Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 28, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    OH IN DM SU.
Owing to the very liberal patronage I have had
from our people and in view of the hard
times I will until MAY Ist,reduce the price of
Physicians Prescriptions as follows, viz :
All I oz. mixtures, regular price, 20 to 15
All 2 oz. mixtures, reguiar price, 25 to 19
All 3 oz. mixtures, regular price, 35 to 25
All 4 oz. mixtures, regular price, 45 to 30
All 6 oz. mixtures, regular price, 65 to 50
All 8 oz. mixtures, regular price, 85 to 65
And a corresponding reduction on
all packages of Powders, Pills, Oint- |
inents Also liberal discount on all I
Patent Medicines, Baby Foods, Per- j
fumes, Toilet and Fancy Articles and
extra liberal discount on Fountain
Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Atomi- j
zers and Nursing Bottles.
I will guarantee my goods to be !
strictly fresh and equal to any goods
in the market.
Thirty years experience in the town j
of Emporium is sufficient evidence of j
competency. If you wish to avail j
yourself of the liberal offer, leave
your Physician's Prescriptions and j
drug trade in general at the OLD RE
Is still doing business and expects to be
whether the? «trik« sas or oil. My stock
is complete in every line. - • • • • •
Dress Goods.
I have the largest and best assortment
ever kept by me, which I am selling at
Come and see the beautiful styles in
Ladies Capes and Jackets, cheaper than
you can buy the same in the large cities.
Also Misses and Children's Jackets. - -
My Shoe Department
la well stocked with Indies, Gentlemen's
and Childrens wear. Cheaper in price
not quality) than any exclusive Shoe
House can afford to sell for. ... t
It is not necessarj' to enumerate the many I
aargains I have for you. Come and see for your- |
selves. We will take pleasur in showing you j
them, whether you wish to buy or not.
\V\N\ \ \ N N \ \A-V/ |
'> !
Next to I'ost-office, Emporium, Pa. '
./ i®
| Fancy Stationery. |
\>y Just received the choicest invoice of Fancy % i
'% Stationery, including Envelopes, Paper j
ami Tourists Pads, |
(Toilet and ji
s ?!
5 Bath Goods. !
My line of Toilet and Hath Goods includes
/ a fine line of Soaps, Brushes, Sponges, '■/,
/ etc.
r, ' X
112 DRUG -- STORE,/
/ /
Y %
/\ \ \ X \ \ \ \ \ N \\
Emporium, Pa., July 13, 1898.
NEMOPHILA, per sack, $1 40
Graham, " 70
Rye ** 65
Buckwheat. 44
Patent Meal. 44 40
Coarse Meal, per 100, 90
Chop Feed, 14 90
Middlings 44 90
Bran, 44 90
Corn, per bushel. SO
White Oats, per nushel 10
Choice Clover Seed, ")
Choice Timothy Seed, | At Market Prices
Choice Millet Seed. i At -* ,arket 1 rlces -
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, j
Contribution* invited. That which you would
like to see in thin department, let us know by pot-
I tal card, letter, or personally.
John Coyle visited St. Marys on
: Monday.
Michael Evers, of Beechwood, was a
j PRESS visitor on Tuesday.
Clarence Miller, of Mason Hill, was
| seen on our streets Saturday.
Dr. V. K. Corbet, of Driftwood, was
; visiting in Emporium Monday evening.
Mrs. L. Lucore, and Miss Sizer, of
| Sizerville, visited in town on Monday.
S. S. Conover, the W. N. Y. & I'. Ry.
> detective, was in Emporium on Tues
C. D. Osterhout, of Ridgway, made
a business trip to Emporium on Mon
Attorney F. E. Baldwin, of Austin,
was a guest at the Warner House on
[ Geo, Crawford visited the boys in
I town yesterday. He never calls on.
| the girls,
Mrs. D. H. Lamb, tif Galeton, passed !
| Sunday in Emporium, guest of Mrs. G.
j F. Balcom.
N. R. Covel, of Sizerville, found
time to come to town on Monday, for
a little While.
H. C. Crawford, of Sizerville, left
Monday evening on a business trip to
South Carolina.
Associate Judge Wykoff, ofCameron
county, was in town on Tuesday.—
Renovo Record.
Dan'l Drew, Asst. Supt. of Pruden
tial Insurance Co., of Ridgway, was in
town on Monday.
Mrs. Josiah Howard returned last
Friday from visiting in New York City
and other places.
Mr. O. B. Schew and family, of Buf
falo, N. Y., are the guests of Mrs. J. S.
