Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 14, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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H. H. MULLIN, Editor.
Published Every Thursday.
Advertisements are published st the rate ot
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The Job department of the PRKSS IS complete
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In ISBB the foreign demand for corn
was 25,000,000 bushels, and in 1808 over
200,000,000 bushels. The world is find
ing out the merits of one of nature's
best productions.
Miss Helen Gould, although possessed
of millions, is about to take her first
voyage across the Atlantic ocean. She
will visit England this summer, and as
far as she can arrange it her stay will
be incognito.
The prize money distributed among
our sailors during the civil war
amounted to nearly $12,000,000. They
have made a good start in this war, and
will add rapidly to the prize fund should
cur new flying squadron visit the Span
ish coasts.
George Francis Train recently sent
to Representative Sulzer, of New York,
an invitation to attend his reception
at Mills' I'alace hotel, and in one cor
ner of the invitation was printed: "No
tablecloths, wines, cards, flowers, airs',
fads, fakes or cranks, but bon vivants
and cordial welcome."
The American troops in the revolu
tion numbered 309,781, in the war ol
1812, 556,622, in the Mexican war 112,230,
in the civil war 2,778,304. The force
varied, but it was always large enough
to win the victory. And so it will be in
this war. If the 250,000 are not enough,
there are plenty more where those caine
Last 3'ear's exports of wheat and
corn were phenomenal, but- the pro
saic hog for the first four months of
3898 was sent abroad to the amount
of $53,800,000, or more than half the
aggregate of l»readstuffs exported.
The increased foreign demand for
American hog products is another com
mercial sign of the times.
The general officers and a large num
ber of national secretaries of depart
ments and state officers of the Non
partisan National Woman's Christian
Temperance union have issued a cir
cular letter to the presidents and facul
ties of American colleges urging the
importance of guarding their students
from the temptations of drink and vice.
Maj. Gen. M. C. Butler, of South Caro
lina, who lost his field glasses at the
battle of Brandy Station, in 1863, as
well as a leg, was greatly surprised and
pleased the other day to get the field
glasses back again, they having been
restored to him by Mrs. Kemper, of
Virginia. "The last time 1 used these,"
said the general, "I was a confederate
oflicer; now lama Yankee officer."
Ex-President Harrison, in speaking of
the American navy recently, said: "I
consider the American navy, ship for
ship, gun for gun, and man for man, un
equaled by any navy in the world. The
courage and daring of our men, the
personnel of the officers of <xur ships, the
gunnery, the nerve and spirit mani
fested in all, offer to the world the
spectacle of a navy for which there is
110 superior."
Miss Kingsley has a rival explorer in
an Australian lady, Miss Hastie, who
has chartered the ship Sydney Belle for
a cruise among the least known of the
South Sea islands. In particular she
is to devote her attention to the Solo
anon group, where the fiercest of con
temporary cannibals are to be found.
Hitherto white men have not been able
to penetrate beyond a few miles from
the coast, and they have almost invari
ably had some of their number killed
or captured for the cannibal ovens.
There are in round numbers 200,000
miles of cable under the rivers, bays
and oceans of the world at the present
time, and these are under the control
of some 30 different governments and
as many private companies. This great
stretch of wire weighs probably 8,000,-
000 tons and is enough to encircle the
globe eight times. It does not really
-encircle the globe, for the. Pacific has
never been crossed by the cable, but the
Atlantic and Indian oceans and nearly
all the smaller seas have been. There
are 12 cables crossing l the Atlantic, it is
Mascots are the order of the day in
camp and on shipboard and a new style
may come into use, for a woman in cen
tral New York has offered her twin
babies, whom she describes as fine boys
11 monehs old. to the secretary of the
navy as mascots. She prefers that they
should be placed upon the lowa and
New York, of Admiral Sampson's fleet,
as she says she knows more about these
ships than any others, but she is not
particular, as long as the infants are
honored by cradles upon American
cruisers. This is the most peculiar ex
hibition of patriotism yet offered.
