Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 08, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
XWHEN you see this item mark
ed with an X, in blue or black
pencil mark across its face you
will know that your subscription
is due, or past due. Your name will
be found printed on each copy of the
PRESS, as you receive it and gives the
last date to which you have paid. Our
terms are $'2.00 if not paid in advance,
|1.50 in advance. Many, very many,
of our patrons allow their subscrip
tions to run year after year. This we
are unable to stand. It requires
money to purchase paper and pay em
ployes and we must insist upon the
payment of subscriptions due us. We
have been patient, but "patience has
ceased to be a virtue," and we now
propose to weed out all those subscri
bers who show no disposition to pay
for their paper.
Business Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-1 y.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, also stum page &c. 112 and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. P. D. LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
30-1 y.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
I take pleasure in informing the public that i
have purchased the old and popular Novelty
Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will be
inv endeavor to serve the public in a manner
that shall meet with their approbation. Give me
a call. Meals and luncheon served at all hours.
n027-lyr Wm. McDONALD.
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is uow opened
for the accommodation of the public. New in all
its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
F. C. RIECK. D. D. S.,
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa.
Gas and other local anaesthetics ad-
f or the painless extraction
SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
I will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, and
Sinnemahoning the third Wednesday 01 each
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must be
signed by the candidate and paid in advance to
insure publication.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge ot Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa., April 4th, 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898.
Editor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., May 7th, 1898.
* *
Editor Press :
Please announce my name as a candidate for
the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to
the decinion of the Republican county Conven
Emporium, Pa., June 27, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Treasurer of Cameron County, subject to the
decision of the Republican county convention.
Emporium, Pa., June 28th, 1898.
Editor Cameron County Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
the office of County Treasurer, subject to the de
cision of the Republican County Convention.
Emporium, Pa., Aug. 16,1898.
Will Take the Stump.
B. W. Green, Esq., of Emporium,
has accepted the invitation of the Re
publican State Committee and will
stump the State in the interests of the
Republican ticket. Mr. Green is a
forcible talker and will do good work.
Letter From Purto Rico.
Porto Rico, Aug. 11, 1898. /
I suppose you have heard of the battle in
which the 16th regiment was the "whole thing."
We are all waiting in anticipation, for the re
port is now that peace is declared and we are all
willing to quit too.
Well, I will endeavor to give you a description |
of the battle:
We were camped at Camp Hulings, halfway I
between Juan Die* aud Coama, when we re
ceived word to move the light artillery and the
2nd and 3rd Wisconsin were the attacking
parties. The 16th Pennsylvania were sent
around the city by the right Hank to cut otl' the
Spaniards' retreat. Well, we marched until ten
o'clock the night of the Bth, and went into camp
on top of one of the high mouutains, where we
could command a good view of the country
around us and laid ourselves down tin the grass
to rest, (and we needed it too.) We broke camp
at 3:00 a. m.and continued our march over the
mountains and through the woods, Co. C, being
the advance guard and we were led through
ravines and cactus patches where we had to cut
our way with our matchettes and got tangled
up in the jungles and about 7:30 a. m., we came
out on top of a high plateau and could easily
hear the boom of cannon from the city. The
regular guide we had rode ahead and came
back pell-mell shouting, "The Spaniards are in
full retreat. Follow me, double-quick time!"
Well, we all made for the road where the
Spaniards were retreating and I being in the
point of the advance guard was not very far be
hind the first man. We came down 4 he hill
pell-mell into the clearing and not a devlish
Spaniard in sight, when, bang! bang! bang!
and zip, whiz!—you ought to have seen us duck
into the grass. My side partner, Clyde Frank,
fell with the rest with a hole through his leg
about eii<ht inches from his hip and a bullet
struck my blanket roll at the same time and I
can tell you my thoughts went "home" more
than once while I was lying there with the bnl
lets cutting the grass all around us. We kept up
the fire from our Krag-Jorgenson rifles at a very
rapid pace for one hour and twenty-five minutes,
when up went a white flag on the Spanirds' line
and you ought to have heard the cheer which
went up from the lines of the 16th, and we all
made sure and then got up out of the gras* and
found two of Co. C's boys were wounded, both of
them were hit in the same place on the right
leg; both being shot through and through.
Frank having a compound fracture of the bone
made with a brass bullet, and Whitlock having
a wound through the fleshy part of the leg. Co.
Cthen accompanied the Major over to where the
Spanish soldiers were and took charge of them,
taking them to Ponce and turning them over to
the Regulars.
