Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, July 14, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
Business Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court and general law business
will receive prompt attention. - ■
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted to them. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension cfrm agent, Emporium . Pa .
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls tor hemlock and hard
wood timber lands also stumpage&c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. ™ •
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and is one
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
(Opposite Post Office,) . „
Emporium, Pa.
D. S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular R® s "
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
beet possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Give ine a call. 29-8-ly
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
orthe accommodation of the public. Newinall
tsappointments, every attention willbepaidto
jeguests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-iy
Emporium, Pa.
'Scholars taught cither at my home on Sixth
jtreet or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town
Scholars will be given dates at my rooms m this
IF. C. RIECK, D. D. S.,
Office over Taggarv's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa.
. Gas and other local anaesthetics ad
ministered for the painless extraction
■ 'Ji r H v)oj- teeth.
(SPECIALTY:-Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
( will visit Driftwood the tirst Tuesday, and
tjinnemahoning Uie third Wednesday of each
Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building, .
Emporium, Pa. —upstairs. Office hours: 7 to 9 I, 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m.
Political Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must be
fgned by the candidate and paid in advance to
nsure publication.
Editor Press: —
Please announce my name as a candidate lor
Vssociate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
lie decision of the Republican County Conven-
Grove, Pa., April 4th, 1898.
Mditor Press:—
> Please announce my name as a candidate for
associate Judge of Cameron county subject to
Bie decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa.. April Bth, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision or the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for |
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
'the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., May 7th, 1898.
Editor l*ress
Please announce my name as a candidate for
the nomination of County Treasurer, subject to
the decision of the Republican county Conven
Emporium, Pa., June 27, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Treasurer of Cameron County, subject to the
decision of the Republican county convention.
Emporium, Pa., June 28th, 1898.
■II —WW——■WH I
District flanager.
We desire the services of a capable
man as manager for our third Pennsyl
vania district, consisting of the follow
ing counties : McKean, Potter, Tioga,
Jefferson, Elk, Cameron, Clearfield,
Centre, Lycoming, Clinton and Union.
To the right party we can offer a
lucrative position with opportunities
for promotion. No canvassing.
Apply by letter with refferences to
16-4. Itoseville, Ohio.
Struck by a Tree.
Charles Dean, who was at work on a
bark job at Bobbys Run, was struck by
a tree last Saturday morning and re
ceived a gash five and one-half inches
long across the top of the head The
unfortunate young man was taken to
the mouth of the Run as quickly as
possible, where he was placed on a
hand car and brought to Emporium.
Dr. Smith dressed the wound, and at
present writing the injured man is
getting along nicely. Mr. Dean bled
for three hours and twenty minutes
before receiving medical attention.
A Very Sad Drowning.
Seldom, if ever, is the News called
upon to record a sadder or more
touching death than was that of Miss
Irene Herring, of Brooklyn, N. Y., at
Camp Klondike, near Round Island,
last Sunday evening. Thecommunity
was profoundly shocked and the ex
pressions of sympathy were many and
truly sincere. That such a beautiful
young life should be so suddenly
ended so far away from home was of
itself enough to cause the most pro
found sensation, but those who knew
Miss Herring best were the keenest
sufferers, because she was their true,
their sincere, noble friend. She was a
friend indeed to all who had the pleas
ure of her acquaintance and a lady,
who, though a comparative stranger
to many Renovoites, was thoroughly
beloved for those beautiful traits of
character peculiar to her.
The accident which resulted so
fatally occurred about 7:00 o'clock in
the evening. Miss Herring, with a
gentleman friend, Mr. Deßoies, of
West Chester, was bathing in the
Sinnemalioning river, which runs to
the north of the camp. Not a thought
of the sad end that awaited her enter
ed the lady's mind and she seemed to
thoroughly enjoy the refreshing bath.
The day was unusually sultry and the
water was cool enough to be pleasant.
Neither Miss Herring nor Mr. Deßoies
could swim and for that reason neither
I ventured very far out into the stream.
The water, however, near that par
i ticular point is dangerously deep and
! extreme caution was necessary to
i avoid many holes in that vicinity.
