Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 21, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 3'i.
Business Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collection#*, real
estates. Orphau's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Wili give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-1 J'.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35-ly. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls lor hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, also stum page &c. ( and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. I'' D. LKET.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of thisoldand
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
30-1 y.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular Res
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Give me a call. t9-8-ly
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
forthe accommodation of the public. New in all
its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught eitner at my home 011 Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
F. C. RIECK, I). D. S..
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa.
Gas and other local anaesthetics ad-
MtfSSSministered for the painless extraction
'■UTlVrr Of teeth.
SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
I will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, and
Sinnemuhoning the third Wednesday of each
Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building,
Emporium, Pa.—up stairs. Office hours: 7to 9
a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m.
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must be
signed by the candidate and paid in advance to
insure publication.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa., April 4th. 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898.
Editor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
8. D. McCOOLE.
Driftwood, Pa., May 7th, 1898.
Editor Press :
Please announce my name as a candidate for
the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to
the decision of the Republican county Conven
Emporium, Pa., June 27, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Treasurer of Cameron County, subject to the
decision of the Republican county convention.
Emporium, Pa., June 28th, 1898.
Patriotic Festival.
A patriotic festival will be held 011
the Metzger lawn, Allegheny avenue,
under the auspices of the Interest pay
ing society of the Methodist Church,
next Friday evening, July 22. A fine
program, savoring of patriotic senti
ment, will be rendered during the eve
ning. Ice cream, cake and coffee \vill
be served. Everybody invited.
Child Drinks Lye.
Ralph, the two-years-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Johns,of South Williams
port, drank a quantity of lye about 9
o'clock this morning, and is now lying
in a precarious condition. The child
obtained the poisonous draught from a
teacup which was standing on the stove
hearth. He swallowed all of the burn
ing fluid, which severely burned his
mouth and throat. Physicians were
summoned and did everything within
their power to relieve the tot's terrible
sufferings. The affected portions of the
child's face, mouth and throat are
greatly swollen. Late this afternoon
the child was still living and was re
ported to be resting easy.
•[Williamsport News, 16th.
Thomas Pelkey.
We have before us a copy of the
Klondike News, containing two good
half-tone cute of our townsman, Thos.
Pelkey—one representing him in his fur
suit. Mr.Pelkey evidently is strictly in
it and is considered one of the prosper
ous prospectors of the Klondike. We
clip the following from the News:
Among the many remarkable men of
a remarkable country, is Thos. Pelkey.
Yet 011 the sunny side of fifty, Mr.
Pelkey's well thatched and well shaped
head shows a few threads of silver,
caused, as he says, by getting up early
in the morning togo to church. He is
a never-tiring traveler and many a man
of half his ago has been glad to see the
sun go down when on the trail with
him. His last trip over the ice from
Dawson to Dyea was accomplished in
nineteen days, which is only one day
behind the record. He was born in St.
Alma, Canada, where he spent his early
life. During the succeeding ten years
he resided in the United States and dur
ing which time he visited every state in
the Union. His home for many years
has been at Williamsport, Pa., where he
was engaged in the hotel business. He
is if. splendid caterer, a connoisseur in
wines and an epicure at the table. Dur
ing his business life in the United States
he has owned and managed some of the
leading hostelries in the State of Penn
sylvania, among which may be men
tioned the Arcade in Williamsport, the
Cottage Hotel, at Emporium, and the
Club House Hotel at Penn Yan, N. Y.
Some four years ago, having sold out
in the hotel business, Mr. Pelkey heard
of the tales of gold in far away Alaska,
and being a man who follows his lirst.
impulses, started at once for the far
north. In the month of May, when
the mosquifcos are just commencing to
crawl from the moss, a boat containing
Mr. Pelkey floated down the Yukon
River and was finally tied to the bank
at Forty Mile Post. Here he located
on No. 18 Glacier creek, put a force of
men to work and took out several
thousand dollars. In the fall, 1895, re
turned to Pennsylvania fur the winter,
and in March, IS9(>, returned to Forty
Mile. Here he met George Carmack
early in the month of August and
learned of the discoveries of gold 011
Bonanza. With characteristic prompt
ness he set out for the new gold fields
and succeeded in distancing the rush
ing crowd and staked No. 41 above
Discovery. It was no trouble to find
the pay on No. 41, and from the first
hole sunk in the auriferous gravel, he
took as high as §68.00 from a single
pan. Seven weeks of drifting and
sinking yielded §23,648.00, the result
of two men's work. He next bought a
fraction of 131 feet on Eldorado, which
is known as No. 3 "A." On this piece
of ground, from a hole Bxß feet square,
to bed rock, he took out $9,000, some
pans going as high as §3OO, 011 this
unusually rich fraction, the pay streak
has been located for over 100 feet from
4 to 5 feet deep, and extending from
bank to bank a distance of 300 feet.
