Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 21, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Some I'laln llirectliiUß Almnt ChanK-
Inn the W liter nml f'eeillnit That
Are ICu«> to C'ltrry Out.
Jt is remarkable how seldom people
»re able to keep goldfish more than a
month or two at most, and all because
they neglect a few first principles. Gold
fish can be kept almost any length of
time. «vcidents apart, if kept scrupu
lously clean. The air in the water is
soon exhausted, and they should have
fresh water every day. if possible, of
tener in summer, though once will do
if the globe is fairly large. One can
usually tell when the fish are needing
fresh water. They stand up on their
tails with their mouths to the surface
of the water and move slowly in that
position, generally making a bubbling
sound. When you put the fresh water
Into the globe let it dash in from a
ieight, so that plenty of air gets in,
too, and let your fish have a handful of
shells or small stones. They look pret
ty, and the fish appreciate being able
to poke about among them for bits
of food, and it gives them something to
do and a little interest in life, l'eople
frequently make the mistake of think
ing that the fish get- enough food out
of the water. This is not so; they need
feeding when in captivity. Packets of
fishes' foods, chiefly consisting of dried
ants' eggs, can be procured from any
•eed or naturalist's shop. As they re
quire only a very small quantity once
e day, their board is not expensive.
They will live on vermicelli, but this
clouds the water, and consequently in
jures the appearance of the globe.
It is said that goldfish should never
be handled. This is no doubt true, if
An Appetizing' and Wholesome Spring and Summer Dinner for
Northern Housewives to Try.
Southern people know every dish into which chicken can be made. The northern
housewives, unfortunately, are limited to plain boiled, broiled, roasted and fried
chicken, but here is something for the northern housewife to try which may be new to
her. Take a fat, tender spring chicken of rousting sue. Clean and wash well ancs«_t inside
" \ V ia\
JJ J' \
and out. Sprinkle over with flour quite heavily. Place in a kettle with heart and liver njid
two cups of boiling water. Let it boil well, as you would for a pot roast and baste very
often. When about half done, or so that it scarcely resists the fork, add one-half a cup
of vinegar, boil until done and take out.
Chop the liver and heart and serve in the gravy. Chicken is delicious cooked this way
and served cold. The rich gravy can be used as you would for a pot roast, and baste very
easily removed when the gravy is cold. Veal can be barbecued and the vinegar will be
found to take away the dry insipid taste which veal has when roasted plain.
they are kept for breeding purposes.
Otherwise, it does them no harm—if
due care is exercised—and you may
pick them up one by one in your hand
and pop them into their globe of fresh
Never buy a fish unless the fins are
erect and fully spread. Directly the
fish is out of health the fins close more
and more until it dies, when they are
quite shut up against the body.—Cin
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
Xo Vague, t'llilecliletl Sliade* Sliould
Ever He Worn by I<adiea
with lli'd TK»W».
Insrtead of being dissatisfied with
their lot, women with red hair should
•tudy how to use iit becomingly, and be
proud of the distinction of having it.
There appears to be an impression
among women with red hair, says an
exchange, that almost any sliade of blue
can be worn try them, because as a usual
thing they have fair and delicate com
plexions, but, as a mat'ter of fact, blue is
the one color above all others that tiiey
ought to avoid. The contrast is too
violent and the combination is not har
monious. The shades mosit suitable to
be worn with red hair are bright, sunny
brown and all autumn-leaf'tints. After
the«? may be selected pale or very dark
green —but never a bright green, pale
yellow, and black unmixed with any
other color. Mixed colors are not be
coming to red-haired people, as they
nearly always give them a more or less
dowdy appearance. In fact, red hair is
usually so brilliant and decided that it
must be met on its own ground, and no
vague, undecided sort of things should
be worn with it.—C. W. Lyman, in
Simple Tut of Devotion.
The man who is patient with a wom
an when she is sick e«n be relied upon to
treat her all right when she is well.
A Plennnnt anft Conifortnlile Ketreat
Can He Mud* of It by Clever
Ho u Me keepers.
