Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 21, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Courtly I! ress.
Established BY C. B. GOULD.
Editor and Manager.
Per year
If paid in advance *' ou
Advertisements are published at the rate of one
dollar per square for one insertion and fifty cento
per square for each subsequent insertion.
Rates by the year or for six or three months are
low and uniform, and will be furnished on appll
Legal and Official Advertising per square, th ree
times or less, $2 00; each subsequent insert ion SO
cents per square.
Local noticesten cents ;ier 11 nc for one insertion,
five cents per line for each subsequentconsecutive
"ohit'uary notices over five lines, ten cents per
line, simplcnniiouncements of birthf, marriages
»nd deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less ss.Wperjcar
■averfive lines, at the regular rates of advertising
No localinsertedfor less than 75 cts. per issue.
The Job department or the PRESS is complete,
and affords facilities for doing the best class ol
Ni> paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
»re paid, except at the option oftlie publisher. [
Papers ser.t o: it oftlie county must be paid for
in advance.
For Governor,
VI'JI, A, STONE, of Allegany.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
J. P. S. GOBIN, of Lebanon.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs.
JOSEPH W. LATTA, of Philadelphia.
For Judge of Superior Court.
WILLIAM M. PORTER, of Phiadelphia.
WILLIAM D. PORTER, of Allegany.
For Congress-at-Large,
GALUBHA A. GROW, of Susquehanna,
For Representative in Congress,
For President Judge,
B. W. GREEN, of Cameron*
(Subject to the decision of the Republican
District Convention.]
At it meeting of the Republican
State committee held in Philadel
phia on Tuesday, Judge \V. 1).
Porter, of Allegheny county, was
unanimously nominated for Supe
rior Court Judge, to succeed the
late.l udge Wickliam. The meeting
was unusually large and represent
atives from all sections made the
uiost gratifying reports.
The following, written by (Jen.
Grant shortly before bis death, will
interest many just now: " I feel
that we are 011 the eve of a new era,
when there is to be great harmony
between the Federal and Confeder
ate. I cannot stay to be a living
witness to the correctness of this
prophecy, but 1 feel within me that
it is to be so. The universally kind
Seeling expressed for me at a time
when it was supposed that each day
would prove my last, seemed to me
the beginning of the answer to. ' Let
us have peace." " .
The Democratic Williamsport
rimes becomes quite hysterical
over the fact*that Attorney-General
McCormick has announced his
purpose to support the Republican
candidate for Governor, and ad
vised 'lis friends to do likewise.
What did our contemporary expect
\Tr McCormick to do? It cer
tainly could not have thought lie
would support the Democratic can
didate, who was nominated to get
only Democratic votes, not Repub
lican.— [ Philadelphia Press.
Progress of the State Campaign.
The campaign in Pennsylvania
moves bravely 011. The Republicans
are rapidly closing up their lines
and are now entirely confident of
the election of their ticket by a
great majority. There will be 110
independent ticket for the very ob
vious reason that such a ticket, in
addition to being foredoomed to
overwhelming defeat, would not
accomplish its sinister ulterior pur
pose of electing the Democratic
nominees. The most searching in
quiry into the character of the Ke
publican nominees has failed to
discover any flaw there. By the
open confession of the enemy the
men who stand for the Republican
party are honest, capable, experi
enced in public affairs and person
ally deserving. By their secret
admissions their own candidates
are doomed to defeat.
This is the situation in general,
but it is based upon the situation
in detail. In the counties which
have already named their local
tickets the disappointments arising
naturally from tiie defeat of credit
able ambitions have already been
forgotten in love for the party or
arc fading so rapidly that they will
very soon be a thing of the past.
Magee and his newspapers are in
line for the ticket nominated at
IT:1 Tisburer. 1>; vc Mart ill has said
he will support it. In Lycoming!
Attorney-General McCormick, for- !
merly the leader of the anti-Stone ]
forces, has given in his allegiance |
and will doubtless see that his
county gives a good majority for !
the soldier-statesmen candidates.
