Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 16, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    Old Reliable Druo Siorm
'Jwing to the very liberal pat routine I have had
from our people and in view of the hard
times I will until .MAY lst.reduce the price of
Physicians Prescriptions as follows, viz :
All I oz. mixtures, regular price, 20 to 15
All 2 oz. mixtures, reguiar price, 25 to 19
All 3 oz. mixtures, regular price, 35 to 25
All 4 oz. mixtures, regular price, 45 to 30
All 6 oz. mixtures, regular price. 65 to 50
All 8 oz. mixtures, regular price, 85 to 65
And a corresponding reduction on
all packages of Powders, Pills, Oint
ments Also liberal discount on all
Patent Medicines, Baby Foods, Per
fumes, Toilet and Fancy Articles and 1
•extra liberal discount on Fountain
Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Atomi
zers and Nursing Bottles.
I will guarantee my goods to be
strictly fresh and equal to any goods 1
-in the market.
Thirty years experience in the town ;
of Emporium is sufficient evidence of j
competency. If you wish to avail
yourself of the liberal offer, leave |
your Physician's Prescriptions and j
drug trade in general at the OLD RE- ;
Emporium, Pa., June 7, 1898. j
*N EMOPHILA, per sack $1 75 j
Graham, " 5,11 j
Bye " 70 ,
Buckwheat. "
Patent Meal.. " 10
Coarse Meal, per 100, HO |
■Chop Feed, " ]
Middlings, " 9° !
Bran,. . " '•>" |
Corn, per bushel, 50 j
White Oats, per bushel 10 .
Choice Clover Seed, "I
Choice Timothy Seed, At Market Prices.
Choice Millet heed.
Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, J
Contributions invited. That which you would
like to see ill this department, let us know by pos
tal card. letter, or personally.
"Bing" Hemphill has returned to St.
Will Lyons now drives the ice
Samuel Shadman has been seriously
ill for several days
Mr. Albert Murray visited St. Marys
friends last Saturday.
Mr. W. O. Downey, spent Sunday
with relatives (?) in St Marys.
Miss Gould, of Erie, is the guest of
Miss Nina Bryan, on Broad street.
Herbert Olmsted is home from Buck
uei 1 University to visit his parents.
las. W. Williams, of Gibson, was
into wn on Tuesday, enroutefor Olean.
(j eo .S. Good and wife, of Lock
Haven > were' in Emporium last Mon
Ed. Ri and wife, of Corning, N. ;
y. are v 'siting their parents in Empo- j
Mrs. P. t itzpatrick and son, of Wil- j
liamsport, a re visiting friends in town j
this week.
Mr \ F \ '°ot and family, attended I
Corpus Chris, ' services at St. Marys |
on Sunday.
Geo lieiek °' Berlin, Ont., has
located in rium " Ho is a bother
of Dr. Rieck.
Col. J. O. Brook bank, of Driftwood,
was transacting but ,iness in town Mon "
day evening.
H. C. Olmsted am 1 daughter, Miss
Florence, visited Coo friends
over Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. A. Walk er is visiting
among her friends ami i elatives at St.
Marys this week.
Mrs. A. T. Joint, of Sax ona ' •'
is visiting her sister, Mrs. . C ' 1Jod "
son, at this place.
S. W. Nyce, of Dents Hun, WaH in
town 011 Monday and paid his eomj>li
ments to the PRESS.
Many Emporiumitea went t. '
Marys 011 Sunday, to attend thsCc ri>US
Christi celebration.
Josiah Howard and T. li. IJo
made Philadelplia a business visit 0 "
Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. 11. P. Miiiard came over from
Austin Saturday noon to umpire the |
Austin-Emporium game.
Henry Ayers, of Costello, formerly '
of this place, was visiting with friends 1
and relatives in town this week.
A. C. Goodwin and wife, of Rich i
Valley, returned on Monday from I
visiting friends in MeKean county.
Miss Ada Hockley left on Friday for
WilliamcvM t, where she will spend
the summer with relatives and friends.
Atty. E. R. Mayo, ofSmethport, was
in town Friday evening on his way
home from Lock Haven and Williams
John McDonald, candidate for nom- i
ination of Associate Judge, was shak- I
ing hands with Emporium friends I
Miss Emma Yonker returned to I
Johnsonburg on Monday, after a two
weeks' visit with her parents and
friends at this place.