Mr. Pelkey also owns claims Nos. 2
and 7 on Lucky Fork of All Gold creek.
All Gold is one of the coming creeks
by the way. It drains a large territory
and heads in the Dome mountains
much the same as Hunker creek.
Claims 011 All Gold are ranked as gilt
edge in the Dawson mining market.
Mr. Pelkey's first location on No. 41
Bonanza will bring him more wealth
than all the others. The pay streak
lias been cross cut and found to be 120 j
feet wide and from 4 to 5 feet deep. At
the present writing a force of twenty
men are kept busy drifting 011 a strip
forty feet wide and the entire length |
of the claim. This will be just one- j
third of the claim and will be worked j
out this year. This strip will yield in j
good Bonanza gold $300,000. Samples 5
of it left at the Mint show it to be j
worth over §l7 per ounce. It will take i
two more years to work the claim over j
| once and it will enrich its owner to the |
j tune of one million dollars. Pans yield- j
I ing §SO are not uncommon, and from I
j one bucket of dirt there has been j
1 washed over §9OO.
Mr. Pelkey is now in the United <
| States for rest and recreation, and will |
j return in August. Mr. Alfred Pelkey, j
j his son, is in charge of the property !
during his father's absence. Young '
: Pelkey has been in the Klondike j
1 country two years and owns several
[ promising claims. The Pelkeys i
' father and son—will spend one more
winter in the north and will then
return to Pennsylvania to take tip
their permanent residence.
The "shoo-fly" took a jolly crowd to
Sizerville, Tuesday afternoon, where a
picnic was held in honor of Mrs. J. S.
Douglas, who has been visiting friends ,
, in Emporium.
We have the goods; you can have j
them for little cash. N. SEGER.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."— WEßSTEß.
Let Us Pave.
Meadville, Pa., gets her brick paving
done for $1.34 per square yard, and
pipe sewers, 10 to 18 inch, at 55 to SO
cents per lineal foot.—Ex. What would
be the matter with Emporium paving
Fourth street, in the business centre,
and give employment to our idle labor
ing men ? Let the rising generation
pay for it.
Semi-Centennial Edition.
That staid old reliable Republican
sheet—the Potter County Journal—
celebrated its fiftieth anniversary last
week and issued an illustrated edition,
neatly printed on fine book paper. The
Journal and the PRKSS are among the
old-timers of this section of the State,
and rules governing each are similar.
The Messrs. Haskell & Colcord are con
ducting a neat, clean paper—a credit to
the town and county--and are deserv
ing of the united support of the people
of Potter county. We congratulate our
neighbors and hope they may live to
celebrate another 50th anniversary.
You Have Company.
It appears to be the general opinion
of all business men in McKean county
that it was never more difficult to
make collections than at the present
time. Evidently the McKcan county
business men are not reaping any ma
terial benefits from the immense daily
expenditures for war purposes. The j
only way to make good times is for i
every one to make an effort to pay his
honest debts when they fall due. If
every one would do this money would
be more plenty, .and there would be
less complaint of hard times. Care- ,
lessness in meeting one's obligations is j
what stagnates all kinds of business.— j
McKean Democrat.
Rattler's Fatal Bite.
William Daugherty, of near Ilam
mersley's Forks, was bitten by a rattle
snake last Wednesday night and died
from the effects in a few hours.
Mr. Daugherty was quite an old man,
who worked on a farm owned by his
brother. Because of the heat Daugh
erty declined to sleep in the house, pre
ferring a bed of straw in the barnyard.
Wednesday night the old man's im
provised bed was shared by a lad aged
about 15 years. When the latter awoke
in the morning he was horrified at the
sight of his bedfellow. Dougherty was
unconscious. His face, hands and up
per part of his body were terribly dis
colored and swollen. On closer in
spection the boy saw a monster rattle
snake coiled against the old man's
body. The reptile rattled and writhed
at being disturbed, but the boy killed
it in short order. It measured over
five feet in length, and had fifteen
Efforts were made to arouse Dough
erty, but they all proved futile and
the unfortunate man died in an hour.
His body was greatly swollen.
