Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 28, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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€lan}eror) Goui)fy jfWss.
Editor ami Manager.
Pci year |2 00
If paid in advance ?•
Advertisements are published at the rate of one
dollar per square for one insertion and fiftj cents
per square for each subsequentinsertion.
Rates by the year or for six or three months are
low and uniform, and will be furnished on appli
cation. ~
Legal and Official Advertising per square, three
times or less, s'2 00; each subsequent liisertionSO
cents per square.
Local noticestcn cents per line for one insertion,
five cents per line for eacnsubsequentconsecutive
Obituary notices over live lines, ten cents per
line. Sim pleannouncements of births, marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less s">.o9 per ; vear
over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No localinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue.
The Job department of the PRESS is complete,
anil affords facilities for doing the best class of
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
are paid, except at the option of the publisher.
Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for
i n advance.
For Governor,
WM. A. STONE, of Allegany.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
J. P. 8. GOBIN, of Lebanon.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
JOSEPH W. LATTA, of Philadelphia.
For Judge of Superior Court,
WILLIAM M. PORTER, of Phiadelphia.
WILLIAM D. PORTER, of Allegany.
For Congress-at-Large,
GALUSIIA A. GROW, of Susquehanna,
For Representative in Congress,
For President Judge,
B. W. GREEN, of Cameron,
[Subject to the decision ofthe Republican
District Convention.]
Spain's navy is substantially
crushed. All the ships that re
main could not last two hours
under the lire of American marks
The Spanish have reached a
point yrliere they are willing to
give up Cuba, which was all that
was asked at one time. But the
appeal to war requires larger con
The Philadelphia "Press" says:
'Tn all probability Congressman
Charles W. Stone, will be nomin
ated and elected Governor of Penn
sylvania in the near future. Until
that time comes it is a just expec
tation that his district will keep
him in Congress to its honor and
We hear of a Butler County sheep
i aiser who has just sold his wool clip
for this 3*ear at 15 cents a pound.
Two years ago this same man sold
his wool for G cents a pound, and
sold it well for that year others
had to sell for less. This advance in
price amounts to SH,OOO or $4,000
net gain over 1 SI Mi on his wool crop
Kldorado Kansas) Republican.
Brother Swallow is evidently los
ing heart, for the noise of his guber
natorial boom has almost ceased.
An occasional rumble is all that is
beard these days. The good doctor
has probably come to a realization
of the fact that this is a Stone year
in politics, and that it will be but a
w.tste of energy to try to keep up
the din. The doctor must also real
ize by this time that a good preacher
can be more useful in the pulpit
teaching men to do the right than
he can by following the crooked
paths of politics trying to get into a
fat of lice.
—[Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin.
Private McNeil, S. 31. Corps,
w ho was on the I". S. S. Brooklyn,
was on one of the forward (i
--poumlers in the light with Cerve
ra's ships anil was standing only a
few feet away when a shot from the
Christobal Colon blew oil' the head
of Chief Yeoman Ellis. .McNeil
says, in a letter received here, that
vv'ien the fleet was discovered com
ing from the harbor the crew was
standing with open ranks for in
spectww. Commodore Schley was
.'): ine brj/lge during all the light
ing, and an orderly heard him say:
"I want tliat ship. I have 800
tens of coal and plenty of wood
work on this vessel, and I'll have
Iter if I chase her to Spain.''
—[Kane Republican.
The editor of the Kittauning
Republican speaking about 1 'rings,''
voices the sentiment of all good
Republicans in this State when he
.says:"l believe in one ring my
self, witli, everybody inside—a ring
bic enough to take in the whole
party. But there are always a lot
of fellows who get out over the
ropes and howl at those inside and
call them corrupt ringsters. Then
they form a little ring of their own
and pass a resolution to the effect
that their own ring, composed of
the awkward squad who fell over
the ropes, is all right, and that the
big ring is a seething mass of cor
Yankee Opportunities.