I How the fatal accident happened
I no one really appears to know for a
j certainty. A cry for help, a ready
! response from the men who were quite
a distance away, seem to be the facts
lin the case. The assistance arrived
I too late and the body of the unfortun
ate lady was recovered, probably ten
| minutes after it had sunk from sight,
1 lying in one of the deep cavities in the
j bottom of the river.
\vheh tl»« lady first sank Hie alarm
was at once sent back to the camp
where nearly the entire party was at
supper. The first to respond to the
alarm were E. E. Green, Roy Kirk
and John McDonald. Messrs. Green
and Kirk dove for the body and had
brought it to the surface. A boat was
rapidly shoved out to them and in
attempting to get in,it capsized, throw
ing all overboard. The three sank
from sight and grave fears were en
tertained for the safety of all. With
the assistance of Mr. McDonald, the
body was brought to shore and all
that could be done to resuscitate the
spark of life was tried without avail.
A special train was despatched to
Driftwood for a physician and during
the interval each of the gentleman
campers took turns at trying to bring
the lady back to consciousness. Each
was untiring in his efforts and all
worked over the body for a period of
three and one-half hours. The phy
sician from Driftwood arrived just as
soon as steam could bring him. He
pronounced the lady dead and the
horror of the campers can better be
imagined than described.
The remains were placed upon a
camp cot and brought to Renovo Sun
day night on mail and taken to Stras
ser's undertaking establishment where
they were prepared for burial.
Yesterday morning all of the dead
lady's friends were permitted to view
the remains and the scene was a
touching one. There was hardly one
who went into the room and came
forth with a dry eye. The remains
| reposed in a handsome white casket
I and the features of the dead girl were
almost life-like.
Yesterday morning the remainswere
i taken to her late home in Brooklyn,
I accompanied by Mr. E. D. Gardner.
A telegram had been sent Sunday
night apprising the relatives of the sad
The deceased was in the twenty
! third year of her age and is survived
i by her father and mother, two brothers
| and two sisters. Mr. Hex-ring is a U.
| S. naval officer and is at present in
; command of a revenue cutter on the
; Pacific coast.
Miss Herring had been on a visit to
j her uncle, Mr. J. H. Schanbacher, at
i Ridgway, the past few months. Pre
! viously to that, she had been the guest
l of relatives and friend at Erie. From
I Ridgway she came to the camp at
i Round Island last week, intending to
i remain there until to-day. Her sad
demise ended the camp life for this
year.—Renovo News.
! SHSS® s ———————I
i NEFF—HAUSE.— At the Baptist parsonajre, July
1 5, by Rev. W. R. McNeil, Joseph Neff and Jen
nie Hause, both of Dubois, Pa.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."—WEßSTEß.
A Contrast.
The burning of the steamer Dela
ware, of the Clyde line, off the coast of
New Jersey on July 9th, having on j
board seventy-three souls, thirty-five j
of whom were passengers, gives us I
ample opportunity to compare the
actions of a crew of cool and disciplin
ed men when in the midst of gravest
peril, as compared with the dastardly,
brutal conduct of the crew of the French
steamer La Bourgogne, in the recent
catastrophe off Sable Island, when
surrounded by a peril no greater in
its character than that which confront
ed the crew of the Delaware.
The condition of the crew of the La
Bourgogne immediately after the ac
cident, was that of a frenzied mob, fear
and panic had turned undisciplined
men into cowards and brutes,who paid
no attention whatever to the commands
of the officers and were intent only on
saving their own lives, utterly regard
less of the safety of the women and
children entrusted to their care, to say
nothing of the male passengers, with
the result, that of the passengers, over
five hundred were lost, one woman
out of 300 being saved, while of the
118 men comprising the crew 105 were
Note the conduct of the brave officers
and crew on board the Delaware when
the boat was discovered to be on lire.
When Capt. Ingram found that the
flames could not be extinguished, he
ordered the ship's four life boats to be
lowered and all the women and children
to be taken on first; then the male pas
sengers were lowered into the other
boats, leaving the crew to seek their
salvation on a raft that had been hast
ily constructed from the hatches and
deck gratings, to be picked up later on,
by a life-saving boat.
If this captain and a similar crew had
been on the La Bourgogue there would
have been many more passengers saved
and probably none of the crew. It was
aship,officered by Yankees,with mostot
the seamen Americans, and they lived
up, so the passengers say, to the very
best traditions of the Yankee merchant
marine: "Women and children first,
and after that the male passengers."