I am feeling first rate and we have the promise
that we will be home in six or seven weeks and I
hope we may too. I have several relics of the
battle. One a cactus leaf, pierced with a bullet,
behind which I laid through the battle. Also
the blanket with the hole shot through it.
I got 22 shots, and every time I s'.iot I had a
bead on a Spaniard.
The new rifles we have are beauties. They ai'e
five shot repeaters and we have sword baynets,
which are a very good thing when you get into
a patch of cactus.
Co. C, 16th Reg. P. V. I.
An Honored Judge.
The judicial nomination that was
presented to Hon. C. A. Mayer by the
Republican conference at Ridgway
Friday is an action that is very flatter
ing to the recipient. The sentiment is
growing that the judiciary should he
elevated above the rivalries of politics,
which sentiment is meeting with favor
in many localities. But when it is
considered that in many judicial con
ferences, conferees assemble in an un
enviable frame of mind owing to the
ill feelings engendered by the possible
victory of an opposing candidate, the
contrast in this case, where the nomi
nee secured that honor by the unani
mous vote of six sets of conferees, can
not be regarded in any other light
than that of being of a very marked
character. But the unanimity by
which the nomination is given is not
only the proud feature of this happy
procedure. Judge Mayer has hereto- i
fore been honored by the people of
this district, not only once or twice,
but the fourth time. For nearly the
whole of three ten year terms has he
presided in the court.s of this and
neighboring counties. During that
long period of time he has made de
cisions, effected settlements and pre
sided with such impartialty, that each
successive year of his long service has
so strengthened him in the popularity
as well as in the affections of his con
stituents, that the voters of both lead
ing political parties have honored him
with the nomination for the fourth time.
In this respect, the fourth nomination
gives Judge Mayer an honorable dis
tinction not possessed, so far as we
know, by any other living judge.
This nomination, then, carries with
it an appreciation, an honor and a re
newed confidence, that is as creditable
to the political parties that conferred
it, as it is an enviable and gratifying
distinction to the official receiving it.
—Lock Haven Democrat.
New Store.
Mrs. E O. Bardwell is in New York
City this week selecting stock and up
on her return will open a millinery
and fancy dry goods store in her par
lors, at No. 7, West Fourth street.
Lawn Social.
Thursday, Sept. Bth, at the home of
Mrs. Fred A. Hill, Sixth street, the
Ladies of the Presbyterian church will
serve ice cream, sweet cream and
peaches, cake and coffee. Sweet
. music will be rendered by our best
• talent. '2t
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß.
Death of Mrs. Wm. Entz.
Miss Mame Connerton, a very esti
mable Emporium young lady, was
called to Kane, last Thursday, by a
telegram informing her that her sister,
Mrs. Wm. Entz, of St. Marys, who was
iu Kane hospital, was .at the point of
death. Miss Connerton arrived there
before her sister died. The remains
were taken to St. Marys to the home
of the bereaved husband and three
children, one a babe only a few weeks
old. The funeral took place on Sun
day and was very largely attended.
The scene at the grave was a very sad
one, when the little son begged that
his mamma be not interred.
A Few From Austin.
From the Democrat
A. 11. King, of Erie, has charge of
Hackenberg's bona-fide auction sale
Ray White, an attache of the CAM
ERON COUNTY PRESS, was in town on
Miss Helen Van Valkenberg, of Em
porium, was visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Hackenberg this week.
John A. Noe is in Galeton this week
fitting out three private libraries with
choice books from the large line of
standard works which he handles.
Miss Mamie McCabe, of Emporium,
is spending a few weeks in town the
guest of her friend Miss Loretta
S wayne.
W. H. Erhard and family who were
entertained by Wm. Hackenberg
while in town, have returned to their
home in Erie.
Masonic Prosperity.
The Scottish Rite Masons of Coud
ersport have bought the second story
of the double brick block on Main
street, the first story of which is occu
pied by Scoville & Haughenberry and
by Wm. Gunsberger, and the third
story by Eulalia Lodge F. & A. M.
It is being fitted up in regal style for
occupancy by the new lodges of the
Scottish Rite, Carl Brennle, the con
tractor, is rapidly pushing the work to
completion. The proper
has a working tloor of 22x50 feet, with
galleries on each side, an orchestra,
7xlo in the rear. In front of the lodge
room is a stage 20x21, connected with
a reception room by a hall above the
stairway. The reception room is 17x
23 and back of that is the banquet hall,
15x68 feet Toilet rooms and property
rooms are provided in addition to
those described.
