2 CAMERON CODNTY PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published Every Thursday. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Cir mr MO* (111 In idvitnc* 1 M ADVERTISING RATES: A#r*rtliam«nt« are puMUtaed at tba rata ot Ma «el lar per square for one insertion arM fifty aaata per aquare for each subsequent insertion Ratea by ibe year, or for alz or three montba, •re low and uniform, and will be furnlahed on ••plication. Xecfil and Official Advertising per aquare. tkraa times or leas. 12. each subsequent inser ilen bO cents per square. Local notices 10 centa per line for one Inser (ertlon: 6 cents per line far each subsequent Obituary notices over Are llnea, 10 cents rer Viae Simple announcements of blrtha, mar rl»*es and deaths will be Inserted free. Business cards. 0»« linea or leas. M> per year; »rer 0»e lines, at the re»ular rates of adver tising No local Inserted for less than 75 eenta par laaua. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PBIM Is complete •b4 affords facilities for doing the best class ol *»ork PAKI ICULAB ATTENTION PAID TO LAW PWNTIWO. No paper will be discontinued ntll arrear ages are paid, except at the option of the pub lisher. Papers sent out ot the county must be paid lor in advance. THE state department has informed United States consular officers in all parts of the world that they may issue bills of health .ind ccrti r v invoices for Santiago. Pon*e and Manila, and all other ports in actual possession of the United States. LORDCHARI.K* BERKSFORII, the noted sailor, charges :i half crown for each of his autographs. He does not pocket the money thus made, although in a year it amount 1 ] to a very considerable sum, but devotes it all to the various naval charities in which he takes so lively an interest. IT is estimated that between 5,000,- 000 and 0.000,000 rabbits will be ex ported from New Zealand this season. One exporter is at present receiving l from 15.000 to 20,000 rabbits per day, and is paying- in wages to trappers be tween 54.000 and S">.000 a week. He has '.'4 traps out, (rivingemployment to 500 men. Last season he exported about 700.000 rabbits. Too little blood in the brain is a fre quent cause of headache and may be recognized by the ache being on the top of the head, by constant dizziness and by noises in the ears. The best cure is a slight stimulant, such as strong tea or coffee or hot soup—any thing which will increase the circula tion. People who suffer with these headaches should always sleep with their heads low. JOHN HAY, the ambassador to Great Britain who will shortly become sec retary of state, has always been bet ter known as a poet than as a diplo mat Yet he secretly wishes that he had never penned ",)im Bludsoe" or ' Little Breeches"—poems that have given him a place among American literary men. He blushes yet when he is introduced as the author of •'Little Breeches." NINKTY-SIX thousand dollars a pound would seem to be a stupendous price for any drug, but a prescription was recently filled in New York city which would, in the ratio of the price charged for the quantity ordered, bring the re tail cost of a pound up to that figure. The prescription was for 11! tablets of the hydrobromate of hyoscine, each 1.100 of a grain. The price paid was Si.so, or at the rate of 812.50 a grain. A FA slot's brigand was lately shot in publie execution at Belgrade, Ser via. but the firing party and the spec tators were horrified when the smoke lifted to see a second body beside the brigand's. "Mon Dieu! There are two of them!" exclaimed the Black Mousqeutaire. The second man proved to be a newspaper correspond ent who had approached too near in order to obtain a realistic account for his paper. MOST of the navy titles that differ from army titles explain themselves. Ensign is an old title obsolete in the land forces, but still preserved in the army. Admiral comes to us from the Spanish, who borrowed it from the Arabic amiralbarrh, commander at sea. Commodore is acorruption of the Spanish and Portuguese commendador, a knight, a commander, so our two highest naval titles come from the de bpised Iberian peninsula. A POST AG K stamp map of England and Wales has been made by Mr. IJ. M. Murrow, Wood Green, London. Al though it took Mr. Murrow only two months to draw the outline of the map and to affix the stamps, yet the entire collection, which is valued at 200 guineas, was begun at the age of seven years. The exact number of stamps in the map is 2,139, and no two stamps are alike. All the coast and prominent inland countries are formed of con trasting colors. A BTATKMKXT just prepared by direc tion of the commissioner of internal revenue shows that for July the aver age daily shipment of internal revenue stamps aggregated, in number, 22,775,- 527. Counting 27 days