iitcli V\ lil«*h Show Th»t «he Uovern-
Oi**nlal Ini'itniv la Mot
It is both gratifying anil somewhat
(surprising that the revenue, as yet
scarcely affected by a single provision
of the new law, which will take effect
as to nearly all its clauses July 1, never
theless keeps up so well. It was
naturally apprehended when war broke
out that it would to some extent affect
foreign commerce, and not merely the
imports from Spain and Spanish pos
sessions, but also imports from other
pifints with which trade had been main
ly in American vessels. For a time there
did appear a distinct decrease in the
amount of imports and the duties de
rived from them. IJut it sounds like a
joke in these days to ryention the fran
tic anxiety shown by shippers to get
war risks at high rates on their goods,
and by owners of buildings to get spe
cial insurance against bombardment.
It has i ot taken long- to convince the
people that Spain has never had a re
spectable chance of doing harm to any
well-fortified seaport or to an appre
ciable share of American shipping
Commerce lias quickly resumer its nor
mal volume so far that the duties 011 im
ports are fully up to reasonable expec
•■ations for the season.
When the Dingley law was first crit
icised data were presented showing
that if it yielded $1,000,000 daily it
would a little more than meet the or
dinary expenses of the government as
they had been met for four years, and
that if it attained that measure of suc
cess within six months after its enact
ment the natural expansion of business
would insure a moderate surplus in
subsequent years. The revenue
reached that point in February, and in
epite of apprehensions caused by the
destruction of the Maine and general
preparations for war, nearly the same
rate was maintained in March. Dur
ing 30 days of April, exclusive of $2,-
(.51,500 received from the sale of the
Kansas Pacific railway, the revenue was
$30,361,443, and in May it was $30,074,-
810—not quite $1,000,000 short of the
rate required in the month after war
began. In June the revenue in 18 days
was $18,737,300, and on the day the war
tax bill was approved the revenue for
the month had been close to the desired
average—sl2,4o7,329 in 13 days—having
since gained $2,700,000 in customs re
ceipts for five days.
These facts may well be placed on
record and kept in mind, because they
show how the Dingley law was closely
answering the expectations of its
framers and supporters down to the last
day of its existence without modifica
tion, and that in spite of foreign alarms
and at last of war, affecting to some
extent the course of foreign trade.
With a natural growth of business in
harmony with the growth of population,
it is proved that the act would have
yielded by the end of the fiscal year
some surplus, with certainty of its grad
ual increase, over the expenses of the
government during the preceding four
years. As the problem to be considered
from this time forward is a very differ
ent one, both because the rate of taxa<-
tion has been greatly changed to meet
an emergency and because the ex
penditures of the government will run
far beyond the ordinary limit of recent
years, it should be set down us,an his
torical fact that after the effect of
anticipatory imports had measurably
though not wholly passed the Dingley
act came to yield, in 'ts later months be
fore alteration substantially the full
amount of revenue expected and re
It will be a much more difficult mat
ter to judge of forthcoming revenue
after the new fiscal year begins with
its new war taxes. No experience af
fords a reliable indication of their re
sult, nor has any calculation been pos
sible giving other than reasonably con
jectural estimates. It is also highly
probable that, partly through deliberate
opposition to taxes and partly through
negligence the penalties of which men
will not recognize at first, the new
taxes will yield for some little time
much less than may be expected from
them after the public has become bet
ter acquainted with the provisions of
the law. The country will be some
what in the dark as to its revenues,
and very much in tine dark as to its ex
penditures, which Kay be materially
increased in any mo&th by the fortunes
of war. The assurance that the Ameri
can people are ready and eager to ad
vance their wealth upon government
securities more favorable to the nation
than most nations have ever been able
to place in time of war is therefore of
the highest importance, since it re
moves from the situation ground for
apprehension about the resources of the
treasury and the soundness of the
surrency. It is not out of place also
to give full credit, to Secretary Gage
for the good sense shown in urging
speedy provision for a loan while the
people were ready for it.and without
waiting for possible disappointments
either in amount of war expenditures
or in the productiveness of the new
revenue law. —N. Y. Tribune.
rush of people to invest Iheir
savings in the new government bonds
justifies Secretary Gage's judgment.
