Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 18, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Additional Local News.
Bradford Era: The Northern Oil
Co. has a string of tools running on a 1
tract of land in Elk county which was
purchased some time ago. The wells I
start off at about ten barrels and grad- j
ually settle to a daily production of |
seven barrels. There is plenty of gas
in that section and the wells flow for [
several years.
From an Old Soldier.
KNOK, Ind., Jan. 14, 1897.
GENTS:—I have every conlidence in I
recommending your Syrup of Pepsin.
1 am 72 years of ago and am broken
down, the trouble having been brought
on by my experience in the war. Your !
medicine has done me more good than j
a hundred doctors and I am just about
well of stomach troubles.
Yours truly,
An exchange explains why alocomo- j
tive is like a woman, and is called j
"she." They wear a jacket, apron, j
have shoes, hose and drag a train be
hind them; they have a lap, need j
guides, ride wheels, will not turn out |
for pedestrians, sometimes foam and
refuse to work, they attract the men, j
sometimes act very contrary and it j
always takes a man to handle them.
Thousand Island Excursion August 2oth.
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry. will run their i
second and last excursion of the season I
to the Thousand Islands, Saturday, j
August 20tli.
Train will leave Emporium at 1:45 |
p. m. Fare, §6 50 for round trip.
Tickets will be good returning 10 days,
allowing stop-off at Rochester with-in
limit of tickets.
The adjacent Lake Ontario resorts,
Ontario Beach, Windsor Beach, Mani
tou and Sea Breeze, are well worth
a visit. The 1000 Islands and St.
Lawrence are among America's leading
summer resorts, and the trip taken as
a whole makes a pleasant vacation
outing, and at a small cost. n23-3t i
Sunday Excursion to Portage Falls. :
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry. will run j
Special Excursion Trains to Portage |
Falls, Sunday, July 3d, 17th, 31st, Aug. |
14th and 28th.
Trains will leave Emporium, at 8:00 I
a. m.. Fare for the. round trip §I.OO.
The Portage excursions proved very |
enjoyable for the public,and successful j
for the company, last season, and no j
doubt will this season. Passengers are j
allowed six hours at Portage in which !
to view the beauties of Glen Iris, j
Visit the Historic Indian Council |
House and other points of interest and j
return home at a seasonable hour.
There are excellent hotels at Portage I
or you can take your lunch. Remem- 1
ber the dates. 17-10t.
Reduced Rates to Orangers' Picnic at Williams'
flrove via Pennsylvania Railroad.
For the accommodation of persons i
desiring to attend this interesting pic- |
nic and exhibition the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company will sell excursion |
tickets from August 27 to Septembers, |
good to return until September 5, in- |
elusive, at rate of one fare for the round j
trip, from principal stations between j
East Liberty and Bryn Mawr; on the |
Northern Central Railway north of
and including Lutherville, and on the
Philadelphia & Erie Railroad division
east of and including Waterford.
For information in regard to train
service and specific rates application
should be made to ticket agents.
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad for
nount (iretna l : armers Exposition.
From August 15 to 19, inclusive, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will '
sell, for the above occasion, round-trip j
tickets to Mount Gretna and return at j
single fare for the round trip, from j
principal stations between East Liberty j
and Bryn Mawr; on the Northern Cen- [
tral Railway north of and including j
Lutherville, and on the Philadelphia
& Erie Railroad division east of and in- ,
eluding Waterford. These tickets will i
be good for return passage until Aug. j
22, inclusive.
For information in regard to train ]
service and specific rates application !
should be made to ticket agents.
1073-24-21. |
Low-Rate Excursion, via Pennsylva- ;
nia Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company j
has selected the following dates for its j
popular ten-day excursions to Niagara !
Falls from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and j
Washington: July 21, August 4 and 18, j
and September 1, 15, and 29. An expe
rienced tourist agent and chaperon will i
accompany each excursion.
Excursion tickets, good for return j
passage on any regular train, exclusive j
of limited express trains, within ten ;
days, will be sold at $lO from Philadel- '
phia, Baltimore, Washington, and all ;
points on the Delaware Division; $9.60
from Lancaster; $8.50 from Altoonaand
Harrisburg; s(i.9o from Sunbury and
Wilkesbarre; $5.75 from Williamsport; '
and at proportionate rates from other
points A stop-over will be allowed at
Buffalo, Rochester, and Watkins re
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will be run with
each excursion.
Tickets for a side trip to the Thousand i
Islands (Alexandria Bay) will be sold
from Rochester, good to return to Roch
ester or to Canandaigua via Syracuse
within five days, at rate of $5.50.
