IN OCEAN DEPTHS Steamer La Bourgogne Sinks with 562 Peoplo. Collided Of? the Coant of Newfoundlautl with an Knglinh Steamer—Horrible Scenen on the Doomed Craft Women and Men Murdered in the KUHII to Heath the Boats. Halifax, N. S., July 7.—The British iron ship Cromartyshire, from Dun kirk for Philadelphia, was towed in here yesterday by the Allan liner Grecian with iier bow torn away by a collision on Monday morning, »>() miles south of Sable island, with the French steamer La Bourgogne, which latter vessel went down ten minutes later. Of the 700 passengers and crew on board La Bourgogne less than 200 were saved. Only one woman was saved. The captain and other deck officers went down with the ship. The Cromartyshire laid to and picked up the passengers and seamen who were rescued, transporting them to the Grecian, which came along short ly afterward. All the officers of the La Bourgogne were drowned, with the exception of the purser and three engineers, ( apt. Deloncles, who commanded La Bour gogne, and who went down with the ship, was about 40 years old. He had been in command of La Bourgogne less than six months, prior to which time he was captain of La Normandie. The collision occurred during a dense fog. Some of the scenes enacted on La Bourgogne just after the collision were terrible to witness. Men fought for positions in the boats like raving maniacs, women were forced back from the boats and trampled by men who made self-preservation their first object. On board were a large num ber of the lower class of Italians and other foreigners, who in their frenzy stoppecj at nothing that promised safety for themselves. In a boat was a party of 40 women, but so great was the panic that not a hand was raised to assist in its launching. The occu pants, so near saved, were drowned like rats when the ship went down. So desperate was the situation that an Italian passenger drew his knife and made direct at one who, like him self. was endeavoring to reach the boats. Immediately his action was imitated in every direction. Knives were flourished and used with effect. Women and children were driven back to inevitable death at the point of weapons, the owners of which were experts in their use. According to the stories of survivors women were stabbed like so many sheep. The scene on the water was even worse. Many of the unfortunates who were struggling in the water attempt ed to drag themselves into the boats or on rafts. These were pushed back into a watery grave. Here, too, knives were used freely. Not all of the dead met death by drowning. Christopher Brunon saw a sailor belonging to the Bourgogne strike a passenger over the head with a bar and kill him. The body dropped into the water. There were 7:.'."> person on board and 163 were saved. The second officer was the only man of the crew who did anything to help tlie terrified passengers. He cut loose all the boats lie could, and in fact all the boats that were launched were launched by him. lie was last seen standing on the deck with his hand on the rigging, going resignedly to certain death. Christopher Tirnnon, a passenger, was thrown into the water and swam for two hours before he found a boat. He clung to this as his last hope. After some time another man got hold of the same boat, and together they managed to right it. Under the seats they found the dead bodies of four men and three women who had evi dently been drowned by the capsizing of the boat. Hrunon saiil the crew were cruel in their conduct toward the passengers. He was unable to get in the steamer's boats when he came on deck, being shoved away by the sail ors. He saw many of his friends be ing prevented from getting into the boats by the sailors. Mehelini Secondo, an Italian steer age passenger, was among the saved. When he got on deck he found a raft with five men on it. The raft, how ever, was chained fast to the deck and no sailors were near to let it loose. The ship sank rapidly and they were all precipitated into the water. He was in the water 20 minutes and alone, the other five sinking before his eyes. He came across a boat which he tried to get into. He event ually succeeded, but not before a des perate fight with her crew. Charles I.iebra, a Frenchman, had his two motherless boys, 5 and 7 years old. with him. He put them in a boat, but was prevented from entering him self. He could not. get in any boat and went down with tlie ship, but he came to the surface and looked for the boat with his boys. He floated a long time before a boat came along. He tried to get in. but was assailed with oars and boat hooks. After this boat went off he was in the water eight hours. August Pourgi said he was in the water about half an hour and attempt ed to get into a boat. He was seized when he got half in and thrown back into the water. Again he tried to enter the boat, but the savages who manned it were determined to keep him out. He managed at last to get in and to