Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 01, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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    A Nebraska Man Explain.* Mexico's )
Brand of Prosperity.
From tl>e Washington Post.
••1 will not deny that there i* a kind j
of prosperity in evidence in the Hejiublic !
of Mexico,"' said John A. Methane, of .
< liiiaha, at the Arliugton. Mr. McSliane
is at the head of a lar<*e milling concern I
that has been engaged in silver )>roduc- j
tion in the Mexican .State ol Chihuahua j
for the past ten years.
•It is of this sort: The (iovernment !
is largely back of it.and to the paternal !
fostering of the Diaz Administration it !
is mainly due. The Government sub- I
sidizes breweries, railroads, industrial !
plants and aids in every way to build up
the material resources of the country.
Money is used with a liberal hand, and
as a consequence there is much activity !
aud great apparent prosperity. The fact
that Mexico is on a silver basis does not j
figure; it cant help being on that kind of j
a basis, but I should be sorry to see the |
Suited States resort to any such policy.
"Ten years of experience in that j
country has iorevcr set me against the i
adoption of a monetary system which is
not only in disrepute among the leading !
nations of the world, but winch is about
to be discarded by countries like Japan,
Brazil and some of the smaller Spanish-
American (iovernnients that were form
erly on a silver basis. The masses in I
Mexico are in a worse condition than I
trust wiil ever befall our laboring popu
lation. This 1 can explain by referring
to matters that have come under uiy per
sonal observation.
••When the Sherman purchasing act
was in force, some six years ago, silver
was worth 81.21. and a I nited States 1
dollar was worth in Mexico 1(M) cents in I
Mexican money. The dollars of the two j
countries were on a parity. At this time j
we employed about .'{lift men in out J
mines, their pay ranging from SI to i
per day. It took approximately ;
810,000 a month to meet the pay roll, j
The money to cancel this expense was '
shipped from Omaha, and it was ex- ;
chauged for §IO,OOO of Mexican coin. !
We operated general merchandise stores
along with our mining concern and at ;
the time I speak of, sold to our Mexican |
employes bacon for 20 cents a pound.
' What are the conditions to-day '! We
still hire 1500 men and give them exactly
the same scale of wages that they ob
tained prior to the slump in silver caused
by the repeal of the purchasing clause of
the Sherman act. Our pay roll still I
aggregates SIO.OOO a month. To meet
this we have shipped us a like sum of
1 nited States money; anil there is where
the point of difference comes in. Instead
of exchanging that amount at our bank
for its nominal equivalent we get for it
not 810,000 but 8-%00(> of Mexican
m-iney. We have here made a clear gain
ut 812,000. Our employes still render j
us 1« 10 cents worth of work, for which '
they used to get lOH cents, aud do yet as
far as the name goes, but in reality they
receive less than half of what should be'
(heirs, seeing that the Mexican coin in
which they arc paid has shrunk to less |
than half ot its former value.
'Hut there is more still. When the]
Mexican miner goes to buy bacon he '
finds that in tendering payment he can
not buy it with depreciated money for i
20 cents a pound; the price is now 45 j
cents It would still be so if he could
tender a dollar as good as that given him !
for his labor at the time of the repeal of :
the Sherman law. The 812,000 I spoke
of simply tomes out of the labor of the !
country, and when the toiling class of j
any nation is forced to such a condition |
it is stretching a point to call the people
prosperous. If the fair and right thing ,
were done by these hard working miners
their wages would be doubled. The
man that now gets two dollars a day is
justly entitled B+, but labor will brintr
only what price is fixed in market, like
any commodity, and employers are not
yet far enough advanced in philanthropy
to voluntarily give more than the cus
tomary rate.
•So the talk about the prosperity of j
Mexico in so far as it applies to the vast i
body of its citizens—the common peo
ple—is a myth. If there is prosperity I
at all it is not due to the silver standard ;
but in spite of it."
Doughnuts—One cup of sugar, one
egg, one cup of sour milk, one tea- j
spoonful of lard, one teaspoonful of i
salt, one teaspoonfull of soda, flour to j
mix soft. Cut in rings and fry in
smoking hot fat.
