01 Mill Sit. Owing to the very liberal patronage I have had from our people and in view of the hard times I will until MAY Ist,reduce the price of Physicians Prescriptions as follows, viz : All I oz. mixtures, regular price, 20 to 15 All 2 oz. mixtures, reguiar price, 25 to 19 All 3 oz. mixtures, regular price. 35 to 25 All 4 oz. mixtures, regular price, 45 to 30 All 6 oz. mixtures, regular price, 65 to 50 All 8 oz. mixtures, regular price, 85 to 65 And a corresponding reduction on all packages of Powders, Pills, Oint ments Also liberal discount on all Patent Medicines, Baby Foods, Per fumes, Toilet and Fancy Articles and extra liberal discount on Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Atomi zers and Nursing Bottles. I will guarantee my goods to be strictly fresh an i equal to any goods in the market. Thirty years experience in the town of Emporium is sufficient evidence of competency. If you wish to avail yourself of the liberal offer, leave your Physician's Prescriptions and drug trade in general at the OLD RE LIABLE DRUG STORE. L. TAGGART. EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., July 13, 1898. NEMOPHILA, persack, *1 10 (■r&hain " 70 Kye '* 65 buckwheat, 44 Patent Meal. ..... M 40 Coarse Meal, per 100, «... 00 Chop Feed, 44 90 Middlings 44 00 Bran, ,4 90 Corn, per bushel White Oats, per bushel 10 j C hoice Clover Seed, 1 Choice Timothy Seed, I At Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed, Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, J w ■iwaa>j—au—am ll—wi ■■BMwaußwn LOCAL DEPARTMENT• PERSONAL (iOSSIP. Contributions invited. That uyfiich you would like to see in this department, let U8 know by pos• tal card, letter, or pernonally. Riley Warner drove down to Sinne mahoning on Monday. 'Squire Austin, of Austin, was in Emporium on Monday. Fred Julian has gone on a four months' tour of the western States. Jno. A. Noe came over from Austin on Tuesday to get a little fresh air. Albert Lord, of Cameron, was in town on Saturday visiting old friends. Fred McVicker, of Driftwood, trans acted business in Emporium on Tues day. R. W. Barrows, of Lock Haven, called on Emporium friends on Tues day. W. W. Weeks took in the Portage j excursion Sunday and stopped off at Olean. Wm. L. Sykes and family, of Buffalo, visited Geo. A. Walker and family over Sunday. Dr. Smith and wife have been visit ing the doctor's old home in Canada the past week. Miss Laura Swain, of Austin, i:-' visit- I ing friends in town, guest of Miss j Maine McCabe. Chas. W. Shaffer and wife visited First Fork over Sunday, guests of D. 13. Johnson and wife. We are pleased to see John O'Byrne j out again, after several weeks severe j tussle with rheumatism. Tim McCarthy came down from Erie last week to visit his sister, Mrs. J. S. Hauber, for a lew days. Miss Sallie McMurrow, of New York City, is guest of her aunt, Mrs. B. W. Green, on Sixth street. Miss Bertha Burns, of Yorkshire Centre, N. Y., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank Mundy, at this place. B. J. Cameron returned last week from visiting friends at Altoona, Lock Haven, Williamsport and other places. A large crowd of Emporiumites took in the Portage Falls excursion last Sunday and all report a very pleasant time. Mr. Amos Narragon and Miss Viola Barr, both of Shippen township, were married on Monday, July 18, by 'Squire Larrabee. E. H. Lininger and friend, of Austin, stopped into see the PRESS on Tues day. They will read this paper during '9B and '99. The Misses Emma Nefcy and Winnie Mullen, of Driftwood, visited in town over Sunday, guests of Jos. Lechner and family. Ex-County Commissioner Chas. W. Belden, of Sinnemahoning, was in Emporium on Tuesday. He called to see the PRESS. The Misses Pamela and Huldah Freeman departed on Tuesday morn ing for an extended visit with relatives at Otsego, Mich. J. P. McNarney, of the well known law Arm ot Johnson & McNarney came over from Emporium to help his wife and boys visit for a few days at Potter's capital.