Wiley and family.
Mrs. Dr. Borden and child, of Shen
andoah, Pa., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Howard.
Geo. Bennett has decided to remain
in Emporium and has accepted a posi
tion in Howard's mill.
Mrs. Geo. Herrick, of St. Marys is
guest of Cashier Whiting and family,
on West Allegany avenue.
Mr. Coon, of Philadelphia, rcpre- j
senting the Disston Saw Works, was !
in Emporium over Sunday.
Mr. Oral Bartron, accompanied by j
his sister Ada, of Austin, visited Em- j
porium friends over Sunday.
Miss Rebecca Levenson, of New
York City, is guest of her sister, Mrs.
P. Saperstone, at this place.
Our old friend I. A. Hirsch contin
ues in poor health and is confined to
his residence most of the time.
Mrs. Chas. Seger and son Harold
left Tuesday morning to visit friends
at Blanchard, Pa., for a few days.
Ed. S. Morse has been presented, by
his wife, with a bouncing girl baby.
Grand-pa Beattie smiles all over.
Miss Edith and Robt. Ott, of Wil- j
liamsport, are guests of their sister, j
Mrs. R. H. Hirsch, on Fifth street.
Miss Florence Jewell, of Machiaa, N. |
Y., is guest of her little friends Jean i
and Joe McNurney, on Maple street. j
Duncan McDonald, we regret to 1
learn, is very poor in health again and ;
his friends are greatly concerned j
about him.
Win. Howard, of Williamsport, was j
in town Monday and Tuesday, attend- j
ing to his duties as Receiver of Mankey
Furniture Company.
James M. Davison, Supt. ofSinna- |
mahoning & Grove Run R. R., came ;
up to Emporium on Sunday to visit ;
friends between trains.
Harrison Lupole, one of the oldest
and most esteemed citizen of Gibson
towhship, was visiting in town yester
day. He was en route to Potter
I county to visit his daughter.
We are glad to see our friend W. R.
McNeil, able to be out again. The
Reverend gentleman has a warm place
in the hearts of our people, regardless
of creed, and all will be pleased to
' hear of his recovery.
MacEwen and Calkins have estab
lished a law office at Mt. Jewett and
j after next week Mr. Calkins will spend
| most of his time in that place while
Mr. McEwen will manage their busi
ness here. —Kane Republican.
P. J. Bloom has been appointed fore
! man of St. Marys chair factory at a
I good salary. "Phil" is an industrious
young man and will fill the bill in any
department he may be placed. St.
i i Marys secures good people in Mr. and
; | Mrs. P. J. Bloom.
Alex. McDougall took a trip to Buf
falo this week.
John Melnnes had businesH at Kane,
laHt Sunday.
Miss Mabel Cormya is spending a
few days with her father at Kane.
Mr. Loyd Spencer, of Erie, is the
I guest of Mrs. J. G. Bryan and family.
Mrs. Jennie Gillis, nee O'Day, of
I Kane, is visiting friends in town this
j week.
Henry Zarps, Sheriff Mundy and
j Geo. J. Laßar visited Buffalo over
j Sunday.
Chas. Gleason and wife, of Drift,
i wood, are spending a few days at At
| lantic City.
Frank Gallagher, of Philadelphia, is
| visiting his sister Miss Mazie Galla
gher, at this place.
Miss Nettie Healey and niece have
! returned from visiting relatives in
| Austin and Costello.
We regret to learn that Hon. L.
j Taggart is confined to his room,
threatened with pneumonia.
Marcus Taylor and J. N. Chandler,
Clear Creek Republicans, were spend
j ing a few hours in town yesterday.
Mrs. M. J. Burns, nee Creighton is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Creighton on Broad street.
Messrs. Maurice Judd and C. K.
Bloom called to inspect the Pkess
establishment yesterday afternoon.
Burgess Howard seems determined
: to put a stop to bicycle riding 011 the
sidewalks of this borough. Correct,
you are.
E. E. Swartwood, one of Shippen's
reliably Republicans, and good fellows
Was calling on Emporium friends yes
Airs. John McConnell, of Emporium,
is a guest at the residence of Henry
McConnell 011 Biddle str«*»t—Kane
Claud Hockley, of Pittsburg - is visit
ing Hon. I. K. flockley ami fondly
He formerly resided In EmpOriifiw and
is a son of Jacob Hock/«ry.
Miss Clara Vosage, Who has been
visiting her sister Mrs. F. Julian for
the past three weeks, returned to* her
home at Ashland, Pa., on Saturday.