to the month, the total is shown to have been (514,- 9:>9.120. This gives an idea of the work entailed upon the bureau by the conflict with Spain, a large addition to the stamps and increased demand resulting from the operation of the war revenue bill. 8F.111.1N has now women guides for the city. They are partly elderly and partly middle-aged ladies, with a cer tain amount of knowledge of the world, some acquaintance with lan guages and an assured and amiable de meanor, to whose care lone female travelers or the lady traveling parties recently imported from Scandinavia and America iotrust themselves. Most of these resolute persons are Russians or Austrians. They also do shopping and other business for people living out of town. SUSTAIN THE ADMINISTRATION A Leading Democratic Journal I'aji JUKI Tribute to I'renldent McK Inley. T he administration has conducted ♦fce war in a way to command the con fidence of the American people. The conduct of the war to its close will in volve the conclusion of a treaty of peace, for such a treaty will be "the ■jlose of the war." The administration should therefore be trusted in the making of peace just as it has been trusted and is trusted in the making of war. It is the duty of patriotic and thoughtful citizens (and newspapers) to stand by the administration. It is not their duty to sow distrust, to engender destruction of confidence, ♦ c plant doubt or suspicion or difficul ties among the people or in the path of the administration. We have very pronounced views about what ought to be done. We have not hesitated and shall not hesitate tx> express them. But we are not in the business of vin dicating those views at the expense of the administration charged with the duties of war and of peace. Between what we think ought to be done and what can lie done the dis tance and the difference may be great. Th« administration should be trusted equal.'y well to know what is most de sirable and what is most wise or feasible. It is a patriotic American admin istration. It earned American opin ion and congressional action unani mously with it in embarkation on war. It lias carried them unanimously with it in the conduct of the war. It should receive—for it will honestly and ear nestly strive to deserve—unanimous public and congressional support in the terms and work of making peace. It is entitled to the benefit of a full and candid statement of every opinion. But, most of all, it is entitled to a free hand and to an assurance of the loyal unanimity of citizenship and of journalism in any programme which it may put forth, after aT! the questions cf public opinion, of national rights and of international considerations havo been carefully studied by it. This is a time for advice. It is no time for hectoring, for arrogance or for threats. It is a time for unity and not a time for division. It is a time for judicial mindedness. not a time for sec tional passion, local prejudice or per sonal insistence. The thoughtful, patriotic, diligent conciliatory but firm and self-cen tered statesman who is president of the United States is entitled to the confidence and cooperation of every 'rue American, for he is a true Ameri Monry Motri. The chairman of the peace jubilee executive committee dates that the question whether William J. Bryan shall be invited to be present at the jubilee and make a speech has not been considered yet. If the question is brought up at any future time it should not Vie considered favorably. For what has Bryan done in war or peace to entitle him to such distinc tion? If it should be suggested to the com mittee that he be invited to attend the peace jubilee, will it be because of his advocacy of "sixteen to one" and of* change by congress of the rnonej standard of this country whereby ob ligations contracted on the basis of the world's money standard and of 100-eent dollars may be liquidated re troactively in 44-cent dollars? If liiy an is to be "recognized" at all in con nection with the jubilee it must be on account of his advocacy of a dishonest monetary policy as scoundrelly as if devised by men who had learned their morals »n a penitentiary. To his sup port of thai policy and to nothing else does Bryan owe the notoriety he en joys. The adoption by the government of Bryan's financial schemes would rob the working classes of this country of billions of dollars, the bard-earned savings of their incessant toil. It would create a panic which would prostrate industry and deprive mil lions cf wage-earners of work. Those vho did have employment would find the purchasing power (if their wages cut down nearly CO per cent., because they would be paid Hi cheap silver dol lars instead of what the Bryanites call "appreciated" gold dollars. Considering what Bryan stands for, lie is the last man to be invited