6 A SUMMER ROMANCE, They met to-day at luncheon, and immense was their surprise; *Twas hard for them to comprehend the scene before their eyes. For only just a week ago they parted with a tear, And neither dreamed of meeting, face to face, the other, here. 'Twas at a clieap seaside resort their friendship first begun; Bhe was a cultured heiress, he a wealthy nobleman. « And side by side they strolled about the happy, wave-washed sands Till fate or foTtune calli>d them home to widely different lands. He o'er the sea to sunny France must sadly sail away. Through California's orange groves she all alone must stray; But since vacation days are o'er—be still, oh, troubled heart!— They're clorklng in department stores about a block apartt. —Nixon Waterman, in L. A. W. Bulletin. fftoBCRT loutssTmnson >*—■ PART 11. TOE SEA COOK. CHAPTER VII. T GO TO BRISTOL. It was longer than the squire im agined ere we were ready for the sea, and none of our first plans—not even Dr. Livesey's, of keeping me beside him •—could be carried out as we intended. The doctor had togo to London for a physician to take charge of his prac tice; the squire was hard at work at Bristol; and I lived on at the Hall un der the charge of old Redruth, the gamekeeper, almost a prisoner but full of sea dreams and the most charming anticipations of strange islands and ad ventures. I brooded by the hour to gether over the map, all the details of which I well remembered. Sitting by the fire in the housekeeper's room, 1 approached that island in my fancy, from every possible direction; I ex plored every acre of its surface; 1 climbed a thousand times to that tall hill they call the Spy-glass, and from the top enjoyed the most wonderful and changing prospects. Sometimes the isle was thick with savages, With whom we fought; sometimes full of dangerous animals that hunted us; but In all my fancies nothing occurred to me so strange and tragic as our actual adventures. • So the weeks passed on, till one fine day there came a letter addressed to Dr. Livesey, with this addition: "To be opened in the case of his absence by Tom Redruth, or young Hawkins." Obeying this order we found, or rather I found —for the gamekeeper was a poor hand at reading anything but print—the following important news: "Old Anchor Inn, Bristol, March 1, 17—. "Dear Livesey: As I do not know wheth er you are at the Hall or still in London, I send this in double to both places. "The ship is bought and fitted. She lies at anchor, ready for sea. You never im agined a sweeter schooner—a child might call her—two hundred tons; name, 'His jjaniola.' "I got her through my old friend, Bland ly, who has proved himself throughout the most surprising trump. The admirable fellow literally slaved in my interest, and ao, I may say, did every one in Bristol, as soon as they got wind of the port we sailed for—treasure, I mean." "Redruth," said I, interrupting the letter, "I)r. Livesey will not like that. The squire has been talking after all." "Well, who's got a better right?" growled the gamekeeper. "A pretty rum go if squire ain't to talk for Dr. Livesey, I should think." At that I gave up all attempts at com mentary, and read straight on: "Blandly himself found the 'Hispaniola,' and by the most admirable management got her for the merest trifle. There Is a class of men in Bristol monstrously preju diced against Blandly. They go the length of declaring that this honest creature .would do anything for money, that the I'Hlspanlola' belonged to him and that he eold It me absurdly high—the most trans parent calumnies. None of them dare, however, to deny the merits r,f the ship. "So far there was not a hiictj. The work people to be sure—riggers what not— •were most annoylngly slow; but time cured that. It was the crew that troubled me. "I wished a round score of men—in case of natives, buccaneers, or the odious French—and I had the worry of the deuce Itself to find so much as half a dozen, till the most remarkable stroke of fortune brought me the very man that I required. "I was standing on the dock, when, by the merest accident, I fell In talk with him. I found he was an old sailor, kept a public house, knew all the seafaring men in Bris tol, had lost his health ashore, and want ed a good berth as cook to get to sea again, lie had hobbled down there that morning, he said, to get a smell of the salt. "I was monstrously touched—so would you have been—and, out of pure pity, I en gaged him on the spot to be