Every year the veranda is becoming
more and more an integral part of the
house beautiful. It is no longer merely
a shelter from the elements, sparsely
furnished with chairs, but is a living
room and treated as such, and is fur
nished with the same taste and care that
is bestowed upon the rest of the rooms.
Of course, it goes without saying that
both the textiles and furniture employed
must be as far as possible weather proof,
but this is no handicap nowadays, a»
rugs and materials that defy rain and
snow are to be had in the greatest va
riety—except directly.on the seashore,
where the dampness and high winds
make it impossible. An outdoor room,
netted in so that the lights at night will
not attract troublesome insects, prettily
and comfortably furnished, should be a
part of every country house. Curtains
made of colored awning cloth and hung
with small brass rings on a slender gal
vanized iron rod, so that they may easi
ly be pushed forward and back, are both
useful and pretty, although some peo
ple prefer Venetian blinds or the rattan
shades, which now come for verandas of
any width desired. Hammocks, of
course, are the natural lounging places
for a veranda room, but they are now
made much more elaborately than
formerly, with valences hanging oa
either side, and piled up with cushions
of many colors. Another recent acces
sory to outdoor furniture which has be
come popular is the swinging sofa, leg
less, of course, swung by four chains t»
the roof, and filled with cushions. Even
the divan has been adapted to open air
The accompanying sketch shows one
which filled a corner of the veranda of
a seaside cottage last summer. The
shape is an irregular elongated triangle,
with two sides against the walls of the
house, and consists of a frame a foot
high, on which is a mattress covered
with India rubber cloth. Over this is a
buttoned covering of green denim, with
a flounce, and the drapery consists of
an old sail and a fish net, which is held
up by a pair of oars and a crabnet, all
of which have been well seasoned by
wind and weather.—X. Y. Tribune.
To Soften Hard Wilier.
Take of orange flower water half a
pint, of best spiiits of wine a pint, and
of soap three-quarters of a pound.
Shave the soap into the orange water,
beat over a fire until the soap dissolves,
and then, the vessel being removed from
the fire, add the spirits of wine. A
large tablespoonful of this preparation
added to a basin of washing water will
completely softer, it, and render it de
lightful to use. The ingredients can be
obtained from a druggist.
Forcemeat Klavorlnur.
Take a quarter of an ounce each of
dried thyme, dried marjoram, dried
savoury and whole black pepper corns,
half an ounce of nutmeg and of cloves
and one-eighth of an ounce of Xepaul
pepper. Pound, mix and sift these sev
eral ingredients and bottle to store.
A leading physician says that pep
I per id a deadly poison to the system.
It la Very Kanlly Made und at the
Maine Time One «112 the Heat
I'atterna Yet Devlaed.
The illustration herewith portrays
an easily-made hay frame, and at the
bit me time one of the best. It is 14
feet long by (i'/ 2 or 7 f fiet wide. The
two main timbers are pine, 2 by 8
inches, the four erosspieces 2 by 4
pine. The bows over hind wheels can
lie jnade from old tires of the back
wheels of a wagon. Forward tirea
answer, but are a little short, 'i he
boards over the front wheels exteuil-
ing from first crosspiece to the third
are ordinary 1 by 6-inch fencing ma->
terial and should be both bolted and
nailed. Use eight one-half-inch bolts
12 inches long to secure the cross
pieces to the main timber. The lad
der itself is of oak to make it perfectly
secure when a man climbs onto the
load. The stakes at the back end are
fastened with one bolt so that they
may be turned down after the wagon
is unloaded. They also should be made
of oak or other hard wood.
The materials for a rack of tills kind,
not including the iron bows, cost at re
tail in the ordinary country shopabout
$2.50. Old wagon tires are found on
nearly every farm or can be purchased
for 25 to 50 cents. A good handsaw, a
brace with several sizes of bits, a
hatchet, a chisel and a square are all
the tools necessary, and these should
be on every farm. A blacksmith will
make the tires into bows for a
trifle, or a farmer may do
this himself if he has an iron
drill for his brace. A first-class
hay frame can thus be made at home
at the very small cost of three to four
dollars, and if kept painted and under
shelter when unused it will last many
years. —Farm and Home.
