resi
dence of the editor of this paper.
J. B. I'm.LOWS & Co. E. STEBBINS Mfg. Co.
•19 Warren St. Sole Agts. & Mfgs.
For sale by all Hardware.- and Rubber Store
in the United States.
Some people think carefully about
toilet appliances. Others neglect this
important matter. If you will think of
the advantages of our toilet prepara
tions every time you goto wash your
face you'll soon remember to buy these
articles when you are near our place.
If you have the articles we sell, you
may be sure you have the best.
Kill till
E. Blinzler, Agent,
Emporium, Penn'a.
/. y i
of martyrdom is reached when an in
ferior laundry sends your linen home
with frayed edges and spread eagle
buttonholes. If it don't "drive a man
to hard drink" it will surely drive him
to seeking a laundry that will insure
him such perfect work as is done at
the Kane Steam Laundry. We not
only give your linen a perfect color
and finish, but we send it home in a
condition that insures comfort in hot
Fk ■ ■ PADr. Williams' Indian Pile
111 L jfcOlntment will cure Blind.
K t j F and Itching
111 l«Piles. It absorbsthe tumors.
112 H the itching at once, acts
|j BBas a poultice, gives instant re-
P9 lief. Dr. Williams'lndian Pile Oint
-38 ment is prepared for Piles and Itch
ing of the private parts. Every bo* is
warranted. By druggists, by mail on re
ceipt of price. 50 ccntt and SI.OO. WILLIAMS
MANUFACTURING CO.. Props.. Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by R. C. Dodson.
'%> I |,M
The best quality, largest assortment,
newest, handsomest and most artistic
designs, and prices that are in the
bloom of satisfaction will all be found
in our superb array of Lace Curtains.
An early inspection will be richly re
warded. Conie before the stock has
been depleted by earlier purchasers.