to participate in public rejoicings over isny "vent. lie is the last man whom those Ohicagoans who comprehend the unmoral and destructive nature of his doctrines' want to see or hear. Poor, deeeived, credulous ignorati may yearn to gaze upon his fixed smile and listen to his stereotyped But they were in the minority here two years ago, nnd there are not as many of thMil now as there were then, for soma cf the men who voted for him m 1896 have learned that he is their en emy and not their friend. Bryan has won nt> prominence as a soldier. He is a colonel of volunteers who has seen no service. Bryan has been prominent as a politician, but his prominence is of an unenviable nature, which would make his presence at the contemplated peace jubilee undesira ble. He is the advocate and represent ative of doctrines which if enacted into laws would inflict more injury on the material interests of this country than Spain could have inflicted with nil continental Europe a« an ally, lie would be a wet blanket on the jubilee. Therefore it maybe take* for granted the committee wHI not invite him. — Chicago Tribune. THE SOUND MONEY OUTLOOK. Pronpeet of Knvurn hie Art lon by (oiiKrcNN on the Currency QueNtlon. Chairman 11. 11. Hanna, of the mon etary commission, has addressed a letter to the business interests con taining a statement as to the present! condition of currency reform. In the address lie expresses the opinion that the prospect for favorable action by congress is good. "While appreciating the foreo and influence upon the next election that would surely have followed if an af firmative action coxild have been had during the session just closed," says Mr. Hanna, "the committee is glad to assert at this period that, everything considered, the present status is prob ably more favorable to ultimate legis lation than would have been the case had a number of leading republicans in the house disapproved of the action sought during the session." The conflicting interests among those who were in practical agreement as to the need of currency reform have been partially, if not entirely, recon ciled. All these advocates of sound money are cautioned against any laxi ty of effort in the fall elections. Mr. Hanna thinks there is every reason for the friends of the cause to enter tain the most positive hope of early success, but to make assurance doubly sure the most determined spirit should be shown in the struggle yet to come. The success of the work is all the more desirable in view of the new trade aertain to come to American shores. Any misstep in financial leg islation might annul all the fruits of the war and cost more than the mil lions paid out to bring Spain to her senses.—Cincinnati Commercial Ga zette. The Trust Howl. "Robbed by trusts," shouts the Man chester Democrat; and it adds: "To day it is the whisky trust. Yesterday it was the plate glass trust. To-mor row it will be some other trust. Every one of these trusts are protected by the republican administration." What is the use of indulging in that sort of idiocy? You might as well say that the trusts are protected by the Manches ter Democrat. Trusts are universal, and the majority of the trusts of the United States are operated by demo crats, as an examination of the po litical faith of the owners of trusts w if! fully prove. The very worst trust that has ever attempted to oppress the peo ple of the United States is the silver kings' trust, and the Manchester Dem ocrat supported that trust in its ef fort. to increase its profits more than 500 per cent, per day! If the silver kings' trust could have gained posses sion of the government it would have been more oppressive and ruinous than all the other trusts the world has e\- known.—lowa State Register. NOT SO VERY BAD. Gen. Boynton's Report on Chica mauga Hospitals. Ke*itlt of 111* Investigation* l> (Slven to Secretary Alger—The Medical Service In Said to be Efflcleut, and there la No I.Mck of Comfort* for the Sick Soldier*. Washington, Sept. I.—Secretary Al ger has received the report of Gen. H. \. Hoyn ton upon the state of affairs in the hospitals at Capm Thomas. The report is dated August 29. The general says his instructions were to report the number of sick, character of illness, number of tents, floor space per patient, the adequacy and suitability of attendants and whether the medical officers have dis charged their duties faithfully, and to make any recommendation in the in terest of all concerned. He says that he visited all of the hospitals in the camp, without giving notice of his purpose. Says (Jen. Boynton: Believing the death list of this camp to afford an excellent standard by which to measure its conditions as to health and hospital service, a full re port was obtained of all deaths in the camp, and in its hospitals