Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 25, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 38.
XWHEN you see this item mark
ed with an X across its face you
will know that your subscription
is due, or past due. Your name will
be found printed on each copy of the
PRESS, as you receive it and gives the
last date to which you have paid. Our
terms are §2.00 if not paid in advance,
$1.50 in advance. Many, very many,
of our patrons allow their subscrip
tions to run year after year. This we
are unable to stand. It requires
money to purchase paper and pay em
ployes and we must insist upon the
payment of subscriptions due us. We
have been patient, but "patience has
ceased to be a virtue," and we now
propose to weed out all those subscri
bers who show no disposition to pay
for their paper. We labor hard to
give the public a good journal and
while a majority of our patrons realize
that fact and pay for it t here are hun
dreds who never give the matter a
passing thought, taking it for granted
that we will always send them the
PRESS, whether we receive pay or not.
We have had an elegant sufficiency of
that kind of kindness. If you want
this paper pay for it—if you don't
want it, stop it and pay what you owe.
We know money is scarce in this
county, yet we also know that our de
linquents could pay if they desired—a
part at least.
Business Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates, Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will tfive prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
86-1 y. Emporium. Pa.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls lor hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, also stum page <V.c., and parties
desiring either to buy <>r sell will do well to call
on me. P. D. LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old ami
popular house 1 solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of tin* best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
80-1 y.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
I). S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular Res
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Give me a call. 29-8-ly
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
forthe accommodation of the public. New in all
its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
V ('. RIKCK. 1). I), s..
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa.
Gas and other local anaesthetics ad-
for the painless extraction
-I.IIIJ T < if teeth.
SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
I will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, and
Sinnemahoning the third Wednesday of each
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must be
signed bj/ the candidate and paid in advance to
insure publication.
Kditor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa., April 4th, 1898.
Kditor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898.
Kditor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 189S.
Kditor Press: -
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., May 7th, 1898.
Kditor Press :
Please announce my name as a candidate for
the nomination <»f County Treasurer, subject to
the decision of the Republican countv Conven
Emporium, Pa., June 27, IK9«.
Kditor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Treasurer of Cameron County, subject to the
decision of the Republican county convention.
Emporium, Pa., June 28th, 1898.
Kditor Cameron County Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
the office of County Treasurer, subject to the de
cision of the Republican Countv Convention
Emporium, Pa., Aug. 16, 18'.»8.
Jerome B. Niles on the
Weakness of the
An Arraignment of the Minority Party
for Lacking Courage to Stand by its
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Following the weak and equivocal
letter of acceptance of democratic can
didate for Governor George A. Jenks,
which seems to have satisfied no one
but the Gold Democrats who are anx
ious to get inside the Bourbon lines
again, a broad gauge and straight-for
ward declaration on the issues of the
campaign in Pennsylvania from ex-
Auditor-General Jerome B. Niles, was
refreshingly interesting and conclusive.
There are few men better known than
General Xiles, in the Keystone State.
He is recognized as one of the strong
est men in the northern tier and his
long experience in public affairs makes
his utterances on the issues of the day
always timely and valuable. General
Niles, who will be one of the leaders
on the stump for Colonel W. A. Stone
in the Gubernatorial canvas, said:
"Our democratic friends cannot shirk
the national issues in which our pres
ent and future welfare are so vitally
concerned. The voters of this most
intelligent State will not, by them, be
deceived. In 1896 they went before
the country contending for the free
and unlimited coinage of silver and
pleading for a tariff for revenue only.
They are, in this State, seemingly anx
ious to abandon their position taken in
the last campaign. They do not like
to have anything said about free silver
or about free trade. The marvelous
and mysterious connection which they
had discovered between wheat and
silver disappeared immediately after
the election of Mr. McKinley. In
thousands of speeches they cried out
that we would ruin the American
farmer by insisting upon a currency
founded upon a gold basis. They in
sisted that when silver went down in
the scale of values that wheat went
with it. That upon the financial ques
tion they were a sort of Siamese twins.
And yet, in this, as in all things else,
they have been mistaken. As soon as
it was ascertained that our currency
was to be continued on a solid basis,
wheat began togo up and silver kept
ongoing down. The mysterious con
nection was broken. There have been
times since 1896 when it would have
taken enough silver bullion to make
three silver dollars to buy one bushel
of wheat.
