Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 14, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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(EJerrrjeror) Gour)iy J^Wss.
Kditor and Manager.
Per year 00
If paid in advance I* 50
For Governor,
WM. A. STONE, of Allegany.
For Lieutenant-Governor,
J. P. S. GOBIN, of Lebanon.
For Secretary of Internal Afl'airs.
JOSEPH W. LATTA, of Philadelphia.
For Judge of Superior Court,
WILLIAM M. PORTER, or Phiadelphia.
For Congress-at-Large,
GALUSHA A. GROW, of Susquehanna,
For Representative in Congress.
For President Judge,
B. W. GREEN, of Cameron,
[Subject to the decision ofthe Republican
Distrxt Convention.]
Cervera says that he only acted
under orders when he started out
of the harbor of Santiago, and it
rests with the people of Spain to
deal with the men who sent his
shi, >s and his men to suicide.
New York city has borrowed
#1.000,000 for three months at the
rate of 2 per cent, per annum. An
honest standard does not seem to
crucify the borrower on a cross of
gold.—[St. Louis Democrat,
General Shafter telegraphs a de
nial that the Spanish soldiers cap
tured at Santiago had been turned
over to the Cubans, who put them
to the machete and cut their heads
off. And the yellow journal, the
proprietor of which sent the story
to his paper, is being jumped on
unmercifully by the other yellow
journals because of his lying. It
was a great opportunity for them
to roast a rival, and they will never
let up on him. What a measley lot
they all are, anyhow!
The Democrats are howling
"Quay must go,'' and the con
vention at Altoona also proclaimed
against Quay. Now, if it is the
desire of the Democrats that Quay
must go that would seem to be ex
actly what the Republicans should
do their best to prevent. Over in
Manila the Spaniards in convention
assembled are resoluting that Dewey
must go. But Dewey will not go.
On the same principle, in Pennsyl
vania this year, if the Democrats
want anything, that is what they
should not get. This is not a
Democratic year. [Warren Mail.
The Republicans of the McKean-
Venango - Warren - Cameron Con
gressional district have shown their
Appreciation of the services of Hon.
Charles W. Stone by tendering him
a renomination without opposition,
a distinction rarely shown in these
days of sharp competition for polit
ical honors. Mr. Stone has already
been given three terms in the House
of Representatives, where he has
proven himself an able and pains
taking member, not only valuable
to his immediate constituents, but
in the broader sense of a servant of
the American people. At the recent
State Convention he demonstrated
his popularity with the. masses, con
trolling more votes for Governor
than it was thought possible in view
of the organized strength of his only
competitor, Col. W. A. Stone, and
while his friends were disappointed
in not having him named for Gov
ernor, they will surely be benefited
by his statesmanship and Large ex
perience in the popular branch of
the National Congress.
—lßrookville Republican.
The Political Pot.
The Philadelphia Inquirer looks
at the result of the Altoona con
vention in the following way: "The
Oernoeracy of Pennsylvania stands
for free silver and Bryanism, and
as Mr. Jenks worked hard for both
two years ago, his selection is alto
gether fit. He belongs to that class
of men who swallow party plat
forms without a grimace, and will
lead his party majestically to defeat.
The old Roman business will attract
no outside following; it can only
hope to hold the Bryan faction of
the party together for the campaign
of 1900."
Speaking through out'of the pho
nographs that seem to have been
sent over the country hy the New
York Evening Post on the subject
of foreign trade expansion through
reciprocity treaties and other prac
tical measures, the Detroit Free
Press vociferates cacophonically
All this is entirely out of keeping with the
doctrine of Protection to home industry, and
shows that the Republican party is drifting
away from one of its cardinal principles.
To have increased our foreign
trade to its great volume of over
$1,200,000,000 for the liscal year
just closed, to have increased our
exports of manufactured products
so that they exceed in value by
850,000,000 the gross sum of our
importations of foreign manufac
tures, and to have secured for the
United States a credit merchandise
balance of $<">(>0,000,000 for the year
ending June 30, 1897, is indeed
"entirely out of keeping with the
doctrines of Protection," as it is
misconceived and misrepresented
by the Free-Trade press. But these
grand results have nevertheless
been accomplished mainly because
of the operations of the American
policy which first secures the home
market to home producers and then
opens the way for the swift capture
of foreign markets.