An examination of the body showed
that the snake had inflicted the fatal
bite on the back of the neck. As the
venom spreads very rapidly through
the system, the old man doubtless
sank into unconsciousness without
realizing what had happened. Two
other rattlers were killed near where
Daugherty and the boy had slept.—
Renovo News.
Cervera Shopping.
ANNAPOLIS, Md., July 18—Admiral
Cervera and his fellow-officers are tak
ing advantage of the liberty accorded
them here, and to-day the figures of
many of them were seen on the street.
They made a round of the principal
stores of the city and purchased many
articles of various kinds. Many of the
officers have been able to make decid
ed changes in .their dress, which have
almost transformed them so that the>
are not easily recognizable by their few
acquaintances. Some officers had
checks cashed, while the son of Admir
al Cervera made arrangement at a local
[ newspaper office for the printing of
I cards for himself and father.
Captain Eulate, the officer who re
fused to sign the parole, has been al
lowed the freedom of the grounds of
j the academy, but is not permitted to
|go beyond these limits. He is reported
i to have sat on a bench in "Lovers'
Lane" all yesterday evening and in
dulged himself in gloomy thoughts,
while on the other hand, three officers
were observed coming down one of
the walks singing in the most cheerful
PORT TAMPA, Fla., July 19.— A
movement was started here to-day to
present Admiral Cervera a home on
Tampa Buy in recognition of his hu
mane and chivalric treatment of Hob
son and crew, and a desire to save him
I from insult and possible death should
he return to Spain.
Battleship and Cruiser.
The difference between a battleship
| and an armored cruiser is technical,
| and experts have stumbled over the
I matter. A battleship is supposed to
have heavier guns and armor and to
be better fitted to withstand hard
knocks from an opposing force. But
this does not always hold good, as may
be seen in the case of the Maine as
compared with the Brooklyn. The
Maine wa& a battleship, but she was
not so Lege nor so heavily armored as
the armored cruiser Brooklyn. On one
point there seems to be no dispute,
and that is the fact that the cruisers
are faster than the battleships, and it
is conceded also that in most instances
the battleships are better protected.—
New York Tribune.
Base Ball Meeting.
At a meeting of the base ball cranks
held on Monday evening, Mr. A. A.
McDonald was elected President of
the association, C.J. Goodnough, Sec'y.
and Treasurer, and John J. Soble,
Manager. Several committees were
appointed to solicit subscriptions and
perfect other arrangements necessary
for the advancement and welfare of
the team. The citizens of Emporium
ought to give the boys encouragement
of a substantial nature as every game
of ball played here, brings trade to the
town. Ciood athletics are everywhere
recognized as an efficient advertise
ment for any city, town or institution
and Emporium not be asleep
on the question.
Woodsmen Enlisting.
Captain Ellicott and Surgeon Fur
bush, who came to Williamsport last
week for the purpose of recruiting 25
woodsmen for the United States volun
teer engineers, have left with the men
for Peekskill. On Monday and Tuesday
the recruiting officers were at North
Bend, where they secured 10 men.
Captain Ellicott said that the scene
around that place was the most touch
ing he ever saw. The women brought
baskets of flowers to the recruits and a
rousing send-off was given the volun
teers. A band of music took part in the
demonstration.—Lock Haven Dem.
killed at Cook's Run.
On Tuesday, Ernest Welton, who
worked on D. B. Jolmcon's log job at
Cook's Hun, was struck by a sliding
tree, breaking both legs and internally
injured, died within thirty minutes
after being struck. Welton resided at
Renovo, and leaves a wife and three
children. Mr. D. B. Johnson, oi Grove
township, who conducts the job, had
ordered the men to stop work. All
hands started down a steep hill. One
crew felled a tree while the men were
going down the mountain, when a tree
followed them, with the stated result.
Will Ratify Santiago Victory.
The citizens of Emporium are mak
ing extensive preparations for the
celebration of Gen. Shafter's victory at
Santiago. Saturday evening, July 23d,
has been set apart as the time for the
demonstration and it is to be hoped
that all patriots of Emporium and
vicinity will take part in the magni
ficient triumph of the American arms.
The various civic and military societies
will be represented in the parade, and
every residence and business place
should be decorated and illuminated
for the occasion.
Postmaster Seger desires to inform
all patrons of the postoffice that under
the rulings of the department he can
not forward first, second and third
class mail matter unless full postage is
Should Publish the Law.
Since Mr. Burgess lias directed the
police to arrest all persons riding bicycles
on the sidewalks and brand tlicm as law
breakers, it would bo iu order that lie
i look up the law on. (lie matter and have
| it published, that all persons and law
; abiding citizens might know it.