"The Republican party has been in
this State on the right side of all the
great public questions of the last four
decades. Where are the public meas
ures that our democratic friends have
originated ? They cannot be found.
In this State, at least, the democratic
party has even been like the hind
wheels of a wagon, crawling along in
the rear, keeping just so far behind;
always using as a camping ground the
place occupied by the Republicans in
the years that are gone, always keep
ing just far enough from the front to
be of no service in the settlement of
public questions.
"We judge men, and we should
judge political parties, by what they
have done and not by what they
promise to do. You form your opin
ion as to the future conduct of your
neighbor by an examination of his past
life. Political parties are composed of
individuals, and what is true of the in
dividual person is true of all political
parties, be they either great or small.
There is no allegation against either of
the candidates personally that head
the respective state tickets. They are
both worthy citizens. Each represent
the traditions and the principles of his
party. And the success of the individ
ual candidate will be the triumph of
the party whose representative of the
present he is.
"Colonel William A. Stone repre
sents the Republican party with its
glorious and illuminated history 01 the
past third of a century. He represents
a party that stands pledged to a finan
cial policy that will for all time give
us a currency which shall be as un
changeable as the hills and which shall
be good as gold in any land upon
which the sun in Heaven shines in
making his daily round. Colonel
Stone represents a party that stands
pledged to the maintenance of our
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable." —WEßSTEß.
present protective system, which af
fords fair and ample relief to Ameri
can industry; which raises a sufficient
revenue to meet all of the demands of
the people; which is at all times able
to protect the gold reserve in the
national treasury'and which does not
compel the government to sell its
bonds by the hundred millions to pay
our running expenses in times of pro
found peace and general prosperity.
"Mr. Jenks and his ticket, so far as
this state is concerned, do not repre
sent anything. His party has not
originated a single measure for the
benefit of the people. It has content
ed itself in opposing Republican meas
ures and generally without success.
From a national standpoint Mr. Jenks
represents a tariff for revenue only
and the free and unlimited coinage of
forty-live cent dollars. No democratic
orator, during the pending convass,
will deliver a speech advocating either.
They dare not here and now urge the
principles of the Chicago platform.
If they would meet these issues fairly
and squarely on the stump and advo
cate the same doctrines that they put
forth at Chicago in 1896, the majority
for Colonel Stone would lie 300,000.
"In political parties all cannot, at .all
times, have that to which they feel
they are entitled. There always has
been; there always will be heart burn
ings and bitter personal disappoint
ments. Republicans should stand by
our most excellent State ticket from
the top to the bottom. There has been,
here will be no allegation against the
personal fitness of a single one from
the head to the foot of the list. They
are all good men and true. We know
of their antecedents. It is vastly im
portant that we should have a delega
tion in Congress as nearly our way as
possible. A delegation that will at all
times stand by the financial and rev
enue measures to which our party has
been so long committed
"We all understand, if such a thing
were possible, what the election of the
democratic ticket in November would
stand for. It would be said from the
busy Atlantic coast to the golden
shores of the Pacific; from our north
ern lakes to the land of the orange and
magnolia, that the strongest protective
State in the Republic has repudiated
its own idea, and that in matters of
finance its people preferred the theo
ries of William J. Bryan to the facts,
logic and sound principles of William
McKinley, who to-day is the most
respected, the most honored and be
loved citizen of the Republic.
"The Republican party in Pennsyl
vania has a record of which its mem
bers have a right to be proud, and
with which it can confidently go be
fore the million of intelligent voters of
the Commonwealth and ask and ex
expect to receive their continued
confidence and support.
Broke His Arm.
While performing on a trapeze, in
an ice house on Cherry street, Tues
day morning, Alex., the eleven year
old son of Wm. Snyder, had the mis
fortune to fall on liis right arm, sus
taining a severe fracture of the wrist
and spraining the arm at the elbow
joint. His companions took him to
Dr. Bardwell, who set the broken
member and the prospects are that the
young man will be able to climb chest
nut trees with the rest of the boys,
this fall.
To Farmers.