If You Tal»e Care of Them n* ller«
Advlaed You M ill Save a (ireat
Deal of Trouble.
To cure a hide properly, it is first
necessary to trim oil' all that does not
belong to it, sucb as horns, tail-bones,
sinews arid meat; ther. spread the hide
out leaving no wrinkles ir. it and being
careful to get legs and heads spread sc
that salt can be sprir.kled on them,
says the Nebraska Farmer. Then
sprinkle salt evenly and freely on every
part of the hide, putting on about three
gallons of salt on a large hide, and
•smaller ones in proportion: and nevei
spread hides in the sun.
Hides taken care of in this manner,
after lying three or four days in salt,
can be shipped almost any distance and
In anj kind of weather, and go through
in good condition aud with very little,
if any, shrinkage.
For shipping always tie your hides
one in a bundle, as they often becsnie
loose in transportation, and when more
than one hide is tied in a bundle, the
railroads deliver the proper number ol
bundles, but not always the proper
number of hides. Always write the
person to whom you ship, notifying
him the date you shipped, giving
weights and number and stating
whether horse or beef hides. All of
this will be very little trouble and will
sav® a great deal of trouble and possi
ble mistakes.
Sheep for Clearing; I,and.
Wherever woodland is cleared a
flock of sheep is extremely valuable to
keep the cleared soil from being over
grown with the bushes, weeds and
shrubs which usually come up in fol
lowing years. It is desirable to get thf
cleared land in grass as soon as possi
ble. When it is once seeded down it
may be pastured with sheep all through
the summer, not only without injuring
the grass, but positively benefiting it,
as tlie sheep will devote most of tl»eir
time to trimming down the bushes and
eating the leaves which shade the land.
To make more thorough destruction of
the shrubbery, an excess of sheep
should be putin the cleared lot, and
these must be fed some grain, so as to
make their browse diet digest better. —
American Cultivator.
The Keet of the Colt.
Neither the bones of the coft's leg
nor the muscles and hoof of his foot
have acquired sufficient firmness to en
able it to be put on stable floors of
either wood, stone or cement. If for
any reason the colt cannot run with its
dam while she is at work, let it have a
yard by itßelf with a turf flooring rath
er than put him in a floored stable. It
is while the colt is young that the fu
ture character of its feet is being de
cided. Even in winter colts should be
kept rather in box stalls, where a c d
ding of their own excrement trodi a
hard will be a better cushion for their
feet than the most carefully cleaned
floor stable could be. —American Cul
CoMt of Ilaullnic Freight.
The length of the public highways of
this country is said to be 1,500,000
miles. The amount of freight hauled
over them in one year is estimated at
600,000,000 tons, and the cost of cart
ing it $1,000,000,000, but with really
good roads this it<em could be reduced
over one-hall.—Good lioads.
The Corporal's Kxrutte s Considered
Sufficient the C'lrrnniKtiiin^'
A corporal in one of the regiments
down at Chickamauga park had be
come entangled with a difficulty, and
as a result of it, added to an accumula
tion of similar such, he was called to
appear before the colonel of the regi
"Corporal .Icnkins," said that officer,
severely, "you are a fine soldier and a
sensible man, and you ought to coa
duct yourself differently."
"I was drunk, sir," exclaimed the
corporal, very contritely.
"That is no excuse. Don't you know
it is wrong to get drunk?"
"Yes, sir," admitted the corporal,
without cavil.
"Then why do you do it?"
"I can't help it, sir."
"You cannot excuse your fault that ,
way, sir." said the colonel, sternly.
"You know you can if you want to." ;
"But I can't, sir."
"Yes you can," insisted the colonel.
"A man can help doing anything if lie i
puts his mind to it."