For time of connecting trains and
further information apply to nearest
ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
[ 1014-20-6W 1
Mason Hill Letter.
Haying is done—harvesting begun.
Mrs. Lily Scudder, of Williamsport,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs J. M.
Miss Cook, of Philadelphia, attended
the Sunday School Convention, here.
Mrs. Alma Mix, of Mix Run is the
I guest of Mrs.Alzinia Barr this week.
Miss BertoldaHill and Miss Klontz,
! who have been spending a few days
j on the Hill, returned home Monday,
j A number of young folks from
j Sterling Run attended the convention
I here on Saturday.
Mrs. Almira Barr and daughter
; Minnie visited her sister Mrs Martha
j Miller a few days last week,
j Miss Annie Wilson and Miss Edna
! Losey, of Dents Run, were the guests of
| Miss Lizzie Jordan, Friday.
Mrs Agustus Nelson, of Huntley, is
j visiting her father and brother at this
Miss Maud Hevener and brother
Claud, returned home Saturday after a
few weeks visit with their grandfather
at this place.
A number of young folks from Ilunt-
I ley attended the convention here on
i Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Williams were
! the guests of Mr. and Mrs O. B. Tan
ner on Sunday.
Mrs. O. S. Bailey and son ofSinne
mahoning visited friends here a few
J days last week.
The ones who spoiled Geo. English's
I bicycle tire during the convention on
I Mason Hill, ought to be drove into
| Spain with those heathens. They are
j too mean to live among civilized peo
; pie. PEGGY.
How to Look Good.
Good looks are really more than
! skin deep, depending entirely upon a
{ healthy condition of the vital organs,
j If the liver is inactive you have a
j bilious look; if your stomach is dis
| ordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if
I your kidneys are affected, you have a
pinched look. Secure good health and
you will surely have good looks "Elec
tric Bitters is a good alterative and
tonic. Acts directly on the stomach,
liver and kidneys, purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches and boils and
gives a good complexion. Every bot
tle guaranteed. Sold at L. Taggart's
drug store. 50c. per bottle.
There are 75,000 Germans in London.
I Remarkable Cure for Chronic Diarrhoea.
In 1862 when I served my country asa
j private in Company A, 167 th Pennsyl-
I vania Volunteers i contracted chronic
j diarrhoea. It has given me a great
i deal of trouble ever since.
I have tried a dozen differ
i ent medicines and several prominent
! doctors without any permanent relief.
I Not long ago a friend sent me a sample
j bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
j and Diarrhoea Remedy and after that
| I bought and took a 50c bottle and now
j I cannot be thankful enough to you
] for this remedy, and recommend it to
j all suffering veterans. If in doubt
; write me. Yours gratefully, Henry
; Steinberger, Allentown, Pa. Sold by
j L. Taggart. Aug
An exchange says that alcohol will
j remove grass stains from summer
I clothes. The exchange is right. It
j will also remove the summer clothes,
and also the spring, autumn and wint
er clothes not only from the one who
drinks it, but also from his wife and
j family. It will likewise remove the
| household furniture from the house,
j the eatables from the pantry, thesmiles
from the face of his wife and the hap
| piness from the home. As a remover
of things alcohol has few equals. Is it
removing anything for you, dear
reader? —Dansville Breeze.
Liver Complaints and Nervousness
A torpid liver always produces dullness
Irritability, etc. You are all clogged up and
feel despondent. I'erliaps you have treated
with physicians or trifdsome recommended
medicine without benefit. All that Is no
j argument against "Dr. rentier's Blood and
j Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic." which we
Insist will cure nervousness and liver com
! plaints. If not satisfied after using one bot
j tie your money will bo refunded by
R. C. Dodson.
Mott's Nerverine Pills
HI !•■; ;. AND .M'TKI: USING. ' gans of' cithet
sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing oi
lost Manhood, Impotency, Nightly Emis
! sions, Youthful Errors, Mental worry, ex
cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, whict
lead to Consumption and Insanity. SJ.OC
Der box by mail; 6 boxes for $5.00.
ViOTT S CHEMICAL CO., Prop's, Cleveland, Qhto
| For sale by R. C. Dodson.
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I I Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO.
I Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on ri'celpt of price
j HL'MPIIRfcVb' Xfcb. CO., 11l & 113 WIIUM hi., Yi»rk.
Great Excitement in Town.