since its establishment the middle of April last. The result shows a total death list of 198 tip to the 22d of this month, when the breaking up of this camp began. Between these dates, including regu lars and volunteers, fully 75.000 troops have been in camp in ('hiekamauga park. The record of burials in the na tional cemetery at Chattanooga shows a total of 120 volunteers anil two regu lar soldiers. One of these was killed by falling from a railroad train. The report takes up in detail first the two permanent hospitals—Lciter and Sternberg and states the exact accommodation afforded by each. The first is at Crawfish Springs, under charge of Maj. Carter, and was con verted from a large summer resort hotel into a hospital, receiving the worst typhoid cases from the camp. Each patient has abundant room, woven wire and hair mattresses and abundant bed clothing. The ventila tion is perfect, plumbing entirely new and bathing facilities ample. The number of attendants, when all are well, is entirely satisinaetory and at tendants are on the way to take the places of those who are broken down, broken down. Maj. Carter has secured a herd of cows and pastures them without ex pense to the government. Me has suf ficient money from the hospital fund to buy whatever is wanted in the way of milk, ice and other delicacies. There has been at this hospital full supplies of ice, milk, commissary stores and delicacies, such as sick ought to have. The sewerage of the hospital is ex cellent, and, contrary to persistent assertions, none of the sewage has ever drained into the Chiekamauga river or approached it at any point. Taking up the Sternberg hospital, in charge of Maj. (iiffen. Gen. Boynton shows that it is one of the most com plete field hospitals ever seen, accord ing to veterans of the civil war. All the tents are closely floored and they are separate; at present only four men are in any tent, and in addition to the tents there are nine large board pa vilions. Every tent and pavilion has woven wire mattresses, iron bedsteads anil hair mattresses. There are espe cial diet cooks, five cold storage rooms for delicacies, separate refrig erators for each row of tents and every proper measure of sanitation is observed with respect to the sinks. The report states that in times when the hospital was crowded there was a lack of nurses, the deficiency be ing' supplied by details from the regi ments, which were not as satisfactory as trained nurses. Leaving the details about the hos pitals the report proceeds to treat the whole subject generally, as follows: "In two of the hospitals opportuni ties occurred for discovery of what undoubtedly originated many of the sensational stories which have been printed over the country to the effect that patients in the hospitals lacked sufficient food and in many cases had been on the verge of starvation. In the wards where the convalescent typhoid fever patients were found, many of the men were constantly ask ing for food and. as a matter of course, were denied everything except the lighter forms of food, which can alone be safely administered to recovering typhoid patients. This refusal of food throughout the hospitals, by which care alone can the lives of typhoid con valescents be saved, has been distorted into the cry which has been spread throughout the country that patients were being starved in the government hospitals. There has been no lack of proper food in these hospitals, and competent cooks for preparing it have been present, and the only reason for depriving the patients of what so many of them have clamored for has been the necessity of such dieting as the disease demands. "So far from believing that medical officers have been heartless or negli gent, I believe that these officers and the hospital attendants, as a whole, have exerted themselves to discharge their duties faithfully. It would seem as if this were sufficiently shown by the fact that they have worked un ceasingly, until a quarter of the whole force has itself been stricken by dis ease resulting from their exhausting labors." The Olivette Sink*. Fernandina, Flu., Sept. I.