He has shown the far-reaching sagacity
of a statesman and financier. The ef
fects of this general distribution of the
government loan among the people can
not be comprehended. The seeds of
sound money wil! be 'planted wherever
a bond is sold, for it is safe to say that
whatever the political affiliations of
the bond-holder may have been in the
past, in the future they will be found
always and ever on the side of the
soundest kind of money.—Leslie's Week
IP'The remarks of friends of Mr.
Bryan tend to the inference that, so
far as he is concerned, the war is to be
used to promote his political aspira
tions. —Indianapolis Journal.
Democrat* Who Voted Aicainat lh*
litMtac OF IIOIMU for Uiir
; A review of the recent proceedings
of many democrats in congress, and
'of the course of a large portion of the
I democratic press, reveals a strong de
,sire to embarrass the government in
carrying on the war. The democratic
I party, as an organization, shows adis-
I position to open a rear fire upon our
i armies by crippling, if possible, the ad-
I ministriation charged with the con
'duct of military operations. This
( policy is in surprising contrast with
; the eagerness of democratic congress
( men, before hostilities opened, to force
j the republican members to rush at
once into the most warlike measures.
Democrats in congress demanded and
voted for the immediate recognition
of the republic of Cuba, a step that
would have caused war with Spain, as
well as subjected this country to end
less perplexities in dealing with Cuban
realities. Before the war Mr. Bailey
was on the floor of the house nearly
every day, noisily urging war and rec
ognition. and nagging the speaker and
the republican ma jority because Spain
was not bearded witli a fiery ultima
tum and Cuba proclaimed an indepen
dent nation of the earth.
At length war was declared. Then
came up the necessary legislation to
make it successful. A Rubicon having
been crossed a very large number of
democrats in both houses of congress,
aided by the populists, suddenly be
came oblivious to the gr< at task in
hand, and began to play politics on the
currency question. Opposition to the
issue of bonds to pay the expenses of
the war was developed. All the demo
crats in thi> senate except seven votc<?
against the war revenue bill because
it authorized a loan secured by bonds.
The annexation of Hawaii, which has
become imperative through our mili
tary use of the islands, has met with
the same kind of democratic treat
ment. Mr. Bailey was so much dis
pleased because a number of demo
crats voted for annexation that he de
mands hereafter unanimity through
the caucus. Tn the senate, day after
day, democratic find populist members
are wasting the time and strength of
their fellow members to prevent the
affirmative vote on annexation that,
will come the moment a ballot can be
reached. Then republicans are
charged with "imperialism," though
they have done nothing more than
hold for future action the territory
wrested from Spain in battle.
Tf the democratic lenders insist that,
this shall be a republican warthev wi'l
be permitted to have their way about
it. A capable republican administra
tion directs it and will press it vigor
ously, with honor and complete suc
cess. Of course the men in the ranks
represent all parties. Tt is all the niorf
reason why the opposition in congress
should vote to strengthen them for
their arduous and heroic work in
every possible way. The soldiers and
sailors of the United States will be
paid in dollars as good as fold and not
in money debased one-half, though
nearly all the democrats in congress
are ready and anxious to cut down thf.
soldiers' sls a month to that extent.
Numerous democratic papers nre
snarling about military operations.
An American reserve would bring out
a large assortment of copperheads and
democratic pullbacks. The symptoms
of their reactionary purposes are too
plain to be mistaken. But. in spite of
(hem, the war will be carried through
triumphantly, with the energy, the di
rectness. the good faith and the pat
riotism of Lincoln and Grant.—St.
Louis Globe-Democrat.
after column of figures
prepared by the treasury department
eouH be given to prove that the re
publican party has been true to all of
its pledges.—Towa State Register.
ITT" Kansas is in line. The Kansas re
publicans said at their state conven
tion that the national administration
was all right "in peace and in war,"
and that there was nothing the matter
with McKinlev.—Troy Times.
IT7"That. is u misleading dispatch
which describes the state conventions
of democrats, populists and silver re
publicans in Michigan as "dividing the
offices." What they did was to divide
the nominations. The republicans will
retain the offices. —Boston Journal.