H. J. Hacket and wife, of Philadel
phia, visited friends in town this week,
guests of It. Warner and family at the
Warner House. Mr. H. resided in
Emporium about twenty-flve years ago
and will be remembered by many of
our citizens.
Delos Burlingame, of Sizerville, was
quietly and as coolly as he could this
warm weather, calling 011 his friends
in town on Monday. He remembered
the PRESS as he is prompt to do once a
year. Mr. Burlingame is one of the
most substantial and reliable citizens
of this county.
Chas. W. Beldin and E. E. Shaw, of ;
Sinnemahoning, visited in Emporium I
011 Saturday and remained in town I
until evening to assist in the celebra- j
tion of the victories of the army and j
navy at Santiago. Mr. Shaw expects j
to leave for his old home in Maine and j
orders the Pius's to follow him.
As stated by our Mt. Jewett eorrcs- !
pondent, attorney W. L. Calkins and !
wife will make their home in Mt. j
Jewett. MacEwen & Calkins have de- !
cided to open a branch office in that
town. Mr. Calkins will have charge
of this at the same time retaining his
relations with the Kane office. In a
social way Kane sustains a loss by this
change but as our sister city is the
gainer we can scarcely complain. Mr.
Calkins is also one of the ablest mem
of McKean Bar and residents of the
Big Level may conscientiously entrust
their business to him. —Kane Leader.
Schoof Tax.
In answer to a letter from the De
partment of Public Instruction, the
Attorney-General's Department rules
that school boards have authority to j
assess and levy taxes for school pur- I
poses upon real eitate and personal :
property in the manner heretofore
provided, and to assess an occupation
or per capita tax of §1 upon every
male inhabitant of the age of 21 years
and upwards. This per capita tax is
in lieu of the occupation tax levied
under the old law, and the amount
thereof cannot be exceeded in any case
110 matter at what sum the occupation,
trade or profession may have beerj
valued by the assessor for State and
county purposes.
That's the Stuff.
Wc do not quite understand the aar
nouncement that the Kmperor William is
| desirous of "an amicable statement ol
I American intentions in the Philippines."
I What right h»s he to ask or expect such
I a statement ? The Philippines do
! not belong to Germany or to him.
There is a war on now betweea two
I countries, the Lnited States and Spain.
| The victor in that war will dispose of the
I Philippine Islands independently of any
| diird party. What the disposition is to
| be remains to be determined, but the
; right to dispose of them will be asserted
when they have been conquered, even if
i an other war is necessary.
The world will be taught this time
1 that this country is not to be trifled with
1 by any nation on tho globe. —Philadcl
-1 phia Inquirer.
If you want to Borrow money,
Advertise in the Phess.
Not at Santiago.
Where can you go when the city water
gets full of typhoid fever germs and get
a drink that is pure, refreshing and
pleasant? Metzger's, of course. His
soda is made from water pumped 217
feet below the surface of the earth.
Take Care of Old Glory.
An exchange says: "Our attention
has been called to the careless disre
spect shown to the flag by so many
people who hang it from their win
dows or above their houses and leave
it their night and day regardless of
the weather." It says,"on shipboard
and military posts where the flag has a
real significance it is raised at sunrise
' and lowered at sunset It is never
I left out in the storm. Thus the starry
! banner is kept clean and bright and is
; always treated with respect. It should
> receive the same treatment from every
I person." There is a good point in
this and hence we publish it.
Free Pills.
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaran
teed to be perfectly free from every
deleterious substance and to be purely
vegetable. They do not weaken by
their action, but by giving tone to the
stomach and bowels greatly invigorate
the system. Regular size 25c. per box.
Sold by L. Taggart, Druggist.
If the Spanish read our newspapers
they must know by this time that the
"Yankee pigs" know how to use their
Beats the Klondike.
Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville,
Tex., has found a more valuable dis
covery than haa yet been made in the
Klondike. For years he suffered untoid
agony from consumption, accompanied
by hemorrhages; and was absolutely
cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. lie
declares that gold is of little value in
comparison with this marvelous cure;
would have it, even if it cost a hundred
dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and
all throat and lung affections are posi
tively cured by Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption. Trial bottles
free at L. Taggart's Drugstore. Regu
lar size 50 cts and §1 00. Guaranteed
to euro or price refunded.