The building will now properly be
called "Masonic Block," as the fratern
ity own two floors of it.—Coudersport
Hemlock Crop is all Right.
Charles W. Goodyear, who has ex
tensive lumbering interests in Penn
sylvania, and who is second vice presi
dent and general manager of the Buf
falo & Susquehanna Railroad, was ask
ed about the condition of the lumber
market F. 11. & C. W. Goodyear
have three mills in Potter county, Pa.,
that saw about 1-50,000,090 feet of lam
her a year, chiefly hemlock.
"The market is good for this season
of the year," said Mr. Goodyear. "We
shipped more lumber last month than
we did in July last year."
"How is your railroad doing? "
"Very well indeed. It does a gen
eral railroad business, carrying freight
and passengers."
The Buffalo & Susquehanna is 100
miles long, all told, and has connec
tions with the W. N. Y. & P. at Keat
ing Summit, the Erie at Wellsville and
Addison and at Ansonia with Fall
"Many people suppose, Mr. Good
year" said the reporter, "that there
will be no more hemlock timber stand
ing after a few years."
"That is a mistake. We expect to
continue to lumber about 15 years
at the present rate. The Pennsylva
nia hemlock will likely last about 20
years. There is plenty of hemlock in
Michigan, Wisconsin and Maryland
and lots of it in Washington and
Oregon. There is a great deal of hem
lock in Canada. This generation need
not worry about the timber question.
If the timber States will take hold of
the matter of forestry in an intelligent
way and keep fire out of the land that
has been cut over, there will be plenty
of timber for generations to come."—
Buffalo Times.
Position Wanted.
Having decided to again engage in
the business of running steam log
loaders, I am ready to contract for the
season or year.
Austin, Pa.. Sept. oth, 1898. —28-3t
Seed Wheat.
Mr. L. G. Cook has several varieties
of seed wheat for sale, samples of
which may be seen at Walker's hard
ware store. 25tf
The Slnnemahoning Bridge.
During the past three years consid
erable litigation and controversy has
been in vogue over the question of
erecting a bridge across the Driftwood
stream to accommodate the citizens of
VVyside, who have been compelled for
years to ford the stream with teams,
and cross the railroad bridge on foot,
when the water was too high to ford.
The question came before the grand
jury at two separate terms and they
recommended the erection of the
bridge. The court appointed viewers
who made a survey and reported to
court in favor of the erection of the
bridge. At the argument court held
last Monday, Hon. C. A. Mayer de
creed that a mandamus should be issued
to compel the County Commissioners
to pay to the Supervisors of Grove
township $5,850, in equal payments, as
the work progresses. The bridge will
be 350 feet feet long and will cost the
township $7,000, not including the ap
This action by the court settles the
question of the erection of the bridge,
unless the County Commissioners incur
the heavy expense of carrying the case
to the Supreme Court. The Pit ESS has
stubbornly refused to take sides in the
matter and now that the question has
been decided by the court in favor of
the township we fail to see where the
interests of the taxpayers can be bene
fitted by carrying an appeal to the
Supreme Court, at an expense of sev
eral hundred dollars and in the end be
compelled to build the bridge.
Well Protected.
A. F. Vogt & Co. have had a folding
iron front placed on their store on
West Fourth street, by the Emporium
Machine Company, in order to protect
it from being entered by burglars.
The above establishment has been
burglarized three times during the last
eleven mouths.
Agricultural fleeting.
The meeting of the State Board of
Agriculture, on the 12th and 18th of
October, promises to be an unusually
interesting event. Not only every
farmer but every citizen of the county
should arrange to take advantage of
the favor of this meeting on the part of
the state officers. The Governor of
the state and other state officials have
promised to be present.
Her Ninetieth Hilestone.
Mrs. Delilah Quay Clark, mother-in
law of W. F. Lloyd, was ninety years
old last Sunday and in the evening
she demonstrated her remarkable
vitality by walking down Fourth street
as far as Broad, after dark. During
the day many of her old friends and
neighbors called to congratulate
her upon the ripe old age she had at
tained and they received a cordial
welcome from the aged lady.
Thrown From His Engine.
As Niagara Express was about to
take water at Howard Siding last
Thursday evening, engineer James
Mills, who was holding the tank spout
in the man-hole of the tender by
means of a shovel, was thrown over
the side of the tender by the sudden
raising of the spout as the valve was
opened, and sustained serious bruises
about the shoulders. He managed to
take his train to St. Marys, where he
was relieved by another engineer.