ITT'Oregon republicans have battered
down the democratic fortifications in
that state. It is a notable triumph
The republicans were opposed by per
haps the most formidable fusion in the
history of that state. It was composed
not only of democrats and populists,
but of silver republicans.—American
IWThe democrats, populists and sil
ver republicans in Xebraska will fol
low the example of their friends in
Oregon by fusing to beat the repub
licans. As a result they are merely
likely to expose their own weakness
and prove the strength of their adver
saries, as their friends in the Pacific
state did.—Chicago Tribune.
CThe sound money democrats of
Pennsylvania remark in their address
that the adoption of the gold stand
ard in every leading country has been
attended by an ample and increasing
supply of gold for all tlie requirements
of trade. This well-ascertained fact
has spoiled a large assortment, of silver
arguments.— St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
ICThat the gold standard has placed
this country's credit higher than any
other nation is evidenced by the fact
that we are now borrowing money for
three per cent, interest. Xo other na
tion on earth can borrow it for less.
One of the Chicago banks has even
offered to take $100,000,000 in bonds at
two per cent. During the civil wtr our
government paid seven per cent, in
terest for its loans. —lowa State lirgis
SIX FatalltieA Fol!c»w the CH|MIXIII|; of an
KienrMion Steamer.
lieverly, Mass., July s.—The small
excursion steamer Surf City, with
about 60 passengers on board, while
half way over from Salem Willows to
her wharf here, a distance of about
two miles, was struck by a terrific
squall about 0 o'clock last night and
capsized. Of those on board a large
majority are believed to have been
rescued by boats from both the Salem
and Beverly shores, but six bodies had
been recovered at dark, and as it is
known that many rushed into the
eaiiin before the squall, it is thought
that twice as many bodies are still
confined there. As one or two of those
taken ashore are in a critical condi
tion, it appears likely that the list of
dead may reach a score. The follow
ing bodies were recovered from the
Mrs. Catherine D. Weber, 25 years
old. of Beverly.
Miss Grace Snell, 13 years old,
daughter of Arthur Snell, of Beverly.
Three-year-old son of John Kenney,
of Beverly.
Two unidentified women; one uni
dentified (5-year-old boy.
The vessel had just reached Beverly
bar when the storm struck the boat
and at the same time a lightning bolt
struck the beacon at the end of the
Amid the terrible din of the thunder
which followed the lightning flash and
the fearful whirlwind, the little
steamer careened over to starboard
and went down, all so suddenly that
even the commander had the greatest
difficulty in getting out of the boat.
The steamer was seen togo down
by persons on both sides of the bay
and boats immediately put out to I he
wreck, reaching her in a few minutes.
Those in the water were quickly
hauled aboard, and with the living
were drawn into the boat a number of
dead, including the bodies of two
child ren.
The scene while the work of rescue
was going on was a fearful one, as
over half of those on board were wo
men and their screams could be heard
for miles. Many clung to the top of
the hurricane deck and supported
themselves until the boats came, while
others grasped the flagstaff's and even
the smokestack.
Beverly, Mass., July 6.—The death
of Mrs. Samuel Emerson, of North
Beverly, which occurred yesterday,
brings the list of known fatalities re
sulting from the foundering of the
excursion steamer Surf City in this
harbor Monday evening up to eight.
Tornado Kweept* Over a New llnmpHhire
Town —Nino I'eople are Killed and Many
Hampton, N. IT., July 5.—A torna
do struck Hampton Beach at 3:15 p.
m. Monday, causing immense damage
to property and great loss of life.
Cottages were blown flat; horses were
picked up bodily and dashed against
buildings; vehicles were carried many
feet; barns were unroofed, large trees
snapped off at their roots and others
were torn up bodily. The tornado
touched the beach at a place about
half a mile north of Whittier's hotel
and cut a swath 10 yards wide in a
westerly direction, moving in rotary
shape until it passed out to sea.
Twenty cottages were torn down and
several small hotels completely
wrecked. The greatest loss of lite
and injury came with the demolition
of the old skating rink, a one-story
structure of wood, 500 by 100 feet in
size. Here from"7s to 125 persons were
seriously injured, tin unknown num
ber slightly injured and four persons
arc already dead.
