Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 28, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Additional Local News.
The tax collectors have posted their
annual notices.
The delightful showers on Monday
were very thankfully received.
Near one of the juvenile forts down
town is this sign: "Keep off the grass;
its Dewey."—Phila. Record,
Friday afternoon prayer meeting at
Mrs. Joseph Newton's on Fifth street
at 2:00 o'clock. Sisters, please come.
Pretty girls are employed as con
ductors on the street cars in Chillicothe,
Ohio. The young men of the town are
not riding cycles as much as they were.
Sanctioned bicycle races will be held
upon the Westport bicycle track,
August 11th. Riders desiring to com
pete may obtain application blanks of
Dr. J. K. Gilmore, Westport, Pa.
A personal item in last week's PRESS,
relative to the visit of Mrs Ryan and
others at Bellfast, N. Y., should,
have been credited to MeKean Miner.
Our sedate friend Olson will pldase
accept our apology.
If any of our readers can spare the
time for a trip to the Sea Shore this
season, they will have the opportunity
togo 011 Pennsylvania Railroad Excur
sion, Thursday, August 4th.
"Out of this war," predicts General
Benjamin Harrison, ex-President, "will
come increased prosperity and a more
united people, possessed of a mighty
power that will insure protection and
safety for all time."
The Pennsylvania Railroad will con
tinue to pay its employes by checks,
though under the revenue law it will
cost them over SI,OOO a month for
stamps, as something over 50,000
stamps will be used.
The rates for Pennsylvania Railroad
Excursion to the Sea Shore on Thurs
day, August 4th, allow Atlantic City
passengers togo either via Market
Street Wharf, Philadelphia, or via the
Delaware River Bridge Route without
Nearly a hundred Emporiumites at
tended the game of base ball at St.
Marys, last Sunday. The game was
between Emporium and St. Marys
teams but,by the intervention of Provi
dence, only one inning was played.
We are glad to hear that the Emporium
nine will refuse to play ball on the Sab
bath hereafter. By adhering to this
resolution they will receive the support
of our citizens—otherwise not.
It is understood in political circles
that Hon. C. W. Stone has decided to
nominate Hon. 11. H. North, as post
master for Bradford. Mr. North says
he has received no notice of his nomi
nation, but certain Republicans who
are on the inside, claim that they have
known for two weeks past that Mr.
North would receive the appointment.
The commission of Postmaster Ossen
beck expires August I.—Bradford Era.
A Proposed Extension.
W. L. Malin, of Bellefonte, repre
senting the Central Pennsylvana
Telephone and Supply Company, has
been in Ridgway several days con
ferring with Manager Erdman in re
gard to the advisibility of extending
the company's lines to Emporium.
These two gentlemen have been over
the ground thoroughly between Ridg
way and Emporium, and are giving
the matter much consideration. The
citizens of Emporium are anxious for
such an extension of the lines, and on
the surface the enterprise looks as if it
would be a paying one.
Connections would be made with the
several towns along the route, and
thus much extra territory would be
available to those already using
The company is also thinking of
extending a new line to Johnsonburg,
and putting in an exchange there
similar to the one at Ridgway. These
improvements would be very much
appreciated by the people of Ridgway,
as well as those situated in other parts
of the country.
The company already have lines ex
tending to almost every township, in
cluding connections with the long dis
tance telephone lines. Although this
last feature is a great benefit in a com
mercial sense, the addition of any new
lines would be something very much
needed and doubtless would be much
If the company decides to make
these improvements in the near future
and it now looks as if it would be a
paying venture, an increase in business
would probably be the result on the
lines already in operation. The addi
tion of an exchange at Johnsonburg
would greatly facilitate business, and
enable better and quicker connections
with all parts of the county.—Ridgway
If you want to Sell Anything,
If you want to Buy Anything,—
If you want a Tenant.
Advertise in the PRESS
Rich Valley Notes.
Mrs. William Carter is quite sick !
Berries, berry pickers and rattle
snakes aro plenty.
Murdick McNeil had the misfortune j
to cut his foot quite badly a week ago.
A. O. Swartwood and famny visited j
at Smethport a couple of days last
C. L. Woodward, of Phillipsville,
made a short visit at Nelson Lewis'
last week.
Morris Lewis is very sick at present
writing and there is but little hopes of
his recovery.
We had a refreshing shower Sunday
afternoon for which we are very thank
ful for it was very much needed. In
the upper end of the valley there was a
severe hail storm, breaking window
lights and doing other damage.
There are several cases of mumps in
the valley at present. Robert McMan
nus is very sick with them, and several
others are afflicted. ADINA.
July 25, 1898.