All honor to the captain and gallant
crew of the Delaware.
Driftwood's Big Blaze.
About 3 o'clock Tuesday morning L.
R. Gleason & Son's night watchman, W.
S. Frohman, discovered fire in the bark
stacks back of the tannery row of houses.
The blowing of whistles and cries of fire
soon brought to the scene many willing
workers who put forth every effort to
prevent the destruction of property.
For a time the entire Crescent addition
seemed doomed to destruction, and but
for the blowing up of two houses with
dynamite it undoubtedly would have
been burned.
The Renovo fire company was tele
graphed for and responded promptly
and rendered valuable service by their
hard work. As it was out of the ques
tion to extinguish the fire the best that
could be done was to keep water pour
ing on the stacks to keep the fire down
in order to save the tannery and other
bark stacks. It became apparent as the
fire approached the tannery that more
assistance would be necessary should
the wind change, and Chief Whitehill,
of Dußois, was telegraphed to bring one
of their fire engines and company down.
Supt. S. B. Rumsey, of the Valley road,
placed an engine, flat car and coach at
their disposal in quick order, and in
just one hour and thirty minutes from
the ti me they left Dußois they had water
playing on the tannery. They made two
stops—at Tyler and Medix Run.
There were 9,000 tons of bark in the
three stacks, representing $63,000; in
surance $35,000. The houses were in
sured for §250 each.
The tannery row residents succeeded
in removing all of their effects, although
a great deal of ware was broken and
ruined in doing so.
The Messrs. Gleason have expressed
themselves in glowing terms of the
efficiency of the fire companies and
also for the good work of our citizens.
The origin of the fire is not known,
but following upon the heels of the
Fourth it was probably duo to the fire
Chief Whitehill praised the coolness
displayed by Charles Gleason in con
ducting affairs.—[Driftwood Gazette.
•*Dan" Takes a Tumble.
While the E. & R. V. R. R. locomo
tive, "Dan," was taking on a supply
of water at the bridge back of Aden
Housler's farm, early last Monday
morning, the bridge gave way, pre
cipitating the locomotive and a car of
rails that was attached to it, to the
bottom of the stream. No one was
injured in the accident and as the
locomotive was but slightly damaged
it will be able to make its regular
trips in a day or two.
What Spain is Looking For; Then
Prompt Declaration of Peace
is Promised.
NEW YORK, Jul}' 13 —A de
spatch from Madrid says: IT is
the belief here in official circles
that the probability is that direct
overtures for peace will be made to
the. United States, and that it is
only a question of hours when this
will be done.
The Queen is as anxious as the
ministers to come to terms, if the
United States is not too exacting.
Otherwise, the war party is sure
to have its own way.
A despatch from Madrid by way
of Ilendaye, France, says:
The crisis which the revolution
ary parties hoped for lias come at
last. To use the words of a lead
ing member of the cabinet:
"Strange to say, it is the United
States that has to decide whether
by imposing on the regent, the
government and the monarchical
parties generally, hard conditions
of peace, a revolution of Republi
cans, the military and populace
shall take place, with Carlism and
civil war in its wake.
"Should America be generous
and meet us half way we would as
sent to the independence of Cuba
and a war indemnity, if not so
heavy as to cripple the restoration
of our finances and credit.
"Naturally in the Philippines we
would not attempt to re-establish
the old state of things or the pre
ponderance of the Faiars, but we
might devise some scheme of atom
owy, coupled with a commercial
regime acceptable to the United
States and European Powers.
"The only thing we cannot un
derstand is any American design
against our ride in Porto Rico,
the natives of which never opposed
Spanish authority.
"If America by too hard condi
tions, drives us to dispair and a
prolonged resistance, she must be
prepared to face complications in
Europe which are sure to arise
from her aggressions.
' 'Complications are sure to arise
also from her having to undertake
to rule and protect and maintain
order in Cuba and the Philippines
after we lose them."
Use Well Water.
Duriug the dry season the water
necessarily becomes low in the reservoirs
and we are imformed the Water Com
pany commenced pumping from West
Creek this morning. (lur advice to
persons living on high land is to use well
water for drinking purposes and boil all
city water used for domestic use.