A yacht owned by ("apt. Frank
Mudd, of this place, was sailing off
the beach and was in the path of the
storm. In it were nine persons and
of these five were drowned. They
Walter. Gertrude and Kalph Hodge
son. Kensington. X. 11.
Mrs. W. 11. Parker, Kensington.
('apt. Mudd, Hampton.
The others in the boat are believed
to have been saved.
The list of dead un shore is as fol
Mora, the actress, of Xew York, who
was playing in a piece entitled "The
Blowing Up of the Maine."
Miss Mae I'rescott, Exeter.
Samuel Cammet, Exeter.
W. H. Carlson, Exeter.
Among those believed to be fatally
injured in the pavillion are: Miss O.
D. Pressey, of Haverhill, Mass., frac
tured skull; J. F. Pennington and W.
11. Barber, both of Exeter.
Carlson was taken out dead, but
Mora, the actress, was alive when
found and died shortly after.
He Krportu the Arrival of Reinforce
ments, the Capture of a Spanish Colony
and the Surrender of a (sunhoat.
Washington, JuJy s.—Admiral
Dewey's telegram to the navy depart
ment is as follows:
"Cavite, July I.—Three transports
and the Charleston arrived yester
day. The Charleston captured
Guahan, Ladrone Islands, on June 21.
S'o resistance. Brought Spanish offi
cers from the garrison, six officers and
54 men to Manila. On June 29 the
Spanish gunboat Levte came out of
a river near Manila and surrendered
to me, having exhausted its ammuni
tion and food in repelling the at
tacks by insurgents. She had on
board 52 officers and 94 men, naval
and military."
Naval I'romotionH.
Washington, July 5. —The president
vesterdav sent these nominations to
the senate: Commodore Frederick \'.
McXair, to be rear admiral; Capt.
William T. Sampson, to be a commo
dore; Commander Francis W. Dickens,
to be a captain.
Fatal 112 lamed.
ITniontown, Pa., July 4.—The most
destructive fire this place has ever ex
perienced occurred Saturday, originat
ing in J. K. Balaiey's restaurant on
Main street. Because of the intense
heat and smoke many firemen were
overcome and had to be dragged to
safety by their companions. William
McCormiek, of the Connellsville fire
company, had his head split open by
u falling ladder and Chief of Police
Sisler was badly hurt. Two men were
seen on the roof of the Wilson build
ing just before if fell in and they are
supposed to have perished. The lost
aggregates $115,000.
It Will Protect Hawaii and Her
The Sumtf, by a Vote of 414 to 21, Pa«i»e«
the Annexation KcHolutloiiß -- Oppo
nent* of the Meaiture Offered
Many Amendment*, hut All
Were Defeated.
Washington. .July 7. —The annexa
tion of Hawaii is accomplished so far
as congress is concerned. Quite unex
pectedly the resolutions providing for
the annexation of the islands were
brought to a vote in the senate late
Wednesday afternoon and they were
passed by a vote of 42 to 21. The op
ponents of annexation had about con
cluded their arguments and an
nounced their willingness that a vote
should be taken as soon as Mr. White,
Mr. l'ettigrew and Mr. Allen had fin
ished their speeches.
At the conclusion of Mr. Allen's
speech. Mr. White offered an amend
ment striking from the preamble of
the Hawaiian resolutions the words
"indue form" and inserting the words
"by a treaty which has never been
ratified. liut is now pending in the
senate of the United States."
After a statement by Mr. Hale in
which he said he supported the resolu
tion. but not as a war measure, a vote
was taken on Mr. White's amendment.
Tt was rejected- 40 to 20.
Mr. l'ettigrew then offered his
amendment to repeal the contract
labor laws now in force on the Ha
waiian islands. It was rejected—4l
to 22.
Mr. Bacon offered an amendment
providing that the annexation resolu
tions should not be operative until
they had been approved by a majority
of the electors of Hawaii. Defeated—
-20 to 42.
Mr. Faulkner offered an amendment
providing that the duties of the civil,
judicial and military powers shall be
exercised under authority of existing
laws not in conflict with the constitu
tion and laws of the United States.
