Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, August 04, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
Business Cards.
11. W. GREEN, _ . _
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35-1 y. Emporium, Pa.
F. D. LEET. .
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls for hemlock and hard
wood timber lands.also stumpage&c., and part ies
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. P. D. LEET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular Res
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Give me a call. 29-8-ly
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
forthe accommodation of the public. New mail
its appointments, every attention willbepaidto
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-1 y
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
F. C. RIECK, I). D. S.,
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa.
Gas and other local anaesthetics ad
ministered for the painless extraction
of teeth.
SPECIALTY:- Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
I will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, and
Sinnemahoning the third Wednesday of each
Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building,
Emporium. Pa.—up stairs. Ollice hours: 7 toy
a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. in.
V J Hon. CHAK. A. MAYER President Judge and
the Hons. B.V. WYKOFF and J. C. BONHAM, As
sociate Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol
the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common
Pleas for the county of Cameron, have issued
their precept bearing date the sth day of March,
A. D., 1898, and to me directed for holding
Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail Delivery,
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court
and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of
Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the sth day of
September, 1898, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and to con
tinue one week.
Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices
of the Peace and Constables within the county,
that they be then and there in their proper per
sons, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and
other rememberances, to do those things which
to their offices appertain to be done. And those
who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute
against them as will be just.
Dated at Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1898,
and in the 122 d year of the Independence of the
United States of America.
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must he
signed by the candidate and paid in advance to
insure publication.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa., April 4th, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., May 7th, 1898.
Editor Press :
Please announce my name as a candidate for
the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to
the decision of the Republican county Conven
Emporium, Pa., June 27, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Treasurer of Cameron County, subject to the
decision of the Republican county convention.
Emporium, Pa., June 28th, IH9B.
For Sale,
English Setter Pups, from three different lit
ters. All thorough reds and some exceptionally
tine specimens among them, from fine hunting
stock. They are guaranteed to piease purchaser,
or no sale.
Arden, N. Y.
Care Arden Farm Dairy Co. 23-2m.
Services Next Sabbath.
Services will be resumed at the
Presbyterian church next Sabbath.
All members of the church and congre
gation are asked to be presnt, and all
others who do not attend services else
where are cordially invited.
XWHEN you see this item mark
ed with an X across its face you
will know that your subscription
is due, or past due. Your name will
be found printed on each copy of the
PRESS, as you receive it and gives the
last date to which you have paid. Our
terms are §2.00 if not paid in advance,
$1.50 in advance. Many, very many,
of our patrons allow their subscrip
tions to run year after year. This we
are unable to stand. It requires
money to purchase paper and pay em
ployes and we must insist upon the
payment of subscriptions due us. We
have been patient, but "patience has
ceased to be a virtue," and Ave now
propose to weed out all those subscri
bers who show no disposition to pay
for their paper. We labor hard to
give the public a good journal and
while a majority of our patrons realize
that fact and pay for it there are hun
dreds who never give the matter a
passing thought, taking it for granted
that we will always seifd them the
PRESS, whether we receive pay or not.
We have had an elegant sufficiency of
that kind of kindness. If you want
this paper pay for it—if you don't
want it, stop it and pay what you owe.
We know money is scarce in this
county, yet we also know that our de
linquents could pay if they desired—a
part at least.
Chicken Thief.
Daniel Britton informs us that he
detected a chap in the aet of stealing
chickens last Sunday night. He de
sires us to state that a well loaded
shot gun awaits any further visits
from these midnight marauders.
Now Don't Forget
That Rockwell's is the place togo
for soda water and ice cream soda for
the reason that the water is boiled and
filtered, then charged with carbonic
acid gas. Syrup jars are solid porce
lain, so there can be no impurities
Ice Cream and Cake.
The Emergency Class of the Presby
terian Sabbath school will serve ice
cream and cake on the lawn between
the Crane block and W. D. White's
residence this Thursday evening, Aug.
4th. The following flavors will be
served: Vanilla, chocolate, peatfh,
carmel and orange ice.
Dr. Ulsh Heard From.
The editor of the PRESS has received
a private letter from Dr. W. H. lllsh.
who is Asst. Surgeon on the U. S. S.
" Yankton," dated Guantonama, Cuba,
Julj- 23. The Dr. is well and writes an
interesting letter. We should like to
publish it, but the regulations are such
that we dare not do it.
Union Sabbath School Convention.