Oatmeal Nectar—Pour four ounces j
of oatmeal into a porcelain kettle; add
six ounces of white sugar and a lemon
sliced thin; mix with a little cold water;
t hen pour on one gallon of boiling
water. When cold drain off, and it
will be a nourishing and refreshing
Cabbage Salad—Two raw eggs well
beaten, six tablespoonfuls of cream, 5
one-half teaspoonful of salt, six tea
spoonfuls of vinegar and a small piece
uf butter. Put on the fire and cook,
stirring constantly until quite thick. '
Have half ahead of cabbage chopped
fine, sprinkle with salt. Add to the !
dressing when cold two tablespoonfuls i
of cream and pour over the cabbage.
Tomato Sauce—One quart can of !
tomatoes, two tablespoonfuls of butter, |
two of flour, two cloves and a small i
slice of onion. Cook tomatoes, cloves,
and onion for ten minutes, heat the
butter in a small frying pan and add
the flour; when smooth and brown, |
stir into the tomato and cook ten min- j
r.tes; season to taste and rub through
a strainer. This is nice for fish, meat j
or macaroni.
—— —— I
Of the Receipts. Expenditures, Assets
and Liabilities of Emporium Borough
for the Year 1897-98.
W. !•'. 1.1.0 YD, Borough Treasurer, in account
with Emporium Borough.
Casta on hand last audit $1,520 67
Received from C. H. Jessop, Collector.. 614 19
Received account cleaning and repairing
sidewalks 7 79
Received account license and lines 7x 00
Received account sewer connections :t 00
Received account liquor licenses from
W. L.Thomas 1,482 00
$3,706 65
f-or Labor on Streets.
A. Taylor, Labor $ 225
Larry Smith do 7 50
Willis Haviland... do 4 50
Pat Haley .. do 150
Dan Downey do l 50
Kearns Kinney... do 12 39
Robert Parker do 6 00
Oan Kellar ... do 75
James Ostrum. do 1 50
Edward Viuer do 1 50
M.Cavanaugli do 75
James Haviland . do 22 90
John Welsh do 48 35
Thomas Smith . 27 14
Tony Seifred do 32 55
M. Mulcahey do 6 37
Chas. Fry do 23 25
Fred Leutzie do .3 75
Dan Kriner do 3 00
James Fetter do 5 35
E<l. Meyers do 14 25
A. Loucks do 10 no
William Snyder.. do 24 75
Theo. Hirsch do 7 12
Chas. Nelson do 1 50
John Kline do 3 75
John ITess do 5 25
Roy Beattie do 2 00
James Farrell do 2 27
F. X. Blumle do 3 > 00
Henry Wheaton.. do 1 00
Edward Morse.. . do 14 93
William Robinson do 789
W. Buber do 1 3.5
James Bailey do 60
Henry Robinson.. do 60
F. N. Shatter. ■ do 2 25
Henry Sassman do 11 25
Albert Coole do 30
Leu Evans do 60
Mose Johnson. ... do 1 50
John Kelley do x 50
Thos. Cavanaugh do 39 91
Clipson Martin.. do 60
Peter Beattie. Street Commissioner 420 00
$832 90
Fire Department.
Penn Rubber Co., hose for East Ward... $ 79 50
Drying hose 14 00
Citizens Hose Co., (appropriation #100;... 50 00
Mountaineer Hose Co., do do 50 00
Hamilton Hose Co., do do ... 50 00
Rescue Hook & Ladder Co., do do . . 50 00
Repairs for fire apparatus 9 65
Walker. Howard & Co.. supplies 8 20
s3ll 35
East Emporium Independent $ 58 00
Cameron ' ounty Press 60 25
sllß 25
H. L. Racket $ ill 30
$ 111 30
A. Z. Taylor Special Police •$ 10 00
C. A. Van Lew do do 2 00
Owen Nangle do do 3 00
Kit Dalphy do do 3 00
James Haviland . do do 300
Ed. Straight do do 3 00
John Ta\lor do do 3 00
M. H. Terwilliger do do 3 00
4 30 00
Sixth St. sewer across Maple St $ 10 85
Borough Auditors 26 00
Freight on car load sewer pipe 33 36
Iluvts and Rlinzler. draying 15 05
J. Bail', oil stone crossings 52 50
Walker, Howard & Co.. supplies 37 13
i. !v. Hockley, for sewer brick, etc lfi 31
Paid for sewer pipe 77 21
Blacksmithing 7 94
Insurance 011 City Hall 42 Do
Paid John Norris, Jr., 011 lot 100 00
A. H. Shatter, surveying 2 00
Johnson & McNarr.ey, Borough Attys... 17 40
C. J. Ooodnough, Secretary '. 10 00
State Tax 011 Horough bonds 19 3S
Tax Refunded to J. F. Parsons 11 10
St. Marys Gas Co 479 00
* 988 16
Total expenditures #2,391 96
Total receipts $3,705 65
Total expenditures 2,391 96
Cash on hand $1,313 69
Cash on hand $1,313 69
Due from C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1897 325 52
Due from R. B. Stiles, ex-Collector 14 38
$1,653 59
Outstanding order No. 177 payable Aug.