stay in. Clinging to the life line of a boat not far away lie saw his mother, and as if his trials not enough, he was forced to watch a man shove her into the ocean with an oar. She never rose. He said the man was saved and was almost sure he could recognize him. Will IW»k« 11itite Slowly. Washington, July 7. Yesterday was very quiet at the war and navy de partments. There were bulletins posted in the former department, but there were none of more recent date than Tuesday and so far from indicat ing an impending battle, the general tendency of these bulletins was -to show that no forward movement i<. in immediate contemplation. Deep con cern is felt here at the deprivations and sufferings of our troops lying 'i> trenches and in field hospitals sur rounding Santiago, and there is every where a disposition to insist that heie after haste shall be made slowly. HOBSON IS RELEASED. The IleroeH of tli« Merrimac Are Ki changed A tfoyful Nveut* When Thejr Arrive*! iu *he American (amp. Off Juragua, via Kingston, Jamaica, Tuly 8.- Assistant Naval Constructor Richmond I'. Ilobson, of the flagship New York, and the seven seamen who, with him, sailed the collier Merrimac into the channel of the harbor of San tiago de Cuba on June and sunk her there, were on Wednesday surrendered by the Spanish military authorities in exchange for 16 prisoners captured by the American forces. Ilobson and his men were escorted through the Ameri can lines by ('apt. Chad wick, of the New York. Every step of their jour ney was marked by the wildest demon strations on the part of the American soldiers. As Ilobson and the men of the .Mer rimac approached the first line of en trenchments occupied by the Hough Hitlers, low murmurs ran from one •lid of the line of cowboys and eastern athletes to the other, and by the time the returning party reached them [.very man was on his feet, refusing io be restrained by the admonishing of the officers, cheering wildly and rush ing over every obstacle in their way, in their efforts to reach Ilobson and his party and grasp them by the hand. I'he released prisoners were soon sur rounded and compelled to stop to re ceive the greetings, congratulations and vigorous handshaking of men they had never seen before. Sunburned cavalrymen who had spent their lives in the saddle on the plains of Arizona, New Mexico or other western states, threw their arms around the sailor boys and dragged them over the en trenchments, all the time sending out yells that under other circumstances would have struck terror to hearts even as gallant as those of the Merri mac heroes. No mountain fastness of the west ■ver resounded with shouts from an Indian war dance that equaled the wild outbreak of American spirit that occurred at this meeting of the sail ers who did their duty with every Spanish gun in the harbor trained upon them, and the hardy men who, from the day of their arrival in Cuba, have fought their way over the bodies of their own dead and wounded to the very gates of the city that they will gladly storm against when ordered to do so. The Seventy-first New York volun teers was the next regiment to fall upon Ilobson and his men and almost immediately the Ninth and Tenth cav alry,'both colored regiments, joined in the general enthusiasm, and cheer after cheer arose as Ilobson and his companions forced their way through the lines of white niwl colored soldiers. If the young officer whose home is n Alabama, has any race prejudice he ■ertainly forgot till about it as he passed through the lines of soldiers jn his way to (ien. Wheeler's head quarters. lie saw it was the uniform >f the United States army; hecarednot for the color of its wearers, grasping the hands of the colored troopers of the Ninth and Tenth cavalry and ex pressing his thanks for patriotic wel come with as much heartiness as he lisplayed towards men of his own race. He and all of his men were com pletely overcome by the reception ac corded them .and tears rolled down their cheeks as the soldiers crowded around them. GO TO SPAIN AT ONCE. Such 1h the Order <>lveu to Commodore Watxon, the Commander of the New Kantern Squadron. Washington, July B.—The president called a council of war yesterday at the White House, the purpose being to review the situation and learn exact ly wkat present conditions are and what changes, if any, should be made in the plans for the future conduct of the war. According to one of the members present it was decided to abide by the plans already laid, at least as to the general conduct of the campaign. Confirmation seemed to have 1 een given to this statement later in the day when after a conference with the members of the war board. Secretary Long announced that he had ordered Sampson to detach from his own command immediately the ves sels to be embraced in Commodore Watson's eastern squadron and to di rect the commodore to proceed on his mission. The vessels of the equadron will not be the same