—The hos pital ship Olivette, which has been ly ing near the quarantine station, throng# some mysterious agency sank yesterday. Aboard of her was a hos pital corps of :i5 and alrew of 45 per sons, all of whom escaped without in jury. Labor Trouble* Cause a Fat:«l Klot. Galveston. Tex., Sept. I. In a riot which occurred on the Mallory docks in this city yesterday one man was killed and six injured. The riot grew out of labor troubles, the longshore men demanding an advance in wages. FALSE EVIDENCE. Officer Who Manufactured It Con fesses and Suicides. Lieut. Col. Henry.of the French Army, Ad mit* Hi* 4• ulll In Forging the lloeu ment that Sent ( »pt. Drey fun to a Living Tomb ttn«i then Taken HIM Own Life, Paris, Sept. 1. —The arrest of Lieut. Col. Henry on the discovery that lie is the author of an important letter which figured in the Dreyfus case, is one of the most sensational develop ments in this extraordinary affair. Col. Henry has been the champion of the army against Col. I'icquart, with whom he fought a duel. This new de velopment alters the aspect of both the Dreyfus and the Zola cases and nullifies the evidence of (lens. Pellieux and Hoisileffre and the declarations of the minister for war. M. Cavaignac, in the chamber of deputies. As soon as M. Cavaignac assumed the office of minister for war he charged the official bureau to make a thorough research of the Dreyfus case, and it was this inquiry which resulted in the discovery of documents lately read in the chamber of deputies by M. Cavaignac, showing that proof of the guilt of Dreyfus was forged. When Col. Henry was summoned to the min istry for war and questioned by M. Cavaignac, in the presence of (Jen. Boisdeffre and others, he at first affirmed the authenticity of the in criminating document. But when dis crepancies were pointed out, heat first admitted adding sentences and finally confessed to fabricating the whole let ter. Col. Henry confessed to having com mitted forgery, "owing to the absolute necessity for finding proofs against Dreyfus." It is understood that the document in question is the letter which hitherto has been alleged to have been written by the Herman mili tary attache to the Italian military attache iri October, IS9O. It is also said that when the inter pellation in the Dreyfus case was com ing up in the chamber of deputies this letter was secretly communicated to the court-martial and was the chief evidence upon which Dreyfus was con victed. The anti-Dreyfus papers are dumbfounded at the arrest of the colonel. Col. Henry's confession threatens to rekindle the Dreyfus agitation more heatedly than ever, and seems likely to shake confidence in the army. It is reported ihat at yesterday's cabinet meeting the ministers admit ted that a revision of the Dreyfus trial was unavoidable. Col. Henry was attached to the war department when Dreyfus was con victed, and he was one of the promi nent witnesses who testified unfavora bly to M. Zola during the hitter's sen sational trial on the charge of libel ing military officials. flen. Boisdeffre. chief of the general staff of the French army, has tendered his resignation to the government. Gen. Boisdeffre, in his letter of resig nation, explains that he resigns ow ing to his misplaced confidence in Lieut. Col. Henry, which led him to present as genuine what was forged evidence. Col. Henry suicided yesterday by cutting his throat with a razor. CAME ON A CATTLE SHIP. Men of a .Massachusetts Kejfiiiieiit Arrive at Mnntftuk from Santiago After a Voy* ajje lli.it Proved Fatal to 1-1 of Theii Number. Xew York, Sept. 1. —The transports Allegheny and Panther arrived at Montauk Point yesterday from San tiago. On board the Allegheny are eigiit companies of the Ninth Massa chusetts, in all G25 soldiers, of whom 145 are sick. Fourteen men died on the voyage and ail were buried at sea. This is the largest number of deaths at sea on any of the incoming trans ports and the deaths were mainly in the cases of those who were critically ill when placed aboard at Santiago. Dr. Magruder and inspecting officers say the Allegheny is a cattle ship, not even fit for well troops, much less for sick soldiers. The Panther carries 106 members of the Ninth Massachusetts and 15 are on the sick list. One man died and was buried at sea. Some of the men Uriel and lie* clderilj to (he Point, Itut I nual lafactory to (lie Orator. One of the volunteer companies recently at Lamp Alger posscsseb a beautiful new nag, which was made and presented by a nu in tier of patriotic women in the Pennsyl vania town from which the company comets. It was presented just bet ore the company marched away or steamed away, to be ac tuiate anil the presentation was the occa sion oi much ceremony. Jhe company was drawn up in a long line—"company lront,' 1 believe, is the military term lor it—and a very charming young lady read a very charming and somewhat lengthy address, which contained a great deal of flowery lan' guage. The captiin wan "it" then, and had to reply. He is not an eloquent man at any ! .ime, and he is extremely shy; but he had written out a graceful speech of accept ance, and he stepped forward confidently and received the banner. ladies, he began, in a Fourth of July voice. Ladies, we will accept this flag. La dies, we—we will accept this flag." Here his color forsook him. He hud forgotten the nest of his speech. One trembling hand sought the pocket of his blouse. The manu script wasgone. "Ladies," he began again, desperately, with a gulping kind of gasp, "Ladies, we will accept this flag, and, and, and thanks awfully for it, don't you know." And after all, I dare say the impromptu was quite as effective as the address he had prepared, but the captain doesn't like to taik about it.