Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 08, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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An Offensive anil Defensive Alliance i-
Said to Have Iteen Entered Into l>y En
gland and Germany.
London, Sept. 3. —A report i: ! current
here that a treaty of alliance between
(ireat liritain and Germany, on the
lines of the speech of Mr. Chamberlain,
the secretary of state for the colonies,
lias been completed.
The I'all Mall (lazette says it has
received from a source in which it has
every confidence information that the
Anglo-(ierman agreement was signed
this week by Mr. Balfour and the Ger
ntan ambassador in behalf of the re
spective powers. The l'all Mall Ga
zette says that while the agreement
is restricted, it embraces an offensive
and defensive alliance in certain event
ualities, and adds: "This new and mo
mentous departure in our foreign pol
iey comes as a natural development of
the European situation."
lour Men lose Their I,ives l>y an Explo
sion Three Others Jiadly Injured.
I'loomington hid., Sept. 3. A hor
rible accident occurred at Stinesville
yesterday afternoon in which four
men were killed by a dynamite explo
sion and many others seriously in
jured. The men were blasting rock
for a new pike, when a terrific explo
sion of dynamite occurred, killing the
following: John W. Williams. John
Grubb, Buck Wampler and Edward
Watts. Injured: lien Fyffe, Milton
Hike and Willie Liford. The men
Killed and injured were well-known
citizens of this county—all had fami
lies and some grown children. They
ranged in age from 40 to 50 years.
Knglnocrrt Strike.
Hazleton, l'a., Sept. 3. —Some of the
engineers at the Colerain colliery went
out on strike yesterday, claiming that
since the pump runners joined the
striking miners and quit work they
have been obliged to look after the
pumps and also their work. Xo fur
ther conferences have been held by the
striking miners with the company of
ficials and the men are still determin
ed to hold out.
Four You uk Women Drowned.
ICrie. l'a.. Sept. 3. —By the accidental
jibing of the sail of a pleasure yacht
on Presque Isle bay last evening four
young women were swept off into the
water and drowned. Their names are:
Mary, Delia and Ella Paradine.
daughters of William I'aradine, an
Erie machinist, and Jessie Moore,
daughter of John H. Moore, an engi
neer on the Erie & Pittsburg railroad.
German Fleet at Manila Reduced.
Berlin. Sept. 3.—A semi-official note
issued Friday says: "A state of peace
having been re-established between
the United States and Spain, orders
have been given that the German naval
'force at Manila be reduced to one or
two ships."
I/iwton Report*! "No Heaths.**
Washington, Sept. 3. The following
is Gen. Lawton's daily report of health
conditions at Santiago: "Total sick
220. total fever 130, total new cases
fever 7. total returned to duty 22; no
Kussia's Peace Conference.
Berlin. Sept. 3. It is the intention
of Russia to convene a peace confer
ence after the adjournment of the
Spanish-American peace conference.
The President Goes to ( amp WikotT.
New York. Sept. 3.—President Me-
Kinley and his party left the city last
night for Camp Wikoff. With the
president were Vice President llobart.
Col. Myron T. Derrick, of Cleveland;
Maj. Webb ( . Hayes, .1. Addison Por
ter, secretary to the president; Assist
ant Secretary Cortelyou anil W. McK.
Barber, the president's nephew.
Klmfter in wit to Talk.
Camp Wikoff, X. V.. Sept. 3.—Gen.
shatter declines to enter into a con
troversy with Dr. Sen 11 in regard to
yellow fever among the soldiers at
S:i lit iucro.
.Damage to Property Along
Georgia Coast.
The Recent Cyclone was Very
Disastrous to Sliijijiin^.
Lobs to the Itieo Crop Atoui; tile S:ivamr>!i
Kiver Alone Is Ksthnateil itt. tilliUD.OltO -
J Cotton Crop in Many Countiea Com
} pletely Destroyed.
Savannah, (la., Sept. 3. —While Sa
vannah suffered heavily fri)in tin- cy
clone which swept over this section of
the coast Wednesday morning the
damage in tlie interior is greater.