There is no doubt but a new na
tional feeling has been aroused, and
in the world of trade this will mean
increased efforts to place American
manufactured articles in placesthey
have never before been seen, or to
increase the number where a. start
I lias already been made. Particu
larly will this prove true in the Ori
ent. Hawaii, which is rather in the
Occident, will be annexed, and it is
pretty certain that the grip obtained
upon the Philippines by Admiral
Dewey will not be loosened. With
direct national interests in Asiatic
waters the irrepressible Yankee may
be depended upon to make much of
the opportunities thus presented.
There is an immense field for com
j merce in Asia and the surrounding
I islands that has been too little taken
advantage of in the past. The
strengthening of the navy will
assist to make the merchant marine
more secure in their rights, and this
should result in a larger increase in
that line, so that the (lag of this
Nation may be seen on vessels of
peaceful mission in every harbor of
the globe. The great increase in
exports presages such a result. It
is bound to come in time, until
America will lead the world in
foreign as in domestic commerce.
—fPeoria (111.) Journal.
Revival of Foreign Trade.
The Populists are unable to see
that the unexpected rise of wheat
had any connection witli the tri
umph of the Republican party in
'96, though in their dazed condition
they have not satisfied their own
minds why wheat did not go down,
as they promised it would, to 2F>
cents, instead of up, as they denied
it could do, to $1 and even 51.50.
Certainly, however, if the advance
of wheat was due to the war, as
affirmed by some leading Populist
statesmen,this wonderful expansion
of American manufactures exported
abroad is not. It must be explained
in some other way.
The Capital would like to hear a
Populist explanation of the radical
change in the manufacturing indus
tries of the country. How does it
happen that instead of the paralysis
of industry of two years ago, run
ning back to 1892 when Harrison's
administration was beaten and a
Democratic Congress elected, ex
ports of domestic manufactures
from the I'nited States now exceed
those of any year on record ? How
do reformers of the Free-Trade and
fiat and free silver sort connect
this condition with the hard times
among manufacturers during the
Wilson bill, of which the Hon,
Wm. J. Bryan was one of the
framers in the House ! And how
do they account for the singular
coincidence that the only years that
can be compared in the last decade
with the present for large exports
of manufactured goods were the
years of Harrison's administration
and the McKinley Tariff ? Has any
Populist or Democrat given any
reason yet for the fact that in place
of destroying foreign trade, as they
predicted the McKinley Tariff was
bound to do. it built up foreign
trade to the extent of extending
every American market abroad and
capturing considerable of the best
trade of England? Why did Eng
lishmen denounce the McKinley
Tariff ? Why did they rejoice over
Bryan's and Wilson's Tariff and
give Mr. Wilson a banquet at the
London Board of Trade? And
why do they denounce the Dingley
Tariff? Do Populists think that
the Wilson Tariff's destruction of
American exports of manufactures,
built up by the McKinley bill, and
the Dingley Tariff's revival of this
trade, destroyed by the Wilson bill,
have anything to do with it?
On the whole, the best thing for
the Populists to do in the face of
dollar wheat, banner exports of
manufactures and revival of pros
perity on all sides, accompanied by
immense imports of gold and large
increase in sound currency based
on the gold standard, would prob
ably be to take to the woods. There
is nothing in Populist philosophy
that can account for these miracles, j
[Topeka Capital. ]
In Spain's army would be terrible, be
cause in that, country Armstrong's j
Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops have not
been introduced. It has proved to be j
the quick sure cure for throat diseases, j
! Sold by druggists. R.C. Dodgson. fily j
Trade, Price and Midsummer.
The distinct pause which has
come in business is variously ex
plained, but of its existence there
can be no question whatever. The
stock market is dull in spite of
much advice to buy stocks. Grain
speculation has ceased. Textile
weeklies publish pages of authentic
interviews to explain the dull
market. Hoot and shoe shipments
to-day only equal those of 1895.
The iron and steel trade, while
very large, is a tenth less than it
was three months ago. With loan
able capital very cheap, exports
large and imports small, no activity
is apparent at any point.