It is but a little while ago that
the Free-Traders were harping con
tinually on one string, thus: "Pro
tection means commercial isolation,
death to foreign trade expansion,
and the certain animosity of the
outside world.' 1 Now that the folly
of this assertion is so conclusively
demonstrated by the marvelous
commercial statistics of the year,
the tune changes, and the graplio
plione squeaks out the refrain:
"The Republican party is drifting
away from one of its cardinal prin
ciples." And the reply of a pros
perous country is " Let her drift,
if you call that drifting which has
made us a creditor nation to the
extent of $600,000,000 in eleven
months of the Dingley Tariff ! "
Meanwhile, the party of Ameri
canism and brains and common
sense may be found doing business
at the same old stand and in the
same old way. Jt is the leaky
derelict of the Cobdenites that is
drifting and foundering with its
cargo of water-logged theories and
moldy dogmas. In the bright blaze
of unequaled national prosperity
the Free-Trade mariners seem to
have completely lost their bearings.
Too much sunshine has blinded
their eyes and upset their reckon
ings. They are all at sea.
—[American Economist.
For Defeat- George A. Jenks.
And so Mr. George A. .Jenks, of
Jefferson county, is to lead the
Democracy of Pennsylvania to
slaughter. Mr. Jenks is a Demo
crat of the Old Koman stripe, con
servative, hidebound, respectable.
Mr. Jenks makes a good figure
head for the party. He is person
ally an agreeable gentleman, a good
lawyer and an honest citizen, lie
deserves a better fate.
The Democracy of Pennsylvania
stands for free silver and Bryanism,
and as Mr. Jenks worked hard for
both two years ago, his selection is
altogether fit. lie belongs to that
class of men who swallow party
platforms without a grimace, and
will lead his party majestically to
defeat. The Old Roman business
will attract no outside following; it
can only hope to hold the Bryanite
faction of the party together for the
campaign of 1900.
The attempted diversion of gold
Democrats i n favor of,l udge Gordon
failed completely. This element
tried to make capital out of the ab
surd rumor that Senator Quay was
working for .Jenks. We are not in
the political secrets of either Quay
or Gordon, but the idea that Sena
tor Quay either desired to interfere
at Altoona or had any occasion to
do so is ridiculous. All that was
needed was to let the Democrats
alone, and they were sure to blun
der. Jndge Gordon had the hearty
co-operation of the Van Valkenberg-
Blankenburg Combine, together
with all those subsidized organs in
this city who yelp obediently when
the Wanamaker advertisement is
held before them. It has ljeen
pitiful to note the eagerness which
some of these organs have displayed
in their efforts to get or retain this
valuable piece of political patron
age. But even this remarkable
combination of gold Democrats,
kicking Republicans and subsidized
newspapers could not offset the
bourbon Democracy, which, true to
its traditions, selected a man of no
political strength.
There has been a nice little con
spiracy in the kicking branch of the
Republican party to force the norui
; nation of .Judge Gordon, who is
nominally a Democrat, but who
' has refused to say how he voted in
! 1890. Mr. Wanamaker has not
j been disposed to run 011 an inde
: pendent ticket, and now that Judge
I Gordon is shelved, it will be inte
j resting to see what lie will do next.
[ It really makes little difference.
| Colonel Stone will have the largest
i majority ever given a Republican
I Governor in this State, and he will
1 deserve it.
The Democratic plan to run the
| campaign 011 State issues will fail.
| There is 110 State issue for the De
| mocracy. The Republican party
will win with its excellent candid
ates, its unimpeachable platform,
and will march to success to the
same tunes that lead our armies
abroad to victory. This is a Re
publican year. "Jenks and Free
Silver - ' is 110 slogan for Pennsylva
nia. It cannot hold even the Bryan
j Democracy together. The Repub
■ lican party stands to-day for the
best statesmanship of the country.
It. stands for Dewey and Sampson
j and Schley and Shafter. It stands
| for humanity, for liberty, for pros-
I perity. There will be no desertion
lof Republicanism t his year. Jenks
1 is well enough as a figure-head, but
| Democracy in Pennsylvania is as
dead as Julius Ca»sar.
The Altoona convention has done
its work of destruction. It has dis
solved, and nothing is left of it but
a respectable ticket, a demoralized
organization and the exploded the
ory of free silver. Peace to its ashes.
(Philadelphia Inquirer.
(From our Regular CorreHpondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 11, 1898.
