Old Reliable Drug Store. Owing to the very liberal patronage I have had from our people and in view of the hard times I will until MAY Ist,reduce the price of Physicians Prescriptions as follows, viz : All I oz. mixtures, regular price, 20 to 15 All 2 oz. mixtures, reguiar price, 25 to 19 All 3 oz. mixtures, regular price, 35 to 25 All 4 oz. mixtures, regular price, 45 to 30 All 6 oz. mixtures, regular price, 65 to 50 All 8 oz. mixtures, regular price, 85 to 65 And a corresponding on all packages of Powders, Pills, Oint ments Also liberal discount on all Patent Medicines, Baby Foods, Per fumes, Toilet and Fancy Articles and extra liberal discount on Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Atomi zers and Nursing Bottles. I will guarantee my goods to be strictly fresh and equal to any goods in the market. Thirty years experience in the town of Emporium is sullicient evidence of competency. If you wish to .avail yourself of the liberal offer, leave your Physician's Prescriptions and drug trade in general at the OLD RE LIABLE DRUG STORE. L. TA G GART\_ H. C. OLMSTED, AT THE Is still doing business and expects to be whether they strike gas or oil. My stock is complete in every line. - - - - - - Dress Goods. I have the largest and best assortment ever kept by me, which I am selling at VERY CLOSE PRICES. Come and see the beautiful styles in I Ladies Capes and Jackets, cheaper than you can buy the same in the large cities. Also Misses and Children's Jackets. - - My Shoe Department Is well stocked with Ladies, Gentlemen's and childrens wear. Cheaper in price not quality) than any exclusive Shoe House can afford to sell for. - UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY. NOTIONS OF ALL SORTS. It is not necessary to enumerate the many oargains I have for you. Come and see for your selves.- We will take pleasur in showing you them, whether you wish to buy or not. Respectflilly H. C. OLHSTEI) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ X \ \ \ \ / J ROCKWELL'S ; Idk ml / xi Next to Post-office, Emporium, Pa. j / n ; Fancy Stationery, ij * % y Just received the choicest invoice of Fancy y ! ■ Stationery, including Envelopes, Paper 112 and Tourists Pads, || /Toilet and * j Bath Goods. | My line of Toilet and Hath floods includes % / a fine line of Soaps, Ilrushes, Sponges, / etc. / ROCKWELL'S &.\ /DRUG -- STORE,x ✓ ' EMPORIUM, PA, * jj o;Vr\ •$?! P"' " "Mg*2MP goods at medium prices. 0 |lm Examine and let us name you prices. $ W A w ■*&') fit i (O 'rv> x V'- N ~? Our stock of Fall and 112 \\ H Winter Clothing has ar- y fff |p < / rived. In it you will find 0 / /.Iff \ S all the latest cloths. Call (, j li'lfl \ >iV IJ A and examine before line is \^HI |j broken " Wt j| fi We have shirts and lots of them at 8 ||| all prices. Let us show them to you -ind Bi m name our prices. g lip If you want to save money, give us a call, js|i! !||j We defy competition. All goods guaran- Ip] Pi H C. B. HOWARD & CO. iff JUST RECEIVED! ■ "T. jpj, An elegant line of QT T H | ricltw. | The newest styles for Fall and f(M I g Winter. |(|| HOWARD STYLE. HOTTA ALPINE. We would like to inform the people llii-i; Ikjjjjj of Emporium ami vicinity, that we |'Q)J /. V , have taken the agency for the cele 'v, i bra ted Rossraore and Howard Hats, ( ! '^\\ ; as well a? Freeman's "Reliable." We jjWj |i >;j have a rare selection to choose from ( A\ <'yy> and any who desire a neat, stylish ! ffitfjj) hat, will do well to call and see us. m 1 jlWi no patriotic by wearing a patriotic M M| hat. We have them. [ISSJJ |||| GEN. SHAFTER HATS, FITZHUGH LEE HATS. f|j) DEWEY'S "ALPINE STYLE. l|| SCHLEY'S STIFF HATS. |jfi| Also many others of the newest shapes that can't help but please you. * Qlothific). i JOHN J. NI :;i:> CLOTHIER AND MEN S OUTFITTER. Post-offlce, Etnporini^Pa^^^l 5