Auditor'** Notice.
rTTSE- undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
1 Orphan's Court of the county of Cameron,
to distribute the fowls in bis hands as Trustee,
to mafce sale of the real estate of John P. Lewis,
late of Shippen township, deceased, will attend
to the duties of his appointment, at the Court
House in the Borough of Emporium, atlOo'clocV
a. TO. on the 25th day of August, 1898, when all
persons interested can attend or be debarred
from making exceptions thereafter.
Emporium, Pa., July 25th, 1898.
NO. 3235.
First National Bank
at Emporium, i/? the State of Pennsylvania at
the close of business, July 14th, 1898.
Loans and discounts $142,815 78
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... 704 27
IT. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 1.000 00
Stocks, Securities, etc 1,850 71
Banking-house, furniture and fixtu."ss. 6,200 00
Due from National Banks (not Reserve
Agents) 21 59
Due from State Banks and Bankers... :J7 1G
Due from approved reserve agents.- 27,925 16
Notes of other National Banks 100 00
Fractional paper, currency, nickels aa* I
cents 56 96
Specie $12,196 75
Legal-tender notes 2,600 14,796 75
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer
(5 per cent, of circulation) 562 50
TOTAL J2W,900 88
Capital stock paid in $50,000 00
Surplus fund 34,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses an t'
taxes paid 2,590 82
National Bank Notes out-it and ing . 10,910 00
Due to other National Bmks 4,5.11 68
Individual deposits subject to check,.. r06,770 38
Cashier's checks outstanding 95 00
TOTAL 9108,900 S8
County of Cameron„ >
I, M. P. Whiting, Oashier of above
aamod Bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the beat of my knowledge arid
M. P WHITING, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me )
this 25th day of July, 1898. /
M. M. LArrak-JE, J. P.
N. SEGER, > directors.
B. W. GREEN, )
KIM ill
E. Blinzler, Agent,
Emporium, Penn'a.
The wheelman and wheelwoman
are both unanimous in their decis
ion to wear only shirts, shirt waists,
collars and cuffs done up by our
perfect methods, as they retain
their freshness without wilting or
soiling longer than when laundered
anywhere else in Kane. Summer
is the crucial lest of gooil laundry
work, and ours will always stand
the test.
Every expectant mother has
• trying ordeal to face. If she does not
pet ready for it,
I there is no telling
t - what may happen.
Lj Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
Nature i3 not given proper assistance.
Mother's Friend
is the best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap
plied several months before l>aby comes,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relieves and prevents "morning
sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus
cles, relieves the distended feeling, short
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's Friend is good for only one
purpose, viz.: to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
One dollar per bottle at all dru*? stores, or
sent by express on receipt of price.
Fiibe Books, containing valuable informa
tion for women, will be sent to any address
upon application to
Atlanta, a*.
m ■ PADr. Williams' Indian Pile
I ■ L will cure Hlind.
■ ■■ M r"Blet'Uiiin and Itchinn
■ ■ ■■Piles. It absorbs tUe tumors.
I Sallays tbe itching at once, acts
■I ■ ■■as a poultice, gives instant re
■ I lief. Dr. Williams'lndian Pile Oint
■ ~ ment is prepared for Piles and I tcb
■ Ing of tbe private parts. Every box is
warranted. By druggists, by mail on re
ceipt of price. HO cents and SI.OO. WILLIAMS
MANUFACTURING CO.. Props.. Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by ft C. Dodson.
i| 1 | - 8 Warm Weather W*.
: 112 -sara? warm
■ rrriii fit —' k
r Or Weather
I HiSr Dnderwear l
II fill ill ll2
i! 111 We have B
1 te Woman's Gauze Vests M]
J I ' ow neck and sleeves, at ||jjj
Womau's Gauze Vests, in ecru and white, low neck
|j|j and sleeves, at io cents. j||j
IfJ Woman's and Children's Vests in ecrti and white, low I|l
s|j} neck with or without sleeves, at 15 cents.
! Fancy white and ecru Vests, with or without sleeves,
at 25 cents. iffli
Fancy silk vests, low neck and sleeves, from 50c to 75c. W
||| We handle the celebrated E. &Z. Waists for children, g
Warm Weather Wash Stuffs. f|
? Better buy now. You'll need them sure. The weather j|||
will drive you to it. You can buy at any time at any m
price, but you can't buy such values as we now have, when IP
jjjjij. Our line of Ladies and Misses Linen Collars and Cuffs
® are right. Examine them, the price is 15c to 25c. ||J
I i
! e •
'• We are busy arranging •'
! & an entire •>
5 All Latest Novelties. jj
| 2
(I |
I :i
(• m