Last Week Day Excursion of the
Season to Portage Falls.
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry. will run the
last week day excursion of the season
to Portage Falls, Saturday, Sept. 17tli.
Special train will leave Emporium
at 7:30 a. m. Fare for round trip SI.OO.
Train will arrive at Portage Falls Park
10:50 a. m.; returning leave 5:30 p. m ,
giving 01 hours at the Falls, and re
turning home at a seasonable hour.
Fill your lunch basket and join the
last week day excursion of the season
to Portage Falls. 28-2t
Resolutions of Respect.
At a regular meeting of the Cameron
County Agricultural Society, held at
Emporium, on Saturday, Aug. 27th,
the following resolution was unani
mously passed :
The Cameron County Agricultural
Society places on record its high ap
precation of the excellent services
rendered by its late fellow member,
Mr. E. N. Fairchild, in whose
death the society loses one of its most
useful and active members. Mr. Fair
child was formost in the efforts to
bring the Society to its present con
dition of usefulness. He was sueces
i ively elected Secretary; State delegate
and Treasurer, which is sufficient evi
dence of the confidence reposed in
him by the Society.
In the sad dispensation,the Cameron
County Agricultural Society extends
to the bereaved family its sincere con
By order of Society,
N. 11. OSTRUM,
At Half Price.
I desire to inform the people of
Cameron county that until the 20th of
this month I will do all dental work
at half price. The materials I use are
absolutely the best.
The Free Methodists will hold their
fourth quarterly meeting at Emporium,
Sept. 9th to 11th. Bro. Sellew, District
Elder will have charge of the meeting.
All are invited to attend.
Running Day and Night.
The tidal wave of returning prosper
ity has struck Emporium and as a very
strong criterion ofsuch we would point
to the fact that Howard's planing mill
is kept running day and night to keep
up with orders.
'•Too (iood to Drop."
C. W. Berfield writes us from First
Fork, enclosing a check and says:"l
do not wish to have the paper discon
tinued; it is too good to drop." That's
what they all say, friend. We are cer
tainly very thankful to our friends for
the very encouraging letters we re
ceive from them and shall labor to
make the PRESS as welcome as it has
been for years. Our circulation con
tinues to grow and daily new names
are added to our list.
Seriously Burned.
Last evening Gordon, the six year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Vogt,
while in the act of testing the soothing
influences of corn-silk cigarettes, set
fire to his blouse waist. He immed
iately started for the house, but was
severely burned about the breast and
arms before his parents could extin
guish the flames. Miss Minnie Vogt
was painfully burned on her hands in
her efforts to save the boy. Dr. Bard
well was called and the boy will be out
in a few days but we hope not ready
for any more cigarettes.
Our Valley Correspondent.
It is with regret that we inform the
readers of the PRESS of the resignation
of our competent and reliable Rich
Valley correspondent, Mrs. S. D.
Housler. For several years past Mrs.
Housler has acted as our correspondent
in the Valley and during that time
she has never sent us an item of news
that we did not deem fit for publica
tion The cause of Mrs. Housler's
action was on account of some over
sensitive person taking offense at an
article she had written in one ofoo r
late issues.
Ball Oame Postponed.
The ball game advertised to take
place at Sizerville to-day, between Em
porium and Port Allegany, has been
postponed until Thursday, Sept. 15th,
owing to the bad condition of the
grounds. Remember the date; next
Thursday. Excursion rates, two cents
per mile each way. Special train will
leave Sizerville for Port Allegany at
9:30 p. m., and leave Sizerville for
Emporium at 11:30 p. m. This is ex
pected to be a big time, for mine host
H. W. Martindale is preparing to en
tertain all who attend with a baked
clam and green corn supper. There
will be dancing on the platform during
the evening.
Sad shooting Affair.
On Monday afternoon as Ward, the
little twelve year old son of Robert
Colter, who resides at Half Mile, just
above Gardeau, was returning from
school, he stopped at one of the neigh
bors house to see a revolver which one
of his companions had. While they
were handling the dangerous weapon
it was suddenly discharged, the bullet
entering his heart and producing in
stant death. The funeral was held
from his late home at Half Mile yester
day morning, Rev. Ilobt. McCaslin offi
ciating. The remains were interred in
Newton Cemetery. Mr. Colter and
family formerly resided at Emporium,
and their many friends join the PRESS
in extending to the bereaved family,
their deepest sympathy in their great
The Bucktails.