Hon. Fred C. Leonard, U. R. Marshal
tor the Western District of Penn'a.,
was in Emporium Friday ewning, on
his way to Pittsburg.
Geo. R. Johnston, of this place, son
of Rev. Johnston, pastor of M. E.
Church, lias accepted the responsible
position of assistant book-keeper with
the Berwlnd-White Coal Mining Co.,
at Vindler, Cambria county, fie left
last Friday evening to enter upon his
, duties. Mr. Johnston is a young man
of more than ordinary ability, and his
[ numerous friends here expect to hear
J of his rapid advancement.
Mr. Frank Bailey, nephew of our
I townsman, Thos. Trotter, who has
j been sojourning in these parts for the
past three or four months, started
j yesterday morning on his wheel to
New York City, his home. He expect *
| to make the 400 miles easily, arriving
j there Saturday evening.
Mrs. R. C. Albro, of Olean, N. Y.,
and Mrs. S. J. Rathborne, of Wells
ville, N. Y., daughter and sister of
Mrs. M. F. Hanna, of Fourth street,
who have been visiting the latter for i
several days, returned home yester- !
Harry Hemphill, while unable to do j
a very great amount of labor, has i
managed to plant a nice crop of'seed !
and has a fine garden. He presented ;
this office with a basket of fresh vege- j
tables. Thanks.
Jno. E. Smith, of Sterling Run, one !
of Cameron county's energetic mer- !
chants, was in town yesterday, attend- l
ing to his duties as one of the dirt< tors j
of the First National Bank, of this i
John J. Hinkle returned to Philadel
phia last Sunday, to resume his duties
in the Mint, after a ten days' visit
with his wife at this place. His many
friends here enjoyed his visit as well
as John did.
Mrs. Lucy Jackson, of Wilmington,
N. C., and Miss Clara Olmsted, who is
teaching in a music school at Berkley,
Va.,came home on Friday to visit their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Olmsted.
Mrs. L. T. Hacket of Buffalo, ac
companied by her son Eddie, who has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. Murry, at this place for the past j
two weeks, returned home on Tuesday.
Thos. J. Riley, of Driftwood, trans
acted business in Emporium yesterday.
We learn that he lias sold his private
residence to Geo. W. Huntley, Jr., who
has moved back to Driftwood.
Jos. Farley, of Gibson, was in Em
porium yesterday and called to see
the PRESS. Mr. Farley is a veteran of
the late war and takes great interest
in the present scrap with Spain.
Prof. A. F. Stauffer, principal of
Phillipsburg schools, is visiting his
brother 11. F. Stauffer, at this place.
The Stauffer boys are all right and
popular educators.
Dr. R. P. Heilman left on Tuesday
for Williamsport to attend the com
mencement exercises and Serai-Cen
tenniel of Dickinson Seminary. The
doctor was a member of the class of '74.
John Eddelman informs the PRESS
"that some Spanish sympathizing
scoundrel pulled clown the American
flag from his residence." John says it
is lucky he did not catch the chap.
Postmaster Belden, of Sinnemahon
ing and S. D. McCoole, of Driftwood,
while visiting in town last week paid
their respects to the PKESS. Call
again, gentlemen.
Mrs. Lena Switzer, of St. Marys, who
has been visiting relatives in New
York State, stopped off in Emporium
on her way home, to visit friends for a
few days.
Mrs. Allie Morgan left yesterday
morning to join her husband at
Celeron, N. Y. Mr. Morgan has a
position with the Celeron Gold Band.
Miss Fannie Lyons attended Dickin
j son Seminary commencement at Wil-
I liamsport. Her brother Claude was a
i member of the graduating class.
J. W. Heath, of Keating Summit,
I manager of Emporium Lumber Com
i pany's store at that place, visited
i friends in town last Saturday.
George Herteau, of this place, is em
| ployed on the Northern Steamship
| Co.'s palatial steamer North Land,
| plying on the Great Lakes.
| Geo. W. Huntley, Jr., transacted
legal business in Emporium on Wed
i nesday. Mr. Huntley was accompan-
I ied by his wife and baby.