16, 1898 $ 62 50
Outstanding order No. 178, pavable Nov.
16, 189K .' 62 50
Outstanding order No. 190 50 00
$ 175 00
Assets over liabilities $1,478 59
W. I". LLOYD, Borough Treasurer in account
with Emporium Water Fund.
Cash on band at last audit $ 359 25
Received from C. H. Jessop, Collector ... 938 30
$1,297 55
Paid order No. 121, (outstanding last
audit) $ 040 00
Paiu order No. 65 640 00
$1,280 00
Cash on hand 17 55
fash on hand $ 17 55
Due from C. H. Jessop, Collector 350 83
Due from R. B. Stiles, ex-Collector 17 02
$ 385 40
Assets over liabilities 65 40
Outstanding order No. 147 $ 320 00
$ 320 00
V,". F.LLOYD, Borough Treasurer, in account
with Borough Bond Fund.
Received fromC. 11. Jessop,Collector $ 715 07
Balance due Treasurer 86 52
5 801 59
Balance due Treasurer, last audit... $ 46 59
Paid Bonds 6, 7, 8,9, 10 inclusive with
interest 755 On
$ 801 59
Due from C. H. Jessop, Collector of taxes $350 83
$ 350 83
Outstanding bonds $4,600 00
Balance due Treasurer 86 52
$4.('81 52
Liabilities over assets 4,335 69
W. F. 1.1.0 YD, Borough Treasurer, in account
with Newton Cemetery.
Cash on hand at last audit . $ 367 07
$ 367 07
Printing: Orders Nos. 1 and 2 $ 39 00
Labor: Orders Nos. 3 and 11 75
Repairs to road. N't. 5 25 00
Secretary's salary, No. 6 10 00
* 78 75
I'ashonliand $ 2SB 32
''ash in Treasury $ 288 12
Amount due on'lots 175 CO
* 463 32
We, the undersigned Auditors of the Borough
of Emporium, County of Cameron, State of
' Pennsylvania, hereby certify that we have
examined, audited, adjusted and settled the
several accounts of the Treasurer of said Borough,
iii d thai the foregoing is a true and correct
1 statement of the same.
Witness our hands thi 28th day of June, A. i).,
| IS9B.
llorough Auditors.
Of the Poormasters' Accounts of Empo
rium Borough for the Year 1897-98.
' FREDC. KEIG'K, Poormaster, in account with
Emporium Borough Poor Fund.
Received from C. H. Jessop, Collector. ....(898 !I5
Received from J. W. Kriuer, late Poor
master 21 15
Received from O. Willets. account Warren
Asylum 10 00
; Received on account William Lamkie 23 00
$953 10
Johnson & McN'arney. retainer 1897 $ 10 00
Relief of .Mrs. Sam Patterson 5 00
Relief George Harrison 132 oo
Relief William Lamkie 32 30
Relief Walter Windall 7 oo
IteliefK. Myers. 6 50
Relief Mary Ellen Mundy 128 90
Relief Tramps, etc 26 21
Paid to Warren Asylum 159 75
Relief John Mundy, paid Wharton Twp. 23 00
Relief John Yeager .'ls oo
Relief of Mrs. Jas. Stack pole ss oo
Relief Mrs. T. Smith 1 00
Paid Cameron County Press, printing Aud
itor's report, etc 30 00
Tax Refunded to A. (J. Kelley I 38
Overpaid Tax refunded to Collector 3 70
Outstanding Orders 91 S3
Relief F. N. Shatter 5 00
Paid postage and telegraphing I 10
Balance in hands of Poormaster 182 07
$953 10
j DAVID Ml'llßAY. Poormaster, in account with
Emporium Borough Poor I'und,
Cash on hand at last audit $ 52 70
Received from < '. H. Jessop, Collector 55s S3
|605 53
Relief John Yeager 86 00
j Relief to Mrs. Bam Patterson 14 oo
' Relief to John Hitchcock 146 08
Relief to tramps, etc 15 37
Paid M. M. Larrabee, J. P., costs S 50
Paid I. M. Reynolds, J. P., costs 850
j Relief to A. McDonald 178 35
Relief to frank Hall ;i 69
Relief to Robinson 32 00
Printing, East Emporium Independent • 28 00
Balance on hand 69 09
$ 605 53
Recapitulation ot Poormasters' Accounts.