Glove and Mitten Company,
The Emporium Glove and Mitten
Company held their quarterly meeting
last Tuesday evening, at the office of
B W. Green. The report of the Com
pany showed it to be in a healthy con
dition and prospects for the future
bright. Mr. C. W. Shaffer resigned as
I Secretary and Treasurer, it requiring
too much of his time to give the busi
ness the attention necessary in the
future, as it is intended to increase the
number of hands employed. Geo. A.
Walker, Jr., was elected Secretary and
j Treasurer.
We are informed by one of the offi
] cers that it is the intention of the
stockholders, composed of our most
! substantial business men, to build up
a large business and materially add to
1 the business interests of Emporium.
Renovo vs Emporium.
i On the Fourth the Renovo boys
\ came up and played two games of
I base ball with our boys which resulted
| in the home team coming off victori
| ous in both contests.
The game in the morning was rather
! slow and uninteresting, being entirely
I too much one-sided to arouse much
enthusiasm among the spectators
score, 15-2.
The afternoon game however was
much more exciting as both teams
were on their mettle and played good
j ball—score 16-9.
Pitcher Busch made his first appear
! ance here on that day and pitched
I both games with good effect.
Pressed Bricks.
Our farmers are busy haying.
Soft Shirts in all the latest styles at
N. Seger's
Epwortli League will meet Friday
evening, July 15th, on Church lawn—
old and young invited.
Collars and cuffs neatly laundered
without being wrinkled or scorched,
at the Kane Steam Laundry.
A patriotic jubilee will be held on
the Metzger lawn, Friday, July '22.
Ice cream and other refreshments will
be served.
Soft shirts and white shirts with
colored bosoms, are laundered with
the greatest of care at the Kane Steam
All work by the Kane Steam Laun
dry is guaranteed to be first class. All
necessary mending is also done by
them, free of charge.
If you would wish to appear stylish,
wear stylish clothes, which you can
procure _at reasonable prices at N.
Seger's clothing house.
If you would like to have the satis
faction of wearing a clean shirt send
your laundry to the Kane Steam
Laundry Co., E. Blinzler, Agent, Em
Ladies afternoon prayer meeting
will convene at the home of Mrs. Jos.
Newton, on Fifth street, at two o'clock
Friday afternoon. Sisters of all de
nominations are expected to be
Rev. Father Geoge Wrinkler, of St.
Callistus R. C. Church at Kane, has
been transferred to a new pastorate at
Brookville, Jefferson county. Father
Lavery, of Driftwood, succeeds him at
Kane.—Bolivar Breeze.
Now is the time to take that summer
vacation you have been counting on so
long, and of course you will need a
convenient and durable trunk to take
with you. N. Seger has just what you
want and they are going cheap.
A man named Kelley, a brick layer,
was arrested and taken from the W.
N. Y. & P. coaches Monday and lodged
in the jail; t Belmont, N. Y. A drunken
idea inspired him to lean over the
back of the seat and kiss a lady, who
occupied the next seat ahead. For
which indignity he was promptly
placed under arrest by the watchful
representative of the W. N Y. & P.
A well posted exchange says that
"the editor of a country newspaper
might just as well try to make an
honest living trying to sell ice machines
in the Klondike regions as to try to
please everybody in the columns of
his paper."
Johnsonburg Machine Co., Sage
Bros., proprietors, are putting out a
line of work that rivals firms much
longer in the business. They are
equipped for casting a variety of work
suited to railroads, mills, etc. Beside
general repair business, they are
handling a large amount of new work,
including some covered by patents
recently granted to parties in this
vicinity.—Kane Leader.
Congressman C. W. Stone arrived in
the city this morning and was escorted
to the Arlington Hotel, where a re
ception was tendered him by a large
number of Republican friends and a
good sprinkling of representatives of
other parties. Mr. Stone's popularity
induces people of all walks of life to
swarm around him and he was kept
busy shaking hands with many hun
dreds who called to pay their respects
to him.—Oil City Derrick.
The L. A. W. Bulletin estimates that
there are now 12,000,000 bicycles in use.
