THE WAR WITH SPAIN What Senator Stewart, of Nevada, Thinks About It, ,tn Hit Judgment We Will llnve More or liCMN Trouble for (lie \*?*t T»entj-Ft»f Yeur*— Iy liolila the l'rexident. [Special Washington Letter.] Senator Stewart ,of -Nevada, who came, tuto publiclife as a senator from .Neva da iu 18t>3,to-day taid: "1 have viewed public affairs, as a participant, for more than a generation. 1 am viewing tiiis war us 1 viewed the civil war, with a pa triotic purpose. Hut 1 cannot see the eud of this war as the younger men see it. In my judgment this war will lust for a quarter of a centruy. It will all be over with Spain iu a short time. But after that we will have to deal with our territorial subjects in Puerto llico, Cuba and the Philippines. 1 do not question the policy of the administra tion in its departure from our tradi tional policy. 1 simply view the future as it now looms up. We have no assur ance that the Cubans, Puerto Means and inhabitants of the Philippines will be better pleased with our colonial policy than they have been satisfied with the policy which Spain ha* pur sued. I know that the Cubans are ready to revolt against American rule. Their vice president is here, lie says that the Cuban republic must be recog nized. Those people have fought for independence. That they will demand. This is the tirst cloud that appears. We shall hear from the other islands in a similar manner from time to time. Even the most intelligent people cannot adopt and ratify n»w conditions imme diately. Many thousands of our own people have revolted against the con ditions which came upon them as the result of the civil war. A generation had passed, und yet the south was not content with the general government until this war with Spain began. We cannot expect too much of the people whose territory we are taking. It will be a long time before our volunteer \4j \ RAMPART OF CABANAS FORTRESS. HAVANA. army is disbanded. Those who have brothers, sons and husbands in our vol unteer army will wait a long time be fore they sing that old war song, "When Johnny comes marching home again." There is a whole lot of work for tlie soldier boys to do before the coun try will again be ut peace with the whole world. I think that President Mclvinley realizes that fact, too; and hence he has issued a second and third call for volunteers. People generally overlooked that fact. "Moreover, 1 am anticipating foreign Interference," continued the venerable statesman. "The nations of Europe are g-azing aghast at the new departures •ivbich are being taken. It seems to me •that our vaunted Monroe doctrine has oeen relegated to the past. We have •toid the civilized world that we should ■conline ourselves to this continent; and they expected us to do so. Now we are taking islands in the Pacific ocean and In the West Indies, with the further purpose of goinj' across to take the Canaries. I am exceedingly apprehen sive that European nations will de- WILLIAM M. STEWART. (United States Ser.ator from Nevada.) an and that we slay the hand of con quest." "What is your idea of the proper con duct of the war?" "The war was inevitable. The brand of Cain is on the brow iff Spain, because our sailors were assassinated in Ha vana harbor by the hand of a Spanish official. The terrific roar which re verberated in that harbor when the battleship Maine was destroyed has not i been forgotten by our people. That is 1 what caused the war. There would 1 have been no war if the Maine had not \ been blown up and her sailors coward ly murdered. Spain lias made herself absolutely responsible for that deed. She endeavored to lix the responsibility upon (.'apt. Sigsbee. She has insisted . upon that course even since it has been demonstrated that the Maine was blown up from the outside. For this,l say, the brand of Cain is upon the brow of Spain. "In my judgment the proper conduct of the war would hare been the organi sation of an army of »59,0!j0 men or wore for the purpose of taking posses- sion of Cuba and of driving the Span iards from that island. Ihis should have been followed by the feeding of the starving reconcentrado#. Then we should have aided the Cubans iu the es tablishment of a government of their own. That is all the war we should have had." "Are you opposing the administra tion in this war'.