I desire to inform the farmers ot this
and adjoining counties that I have
recently purchased a Fearless Thresh
er and (Meaner, and am prepared to
do any work in this line in first-class
manner and at reasonable rates. Hav
ing the best machinery I take pride in
giving my customers good clean work.
I am also making contracts to bale
hay, having purchased the Eli hay
press. Give me a call.
1.,. G. COOK.
Emporium, Pa., Aug. 8, 1898. —24tf
"Second Heavy" Reunion.
The 12th annual reunion of the 2d
Heavy Artillery (112 th P. V.) will be
held at Williamsport, Pa., September
14 and 15 (same time and place as the
U. V. L. National Encampment.) For
further information address Lew. C.
Fosnot, Sec'y Committee, Watson
town, Pa.
Methodist Camp fleeting.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com- |
pany will sell excursion tickets at re
duced rates from Emporium to Pitts
field, August 24th to Sept. sth, good to
return until Sept. 6th, 1898, account
Camp Meeting of the Wesleyan Metho
dist Church.
The Citizens Gas and Oil Co., mot at
the Warner House last evening and
and voted to sink another well.
Why Not?
At the late meeting of the Empori
um school board, the measure, pro
viding for the one year extension of
the high school course, proposed by
Principal H. F. Stauffer, was rejected,
much to the disappointment of the
citizens of the borough and patrons of
the school in general. For the past
year or two the question of raising the
standard of education and proficiency,
in the high school, to a degree compar
ing favorably with the curriculum of
studies adopted by the high schools of
the neighboring towns and smaller
cities, has been quite freely discussed
and advocated by many of our think
ing citizens who have the best interests
of the public schools at heart.
It is because of the turning down of
this popular plan so conducive to the
welfare of our schools, that we make
this brief comment.
By the addition of a few new studies
to the present course, and a year's ex
tenuation of some of the branches
now taught, but which have to be
hurried through, owing to the limited
period of time allotted to them, the
Emporium high school could be placed
on a par with that of any of the large
.."'zed towns in the state.
The above plan could easily be car
ried out, without any expense to the
taxpayers, no additional teachers or
buildings being needed for the culmi
nation of such a project and the only
noticeable change in the order of the
classes of the high school would be the
omission of a graduating class for the
school year ending May 1899. The
class which would have graduated
then, under the present system, would
continue their studies another year
Before receiving their diplomas and
the usual under classes would follow
i'i regular order to the completion of
the newly prescribed course.
A petition, favoring the above ex
plained method of advancing the edu
cational standard of the high school
to a higher plane, is being circulated
among our citizens and we were re
liably informed this morning that the
sr v ! d petition contains the name of
n- triv every resident in the commun
ity. In view of this prevailing senti
ment on the part of the taxpayers and
citizens it is to be hoped the school
board will see fit to rescind • their
recent action on the matter.
E. N. Fairchild is No flore.
After a painful illness of several
months, E. N. Fairchild succumbed to
the inevitable, at his home near Gar
deau, Tuesday evening at eight o'clock,
aged fifty-seven years.
The deceased had been a great suf
ferer from the peculiar but fatal dis
ease, lymphangitis, and it became
evident to himself and family several
weeks ago that he could not hold out
much longer against the ravages of
this dread malady. He remained con
scious to the last and died, as he had
lived, a conscientious, God fearing
Mr. Fairchild was a native of Le
grange, N. Y., and came to the Brad
ford oil region, when he was twenty
years of age, where he conducted a
prosperous business for a consider
able length of time. About nine years
ago he removed to Gardeau and en
gaged in lumbering and agricultural
pursuits, in which he continued up to
the time of his late illness. He was
the secretary of the F. A. and I. U.
Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and
also secretary of the Cameron County
Agricultural Society, besides holding
otlier minor positions of trust and
responsibility. He leaves a wife and
four sons to mourn his loss. The
funeral will be held from his late home
at Gardeau on Friday afternoon, and
interment will be made in the Sizer
ville cemetery.
American Protective Tariff League.
"The blight of free trade—The bless
ings of Protection," is the title of a
document just issued by the American
Protective Tariff League. This docu
ment clearly demonstrates the effect of
the system of Free Trade under the
Wilson Tariff, and of Protection under
the Dingley Tariff. It is based on the
result of the Tariff League's Industrial
Census, and should be in the hands of
every voter. Seven copies to any ad
dress for six cents. Address W. F.