The flooded condition of the coun
try renders communication difficult
and in many sections it is entirely cut
; off and no news has been received to
| indicate what the conditions are.
'1 he first news from the Carolina sea
j cotton islands, which were the scene
of the great tidal storm of 1893, in
which thousands of persons perished,
was received Friday. While the storm
was nothing like that of five years
ago, the loss is heavy. The beaches
north of Tybee are lined with wrecks
of small craft and at Bluffton and
other small settlements nearly all the
houses were unroofed and many were
The Norwegian bark Uagna, which
went ashore on Gaskin bank, is a total
wreck. The captain and crew were
saved. The bark Xoe, in attempting
to rescue the crew of which Lieut.
Morgan and one of his companions
lost their lives, has about disappeared.
Small steamers patrolled Calabogue
sound all day, searching for the bodies
of the heroic rescuers, but they have
not been recovered.
The loss to the rice crop on the Sa
vannah river alone is estimated at
$200,000 to $250,000. Three-fourths of
the crop has been destroyed. The I >ss
to planters between Savannah ami \u
gusta will run into the hundreds of
A heavy flood is reported in the up
per Savannah river and messengers
were sent out from here last night to
warn planters of its approach. The
cotton crop in the counties adjoining
Savannah is practically ruined.
The entire territory which the storm
ravaged, although limited to a radius
of 50 miles, is damaged beyond esti
mate. The loss of life, so far as
known, has been small, but it is ex
pected that the reports of the next
few days will show many fatalities.
For 50 miles west of Savannah the
country is practically under water.
The railroads are unable to form any
estimate of the damage or to repair
the tracks until the water falls. In
stead of falling, jiowever, the water
is rising. The Oconee. Ogechee, Ock
mulgee and Altamaha rivers and their
trbntaries are overflowed and the
water is flooding the country.
Gold Reserve »!i 1<»,<)»<!,DOO.
Washington. Sept. 3.-—-The gold re
serve in the I'nited States treasury has
reached the highest point in its his
tory, with a total reserve of $219,320,-
.172. The highest previous amount was
$2M.000.000. which was recorded in
March, ISSS.
A War fiCHre.
Paris, Sept. 3. -The most pessimistic
feelings exist here. It is the common
belief that Great Britain and Russia
are 011 the eve of war and that the
consequences of the Dreyfus scandal
will involve France in war with tier
Her sfe<wr Commander In Capt. Albert
§. darker, I,atel> In Cltnrge of
tlie Newark.
Albert S. Barker, who replaces Capt.
Charles E. Clark as the commander of
the great battleship Oregon, relin
quishes his command of the cruiser
Newark, of the North Atlantic squad
ron, togo to his new command. Capt.
Clark has been pronounced sick and
unfit for duty by the navy surgeons,
anil gives up his fine ship, under orders,
with regret. The new commander of
the Oregon is a son of Massachusetts,
and had not yet completed hi J four
years' course in the naval academy at
Annapolis when he was ordered out to
(The New Commander of the Great Bat
tleship Oregon.)
the. steam frigate Mississippi. He took
part in the capture of New Orleans
and in the fight at Port Hudson, where
the Mississippi was lost. After the
war he was assigned to various posts
until in 1883, -is commander, he was
given charge of the Enterprise, and
for three years was theskipperof that
ship while a line of deep sea soundings
was run across the Atlantic and Indian
oceans from New Zealand to the
straits of Magellan. The scientific re
sults of this voyage Capt. Barker has
published, and they are known to hy
drographists the world over. He was
the commander of the Philadelphia
when that cruiser was the flagship of
Admiral Gherardi in the international
naval review of 1893. For two score
years the captain has "used the sea,"
to say nothing of his record as a fight
er dniring the civil war. He knows the
Oregon from stem to stern, and will
be no stranger on her decks.
Commandant of the >i*n'ly treated
Military Department of Snntl-
UKU de Cuba.