The adequate explanation is
probably t lie simple but sufficient
fact that the doubt as to the im
mediate close of the war leaves
everyone hesitating as to the im
mediate condition of trade. A
turn of the tide has also come at
many points. Railroad earnings
have reached their largest amounts
and can scarcely exceed past
records, since grain next year will
be cheaper and the foreign demand
less. Cereals must average lower
j for the next year, and cotton prob
i ably will. Woolen manufacture
has not met the boom it anticipated
and both wool and woolens are re
adjusting prices. In cotton a per
manently lower level has been
| reached and both the capitalization
i and profits of mills have to be ad
| justed to it. The great payment of
farm and other Western mortgages
; has been absorbed by the enormous
! shipment of American securities to
i this country, and there is no point,
i house-building, railroads, manu
| faetures or land mortgages, where
! recent profits encourage invest
{ ments. Our cities, in particular
seem over-built, and the number of
houses standing vacant in some
cities would surprise the public.
This situation has its statistical
I record in the interruption of the
j increase in gross clearings, which
! are no longer rising each week, as
they had for months down to the
end of June; in the same check in
the increase of railroad gross earn
ings; in the decrease for three
months in the output of pig iron;
in a like decrease in the shipments
of boots and shoes; in sales of wool,
a third of last year, and in the
short time of both wool and cotton
mills. These changes are alto
gether relative. The aggregate of
clearings, gross earnings, pig-iron
product and the output of textiles
are each and all larger than they
have ever been before at this time;
but the increase so long in progress
lias stopped. In railroads, the
increase has not been carried be
yond past records. The gross
earnings of 104,920 miles of rail
-1 road in the first six months of 1898
I have been 82,750 per mile. The
j earnings of 100,894 miles in the
first half of 1893 were 82,777 per
1 mile. As rates were low and the
aggregate freight larger this year
than five years ago the profit must be
less. The loss in aggregate gross
earnings on 1 18,772 miles, or three
quarters of our system, in half of
1893 was 874,500,000. The in
crease since then on substantially
the same roads has been 812,232,-
000 in 1895, 820,000,000 in 1890
and 857,440,000 in 1898, or 889,-
052,000 in all tlx* years, so that,
making allowance for 10,000 more
miles now reported 011, roads have
thus far done little more than make
up past losses in gross, while ex
penses are heavier and rates lower.
Gross earnings for July are now
below 1892; earlier they were above.
On the other hand, as the country
develops a larger and larger share
of railroad traffic is on high-priced
freights and less on raw materials
and coarse product, which accounts
for the very heavy increase in net
earnings now reported for May and
previous months 011 lines w here
grain rates were being heavily cut .
Whatever relative decrease there
has been in the volume of trade or
the output of various industries as
compared with previous years, yet
any impulse would swell the tide.
Prompt peace would do this, and
the large trade certain with Cuba
will also have its effect, and has
begun at Santiago. The war will
add the trade of a very fertile
tropical State to our commerce,
and the effect will be as lastant,
relatively, as that which attended
the supply of the South in JBOS.
Prices continue, as for some six
weeks past, to decline. Wheat
fell 3 cents a bushel last week,
though corn rose a cent, but lard
fell. Cotton lost an eighth of a■
cent a pound, because the stoppage
of various mills is planned. Coffee
and sugar were both weaker, the
former on a heavy crop. Copper
has settled to 11+ cents a pound.
Iron and steel prices hang in doubt
with signs of some new oombitta- i
The foreign trade of the country j
continues on recent lines, the im- j
ports being not manufactures, but '
raw materials, sugar and coffee, 1
while exports of manufactures are
heavy. The rate for money is low
and has fallen heaviest of all in the j
West, where bank deposits are in
creased by the crops. The total
advance on farm products, as com
pared with 1895, is put by the
Orange Judd syndicate at 81,"OO,-
000,000, and the addition to Na
tional bank resources in twelve
months is 8400,000,000. In four
Western States alone —Kansas,
Nebraska, Colorado and Oklahoma
—the addition to bank deposits in
a year is 834,003,482. With this
enormous increase a great tide of
prosperity is certain.—Philadelphia
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 2F>, 1898.
Uncle Sam took the first step
towards the acquisition of another
desirable piece of real estate, when
Gen. Miles hoisted "Old Glory" on
Porto Rico, and, whatever may be
done with other captured territory,
! it is certain that Porto Rico is going
'to be ours to keep. In addition to
the troops with (Jen. Miles, two
; other armies are to be landed at
l different points in Porto Rico at
; once. Then the three armies will
capture all of the smaller places
j before moving in concert 011 the
heavily fortified town of San Juan.
| Three weeks is the outside estimate
I of the length of the campaign, al
j though President McKinley J s desire
; that San Juan shall be taken with
j out infantry assaults upon the
! breastworks, if possible, may
j lengthen the campaign.