The first annual convention of the
Lumber, Gibson and Grove Union Sab
bath School Association will be held
at Mason Hill, Friday and Saturday,
Aug 12th and 13th. A very interest
ing program has been prepared. The
prominent Sabbath school workers of
the county are down on the program
for addresses.
One Hundred Years Old.
We were reliably informed last week
through John Taylor, of Roulette, that
his father, John E. Taylor, formerly of
Emporium but now living at Leoux,
Minn., had celebrated the one hund
redth anniversary of his birth on June
4th, and was still enjoying fair health,
being able to be up around the house
the greater part of the time. Mr.
Taylor resided at Emporium until
about five years ago when he went
west to live with his daughter in
New Train Service.
We understand that through the
efforts ol Manager John J. Soble, a
through train of parlor, dining and
buffet sleeping cars has been establish
ed on the W. N. Y. & P. Ry., to run
between Port Allegany and Emporium
for the accomodation of the Emporium
Base Ball Club. Those fortunate
enough to secure transportation on
this elegantly equipped train report
the service complete in every detail.
Any one desiring to take advantage
of the conveniences offered by the
early morning train; south-bound,
should consult the late revised time
table, which can be seen at the office
of Mr. A. C. Blum.
The following report was made on
the It. R. register, by the engineer of
train number 1192, which reached Em
porium about two o'clock, Friday
morning July 29th: "Had clear track
and good running, air unusually cool,
passed Port Allegany at 12:50. A large
number of persons, some with crash
suits on, were visible on the platform
at the depot; semaphore showed white
signal." The conductor and brake
men on this train reported much
strong language used about depot at
Port Allegany, while train was passing.
Another "hay-ride" to Sizerville, is
booked for this week.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß.
Life in the Navy Yard.
League Island, Pa. i
Kdtior Press:—
When I left Emporium I promised to
write to the PJIESS. Owing to the fact,
however, that I have not yet gotten to
the front, nor am I liable to, I will
strive to give to the readers of the PKESS
a short account of our mode of life and
duties in the Navy Yard.
The U. S. Marine Corps, though the
oldest military organization in the >
country, is, I think, the least known of I
any branch of the service. Not that !
they are considered as a secondary
branch, as the actions of our brave boys j
in Cuba would refute. The reason is, i
it is the smallest branch in the service, !
numbering, when I enlisted, less than >
3,000 men. Since then, however, the i
number has been rapidly increasing.
When I enlisted they were taking!
nothing but five year men, but now the
enlistment reads "during the war."
I learn from some of my friends that
my reception in Philadelphia became
public through Mr. Landis, Chief
Coiner at the Mint. Of Mr. Landis, I
must say he is a perfect gentleman.
He treated my comrade, Mr. Alfred
Trude, and myself to a courtesy fit for
any true born American citizen, though
I told him I was only a foreigner. He
put himself to a great deal of incon
venience to"put us onto the ropes."
On returning after having enlisted bis
kindness did not then cease. He called
a guide, put us in his care and sent UB
through the Mint. While the other
visitors had to stand on the outside of
the railing, we were taken inside, the
use of each machine explained, and we
were allowed to handle the bright,
shining coins—gold,silver and bronze
new from the stamp. To say we were
overjoyed with Mr. Landis is to express
it tamely. We shall always remember
Mr. Landis as our first Philadelphia
friend. I would also extend my thanks
to Messrs. Johnson & McNarney for
their glowing letter of introduction to
such a man.
However, this is not life at League |
| Island. I will therefore now strive to j
j give a short account of my sojourn j
; here. Our barracks are situated at the !
I gate of the Navy Yard, on South Broad |
! street, about four and a half miles from j
| the public buildings. Tney consist of j
; officers' quarters on west of Broad j
i street and guard house on the east, j
; with the gate between; extending east 1
I from guard house are Mess Hall, j
i Kitchen, Clothing Room, and No. 2
! quarters. At right angles with Mess j
| Hall, south, is No. 1 quarters. At j
j southern end of No. 1 Quarters, at j
: right angles, east, are Colonel Forney's ;
office, First Serg't Rooke's office, bath )
room and library. To fill out the
square, we have canteen, orderly room, |
my carpenter shop and coal shed. At i
the_extreme south of the square and i
facing the back channels the fresh
water basin for storing ships when out
of commission) is our shooting gallery,
; bowling alley and gymnasium. Our
I bugle calls are as follows: 6:15 a. m.,
reveille; 6:35 a. m., roll call; 7:00 a. m.,
breakfast; 7:30, police call; 8:30 guard
mount; 9:00 a. m., drill; 9:30 a rn ,
sick call; 10:00 a. m , inspection; 10:30
a. m., Saturday only, fire quarters;
12:00 m , dinner; 1:00 p. m., drill; 5:00
p. m., supper; sundown, retreats; 9:00
p. m., tattoo; 9:15, taps. Guard duty
lasts twenty-four hours —two on and
four off". Drill lasts one hour in fore
noon and one hour afternoon. Now
do not picture Jim marching up and
down the navy yard with a rifle on his
shoulder. No; no! Picture a little
carpenter shop with Jim presiding and
you've got him.