ship's cook. Long John Silver, he Is called, and has lost aleg; but that I regarded as a recommenda tion, sinco he lost It in his country's serv ice, under the immortal Ilawke. He has no pension, Livesey. Imagine the abomin »ble age we live in! "Well, sir, I thought I had only found a cook, but it was a crew 1 1 had discovered. Between Silver and myself we got to gether In a few day3 a company of the toughest old salts imaginable—not pretty to look at, but fellows, by their faces, of the most Indomitable spirit. I declare we could Cght a frigate. "Long John even got rid of two out of the six or seven I had already engaged. He showed me In a moment that they were Just the sort of fresh-water swabs we had to fear In an adventure of importance. "I am in the most magnificent health and spirits, eating like a bull, sleeping like a tree, yet I shall not enjoy a moment till I hear ir.y old tarpaulins tramping round the capstan. Seaward ho! Hang the treasure! It's the glory of the sea that has turned my head. So now, Livesey, come post; do not lose an hour, If you respect me. "Let young Hawkins go at once to see his mother, with Redruth for a guard; and then both come full speed to Bristol. "JOHN TRELAWNEY. "P. S.—l did not tell you that Blandly, •who, by tho way, Is to send a consort after us If we don't turn up by the end of Au gust, had found an admirable fellow for Bailln,g-master—a stiff man, which I regret, but, in a'l other respects, a treasure. Long John Silver unearthed a very competent jnan for a mate, a man named Arrow. I have a boatswain who plpefc, Livesey; so things shall go man-o'-war fashion on board the good ship 'Hispaniola.' "I forgot to tell you that Silver Is a man of substance; I know of my own knowledge that he has a banker's account, wtich has never been overdrawn. He leave* his wife to manage the Inn: and as she Is a woman of color, a pair of old bachelors like you and I may be excused for guessing that it is the wife, quite as much as the health, that j»nds him back to roving. J. T. 'P P. S.—Hawkins may stay one nigh?, with his mother. J. T.' You can fancy the. excitement into which that letter put me. I was half beside myself with glee; and if ever I despised a man, it was old Tom Red ruth, who could do nothing' but grumble and lament. Any of the under game keepers would gladly have changed places with him; but such was not the squire's pleasure, and the squire's pleas ure was like law among them all. No foody but old Kedrutli would have dared so much as even to grumble. The next morning he and I set out on foot for the Admiral Benbow, and there 1 found my mother in good health and spirits. The captain, who had so long been a cause of so much discomfort, was gone where the wicked cease from troubling. The squire had had everything repaired, and the pub lic rooms and the sign repainted, and had added some furniture—above all a beautiful armchair for mother in the bar. He had found her a boy as an ap prentice also, so that she s.hould not want help while I was gone. It was on seeing that boy that I un derstood, for the first time, my situa tion. I had thought up to that moment of the adventures before me, not at all of the home that 1 was leaving; and now, at sight of this clumsy stranger, who was to stay here in my place beside ruy mother, I had my first attack of tears. I am afraid I led that boy a dog's life, for he was new to the work. I had a hundred opportunities of set ting him right and putting him down, and I was not slow to profit by them. The night passed, and the next day, after dinner, Redruth and I were afoot again and on the road. I said good-by to mother and the cove where I had lived since I was l>orn, and the dear old Ad miral lien bow —since he was repainted, no longer quite so dear. One of my last thoughts was of the captain, who had so often strode along the beach with his cocked hat, his saber-cut cheek, and his old brass telescope. Next moment we had turned the corner, and my home was out of sight. The mail picked us up about dusk at the Royal George, on the heath. I was wedged in between lledruth and a stout old gentleman, and in spite of the swift motion and the cold night air, I must have do/.ed a great deal from the very first, and theri slept like a log uphill and down dale through stage after stage; for when I was awakened, at last, it was by a punch in the ribs, and 1 opened my eyes to find that we were standing still before a large build ing in a city