Wakeman, General Secretary, No. 135
West 23d street, New York.
In Peace or War
Westphalia hams and bacon are al
ways at the front. Fresh two to three
times a week, and price right at Day's.
In view of the pending negotiations
for peace, we have decided to make a
big slaughter in our Gent's Furnishing
Goods, and can astonish you with the
unheard of bargains we have to offer,
at N. Soger's.
Seed Wheat.
Mr. L. G. Cook has several varieties
of seed wheat for sale, samples of
which may be seen at Walker's hard
ware store. 25tf
The Andrews, Sierra county, N. M.,
post-offico was established last week
*> h Geo. W. Delamater as postmaster,
i . "nator Delamater is engaged in
; mining in New Mexico.
The Sixth Annual Epworth League
; Convention will be held on the Sinne
' mahoning camp ground, Aug. 2Gth,
i 27th and 28th, beginning at 7:30 p. in.,
Friday, the 26tli. An interesting pro
gram lias been prepared and a good
time is expected.
The new brick arch, under the boil
ers at the tannery, has been completed
and operations at that plant have been
resumed. Mr. Joshua Bair superin
tended the construction of the
arch and it is a model of workmanship
in the masonry line.
Mike Hout, the "veteran snake
charmer," brought a four-foot rattler
into the PRESS office last Tuesday and
performed all sorts of antics with him.
The snake is of the black species and is
terribly vicious It will be sent to the
Excelsior Hunting & Fishing Club, of
Allegheny, Pa., and placed among
their collection of curios.
Ed. H. Taylor, of Smethport, met a
sudden death at Johnsonburg, Satur
day night. He attempted to jump a
freight train at the trestle, hut miscal
culated and fell, breaking his back,
from which injury he died last evening.
One leg was also cut off and the other
broken in two places. He was a native
of Smethport and a son of the late
John B.Taylor one of the early settlers
of that town. He would have been
forty years old rext month and leaves
s wife and five small children to mourn
his sad end.—Kane Republican.
The P kkk.3 is indebted to President
W. 11. Crawford, for a very pretty
booklet, received a few days ago, con
taining several excellent cuts of Alle
gheny College and some of the pictur
esque scenes surrounding it,which are
interspersed with interesting epitomes
of traditions that have been associated
with the College from the earliest years
of its existence. On one of the pages
we noticed a facsimile of the signa
tures of Lafayette and members of his
suite, as recorded on the College reg
ister by them during his memorable
visit to this country in 1825.
Gen. Roy Stone, who lately figured
in the war news from Porto Rico, is
well remembered in Bradford. He was
the man who built the Peg-Leg road
which was such a great curiosity here
20 years ago. Stone was one of the
principal promoters of the scheme, but
it failed to pan out according to pro
gram. Hugh Brawley, now of Mead
ville, was a conductor on the train
that ran"on top of the fence," but
decided to accept a safer position. The
man who succeeded him and five others
were killed when the boiler of the
saddle-bag locomotive blew up on Jan.
27th, 1879. —Era. Gen. Roy Stone is
well and favorably known in Empori
um, having visited here during the
Bucktail Reunion.
We can think of no reason why the
county should not build the much
needed bridge across the Sinnamalion
ing river at Wyside. But the reasons
for doing so are manifold. There are
but two ways for the people of Wyside 1
to cross the river, both of which are j
exceedingly dangerous. We believe, j
should anyone suffer injury, or loss of i
life result from either crossing the T-ail- j
road or foot bridges, that the county
would have to pay very heavy damages, j
People who are compelled to cross the J
river must either ford the stream or |
trespass on private property. We i
would ask the county commissioners to j
make an investigation at an early day ;
and give the people down there what i
they want—what they need.—Drift- j
wood Gazette.
Sam Jones says, "A man may be a i
rank atheist and a red flag anarchist j
and Morman and a mugwamp, he may j
buy votes and bet on elections; he may |
deal from the bottom, drink beer until ;
he can't tell a silver dollar from ;
a circular saw, and still lie is infinitely
better than the man who is all suavity j
but who makes his home a hell, who j
vents on the head of his poor helpless
wife and children the ill nature he
would like to inflict on his fellow men
but dares not. I can foregive much iyi
that fellow mortal who would ra',fter
make man swear than women tveep;
would rather hate of the wor'nl than
the contempt of his wife; \cho would
rather call anger to the face of a king
than fear to the face of a child."