—\\ ashington Post. TOLD BY THE SERGEANT. From the Democrat, Grand Rapids, Mich. At the Michigan Soldiers' Home, in Grand Rapids, lives Sergeant Richard Dunn, hale arid hearty, although he carries the scars of several wounds sustained in some of the battles of the Civil \\ ar. In recounting his experience to a reporter, Mr. Dunn said: 'About a year and a half ago I began to have trouble with my stomach. My suffer ing was so intense that I tried different medi cines and doctored with sevetal physicians, but without permanent relief. "I read an bams' I'ink i ' n,? curec^a mine, and I decid them a trial, taking five X X. boxes 1 was cured. I A Wounded Soldier. P e Y e 1 /, e better than I do now, even in my younger days. lam naturally a robust man, but that stomach trouble, together with rheumatism, which afterward set in, were making fast inroads upon my health and I am satisfied that it would have been but a short time before my comrades would have been conducting the regulation funeral ceremonies over my re mains, hitd I not chanced to read of and taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "There are several others in the home who are taking these pills and are receiving great benefit." RICHARD DUNN. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Ist day of Nov., 18P7. HENRY GIBSON, Notary Public. Sergeant Dunn is perfectly willing that anyone should write him in reference to his case, provided stamp is enclosed for reply. All the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves are contained in a con densed form in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregulari ties and all forms of weakness. In men they cure cases arising from mental worry, over work or excesses of whatever nature. WELL-NIGH BRUTAL. Bat (lie Stern I'arent Wan Not Wholly Without Cause for His I nkiniiiiess. He was a well meaning young man. He had a way, however, of standing by the side of a piano and rolling his eyes at the chandelier while unsweet noises gurgled from his throat. Friends were too kind to suggest to him that his efforts were other than melodious. Such is the patient charity of this much maligned world. The man with iron gray side whiskers and an eagle eve showed signs of overtested en durance. tt was his daughter who was play ing accompaniments, and it was his gas they were burning. "Did I understand you were going to sing "On the Hanks of the Wabash, Far Away?' "Yes." "When?" "Why, right away." The questioner took out his watch and said: "Well, I'm afraid you haven't much time to spare. The ne.-'t train for the west goes in less than three-quarters of an hour, and you'll have to start for the Wabash far away, right rivav. if you're going to sing there be fore the week is out. Good-by, I hate to have you cut your visit short, but I wouldn't have those folks on the Wabash, far away, disappointed for anything!"—Washington Star. The FiichtiiiK Seventy-Flmt. Out in Salt Lake City, when a paper speaks of"the lighting Seventy♦irst," one is in doubt whether ihe item refers to the regi ment now in Santiago or some man's latest matrimonial venture. —Yonkers Statesman. 11l ii Job Lot. Dason—What sort of a policy do you think Spain ought to adopt now? Mason—Accident, fire, marine and many other kinds of policy as she fan lay hands on.—N. Y. Journal. ENTIRELY CURED ME. No Mother Should Be Without I'c-ru-iia. So Mrs. Margaret Veldnian, of Lake Mills., Wis., writes in a recent letter to Dr. Hartman. I'e-ru na is the special friend of women in ail of her peculiar ills, irregularities, painful periods, weakening d;s charges, exhaust /jKr ing drains, una f&af voidable excesses, overwork, prostra -r*-/ tion and debility. " / Mrs. Veldman's letterstates: "Five IKOSv years ago I was "WW H.'Wkl pronounced incur 7SC " able. 1 suffered } V ' th ? f onf, P Hc "' • tion of diseases — kidney trouble and catarrh of the bladder. 1 tried a number of medicines without relief. Peru na was rec ommended and I took it as a last resort. Then I thought I would write to Dr. Hart man. He advised me to take Man a lin also. I took the two remedies. My troubles were of long standing. No mother should be without Peru mi. We keep it in the house ill the time and recommend it to everyone complaining. Pe-ni-na entirely cured me and 1 beiieve it will cure others who are sim ilarly affected." Send to Dr. Hartman, Culumbus, 0., for his free book written expressly foi' women. In almoet everything in life a little more or a little less .salt, and pepper would im prove the flavor.—L. A. W. Bulletin.