Over the remarkable cures by tlie
grand specific, Bacon's Celery King, I
which acts as a natural laxative, stim
ulates the digestive organs, regulates !
the liver and kidneys and is nature's j
great healer and health renewer. If |
you have kidney, liver and blood dis- j
order do not delay but call at our store !
for a free trial package. R. C. Dodson. j
Large sizes 50c. and 25c. 33-151y
From a Methodist Preacher.
CLAY CITY, Ind., Jan. 12,1897, L
Pepsin Syrup Co., Monticello, 111.
GENTLEMEN:— It affords me great I
pleasure to speak in praise of your
most excellent medicine. I have suf- j
fered quite a great deal from sick head- |
ache, the result of sedentary habits
and sluggish liver and bowels. Your !
remedy corrects these troubles and my
headaches are stopped.
Aug Pastor M. E. Church.
The most successful throat remedy in
the world is Armstrong's Diphtheria
and Quinsy Drops. Sold by druggista |
R. C. Dodson. 6-lys.
Queen Elizabeth created seven peers.
Ladies and gentlemen suffering from
throat and lung difficulties to call at
our store for a sample bottle of Otto's
Cure. We confidently recommend it
as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, j
Consumption, and all diseases of the
throat and lungs. It will stop a cough
quicker than any other known remedy.
We believe it will cure you. Large |
sizes 50c. and 25c. Sold by R. C. Dod
son. 33-15-ly
Everyone who has diphtheria, croup,
quinsy, catarrh or sore throat, can pos
itively and speedily bo cured by
Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly
B® 5 Charity organizations existed in
Egypt 2,500 and in China 2,000 years
That dark brown taste and horrid
breath you have in the morning is i
caused by an inactive liver. Some
medicines relieve for a while; others j
for a few days, but Herbine cures. L. |
Five feet is the minimum height of
the Russian and French conscript.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy always affords
prompt relief. For sale by L. Taggart
There are over 2,000 animals in the
London Zoological Gardenn.
One Minute Cough Cure surprises
people by its quick cures and children
may take it in large quantities without
the least danger. It has won for itself
the best reputation of any preparation
used to-day for colds, croup, tickling
in the throat or obstinate coughs. R. j
C. Dodson. 451y.
There are nearly 3,000 stitches in a
pair of hand sewed boots.
It is not what a manufacturer says
about his own medicine that cures a
patient, but what the medicine does.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup does the
work and does it will, it cures coughs
and colds in a day. Its healing, sooth
ing and quieting. 25 and 50 cents. L.
It is said that the best walking pace i
is 75 steps per minute.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the
largest sale of any Salve in the world.
This fact and its merit has led dishon
est people to attempt to counterfeit it.
Lookout for the man who attemps to
deceive you when you call for DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure.
R. C. Dodson. 451y.
Forty-eight pennies weigh as nearly
as possible one pound.
History will tell about "Dewey"
Hobson, Sampson and Americans pro
tecting themselves from serious throat
diseases by using "Armstrong's Diph
theria and Quinsey Drops." The
greatest throat remedy in the world.
Sold by druggist, R. C. Dodson. 61y
Nearly a quarter of all cases of in
sanity are hereditary.
More than twenty million free sam
ples of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
have been distributed by the manu
facturers. What better proof of their
confidence in its merits do you want?
It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores in
the shortest space of time. R. C. Dod
son. 451y
Butter fetched §7.50 a pound during
the siege of Paris.
When you call for DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve the great pile cure don't
accept anything else. Don't be talked
into accepting a substitute, for piles,
for sores for burns. R. C. Dodson.
45 ly
American railways employ nearly
2,000,000 men.
A stubborn cough or tickling in the
throat yields to One Minute Cough
Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the
right spot, reliable and is just what is
j wanted. It acts at once. R. C Dod
son. 451y
Only three species of reptiles exist in
| Ireland.
You invite disappointment when you
I experiment DeWitt's Little Early
Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough
little pills. They cure constipation
and sick headache jnstas sure as you
i take them. R. C. Dodson. 451y
Monkeys are worshipped in parts of
For broken surfaces, sores, insect
bites, burns, skin diseases and especi
! ally piles there is one reliable remedy,
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. When
you call for DeWitt's don't accept
counterfeits or frauds. You will not
be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. R. C. Dodson. 451y.
i There are 77 garrisons in the King
The speech of Father Abraham in
the last number of Poor Richard's Al
manac, published by Benjamin Frank
lin in 1757, "Contains the wisdom of
many ages and nations assembled and
formed into one connected discourse."
