4 €lecause he represents all the Bryan heresies. If Judge Gordon is nominated be cannot begin to hold his party vote, because he represents a faction I that is held in abhorrence by an i other faction. It makes no differ- I ence what the Democrats do. They can take Guffey or Gordon or any I Democrat under the face of the | sun, and they can put him <»n any ; platform they see lit to build, and ! the result will be nothing but dis | aster for Democracy. Those who | expect the Democrats to cut any j figure in the coming campaign will be disappointed. Nor can a 113' personal-re vengo ! independent movement hope for any greater success, even with the j Swallow party in the held. This is a great Republican year. 1 'at - i riotism is beyond all personal ani | bition, and the Republican ticket, i so squarely and fairly nominated j at Ifarrisburg, will be elected by a I sweeping majority. For proof of | public sentiment we have only to look at Oregon. In INSKi McKinley carried Oregon by 2,100 majority. ' On Monday last Oregon supported | the McKinley administration by a majority of upwards of 10,000 in a ! total vote of about To,ooo. This !is something tremendous. Two ' years ago the two Republican COll - gressmen barely pulled through. 1 In the First distinct the Republi i can vote was and the Pop ulist vote lO.'J'.Mi, giving a Repub- I lican majority of but •">!). But this j was merely a plurality, not a , majority, for the Democratic can i didate polled 7,i»14 and the Pro j liibitionist candidate I,.">s<>, leaving J the Republican candidate in a ! minority of ( J,211. This year the I Republicans have carried the dis j trict by upwards of 2,200 plurality, i In the Second district the Republi- I can plurality two years ago was j but 878. This year it is more than I 2,600. Confidence in the Republican administration at Washington has brought about this overwhelming victory. In times of war petty strife is eliminated and the great Republican vote stands by its President and the policy of the administration. The Republican people understand that McKinley must not only be endorsed,but that Republicans must be sent to the Fnited States Senate and House of Representatives in order to support him fully. Pennsylvania will take Ino backward step She was the j banner State in 1.89<>, and she must i be the banner State in ISDS. England anil America. 11' England is unpopular 011 the j continent, it is partly because she j is strong ami partly because she is i not only free, but the friend of j freedom in other lands. America | is disliked among the despotisms : for the same reasons. Continental powers know that the organized armed strength of the I'nited States at the end of this war, let it end when it may, will make America a match for the great powers, whether in the Atlantic or in the Pacific. Foreigners perceive that the rescue of Cuba from Spanish brutalitv will introduce the United States into the circle of the great 'European powers. To her will fall the dis position of the Philippine Islands and perhaps of Morocco—sweet morsels hankered after by Ger many, by Japan and by France. With the direct entry of the I'nited States into the territorial interests of the wide world her role in the drama of the next century will be a leading one. Furthermore, the policy of Spain may be to make the war a. succession of slow campaigns and thus to render the capture of Cuba but one incident in a long struggle. European nations, other than Great Britain, regard the ap proach to the shores of Spain of the great western influence with a feel- 1 ing of abhorrence, dismay and sur- J prise. They are beginning to see i that while for Spain there are two ' ways out of ths trouble that besets j her, for the United States there is : but one. Whatever the cost and ! whatever the sacrifice, the Ameri- ! can Republic cannot stay her hand j until Spain has been driven out of \ her colonial empire in East and i West. And, lastly, they know j that whatever suffering may be J caused to the Spaniards, and what- ! ever steps are taken by the United States to insure victory, and bow ever needless the war may have been, America will command the firm friendship of England,—Eon don Correspondent of Harper's I Weekly. The soldier boys on a hard-tack J diet are not remembering the Maine exclusively. They also remem ber the bread their mothers baked. Kansas City Journal. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1898 The State Ticket. The ticket iB one that every Republi can can support with a clear conscience. —Punxsutawney Spirit. Republican all over the State are rallying around the banner borne : aloft by Colonel W. A. Stone. The usual majority may be expected.— Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin. Speaker Reed and Colonel W. A. 1 Stono are warm personal friends and news comes from Washington that the Speaker will take tho stump in Penn sylvania in behalf of Colonel Stone and the Republican ticket —Bradford Star. Col. Stone is the kind of a man people ! delight to honor There is no better I Republican and no cleaner man in ; Pennsylvania than our candidate, and I there is no reason why every true Republican should not support liiin.— 1 Indiana Progress. Colonel Stone's nomination was made by the people. They spoke before j Senator Quay. Like the true Republi can he is, he simply got in line with I the Stono procession, which is march ing 011 to victory.—Mt. Carmel News It should bo remembered that the present national administration has a just right to demand continued and hearty support in carrying out its policy and Pennsylvania should lead in this respect.—llazleton Sentinel. | In the battle for tho nomination for Governor, vigorous and at times bitter, not a word lias been said reflecting : upon the integrity and high character lof Col. Stone. He will make an ex cellent Governor, and will be elected by a rousing majority—Franklin Press. His many years in public life have given him a wide knowledge of public men. Physically and intellectually j Col. Stone is a man of large dimensions, ! and a candidate behind whom the Re i publican hosts of Pennsylvania will gladly goto battle.—Towanda Journal. Colonel William A. Stone was nom inated by one of the most respectable and harmonious conventions ever held in this State lie had made an open and manly fight for the nomination and was the undoubted choice of a majority of tho voters.—Bryn Mawr News. We have nailed to the masthead the j Republican ticket named at Harris burg last week, and propose to keep it there until victory crowns the fight on j the second of November next. Every patriot and Republican who is desirous of upholding President McKinley will I vote for it.—Bloomsburg Republican. The political enemies of Senator Quay have sought to show that he i used his influence in an arbitrary degree in the interests of Colonel Stone but they are utterly unable to show anything of the kind, for the very obvious reason that there is no thing 1 of the kind to show.—New Castle ! Guardian. The belief is unquestionably gaining ground among thoughtful and well-in formed Republicans that the State j ticket nominated at Harrisburg last j week will be elected by a big majority. I It is not in the power of the enemies j of the Republican party to defeat the I strong, clean-handed ticket which the name of William A. Stone heads.— ! Scran ton Republican. I Charles W. Stone, while defeated, comes out of the contest clean-handed and wit h the respect of all. He made his canvass without a word of attack i upon his rival. He has assailed no one ! and occupies a most favorable position for future advancement and usefulness, j He is a Republican and no word of i complaint will fall from his lips. His full support will be given, as it always is, to the Republican party.—Lewisburg ; News. Every Republican in Adams owes it to himself as well as his partv to stand by the ticket, State and county, re gardless of what were his preferences as to the Gubernatorial nomination. Those who were opposed to W. A. Stone would have expected his friends to support their favorite had the latter won Thursday, and it is but consistent, to say the least, that they should now follow a similar course.—Gettysburg Star and Sentinel. Charles W. Stone was not defeated Thursday. He is not dead by any means. His usefulness to Pennsylvania has not been lessened. The people of his district will not submit to his re tirement and they will yet see him occupy the position of chief executive of the State. But no victory could be more complete than the one which he won at Harrisburg Thursday, when, in spite of Quay, Andrews and the politi cal machine he secured 104 against 198 votes for his Allegheny opponent.