Maj. (Jen. Henry W. Lawton, who has
been assigned to the command of the
rew geographical department of the
army that has just been created by
the president, ltd the march of Shaff
er's men on the city of Santiago. The
rssignment is appropriate, therefore,
fcr the new department consists of
that part of the island of Cuba that
was surrendered to the I'nited States
by Spain after the battle of Juan
hill. The new commander of Santiago
is an Ohioan and a thorough army
man. He has done military duty in
times of peace and war. He distiu
(Commanding the Military Department of
Santiago In Cuba.)
(juished himself at Atlanta by leading
a charge against the enemy's rifle pits,
which he took, with the men in them,
too. He was given a medal for this
deed of heroism. When the war ended
he entered the regular army as a lieu
tenant in the cavalry service, and had
risen to the rank of lieutenant colonel
when the president appointed him to
his present position on May 4 last. The
crder establishing the new depart
ment provides that it shall cover any
territory in that part of Cuba which
may come into the possession of the
United States.
Origin of Menu Cards.
It is not generally known that the
originator of the "bill of fare" was
Duke Henry of Brunswick, who was
first observed in the intervals of a ban
quet to scan carefully a long strip of
paper by the side of his plate. When
the curious guests ventured to inquire
into the nature of his studies he ex
plained that it was a sort of pro
gramme of the dishes he had com
manded from the cook, to the intent
that if some delicacy which especially
appealed to him were marked for a
la'e stage in the repast, he might care
fully reserve his appetite for it. The
simplicity and beauty of the idea ap
pealed instantly to the good duke's
convives and the menu card from that
moment became an institution.
lln> I* Too Plentiful.
Hay is so plentiful this year in some
parts of western Connecticut that ills
offered for sale at one dollar a ton.
Warm Welcome to Americans on
Entering Adjuntas.
Women and Children Throw Flowen
in a CireetliiK to Cien. H«j Stone
—Every Puerto It lean a
Liberal Hoftt.
The Puerto Rican natives, especially
the poorer classes, have given us the
most enthusiastic welcome, reports a
correspondent of the Associated Press,
They had dreamed for years of the
time when the hand of the oppressors
would be removed from their throats;
and now it has come. With the exclp
tion of a few of the rich they stem to
care little about the independence of
the island. The old revolutionists, am
bitious for political power, inquire
anxiously if we will retain possession
of the island, and shout enthusiastical
ly. But a great many care little for
independence, apparently sure in the
conviction that we came to drive out
the Spaniards. The writer accom
panied a reconnoitering expedition un
der Gen. Boy Stone into the moun
tains north of Ponce. It was remark
able in more ways than one. Gen.
Miles had found that the enemy's posi
tion at Aibonito was almost impreg
nable; and he had decided to turn the
left flank of the Spanish position, land
ing Gen. Brooke at Arroyo and moving
his column to Cayey in the rear of the
Spanish position at Aibonito. The ad
visability of a movement by our left
Hank was also discussed. This eould be
done if the road across the mountains
to Aecibo on the north coast were pass
The rpports were that there was a
fine carriage road from Utuabo to
Aibonito. The only question was as to
tlu character of the road as far as the
former point. Gen. Stone volunteered
to make the reconnoisance. He took
with him several men of the signal
corps, four newspaper correspondents
in carriages, armeil with Remingtons,
and company C, of the Second Wiscon
sin. The start was made at noon. The
(Formerly Chief of the Road Inquiry
Division, Agricultural Department.)
road ltd straight to the top of the
mountain for ten miles, and the in
fantry company was soon far behind.
The carriages were drawn by native
ponies and went up the mountains on
a gallop, except when the reckless
drivers pulled up to breathe the ani
mals. It was right into the heart of
the enemy's country. The road rises
to an altitude of 5,000 feet and runs
right into San Juan. It is a marvelous
piece of engineering. At times it ia
hewn out of solid rock hangirg over
nheer cliffs 1,000 feet deep. The scen
ery of the Alps, although bolder of
course. Is not more beautiful. Every
thing is covered with luxurious trop
ical verdure, even the rocks. Brilliant
flowering plants and trees splash the
green with vivid color. Once at the
top the finished military road endud,
and then we started oil to Adjuntas
ten miles off.