The corporal stood up straight and
"Iteggin" your pardon, sir." he said,
"but do you think when I heard that
t'ncle Sam had got into a scrap with
them dirty, cigaroot-smokin' Span
yards and was askin' his boys to take
a hand with him to lick 'em off the
face of the earth that I could help
dropping everything right then and
there and grabbin' tip a gun and takin'
a hold with the old man and the other
boys? Say, colonel, do you think a
man about my size could help doin'
just what I done and bein' right here
ready when lie says the word?"
The colonel was stumped for an in
stant. Then he got up and took the
corporal's hand.
"Get out of this,"he said, hurriedly;
"get out, and if you ever get drunk
ngain I'll have you putin the guard
house and nailed up until the war is
over."—Washington Star.
The Plaid Stocking. I
The plaid stocking is this ytar such
a beauty that the traveling girl wears
it without fail. She chooses, if she can
afford it, the sandal stocking which
has the appearance of a white ribbon
twisted around the foot and ankle like
the Roman sandal of old. It continues
from the toe to the top, and is quite
the most remarkable stocking of the
season. Small flowers of delicate de
sign are scattered over the ground
work of the stocking proper. The
other popular type of stocking is
much less expensive than the sandal,
stocking, which is a novelty. It is a
double-plaid in red, green, blue, yel
low, black and white. There are
stocking parties. Have you never
heard of them, when young women of
expensive hosiery tastes gather of an
afternoon to sew and gossip and ex
hibit stockings? —Boston Herald.
A Ilnl<l-Ilendcd Reply.
A naval officer very well and favorably
known in London has for some unknown rea
son been advanced in his profession very
slowly, though he has grown gray in the
service, and, indeed, lamentably baid- Re
cently one of his juniors was bold enough
to question him as to his remarkable ab
sence of hair.
"How comes it that you are so very bald?"
The officer replied promptly and with
much vindictiveness:
"Young man, you would be bald. T think,
if you had had men stepping over yoitr head
for years in the way I have."—London Judy.
Reduction lu Rlcycle Prlcea.
It is said that western capitalists are con
templating the organization of a great bi
cycle company, which hopes to make first
class wheels and sell them as low as $lO.
Whether this be true or not, the fact re
mains that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is a
first-class remedy for the stomach, liver and
blood, and the price puts it within every
body's reach to be well and strong. For
fever and ague it is a specific.
Xot In ItaKe.
He ground his teeth.
Yet there was nothing to indicate that he
was angry.
Still he continued to grind his teeth with
great persistency.
The grinding was done with one of those
patent buzz saws that dentists use, and every
now and then it seemed as if the patient
would swear if it were not for the rubber
dam in his mouth. And at that there was
something in his gurgles that seemed to in
dicate that the dam was not all rubber.—
Chicago Post.
An l-illny Case.
Doctor —You are all run down. You must
travel for a few months; that's the only
thing that will save you. You need change
of scene ami air.
Patient —But traveling's all I've done for
the last ten years. I'm a salesman for a big
eastern house and often go from the Atlantic
to the Pacific at a jumji.
"Then what you nefd is rest arid quiet.
Three dollars, please.''—C-fiicago livening
Actors in general are "well posted.* 1 ' If
you don't believe it a.»k the bill-sticker. —L
A. W. Bulletin.
It's useless to write to a corpse, but it'i
all right to wire a skeleton. —L. A. W. Bui
She had just returned from a trip abroad,
and was snowing her friend the different
curios she had brought back with her
"Now, here is a little thing I got to rernem
ber one place bv," she said; "it is very
pretty, isn't it? ' "Charming," replied hei
friend, admiringly. "What place was it?"
"Oh, I've forgotten now, we went to so
many places, you know."—Town Topics.
Two commercial travelers, comparing
notes: "I have been out three weeks," said
the first, "and have only got four orders."
"That beats me," said the other; "I hav»
been out four weeks and have only got on<
order, and that's from the firm to come
Desperate Case.—Perspiring Manager (cS
excursion) —"We're a little behind time. |
know, bi»t we'll make it up on the las* half
of the run." Indignant Excursionist—"Make
it tip! What's trie use of talking that way?
We'll meet ourselves coming back Jong be
fore we get there!"— Chicago Tribune.