— Bradford Star. Jefferson Republicans will be grati- i lied over the nomination of Colonel W. A. Stone, he having been their choice by a decided majority at the primary election last February. The conven tion having appro%'ed their choice it will be in order for every Republican to stand shoulder to shoulder with his neighbor in maintaining the organiza tion and showing by a rousing major ity in November their loyalty to party candidates as well as party principles. —Brookville Republican. By the setting up of its ticket the Republican party is brought face to face with its common enemy, and it should meet this enemy with a united and determined front, regardless of the disunity that has resulted from internal factional strife; just as by the declaration of war this country was I brought face to face with a foreign foe, i and the disunited North and South j wisely and promptly locked hands and i hearts to repel their common enemy. I —Somerset Standard. It is the boast of our free institutions j that the people rule by a majority vote, j A majority vote has made tho Republi- 1 can State ticket, and certainly no j genuine Republican, no matter what 1 his disappointment maybe, can, in a year when it is so essential that the j Republican party of McKinley should ; carry the country, be led into any path i that would promote strife within tho party's lines. Independent movements, whether against general candidates or in legis- I lativo districts, must of necessity be nothing more than assistant Democratic j movements, and great and loyal Penn sylvania will have none of them. Let this State lead the Republican hosts as i it lead them in 1896.—Philadelphia Inquirer. ALL SORTS. The Cuban question and political is sues sink into insignificance with the 1 man who suffers from piles. What he most desires is relief. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles. R. C. Dod son. 45-ly If you are near a junk shop it is luckier to find a horseshoe than it is to | find a four leaved clover. Tho human machine starts but once and stops but once. You can keep it going longest and most regularly by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly Winter flannels have gone into sum mer quarters. J. C. P. Jones, Milesburg, Pa., writes: "I have used DeWitt's Little Early Risers ever siuce they wore introduced here and must say I have never used any pills in my family during forty years of housekeeping that gave such satisfactory results as a laxative or cathartic. R. C. Dodson. 45-ly Aguinaldo is enerjetic enough to bo an American. It is not what a manufacturer says about his own medicine that cures a patient but what the medicine does. Ballard's Horehound Syrup does the work and does it well, it cures coughs and colds in a day. Its healing, sooth ing and quieting. 25 and 50 cents. L. Taggart. S. E. Parker, Sharon, Wis., writes: ; "I have tried DeWitt's Witch Hazel : Salve for itching piles and it always cures them in two minutes. I consider DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great est pile cure on the market. li. C. | Dodson. 45-ly Cab drivers are in the cold so much they frequently have a hacking cough That dark brown taste and horrid breath you have in the morning is caused by an inactive liver. Some i medicines relieves for a while; others for a few days, but Herbino cures. L. Taggart. Early fall weather is expected in the i Philippines. S. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich., writes: "DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is curing more piles here to-day than all other { remedies combined. It cures eczema j and all other skin diseases." R. C. ' Dodson. 45-ly Spain has more "alleged" warships ! than real vessel. One Minute is not long, yet relief i3 obtained in half that time by the us summer season. We have used it with ! all three of our children and it has J never failed to cure— not simply stop ' pain, but cure absolutely. It is all j right, and anyone who tries it will find it so." For sale by L. Taggart. jun i \ \ V N N. V. N. N.. V Nv.N.N -JS&A % \ | NEW STOCK | / OF -A 1 WALL I ! PAPER I % ' / / y WE SELL ''y HI RGB'S & SONS' 112 / / ' BEST G-OODS. < / ; FULL LENGTH, | nJ| •' ' - FULL WEIGHT, ) > / ✓ I ; At the same price you pay for - ■ / light weight, cheap goods. / ; H. S. LLOID. 