—Coudersport Journal. Mr. Edward Nellis and Miss Myrtle Kellar, of the Westward, were mar ried at Olean, N. Y., on Sunday, ,) u |y 17th. The PHESS extends congratula tions, and wishes them a happy and prosperous life. J. A. Dice, of Cameron, who has : been a resident of Cameron for twenty eight years and one of its most upright j and conscientious citizens, was in ! Emporium on Thursday last and called I to push the date ahead on his PRESS. , It was our good fortune to become | acquainted with Mr. Dice the tirst day j he landed in Cameron and from that ! day to this we have always kept a j warm spot in our heart for Jake Dice. Mrs. T. H. Ryan and her daughter Mrs. J. K. Morrison and two children ' .. Emporium and Mrs. Jennie Griffiths of Kane, and little daughter of Benton Ryan, started Tuesday for Belfast N. Y., to attend the 87th birthday of C. P. Marsh, father to Mesdames Ryan and Griffiths. Three generations went from here. John M. Gillon, of Philadelphia, formerly foreman in the Man key Furniture Factory, at this place, was visiting friends in town over Sunday. He left for Weedville, where his wife and child arc visiting, to spend a week rusticating. John J. Roberts, of Ceres, was guest at the Warner House yesterday. Mr. R. is McKean's member of Republican State Committee and was on his re turn from Philadelphia, where he at tended the committee meeting on Tuesday. Mr. J. B. Sehriever, returned from the National Photographers Conven tion at Celeron, N. Y., on Saturday evening. Judging from Jim's appear ance the lake breezes must have had a very rejuvenating effect on him. Mr. G. W. Davis, principal of one of Chicago's public schools, was in Em porium on Monday and Tuesday, and accompanied his cousins, the Misses Pamela and Huldah Freeman on their western trip. County Treasurer W. L. Thomas escorted a party of friends to Grove on a fishing excursion. Before start ing Thomas contracted with a number of our citizens for eighty pounds of bass. Miss Helen Van Valkenburg last week accepted the offer to teach an other year in the public schools at Em porium, Cameron county, at an in creased salary.—Wellsboro Agitator. Mr J. F. Parsons received a letter and a very pretty souvenir of Camp Alger, last week, from his nephew L. M. Parsons who is a member of the company that went from Lock Haven. Dr. S. S. Smith and wife, of Empo rium, Pa., are guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. Ross Allen, having stopped off in Olean on their way to Canada. —Olean Democrat. E. N. Fairchild, of Sizerville, who has been suffering from a complication ! of diseases, is improving gradually under the watchful care of Dr. Heil man. Mr. Beech and family, of Penfield, have moved to Emporium and are j quartered at the Warner House. Mr. I B. is bark inspector at the tannery. George Egbert, who has been the 1 guest of George A. Walker and family ; during the past week, returned to his home at Ithaca, N. Y., Tuesday. A. F. Morgan writes us from James- i town, N. Y., ordering the PRESS, j Everybody wants the PRESS when j away from home —a letter. Fred Johnson, who has been attend- j ing Swarthmore College, returned home Saturday evening and will spend his vacation in Emporium. Cadwalder Biddle, secretary of the State Board of Public Charities, was in Emporium Tuesday and made Sheriff Mundy a visit. Chas. Stewart, of Cameron, one of Lumber's prosperous farmer-lumber men, was calling on Emporium friends yesterday. Miss Minnie Bargelt, who has been at Buffalo, N. Y., since last February arrived in Emporium on Tuesday evening. E. W. Yeagle, clerk in Rockwell's Drug store, has returned from visiting friends at Ilughesville. Mrs. F. W. Ayers, who has been seriously ill for the past few days, is able to be about. Mr. Elmer Burlingame, of Sizerville, called on his many Emporium friends on Wednesday. W. E. Parsons, of Lock Haven, was the guest of his brother J. F. Parsons, Monday night. Prof. Van Deusen, of Williamsport Seminary, is guest of Rev. Johnston and family. Chas. Prowant has recovered from a few days illness—threatened with fever. P. & E. R. R. Co. are laying a brick pavement in front of the depot at this place. Mrs. J. C. Bonham and daughter Miss Louise are visiting in New York. Miss Nettie Healy, is visiting rela ' tives at Austin and Costello this week. Geo. Metzger, Jr., is building a new veranda in front of his residence. Mrs. T. F. Moore and daughter are visiting at Renovo. Miss Grace McCaslin is visiting at Clintonville, Pa. John Coyle visited Potter county on Monday. P. J. Bloom has gone to St. Marys. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1898. James Morrisey, of Renovo, is visit- I ing his parents in town. Rev. W. R. McNeil, who has been suffering from congestion of the brain since last Sunday, is reported to be much better this morning. His friends have been seriously alarmed over his condition but hopes are now enter tained for his recovery. S. A. Harris came over from Empo rium on a business mission Friday Father McAdam, who has had charge of St. Mark's Church at Emporium for j the past nine years, will soon take | charge of the Catholic Church at John sonburg, to which place he has been transferred. Father McAdam was well known hereabouts, and his many friends join with us in wishing him success in his new field of labor.— G'oudersport Journal. BRIEF nENTION. A new lot of ladies' collars in all the latest styles, just received at Soble's. The destroyed vessels of Cervera's fleet cost Spain not less than §13,000,000. A young man .just married always gives very liberally the first Sunday at church. The Adams Express Co. has made a reduction of 25 per cent on all pack ages sent to soldiers. Rev. R. McCaslin will preach in the Baptist church on Sabbath morning next, at eleven o'clock. Women who chew gum are now tax payers. The new revenue law places a tax of one-fourth of a cent on a pack. Have you seen those new white crush hats with red bands, at Soble's. They are just the thing for this hot weather and are very nobby. Down in Northumberland county the auditors are still at work on last year's financial accounts, having com menced work thereon on the first of January. Victory is again perched on our banner, as our second nine vanquished the Austin boys last Saturday after noon, on the home grounds, to the tune of 21 to 8. Gen. Roy Stone, who commanded the famous "Bucktail Brigade" during a portion of the Civil War, is now in Cuba, a member of the Staff of General Nelson A. Miles. The Derrick correspondent says there are bicycles in homes in Frank lin where there is no carpet on the floor. Yes, and plenty own bicycles who owe grocery and meat bills and for the clothes upon their backs. But that is human nature the world over. —Franklin News. A well posted exchange says that " the editor of a country newspaper might just as well try to make an hon est living trying to sell ice machines in the Klondike regions as to try to please everybody in the columns of his paper." A correspondent wants to know the origin of the phrase, "he isn't in it." It was first used by an editor who died and went to heaven, and looked for the man who took his paper for five years and then refused to pay for it. Cataracts liavo been growing in the eyes of Michael Hout's little son for some time and it was feared his sight would be destroyed. We are glad to learn he is improving under the watch ful care of Dr. Bardwell and will fully recover his sight. A farmer writes to an exchange as follows: "Every year I hear of cater pillars destroying whole orchards. There is nothing so easy to dispose of. 1 bore a hole in the tree deep enough to reach the sap, fill it with sulphur and plug it up. The sap takes the sulphur to every limb and twig and the catterpillars disappear at once. I have used it for years. The Philadelphia Inquirer shrieks, "Keep the bench out of politics." It is a mighty poor rule that will not work both ways. Therefore the Judges who sit upon the bench should keep out of politics themselves. But we are sorry to say that some of them descend to the low slums of the ward heeler when they see a chance to advance their party's interests, which is a dis grace to the judiciary of this or any other State.