street, and that the day had already broken a loijg time. "Where are we?" I asked. "Bristol," said Tom. "Get down." Mr. Trelawney had taken up his resi dence at an inn far down the docks, to superintend the work upon the schoon er. Thither we had now to walk, and our way, to my great delight, lay along the quays and beside the great multi tude of ships of all sizes and rigs and nations. In one, sailors were singing at their work; in another, there were men aloft, high over my head, hanging to threads that seemed no thicker than a spider's. Though I had lived by the shore all my life, I seemed never to have been near the sea till then. The smell of tar and salt was something new. I saw the most wonderful figure heads, that had all been far over the ocean. I saw, besides, many old sailors, with rings in their ears, and whiskers curled in ringlets, and tarry pig-tails, and their swaggering, clumsy sea-walk; and if I had seen as many kings or arch bishops I could not have beeu more de lighted. And I was going to sea myself; to sea in a schooner, with a piping boat swain, and pig-tailed singing seamen; to sea, bound for an unknown island, and to seek for buried treasure. While 1 was still in this delightful dream, we came suddenly in front of a large inn, and met Squire Trelawney, all dressed out like a sea officer, in stot.it blue cloth, coming out of the door with a smile on his face, and a capital imitation of a sailor's walk. "Here you are," he cried, "and the doctor came last night from London. Bravo—the ship's company complete!" "Oh, sir," cried I, "when do we sail?" "Sail!" says he. "We sail to-morrow." CHAPTER VIII. AT THE SIGN OF THE SPYGLASS. When I had done breakfasting, the squire gave ine a note, addressed to John Silver, at the sign of the Spyglass, and told me I should easily find the place by following the line of the docks, and keeping a bright outlook for a little tavern with a large brass telescope for a sign. I set off, overjoyed at this op portunity to see some more of the ships and seamen, and picked my way among a great crowd of people and carts and bales, for the dock was now at its busi est, until I found the tavern in question. It was a bright enough little place of entertainment. The sign was newly painted; the windows had neat red curtains; the floor was cleanly sanded. There was a street on either side, and an open door on both, which inad,e the large, low room pretty clear to see in, in spite of clouds of tobacco smoke. The customers were mostly seafar ing men; and they talked so loudly that I hung at the door, almost afraid to enter. As I was waiting, a man came out of of a side room, and at a glance, I was sure he must be Long John. Ills left leg was cut off close by the hip, and un der the left shoulder he carried a crutch, which lie managed with won derful dexterity, hopping about upon it like a bird. He was very tall and strong, with a face as big as a ham — plain and pale, but intelligent and smil ing. Indeed, he seemed in the most cheerful spirits, whistling as he moved about among the tables, with a merry CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY ai, 1898 word or a slap on the snoulder for the most favored of his guests. Now, to tell you the truth, from the very first mention of Long John in Squire Trelawney's letter, 1 had taken a fear in my mind that he might prove to be the very one-legged sailor whom I had watched for so long at, the old I Sen bow. Cut one look at the man be fore me was enough. I had seen the captain, and lilack Dog and the blind man Pew, and I thought I knew what a buccaneer was like — a very different creature, according to me, from this clean and pleasant-tempered landlord. I plucked up courage at once, crossed the threshold, and walked right up to the man where he stood, propped on his crutch, talking to a customer. "Mr. Silver, sir?" 1 asked, holding out the note. "Yes, my lad," said he; "such is my name, to be sure. And who may you be?" And when he saw the squire's letter, he seemed to me to give some thing almost like a start. "Oh!" said he, quite aloud, and offer ing his hand, "I see. You are our new cabin-boy; pleased I atn to sec you." And he took my hand in his large firm grasp. Just then one of the customers at the far side rose suddenly and made for the door. It was close by him, and he was out in the street in a moment. But his hurry had attracted my notice, and I recognized him at a glance. It was the tallow-faced man, wanting