Sinnemahoning News.
G. B. Barclay visited Lock Haven
last week and purchased a fine team of
Jones' show gave an entertainment
(?) here one night last week and was
well patronized—bald heads occupy
ing front seats.
S. S. Miller, of Driftwcod, was in
town last week taking in the big mill
and all the side shows and perhaps get
ting political pointers from Joe M.and
other congenial spirits.
E. E. Shaw, whose house was de
stroyed by (ire, has decided to move
back to his old home at Holton, Me.
"Buckley",has been one of our most re
spected citizens for several years and
both he and his estimable wife have
many warm friends here who will
much regret this loss to our commu
nity, but as they are bound to be pa
triotic and "remember the Maine" of
their youths, the best, wishes of a host
of friends will follow them.
Si/.erville News Budget.
Paddy Flynn is porter at the hotel.
Mrs. Ent and little daughter, of
Ridgway, Pa., are trying the medical
The Maccabees aro papering their
hall and otherwise improving it.
A jolly party from Emporium made
the woods ring 011 Friday night last.
They were transported here on a load
of hay
H. 0. Crawford is engaged in bark
peeling on his recent purchase of tim
ber. Many from Bailey Run are assist
-1 ing him.
The autumn leaves began to appear
'til the heavy rain gave them a drink,
but now they assume a different hue.
W. 11. Sizer was appointed tax col
| lector for this township for the ensuing
E. N. Fairchild who has been lying
seriously ill for some time is slowly re
covering under the able treatment of
Drs. Smith and Heilman. We hope to
soon see him on deck again.
Candidates for the several county
offices are beginning to loom up with
the hearty hand shake and smile.
John Doll claims to have the finest
field of wheat in Cameron county. He
says it will go 75 bushels to the acre.
We have not measured it.
Mr. C. J. Goodnough was on our
streets on Sunday last. Jay has a driv
ing rig he can well feel proud of.
We were amused to see how the
other porter hitched up a team on Sun
day. Got the nigh horse on the
wrong side, much to the chagrin of the
Some of our wealthy ones contem
plate a trip to Chautauqua instead of
Santiago. OLD KIT.
The Sun
may shine brightly and the birds may
sing their sweetest songs, but if your
stomach is not right there is 110 happi
ness for you. Keep a bottle of Dr.
j Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in the house
and use it according to directions and
the sun and birds will not shine and
sing in vain. Constipation and indi
gestion cured. Trial size 10c (10 doses)
and in 50c and SI.OO bottles. Of L.
Taggart. [ juiy |
"Echo Answers."
Who goes to the trouble and expense
of yetting pure water for his customers?
Metzger, of course—his soda water is the
only tiling it i» safe to drink this hot
weather, except Ambrosia.
For Sale.
A team of heavy black Morgan mares,
six years old, for sale.
Ciias. FRY,
Emporium, Pa.
Just Specify It.
You can have your soda made with
Sizerville mineral water if you want it—
Metzger's, of course ; he keeps it :it his
No Griping or X J ains.
Arrowsmith, 111., Jan. 23, 1897.
Dear Sirs:—l have been bothered for
10 years with constipation and I have
tried many preparations during that
time. I commenced using Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin in the fall of 1895,
and unhesitatingly say it is the best
remedy I have ever found for my
j trouble. No griping or pains alter
taking. Yours, etc., WM. HURT.
: Of L. Taggart. [ july ]
Niagara Falls Excursion, Sunday. August 7th.
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry. will run one
of their popular low rate excursions to
Niagara Falls, Sunday, August 7th.
Special train will leave Emporium at
8:00 a. m., arriving at Buffalo sit 11:45
a. 111., Niagara Falls, 12:30 p. m. Fare,
Returning, special train will leave
Niagara Falls at 7:44 p. m., Buffalo,
8:30 p. m. Tickets also good for return
011 regular trains Monday, August Bth.
Do not miss this outing.
Reduced Kates to Saratoga via Penn
sylvania Railroad, account Meeting
of Young People's Christian Union,
U. P. Church.
For the Young People's Christian
Union, United Presbyterian Church, to
be held at Saratoga, August 3 to 8, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets from points on its
line to Saratoga at rate of" tingle fare
for the round trip. Tickets will be sold
August 2 and 3, good to return August
3 to 10, or by depositing ticket with
Joint Agent return limit may bo ex
tended to August 31, 18C8. 1041 It
Reduced Rates via Pennsylvania Rail
For the United Brethren Camp Meet
ing at Mt. Gretna, Pa., August 2 to 11,
isiiH, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany will sell excursion tickets from
all points 011 its system east of (but not
including) Pittsburg and Erio, and west
of and including Philadelphia, to Mt.