as those original ly selected, for the reason probably that the recent engagement with Cer vera's squadron necessitated changes. The new eastern squadron will con sist of the battleships lowa and Ore gon, the protected cruiser Newark and the auxiliary cruisers (carrying side armor) Dixie, Yankee and Yose mite, the colliers Averenda, Cassius, Caesar, Leonidas and Justin, and the supply boat Delmonieo. The lowa, Oregon and Newark are all in the south with Sampson. So is the Yosemite. The Dixie is at New York and the Yankee at Tompkins ville. The colliers are at Hampton Roads. The ships are to set sail as soon as they can coal and supply. They will not be required, in the case of the southern vessels, to come north, which would mean the loss of several days, but will start directly from where they are now located. The order pro vides that each ship shall make her way across the Atlantic to a marine rendezvous, which will be designated in sealed orders to prevent its expos ure to the slightest possible danger from the enemy, and the most that is known is that it will be at some point off the Spanish coast. It probably will not be long 1 after that before the squadron will be in full pursuit of Cainara with his remnant of the Span ish navy. Meanwhile the gathering of the American fleet off the Spanish ports is expected to have a sobering effect upon the inflamed people. Signed the Annexation Resolution*. Washington, July 8. —The president has signed the resolutions annexing Hawaii. It is the view of Hawaiian authorities that Hawaii becomes a part of the United States the moment that the president attaches his signa ture to the resolution of congress. The annexation is said to be complete without any further action here or in Hawaii. At the same time it is possi ble that the Hawaiian legislature may pass a resolution similar to the one passed by our congress. While it if said that this was not necessary, vcM it will be a formality accomplish* 1 and will possibly prevent quibbling CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 13 9 8. A STOPMY ENDING Congress Adjourns After a Bois terous Wind-up. The llouae of KeprcHentatlvr* Ih the Scent of a Dittjcrac ef til Kow, hut the Dove of JVace Finally Spread* It* Wing* Over the Asftembly and All Unite In C'lteera for the )'re*itieut and lieroen of the War. Washington, July 9. The end of this session of congress in the bouse was marked by two notable incidents. One was sensationally partisan, well nigh resulting in personal conflicts upon the floor of the house; the other was notably patriotic and swept away all signs of the former. In the former Mr. Ray (rep., N. Y.), Mr. Handy (dent., Del.), Mr. Cannon (rep.. 111.) nnd Mr. Ball (tlem., Tex.) were the principal participants. In the latter all members joined, irrespective of party affiliations. After tlie stormy session of two hours the house, when adjourn ment was announced, joined in cheers for the president and war heroes and the singing of patriotic songs, making perhaps the most notable ending to a session since the civil war. The only measure of importance passed was a bill to reimburse states for expenses incurred in aiding the organization of the volunteer army. Mr. Handy by moving to strike from the record a part of the speech which appeared as that of Mr. Hay precipitat ed the dispute which brought on the incident of a sensational nature. Mr. Handy d eel a red the part in question was never uttered upon the floor of the house and he read from reporters' notes to corroborate his assertion. Mr. Ray declared he hail uttered every word. "Mr. Speaker," resumed Mr. Handy, "n question of veracity has arisen here. If the gentleman from New ork says he uttered the words in question. I declare upon my honor he did not, and I hold here the reporter's notes which show that he did not." A vote was taken. The bouse de clined to strike out the speech. A di vision was called for and the negative vote again prevailed. Mr. Cannon was standing just across the center aisle, face flushed and eyes fixed upon the minority. "I called for tellers," said Mr. Handy, and with that the member from Illinois stepped into the aisle. "You are deliberately obstructing public business in which the whole country is interested " the rest of liis remarks were lost in the jeers of the minority, calls for the regular order and the resulting confusion as Mr. Cannon charged up the aisle, pour ing out a flood of denunciation. He lind reached a point opposite Mr. Ball. Mr. Cannon had culled for the yeas nnd nays, saying it was manifest that the democrats would call for them. Mr. Cannon had repeated his charge of obstruction when Mr. Ball, address ing the republican side, as it subse quently developed, declared: "The recortl is false and you knew it was false when you voted against correct ing it." "That is a lie," cried Mr. Cannon, ntid in an instant the belligerent mem bers were struggling; to reach each