Mrs. John Weisman and child, of
llean, are visiting at the home of Mrs.
r .'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua
ir, on Fifth street.
r rs. Jennie Faulver, of Crosby, Pa.,
/' called to this place to attend the
il of her grand-mother, Mrs.
furrn , lall
Chassis „ r ~
Welton, proprietor of Enter
uise at Sinnemahoning, was
prise- Hi ands with Emporium friends
shaking, 1.
yesterday. XT „
. ia Nefcy, one of Driftwood's
Miss Eiaa ung ladies, has been visit
ciarmingyo n friends the past week,
ing Emporint. „ , „
ison, of the Driftwood
Jos fe. Join. U8 a 80cia , caU lost
Gazette, made
Thursday evenii. ' . „ T
, of Campbell, N. Y.,
.L. Hamilton orium friends last
visited his
home from Dick-
E. T. Doughsrty In nd the summer
inson College to s£t
vacation. > has returned
Miss Louise Bon haw.
from a visit to Austin, ~ ~
a to his room.
John O'B'yrns iscnnfin*
i Geo. Bullock, of Gr?mero, «vas in Em
j porinm yesterday.
j Andrew Kaul, of St. Marys, trans-
I acted business in Emporium yesterday
: afternoon
W. 11. Howard is making great lm
! provements on the mountain in the
i rear of his residence.
John Hout ted his foot crashed this
• morning while working on C. P>. How-
I ard & Co.'s log loader.
Mrs. A V. Proctor, ofDuftois, was
guest of Mrs E. B. Proctor, on Fifth
street, last week, returning some on
Ray Rentz, who has been employed
by the Emporium Machine Company
for the past four months, left for Wil- j
liamsport last Thursday.
Capt. Johnson attended tli* com- '
mencement exercises at Swarthmore j
College last week and in company |
with his son Fred, who is attending
school there, passed Sunday at Atlantic j
Mrs. C " Warner, who resides- on
East Allegheny Avenue, near the I
Portage bridge, was tendered a very j
pleasant surprise by several oi' her j
lady friends, last Tuesday evening.
J. Harvey Drum, of Sinnemahoniag, j
in transacting business in Emporium |
to-day and made the Press a pleasant i
call. " Harve "is a true blue Republi- i
can and we are always glad to meit |
A letter dated at Key West, was re- j
ceived by Mrs. Aura Listen from her !
son Indus Kline, last week, stating
tliab he was on board the gun boat
Marietta, when it made the long trip
around Cape Horn with the Oregon.
Miss Letitia Bixler, of Emporium,
left 011 the noon train for Ft. Wayne,
Ind., to visit her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. 15. Grass. Mr. Grass is
manager of the State Benevolent
Society of Indiana. —Williamsport Bul
A personal communication receivsd
from W. E. Mutthersbaugh this morn
ing, states that fee will undergo an
operation this afternoon for appendi
citis, at the German Hospital at Phila
delphia. His many Emporium friends
hope that he wi'il soon be able to re
turn to his work, fully restored in
Thos. H. Norris, Supt. of Sterling
Run tannery was in Emporium last
evening looking after a pair of gold
spectacles he exchanged with someone
last Thursday. LATER —Tom did not
exchange glasses at all and discovered
that he had his own. He had wiped
off one of the pesky vi-focles, so he
was informed by Geo. Metssger when
he took his glasses to be refitted,.
Public Notice.
The undersigned wishes to, inform
the public that having bought out the
wagon business connected with J. A.
Fisher's blacksmith shop, would re
spectfully solicit the patronage of my
former patrons. Lumber and farm
wagons a specialty. For workman
ship and easy running, I defy compe
Yours respectfully,
14-4t. C. L. BUTLER.
Low Rates Made by the Nickel Plate
Only §11.85, Buffalo to Warsaw, Ind., j
and return, every day to Sept, 15th.
Only §36.20, Buffalo to Omaha and
return, every day, account Exposition.
Only §8:20; Buffalo to Toledo and re
turn, June 15th and 10th, good to re
turn until June 20th.
Only §l4 50, Buffalo to Louisville
and return, .June 19th and 20th, good
to return until June 26th.
Only $7.00, Buffalo to Detroit and re
turn, via Cleveland and boat, June
27 and 28th, returning until July 4th,
account Knights of St. John.