Gretna and return at reduced rates.
These tickets will be sold July 31 to
August 11 inclusive, good to return
until August 20, 1898, inclusive. For
specific rate, conditions, &c., apply to
nearest ticket agent. [ 1040 It
Low-Rate Excursion to Atlantic City,
Etc., via Pennsylvania Railroad.
August 4 is the date of the next low
rate ten-day excursion from Erie, Troy,
Bellefonte, Williamsport, Mocanaqua,
Sunbury, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and
principal intermediate stations (includ
ing stations 011 branch roads), to Atlan
tic City, Capo May, Ocean City, Sea
Isle City, Avalon, Anglesea, Wildwood,
or Holly Beach, via Pennsylvania Rail
Excursion tickets, good to return by
regular trains within ten days, will be
sold at very low raten. Tickets to At
lantic City "will be sold via the Delaware
River Bridge Route, the only all-rail
line, or via Market Street Wharf, Phila
For information in regard to specific
rates and time of trains consult hand
bills, or apply to agents, or E. S. Har
rar, Division Ticket Agent, Williams
! port, Pa. [ 1040 22 It
Sunday Excursion to Portage Falls.
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry. will run
Special Excursion Trains to Portage
\ Falls, Sunday, July 3d, 17th, 31st, Aug
l lth and 28th.
Trains will leave Emporium, at 8:00
a. m.. Fare for the round trip SI.OO.
The Portage excursions proved very
enjoyable for the public,and successful
for the company, last season, and no
doubt will this season. Passengers are
allowed six hours at Portage in which
to view the beauties of Glen Iris.
Visit the Historic Indian Council
House and other points of interest and
return home at a seasonable hour.
There are excellent hotels at Portage
or you can take your lunch. Remem
ber the dates. 17-10t.
Low-Rate Excursion, via Pennsylva
nia Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has selected the following dates for its
popular ten-day excursions to Niagara
Falls from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and
Washington: July 21, August 4 and 18,
and September 1,15, and 29. An expe
rienced tourist agent and chaperon will
accompany each excursion.
Excursion tickets, good for return
passage on any regular train, exclusive
of limited express trains, within ten
days, will be sold at $lO from Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Washington, and all
points on the Delaware Division; $9.60
from Lancaster; $8 50 from Altoonaand
Harrisburg; $6.90 from Sunbury and
Wilkesbarre; $5.75 from Williamsport;
and at proportionate rates from other
points A stop-over will be allowed at
Buffalo, Rochester, and Watkins re
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will be run with
each excursion.
Tickets for a side trip to the Thousand
Islands (Alexandria Bay) will be sold
from Rochester, good to return to Roch
ester or to Canandaigua via Syracuse
within live days, at rate of $5 50.
For time of connecting trains and
further information apply to nearest
ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
[ 1014-20-6 w 1
Worth Knov/inpt.
Thousands have found a friend in
Bacon's Celery King. If you have
never used this specific for the prevail
ing maladies: dyspepsia, liver com
plaint, rheumatism, costiveness, nerv
ous exhaustion, nervous prostration,
sleeplessness, and all diseases arizing
from derangement of ttie stomach,
liver and kidneys, we will give you a
package of this nerve tonic free. Large
packages 50c. and 25c. R. C. Dodson.
How to Cure a. Cold.
Simply take Otto's Cure. Wo know
of its astonishing cures and that it will
stop a cough quicker than any other
known remedy. If you have Asthma,
Bronchitis, Consumption or any dis
ease of the throat and luugs, a few
doses ot this great remedy will surprise
I you. If you wish to try, call at our
storo and we will furnish you a simple
bottle. Large bottle 5Cc and 25c. R.
C. Dodson. 33-14ly
Are you Troubled with Dyspepsia?
If so, do not neglect until It. is too late this
opportunity of rinding yourself of this trou
ble, I>r. l-'enner's Dyspepsia Cure, as the
name Implies, is simply for Dyspepsia and
Indigestion. This is a preparation long and
successfully used In private practice by one
of America's best qualified physicians, who
Is an accepted authority on all medical ques
tions. If not satislied after usingono bottle
your money will bo refunded by
R. C. Dodson.
Bucklens Arnica Salve.
The best Salve in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction or money refunded. Price 25
cents a box. For sale bv L. Taggart.
The recent census showed 62,000
Protestants among the 31,000,000 peo
ple of Italy.
Thousands of persons have been
cured by piles by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and
cures eczema and all skin diseases. It
gives immediate relief. R. C. Dod
son. 45-ly
I have always been a quarter of an
hour before my time and it has made a
man of me. —Nelson.