The drivers drove like Jehus. The
vehicles had no brakes, and the little
ponies on the descent were on the dead
run to keep away from the wheels.
Bounding, turning, swaying, now an
inch from a precipice on but two
wheels and now swinging into the side
of the cHfF, the qecupants holding on
for dear life, the vehicles went at a
terrific pace as the drivers whipped
their mad beasts. One false step, a
tumble, would have sent us whirling ofl
into space. No other drivers could
have accomplished this feat. One niort
descent and we went tearing into the
town. On through the town we drove
at a gallop, women and children who
lined the streets bombarding us with
bouquets of roses, fuchsias and wild
flowers, while the men, who formed
the background, cheered and cried:
"Down with Spain."
This quaint little town in the moun
tains has a picturesque square where
the people may gather to cheer and
welcome. They had some American
flags, which were waved everywhere.
The alcalde welcomed Gen. Stone for
mally and the latter made the assem
bled populace a speech from the ver
anda of the town hall. In their en
thusiasm the people could not wait for
the translation. At every sentence
they cheered. Then they cheered the
translation. It was dark when the for
malities were over, and every citizen
constituted himself a reception com
mittee, besieging the members of our
party with Invitations to dinner.
I'lllx for AiliiiK I'lnntM.
The administration of food to plants
by means of pills is a new idea. The
exact kind of nourishment required is
easily ascertained, the necessary salts
are inclosed in a prepared case and
buried under the roots.
I'riextN liiilne Into Trnde.
The exodus of the priests from the
church of France is attracting the at
tention of the French press. Some of
them are qualifying for the Protestant
ministry and others art going into
Xrw llrail of the State IlFp«rlm«>t
la Kamvil an a Diplomat, Author
and Moldlrr.
John ITay, who succeeds Secretary
Day at the head of the state depart
ment, is famed as diplomat, statesman
and author. His splendid record at
the court of St. James, where he is
given credit by the English press for
having brought about the entente cor
diale which now exists between the
two countries, is his greatest achieve
ment, but he has been well known to
the public for 35 years of the 60 he
has lived. It was as private secretary
to President Lincoln that he first came
into the public eye. While studying
law at Springfield he attracted the at-
(Judge Day's Successor as Head of the
State Department.)
tention of Lincoln, who, recognizing
his ability, offered him the post at the
white house. Hay was with Lincoln
83 secretary from ISGI to 1865 except
for a brief service in the army, where
he attained the rank of major and
brevet colonel. When Lincoln's death
ended his duties as secretary Col. Hay
vas sent to Madrid, and later to l'aria
as secretary of legation, and still later
was charge d'affaires at Vienna. Re
turning to America, he wrote editori
als for the New York Tribune and
acted as editor in chief during White
law lieid's absence in Europe. It was
vhile he was on the Tribune that Col.
Hay wrote his "Pike County Uallads,"
robust, hearty pictures of western life
that gained an immediate popularity.
More pretentious is "Castilian Days,"
a work of great literary merit. In
1873 Col. llay removed to Cleveland,
where he entered quite actively into
political life, and upon the election
cf Rutherford I!. Hayes to the presi
dency he became assistant secretary
cf state. Since then he has made his
home in Washington, his residence at
the capital being one of the most ele
gant in that city. Col. Hay was born
at Salem, Ind., in 1838, and graduated
from Brown in His wife was the
daughter of Amasa Stone, the Ohio
Ilotli Ilnvr Recently Ilei-n Dtm'ovi'rrd
In the Pretty SllclilKun City
of Ivalamuzoo.
Kalamazoo claims two freaks in the
flower and plant line.
Growing from a small hole in the
trunk of a maple tree in that Michi
gan city, high up and where once pre
sumably there was a knot, are a sun
flower and an elm branch, both per
fectly formed. It is supposed that a
bird carried the seeds to this little
(Both Are Said to Exist in the Famous
Town of Kalamazoo.)
opening, where they took root and
Another freak is in the shape of a
rush bush owned by Policeman Charles
Avery. The bush is now bearing the
second crop of roses this season. J!ut
this is not the most peculiar thing
about it. The policeman found on Tt
one morning a large blossom appar
ently perfect in every respect except
that from the center of the flower had
grown another full-sized rosebud
which was about to open and produce
another flower inside the one already
open. The Kalamazoo News vouches
for the truth of these two stories.