5 / / i /N N N \ \,V\ V.N, N N \\ THE FAIR! j i I l ii jfllll | VMm\ t■ i id ytf;Y I1 I \vM ii, . i t '! I i , l * u i | " LACE CURTAINS. The best quality, largest assortment, newest, handsomest and most artistic designs, and prices that are in the bloom of satisfaction will all be found in our superb array of Lace Curtains. An early inspection will be richly re j warded. Come before the stock has been depleted by earlier purchasers. H. A. ZARPS & CO. liSSI I m< If ! MEN AND 1 BOYS' SUITS. Copyright JS9S by j the Stein-Bioch Co. j»|j j vgX raSiS We have just received an elegant jf/JX I I«! line of Rochester Tailor Made Cloth- ijw (IjO ing. in the latest styles for summer 1,,-..} ' ' . wear and would be pleased to have | you call and inspect our stock. | STRAW HATS, || CRASH HATS. SOFT HATS. BICYCLE CAPS, ffl BICYCLE BELTS, Ml BICYCLE SHIRTS. >J| '',s> Owing to the immense stock of Ijfjj ! Bicycle Clothing that we have 011 xjx I (ffl | hand and in order to make room for [jhjj] (ffl the large invoice of Rochester Tailor (mil SSV Made Clothing just received, we have n®*' j decided to make a2O per cent, cut in fyjl the 'price of all Bicycle Suits, begin- [fuffl] IPJ ning on Saturday, June 11th. gyj I JIN J. SHE. I 11 0 CLOTHIER AND o|i MEN'S OUTFITTER, ffl Opposite Post-ofHce, Emporium. Pa. j Trav«leri* Guide. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL i ROAD DIVISION. In effect May 29, 1898. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM EASTWARD 8 20 A. M.—Train 8 week days for Sunbury, Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Hazleton, Pottsvilie, Harrisburg anil intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.23 P. M., New York9.3oP. M., I Baltimore 6.00 P. M., Washington 7.15 P. M. Pullman Parlor car from Williamsport to Philadelphia andpassengercoaches from Kane i to Philadelphia and Williamsport to Haiti more and Washington. : 3 20 P. M.—Train 6 week days for Harris burg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia, 4.30 A. M., New Y0rk7.33 A.M. j Pullman sleeping cars from HarrisburgtoPhil i adelplnr. and New York. Philadelphia pas sengerscan remain in sleeper undisturbed un. ! til 7:30 A.M. j 9 37 P. M. Train 4 Daily for Sunbury, Harriß burg and intermediate stations arriving at Philadelphia 6.52 A. M„ New York 9.33 A. M., weekdays, (10.38 A. M. Sunday;) Baltimore 6.25 A. M.. Washington 7.10 A. W. Pulhnan Bleep ing cars from Erie and Williamsport to Phila delphia and Williamsport to Washington. Passengers in sleeper fur Baltimore and Wash ington will be transferred into Washington sleeper at Williamsport. Passenger cars from Erie to Philadelphia and Williams port to Baltimore ( WESTWARD. 5:10 A. M. Emporium Junction—Train 9 week ('.ays for Erie, Ridgway, Dußois, Clermont and intermediate stations. 10 30 A. M. Train 3 Daily for Erie and week days for Dußois and intermediate i stations. 0 P. M. Train 15. weekdays lor Kane t and intermediate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR EMPORIUM FROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. I Train » leaves Now York 5:50 p. iu., Philadelphia 8:50 p. m., Washington 7:20 p. m., Baltimore 8:10 p. nr., arriving at Emporium Junction 5:10 a. nj., week days', with Pullman Sleepers and j passenger coaches, from Philadelphia to Krie and from Washington and Baltimore to Wiil | iamsport. Train 3 leaves New Y0rk7.40 p. m,, Philadel phia 11.20 p. in., Washington 10.10 J). in, Balti more 11.50 p, m ; , daily, arriving at Emporium 10.30 a. in., with Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars from Philadelphia to Williamsport, and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Krie j and Baltimore to Wjlliamsp: rt- on Sundays only Pullman Sleepers from Philadelphia to Erie. j Train loleaves Philadelphiaß.3o a. m., Washing j ton 7.50 a.m., Baltimoreß.so a.m., Wilkesbarre | 10:15 A.M., weekdays, arriving at Emporium | 6.28 P.M., with Parlor car from Philadelphia j to Williamsport. and passenger coaches from Philadelphia to Kane. ] I/> IDGWAY & CLEARFIELD RAILROAD and 11 Connections. (Week days.) I UTHWAap . Stations. Nobthwabd jA. M.| A. M.l I'. M. P. H 1 8 551 400 —Renovo.... 500 .. .. 1J ; 05 I 947 441 ...Driftwood... 