At a meeting of the Executive Com
mittee of the Bucktail association, held
last week in conjunction with the citi
zens committee of Kennett Square,
Thursday and Friday, October 13th
and 14th, were fixed upon as the date
for the next annual reunion. Secre
tary Rauch, will, in a few days supply
all the members of the association,
both active and honorary, with card
orders,which will call for a low rate of
fare to Kennett and return, and as Em
porium and vicinity has quite a num
ber among the membership, it is to be
hoped a good delegation will be in at
tendance from this vicinity.
Further information will be cheer
fully given by H. H. Mullin, Empori
um, Pa.
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Pressed Bricks.
Treat every girl an you would like to
have every boy treat your sister.—Ex.
Argument court was held last Mon
day afternoon and considerable busi
ness transacted.
Ira C. Chatham, of Farrandsville,
Pa., formerly a resident of Emporium,
has been appointed postmaster at that
The Watsontown boot and shoe com
pany has received a contract from the
government to make 25,000 pairs ot
An exchange says the best way to
mark table linen is to leave the baby
and a blackberry pie alone at the table
for three minutes.
For the next ten days N. Seger will
run a special line of men and boys'
underwear, at cost. These goods are
well made and guaranteed to wear.
It is said that the Buffalo & Susque
hanna Railway now has 11 first-class
locomotives, 884 freight cars, 15ti miles
of main-line track and about 100 miles
of branch track.
Francisca, the four months old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer,
died last Saturday of membraneous
croup. The funeral was held from St.
Mark's church on Sunday afternoon.
It is not hard to write funny para
graphs. All you have to do is to procure
a pen, some paper and ink, and then
sit down and write them as they occur
to you. It is not the writing, but the
occurring that is hard —Ex.
Contractor J. W. Kriner and his
crew of carpenters are busily engaged
in the erection of a large circular
shaped barn, on the farm of Josiab
Howard. The barn will be fitted up
with all the modern conveniences and
when completed will be one of the
finest in this section.
State Senator J. Henry Cochran's
fishing party has returned from Nepi
gon, on the north side of Lake Superior.
The party consisted of Senator Coch
ran, his son Joseph, who stopped with
them on his return from the Klondike,
John G. Beading, Esq , and Dr. G. 14.
Campbell.—Williamsport News.
B. Seger & Son, of Emporium, have
leased the Beilly store, on the corner of
Main and Franklin streets, and will on
or about Sept. 15th, open a fine line o*
clothing and gents' furnishing goods.
The stock will be new throughout, and
as the Messrs. Seger will have one of
the finest business locations in Smeth
port in which to display their goods,
there is no question but what they will
meet with fine success. The firm are
two of Emporium's oldest and best
known business men, and they come to
us well recommended. -Smethport
If a fellow is going totell a story he
might just as well tell a good one.
Bead the following told by a man in
Davenport, N. Y.: "Seven years ago I
left my vest, containing a gold watch,
hanging on a fence while mowing the
back yard. A young pet calf wandered
up and proceeded to eat the vest and
swallowed the watch. I gave up the
watch for lost, of course, and gave it
no further thought. A short time ago
the calf, which had become full grown,
was slaughtered for beet. The watch
was found in such a position between
the lungs that the respiration of the
lungs closing and filling had kept the
stem winder wound up, and the watch
had only lost about four minutes dur
ing the seven years."
The Pennsylvania Bepublicans this
fall will kill two birds with one Stone.
One of the birds is a Swallow.
Miss Helen Gould has given the gov
ernment and the soldiers $127,000 since
the war began, besides her personal
services in trying to make the camps
fit for the habitation of invalids. In
making up the list of heroes of the war,
her name deserves a place.
Bepublican Missouri this year will
fall into line with Bepublican Mary
land, West Virginia and Kentucky.
These sister states are a little ahead
because their Bepublicans have avoided
factionalism. Missouri Bepublicans
will have no more ot it.—St. Louis
Those people who are counting upon
a great Bepublican disaffection this
fall, and who think that there is a good
chance to elect the Democratic candi
dates, will certainly be grievously dis
appointed. It is true thatmany people
are easily convinced that the best way
to save the country is to desert their
party, and that|the masses aro inclined
to rush from one extreme to the other.
But the fact that the Bepublican party
has managed matters with consummate
skill and wisdom, has brought us out
of the slough of despondency into the
sunlight of prosperity and glory ought
to have more influence upon the minds
of the voters than the bugaboo stories
of a lot of disgruntled, ambitious and
unscrupulous politicians posing as re
formers.—Kittanning Free-Press.
NO. 28.