—McKean Democrat. The Wellsboro Gazette very truth fully remarks: The home merchant is the man who gives credit when the purchaser has no cash to buy the necessities of life. The home merchant is the man who helps pay the taxes that run schools and build roads. The home merchant is the man to whom people appeal for favors. Then why should he be ignored when a purchase isjmade? He sells his goods at as low a figure as merchants in other towns. But then, the home merchant should get his printing at home too. "If a newspaper man knew how | many 'knocks' he received behind his j back, he would adopt another calling," remarked a citizen yesterday. The j citizen was mistaken. The newspaper man who succeeds expects to be ! maligned by every law breaker, swind ler and hypocrite; every lover of notoriety who is ignored, and, in fact, all who do not agree with him on pub lic or private qustions. The news paper man who expects togo through lite without being misrepresented | should mako arrangements to die young. -Ex. win UN If! McKinley Decides to Take Porto Rico at Once. AN EXPEDITION OF 35,000 MEN. Plan to Hush an Overwhelming Porce to the Island—nile.s to See the President Before Starting -Thousands Have (imbarked Wat son's Mission to Spain Ammunition on the Way to fleet the Commodore at a Rendezvous Agreed Upon—Hot Work Ahead. From The Philadelphia Record. Washington, I). C.. July IS.— President McKinley practically gave up to-day all present hope of peace with Spain, and personally directed that the Porto Rico expe dition and that of Commodore Wat son should be dispatched at the earliest possible moment. Commodore Watson's fleet will this week take on board the ammu nition and other necessary supplies which the Yankee, just off from New York, is to get to the,m by Wednesday, at a secret point of rendezvous, while General Miles and Admiral Sampson are to begin the Porto Rico campaign within ten days or two weeks. MUST CONKER WITH MILES FIRST. General Miles, who is to be the commander-in-chief of the land forces at Porto Rico, with General Brooke as his chief subordinate, was to leave on the Vale to-night from near Santiago for New York city, and not Porto Rico, as was reported this afternoon. At New York the Yale is to get coal and supplies and prepare to take some of the troops to Porto Rico. General Miles is then expected in Washington at the end of the week, so that t he President and Secretary Alger may confer with him person ally about the plan of campaign and the policy to be pursued in the island of Porto Rico after it comes into our possession. FROM SANTIAGO TO SAN JUAN. In the meantime, General Brooke, who made his farewell visits to the President and Secretary Alger this afternoon, is to organize the troops that are to be sent from the United States. These will not have to be so numerous as was expected, now that General Miles reports that a large part of the army at Santiago has not been infected with the yel low fever, and will be utilized in the Porto Rico expedition. But the War Department is moved to limit the number of troops to be taken from Santiago rather closely beyond the artillery and Roosevelt's Rough Riders. ARMY OF 30,000 MUX TO CO. In order to have an overwhelm ing force, in view of the conflicting reports about the number of Span ish regulars in Porto Rico —varying from 5000 to ts,(MMl — for the Span ish volunteers are not seriously con sidered. and to allow for all the con tingencies suggested by the Santiago campaign, the Administration may send 35,000 troops in all to Porto Rico. President McKinley said to-day that he did not propose to have a repetition in this case of the annoy ing delays that held back the Santi ago expedition at Tampa, and that he had no reason to expect it, since the men and the munitions, equip ments and supplies were now so nearly ready. OVER 10,000 Al, READY EM HA RK HI). Between 10,000 and 15,000 of the troops for Porto Rico are re ported as already on transports with their guns and supplies. All the regulars at Tampa, 0200 in number, including 12 batteries of heavy and light artillery, were reported as embarked on transports to-day, while part of Gen. Brooke's corps, numbering 3000 or 4000 men, is reported as on transports at Charleston, and four batteries of artillery besides other troops sent to Santiago, but never landed, are still on the transports there. ON HOARD TOO SOON. The embarkation of the troops at Tampa and Charleston seems pre