For reasons satisfactory to hiin
| self, President McKinley has de
| ferred sailing of Commodore Wat
j son's fleet for the coast of Spain,
j The presumption is that he is giv
-1 ing Spain an opportunity to sue for
j peace, although neither he nor any
; member of his cabinet has said any
thing upon which to base that pre
sumption. Secretary Long, when
asked the direct question, when
Commodore Watson's fleet would
start for Spain, said: " Whenever
the President issues the order."
The encouraging news from Geu.
Shafter's army has destroyed the
last vestige of the yellow fever
scare. A considerable number of
our men over there have the fever,
but there have been very few deaths
from it.
The trouble about the yellow
journal story of how the War De
partment got euchred when it con
tracted with a Spanish steamship
company for the transportation of
the surrendered Spanish soldiers
from Santiago to Spain was the
! usual one —it wasn't true. The
| Spanish steamship company will get
! 110 advantage whatever out of the
contract beyond the cash paid for
the transportation, while the War
! Department made sure by placing
! this contract that no complaint
I could be made against us in con
' nection with the treatment of the
prisoners on the voyage, and that
i there would be 110 trouble about
j their being landed in Spain. The
j contract specifically stated that no
| vessels belonging to the company
I would be allowed to leave block
, aded ports to perform ike service
t provided for.
It is the opinion >s( President
j McKinley and members of his cab
! inet that the friction between < Jen.
1 Shafter, and Gen. Garcia, who com
mands the Cuban insurgents in the
Santiago district, which led to Gar
cia withdrawing his troops and an
nouncing that he had tendered his
resignation to Gen, Gomez, the
commander-in-chief of the insur
gents, is more the result of mis
understanding than anything else.
Gen. Shafter's instructions are to
treat the insurgents courteously
and kirnlK' and not to expect too
| much from ohem in a military way.
| It is nonsense Tor Garcia to pretend
| to be disgruntled because Santiago
' was not turned over to the insur
| gents. It has been made plain to
him and all of the othey insurgent
leaders that the l". S. intended to
assume military control of Cuba as
fast as it came into our possession,
and to retain that control until such
time as all the residents of Cuba
could be given an opportunity to
express themselves as to how and
by whom they would be governed.
It was because of doubt that the
insurgents represented a majority
of the residents of Cuba that Presi
dent McKinley strove so hard and
successfully to prevent Congress
providing for the recognition of the
insurgent government.
The U. S. sells more wheat and
flour to Japan than do all other
countries combined, and the official
figures in a report from U. S. Con
sul Harris, at Nagasaki, shows a
steady and healthy growth in this
trade. Of wheat we sent in 1895,
only 484,510 lbs., but in 1890, it
had grown to 2,451,089 lbs., and in
1897 to 12,407)466 lbs. Of tlourwe
sent in 1895, 13,800,970 lbs., in
1896, 31,408..'i1l lbs., and in 1897,
That a protective tariff does not
prevent the growth of our export
trade, ought to be too well known
to need proof, but in case you have
still a few free traders in your vici- !
nity need proof, the following ;
facts concerning our exports to
Canada for the first eleven months
of the fiscal year 1897, when the
Wilson tariff law was in effect, and
for the first eleven months of the
fiscal year 1898, under the Dingley
tariff law, are given. During the
former period, we sold Canada
8117,370,825 worth of goods, and
during the latter period, 846,251,-
228, a difference in favor of pro- j
tection of nearly a million dollars a
Lieut. Hobson, who is in Wash
ington in connection with the work
of trying to save some of the ships
of Cervera's fleet;, was most warmly
received by the President, members ;
of the Cabinet, his own personal j
friends, and the public at large.
The delivery of the war bonds
began to-day, the denomination of
820 and of 8500 being the first sent 1
out. The delivery will be con
tinued as fast as the Bureau of En
graving and Printing can get them
to the Treasury. They are sent to
purchasers by express.