There arc many people who candidly
think there is no law directly prohibiting
sidewalk riding and that the Burgess and
, his sub ordinates arc exceeding their au
thority in the matter. Better make it
; plain.
It has been observed that iu cities and
' towns where the wheelmen are ordered
off the sidewalks, they have streets tlmf
are in a decent and passable condition
| and arc not obliged to ride through mud
holes, and over coarse gravel banks that
are seldnm allowed to become packed
and solidified because of the semi'annual
visit of that magic remedy (?) for bad
roads—the road scraper.
"Echo Answers."
Who goes to the trouble and expense
of getting pure water for his customers'?
Mctzgcr, of course—his soda water is the
only thing it i- safe to drink this hot
weather, except Ambrosia.
Not at Santiago.
Where can you go when the city water
gets full of typhoid fever germs and get
a drink that is pure, refreshing and
pleasant? Metzger's, of course. His
soda is made from water pumped 217
feet below the surface of the earth.
Burned With Acid.
Last Saturday afternoon, James Mc-
Nulty, who is employed iu the Climax
Powder Works, was terribly burned
about the legs and feet, caused by acci
dentally spilling some nitric acid on him
self. At present writing ho is reported
as getting along as nicely as could be
expected, although still confined to his
K. (i. E. Officers Elected.
The following are the officers of the
Emporium Castle, No. Knights of
the Golden Eaule, of Emporium, for the
ensuing six months' term: I'ast Chief,
15. R. Wheaton; Noble Chief. S. S.
flacket. Jr., Vice Chief, Rob't Parker;
High Priest, J. I>. Swope; Venerable
Hermit, Wm. McDonald; Master of
Records, E. S. Moore; Clerk of Ex
chequer, E. S. Moore; Keeper of Ex
chequer. A. C. Fetter; Sir Herald, Willie
Lyons; Worthy Bard. Philip Knight;
Worthy Chamberlain, S. S. Ilacket, Sr.;
Ensign, Wm. Ilathaway; Esquire, Lewis
Yates; First Guardsman, Clias. Lindsey;
Second Guardsman, J. A- Campbell;
Trustees, J. A. Campbell, J. D. Swope,
W. Lyons; Representative to the Grand
Castle, A. C. Fetter.
Farewell Reception.
The many members of Father Mc-
Adam's congregation, tendered him a
most pleasant surprise in the form of a
reception, on Tuesday eveniug. prior to
his leaving for his new field of work at
Johnsonburg. Pa.
The reception was held in the base
ment of the St. Mark s Church and was
not confined to the members of his
church alone, but to a large number of
neighbors aud friends, who took this
favored opportunity to bid their beloved
pastor, citizen and Irieud farewell and to
wish him God speed and the greatest
measure or success i:i the new charge
to which he has been called.
After refreshments were served a com
mittee of the congregation, composed of
Mrs. John Cummings, Mrs. Bernard
l]gan and Miss Bridget Crcightou, pre
sented the Rev gentleman, on behalf of
his flock, with a purse containing 8115
in gold, with their heartiest wishes for
his success iu his new sphere of action
and a God-speed ou his journey. There
upon the Rev. Father thanked them
kindly and bade them fill a fond and sad
A very enjoyable eveniug was spent in
his company and one Ions; to be remem
bered by all present.
The Mankey Furniture Company.
The affairs of the Mankey Furniture
Company, since passing into the hands of
Win. Howard, Receiver, Mr. B. W.
Green informs the PRESS that arrange
ments have been made to pay all labor
claims, amounting to about $3,000, with
in a short time. On Tuesday he paid
81,000 to the men and it is needless to
say they were pleased to know that they
were to be rapidly paid. Mr. Green is
attorney and resident manager for the
Receiver and is giving personal attention
to the interest of the industry. All
wages earned uuder the Receiver will be
paid on the 15tli of each month.
Contracts have been made with large
wholesale houses for furniture, sufficient
to keep the works in operation for some
time and it is now expected that the
factory will resume operations next Mon
day, with a full crew of men.
\Ve are confident that it is the desire
and intention of the Receiver to use
every effort to build up a large trade and
materially increase the plant and ulti
mately place the Mankey Furniture
Company free from incumbrances and up
on a solid financial basis.