two fingers, who had come first to the Admiral Ben bow. "Oh," I cried, "stop him! it's Black Dog!" "I don't care two coppers who he is," cried Silver. "But he hasn't paid his score. Ilarry, run and catch him." One of the others who was nearest the door leaped up and started in pursuit. "If he were Admiral Ilawke he shall pay his score," cried Silver; and then, relinquishing my hand, "who did you say he was?" he asked. "Blaek what?" "Dog, sir," said I. "Has Mr. Trelaw ney not told you of the buccaneers? lie W«cs one of them." "So?" cried Silver. "In my house! Ben, run and help Harry. One of those swabs, was he? Was that you drinking with him, Morgan? Step up here." The man whom he called Morgan—an old, gray-haired mahogany-faced sailor —came forward pretty sheepishly, roll ing his quid. "Now, Morgan," said Long John, very sternly; "you never clapped your eyes "Oh!" I cried; ** »top him! It's Black Doar." on that Black —Black Dog before, did you, now?" "Not I, sir," said Morgan, with a salute. "You didn't know his name, did you?" "No, sir." "By the powers, Tom Morgan, it's as good for you!" exclaimed the landlord. "If you had been mixed up with the like of that, you would never have put another foot in my house, you may lay to that. And what was he saying to you ?" "I don't rightly know, sir," answered Morgan. "Do you call that a head on your shoulders, or a blessed dead-eye?" cried Long John. "Don't rightly know, don't you? Perhaps you don't happen to rightly know who yt>u was speaking to, perhaps? Come now, what was he jaw ing—-v'yages, cap'ns, ships? Pipe up? What was it?" "We was a-talkin' of keel-hauling," answered Morgan. "Keel-hauling, was you ? and a mighty suitable thing, too, and you may lay to that. Get back to your place for a lubber, Tom." And then, as Morgan rolled back to his seat Silver added to me in a confi dential whisper, that was very flatter ing, as I thought: "He's quite an honest man, Tom Mor gan, ouly stupid. And now," he ran on again, aloud, "let's see—Black Dog? No, I don't know the name, not I. Y'et I kind of think I've —yes, I've seen the swab. He used to conle here with a blind beggar, he used." "That he did, you may be sure," said I."I knew that blind man, too. His name was Pew." "It was!" cried Silver, now quite ex cited. "Pew! That were his name for certain. Ah, he looked a shark, he did! If we run down this Black Dog, now, there'll be news for Cap'n Tj-elawney! Ben's a good runner; few seamen run better than Ben. He should run him down, hand over hand, by the powers! He talked o' keel-hauling, did he? I'll keel haul him!" All the time he was jerking out these phrases he was stumping up and down the tavern on his crutch, slapping tables with his hand, and giving such a show of excitement as would have con vinced an Old Bailey judge or a Bow street runner. My suspicions had been thoroughly reawakened on finding Black Dog at the Spyglass, end I watched the cook narrowly. But he was too deep, and too ready, and too clever for me, and by the time the two men had come back out of breath, and confessed that they had lost the track In a crowd, and been scolded like thieves, I would have gone bail for the innocence of Long John Silver. "Sec here, now, Hawkins," said he, "here's a blessed hard thing on a man like me now, ain't it? There's Cap'n Trelawney—-what's he to think? Here I have this confounded son of a Dutch man sitting in my own house, drinking of my own rum! Here you comes and tells me of it plain; and here I let him give us all the slip before my blessed dead-lights! Now, Hawkins, you do me justice with the cap'n. You're a lad, you are, but you're as smart as paint. I Bee that when you first «ame in. Now, here it is: What could I do, with this old timber I hobble on? When I was an A B master mar iner I'd have come up alongside of him, hand over hand, and broached him to in a brace of old shakes, I would; and now—" And then, all of a sudden, he stopped, and his jaw dropped as though he had remembered something. "The score!" he burst out. "Three goes o' rum! Why, shiver my tim bers, if I hadn't forgotten my score!" And, falling on a bench, he laughed until the tears ran down his cheeks. I could not help joining; and we laughed, together, peal after peal, until the tavern rang again. "Why, what a precious old sea-calf I am!" he said, at last, wiping his cheeks. "You and me should get on well, Hawkins, for I'll take my davy I should be rated ship's boy. But, come, now, stand