Rejected—2o to 43.
Mr. Allen offered an amendment
placing an internal revenue tax of one
cent a pound on Hawaiidn sugar. It
•was defeated —57 to 4.
Mr. l'ettigrew offered an amend
ment that all native-born male Ha
waiian s over 21 years of age and all
naturalized aliens shall be allowed to
vote in the elections in Hawaii. De
feated—4H to 10.
Mr. Lindsay offered as a substitute
for the resolutions certain sections of
the annexation treaty which was un
der discussion last winter. They were
rejected—47 to 17.
Xo more amendments lieing offered,
the resolutions having been consid
ered in committee of the whole were
reported to the senate and adopted—
-42 to 21.
Mr. Morrill was the only republi
can who voted against the resolu
tions. Six democrats —Messrs. Gor
man. McLanrin. Money, Morgan. I'et
tus and Sullivan—voted in favor of
I'rnnldent McKlnley Ask« the I'eople to
Ilememher God in the Hour of Victory.
Washington. July 7. President Mc-
Kinley hist night issued the following
proclamation to the American people:
To the People of the United States
of America:
At this time when to the yet fresh
remembrance of the unprecedented
success which attended the operations
of the United States fleet in the bay of
Manila on the Ist day of May last, are
added the tidings of the no less
glorious achievements of the naval
and military arms of our beloved
country at Santiago cle Cuba, if is fit
ting that we should pause and, stay
ing the feeling of exultation that na
turally attends great deeds wrought
by our countryiften in our country's
cause, should reverently bow before
the throne of divine grace and give
devout praise to (Sod.
I therefore ask the people of the
United States upon next assembling
for divine worship in their respective
places of meeting to offer thanksgiv
ing to Almighty (Jod, who, in His in
scrutable ways, now leading- our hosts
upon the waters to unscathed tri
umph: now guiding them in a strange
land through the dread shadows of
death to success, even though at a
fearful cost; now bearing them with
out accident or loss to far distant
climes, lias watched over our cause
and brought nearer the success of the
rig-lit and the attainment of a just
and honorable peace.
American Squadron Oentroyed It After a
Mldniirht Sortie hy the Spaniard*.
Santiairo de Cuba, via Kingston.
July 7. —The destruction of the Span
ish cruiser Reitia Mercedes accounts
for the last ship of Admiral Cervera's
once splendid squadron. She lies in
plain view, her bow resting on the
base of the beaeli under Kl Morm.
Part of the hull is above water aiul
her masts and two stacks are entirely
out of water.
Her sinking was most dramatic.
Just after midnight Sunday she was
seen drifting slowly out of the narrow
entrance by one of the American
scouts. Tn a moment the fleet was
ablaze with signals and instantly an
awful hail of shells was hammering
down upon her. Tt is iw>t known
whether she returned the fire, but the
shore batteries opened and one 6-incli
shell fell on the Indiana's forward
deck, exploding below. The explosion
occurred in the men's sleeping rooms,
but all were at quarters and no one
was hurt. Xo other American ship
was hit during the engagement, which
lasted only a few minutes.
I'rlKonoru Mutinied and Were Shot.
Washington, July 7. —A special
dispatch to the Evening Star, dated
off Santiago, via Port Antonio, Ja
maica. July 6. says:"After the de
struction of the Spanish fleet some
450 of the men on the Maria Teresa
were placed as prisoners on the Har
vard. For some reason not yet
ascertained these men mutinied.
The officers and crew of the Harvard
were not unprepared, however, and
the mutineers were fired upon. Six
Spaniards were killed outright and 12
were wounded. This taught the Span
iards a lesson and restored quiet.
I Have
No Stomach
Said a Jolly man of 40, of almost alder
manlo rotundity, "since tuking Hood's
Sarsaparilla " What he meant was that
this grand digestive tonic bad so com
pletely cured all distress and disagreeable
dyspeptic symptoms that he lived, at«
and slept in comfort. You may be put into
this delightful condition if you will take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
America's Greatest Medicine.
A Slight MlsundrrataiMliiiK.
Mr. Guyer—l suppose you ride a wheel.