The Honorable Charles W. Stone, !
with that loyalty that characterizes j
the true Republican, also advocates j
the election of that ticket, ami is
expected to take the stump with
Colonel Stone when the fight is j
formally opened next month. The ;
newspapers that supported him '■
heart and soul, in the sincere con- j
viction that he was the strongest j
candidate that could be named,
have accepted the result philosoph
ically and are urging the voters to
do their duty to the party. The
Bradford Star, the Warren Mirror
and Warren Mail and the Kane Re
publican. all edited by the Warren
statesman's personal friends, are
there, their grievances at least tem
porarily forgotten and their desire
for party success undiminished.
111 view of these facts it is not
strange that there should be no
independent ticket. Why should
even a disgruntled office seeker
walk deliberately to defeat? And
on the Democratic side of the fence
conditions are such as to give the
lie to all open claims to a successful
campaign. The nomination of Mr.
Jcuks, an advocate of Bryan and
free silver, has aroused no enthus
iasm. On a platform ignoring the
very issue for which he stands it is
absurd. The party is torn into
factions that resent the work of
the Altoona convention. One of
these savagely demands the depos
ition of Chairman < Jarman and his
chief, Guffey, as the tirst step of
party rehabilitation. The Gordon
ites are arraigning the Guffeyites
and the (iuffeyites are assailing the
supporters of the Philadelphia
jurist. The men who are sincerely
for free silver denounce the plat
form as cowardly and evasive,
while the hard-money democrats
would have had it repudiate the
principles upon which it went
down in the campaign of two years
ago. Neither is satisfied and there
is no reason why either should be.
And so we say that there is no
cause for fear on the Republican
side. The voters are alive to the
necessity of supporting the admin
istration that has directed our
army and navy to a glorious vic
tory over ;; foreign enemy and of
keeping the Keystone State in the
Republican (.'Ollllllll by a great
majority. There is work to do.
but it is already under way, and
its result will be another triumph
almost a- brilliant as those won at
Manila and in and oil Santiago.—
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Ths Army's Victory.
We can' better appreciate the
victory at Santiago by considering
its cost . The nominal strength of
Shatter's expedition, which was
landed on the 2.'5 d of June, was
16,000 men. If we make allow
ance for the sick and for the large
number engaged in transportation
and in guarding the supplies upon
the coast, it is doubtful if his
actual fighting force exceeded
12,000. Reinforcements reached
him after the battle of July 1 and
2, but in the desperate assault that
resulted in the occupation of El
Caney and the heights of San .Juan,
12,000 is a liberal estimate of the
number lie had engaged.
The losses foot up 1,914 killed,
wounded and missing, the killed
in battle numbering 240 and the
wounded 1,584. Thus nearly one
sixth of the army was disabled in
action, while at the same time
fever and exposure were reducing
the ranks perhaps as rapidly. And
still the army held its ground un
complainingly, ready to press for
ward to another attack that every
one knew must be even more
destructive than the first. We do
not know the losses of the enemy,
but they could not have been
nearly as severe as ours, since the
Spanish had so greatly the advant
age of position in an infantry
battle. They were nevertheless
sufficient, when followed by the
loss of the tleet and the subsequent
strengthening of the American
lines, to convince the Spanish com
mander of the fruitlessness of con
tinued insistence to an army that
woidd fight as ours did.
A man who fights aboard ship
fights, as it were, under the eyes
of the world; but these soldiers
out in the trenches under the
tropic sun, with no one to describe
(heir valor. ;;o one even to identify
them in the long line stretched ;
across the hills, still pressing for
ward in the face of death, what j
splendid heroism is theirs! We j
cannot honor them too much, every ;
man of them, from the general to |
the private, and above all the j
glorious little army of the United |
States of which they formed so |
large a part. We are rightly proud j
of our navy, but the victory at |
Santiago is the army's victory, j
bought with blood and suffering i
and a chivalrie courage that no j
army in the world ever has ex
celled.—Philadelphia Times.
[Front our Regular Correnpondcnt.)
Washington, July 18, 1898.