| Cash in hand of D. Murray, ex-Poormaster $69 09
Cash in hand of Fred Relck, Poormaster.. 162 07
| Balance due trom C. H. Jessop, Collector.. 524 34
$755 50
| Outstanding orders $ 9 00
Assets over Liabilities $746 50
j J. W. Kriner to It. Coyle, dated Oct.9th, '95 $1 00
' D. Murray to L. K. Huntington, dated
Feb. 28, IP9B 3 00
$ 9 00
We the undersigned, llorough Auditors of the
Borough of Emporium, do hereby certify that we
have examined, audited, adjusted and settled the
accounts of the Poormasters of the said borough
! and that the foregoing is a true and correct
, statement of the same.
Borough Auditors.
Extaic of DUX CAN S. McDOXALD, deceased.
1 ETTERS testamentary on (he Estate of Dun-
I J can s. McDonald, late of the llorough of
Emporium, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, de
ceased. have been granted to lienjamin W.
<Jreen. residing in said Borough, to whom all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make payment, and those having claims or de
mands will make known the same without
_ Emporium, Pa„ August 18th, 1898.-25-6
Auditor')* Notice.
r PHE undersigned Auditor, appointed bv the
1 Orphan's Court of the county ol Cameron,
to distribute the funds in his hands as Trustee,
to make sale of the real estate of John F. Lewis, ;
j late of Shippen township, deceased, will attend !
to the duties of his appointment, at the Court |
House in the Borough of Emporium. atlOo'clock j
a. m. 011 the 25th day of August, 1898, when all j
| persons interested can attend or be debarred '
I from making exceptions thereafter.
j Emporium, Pa., July 25th, 1898.
Sheriff's Sale.
| 1)Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF Fieri Facias is- !
; J ) sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of j
Cameron county, and to me directed, I have (
I seized, levied upon and taken into execution and j
| will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder
at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House,l
] in Emporium, Cameron county, on
Friday, 2d llay of Sept., A. I)., MS,
The following described real estate and prop- |
j erty, to-wit:
I ALL that certain piece or parcel ofland situate !
in the township of Grove, county of Cameron 1
and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and describ- '
\ ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning ata white pine,
| the north corner of Warrant No. 1139: thence i
j east by the noTth line of said warrant live hun- '
| dreil and twenty-five i525) rods to a chestnut;
j thence south three hundred and twenty (3201 I
rods to a hemlock; thence west live hundred and |
twenty-five (525) rods to a maple; thence north j
three hundred and twenty i320l rods to the I
place of beginning. Containing nine hundred j
and ninety and one-hall acres, being Warrant
forty-on" hundred and thirty-nine in the name j
, of Samuel Wailis.
! Saving and excepting therefrom a piece ol |
| ground included in said warrant containing |
about three (3; acres lying 011 the west side of i
the Sinnemahoning Creek, heretofore conveyed I
to Jacob Y. Smith, by B. H. Taylor, a former 1
j owner of said tract.
' Seized and taken into execution and to be sold \
as the property of JOHN HOLMES, at the suit of !
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged \
until the purchase money is paid in full.
FRANK MUNDY, Sheriff. !
Sheriff's Ollice, I
Emporium, Pa.. Aug. Bth, 1898. \
omi iixs' com SALE.
N'OTICE is hereby given, that by virtue of an j
order of the Orphans' Court of Cameron I
j county, the undersigned Administratrix of the I
estate of Henrv F. Swoope, deceased, will sell at '
public sale to the highest bidder, at the Court
House, Emporium, Cameron county, Pa., on
Friday, Hcpteuibtr 2d, ISDN,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M„
The following described real estate, to-wit: All ;
! those certain lots of land situate, lying and being I
in the Llorough of Driftwood, county of Cameron I
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded ami describ- j
ed :,s follows, to-wit: Being lots numbered 379 !
and 380 on the map or plan or Driftwood i
Borough, entitled map of Driftwood, Cam
eron county. Pennsylvania, surveyed for Sarah I
A. Bates in 1878 by Robert P. Field's, civil engin- i
eer, which said map is recorded or intended to j
be recorded. Said lots having a frontage of \
fifly feet each, making 100 feet in all on Second '
street as laid down on said map and running
thence In parallel lines in an easterly direction
about 125 feet to Ash street, 11s laid down on said j
map. Said lots being bounded on the easterlv
side by Ash street: 011 the westerly side by
.Second si reti: on the northerly side by lot No.