I have volunteered three times togo
to the front, since I came here. Col.
James Forney, who is at present in
command of the Marine Guard at
Portsmouth, N. H., who are over Car
vera's sailors, was our commander here
until July. He only laughed at me
when I volunteered and said there was
more need for me at League Island
than at the front. I am here for the
summer at least, if not for five years.
Mr. D. D. Alderfer and sons George
j and Clem paid me a pleasant visit and
| we made a tour of the Navy Yard and
; the Marine Quarters. George made
] the remark that our quarters beat
Emery's camp all to pieces. Our
! quarters and mess are all right. I work
! six and one-half hours a day—B:oo a.
! m. till 11:30 a. m., and 1:00 p. in., till
| 4:00 p m. From 4:00 p. m., till 8:00 a. j
| in., lam at liberty togo where I please;
do as I please.
Now, lest the editor and readers !
; alike, get disgusted, I'll quit; with a i
cheer for the Army and Navy of the i
j U. S. A.
; July 25th, 1898.
Finely Equipped Office.
While in Ridgway a few days ago, j
we visited the post-office so ably con- j
' ducted by W. H. Baker and efficient i
j assistants, and certainly was surprised j
to see how elegantly it was arranged j
i for the prompt dispatch of business, j
i The office is located in the business |
j centre of the town and is fitted up in j
; first-class city style, with a modern
; outfit, such as is used in cities of the !
i first-class. It is the best arranged !
i office in this section and has been
made a second-class office by the de- j
partment at Washington. The citizens
of Ridgway certainly realize the fact
that Mr. Baker is giving them first
, class service and is not sparing money
Ito furnish them the best. Ridgway !
and Emporium offices are the best!
! equipped, and, we believe, the best I
j conducted of any between Warren i
I and Williamsport.
Death of Prominent Mason.
Byron F. Ely, a prominent member
of the Masonic fraternity, died at
Ridgway on Monday. His funeral
took place on Wednesday, the services
being conducted by Knapp Command
ery. Ma'iy from Emporium attended.
Odd Fellows Picnic.
The Northern Tier Association of
I. O. O. F. will hold their seventh an
nual meeting at Roulette, Pa, on
Thursday, August *llth, consisting of
basket picnic, ball game, between
Roulette and Emporium, grand civic
parade and bicycle parade, besides
two able addresses by Grand Master,
McKeevers, of Philadelphia and Esau
Loomis Deputy Grand Master, of
West Chester. All baskets and bag
gage will be taken care of by a com
mittee at the train. Good meals will
be served on the groilnds. Half fare
rates have been secured on all rail
roads and special trains, making good
connections at all points, will be run
on the W. N. Y. & P. Splendid time is
assured to all who attend.
Fast Black.
When Henry Graham returned from
a visit on Monday evening, he discov
red that several razors and clippers,
also a fine razor hone, and over ten
dollars in money, were missing from
his barber shop on Broad street. He
immediately had a warrant sworn out
for the arrest of Harry Dale, who had
been employed to take charge of the
shop in Mr. Graham's absence. In
the meantime Dale had boarded Phila
delphia & Erie mail, east, which leaves
at 9:40 j). m., and word was sent to
Renovo to have him arrested on the
train when it reached there. Upon
the arrival of the train at Renovo,
Mr. R. A. Reed, the P. R. R. Co.'s
special officer, took Mr. Dale in custody
and brought him back to Emporium,
on Tuesday morning, where he was
brought before Squire Larrabee, who
after hearing the evidence, bound
Dale 1 ver for his appearance at court,
in the sum of §3OO. In default of bail
he was committed to the tender keep
ing of Sheriff Mundy.
Won by a Score.
Last Thursday's game between the
Port Allegany boys and our own team
was one of the most hotly contested
games ever seen on the Port Allegany
grounds. It was a game "for blood"
and the very flower of the base ball
talent of both towns had been selected
for the contest, a large crowd of spec
tators were present and enthusiasm
ran high.