When first published it attracted world
wide attention and was copied in all
j of the newspapers of America and
| England and translated into many
■ foreign languages. Would you not
' like to read it? Get a copy free of
I charge at L. Taggart's drug store.
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Rail- ,
For the encampment of the Knights
| of Pythias Uniform Rank, and Biennial
i Convention Supreme Lodge of same
| Order, to he held at Indianapolis, Ind.,
i August 20 to September 10, 1898, the
j Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion ticks at a single fare for
, the round trip.
| The tickets will be sold August 19, 20
j and 21, and will be good for return
passage leaving Indianapolis August
j23 to 30. Upon deposit of the ticket
j with the Joint Agent at Indianapolis
| prior to August 29 and payment of
j twenty-five cents additional extension
i of limit may be obtained until Septem
j ber 10, inclusive.
For detailed information apply to
j Ticket Agent. 1081-25-lt
I Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Rail
For the thirty-second National En
campment of G. A. R., to be held at \
Cincinnati, O , September 5 to 10, 1898,
I the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
i will sell excursion tickets at rate of
single fare for the round trip.
These tickets will be sold on Septem
ber 2, 4, and G, and will be good to ;
leave Cincinnati not later than Sep
tember 6 nor later than September 13,
! except that by depositing ticket with j
Joint Agent at Cincinnati on Septem- j
ber 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, and on payment of |
I twenty-five cents, return limit may be j
! extended so that passengers may re- !
main at Cincinnati until October 2.
If you want to Sell Anything,
If you want to Buy Anything,—
If you want a Tenant.
Advertise in the PRESS
| It is always gratifying to receive
testimonials for Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and
when the endorsement is from a phy- |
sician it is especially so. "There is no [
more satisfactory or effective remedy 1
! than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and |
I Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Dr. R. E.
j Robey, physician and pharmacist, of
! Olney, Mo.; and as he has used it in
j his own family and sold it in his drug
j store for six years he should certainly
j know. For sale by L. Taggart. aug
Piano purchasers invariably make
sound investments.
Truth wears well. People have
learned that DeWitt's Little Early
Risers are reliable little pills for regu
lating the bowels, curing constipation,
I and sick headache. They don't gripe.
R. C. Dodson. 451y.
Sagasta will have to take gas when
he signs the protocol.
Kidney or Bladder Troubles.
i If you suffer from kidney, bladder or urin
ary troubles, or from too frequent or scanty
urine. "Dr. Fennel's Kidney and Backache
; Cure" is what you want. Bed-wetting by
; children is generally cured by one bottle of
this powerful remedy. Testimonials are
j disregarded, many people doubting the hon
i esty or sincerity of them, we therefore avoid
! giving any here, but will furnish them on ap
j plication to dealer whose name is given
i below. If not satisfied after using one bot
tle your money will be refunded by
R. C. Dodson.
Of the Receipts. Expenditures. Assets
and Liabilities of Emporium Borough
for the Year 1897-98.
W. F. U.OYIJ, Borough Treasurer, in accoun'
with Emporium Borough.
('ash on baud last audit $1,520 67
Received from C. H. Jessop, Collector... 614 19
Received account cleaning and repairing
sidewalks 7 79
Received account license and lines 78 00
Received account sewer connections.... 3 00
Received account liquor licenses from
W.L.Thomas 1,482 00
$3,705 65
For Labor on Streets.
A. Z. Taylor.. Labor $ 225
Larry Smith do 7 50
Willis Haviland... do 4 50
Pat Haley do 1 50
Dan Downey do 1 50
Kearns Kinney.. do 12 39
Robert Parker.... do 6 00
Dan Kellar ... do 75
James Ostrum do 1 50
Edward Viner.... do 150
M. Cavanaugh do 75
James Haviland.. do 22 90
John Welsh do 48 35
Thomas Smith.... do 27 14
TonvSeifred .... do 32 55
M. Mulcahey do 6 37
Chas. Fry do 23 25 j
Fred Leutzie do 3 75 j
I DanKriner do 3 00 !
j James Fetter do 5 25
• Ed. Meyers do 14 25
| A. Loucks do 10 00
I William Snyder.. do 24 75
Theo. Hirsch do 7 12
J Chas. Nelson do 1 50
John Kline do 3 75
I John Hess do 5 25
! Roy Beattie do 2 00
! James Farrell.... do 227
; P. X. Blumle do 85 00
j Henry Wheaton.. do 100
Ed ward Morse.... do 14 93
William Robinson do 789
I W Buber do 435
I James Bailey do 00
i Henry Robinson .. do 60
i F. N. Shaffer do 2 25
Henry Sassman . do 11 25
j Albert Coole do 30
I Len Evans do 60 Johnson do 1 50
i John Kelley do 8 50
i Thos. Cavanaugh do 39 94
I Clipson Martin... do 60
j Peter Beattie, Street Commissioner 120 00
$832 90
Fire Department.