381 am! n:i the southerly side by hit No. 37H ami
being the same lands conveyed to said J. O.
Brookbank by Frank P. simmondsand Amanda,
his wife, by deed dated Nov. 22. A. D . 1890, said
deed being record* d in Deed Book "iC." page 279
of the records of Cameron county, Pennsylvania,
Having erected thereon one two-story frame 1
dwelling house, with usual outbuildings.
TERMS. One-half cash and one-half in three
months, with interest, secured on the premises
Administratrix. !
C. W. SHAFFER, ( Attorneys,
j August 9, 1898.—4t
SherilPs Sale.
I > V VIKTI.'E OF A CERTAIN WHIT of l.< rari
I ) Farias issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Cameron county. Pa., and to me
directed 1 have seized, levied upon and taken
in execution and will expose for sale to the
holiest and best bidder at public vendue or out
cry, at the Court House, in Emporium, Cameron
, county. Pa., on
Friday, 2nd Hay of Sept. A. 11., 189S,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
The following described real estate, to-wit:
A LL that certain lot of land with the appurten
ances. situate in the Borough of Emporium.
Cameron county, Pennsylvania, and numbered
six hundred and twenty '620) iu block eighty 80>
in the general plan of said town, recorded iii the
Recorder's office of said county in Deed Book
"D," paife five hundred and finv-six 15.16). Con
taining in front or breadth on the north side of
i Fifth street fifty SO feet and extending of that
I width in length or depth at right angles with the
! said Fifth street to the northerly line of land of
j the Philadelphia and lirie Land Company.
Bounded northward by land now or late of John
T. Ilertig; southward by Fifth street, eastward by
j lot No. six hundred and twenty-one (621 j, anii
westward by lot No. six hundred and nineteen
j 16191 in said block eighty (80). Being the same
! land which was conveyed to Elizabeth Taylor by
| Josephine Condon and Charles T.Condon, her
l husband, by deed dated April 18, 1893, and re
j corded in Deed Book "N, page one hundred
and fifty-six (156). The said Elizabeth Taylor
having afterwards married Valentine Leadbetter.
| and being the said Elizabeth Leadbetter, one of
I the parties hereto.
Improvements: One two-story frame dwelling
house, thirty-seven by twenty-seven (37x27) feet,
also necessary out-building'.. Dwelling piped for
water and gas.
Seized and taken into execution and to be sold
as tlif property of ELIZABETH N. LEAD
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged
until the purchase money is paid in full.
Sheriffs Office, )
Emporium, Pa., Aug. Ist, 1898. 112
Sheriff's Sale.
I > Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF Fieri Facias is-
I.) sued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of
Cameron county, Pa., and to me directed. I have
seized, levied upon and taken into execution and
will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder
at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House,
in Emporium, Cameron county, on
Friday, 2nd day of Sept. A. I)., IMS,
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M.
The following described real estate and prop
erty, to-wit:
ALL that certain piece or parcel of land lying
and being in the Borough of Emporium. County
of Cameron, and State of Pennsylvania, anil
bounded and described as follows, viz: Begin
ning at a post and the southwest corner of a
certain lot of land belonging to J.C. Johnson,
EBq., on the north side of Allegany Avenue;
thence westerly along the line of Allegany
, Avenue (50) fifty feet to a post and the southeast
! corner of another certain lot of land belonging
i to above named J. C. Johnson, Esq.; thence
northerly along the line of said lands of J. C.
Johnson 1150) one hundred and fifty feet to a
post; thence easterly parallel with' Allegany
Avenue 'SO) fifty feet to the line of the first men
tioned land belonging to J.C. Johnson; thence
southerly along the line of iands belonging to
said J. C'. Johnson (150) one hundred and fifty
feet to the place of beginning, be the same more
or less and being lot No. (4) four as surveyed by
Nathan Worley in 1872 together with Improve
ments consisting of one two-story frame dwell
ing house thirty by twenty (30x20ifeet. with wing
attached, sixteen by twenty-five (16x25) feet; one
Imm sixteen by twenty (16X2Q) feet, and neces
sary outbuildings. Dwelling house piped for
Seized and taken into execution and to be sold
as the property of BRIDGET THOMAS at the
suit of LEET & CO.