by togo about. This won't do. Dooty is doot3', messmates. I'll put on my old cocked hat, and step along of you to Cap'n Trelawney, and report this here affair. For, mind you, it's serious, young Hawkins; and neither you nor me's come out of it with what I should make so bold as to call credit. Nor you, neither, says you; not smart —none of the pair of us smart. But dash my buttons! that was a good 'un about my score." And he began to laugh again, and that so heartily that, though I did not see the joke as he did, I was again obliged to join him in his mirth. [TO BE CONTINUED] AN ENGLISH GALLANT, A Man of Fanlilon of the lCllznlirtli. nn Kra. Glancing across the surface of every day life in the Elizabethan days of ro bust manhood, it is interesting to no tice the lively, childlike simplicity of manners, the love of showy, brilliant colors worn by both sexes, and to com pare these, charming characteristics with the sober halbiliments and re served manners of the present day. Here is an example of the man of fash ion, the beau-ideal of the metropolis, as he sallies forth into the city to parade himself in the favorite mart of fash doniable loungers, St. Paul's church yard. His beard, if he have one, is on the wane, but his mustaches are cul tivated and curled at the points, and himself redolent with choicest per fumes. Costly jewels deeoravs his ears; o gold brooch of rarest workmanship fastens his bright scarlet cloak, which is thrown carelessly over his left shoul der, for he Ls most auiious to exhibit, to the utmost advantage the rich hatch ings of his silver-hilted rapier and dag ger, the exquisite cut of his doublet, (shorn of its skirts) and trunk hose. Bis hair, cropped close from the top of the head down the back, hangs in long love-locks on the sides. His hat which was then really new in the eoun try, having supplanted the woolen cap or hood, is thrown jauntily on one side, it is high and tapering toward the* crown, and has a ba«d around it, richly adorned with precious stones, or goldsmith's work, «.nd this gives a support to one of the finest of plumes —Nineteenth Century. What Wan Hurt. Many stories are told of tie witty re torts made by a certain- judge who died a few years ago, owl among them is one which proves that his wit did not desert him in. tflie most tryitag circum stance®. One day as he was walking down the steps which led from liis town, house he slipped, lost h.iis footing and fell with many thumps and bumps to the bottom. A pas®e»-by hurried up to the judge as the latter slowly rose to his feet. "I trust your honor is not seriously hurt?" besaid, in anxious in quiry. "My (honor is not at all hurt," returned the judge, with, a rueful ex pression, "but my elbows and knees are, I can assure you!"—Tit-Bits. A Tli l>m to lloawt Of. Schoolfellows learn each other's fail ings, if nothing else, and recall after years of separation the characteristic things about an old seatinate. Two men who bad been at school to gether when they were boys met and talked of old' times. "By the. way," said'one, "I saw Smith when I was out at Seattle." "Did you? And' what was he brag ging about whcin you faw him?" "He was bragging about his mod'esty just at that moment." "Dear old Smith! Just like him!"— Youth's Companion. No Monotony. According to the statement of th® ten-year-old daughter of a Massachu setts clergyman- there are ways of mak ing an old sermon seern almost mew "Molly," said 1 one of the friends of this young critic, "does your father ever preach the same sermon twice?" "I think perhaps he does," returned Molly, cautiously, "but I thSfc l«e talks loud and soft in. ♦"fferent places the second time, so it doesn't sound the same at all."—Youtih"s Companion'. Knew Ills Wnya. "Why do you say we are perfectly safe if we elope on a railroad train." "Because papa won't pursue us until he can get a pass." —Chicago Record. —Suffering loses all its charms foi a woman if she has to do it in silence.— Chicago News. A STARTLED MOTHER. From the Freeport (111.) Bulletin. While busy at work in her home, \fr«. William Shay, corner of Taylor and Han cock Avenues, Freeport, LI., was startled bv hearing a noise just behind her. Turning I , quickly | creeping Jipv toward 112 f/f \ her her olddaugh- Vv trice. The !!