*" "On the contrary, I have not made a single speech in the senate against the conduct of the war. I have voted for every war appropriation. I stood by the president during our civil war, al though 1 saw many mistakes made by President Lincoln and his advisers. I freely criticised then, in private, but 1 sustained the administration during the war. That is the only patriotic tiling to do, now and under all circum stances. We must all follow the com mander-in-chief in time of war, even if we do not approve of all the orders which are issued." "What will we dc with the Philippine islands?" "That is a question which even the president could not answer at this time. We have them on our hands, and we must keep them, or diplomatically dispose of them, in my opinion we ought not to have those islands on our hands. Admiral Dewey's <{reat victory will live in history as a wonderful naval achievement. But in my judgment that victory ought not to have been won. If I had been president 1 should have ordered Dewey and his fleet across the Pacific for th»: purpose of protect ing our California coast. I would not have sent him to Manila. Thus we should have confined our warfare to the At lantic, and we should not have been ac cused of waging a war of conquest against Spain. But that war was neces sary 1 have never doubted. This na tion could not have maintained its self respect without going to war after the Maine was destroyed. I was one of the most determined men in congress on that point. "You must understand that when a man reaches my age he looks at things from a different standpoint, a vastly different standpoint, from that of youth. We old fellows know that we cannot iive many years longer. We love our country', and we look upon the condi tions confronting the coming genera tions just as a father loolts upon the future of his children. It is because of this disposition of humanitarian phil anthropy that I entertain my doubts concerning the wisdom of the policy which is being pursued. Ido not ques tion the integrity of the president any more than 1 questioned Mr. Lincoln's integrity. It is a matter of judgment alone; and my judgment would lead me to different conclusions than those which have been actuating the presi dent in these grave matters." Senator Stewart is 71 years old, and has been in public life for 35 years; and that is longer than some of us have lived. lie is silver haired, and wears a long silver beard. And he is known as a champion of silver coinage. On that matter he has been regarded by many as a crank, so extreme is he in his views and expressions. Hut on gen eral principles he is a broad-minded statesman and a man who loves his fel low men. His views are sought on all topics o 1 the day by prominent men. Heis usually wise and far seeing. Therefore, it is with pleasure that the writer listened to his views on the conduct of the war. There were several gentlemen present, some of whom differed radically with his views, and he said: ■"Nothing pleases me more than to s»eet with gentlemen who do not agree with me. Although lam getting along in years, I am not too old to learn, and I listen to the view* of others because 1 always learn something from men who think for themselves. Too many men agree with the senators because they are senators. Every man should think for himself." The writer and the readercan well af ford to listen to a man of that caliber, even if we differ with him. He is not dogmatic nor autocratic. He believes that the views of all intelligent men are as much entitled to respectful consider ation as his own. After referring to some of the policies pursued by Abra ham Lincoln, which did not meet with his approval, he said: "I told Mr. Lincoln that it was un wise to enlist negroes and make soldiers of them. We had enough men to fill the northern armies. The enlistment ol negroes maddened the people of th< south and made them vindictive. It was not necessary. I did not approve it then. My judgment has not changed Nevertheless, the freedmen made good soldiers. "1 was the last man that ever received R note written by Mr. Lincoln's hand I called at the white house on the even ing of his assassination, and sent ir my card, requesting an interview, as I wanted to-introduce a friend from Cal ifornia, who was to leave the city tha night. Mr. Lincoln wrote on the back of my card: 'Dear Senator: I'lease ex case me, as I am going to the theater Come to-uiorrovv morning, and I wil be glad to see'you. A. Lincoln.' SMITH D FRY. A leading physician says that pep per is a deadly poison to the system. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1898. THE MEXICAN HOUSEHOLD. It la Arriaiiiced und Conducted on UN lOcolio in lea I and Orderly I'lan. The arrangement of furniture in much more formal than in the United States. It is a very common sight to see a splendidly-furnished parlor with a row of straight-backed chairs all alike with their backs against the wall and as close together as they can be placed clear around the room, says the Modern Mexican. Heavy single doors, such as are used in the United States, are practically unknown in Mexican houses either at entrances or between interior rooms. All doors open in the middle and are fastened with bolts at top and bot tom. Exterior doors are always fitted with glass panels, for they also serve as windows. All such doors opening on the street or open courts are fitted with solid shutters that are folded at COMMODORE JOHN ADAMS HOWELL, U. S. A. ft \ Mk This gallant war veteran has, by order of the president, been placed (n cow maud of the American squadron that Is blockading the entire coast of Cuba. His forces are officially known as "the first squadron of the North Atlantic fleet." The San Francisco will be his flagship, and his principal vessels will be the Minneapo lis, Columbia, Princeton and Topeka. Commodore Howell is brave, careful, a strict disciplinarian and a commander of great experience. the sides out of sight when not in use. A good Mexican cook relieves the mistress of the house of worry and re sponsibility iu a manner that is al most unknown in the United States. The cook is given so much a day.and with this amount she will purchase each morning all the provisions for the day, including even the staples that arc usually bought in large quan tities in other countries. On a dollar a day a cook will provide a very good table for a family of three or four, and get enough beans and tortillas and chile to set the servants' table besides. They can really do better than their mistresses, because they can usually drive sharper bargains with the mar ketmen of their own class, and they have more patience to haggle over the last penny. Itieyel es on n tiruventone. There is no record that the bicycle lias hitherto figured in sculptured work oil memorial stones iu grave A TYPICAL SCENE AT MANILA. The humble homes here shown are called the Nipa houses. Tliey are in habited by the better class of natives, and are considered quite "swell." yards, and, according to a London newspaper, a young widow of Uio de Janeiro may be accounted u pioneer in using its presentment for that pur pose. She was introduced to her late husband while out wheeling, and or dered a sculptor to depict the meet ing, bicycles and all, on the marble gravestone in alto relievo. The effect is desc'ribed as more novel than ar tistic, especially as the lady is chis eled as attired in rational costume. In the inscription, which is in Spanish, is a sentence which may be translated: "My dear soul had the tire of his life prematurely punctured." A I,i» ml of I.oittVr*. Manila is a land of siestas. All who can sleep there all day long, and slum ber I here is reduced to a science. Ham stocks abound and couches of bamboo are in -vrery home, hotel, ciub, store and loafing place. GEN. ROSSER'S UNIFORM. in u Flannel slilrl, Shoulder Straps and a MrliiK Arouml 111* Hat* lie Hide* « Male. Among the Virginians who have re cently visited Washington there has been no more striking ligure and none on whom more eyes were turned in ad miring gaze than the stalwart form and sunburned, swarthy countenance of Gen. Thomas L. Kosser, says the Richmond (Ya.) Times. A newly ap pointed officer asked Rosser where lie was going to have his uniforms made "They will cost you a lot of money,"* said he."l have had six suits made and they cost me $700." "1 w ill only need," responded Rosser, "a flannel shirt which I can buy here anywhere on the avenue; a pair of shoulder straps, and a string or piece of braid around my hat to designate that 1 am an officer. "You will have to get a fine horse. general," continued the interlocutor. "Oen. Butler has had a S4OO black stal lion presented to him, and other gen erals have secured fine horses." "Well," replied Rosser, "1 have some good stock down on my farm; but from what 1 can learn a horse w ill not be the suitable thing in Cuba; I think a mule will be best, and it is my expectation to ride a mule." It may be that this confederate vet eran with his flannel shirt and string around his hat, bestriding a mule, will not be exactly in trim to court an amorous looking glass or caper nim bly in a lady's chamber to the lascivi ous pleading of a lute, but for a Black Douglas ready for the devil's own work in desperate encounter commend us to the "Prince of Albemarle." Can Afford to Ilnve a Cow. Just after President McKinley's in auguration he had his relatives who were in the city at a family dinner at the white house, says the Ladies' Home Journal in an illustrated anecdotal biography of the president. It was a large company, and a very good din ner. Dear old Mother McKinley was there, luit she was. not very talkative. She was too happy for words Hut she kept ;j sharp eye on the dinner, and Ho detail of it escaped her. She was im pressed by the quantity of cream served with the fruit and coffee, for she looked up at her son in her sweet way and said: "William, you must keep a cow now." Some of the young er members of the family party found it diflieult to suppress a smile, but the president, with his usual tact and graeiotisness, replied: "Yes, mother, we can afford to have a cow now, rind have all the cream we can possibly »ise." It Would Sound tlii* Kflllto. 