Bob Moore, ofLaFayette, Ind., says
that for constipation he has found De-
Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect.
They never gripe. Try them for stom
ach and liver troubles. R. C. Dodson.
It is a vain endeavor to make our
selves what we are not that has strewn
history with so many broken purposes
and lives left in the rough.—Lowell.
Win your battles against disease by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results.
When taken early it prevents con
sumption. And in lator stages it furn
ishes prompt relief. 11. C. Dodson.
Modern needles are said to have
come into use in 1545.
E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Tex ,
writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve was worth §SO to him. It
cured his piles of ten years standing.
He advises others to try it. It also
cures eczema, skin diseases and obstin
ate sores. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly
The 12 Atlantic cables now in use
represent a total capital of about $85,-
Sick headache, biliousness, constipa
tion and all liver and stomach trouules
can he quickly cured by using those
famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. They are pleasant
to take and nnver gripe. R. C. Dod
son. 45-ly
In the first five months of 1898 more
rain fell in Kansas than during the
whole of last year.
"Last summer one of our grandchil
dren was sick with a severe bowel
trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of
Frederickstown, Mo. " Our doctor's
remedies had failed; then we tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy
relief." For sale by L. Taggart. jy
Be a whole man at anything; whole
man at study, in work, in play.—
Joseph Garney.
The editor of the Evans City, Pa.,
Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough
Cure is rightly named. It cured my
children after all other remedies fail
ed." It cures coughs, colds and all
throat and lung troubles. R. C. Dod
son. 45-ly
Berlin has a service of dinner carts
which call at the homes of workingmen
and the factories.
"I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
is the finest preparation on the market
for piles." So writes John C. Dunn,
of Wheeling, W. Va. Try it and you
will think the same. It also cures
eczema and all skin diseases. R. C.
Dodson. 45-ly
Economy is half the battle of life. It
is not so hard to earn money as to
spend it well.—Spurgeon.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup is the
best known remedy for Consumption,
Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and
Chest Troubles. Every bottle is guar
anteed. It is the best remedy for chil
dren. 25 and 50c. L. Taggart.
Window plants in Germany are often
watered with cold tea or coffee. The
effects are said to be beneficial.
The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa.,
says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
the best pills he ever used in his family
during forty years of housekeeping.
They cure constipation, sick headache,
and stomach and liver troubles. Small
in size but great in results. It O. Dod
son. 45-ly
The Indian crocodile is a dangerous
and ferocious animal, and causes
great destruction to human life, espe
cially in lower Bengal.
Everyone who has diphtheria, croup,
quinsy, catarrh or sore throat, can pos
itively and speedily be cured by
Thompson's Diphtheria 28-ly
Experiments with oil fuel are being
made for the first time by the British
Admiralty on the torpedo boat Surly
at Portsmouth.
You may hunt the world over and
you will not find another medicine
equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com
plaints. It is pleasant, safe and reli
able. For sale by L. Taggart. jv
Clothing made of paper is not very
new, after all, for Pompelian excava
tions have revealed shoes made of
There is 110 remedy equal to Herbine
for the cure of constipation, sick head
ache, indigestion, vertigo, loss of mem
ory, uncertain appetite, unrestful sleep
or skin eruptions. If you want a per
fect tonic for the liver, Herbine will not
disappoint you. L. Taggart.
Venezuela has an enormous territory,
claiming 632,000 square miles of area.
It is about as large as Alaska and
Ballard's Snow Liniment is the most
penetrating Liniment in the world. It
cures pain and inflammation of all
kinds quicker than any other known
remedy. Price 50c. Every bottle guar
anteed. L. Taggart.
"Let me kiss your Dewey lips,"
urged the man in the parlor. "Young
man!" roared a voice from above, "the
bombardment will open as soon as I
can get down stairs." The hapless
youngster organized himself into a
flying squadron and made a fleet dis
The n-.ost successful throat remedy in
the world is Armstrong's Diphtheria
and Quinsy Drops. Sold by druggista
R. C. Dodson. 6-lys.
J. A. Fisher,
Horse i
Broad Street, Emporium, Pa.
Fine Clothing:
' fitf
MAN has'or ought tohaveaneye
J? on his attire. t-'ine Clothing is the uni-
O form of success and prosperity. Every
man seeks to look his best. He must have a good
tailor to help him do it. We claim first place in
hat line and having opened our
Elegant Line of Summer
We are now ready to serve our customers with
the latest in models of clothes.
i U /&M |
i : If t
m? ml hi
m 112
-\\ i | r
The best quality, largest assortment,
newest, handsomest and most artistic
designs, and prices that are in the
bloom of satisfaction will all be found
in our superb array of Lace Curtains.