Onto Porto Rico and onto
Spain! are now the twin watch
words of President McKinley and
11is administration.. Commodore
Watson's lleet will probably be on
the way to Spain before this is
printed, and the expedition against
Porto Rico will be started at the
earliest possible moment. Havana
is to be left alone for the. time
being, as the delay is daily
weakening the effectiveness of
Blanco's troops.
lien. Shafter's great victory in
the capture of Santiago and 25,000
| Spanish troops with their arms and
; ammunition, would have caused
much more rejoicing had it not
been accompanied by the news that
thi- yellow fever had broken out in
| our army at Santiago. Everything
j that money and science and medi-
I cal skill can do to stamp out the
disease is being done, and there
; ports indicate that the fever is so
far of a. mild type, but there will
i be much uneasiness until the full
j extent of the infection becomes
The War Department is perfect
l ing arrangements to send the
! Spaniards, who surrendered at
I Santiago, back to Spain, under
I parole, in accordance with the
; terms of surrender, and they will
| be hurried off as soon as possible.
I Sending them to Spain is the best
j possible thing to do with them. It
I will be cheaper than feeding them
j and keeping them as prisoners,
| either in Cuba or in the United
! States, and even if it wasn't, it
| would still be the best way to get
| rid of them.
Secretary Alger is very proud of
j a letter he has received from a
gentlemen who held high command
in the Union army during the civil
| war and who has a world wide
reputation as an authority on
| military matters. The tenor of
l the letter may be judged from this
! extract: ' - You have shown the
J world what American staff de
i partments under a head of great
executive ability can create in an
I emergency. It is difficult to create
|an army, equip it and move it,
j and it requires a peculiar kind of
| ability."
The total amount of subscrip
| tions to the war bonds was 81,:>»>5,-
<)<)(>, Olio. ;ind would doubtless have
; been twice as large had not the
certainty that they would not get
1 any prevented many large financial
| concerns from offering to take big
blocks of the bonds. The meaning
of this offer of our o\\ n citizens to
! loan the government one billion,
three hundred and sixty-five mil
lion dollars, at three per cent, in
terest, will be more fully appre
ciated in Europe than among
j ourselves—we required no such
j proof of the patriotism of our
! people. President McKinley is
much pleased to know that the
entire issueof bonds will go toindi
viduals, not one of whom will get
more than 85,000, and that almost
half of the 8200,000,000 will go
! out in lots of 8500 or less. It is a
] popular loan sure enough.
! As an additional proof that Am
> ericans always keep near the head
j of the procession, whether they are
j engaged in fighting with deadly
| weapons or in the struggle for the
almighty dollar, it may be men-
I tioned that applications for autlior
| ity to establish National banks at
the following places have been
filed at the Treasury Department:
Honolulu, llavanna, San Juan,
Porto Rico, and Manila.
A Washington delegation of the
Red Cross Society made a thorough
personal investigation of the ar
rangement for the comfort of the
sick and wounded in the hospital
at Fortress Monroe and report all
patients comfortably provided for
in the way of accommodations. To
meet a need, the Red Cross has
issued an appeal for contributions
of delicacies for the patients.
Gen. Miles added much to his
popularity by giving Gen. Shafter
entire credit for the victorious
campaign against Santiago, in his
j official dispatches to Secretary
I Alger, and proved that he meant
j exactly what lie said when he went
! to Cuba, that lie was going to make
! observations, and not to supercede
i (Jen. Shafter.
It might be supposed from the
tenor of the European cable news,
j that negotiations for peace between
the U. S. and Spain were under
w ay. Such is not the case. There
has been no negotiations, in fact,
no word from Spain on the subject.
This government has had an ample
sufficiency of negotiating with '
Spain, and is not likely to counte- |
nance any in connection with
peace. There will be no need for
any. When Spain thinks she has
been thrashed sufficiently, she can
obtain our terms of peace by asking
for them. As they will not be
deviated from, there will be no
occasion for any negotiations; the
terms must be either accepted or
rejected once. The statement
that President McKinley had told
the terms of peace to an European
diplomat, in order that he might
make them known to Spain, was a
bare faced lie, with not even a
probable foundation. It is not
customary for the victorious coun
try to offer terms of peace before
they are asked for, and any state
ment that President McKinley has
done so. or that he intends doing
so, may be put down as manufac
How Spain Carries on War.
London "Times."