If these could be combined into one
gigantic machine, its wheels would be
5,303 miles high; the chain would be
10,227 miles long; it would have 12,500
miles of tubing in it; there 1,580,000,000
balls required; its saddle would cover
1,000 square miles; it would weigh
180,000 tons, and a turn and a half of
its wheel would take its rider around
the globe.
Speaking of Senator Merrick's de
parture from Blossburg some time
since for Philadelphia for treatment
in the Medico-Chi hospital, the Miler
ton Advocate says: "A large number
of his Blossburg neighbors and friends
accompanied him to the station and
called persistently for a speech. Sen
ator Merrick addressed them iu a few
words of farewell, saying that he
might never meet them again, and
there were few dry eyes in the gather
ing at the conclusion of his remarks.
He is a genial, whole-souled fellow,
with a heart too big for his body, and
the latter is by no means small. He
never forgets a promise and invariably
stands by his friends, which accounts
for his unbounded popularity."
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Important Despatches Received at
Washington and are now
Being Discussed.
special meeting of the cabinet has
been called, and the members are
now arriving.
The war conference, with Sec
retaries Day, Alger and Long and
Admiral Sicard and Capt. Mahan
participating. lias been in continu
ous session ;ill forenoon.
Important despatches are being
The conference related to health
conditions in the army before San
Information received to-day
lrom the sth army corps indicated
that there was danger of fever at
Sibony and other points.
1 h«- exact state of thing reported
cannot be learned, and it may be
that the reticence regarding the
conference was due to lack of de
finite advices as to whether fever
had actually broken out.
The following statement; from Sam.
Cochran, of Kittanning, expresses the
sentiment of the majority of Republi
cans throughout the State:"l believe in
one myself, with everybody inside
- a ring bigenough to take in the whole
party. But there are always a lot of
fellows who get out over the ropes and
howl at those ir.rldc and call them cor
rupt ringsters. Then they form a little
ring of their own and pass a resolution
to the effect that their own ring, com
posed of the awkward squad who fell
over the ropes, is all right, and that the
big ring is a seething mass of cor
Comrade Rufus Herbert Lucore, of
W. B. Soott Post, Tonawanda, N. Y.,
and .l resident of Penfleld, Pa., is
claimed to be the largest veteran now
living. He comes from a pioneer fam
ily of Pennsylvanians, and his father
and grandfather were soldiers. He had
four brothers in the Union army. He
enlisted Sept. 15, 1861, in the 84tli Pa.,
and was then six feet high, weighed 175
pounds, and could turn a handspring
either way. He is now G5 years old,
and weighs 330 pounds.
A writer in an exchange well says.
Too tightly built houses are not healthy.
Almost every morning some one is
found dead in bed. Died for want of
pure, fresh air. But our education
does not teach us how to live. Great,
large windows are made in our fine
houses; not to let In light and air, but
for a show, and great, costly blinds are
hung over them so as to shut out life
and light.
Under the game law of 1897 the
penalty for breaking up a nest of any
of the native song birds is SSO for each
and every offense, or imprisonment.
Any person can make complaint of
the violations of the act and receive
half the penalty. Every lover of
nature should help to enforce the law
for bird protection.—Exchange.
While Peter Santer was rolling his
buckwheat ground a few days ago the
seat broke dow r n, throwing him behind
the roller. The lines got under the
roller, causing the horses to back the
roller upon him, breaking two of his
ribs and cutting him about the head.
—IW ellsboro Agitator.
A man claiming to be authorized by
the Government to buy horses for the
army is said to be swindling farmers
His game is alleged to be to pay with a
worthless check larger sums than are
asked for horses, getting the difference
back in cash.
They say that bleaching the hair leads
to softening of the brain, but there are
many who think that it is the reverse,
and that softening of the brain leads to
bleaching of the hair.
—(Philadelphia Times.
That Cameron Koad.
Editor of the I*ress:—
Kindly allow me through your col
umns to call the attention of the Super
visors to the condition of the Cameron
road at tho where tho old Britton
Hill road intersects. Whenever there is
a heavy shower the gravel is washed
down the latter road into the Cameron
road, making it almost impassable for
bicycles, and nearly so for other vehi
cles. There is also quite an elevation
just on the wi>ot oiJo«.f tho above i.iter
section which should be cut down two
or three feet. Many other places on
this road need attention also.
Emporium, Pa , July 5, '9B.
NO. 20