'Twould look a little p-q-liar at ,"»\st, but why not spell it Q-ba? —1.. W l.'i.i letin. BLANCO WAS DESPERATE. A K«'|mrt Come* from Havana tln*t the CuptMin says he is a loyal Cuban and es caped to avoid fighting against his MIISO. as every male in the island who is able to bear arms is being pressed into the Spanish service. Hlaneo says the living conditions in Havana are constantly growing worse, the greatest distress necessarily fall ing on the Cubans, because nearly all the food is seized for the troops, of which there are about 70.000 in the city. Their rations are largely rice ind beans without even bacon. Jerked beef sells for 30 cents a pound, bread of poor quality for 50 cents, lard sl, meat 7."> cents, corn meal 25 cents and rice 50 cents. Shark food is eagerly sought and the day before Hlaneo left the city a shark caught in Havana harbor soid for $13.50. Those of the reconcentrados who have sufficient influence with the dis pensing authorities sometimes con trive to get one wretched meal a day. but the others starve and it is no uncommon thing to see persons drop dead in the streets. Even among the Spaniards starvation is rapidly sap ping their loyalty. PARTY WORKERS. riie.v Angemble In Olnall* lit tlie National Convention of Kepuhllean l.eatfue CltihM. Omaha, Neb., July 14. —Facing a stage decorated with a profusion of cut flowers and under the folds of a flag that waved in the breeze of an electric fan, the delegates to the Na tional League of Republican Clubs e.un" to oidt r yesterday in 80/ dV theatre. President. Crawford calico the convention to order, (ien. Web ster, of Omaha, delivered an address of welcome on behalf of Nebraska, and President Winter, of the Nebraska league, spoke for his organization, he being followed by Mayor Moore, who spoke for Omaha. President Craw ford, of the National league, then de livered his annual address. At the close of Craw-ford's speech a telegram Of congratulation was sent to Presi dent Me Kin ley. Robert W. Shingle, of Honolulu, was elected as a delegate from Hawaii. No session of the league was held in the afternoon. The campaign for the office of president is engrossing most of the attention. The Pennsyl vania delegates are pushing the claims of their candidate, Isador Sabel, of Erie. K. N. Dingley, of Kalamazoo, Mich., son of Congressman Dingley of Maine, is making a hot canvass for the position. J. Cookman I'oyd, of Mary land. is prosecuting his campaign with vigor. Col. W. J. Stone, of California, is also a candidate. Los Angeles, St. Paul and (ialveston are trying to se cure the next national convention. IN A DEATH TRAP. A Varnish lartory Burn* anil Three Mei. are Killed. Racine, Wis., July 14. Fire late Wednesday afternoon destroyed tlip large three-story structure of the Ra cine Malleable and Wrought Iron Co., resulting in a pecuniary loss of SIOO.- 000. together with three lives and serious injury to u score or more. The dead as far as known are as fol lows : John Kecfe. (ins Knofski. I'nidentiticd body, supposed to be Adelbert llollister. The fire started in the varnish room and so little was thought of the blaze at first that the men in the room did not give the alarm, thinking they could put it out without the assistance of the fire department. Suddenly the flames leaped out into the main shop and enveloped the whole building, in which were 14 ;nen. Those on the ground floor had no trouble in escap ing and most of the men on the sec ond floor got out without in jury. The men on the third floor were caught in a trap. So sudden did the flames reach them that several were blinded or suffocated by the smoke before help could reach them. C»'i I'ire ltiglit Into the C ity. Off Juragtia, Cuba, July 14. The late arrivals of volunteers were moved up from Juragua and the First Illi nois. the Eighth Ohio and First Dis trict of Columbia were located in the trenches vacated by Lawlou's men. liines' battery was swung around to the north, closely connecting with T.,nwton's forces, and now occupies a bluff from which it can fire directly into the heart of Santiago. This is an important move, as it enables the American forces to shell the city with out injuring the hospitals and public building's, which are flying the Red Cross Hag. A CLEAN SWEEP. Triumph of American Army is Complete. DETAILS OF SURRENDER. Toral is Disposed to (Quibble Over the Terms. MILKS TOOK NO PART IN T> XT. Itfftiljpfls itro to bo AUoweil to Rotnrn ■*.«» the City of KiintUgo an"<> (It- < ulia, .Inly It').