mature, since it is not proposed to send the army to Porto Rico in de tachments, according to the author ities here, as was done at Santiago, but to send it all at once and in conjunction with Admiral Samp son's squadron. ( Jen. Brooke can certainly not get the rest of his army in this country embarked be fore the end of the week. PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENTS OOINO. General Brooke said this after noon that it was certain that Gen eral .lames 11. Wilson's division, including the Fourth and Sixteenth Pennsylvania, the Second and Third Wisconsin, the Fourth Ohio, and the Third Illinois will goto Porto Rico. The Sixteenth Pennsylvania and the two Wisconsin regiments are already reported 011 transports sailing from Charleston, and the rest will go from Newport News. The Third Brigade, including the Third Pennsylvania, is also going, as are also all the other commands comprising the Fourth Corps at Tampa. General Fitzhugh Lee has been telegraphing for permission to goto Porto llico, but he may have to wait for the campaign against 11 ava na. I'ROORAMME FOIt Till: NAVY. The part which the navy is to take in the assault against Porto Rico has been fully matured. The several transport fleets will have with them 011 c or two auxiliary craft, carrying strong secondary batteries of six or eight six-pound ers. Secretary Long said this after noon that 110 time had been fixed for the departure of Admiral Samp son's licet for San Juan. As to the naval plans, he would only say that tliey would co-operate in every way with the movements of the army. NO I'lo AHS CONCERN INO CASIAUA. Secretary Long said to-day that 110 apprehension whatever existed over the Spanish threat that the (.'umara squadron would be divided, part of the ships coming to this side to attack American seaport cities. It is believed by the Adminis tration that after Porto Rico is taken and the Spanish coast is at tacked by Commodore Watson, Spain's pride may become suffici ently humbled to accept the inevit able without waiting for the capture of Ha vana, postponed until tlieelose of the rainy season. One Clean Place. There is one place in town where every glass is washed in hot water and polished every time it is used. It is lots of work but it pays, because clean people go there for soda. You don't have to ask where it is—Metzger's, of course. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D.: " Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and finally termin ated in Consumption. Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and ft.oo. Guaranteed or price refunded. : I I ' * Warm Weather !fg :« Warm f k-'| Weather : iH I! lira— Underwear. [!|| CD |I I H (fill ' 1 •oft |1 We have ||| H ( b Woman's Gauze Vests « ||| JI ij low neck and sleeves, at ||| -M Woman's Gauze Vests, in ecru and white, low neck 'ii ill , , ,1 Wand sleeves, at 10 cents. ® Woman's and Children's Vests in ecru and white, low Jf i|::j neck with or without sleeves, at 15 cents. Fancy white and ecru Vests, with or without sleeves, v|| IJI at 25 cents. ffl Fancy silk vests, low neck and sleeves, from 50c to 75c. j'p We handle the celebrated E. &Z. Waists for children, jpji Warm Weather Wash Stuffs. Jljj Better buy now. You'll need them sure. The weather ® iW will drive you to it. You can buy at any time at any w ipl price, but you can't buy such values as we now have, when Iffl jj||i Our line of Ladies and Misses Linen Collars and Cuffs ||jjj |j|j are right. Examine them, the price is 15c to 25c. flf i means pain, danger and M & possible death for noma \ ) wivee. For others it means practically no ///mtW VJ discomfort at all. There ji w is no reason why child- If M birth should be a period of pain and dread. Sev. It is a era! months before a liniment woman becomes a to be ap mother she should plied ex prepare herself for ternally. the critical ordeal. It relaxes There is a prepara- the mu s tionmade which is cles and re intended for this lieves the purpose alone. distension. The name of giveselastici this wonderful ty to every preparation 13 organ con ■aii » cerned in Hotter 3 Crirni! danger and II lullli. nearly all suffer ing. hest results »—•