Miss Antiquate?
Miss Antiquate—Yes, indeed; I completed
my first century yesterday.
"Really? You don't look it, I'm sure."
Friends they were, but strange™ now.—
Chicago Evening News.
Good Color Scheme.
All American warships are painted a dull
pray, the expectation being that the Span
ish vessels will be done brown. That's the
color scheme as at present arranged.—N. Y.
Mail and Express.
For What Cnha la Noted.
"Cuba," said an urchin at the foot of the
olass, "is that place what used to be sur
rounded by water, and now is surrounded by
warships. It is noted for its tobacco and
war bulletins."—Adams (Mass.) Freeman.
Of Interest (o Home-Seekers.
To those desirous of owning a farm home,
and seeking by industry and thrift to attain
an independent condition in life, no better
chance is afforded than the fertile farming
!ands, at low prices and reasonable terms,
situated along the line of the Chicago <fc
North-Western K'y, in western Minnesota
and South Dakota.
This locality is forging to the front and
yearly gaining immense wealth from its line
crops, dairy interests and stock raising.
l"or further information regarding flnme
seekers' rates, etc., please apply to W. B.
Kniskern, G. P. and T. A., 22 Fifth Ave.,
Violations of Lair.
Dewey began bombarding at Manila at
five a. m., and Sampson and Schley did a lit
tle job of the same sort the other day, at
three a. m. Spain is understood to intend
filing a protest against these rank violations
of the eight-hour labor law. —Albany Argus.
Give the Children m. Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to take the place of
:offee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have used it, because when properly
niared it tastes like the finest coffee but
ree from all its injurious properties.
Grain-O aids digestion and strengthens the
uervcß. It is not a stimulant but a health
builder, and children, as well as adults, can
drink it with great benefit. Costs about iaa
much as coffee. 15 and 2oc.
Beanty Man Profitable.
Pretty Cashier —You must give me a holi
day to recruit my health. My beauty is be
ginning to fade.
Manager—Why do you think so?
"The men are beginning to count their
change."—Pearson's \Veekfy.
Is Health Worth Ten Cents?
Man suffers many mysterious ailments
from unknown causes, and nine-tenths of
them have their origin in the digestive canal
somewhere. It does any person good to
clean out this canal occasionally in a rational
way, provided it is not done in a violent
manner. The proper cleansing and disin
fecting preparation is Cascarets Candy Ca
thartic, which are very gentle, but at the
same time thoroughly effective. A 10c bos
will purify the whole system and in most
cases remove the cause of ill health. When
"feeling bad" take Cascarets. They will <3a
you good, and can do you no harm.
LaiiKuage of the Day.
He—l shall never love again.
She—Ah! An immune. lndianapolis
From Mrs. Rank to Mrs. Pinkham.
The following letter to Mrs. Pink
ham from Mrs. M. KAXK, No. 2,354
East Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia,
Pa., is a remarkable statement of re
lief from utter discouragement. She
" I never can find words with which
to thank you for what Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has done
for me.
" Some years ago I had womb trouble
and doctored for a long time, not see
ing any improvement. At times I
would feel well enough, and other
timea was miserable. So it went on
until last October, I felt something
terrible creeping over me, I knew not
what, but kept getting worse. I can
hardly explain my feelings at that
time. I was so depressed in spirits
that I did not wish to livo, although I
had everything to live for. Had hys
teria, was very nervous; could not
6leep and was not safe to be left
" Indeed, I thought I would lose my
mind. No one knows what I endured.
" 1 continued this way until the lafA
of February, when I saw in a paper »
testimonial of a lady whose case wis
similar to mine, and who had been
cured by Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegeta
ble Compound. I determined to try it,
and felt better after the first dose. I
continued taking it, and to-day am a
well woman, and can say from my
heart, ' Thank God for such a medi
Mrs. Pinkham invites all suffering
women to write to her at Lynn, Mass.,
for advice. All such letters are seen
and answered by women only.
[Kg Goto your grocer to-day
and get a 15c. package of
I Grain-O
lib*, takes the place of cof-
HT fee at i the cost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health-
% «*■
Accept no imitation.