The Cornfcd Philosopher.—"lt is all
wrong," said the Cornfed Philosopher, "to
say that a woman ean make a fool of a man.
She msrely develops him."—lndianapolis
Trivvet —"Why is Skidmore for ever read
ing that manual of etiquette?" Dicer—"lie
says he wants to become familiar with polite
literature."—Harlem Life.
The meanest man we ever heard of is a
Washington man who refused to pay the
doctor who helped him collect his accident
insurance.—Washington (la.) Democrat.
Another Long-Felt Want.—"Mme. Snip
per has perfected a wonderful invention."
'What is it?" "A revolving hat; it works
io the congregation can s°e all sides of it."—
Chicago Record.
What He Carried on the Cars.
To Take when Travelling.
Jtvery traveller knows that continuous
journeying on the railroad is very apt to
derange the system in some way. In spite
ol springs and so(t seats there is a contin
uous jar and vibration, which acts upon
the nervous system, and produces results
varying somewhat, according to the
strength of the traveller or his predisposi
tion to some specific ailment. The most
common consequence ot continuous car
riding is constipation. And this condition
invariably produces headache, and tends
to biliousness. J. J. Converse, St. I-ouis,
Mo., found a way to avoid the evil effects
of constipation, to which he was_ subject
when travelling. He carried with him
"the pill that will" cure constipation and
all its sequent sufferings. This is what
he says:
"Travelling on the cars tends to consti
pation with me, but by using I>r. J. C,
Aver s Pills moderately, my bowels are
kept in healthy action. They also prevent
headache."— J. J. Convekse, St. Louis, Mo.
r>r. Ayer's Pills are good for constipation
under all circumstances and conditions.
Thev have cured long standing cases after
every other medicine had failed. Kev.
Wheat 4t) Cfntu n Huhlicl.
How to grow wheat with big profit at 4<l
rents and samples of Salter's Red Cross (8(1
Bushels per acre) Winter Wheat, Rye, Oats,
Clovers, etc., with Farm Seed Catalogue for
4 cents postage .1011X A. SALZER SEE IJ
CO., La Crosse, Wis. K
A woman's idea of a personal devil is a
neighboring woman who talks about her.—
Chicago Daily News.
Fits stopped free and permanently cured.
No fits after first day's use of Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2 trial bottle &
treatise. Dr. Kline, 933 Arch st.. Phila.. Pa.
The outcome of baseball games and buck
wheat cakes usually depends upon the bat
ter. —Chicago Daily News.
To Care a Cold In One Day
fake Laxative ltromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.
"Rike"-ehloride of sunshine is a good
6pring medicine. —L. A. W. Bulletin.
Hall'a ( aturrh Cure
Is * Constitutional Cure. Price 75c.
( ra |CJSTORIfi
'i] For Infants and Children.
112 ASTORIA The Kind You Have
Always Bought
AVefiftable Preparation for As- #
slanting theToodaodßegula- _ M
ting the Stomachs andßowels of .De&rS 10.0 M \
Signature //{\y
EromotesDigiesHonjChcctful- M«/ |i|^
ncssand Hest.Contains neither n f /fib
Opium,"Morphine nor Mineral- Ui #l\ *\ \J
NOTNahcoxiC. AU.fl
ReuptafOUnrSM'lVELPlllßta m F"
Pumpkin Scl£~ » JF %
Mx.Senna * J BVe
SJU- I Of 1 *1
Amtf St€d ♦ I A M "% % Ik !|
( f\ 4A 1 K 18s
fiirm Sttd - 1 II 1
VSSS£%&im ) JOL T» I# J ■
A perfect Remedy for Oonstlpa- | 0/ fY I!l If
tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, ®g 1 laJ'
Worms.Convulsions.Feverish- JHI Vftll Unun
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. I\/ IU U NU V U
TilCSimile Signature of
I Always Bought.
HlWjpiOTnn i[
fcM—a TMt et , TAUm eOMMNT , NCW TOB „ airr.
I p— ~~
Pacific Railway
=Only Line that does it.