At 4:20 the game was called Bush
going in the box for Emporium and
Overturf for Port Allegany. Up to
the seventh inning Emporium played
errorless ball, the score at that stage
of the game, registering 2-0 in our
favor, but owing to the failure on the
part of Morgan to trap a ball, thrown
for the purpose of catching a man on
third, which together with his unex
plainable action in refusing to field the
ball caused by his own error allowed
the Port Allegany boys to score twice,
which number was increased to three
before they were retired for that in
With the game standing 3-2 against
us, our boys went to the bat determin
ed to atone for the costly error of the
seventh. Lee got a base on balls and
by successful stealing managed to
reach home, thus tieing the score.
Port Allegany suffered a shut out in
the eighth and as Emporium did the j
the same in the ninth the score stood I
3-3 with Port Allegany at the bat j
Bush struck out two men but a wild j
throw by Lee let Page, who was on |
third, in home, and for the first time 1
in the history of its games with Em- 1
porium, Port Allegany was aknowl- !
edged the victor. Score—3-4.
Batteries:—Port Allegany, Overturf!
and Cavenaugh. Emporium, Bush, j
Mumford and Lee.
Died on the Train.
On Wednesday evening, Jacob
Werkman, accompanied by his daugli- j
ter, boarded Niagara Express at Round j
Island intending togo to his home at |
Johnsonburg. Mr. Werkman was very ;
ill when he got on the train and seemed j
to be suffering great pain. As the j
train pulled into Emporium junction j
he grew suddenly worse and fell back I
in his seat in a dying condition. The j
railroad officials telephoned Dr. Bard- I
well to meet the train at the upper j
depot, which he did, but upon exam
ination pronounced life extinct, and
the remains were removed to the
bagge car and placed on a stretcher.
Deceased was sixty years old and
formerly superintended the lath mill
at Cameron, Pa.
Be sure you read E. M. Hurteau's j
big auction "ad" in this issue. I
Appeal to Cameron County.
The associated society of the Red
Cross, of Philadelphia, has, during the
present war and the distress in Cuba,
which preceded the breaking out of
hostilities between our country and
Spain, been actively engaged in its
humanitarian work of ministering to
the necessities of the men in the field
and of the suffering Cubans. It has
sent many articles of comfort, even of
life saving importance to our troops in
their various camps, sometimes in
response to the most touching appeals;
the appeal came and the society was
ready. It has besides made a large
number of shipments of goods, pro
visions, clothing and medicines to the
Cubans. In all its work it has been
nobly upheld, notably by the people of
I Philadelphia, but also by those of other
I parts of the State and of New Jersey.
During the blockade and siege of
Santiago, one branch of its ministra
tion was necessarily suspended, but
the society was not idle, stores con
tinued to be received, money to be
collected. Among other things the
equipment of a field ambulance and
hospital service has been undertaken,
and already has so far proceeded as to
be properly regarded as an accom
plished fact, and the society will be
able to put into the field six ambulances
with their proper appurtenances and a
properly equipped field hospital.
The fall of Santiago re opens the
opportunity for merciful work in Cuba.
The society has already made arrange
ments to forward several tons of stores
which have only been waiting a chance
to be sent, and has appropriated in
addition to this shipment, $1,200. But
this is but a drop in the ocean of
suffering. More must be done. The
society proposes, therefore to charter
a steamer to sail from Philadelphia
about August 15th, to convey the
ambulance corps and equipment to the
front and to load the vessel with stores,
such as soldiers may need and which
the Government does not provide, and
with clothing, food and medicine and
such other things as may be required
by those wretched, suffering people
whom we encourage to resist Spain
and to make a struggle for liberty, and
whose suffering has been fearfully and
necessarily enhanced by the war upon
which we have entered.
The society, therefore, appeals to
what has never been appealed to in
vain—to the grand old heart of Penn
sylvania, the grand old Commonwealth
whose foundations were laid in love to
man, irrespective of race -and asks for
contributions of goods and money to
enable it to carry out its project, to
save lives, to relieve suffering, to feed
the starving, to clothe the naked.
The society makes this appeal in all
confidence. Pennsylvania has never
failed when called upon in the name
of patriotism and humanity. She will
not fail now.
Large and small contributions of
Salt pork, corned beef in barrel, cod
fish, hard cured; mackerel in kits,
smoked beef and hams, bacon, canned
salmon, smoked sausage, Indian or
corn meal, flour, oatmeal, cracked
oats, wheat in any forms, barley.