Only §19.25, Buffalo to Nashville,
Tenn , and return, July 2nd, 3rd, 4th
and stli, good returning until August
Only 812.00, Buffalo to Chicago and
return, July 12th and 13th, good to re
turn until August 10th.
For information call on your nearest
ticket agent, or address F. J. Mooro,
Gen'l Agent, Nickel Plate Road, 291
Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 36-15-4t.
Council Proceedings.
Adjourned meeting Borough Council, Empori
um, June 13th, 1898.
Present: Messrs. Burke, Palmer, Balconi,
Ilacket, Day, Burns and Warner.
Absent: Messrs. Strayer and Lloyd.
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
that the motion passed April 4th, 1898, in regard
to giving a part of large room in City Hall to
Rescue Hook and Ladder Co., be rescinded and
permission given to said Company to occupy a
blacksmith shop owned by the Borough, for such
purpose as they may desire. Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Palmer,
that the proposition submitted by Mr. J. Bair for
building stone water troughs be accepted. Car
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Burke
that the following named persons be notified to
rebuild sidewalks: Mrs. Mary Beers, south side
Allegehny Avenue; Mrs. Newton, Broad street;
Chas. Weller, Third street; Philadelphia & Eric
Land Co., corner Sixth and Woodland; John
Norris, South side Fifth street, near Chestnut;
Frank Shives, rebuild board walk and repair
stone walk, Soutli side Fourth street; Trustees of
Episcopal Church, repair walk. Walnut street.
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. Burke,
that a two mill borough tax, a three mill bond
tax, and a five mill water tax be levied. The
ayes and nayes were called and all present voted
aye and the motion was declared carried.
Moved by.Mr. Balcom,seconded bv Mr. Palmer,
that Mrs. Annie DeArmit and Mrs. David Hamil
ton be notified to abate a nuisance on Fourth
street. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr.
Burke, that E. C. Davison be notified to open
ditch in front of his residence, so as to admit of
the free passage of water, or the Council would
proceed to open the ditch in like manner. Car
Thebond of S. S. Hacket, Overseer of the Poor,
was read and approved.
Moved by Mr. Balconi, seconded by Mr. Pal
mer, that Mr. Thomas Robinson be exonerated
from the payment of dog tax for 1897. Carried.
On motion the Council then adjourned.
From ChickafiMMga.
Monday, June 1898. \
j Editor of the Press:
E.J. Fauzy, formerly of this place
Vrites following account of the sham
tattle, by one who was engaged in it as
a member of the regiment that covered
itsttlf with glory. The boys are all well
I will give you an idea of a day in
camp. At 5:30 the morning gun is
fired and the bugle blows reveille and
as soon as the music ceases the roll is
called, and every man who is not in
1 line with trousers, shoes and hat on is
| fined §I.OO. Strange to say there has
been rm- fines. At 5:4f» the bugle blows
the police call and the guard which
came off the morning before goes
through' the camp arxl picks up and
burns ail rubbish. By this time all tents
are supposed to have been cleaned j
and the blankets hung out to air. j
Then at 5:55 the sick call sounds and ,
all sick ones are taken to the hospital j
by the first sergeants. At 6:00 mess <
tall sounds for breakfast and at <>-R0 I
the first sergeants call rounds. The j
sergeants then make their reports to t
the adjutants At 7:00 the assembly i
sounds' frr drill. This i « company j
drill. At >«3O the bugle recalls us from I
the field. At 10:00 we have guard- !
mount. Then the details,six or eight I
men from company, chosen with !
reference to the letters beginning are
taken into the field and are first in- j
spected as to person and She best ap
pearing soldier in the detail is chosen
as orderly of the day and i.he colonels
messenger. The arms are then in
spected. Then the guard is marched
to the guard-house and the old guard |
salutes them. They are divided into
three reliefs and the old guard is dis
missed. This requires about one hour.
At 12:00, t'ae mess call sounds for din
ner and at :i:;50, assembly for battalion
drill. At 3:00, recall. At 6:00, mess
(supper). At 7:00, sunset gun (retreat).
At 9:00, tattoo, (goto bedl and at 9:15,
taps, (lights out).
The time between driiSs is filled on
special details, such as straightening
tents, digging sink holes, carrying
water and the like.