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Pressed Bricks.
"If I had my way," a man said this
| morning, "I would build a crematory
| in every country town and proceed to
] burn up the fossils."
Quarterly meeting services in the
;M. E. church, next Sabbath. Love
feast, 9:15 a. m.; Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper. Preaching in the even
llev. G. W. Faus gave two very line
discourses in the Methodist church last
Sunday. lie is a young man of more
than ordinary talent, and has a promis
ing future before him.
, It is said by tyingaand-paper around
| her ankles a girl can produco the sami
I effect as by buying an expensive silk
j skirt. The pieces of sand-paper rub
j to-gother and sound like a ?12 skirt.
There is a plant, it is said, that is
never touched by insects, and that is
tansy. If you rub a horse over with a
handful of it before taking him on the
road, it is claimed that flies will not
touch him.
Remember the last excursion to
Southern New Jersey Sea Shore points
via Pennsylvania Railroad is Thursday,
September Ist. The rates are ex
tremely liberal considering the accom
modations offered.
"War is hell," said the man sitting
011 the cracker barrel. "Well," said
the man holding up the show case,
"I've never been to war and never ex
pect togo, but I've been to Bradford."
—Jamestown All.
When some one smites you on the
left cheek immediately turn to him
your right. Then haul off and give
him a double-decker between both
cheeks, in the neighborhood of the
nose. Do others or they will do von.
—Oil City Blizzard.
The chief objection to ready-made
clothes ax-e based upon the fitting
qualities. Our clothing is designed by
the best tailors in the country—such
men as few custom tailors can afford
to employ—and the proportions of the
garments are perfect at N. Seger's.
Don't cuss under your breath. If
you feel like tearing off a few measures
of a sulphuric harmony, do so in good,
clear, unmistakable terms. Your dia
phragm will feel easier after its all
over. Only hypocrites and cowards
swear under their breath.—-Bradford
Over §200,000 will be paid by this
Government as "head money" to the
officers and sailors who destroyed
Cervera's fleet. This is according to
the law, which provides payment ot
SIOO a head for every man on the ships
of an enemy when these ships are des
troyed. A few of the officers will re
ceive pretty good fortunes.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Sea Shore
Excui'sion, Thursday, September Ist,
offers all that may be desired, low
rates, first class accommodations, on
regular trains and for those desiring to
go through to Atlantic City, same day
without transfer through Philadelphia,
can do so by taking the Delaware
River Bridge Route, the only all rail
line from points in Pennsylvania.
Superintendexxt T. H. Ryan, of the
poor farm, has just received from Gen.
Bradley T. Johnson, who was Colonel
of the First Maryland Infantry, C. S.
A., a very fine picture of the battle of
Harrisonburg, where the rebel general
Ashby was killed, and where a hand
ful of the famous Bucktails—about 100
—did such hard fighting against over
whelming numbers. It was in this
battle that Col. Kane was taken pris
oner. Comrade Ryan was present and
saw the fun—if fun you can call it.—
Smethporl Democrat.
Here is a bright girl's method 01,
keeping her skin in good conditi 0
Wheix asked her secret, she rerjj? e j
"What do you think ? Cucumb c >,. - i
eat plenty of them, and 1 beli thev
are healthful in hot weathe - . but be
sides that I take the thick 'peelings, if I
am at iiome, and rub the' fl on m y face,
and also on the backs o/ m y hands. It
is the encumber juice w hieh is so whit
ening, and which i , also an ;lß tn n{?e nt
and keeps the P _>res from becoming
coarse. It is tl9e( j jn f} ie best face
One oi Bradford's wealthy men laid
the four .dation of his fortune by saving
$1 eae'j day for sever;;! years. When
l ' lc 'i.ofal amount saved had assumed
P r that allowed an investment
' c was placed where it would do the
most good. The gentleman and his
wife continued laying $1 per day aside
from the interest accruing from in
vestments, and in a few years they had
a snug bank account to rely upon in
ease of an emergency. The gentleman
believes strongly in the adage that
"money saved is money earned."—Era.
NO. 20.