President McKinley has the whip
hand of the situation, and he doesn't
' intend that either talk about peace
or the surrender of the Spaniards
at Santiago shall interfere with his
plans. If the destruction of Cer
vera's fleet and the Spanish defeats
j at Santiago have convinced Spain
j that it is time to beg for peace, she
nfust say so. She can accomplish
nothing by talking peace unofficial
ly, nor through the intervention of
other powers. This country does
not intend to allow any other
country to have any hand either in
obtaining peace for Spain or in ar
ranging the terms of peace. Spain
can have the terms of peace when
ever she chooses to ask for them,
and they will not be deviated from,
nor will they be offered until they
arc asked for. Meanwhile the war
is going to be pushed. It is expect
ed, at the Navy Department, that
Commodore Watson's fleet, which is
going to the coast of Spain, will get
started this week, and that, by the
first of August it will be heard from
by Spain; and the expedition against
Porto Rico is to be prosecuted with
Santiago as a base of supplies. Gen.
Miles has gone to Cuba to take com
mand of the campaign.
The War and Post Office Depart
ments have adopted a system for
the improvement of the mail service
to the soldiers. Under this system
the quartermaster's department of
the army will transport all mail
within camp to and from the point
of arrival and departure, and bat
talion and regimental adjutants
will be held responsible for the cor
rect distribution of mail. Every
military post or camp established
will be given a post-office immedi
ately, with a postal superintendent
in charge. In short, nothing will
be left undone that will aid in quick
and constant communication be
tween the soldiers and their rela
tives and friends.
Just a plain statement of what
was done at the-session of Congress
just ended, without one word of ar
gument, should be amply sufficient
to bring about an increase of the
Republican majority in the next
House. It was a business session,
as well as a war session. Aside
from the important war legislation,
which has met every need of the
administration and prepared,, so far
as possible for its needs for the next
six months, and the regular appro
priation bills, a just and equitable
national bankrupt law was enacted;
Hawaii was annexed, and a number
of other important laws placed upon
the statute books. The total amount
appropriated by Congress at the ses
sion was $892,527,991, o? which
$3(51,788,095 was to meet the ex
penses of conducting the war against
As a special favor to those who
are here in attendance upon the
annual convention of the National
Educational Association, Secretary
Long instructed the Commandant
of the Washington Navy Yard,
which has been closed to visitors
since the war started, to admit
members of the Association to the
yards and shops. Another unusual
courtesy extended to the Associ
ation was the opening of the Con
gressional Library building at night
by Librarian Young. This was the
first time that the handsome build
ing had been open to visitors at
Secretary Long gives the follow
ing reasons for the success of the
! Navy in tin* war—a success never
1 equaled in any war by any navy,
i involving, besides individual ships
captured or destroyed, the complete
destruction of two Spanish fleets,
that of Admiral Cervera having
several warships that wore as fine
as any of their class afloat: First,
the skill and mechanical genius of
our people in building the best
ships; Second, the high personnel
of the Navy; Third, the foresight
of our Naval authorities in liberally
spending money for ammunition to
| be used in target practice; Fourth,
j the help the Secretary of the Navy
had from the Assistant Secretary
j and the bureau chiefs. It will be
: remembered that Theodore Roose
j veil, who has just been promoted
I from lieutenant-colonel to colonel
i for gallantry in action before Santi
! ago, was the Assistant Secretary of
I the Navy until after the fighting
: began. Secretary Long said of bis
i bureau chiefs: " When the Navy
j Department saw that war was ap
! proaeliing, the bureau chiefs were
called together and told they would
be held personally responsible for
the efficiency of their various
departments. Every reasonable
amount of supplies was given
them, and they were told that the
Navy must be putin thorough con
dition. Not enough credit has been
given to these men, who made suc
cess possible by having the Navy
i President McKinley has named
, as Commissioners to recommend to
I Congress needed legislation con
| cerning Hawaii, our new possession,
Senators Cullom and Morgan, mem
bers of the Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations; Representative
Hitt, Chairman of the House Com
mittee 011 Foreign Affairs, and San
ford I*. Dole, President of the Ha
waiian Republic, and W. R. Frear,
Associate Justice of the Supreme
; Cdurt of Hawaii. Senator Davis,
;of Minnesota, would have been
Chairman of the Commission bad
his private business not compelled
him to decline the appointment.
Where Will You Spend Your Summer
Yacation ?