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged
until the purchase money is paid in full.
Sheriffs Office, I
Emporium, Pa., Aug. 1, 1898.)
Sheriff Sale.
J J issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of
Cameron county, Pa., and to me directed. I have
seized, levied upon and taken into execution and
will expose for sale to the highest and best bidder
at public vendue or outcry, at the Court House,
in Emporium, Cameron county, on
Friday, 2d Day (if Sept. A. I)., ISIIN.
AT 2:00 O'CLOCK, P. M„
The following described real estate and prop- i
erty, to-wit:
ALL that certain piece, parcel or tract of land
situate, lying and being in the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, and in the county of Cameron, i
Shippen township, bounded as follows: Begin- i
ning at the southwest corner of Calvin Shepard's |
lot and running thence north on Shepard's line j
61 rods to the northwest corner of said Shepard's !
lot on south bank of Four Mile Run; thence j
north 23 degrees cast 47 rods to a post on side
hill; thence north 60 degrees west 116 rods to j
post on side hill; thence south 60 degrees west i
80 rods to a post on side hill on north side of !
Kimball branch of Four Mile Run; thence south |
to hemlock stump on south side hill of Kimball j
branch 60 rods; thence south 85 degrees east 49 !
rods to a lynn tree; thence south 62 degrees east
100 rods to a lynn tree; thence southeasterly to I
place of beginning. Containing 100 acres, strict
measure, be the same more or less.
Reserving and excepting unto the said F. H. !
Goodyear all the petroleum, oil and gas, and
minerals existing or being in or under thetractof I
land mentionedlabove, with the right of ingress, I
egress and regress at all times upon and from the
said land for the purpose of digging, mining or
carrying away the same and erecting any build
ingsor machinery which maybe necessary or con
venient for the purposes aforesaid,subject only to
pay the said Richard Davy, his heirs and assigns
i'or any part of the said land which may be per
manently occupied by them for the purposes
aforesaid a fair compensation for the surface of
the land so taken and occupied.
Excepting and reserving also all that certain
piece or tract of land situate, lying and being in
the township of Shippen, county of Cameron
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the
north by lands of Eldridge Gibbs, on the east by
lands of said Richard Davy, on the south by
lands of F, Goodyear, and on th<> west by lands
of Mrs. Cynthia Kennison, containing" sixty
acres, more or less, and being a part of the above
mentioned and described piece of land, conveyed
by said Richard Davv to B.C. Davy and Clara E. I
Davy, by deed dated May 29th, 1893, and recorded
in Deed Book, "N," page 32, etc.
Haying erected thereon one one-story frame
dwelling about 16x18 feet and one and one-half
story frame barn about 18X24 feet, with wagon
shed attached, about 12x24 feet. There is also an |
apple orchard upon this land. Also good water !
and usual outbuildings.
ALL tlie right, title and interest of the said
Richard Davy in and to all that certain piece,
parcel or tract of land situate in Shippen town- 1
ship, Cameron county and State of Pennsylva
nia. bounded and described as follows: Hegin- 1
ning at the northwest corner of Davy lot. run
ning thence north twenty rods to stone heap; j
thence west ninety-five rods to stone heap: ;
thence mirth 77 degrees west thirty eight rods to
hemlock; thence south 20' . degrees west sixty rods !
to post; thence south 77 degrees east thirty-eight j
rods to stones, and thence east one hundred j
seventeen and five-t nths ;117.5> rods to post on
Davy's west line; thence north on said line
thirty-six <36) rods to place of beginning. Con
taining lifly acres, more or less.
Excepting and reserving out of the above de
scribed piece of land unto Frank Goodyear and
Joseph S. Goodyear and to their heirs and assigns
all the petroleum, oil and gas, in or under said
land and all rights incident thereto as reserved in
deed from Goodyears to Cynthia A. Gilmore.
dated May 29th. 1888, and recorded in Cameron
county Deed Book "H," page 416, &c.