Double Daily Service. ————__•_—-
Efegant Equipment. SEE Agent for particulars.
Reduced Rates.
Vice-President, General Manager, Gen'l Paa.n'r and Ticket Agent,
~~ ~ The Best BOOK WAR
ADVERTISED IN ITS COLUMNS T , , . ' —77 — « ~ \
WHAT THEY ASK FOK. REFUSING CnIIP A TIAII 1,,, " r, 1 , 7 or of lillhriili,
At 1 KIT RRTITITT FS nit IMITATIONS tUUuM IIU If Inelndliif funr (Mri'tnirM. board. lodg*
t-Hv _ IBK« A railway far**. Si amp for |>.irileulai it. _J
l/llvr O I quick relief and cures worst
cn*cs Send lor book of trKtliuonial* and lOdnyt'
Hill B w 1& 1 9 1 *9 iB treatment Free. Dr. 11. ll* ORfckVS HONS,Atlanta, ('a.
ft JXMJMHiIA. N. K. C 1717
Allen'H ricerlnc Mulvf is the only sure cure in —==; __ ■-
the world for Chronic t'lcera, Hone Ulcer*,
Scrofuloiim Ulcrm, Vjirlcoot- Ulcers, W lille Ifc -■ -W■■tlaWl
Nwelllnir, Fever Mores, and all Old Nort*». It j ft? I,^
never fails DrawHOut all poison. Savesexpenscand MM CURES WHERE ALL ELSE fAILS* (~S
suffering. Cures permanent. Best salve for Holla, |m Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use l"|
t'ltrbniM'los, Pile*, Null Rheum, Burn*. Cuts IVj In time. Sold hv druggists. I*l
and all Fre*h WOUIMU. By mail sinall.'tte; large. ■olTrwr^ng-■ ■■ m■ _m- uiuwirlai
03e. Book free .1. P. AIJ.KN MKIIin.\L HiMtfKßlll^lMlWg
I'uul, Minn. Hold by llruggUtii. D 0(
Francis B. TTarlowe, of Atlanta, Oa., fur
nishes a case in point. He writes;
" For some years past, I was subject to
constipation, from which 1 suffered in
creasing inconvenience, in spite of the
use of medicines of various kinds, until
some months ago, when I began taking
Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills. They have entirely
corrected the costive habit, and vastly
improved my general health." (REV.)
FRANCIS B- lUHI.UWE, Atlanta, Ga.
Constipation is, perhaps, the most seri
ous physical evil of to-day. It is like the
Octopus, that grapples its victim and
fastens its tentacles on trunk and limbs
one after another, until at last, incapable
of longer resistance, the helpless being
succumbs to bis frightful foe. Constipa
tion is the beginning of many of the most
murderous maladies, the clogged system
becoming charged with poisons th:,t affect
the liver and kidneys, and prostrate
the entire being mentally, morally, and
physically. I>r. Ayer's Pills will cure
constipation. If you doubt it send for Dr.
Ayer's Curebook, free, containing the
testimony of those cured by this remedy.
Address j. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Preedom AsHured The 111.
Clancy—Casey ?
"Don't vez wish thot Oireland belonged
to Shpain?"—Puck.
The lake and rail arrangements of the Bal
timore & Ohio Railroad for this year are prac
tically the same as were in effect in 1897.
Freight for Lake Superior ports is sent by
way (jf the Northern Steamship Company
and the Owen line is used for the Lak«
Michigan ports. The trans-lake Erie ar
rangements are with the Detroit Steam Nav
igation Company between Cleveland and
Detroit and the Ashley & Dustin TJne and
the Michigan & Ohio Car Ferry Company
between Sandusky and Detroit.
People are beginning to admit that many
men are looking for work who do not want
it. —Atchison Globe.
Piso's Cure is the medicine to break up
children's Coughs and Colds. —Mrs. M. G.
Blunt, Sprague, Wash.. March 8, '94.
A man isn't mighty because he never falls,
but because of his ability to rise when he
tumbles.—Chicago Daily News.