other, while many others were pulling and struggling to control them. The house was upon its feet. Mr. Marsh (rep.. 111.) seized Mr. Cannon and thrust him aside and when Mi-. Hall asked Mr. Cannon to "come outside" and the latter was moving to comply. Mr. Lewis (dent.. Wash.) took charge of the Illinois member and restrained him. Meantime the speaker hail been ponnding hard and the sergeant-al arms had seized the big silver mace and was moving among the members, where the greatest disorder prevailed. Order was restored slowly and a roll call proceeded. The roll call upon Mr. llandy's mo tion to strike out resulted: Yeas 50. nays 106. Later in the session Mr. Cannon explained that Mr. Ball had addressed his remarks not to him per sonally and therefore he desired to withdraw his offensive statement. The house then passed the bill to re imburse the states for expenses in curred in transporting, feeding, cloth ing and caring for soldiers in aid of organization of the volunteer army. Senate. — In a manner so simple as to be almost perfunctory the senate adjourned without day. None of th" dramatic and exciting scenes usually attendant upon the adjournment of congress was enacted during the clos ing hours of the senate's session. It. had been agreed when the senate con vened at noon that the house resolu tion providing for the adjournment if congress at 2 p. m. should be adopted and that an executive session should be held to confirm the nominations in the military and naval establishments. No other business except of the mer est routine nature was to be transact ed. The arrangement was carried out to the letter. THIRTEEN DEAD. A rionrtlmr«t Kiigiilfii a Hlwnnrl Village and Frightful I.o»« of Life Follow*. Cuba, Mo.. July 9.--A courier from Rteeleville, the county seat of Craw ford county, brought the terrible news yesterday that the town had almost been wiped out by a waterspout Fri day morning. As soon as the news was received a relief party started for the stricken town. The town was in ruins. Few buildings were left stand ing and groans of anguish were heard on all sides as the searchers sought for loved ones among the debris. The waterspout occurred outside the town, but swelled adkin creek, which came down in a mighty flood, sweeping all before it.l pto last evening 115 bodies had been recovered, but it is thought more have perished. Steeleville was a town of 1,000 inhabitants. May Save »ho Crlatobnl Colon. New York. July o.—(apt. Frederick Sharp, an expert diver and chief of the Merritt-Chapinan Wrecking Co.'s forces, has charge of the wrecking out fit which sailed from Norfolk yester day to the coast of Cuba with the hope of saving some of the vessels of Cer vera's fleet, ('apt. Sharp will make a thorough examination of the vessels of the Spanish fleet to ascertain how many can lie saved and brought to American waters. The wreckers are confident of saving the Cristobal Colon, Cervera's flagship. If she i worth the trouble. Capt. Sharp said hr would have no trouble in floating hpj STARVING REFUGEES. 'ireat V'revallH Among the Thon* •and* of I'eople Who Left Santlajjo to Kncape th» iioniharilment—Oen. Shaftei Kxtt'lMln A 111. KI Caney, .Near Santiago de Cuba, .1 illy 8. Mure than 15,1)00 innocent vic tims of the war have tied here to es cape the terrors of the threatened bombardment of Santiago and they are now confronted by the horrors of starvation. They are appealing to Gen. Shaffer for succor, Most of tliem are foreigners, principally French, or with ;in admixture of foreign blood, and their interests are being; looked after by their consuls. When they were in formed that lien. Torn I refused to consider the question of surrender ing they swarmed out of the north pate of the city and trudged over the road, which in places was ankle deep in mud. The French and Portuguese consuls continued their conference looking to the relief of the refugees from San tiago. On Wednesday tliey called on lien. Shaffer and begged for American aid. The general promised to afford the refugees a limited daily supply of food at KI Caney and other towns in Spanish territory, where they get nothing from Spain. The consuls were very guarded in their references to the situation at Santiago, but they painted it wore? than reported by the refugees. They claimed that the garrison only num bers 5,000 men. The accuracy of this is doubtful. Hen. Sliafter explained to the con suls the impossibility of earing for these poor people out of the army sup plies. but lie did spare some rations which were given out with sparing hands to the women and feeble old men. Miss Clara Ilarton and George Kennan, of the Red Cross society, of fered to provide 5.000 rations if Shaf fer would transport them. After con sultation with the French consul, Sliafter agreed to do so. The first pack train arrived Wednes day afternoon and was unloaded in the village square amid the clamoring cries of thousands. The better class held back, while the ignorant, es pecially the negroes, pressed forward, frantically appealing for bread, ('apt. Fin lay, who commands the garrison in town, saw that enough food was re served to supply those whose delicacy and good breeding restrained them from begging. Many of the better class have offered to pay almost any price for transportation to .luragua and thence togo by our transports to some foreign port. It appears likely that some arrangements can be made to get them out of the country. New York, July H.