The W. N. Y. & P. Ry. announce
two delightful excursions to the Thou
sand Islands, to be run July 23d and
August '2oth. The train will leave
Emporium at 8:30 a. m. Fare for
round trip $6.50. Tickets will be good
ten days returning.
Among the Thousand Islands 011 the
St. Lawrence River is a most charming
resort for a week's vacation; boating,
fishing, and steam-boat excursions are
among the pleasures derived at the
Islands. For full information call on
VV. N. Y. & P. Ry. Agents, or write S.
B. Newton, Excursion Manager, Buf
, falo, N. Y. 28-3t
Sunday Excursion to Portage Falls.
The W. N. Y. <k P. Ry. will run
Special Excursion Trains to Portage
Falls, Sunday, July 3d, 17th, 31st, Aug.
14th and 28th.
Trains will leave Emporium, at 8:00
a. m.. Fare for the round trip §I.OO.
The Portage excursions proved very
enjoyable for the public,and successful
for the company, last season, and no
doubt will this season. Passengers are
allowed six hours at Portage in which
to view the beauties of Glen Iris.
Visit the Historic Indian Council
House and other points of interest and
return home at a seasonable hour.
There are excellent hotels at Portage
or you cart take your lunch. Remem
ber the dates. 17-10t.
Baptist Young People's Union of
America, Buffalo, N. Y., July
14th to 17th, 1898.
Low rates via Bu;.falo, Rochester &
Pittsburg RR., for the Sth International
Convention of the Baptist Young Peo
ple's Union of America, to be held at
Buffalo, N. Y., July SH", the Buffalo,
Rochester & Pittsburg RR. Co. will sell
excursion tickets from points on its
line, to Buffalo and return, at rate of
single fare for the round trip. Tickets
will be sold for all regular trains July
12th to 15th, and will be good for
return passage from Buffalo until July
19th, 1898, with a further provision,
that, by depositing ticket with Joint
Agent of Trust Lines at Buffalo, not
earlier than July 17th, nor later than
July 19th, and on payment of 50c,
return limit will b© extended until
September Ist, 1898.
For time of trains, and further infor
mation, consult the aaarest agent of
the company. [2t]
Low-Rate Excursion, via Pennsylva
nia Rail/oad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has selected the following dates for its
popular ten-day excursions to Niagara
Falls from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and
Washington: July 21, August 4 and 18,
and September 1,1%, and 29. An expe- 1
rienced tourist agent and chaperon will i
accompany each excursion.
Excursion tickets, good for return
passage on any regular train, exclusive
of limited express trains, within ten
days, will be sold at §lO from Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Washington, and all
points on the Delaware Division; $9.60
from Lancaster; $8.50 from Altoona and
Harrisburg; $6.90 from Sunbury and
Wilkesbarre; $5.75 from Williamsport;
and at proportionate rates from other
Soints. A stop-over will be allowed at
uffalo, Rochester, and Watkins re
A special train of Pullman parlor
cars and day coaches will be run with
each excursion.
Tickets for a side trip to the Thousand
Islands (Alexandria Bay) will be sold
from Rochester, good to return to Roch
ester or to Canandaigua via Syracuse
within five days, at rate of $5 50.
For time of connecting trains and
further information apply t-> nearest
ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
[ 1014-20 6w ]
Second annual band basket picnic of
the McKean County Band Association,
to be held in Port Allegany, Thursday,
July 28. The program in the morning
will be a grand concert held In the
square. The music for this concert has
been so arranged that at least ten of the
best bands of northwestern Pennsylva
nia, with Foley's 43d, of 01ean,will par
ticipate as one grand whole, making a
single band of at least 175 pieces. In
the afternoon, on the fair grounds, bi
cycle races and base-ball games have
been arranged for, the contesting nines
being Port Allegany and Emporium
This game will be for "blood,'* as the
only game played this season between
the two nines resulted in a score of 4 to
sin favor of Emporium. There is no
admission fee to be charged to any of
the numerous entertainments to be
given on that day. Dancing all the
afternoon and evening on the fair
grounds. A special train will be run
from Olean, leaving that city at about
9 a. m., connecting at Larabee with
train 121 on the Clermont branch. Re
turn train will leave Port Allegany at
12:00 (midnight) connecting at Larabee
with a special train which will stop at
all points on the branch, thus giving
out-of-town people the full enjoyment
of the whole day and evening program.
Half rates will be given on the W. N.Y.
6P. Ry. A special rate will be given
on the C. & P. A. Ry.