Every effort should be put forward by
our citizens to assist in the up-building
of this important industry, of so great a
benefit to our town, and not cry it down
—to the detriment of our town and in
jury ol the home capitalists who invested
their money. We are glad to note there
is rapidly taking place a much better
tone and feeling among our citizens, many
of whom felt sore, disappointed and
alarmed. There is no valid reason why
a concern fitted with the most modem
machinery, a reputation for honest well
made goods and a large trade, should not
flourish in Emporium and now that men
with large financial standing, wide busi
ness experience and cool judgment are
assisting the company there is uo fear
that tiie industry wili not rapidly push
forward in the busy market, >ure to
come this fall.
Protected Home Circle.
Emporium Circle, No. 333 gave a
"lunch" t;> its members last Tuesday
evening. This reliable order presents
one of the most popular pli.ns of fraternal
TERMS: $ 2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Pressed Bricks.
Special summer bargains in under
wear at N. Seger's.
There will be preaching services on
Sabbath morning in the Baptist church
Talk is clH?ap, but little money bnyn
a suit of summer clothing at N. Soger's.
A festival will be held to-night for
the benefit of the base ball club. War
ner House lawn.
It is only the middle aged man whc
lives. The stripling hopes, and the
old man remembers.—[Bradford.
Warm weather prices in clothing a;
N. Seger's. Keep cool and dress cool
We have the goods for little money.
| In order to get along in this world
you must not meddie with other peo
ple's affairs, nor allow them to meddle
in yours.
Scientists announce that bicycle rid
ing will cure mania, and recommend
that all insane people be taught how to
ride the wheel.
Ladies' afternoon prayer meeting at
the home of Mrs. Jos. Newton, on Fifth
street, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Come and help the good work along.
Forest lands denuded of timber are
being bought by the State at tax sales
to be used as State forest reservations
They cost about 7 cents per acre, and if
kept free from fires, the timber will
grow again indue time.
The government has abolished the
practice of letting mail contracts to
contractors who sub-let them at starva
tion prices. Hereafter the contract*
will be made direct with responsible
persons in the sections where the route
is located.
Spain can no longer boast that she
has ships to burn. While Cervera's
fleet was beached and burning on the
coast of Cuba, the Alfonso XIII. wae
destroyed in an attempt to run the
blockade at Havana. The destruction
of Cervera's licet is estimated to entail
a loss of §13,000,000 on Spain.
The other day, after the naval fight
at Santiago, the papers spoke of the
sailor killed oil board the Brooklyn ae
being '-a yeoman." By yeoman in
nautical language is an inferior officer
under the boatswain, gunner or carpen
ter, charged with the stowage, account
and distribution of the store - ?.
The auction sale of hotel furniture
and fixtures, by the executors of the
estate of the late Col. X. H. Parker,
was held at Gardeau Tuesday after
noon and was well attended by the
hotel men of the surrounding towns.
Many fine pieces of furniture went at a.
bargain and everything on hand wae
John H. Day, the live Fourth street
grocer, is ever on the outlook for good
goods. He has recently made a vcrj
large purchase of the popular Queet
Olives, and has placed on exhibition in
his store a glass vase, containing sev
eral branches taken from an olive tree,
thereby showing his customers the
fruit in its native state.
Some years ago a wag said: "We
have no navy, but what a magnificen*
sheet of water we have to float a navj
on if we had one!" Now we have &
navy, says the Baltimore American,
and it has been accomplishing magni
ficent deeds to match the sheet of water
on which it did them. Bryce said of ue
some time ago that no nation could so
quickly adapt itself to conditions and
emergencies as the American, and is
time of need develop so many unex
pected resources with such rapidity and
The Kane Republican says: A some
what peculiar accident happened tc
one of the race horses which was being
shipped home from St. Marys, where it
had won second money at the races
In some manner the animal got loose
in the car while the train was in the
vicinity of Ludlow, and jumped out of
the car door which nad been left open
by the man in charge of the horse. It
was injured so badly that it died in &
short time. The animal was valued a;
$4,000 by the owner who resides in
A prominent young Clevelander,
whose parents are wealthy, came home
to join the cavalry troop from that city
and goto war. At school and. college
he went in for manual training and
learned blacksmithing. Now, what do
you suppose he is doing at the present
time? Winning glory on the field of
battle ? Galloping o'er hills and through
dales, bearing dispatches from one com
mander to another ? No! He is shoeing
horses at Chickamauga. And he isn't
complaining, either. " Somebody mnsi
do this,"he writes, ' and if I can be
most useful to my country iu this way,
why,l am satisfied. But there are many
more pleasing things than working
over an auvil iu this climate."
NO. 21