I have held out well against the heat,
which has been 103 degrees in the
shade. The nights are not so cold as
reported and we can take ofl our out
side clothes to sleep.
I was in the battle, of which you
have read before this reaches you.
Our division, like all others, has three
brigades. I there are three regiments in
a brigade* Our brigade fought the
other two in our division. The object
being to capture a signal tower. The
two other brigades wore blouses which
was ten per cent, in our favor. Well j
the other brigades secretly posted scouts !
around ocxcamp at 12 o'clock the night ,
before and also left their camp at 3:00
a. m., to take up their position. At
6:30 we left camp and repaired to the
woods behind them, threw out an ad
vance guard consisting of four men
and a seargeant who walked in ad
vance of the main body. Then came
the right and left flankers, consisting
of four men and a sergeant 'n each set
of flankers. Then came a string of
messengers 200 yards apart,reaching to
the support. Next came the support;
then more messengers; then came the
reserves which are the main V>dy.
The rear is guarded the same way.
Well to return to the story, we pro
ceeded about tvfo miles, when we lost
connection with the advance- party
and another was sent out in their place.
We then advanced in this manner
over the hills and through the woods
to avoid being seen by ths? enemy
from the tower on the hill. When at
last we received our ammunition and 1
(being a scout) sighted an outpost of
our antagonists and after passing word
back, myself and the four sergeants
started down the hill ou double time;
the outpost ran for shelter but when
we got about 100 yards they charged
us and we took refuge behind a fence
and opened fire on them; they fell
back at this stage and a platoon of the
reserves came up and we chased them
at the distance of a half a mile) up a
hill at double quick, and the reserves
captured them. There was a Lieu
tenant, two sergeants and ten privates.
We robbed them of their cartridges
and took their arms.
We then became lost from our regi
ment but after a time found our com
pany. The whole company guarding
prisoners, but even this required great
skill as we were liable to be captured
at any minute and had to keep out of
sight of the enemy. But at 11:00 a. m.
we came in, bringing prisoners who
were afterward returned to their re
spective regiments. It was not much
of a success, but very few were
hurt and they were for the most part
burned with powder. No one in Co.
C. was hurt although three or four
were captured.
We did more talking than would
have been done in real battle and you
bet we will he able to lie like veterans
when we come home. I think about
25,000 shots were fired during the bat
tle. It was a great drill and the boys
who were captured feel awful cheap.
The Col said it was hard fighting but
owing to the thick woods we could
not see it all.
E. J. FAUZY, Private,
Co. C 16th Regt. Pa. Vols.
The Republican ticket, from top to
bottom is made up of good men and
true Republicans, and it will win in
November.—Mercer Republicans.
Millions Given Awuy.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the land
who are not afraid to be generous to
the needy and suffering. The pro
prietors of I)r. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
have given & way over ten million trial
bottles ot this great medicine; and have
the satisfaction of knowing it has ab
solutely cured thousands of hopeless
cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness
and all diseases of the throat, chest and
lungs are surely cured by it. Call on
L. Taggart, druggist, and get a trial
bottle free. Regular size 50c. and sl.
Every bottle guaranteed, or price re
Are you Troubled with Dyspepsia?
If so, do not, neglect until it is too late this
opportunity of ridding yourself of this trou
ble, Dr. Fenner's Dyspepsia Cure, as the
name implies. Is simply for Dyspepsia and
Indigestion. This is a preparation long and
successfully used in private practice by one
of America's best qualified physicians, who
Is an accepted authority on all medical ques
tions. If not satisfied after using one bottle
jour money will be refunded by
R. C. Dodson.
Fulton & i*£arsair
These up-to-date pa-inters have con
solidated their basin >ss and may be
found at their shop in Parsons' Bazaar.
Both are practical painters and will
give prompt attention to all work en
trusted to them. Estimates furnished
for all kinds of house, sign and deco
rative painting as well as wall paper
ing and frescoing. Especial attention
| given to out of town or'Vers. 47tf.
Notice to the Public.
| The road now being cut through
j from Salt Run to Bailey Run, Ave ask
I the people in the habefc' of going to
| Baily Run and going by the Climax
! Powder Co.'s works, togo via Salt
! Run, as hereafter no one will be al-
I lowed togo through the Climax
Powder Company's works.