103 ..... 10 12 10 25 • 5 10 Emporium June 325 ..... 9 10 11 08| •5 52 ... St. Marys... 210 901 11 15 | Kane 112 20 9 05 jll 34 .. ..Wilcox 111l 58 842 jll 49 ..Johnsonburg.. ju 43 £?•?<: 12 10 620 ...Ridgway,... 850 805 12 17 627 ..Island Run... 813 j7 55 12 22 632 Carman Tr'nfer 8 38| I 749 12 31' | c4l .. Croyland 829 740 12 35 645 ..Shorts Mills.. 8 2(ii 736 ! 12 39 ! 648 .. Blue Rock... 822 I7 33 I 12 43 6 53 Carrier 8 17 [ j 7 28 12 53 702 .Brockwayville. 8 08! ' 718 I 12 57 7 06 . ..Lanes Mills.. 8 02: ; 7 13 | 1 40, i7 35 Dußois 7 40! I 640 1 201 1 7 251. .Falls Creek... 7 00! |6 55 135 740 Reynoldsville.. 645 640 211 816 ..Brookville .. 609 604 I 3 051 ]9 10 New Bethlehem 520 510 i 350 955 .. Red Bank 425 630 12 40 ...Pittsburg | ] 40 P.M P.M. |A. M.l I P.M. I J. B. HUTCHINSON, "" J.R.WOOD," General Manager. Gen'l Passenger Agt. Iyfc' Time Table muffflWnPr® In Effect April Eft.jtff "Wmfrljj 189; PESK V> flp f/WMi Trains leave Em porium for Keating | Port Allegany, Coudersport, Smetliport, Kid red. j Bradford, Olean and Buffalo,connecting at Buf falo for points East and West. I Buffalo Express, dailv except Sunday 8.30 A. M. I Mail, (103, daily except Sunday 1.45 P. M. ! Train No. 103 (mail) will connect at Olean with 1 River Division for Allegany,Bradford, Salamanca | Warren, Oil City and Pittsburg. I Call on E. C. DAVISON, Agent, Emporium, for 1 time tables or other information R. BELL, Gen'l Supt. I J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Pass'ngr & Ticket Agt. I Mooney Brisbane Building, Cor. Main and ( Clinton Streets, Buffalo, N. Y. TIME TABLE No. 23. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. R. Taking elfect June 15tli, 1897. EASTWARD. ] 10 i 4 I 6 j 2~ STATIONS. P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. ! Port Allegany Lv. 3 15 7 18 12 10 Coleman °° 00 .... *l2 15 Burtville, *3 30 7 29 12 22 ! Roulette 3 10 7 36 12 29 i Knowlton's, *3 45 00 *l2 34 j Mina 3 55 7 46 12 41 Olmsted *4 00 *7 50 *l2 46 ! Hammonds, 00 oc .... *l2 51 I Coudersport. 1 15 7 57 'l 00 I North Coudersport, 00 *1 05 i Frtnk'i *6 10 *i 14 Colesburg, *6 46, 120 Seven Bridges, *6 50 *1 24 Raymonds's, 1 *7 01; 136 Gold, 1 7 06' 142 Newfield *7 10 1 15 B. &S. Junction, 713 150 Perkins *7 16 *1 53 Carpenter's, j 1 00 *1 56 Crowell's, I *7 21 '2 90 J Ulysses, Ar j 7 30, 210 WESTWARD. I 1 I 5 I a - j STATIONS. ; A. M. P. M. A. M Ulysses Lv. 7 42 2 30 10 05 .... I Crowell's, *7 51 *2 40 *lO 17 1 Carpenter's, 00 *2 42 *lO 20 Perkins, *7 51*2 45 *lO 25 I). .V S. Junction 757 2 50 10 30 Newfield, *8 00 2 54 *lO 35 Gold 801 2 56 10 42 ! Raymond's *8 07 2 59 *lO 47 j Seven Bridges *8 19*3 U *ll 05 j Colesburg *8 21 3 15 *ll 10 Frink's *8 28 *3 22 *ll 17 i North Coudersport 00 *3 30 *ll 27 ( Ar. 8 43 3 35' 11 35, i Coudersport, < r. M { Lv. 845 600 130 Hammonds 00 00 *1 34 Olmsted, *8 51 *0 06 *1 40 Mina 855 610 1 45 1 Knowlton's, 100 *6 18 00 Roulette, 905 622 157 Burtville 913 630 210 Coleman 03 *6 36 co Port Allegany I 9 24| 6 401 2 35l (*) Flag stations. (°°) Trains do not stop. Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook R'y. for points north and south. At Newfield Junc tion with Buffalo & Susquehanna R. R., north of Wellsville, south of Galeton and Ansonia. At Port Allegany with W. N. Y. & P. R. R., north tor Buffalo, Olean, Bradford and Smethport; south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium and Penn'a R. R., points. B. A. McCLURE, Gen'l Supt. Coudersport, Pa. BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURGH RAILWAY. THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN BUFFALO, ROCHESTER SALAMANCA. BIDGWAY, DUBOIS, PUNXSUTAW NEY, AND ALL POINTS IN THE NOBTH, EAST AND WEST. On and after Feb. 20,1898, passenger trains will depart from Johnsonburg daily, except Sunday, as follows: 8:52 a. 111., from P. & E. station for Ridgway, Brockwayville, Dußois, Ptinxsntawney and Clearfield. 11:52 a. m., from P. & E. station, mail for Mt. Jewett, Bradford and Rochester. 2.-35 p. m., from P. & E. station, mail for Ridg way, Brockwayville, Dußois, Punxsutawnev. and Clearfield. Sfflp.m. fYom B. R. & P. station, Buffalo Ex press for Bradford, Salamanca, Springville and Buffalo. Thousand mile tickets good for passage be weenall stations at two cents per mile. HOWARD C. LAPEY, Gen. Pass.Ag't., Rochester. N v