To be Held July 12, 13, 14 and 15, "98.
The summer meeting of the Lake Erie
Trotting Circuit and the Western New
York Circuit, which will open on the
12th inst. and continue for four days,
bids fair to eclipse all former meets held
in Ilornellsville; in fact the indications
are that it will be the largest, best and
most successful in the history of trot
ting in this vicinity.
The field of horses will be very large,
and includes many of this country's
best known horses. There will be 25
horses with a record better than 2 10,
and 50 additional with records better
than 2.19, besides the many other flyers,
and the interest in every class will no
doubt be intense. There will also be
about 50 running horses here, including
the fastest in the country.
The veteran and well known Alexan
der W. McElroy, of Chicago, will act as
starter, a guarantee that every thing will
be on the square and fair treatment to
Every preparation is made for the
successful carrying out of the program,
and for the entertainment of all who
come here, and all that is wanted is
good weather to insure the biggest
fcfeg jg) SffgC
O „ NUT 3
§L " >s s Nlßl jliAl(Bfy, m.
rt^&fft£iS ? fsl!srps
Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and
skillful attention.
$ TRIPLEKNEE fl% Spring and &
1 h S A Summer 112
112 . ||
| Goods. *
Ladies are invitsd to look at our new arrivals in Dress-aK
« Goods, Likesilks, Silkolines Silk Gingham and Organdies,.
M Black Brocade —absolutely fast blaclfc, Laae Curtains Win-w
W dow Laces, White Bedspreads, Fine Linen Damask Tablings,. w
V and Napkins to match, Ladies and Misses Muslin Underwear, J*.
,JQ. in Night Dresses, Corset Covers, Skirts, also Ladies Wrap- Q
7y petrs and Babies Robes. rt
q In the celebrated Black Cat Brand of the Leather Stock- W
iugs, we keep a full assortment of si ses. These are unap- >
#. proaclied for durability. Try them and you will always :♦
want them.
W Ladies and Misses Ribbed Jersey Vests, from ioc up.
J2. Note the address,
Near Odd Fellows Hall, East Fourth St.
every requirement of A CRTTI- "i CAL
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
Btf. 300 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
crowds that ever attended a race meet
in this city.
One-half fare will be given on the
Buffalo and Susquehanna railroad.
i Two lours to the North via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
| For the convenience of those who
I seek the most attractive way of spend
ing a Summer vacation, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company has Hrranged
two delightful tours to the North, under
the personally-conducted tourist sys
tem, July 26 and August 16 The points
included in the itinerary and the coun
try traversed abound in nature's beau
ties; WatkinsGlen, Niagara Falls, Tho
usand Islands, Quebec, Montreal, Au-
Sable Chasm, Lakes Champlain and
George, Saratoga, and the Highlands of
the Hudson are all rich in interest and
replete with natural attractions.
Lach tcur will be in charge of one of
the company's tourist agents, assisted
by an experienced lady as chaperon,
whose especial charge will be unes
corted ladies,
The rate of SIOO from New York
Brooklyn, Newark, Trenton, Philadel
phia, Harrisburg, Baltimore, and Wash
ington covers railway and boat fare for
the entire round trip, parlor-car seats,
meals en route, hotel entertainment,
transfer charges, carriage hire—in fact,
every item of necessary expense.
For detailed itinerary, tickets, or any
additional information, address Tourist
Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, 1196 Broadway, New York; 860
Fulton Street, Brooklyn; 789 Broad
Street, Newark, N. J.; or Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
( 1017-W2 ]
Reduced Rates to Buffalo via Penn
sylvania Railroad, account Baptist
Young People's International Con
For the International Convention of
the Baptist Young People's Union of
America, to be held at Buffalo July 14
to 17, 1893, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets
from all ticket stations on its line to
Buffalo and return at rate of sdntflefare,
for the rownd trip. Tickets will'be sold
July 12 to 15 and will be good to return
until July 19, except that by depositing
ticket with Joint Agent at Buffalo on
July 17, 18, or 19, and the payment of
fifty cents, the return limit may be ex
tended to leave Buffalo September 1
Special train will leave Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia, at 9.30 a m., July
13, Frazer 10.10 a. m., Lancaster 11.25
a m., Harrisburg 12.35 p. m, Sunbury
2.00 p. m., and Wiiliamsport 3.10 p. m.
Passengers from other points desiring
to use special train can use regular
trains to junction points. [ lw ],