—The following cablegram was received Thursday by Stephen Karton from Miss Clara Isar ton: "Siboney, July 6.—Came from Shaf fer's front in the night for food and clothing for refugees who are leaving Santiago by the thousands, starving and naked. The State of Texas has gone to Port Antonio for ice to save her meat; will return to-morrow. Are sending supplies to refugees, all we can from bo*'i amps, by army wagons and pack mules. It is nearly impossi ble to land supplies —high tides, no docks, surf terrific. Our ship yawls cannot stand in the surf. Have mend ed one old broken flat boat which our men drag ashore in the surf, waist deep. No transportation. Horses and pai kers' tents would be helpful. "Wounded men taken from our ope rating tables are laid on the ground, often without blankets or shelter from rain or sun. As others die their cloth ing is taken to put on the naked, to get them down to Siboney, ten miles over roads that upset, army wagons. Mrs. Gardner, myself and the whole working force of Hie Red Cross at the front are in direct range of the sharp shooters. Lesser and the nurses are doing splendid work at Siboney. The men are as brave as lions. Shaffer is acting wisely and humanely, doing all he can. We return to the front at once." MILES STARTS FOR CUBA. IJi'ail of the Army KxpeotM to Reach San tiago the Karly I'art of Next Week. Washington. July B.—Maj. Gen. Miles, accompanied by the entire staff of the army headquarters, left last night for Charleston, S. C., where the party will embark for Santiago. Lieut. Col. Michler and a large staff of head quarters clerks which has been in Tampa will come north to Charleston and join the party. The start will bo made from Charleston on the first steamer after the general and his staff arrive. J his may be either the Vale or Columbia, which are taking on troops there. If the troops are ready to start before the party arrives, they will g-o on and the general will follow on the Resolute or one of the other steamers to sail after the Vale and Columbia. It is expected that the party will be at Santiago the early part of next week. Gen. Miles has no other purpose in going to Santiago than to look over the military situation and to strength en the hands of Shatter. There is no intention on his part to take in any manner from the glory that Sliafter lias won or may win in this camfmign. He will not relieve Shaffer of his com mand unless the latter's physical con dition demands such action. Holorauftt 111 the Oil Fielil. Sistersville, W. Va„ July B.—A re port was received last evening that a terrible holocaust had occurred at Whisky Run.the new oil field in Ritchie county. The story is that a boarding house located near a well caught fire early Thursday morning from an explosion of gas, and that two children of the person running the boarding house and two men whose, names were not known, per ished in the flames and another person who stopped at the house is missing. The name of the boarding house prop rietor is said to be Cunningham. Will limit the King on Hawaii. Washington, July 8. —Secretary Long gave orders yesterday for the de parture of the Philadelphia from Mare Island for Hawaii. She will carry the flag of the 1 nited States to those isl ands and include them within the Fnion. Admiral Miller, who is now at Mare Island, will be charged with hoisting tin- flag. The ship will be ready for sea in a very few days. Five FatallUen. Marslialltown, la., July 8. —Four men were killed and one fatally in jured by the breaking of a scaffold yesterday at the plant of the Glucose lyefjninfl' Co. SOME TALK OF PEACE. All Arniintlee May be Agreed to In ran# Santiago in Surrendered Overture* Muol tome from Spain. Washington, July 9.—There was a continuation of peace talk Friday and evidences in Ibis line are coming to the surface. Such for instance was the confirmation by the stat<;-»Jiirt ment of the report that the CadizwVt was returning to Spain, since it ia scarcely conceivable that the Spanish government would doom this last rem nant of its fleet to destruction at the hands of Watson's squadron, which in all probability could head it off bcfort it reached Cadiz, its home port. There fore the assumption is that the Span ish government calculates that at least an armistice precedent to peace will be obtained before the ships reach Spain. Conditions at Santiago also are re garded as favorable just now, accord ing' to