It is not easy to understand
either the annoyance of the Span
iards because the Egyptian gov
ernment tries to enforce the plain
: est rules of neutrality or their
astonished indignation at the news
that the Americans are sending
j cruisers to harass them on their
own coasts. People who play at
bowls must expect to meet with
| rubbers. If they send cruisers to
Cadiz Bay the Americans will only
; do to Spain what all the world ex
| pected Admiral Cervera to do to
j the American ports on the Atlantic
seaboard. The Spaniards have
carried on the war much as they
i carried on the suppression of the
Cuban revolt —that is to say. as it
; it were so pleasant a game that if
| would be a pity to bring it to an
j end. But that is neither the Am
erican view nor the usual view;,
and Spanish indignation because
neutrals behave as neutrals and
beligerants as beligerants is just a
I little ridiculous. For the moment
| this indignation appears to rein
j force the bellicose party in Spain
| who demand fighting without
: making any fight. But that effect
| will probably prove evanescent,
notwithstanding the exhortations
of patriotic bishops. Our corres
pondent judges rightly when he
says that the new taxes—collected
as takes must be collected, without
any element of romance—will
probably influence public opinion
more strongly than redomontade
j about the projects of the Am erican
j Government.
Sunflower Philosophy.
j Every man has probably spent a
1 dollar trying to collect fifty cents.
Every one thinks he could startle
i people if lie wrote for a newspaper.
When a man gets into a hack,
j and is not used to it he shows it in his
| actions.
Soon after a man passes forty, he
I begins to lose interest in the Fourth of
! July noise.
People who talk a great deal about
having the blues usually have a great
deal of idle time.
On every new umbrella you buy
j there is a cover. Did you ever know
j any one who used a cover?
Be careful what you say in the first
i place; the greatest waste of time is
that siient in retracting and denying.
When a man wants a doctor in the
middle of the night he wants him bad.
What has become of the old fashed
man who, when he journeyed on foot,
j said he traveled on Shank's mare? —E.
I W. Howe.
Two Tours to the North via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
For the convenience of those who
! seek the most attractive way of spend
j ing a Summer vacation, the Pennsyl
i van id Railroad Company has ?'.rranged
; two delightful tours to the North, under
; the personally-conducted tourist sys
j tem, July 26 and August 16. The points
included in the itinerary and the coun
try traversed abound in nature's beau
\ ties; Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls, Tho
u: sand Islands, Quebec, Montreal, Au
i Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlain and
j George, Saratoga, and the Highlands of
! the Hudson are all rich in interest and
i replete with natural attractions.
Each tcur will be in charge of one of
I the company's tourist agents, assisted
j by an experienced lady as chaperon,
whose especial charge will be unes
| corted ladies,
The rate of SIOO from Now York,
| Brooklyn, Newark, Trenton, Philadel
| phia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Wash
-1 ington covers railway and boat fare for
I the entire round trip, parlor-car seats,
I meals en route, hotel entertainment,
! transfer charges, carriage hire—in fact,
j every item of necessary expense.
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any
i additional information, address Tourist
Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, 1196 Broadway, New York; 860
I Fulton Street, Brooklyn; 789 Broad
Street, Newark, N. J.; or Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Where Will You Spend Your Summer
Vacation ?
The VV. N. Y. & P. Ry. announce
two delightful excursions to the Thou
sand Islands, to be run July 23d and
August 20th. The train will leave
Emporium at 8:30 a. rn. Fare for
round trip §6.50. Tickets will be good
ten days returning.
Among the Thousand Islands on the
St. Lawrence River is a most charming
resort for a week's vacation; boating,
fishing, and steam-boat excursions are ;
among the pleasures derived at the 1
Islands. For full information call on j
W. N. Y. & P. Ry. Agents, or write S. |
15. Newton, Excursion Manager, Buf- I
falo, N. Y. 18-3t
Sunday Excursion to Portage Falls.
The VV. N. Y. & P. Ry. will run j
Special Excursion Trains to Portage '
Falls, Sunday, July 3d, 17th, 31st, Aug. i
14th and 28th.
Trains will leave Emporium, at 8:00 !
a. m.. Fare for the round trip §I.OO.