An early inspection will be richly re
warded. Come before the stock has
been depleted by earlier purchasers.
They overcome Weakness, Irrejaru
*l larit v and omlsiiiontsincrease vigor
■■BBfJL and Imnitth " pains of inenntrua
lion." They are •• Klfe Si»v«i*n"
to girls at womanhood, aiding cle
velopnient of organs and bodj*. No
. ScmP-.- ■ known remedy for women equals
th»* n ». Cannot «io harm—life he
i.V "inill l! Mold l»y *
v x<SS2i£B»> atoTT chemical fio.,<i.- r fiu.i.o.
For sale by R. C. Dodson.
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
| | Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O* Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and SI.OO.
Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price
HlUl'll KEYS' BED. CO., 11l Jt 113 William St., New York.
Sold by The Atlantic RefiniDg Company
Meldrum &
Anderson Co.
The American Block.
MTJP'F'A. J,(), X. Y.
About Our Book
and Stationery Department.
We solicit mail orders for books and stationery
We will gladly quote you our prices at anytime
for any book or books published, and we can
always supply you with the best writing paper
and stationery at veiy low prices. We do card
engraving in the best form for much less than
usual prices.
Quo Vadis, the authorized and unabridged
edition, cloth binding, illustrated,soc., postage 12c
The same in pa per covers 18c.. postage 7c.
1 he Prince of the House of David, new edition,
cloth, illustrated, 19c, postage 6c.
Ihe Prince of the House oI David, new edition,
cloth, illustrated, 19c. postage 6c.
The Beth Book, by Sarah Grand, published at
$1.50, our price Jl.lOc, postage 12c.
■ The Story of an untold I.ove, by Paul Leicester
! Ford, published at $1.25, onr price 95c.. postage 3c.
Corleone, by F. Marion Crawford, 2 vols. Si lo
| postage 17c.
I The Seats of the Mighty, by Gilbert Parker
$1.20, postage, 11c.
The Choir Invisible, by James Lane Allen, pub
i 11 shed at $1.50, our price, $1.15 postage He.
t ' le Chautauqua Hooks, for course 1898, 5 vo T s.
j HSO the set, expressage 25c.
1 elonbet s Notes on the International Sunday
School Lessons for 189S, 85c, postage 12c.
Subscriptions for all magazines and periodicals
are received at publishers' rates.
Our "Swan Vellum," and "Swan Satin'' art
high-class writing papers, made in four sizes
"Joseph" and "Billet"sizes, 10c bo* of 5 quires.
Envelopes to correspond, -tOc box of 125.
"Octavo" size, 50c. a box; envelopes 50c.
Our "Swan Everwyn" and "Swan Feather"
are smooth and rough linen papers made only in
octavo and commercial sizes, ruled and plane, 30c
and 35c the 5 quire packets, envelopes 7c and 8c
Swan Seconds" in octavo and commercial
sizes, ruled and plain, 18c pound packet, envelopes
5c and 6c a packet.
Papeteries of new square shaped paper and
envelopes in fashionable tints, azure, heliotrope,
cream and mazarin 1.5 c box, worth 20c, postage Bc.
The same in larger size 20c. worth 30c, postage
Papeteries of initial paper with envelopes, all
initials, new and beautiful, all colors 40c box,
worth 50c.
The same illuminated • in! gold and colors
square paper 55c box, worth 75c.
Card Engraving.
Plate and 50 cards for £1.25, postage 6c. En
graving address line 30c extra.
50 cards from your own plate 55c, postage oc.
100 cards from your own plate 95c, pvstage l'c.
Specimens of engraving and sizes of cards f< r
warded on application.
Monograms and address dies Mink from $1 r o
upwards. Stamping in any color r ,Cc tor i;o
sheets, or 80c in gold and silver.
The American Block.
■/ / // / / />/ / / / / / / /
| Bottlimj Worlds;
B S. D. MCDONALD, Prop. is
W k
BNear P. & E. Depot, Emporium, Pa.
jp Best brands of iS
£ Manufacturer of Soft Drinks and dealer S
|S in choice Wines and pure Liquors
P £
I, Having- assumed the manage- £
v ment of this popular bottling r
jp establishment I desire to assure ?
c the public that no pains will be N
r spared to keep only the best
goods and fill all the wants of jS
& my patrons. Private families \j
jj* served daily if desired. jvj
/ / / Z7 /
£ The Plate to Buy Cheap )
\ J. F. PARSONS. |
| and JOI! Lj