Canned vegetables of all kinds.
Canned fruits of all kinds.
Dried fruits, such as apples, prunes,
apricots, etc., and dried corn.
Barrels of onions, potatoes, beans,
rice, salt and ship biscuit.
Beef extracts, bovinine, etc.; soups.
Malted milk, condensed milk (Eagle
brand, or other high grade), evapor
ated cream.
Wines, grape juice, lime juice, clam
bouillon, raspberry vinegar, coffee,
tea, cocoa, and general groceries,
jellies, preserves and jams.
Disinfectants of every description,
Quinine pills and general drugs, oint
ments, salves, Phenol sodique, gauze
of all kinds, absorbent cotton, surgical
antiseptics, general hospital stores,
Bedclothing for hospitals, pajamas
for soldiers, canvas and carpet slippers
for use in hospital, mosquito netting,
palm leaf fans, towels, absorbent and
Turkish, soft, handkerchiefs, bandana
very desirable.
Clothing, new, suitable for summer
wear, made as plainly as possible, for
children of 5 years and upwards, and
women and men
Contributions in money may be sent
to William Hill, Treasurer, No. 308
Walnut street, Philadelphia; contribu
tions of stores addressed to the Asso
ciated Society of the Red Cross, 1501
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Death of firs. Robert Alorrison.
Robert Morrison, died at Beecliwood,
on Tuesday, Aug. 2d, 1898, in her 63d
year. The funeral will be held on
Thursday, (to-day) at 10:30 a.m., at
Beecliwood school house. Mrs. Mor
rison has been a great sufferer for two
or three years. The bereaved husband
and family have lost a beloved wife
and mother.
Death of a Former Emporiunvte.
Mrs. Paulina Russell, of Otsego,
Mich., died on July 27, 1898. The de
ceased,daughter of Judge Seneca Free
man and sister of Mrs. J. F. Parsons,
formerly resided in Emporium and ;
will be pleasantly remembered by our j
oldest citizens. She lived to the good |
old age of 80 years.
Another Change.
There has been another change in
the Parish appointment of the
lie church, at this place. Rev. Lo. la .
lian, owing to ill-health, returns to
Clarendon and Rev. Downey of Tidi
oute, comes to Emporium. The Rev.
gentleman arrived in Emporium las!
evening. t
TERMS: $2.00 —Sr. 50 IN ADVANCE.
rSisi ! I!'!'!
1111! I
This is the Brand,
(••j The Miller planned
To be the finest in the land.
<*)•> • c
Now East and West,
IjJj His skill attest, £'*,
(••j And Pillsbury's Beet leads
(••J all the rest.
t® (••>
g2j If the inscription on [•*;
(••) (•»,
vonr sack of flonr is like <•«»
(••) the above, yon have the
"*> (•«;
(I«j best flonr in the world
(**> (••»
;£•} and ought to have the [£•'
, 1 - T, • • **.•
best bread. Better .OOK
(9») („.)
(®Oj 1 • • r (<!•»
(•®) and see. and if not, <ro at
IV.\ once to j:
<••) t »»-
(•«) («•
r, day's
and procure a sack ot
World Famous,
»« Pillsbury's Best.
■ ® *j j (««)
~,, ~ , (•*>
<»•) 1 nere are otners, but (••>
(••) (•*•■
!!!> none so good. [JJJ
(••) " K(
23 Fourth St.,
22 Emporium, Pa. gj*
\ \ N N \ V \. V \ \ \ \»>"
I h
% OF
/ /
< FULL LENGTH, , jj 11 <
{ At the same price yon pay for &
/ light weight, cheap goods. z
% >
/\ x \ X V \ \ x s S S \ X
p =
„, At t ' K 1 ' ling of the Presbyterian
11111 1 011 . 1 nd;l j. morn j n g next, Mi^
I U U Kn -ford, of Olean, wiJi fie
I prebc.nt . m | f avor the congregation
! w! • 1 om i 0 f her excellent solos. Mi**,
j niw *rd bears an enviable reputation
I*' ' vocalist. Miss Minnie Bargelt.wh'
j ,s xiome from Buffalo on a vacation
: also be with the choir.
Every One Drinks Beer.
j Especially when they can procure
j such a fine flavored root beer as is
1 kept on tap at Rockwell's, ft j., - ln
j excellent tonic and very invigoratino
fchis hot weather.
NO. 23.