The Portage excursions proved very
enjoyable for the public,and successful
for the company, last season, and no
doubt will this season. Passengers are
allowed six hours at Portage in which
to view the beauties of Glen Iris.
Visit the Historic Indian Council
House and other points of interest and
return home at a seasonable hour.
There are excellent hotels at Portage
or you can take your lunch. Remem
ber the dates. 17-10t.
Low-Rate Excursion, via Pennsylva
nia Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has selected the following dates for its
popular ten-day excursions to Niagara
Falls from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and
Washington: July 21, August 4 and 18,
and September 1,1.5, and 29. An expe
rienced tourist agent and chaperon will
accompany each excursion.
Excursion tickets, good for return
passage on any regular train, exclusive
of limited express trains, within ten
days, will be sold at $lO from Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Washington, and all
points on the Delaware Division; §9.60
from Lancaster; $8.50 from Altoonaand
Harrisburg; $6.90 from Sunbury and
Wilkesbarre; $5.75 from Williamsport;
and at proportionate rates from other
points A stop-over will be allowed at
Buffalo, Rochester, and Watkins re
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will be run with
each excursion.
Tickets for a side trip to the Thousand
Islands (Alexandria Bay) will be sold
from Rochester, good to return to Roch
ester or to Canandaigua via Syracuse
within five days, at rate of $5 50.
For time of connecting trains and
further information apply to nearest
ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
[ 10H-20-6W ]
Hc.nniuuTMDt FOR
jj§ popular P ™- AM ,
li O < NUTS
\ #
Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and
skillful attention.
♦ TRIPLE KNEE F£| Spring* and
Stej&Sfi Summer I
Ladies are invited to look at our new arrivals in Dress
& Goods, Likesilks, Silkolines Silk Gingham and Organdies, *
Black Brocade—absolutely fast black, Lace Curtains Win-
y dow Laces, White Bedspreads, Fine Linen Damask Tablings, v
Wand Napkins to match, Ladies and Misses Muslin Underwear, Jvl
,Q, in Night Dresses, Corset Covers, Skirts, also Ladies Wrap- rf
Q pers and Babies Robes. n
□ In the celebrated Black Cat Brand of the Leather Stock
wings, we keep a full assortment of sizes. These are unap- g
# proached for durability. Try them and you will always
V^ 7 want them. .... «
W Ladies and Misses Ribbed Jersey Vests, from 10c up. W
<Q- Note the address, Jvl,
-Q, Near Odd Fellows Hall, East Fourth St. £4,
| The Smith Premier 7
Stf. .300 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Notice to the Public.
The road now being cut through
from Salt Run to Bailey Run, we ask
the people in the habit of going to
Baily Run and going by the Climax
Powder Co.'s works, togo via Salt
Run, as hereafter no one will b? al
lowed togo through the Climax
Powder Company's works.
Liver Complaints and Nervousness
A torpid liver always produces dullness
Irritability, etc. You are all clogged up and
reel despondent. Perhaps you have treated
with physicians or tried some recommended
medicine without benefit. All that Is no
argument against "I>r. Tenner's Blood and
Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic." which we
insist will cure nervousness and liver com
plaints. If not satisfied after using one bot
tle your money will be refunded by
R. C. Dodson.
\TOTICE is hereby given tn al! person? cau
tinning them against trusting my wife,
liridget Thomas on my account, as I will not be
responsible nor pay any hills of her contracting.
Emporium, Pa., July 19th, 1898.—3t.
N "OTICE is hereby given that the Shippen
Township School Board will, on Saturday,
■ August fith, 1898, receive sealed proposals for
; furnishing wood for the several Shippen town
! ship schools, for the approaching school term,
i lliglit reserved to reject any or all bids.
I!. L. SPENCE, President.
GEO. W. VAN WERT, Secretary.
Shippen, Pa., June 25th, 1898.—:it.
yt TT! c; T 1 •
"TWIN COMET," price S5
Delivered Free with privilege 5 days triai.
Will sprinkle four times greater area
than any other Sprinkler made.
Can be seen in operation at the resi
dence of the editor of this paper.
49 Warren St. Sole Agts. & Mfgs.
For sale by all Hardware and Rubber Stores
in the United States.