Waxhnlile Willi Pniier.
The sanitary wall papers now come
in most effective and useful shades so
that they may be used in the living
rooms as well as in the bedrooms. For
awhile their choice of design and col
oring was so limited that their use was
correspondingly restricted. It is prob
ably only a question of time when all
wall papers will He sanitary and cap
able of being, as are now a few, washed
off in good earnest. A novelty seen at
one of the exclusive shops was a paper
offered in soft, dull shades that was a
perfect representation of denim. This
popular and dull background for both
floors and walls is highly artistic and
effective, and sow that the denim pa
per has come, we may look for the
early popularity.
l'oiirtrnlliim; Power of Unter.
So penetrating is water at high pres
sure that only special qualities of cast
iron wiU withstand it.
SSOO Reward
l\i ilk«T« RiwttJ vfll W pa/4 A* hj
fbrnatka ikal will bad to (fea amal mm!
mitMCI W tbe INUI J rn pMtM afca
emi irob and ikW oa the tomk «/ dba
poriuaa Jt Riok Vifcj R. 1., aaaali
Clk* eaat MM of PraakUa HoaaUtr'a
aa A* araalag 0/ Nrr. Slat, IWhl.
Ban A com,
•8-tf. iV«jwlMi.
THE andcr*if««d baa opwed *
olaaa Lfaaor *ot% and tavttaa tW
toad# o? Hotala, Bcatonpaato *»%
Wo shall carry nott« bat the but ia»
Icaa and Imported
Bottled Goods.
w« IfllUH
oau. ajtb an x&
nonunw, mouuM, FA.
§F. X. BLUMLE,j?
yf Mtl Ur ml aaU Ma to ft
Aad Llqaort of All Klada. aL
5 Tbe beat of gooda alwava JJy
3R o*rri->d in stock and rrery- J B
rj tht- 4 warranted u ropraaaat T
I Eapocfal Attentlea Paid te ■
» ruu Order*. < |
/ 60 TO 1
Sj. A- fltoslef'M
J Braad Btraat, Eartrhta, Pm., J
J *I»M T»» tu pt
V tba tlaa at )
s Groceries, £
1 Provisions, r
) hi, CaCm, IMb, (nlMlaak )
S MKH UU Opri. v
\ OooAs Dellyor,' 1 Proa aay /
J riace la Town. S
/ cm. ;j> sn 11 in or nicus
c nil r. * 1. bent \
Bottling Works,
mnn McDONALD, Proprietor.
Hat ». a a. DIM ■■>»»«■■. Pa.
_ casati
aotuw ui akttx* »4
Lager Beer,
■m HUM ir trriti
Ai MinlMun mf Butt
Drtaka and DatUr la Ofcaini
Winaa »»d Pnra Llqnara.
Wo keep BOB* bat the reiy teal
Boar and are prepared to fill Ordeca M
abort notice. Private fkmlliee aarrad
iaUy If deairad.
I Qcraata, and Trad»-M«rfcm obtataad and »!1 P<M»
1 aotbuaiacaa ooadoctad far MODMITI Paca.
OworrioiiiOPfotrriU.l. p*riMTOrr»e«
< AND wa can MCUII Mlullt Ini tuu than Uwaa
ramota (ran Waaklaatoa.
Bud mo(UL dramoi Of with deaufy ■
tloo. Wo adviaa, 11 pataoiabla or not, (r«a •(
Onr faa nal dua till aaunt U •cv.-urtd.
1 A PIMPHLCT. " How to Obtain T'ateau," wWi
! aoat oT aaaa V tha U. B. aaf cmuUtea
| aant fraa. Addraaa,
| Om. F*n»rr (fnot, waawiwaTow^D^o^^
ia*o» fllPim CHICAGO