Penn Rubber Co., hose for East Ward... •$ 79 50
Drying hose 14 00
| Citizens Hose Co., (appropriation $100)... 50 00
I Mountaineer Hose Co., do do ... 50 00
I Hamilton Hose Co., do do ... 50 00
I Rescue Hook & Ladder Co., do do ... 50 00
! Repairs for lire apparatus 9 65
! Walker, Howard & Co.. supplies 8 20
s3ll 35
j East Emporium Independent 112 58 00
Cameron County Press • 60 25
sllß 25
H. L. Hacket $ 111 30
§ 111 30
A. Z. Taylor Special Police $ 10 00
! C. A. Van Lew do do 2 00
Owen Nangle.. . do do 300
i Kit Dalpliy do do 3 00
] James Haviland.. do do 300
' Ed. Straight do do 3 00
1 John Tavlor do do 3 00
t M. H. Terwilliger do do 3 00
* 30 00
! Sixth St. sewer across Maple St .....$ 10 85
j Borough Auditors 26 00
Freight on car load sewer pipe 33 36
Hayes and Blinzler, draying 15 65
J. Bair, on stone crossings 52 50
Walker, Howard & Co., supplies 37 13
I. K. Hockley, lor sewer brick, etc lfi 31
Paid Tor sewer pipe "7 21
Blacksmithing .. 7 91
lusurance on City Hall ft 00
Paid John Norris, Jr., on lot 100 00
A. 11. Shafler, surveying 2 Oo
Johnson ,t McNarney, Borough Attys. 17 10
C. J. Goodnough, Secretary 10 00
State Tax on Borough bonds 19 38
Tax Refunded to J. F. Parsons 11 40
St. Marys Gas Co 479 00
* 988 16
Total expenditures f2,391 96
Total receipts $3,705 65
Total expenditures 2,391 96
Cash on hand $1,313 69
Cash on hand $1,313 69
IJue from C. H. Jessop, Coll., 1897 325 52
Due from R. B. Stiies, ex-Collector 14 38
*1,653 59
Outstanding order No. 177 payable Aug.
16,1898 $ 62 50
Outstanding order No. 178, pajable Nov.
16,1898 62 50
Outstanding order No. 190 50 00
$ 175 00
Assets over liabilities $1,178 59
W. K. 1.1.0 YD, Borough Treasurer in account
with Emporium Water Fund.
; Cash on hand at last audit $ 359 28
| Received from C. H. Jessop, Collector... 938 30
$1,297 55
| Paid order No. 121, (outstanding last
audit) $ 640 00
1 Paid order No. 65 610 00
$1,280 00
Cash on hand 17 55
Cashonhaiul $ 17 55
I Due from C. 11. Jessop, Collector 350 83
Due from It. 13. Stiles, ex-Collector 17 02
$ 385 40
Assets over liabilities 65 40
j Outstanding order No. 147 $ 320 00
$ 320 00
W. E. LLOYD, Borough Treasurer, in account
with Borough Bond Fund.
Received fromC. H. Jessop, Collector $ 715 07
| Balance due Treasurer 86 52
$ 801 59
I Balance due Treasurer, last audit $ 46 59
Paid Bonds 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 inclusive with
interest 755 00
$ 801 59
Due from C. H. Jessop, Collector of taxes $350 83
$ 350 83
Outstanding bonds $1,600 0C
Balance due Treasurer 86 52
$4,686 52
Liabilities over assets 4,335 6S
W. E. I.LOYD. Borough Treasurer, in accounl
I with Newton Cemetery.
Cash on hand at last audit $ 367 o;
$ 367 0"
Printing; Orders Nos. 1 and 2 $ 39 0C
Labor; Orders Nos. 3 and 1 4 7S
Repairs to road. No. 5 25 0(1
Secretary's salary, No. 6 10 0C
Cash on hand $ 288 32
Cash in Treasury $ 288 32
Amount due on lots 175 00
$ 163 32
We, the undersigned Auditors of the Borough
of Emporium, County of Cameron, State ol
Pennsylvania, hereby certify that we have
examined, audited, adjusted and settled the
several accounts of the Treasurer of said Borough,
aril that the foregoing is a true and correcl
ftatement of the same.