ALL the right, title and interest of the said |
Richard Davy in and to all that certain piece, j
parcel or tract of laud situate, lying and being in
in the township of Shippen, county ofCameron I
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ- J
ed as follows: Commencing at a post corner on
the southeast corner of warrant eleven hundred !
and forty-four and running north ore hundred j
and thirty-two (132) rous; thence north seventy
four west forty rods; thence north fortv
seven west one hundred rods; thence north
si. 1 vent v-one west one hundreds rods; thence south
forty-three west twen-y-eight rods; thence south
twenty-three west two hundred and forty rods to
post: thence east on warrant line three hundred
and nineteen rods to place of beginning. Mime
being a part of warrant, eleven hundred and
forty-four. Containing about three hundred and
thirty seven acres, inoie or less.
Seized and taken into execution and to be sold
as the property of RICHARD DAVY, at the suit
TERMS CASH. No deed will be acknowledged
until purchase money is paid in full.
Sheriffs Office, (
Emporium. I'a.,Aug. Bth, 1898. \
I J at September Term of Court,
ing on Monday, Septembers, lsux.
No. 63, May Term, 1895.
Frank Moon vs Charles \V. Hall.
G. W. Huntley, Jr., for Plff.
B. \V. Oreen, C.W. Shalfer, for Deft.
No. 27, February Term, 1896.
H. S. Crissman vs James O. Jordan.
Johnson McNarney, for Pill.
B. VV. Green, C. W. Shalfer, for Deft.
No. 98, September Teim, 1896.
Durell B. Johnson vs George B.Barclay and
Charles F. Barclay, trading as Barclay Bros'.
B. W. Green, C. VV. Shaffer, for Plff.
Johnson & McNarney, for Deft.
No. 1, May Term, 1897.
J. Frank Craven vs G. F. Balcom and W. F. I
Lloyd, doing business as Balcom & Lloyd and I
E. H. Marshall.
B. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for I*lll.
Johnson & McNarney for Defts.
No. 72, September Term, 1897.
Levi E. Gibbs vs Grant S. Wiley. Administrator
ol J. S. Wiley, deceased.
G. W. Huntley, Jr..for Plff.
B. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for Dft.
No, 5, December Term, 1897.
Isaac Lewis vs Elias Barton. Roy Chad wick.
Johnson McNarney, for Pill. '
J. 11. Calkins, for Deft.
No. 6, February Term. 189S.
Charles M. Vail to use of Elk Tanning Com- ;
pany, a corporation. vsS. S. Hacket.
B. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for Plff.
S. W. Smith, for Deft.
No. 1, September Term, 1898.
Joseph F. Craven, late snpervisor of Shippen
Townsnip vs Shippen Township.
B. W. Green, C. W. Shaffer, for Plff.
F. D. Leet fur Deft.
Prothonotary. !
HOOK nn»«.m,»TA S
[jj and JOB C|
Mo fresh bread,
* 111 Popdlclf FANCY CAKES,
O nuts
% #
Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and
skillful attention.
£ TRIPLE KNEE © Spring and 4
£j, leAniER_STOCKIMQ"^^^
Summer |
J 112
Ladies are invited to look at our new arrivals in Dress HK
Goods, Likesilks, Silkolines Silk Gingham and Organdies, «
Black Brocade —absolutely fast black, Lace Curtains Win-
jaj dow Laces, White Bedspreads, Fine Linen Damask Tablings,
'p and Napkins to match, Ladies and Misses Muslin Underwear, Jvt,
Jvl in Night Dresses, Corset Covers, Skirts, also Ladies Wrap- IT
Cf pers and Babies Robes. . ;
jwj In the celebrated Black Cat Brand of the Leather Stock
ings, we keep a full assortment of sizes. These are unap- ♦
proached for durability. Try them and you will always
want them.
W Ladies and Misses Ribbed Jersey Vests, from ioc up. w
Note the address, -A
| D. E. OLMSTED, 4
Near Odd Fellows Hall, East Fourth St. „^j,
| "['he Smith Typewriter^q,
Btf. 300 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sold by The Atlantic Refining Company
Fine Clothing
EjyVERY MAN has or ought to have an eye
-v on his attire. Fine Clothing is the uni
form of success and prosperity. Every
man seeks to look his best. He must have a good
tailor to help him do it. We claim first place in
that line and having opened our
Elegant Line of Summer
We are now ready to serve our customer - with
the latest in models of clothes.
iThf'N Cheap )
\ J. F. PARSONS. ?