_- W child 6 I move d [ M JO J&jfap. over the I U Hoor with J iSi y/ seem'ed Mrs ' Shay Startled. filled with joy at finding her mother. The rest of the happening is best told in the mother's own words. She said: "On the 28th of Sept., 189fi, while in the bloom of health, Beatrice was suddenly and severely afflicted with spinal meningitis. Strong and vigorous before, in five weeks she became feeble and suffered from a para lytic stroke which twisted her head back to the side and made it impossible for her to move a limb Her speech, however, was not affected. We called in our family doctor, one of the most experienced and successful practitioners in the city. He considered the ease a very grave one. before long lit tle' Beatrice was compelled to wear a plaster paris jacket. Prominent physicians were consulted, electric batteries were applied, but no benefit was noticed until we tried Dr. Williams' Pin'.: Pills for Pale People. "Busy in my kitchen one afternoon I was startled by th? cry of 'Mamma' from little Beatrice who was creeping towards me. I had placed her on an improvised bed in the parlor. She became tired of waiting for ma to come back and made up her mind togo to me, so her story 'My Pirik Pills made me walk,' which she tells everyone who comes to our house, was then for the first time veri fied. She has walked ever since. She has now taken about nine boxes of the pills and her pale and pinched face has been growing rosy, and her limbs gained strength day by day. She v!eeps all night long now, while be fore taking the pills she could rest but a few hours at a time." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold by all druggists. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Some Short Sentenced Which Contain Some Truth nnrln»t coffee at night. It spoils their sleep. You can drink Grain-O when you please and sleep like a top. For (iratn-O doe.- not stimulate; it nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks and tastes like the best coffee. For nervous persons, young people and c! ildren Grain-O is the perfect drink. Made from pure grains. Get a package from your grocer to day. Try it in place of coffer. IS and 25c. Ready to Correct All Rrror*. Old Skinflint (grufHv)—Fifteen dollars for those opera glasses? I can't see it. sir. Optician (blandly)— Perhaps 1 should first fit you wit 1; a pair of my $lB gold spectacles. —Jewelers' \\ eekiv. "Were you a guest at the hotej while you were away, Blodgett?" "Guest? Not much. I paid cash.''—Chicago Record. SSOO Reward Tki abora Reward will be pild far tk fenaaation that will lead to tbe arrest mm •on notion of tbe party or pa-ties «W •lao©d iroa and ilaba oa the ef 4* Emporium k Rich Yalley R R., MM*. the east tin* of Fraaklin HotteUir't turn, tm the evening of NOT. 21«t, IBM. HBBBT AUCJIW, 88- tf. /"rejidiut. FINE LIQUOR SIORE —w EMPORIUM, PA. THE tmderslgned haa opened <* tw* olaea Liquor store, and Invito* «h* trade of Hot*!*, Rcatanra.jta, J»» W* shall carry non* bat Ik* b BMW MB. A. A. MoDONALD, rxopßixTom, BMPOBICM. FA. & F. X. BLUMLE, 9 W EIIFOBIUU. rA. ! M & WINES, j? & WHISKIES, ; 3 M AB4 Liquors of All Kinds. < 1 q Th* beat of food* alwajr* J w carried In stock and arery- | 'n thing warranted a* r*pr*—*• L ST Especial Attentle* Paid *• 1 Ag rUUI Order*. M $ EMPORIUM, PA. § / GO TO i sj. /L ftinsler'U J Bread Stmt, Eaiperlaa, Pa.. I J mm 7*a caa («t anything r*a want la C C th« Ua« at 1 s Groceries, P l Provisions, ? P FLOUR, SALT HEATS, P C BMOKEI* NEATS, \ J CANNES 80t5S, ETC., / ) Tau, C*ftn, FRita, foifatloierj, ) S Mum ui Clears. C \ e**€* Deltyered Free anj / / riaca laa Town. 1 / ciu in SKI ii IN GST ruciLN C nil P. A B. BEFIT V Ufobilb Bottling Works, JOHN MCDONALD, Proprietor. Ifaar F. (C. Depot, Eaipoaluaa, Pa. Bottler aad Shipper a* Rochester Lager Beer, R3T nuacs or etpo&t. The Manufacturer at *aft Orlaka and Dealer la CSfcotoa Wioea aad Pare Llquora. " J —«3BSP — W* lce*p BO*O bnt th* T*ry b**i Bow and ar* prepared to fill Orders MI short notice. Private families aerrod Aailjr tf de*ir*d. JOHN MoDOWAUD. j Caraei, and Trada-Marka obtained and all JrHtbuadreaa conducted far MOOHATI Fere. iouaomei iaO>roa«T* U.S. 112« Tt !£°'C2s Jand wacanaecura patent m lata tuna thaa Usee {ic-fKota from Waehlnrton. . ' S Send modal, drawTnj or phot®-, with deeertp- Stleo. We ad viae, if patemable or not, free o I fcharce. Oor fee not due till patent la a paapHLCT, " How to Obtain I atenta, wMa iuof. o?Tama in the U. 8. aaC conntriaa aent free. Addreea, O.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. Orr.o«, WaatiiKiTon. O. C._ V^W%VWW^WWW VVVVVV * T'ssvrr.-ia CHICACO T&NEW YORK OT71C»» * A. IU KELLCB9 HEWSPI'EB Mb,