Witness our hands this 26th day of June, A. D.
Borough Auditors.
Of the Poormasters' Accounts of Empo
rium Borough for the Year 1897-98.
FREDC. lIEICK, Poormaster, in account with
Emporium Borough Poor Fund.
Received from C. H. Jessop, Collector SB9B 95
Received from J. W. Kriuer, late Poor
master 21 15
Received from O. Willets, account Warren
Asylum 10 0(1
Received on account William Lamkie 23 0C
*953 1C
Johnson McNarney, retainer 1897 $lO 00
Relief of Mrs. Sam Patterson 5 00
Relief George Harrison 132 00
Relief William Lamkie 32 30
Relief Walter Windall 7 0C
Relief E. Myers 6 50
Relief Mary Ellen Mundy 128 90
Relief Tramps, etc 2G 21
Paid to Warren Asylum 159 75
Relief John Mundy, paid Wharton Twp. 23 0C
Relief John Yeager 35 OC
Relief of Mrs. Jas. Stackpole 88 Of
Relief Mrs. T. Smith 10(
Paid Cameron County Press, printing Aud
itor's report, etc 30 0(
Tax Refunded to A. G. Kelley 1 3i-
Overpaid Tax refunded to Collector 3 7(
Outstanding Orders 9182
Relief F. N. Shafler 5 0(
Paid postage and telegraphing 4 4i
Balance in hands of Poorinaster 162 0";
$953 If
DAVID MURRAY, Poorraaster, in account with
Emporium Borough Poor Fund,
('ash on hand at last audit $ 52 7C
j Received from C. 11. Jessop, Collector 558 8i
Relief John Yeager £6O 0(
Relief to Mrs. Sam Patterson 44 (M
Relief to John Hitchcock 146 0:
Relief to tramps, etc 15 3";
Paid M. M. Larrabee, J. P., costs 8 5(
Paid I. M. Reynolds, J. P., costs 8 5(
Relief to A. McDonald 178 3f
Relief to Frank Hall 9 OS
Relief to Robinson 32 0(
Printing, East Emporium Independent.- 28 0(
Balance on hand 69 OS
$ 605 52
Recapitulation of Poormasters' Accounts.
Cash in hand of D. Murray, ex-Poormaster $69 011
Cash in hand of Fred Reick, Poormaster.. 162 07
Balance due from C. H. Jessop, Collector. 524 31
$755 50
Outstanding orders $ 900
Assets over Liabilities $746 50
J. W. Kriuer to B.Coyle, dated Oct.9th, '95 $6 00
D. Murray to L. K." Huntington, dated
Feb. 28, 1898 3 00
$ 9 00
We the undersigned, Horough Auditors of the
Borough of Emporium, do hereby certify that we
have examined, audited, adjusted and settled the
accounts of the Poormasters of the said borough
and that the foregoing is a true and correct
statement of the same.
Borough Auditor#.
wi' I
The best quality, largest assortment,
I newest, handsomest and most artistic
designs, and prices that are in the
bloom of satisfaction will all be found
in our superb array of Lace Curtains.
I An early inspection will be richly re
-1 warded. Come before the stock has
j been depleted by earlier purchasers.
Ml ill!
E. Blinzler, Agent,
Emporium, Penn'a.
The summer girl and her swell broth
ers who wouldn't think of having their
shirt waists, shirts, dickies, collars or
cuffs done up anywhere but at the
Kane Steam Laundry. Shirt waists
keep their color as well as dainty neg
ligee shirts, crash or linen suits when
done up here. There is an art in our
exquisite laundry work that back num
ber laundries haven't learned yet.
Special ~
0 0 Bargain!)
Having purchased the largest and most
handsome line of those goods I shall
be compelled to cut close to the
cost in order not to carry
any over to another
season. Come quick
and get your
EASELS. Etc.. Etc.
jit is to reclinelat ease on one of our
j superb couches Slumber comes un
; soughtundersuch delightful conditions.
Pieces of furniture like these are as
pleasant to look on as they are to lie on
i and this fact makes them an irresistable
j temptation to repose. Our entire stock
i 's packed full of temptations for that
matter, temptations in parlor and bed
room suits and in every kind of furni
j ture, and unprecedented temptations
|in prices. Some people are always
quoting from somebody, but our favor
ite quotations are figures like these:
Couches, $5, $6, SB, and §lO.
Best Furniture.
We have the largest line ever
exhibited in Cameron comity.
Geo. J. Laßar.