A Great Deal
of unnecessary expenditure of time
and money maybe saved if you will
only keep a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin in the house. Nine
tenths of all ordinary sickness is from
the stomach;keep that organ in proper
condition and all will be well. Syrup
Pepsin is a specific. Trial size bottles
10c., large sizes 50c. and SI.OO, of L.
Is the man who goes on "bats" a
"brick. '
Hundreds of thousands have been I
induced to try Chamberlain's Cough |
Remedy, by reading what it has done j
for others, and having tested its merits |
for themselves are to-day its warmest I
friends. For sale by L. Taggart. jun j
"It will cure you if you will be pa- !
tienfc/' says the doctor,
Kidney or Bladder Troubles. j
If you suffer from kidney, bladder or urin
ary troubles, or from too frequent, or scanty
urine. "Dr. Tenner's Kidney and Backache
Cure" is what you want. Bed-wetting bv i
children is generally cured by one bottle of
this powerful remedy. Testimonials are
disregarded, many people doubting the hon • !
esty or sincerity of them, wo therefore avoid '
gNing any bere, but will furnish tliem on ap- j
plication to dealer whose name is given i
below. If not satisfied, after using one bcv« *
tla your money will bo -efuaiied by
R. Dodson.
So far as known not one case of
diphtheria has ever been reported to
health officers where Ajmstrong's
Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops ras
used as soon as soreness was felt in the
throat. It is a wonderful remedy and
should be in every home, and used for
any affection o2 the throat. R. C.
Dodson. <>ly
The most successful throat remedy in
the world is -'<» Diphtheria
ond Quinsy Drope. Solu u.
R. C. Dodson. 6-ly
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Jii B*raDw»>
that (t9mo people who say tflMy never
reofflM patent Taadicine adva*tisement«
will be found lugging home e?ery now
and them a bottle of some favorite
remedy of theirs. Wo don't bother
yoii with mcoh reading but just ask
you to try a 10c. trial bottl« of Dr.
CakVweH's Syrap Pepsin for -constipa
tion, indigesti3n and stosnach troubles.
50e. and $1 sizes of L. Taggart. June
Many a so-cfdled farmer nev*r grows
anything but whiskers.
Mr. Isaac If xrner, proprietor of the
Bitetoß House*. BUrton, "W. "Va., and
oneofthe most widely known men in
the state was cured of rheumatism
altor three yoars of -mfferiag. He
says:"l have not sufficient command
of language to convey any idea of
what 1 suffered, my physicians told me
that nothing be dene for me; and
myfriends were fully convinced that
nothing but dviiih would relieve me of
my suffering. In June, 1894, Mr.
Evans, then salesman for the Wheeling
Drug Co., rec^iaaiendc-iChamberlain's
Pain Balm. At this time my foot and
limb were swollen to more than double
t&eir normal .'ire and lit 3eerrved to me
my leg would burst, but soon after I
began using the Pain Balm, the swell
ing began to decrease, the pain to
leave, and now I consider that I am
entirely cured." For sale by L. Tag
gart. jun
ir dej cj 1S ?
Fortify yourself against the weary
ing, wearing summer days when nerves
and energy lag, ar-d nature is exhaust
ed. New life comes with stimulation.
You expect too much of nature. Build
•ip the syatam now and be "one ahead"
when the enervating sultry season
• • ••,.»,• • • • ©• • • • • • • • •
irail! i
C 9) tSlililll UII i (#0
(ma> <»e.
J*®' This is the Brand,
The Miller planned
(•») To be the finest in the land. <•%>
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coo as
-99 Now East- and West, '*•)
His skill attest, *'•!
<••) And Pillsbury's Best leads (••>
(••) all the rest. (••)
(»•> («*j
(••) inscription on £•>
(o«) vonr sack of flour is like <»•>
•») J
'•si the above, you have the
best flour in the world [JJ;
(•©) (••)
£•> and ought to have the Cjg
(••) . 1 -I -r, , „ (••.)
(*••3 best bread. Better look
<!•> and see, and if not, go at (Slj
(••) '
(*•) once to gg
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F::> DAY'S
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gjj> and procure a sack ot gj>
l| World Famous, ||
(•| Pillsbury's Best. |»>
f*2> There are others, but
(*•! none so good. 22
<••3 23 Fourth St.,
Emporium, Pa. g