Heasons Why Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Bemedy is the Best.
1. Because it affords almost instant
relief in case of pain in the stomach,
colic and cholera morbus.
2. Because it is the only remedy that
never fails in the most severe cases of
dysentery and diarrhoea.
3. Because it is the only remedy that
will cure chronic diarrhcea.
4. Because it is the only remedy that
will prevent bilious colic.
5. Because it is the only remedy that
will cure epidemical dysentery.
6. Because it is the only remedy that
can always be depended upon in cases
of cholera infantum.
7. Because it is the most prompt and
most reliable medicine in use for bowel
8. Because it produces no bad results.
9. Because it is pleasant and safe to
10. Because it has saved the lives of
more people than any other medicine in
the world.
The 25 and 50c. sizes for sale by L.
Taggart. jy
Kidney or Bladder Troubles.
If you suffer from kidney, bladder or urin
ary troubles, or from too frequent or scanty
urine. "Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache
Cure" is what you want. Bed-wetting by
children is generally cured by one bottle of
this powerful remedy. Testimonials are
disregarded, many people doubting the hon
esty or sincerity of them. we therefore avoid
giving any here, but will furnish them on ap
plication to dealer whose name is given
below. If not satisfied after using on* bot
tle your money will be refunded by
R. C. Dodson.
z [j; 13 nt\i\ I£3 l* fancy cakes
li Eopuicir
L^ BdKery - •""
Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt aud
skillful attention.
I; TRIPLE KNEE « Spring and >
♦ ATH[ " R TQCKIti - (i &■
i Summer |.
Ladies are invited to look it our new arrivals iti DresS
M Goods, Likesilks, Silkolines Sil.'.'-Gingham and G'rgandies, &
:■s. Black Brocade—absolutely fast'k, Lace Curtains Win-
W dow Laces, White Bedspreads, Fine L'-nen Damask Tabliiigs, w
v aud Napkins to match, Ladies and Misses Muslin Underwear, jQ,
.M, in Night Dresses, Corset Covers, Skills,, also Ladies Wrap yT
rr pers and Babies Robes. fi
q In the celebrated Black Cat Brand of the Leather Stock- ■£-
ings, we keep a full assortment of sizes. These are unap- £
6 proached for durability. Try them and yen will always
♦ ' want them. ££
W Ladies and Misses Ribbed Jersev Vests, T -oc up. w
Note the address,
| D. E. OLMSTED, §
Near Odd Fellows Hall, East Fourth'St. Jv,
| The Smith Premier
Btf. 300 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Notice to the Public.
The road now being cut through
from Salt Run to Bailey Run, we ask
the people in the habit of going to
Baily Run and going by the Climax
Powder Co.'s works, togo via Salt
Run, as hereafter no one will be al
lowed togo through the Climax
Powder Company's works.
Fulton & Pearsall.
These up-to-date painters have con
solidated their business and may be
found at their shop in Parsons' Bazaar.
Both are practical painters and will
give prompt attention to all work en
trusted to them. Estimates furnished
for all kinds of house, sign and deco
rative painting as well as wall paper
ing and frescoing. Especial attention
given to out of town orders. 47tf.
Liver Complaints and Nervousness
A torpid liver always produces dullness
Irritability, etc. You are all clogged up and
feel despondent. Perhaps you have treated
with physicians or tried some recommended
medicine without benefit. All that is nc;
argument against "I >r. Tenner's Blood and
Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic," which wo
insist will euro nervousness and liver com
plaints. If not satisiied after using one bot
tle your money will be refunded by
R. C. Dodson.
N'OTICE is hereby given to all person." cau
tioning them against trusting my wife.
Bridget Thomas on my account, as I will not be
responsible nor pay any bills of her contracting.
[ Emporium, Pa., July 19th, 1898.—31.
| "TWIN COMET," price $5
| Delivered Free with privilege 5 days triai.
Will sprinkle 'our times greater area
than any other mode
Can be seen in operation at the resi
dence of the editor of this £aper.
49 Warren St. Sole Agts. & Mfgs.
For sale by all Hardware and Rubber Store.'
in the United States.