- The reverse to the Spanish arms in eastern Cuba is complete. Santiago lias fallen, and with it all the.eastern eml of the island. All the Spanish troops in the Fourth corps, the military division of San tiago provinee, from a line drawn north from Aeceraderos, is miles west of Santiago, through I'almas and Alcantara, to Sagua de Tanatno, on the north coast and eastward to Cape Maysi, are surrendered and the terri tory is abandoned. lietween 18,000 anil 20,000 Spanish prisoners are taken, about 10.000 of whom are in Santiago. The remainder are at (inantanamo and others are garrisoned in the towns of eastern Cuba. All these troops are to be sent back to Spain under parole. (ten. Toral must have realized that he was trapped and to hold out longer must, mean a useless sacrifice of his men, but he made one last effort to gain more time. While nominally yielding to the terms Shafter pro posed, before 8 a. m. Thursday he sent a communication to Shafter en closing a copy of a telegram from (ien. lilaneo explaining that the sur render of Santiago and the abandon ment. of eastern Cuba would require the direct sanction of the Madrid gov ernment and requesting more time to hear from Madrid. At the same time (ien. Blanco authorized Toral, if it was agreeable to the American general, to appoint commissioners on each side to arrange the terms of the capitula tion of the forces under his command, oti the condition of their parole and transportation to Spain, pending the sanction of Madrid. lie also sent the names of the commissioners he had selected, namely Mr. Robert Mason, the l'ritish vice consul: (ien. Toral's chief of staff. Col. Fontaine, and (ien. Ksearajo. This communication was so ambigu ous that it might all be upset by the refusal of Madrid to sanction the terms agreed to by the commissioners and Shatter resolved to have all the ambiguity removed before proceeding further. At 11 o'clock he mounted his horse and together with (ien. Miles and their staffs he rode to the front. At (ien. Wheeler's headquarters (ien. Shafter, (ien. Miles. Col. Mails and an interpreter left their retinue and passed on over our trenches with a flag of truce, to the mango tree under which the interview was held Wednes day. They were soon joined by (len. Toral, his chief of staff and the two other commissioners appo'gttcd Ijy him. (ien. Miies took no part in the negotiations. (ien. Shatter insisted that the com missioners to be appointed should have paramount authority to make and conclude the terms of surrender in accordance with our demands. Gen. Toral acceded to this, explaining that since his last communication lie had received authority from (ien. Klanco to do so. This being the main point, the interview was soon concluded. CICII. Shafter appointed (ien. Wheel er, (ien. I.awton and (apt. Mi ley to be commissioners on his behalf to treat with those appointed by Cien. Tyral. He then issued orders to permit our troops to retire from the trenches, but forbid any soldier or civilian from go ing into the Spanish lines. The refu gees are to be permitted 1o return to their homes, but neither our troops nor the Cuban auxiliaries are to enter the city at present. The order as to the Cubans is very specific. They have shown a disposi tion to loot everything, but they are not to have the privilege of glutting their appetites for plunder. A guard is to be maintained about the city and the camps of our soldiers are to be removed just to the front or to the rear of our lines. The whole purpose of the American commander now is to protect the health of the army, especially from the dreaded contagion. It is claimed there is no fever in Santiago, but the city is full of filth and if our men are allowed togo in it will undoubt edly become a pesthole. (ien. Shafter appointed Col. Astor and ('apt. McKitti'ick to convey the welcome tidings along the lines. Rome of the ollicers favored celebrating the victory with bands and a noisy dem onstration, but Shafter vetoed the proposition. He said there was no oc casion to humiliate the enemy, which had fought bravely. Not even cheer ing was to be permitted, but before Astor and MeKittriek could warn the soldiers the latter broke out into wild hurrahs. (ien. Toral requested that liis men be provided with food, saying there was very little food in Santiago. Our commissioners, accompanied by an interpreter, entered the Spanish lines shortly sifter ~ o'clock and had not returned when the correspondent left with this dispatch. Washington. July 111. After a con ference with llie president last, night at which three other members of the cabinet were present. Secretary Alger said,: "The situation is just this. The Spaniards at Santiago are prepared to surrender, but want to carry their arms. We have determined to grant no such concession nor any con cession except to transport them to epaiu." 3