On Board the Battleship New York—-Just Aftet Firing a Shot. STORM OF METAL. Sampson's Fleet Bombards Santi ago da Cuba. The Forts are Itadly Shattered anil a Span ish Cruiser Comes in For a Large Share of Attention Spaniards fcutTered Considerable I.oss I.and Attack by Cubans. On Board the Dispatch Boat Dandy, off Santiago de Cuba, via Kingston, Jane 8. —The American fleet formed in double column six miles ofl' Morro castle at 0 o'clock Monday morning and steamed slowly 3,000 yards otV shore, the Brooklyn leading, followed by the Marblehead, Texas and Massa chusetts, and turned westward. The second line, the New York leading, with the New Orleans, Yankee, lowa and Oregon following, turned east ward. Suddenly the lowa fired a 12-inch rliell which struck the base of Estrella battery and tore up the works. In stantly firing began from both Rear Admiral Sampson's and Commodore Schley's columns, and a torrent of shells from the ships fell upon the Spanish works. The Spaniards re plied promptly, but their artillery work was of a very poor quality, and most of their shots went wide. The Brooklyn and Texas caused great havoc among the Spanish shore batteries, quickly silencing them. While the larger ships were engaging the heavy batteries, the Suwanee and Yixcn closed with the small in-sliore battery opposite them, raining rapid fire shots upon it and quickly placing the battery out of the fight. The Brooklyn closed to 800 yards and then the destruction caused by her guns and those of the Marblehead and Texas was awful. In a few min tites the woodwork of Estrella fort was burning and the battery was silenced, firing no more during the en gagement. Kastward, the New York and New Orleans silenced the Cavo battery in quick order and then shelled the earthworks located higher UP- Short lv after nine the tiring ceased, the warships turning in order to per mit the use of the port batteries. The firing then became a long reverberat ing crash of thunder and the shells lore up the Spanish batteries with ter rible effect. Fire broke out in the Catalina fort and silenced the Span ish guns. New York, .Tune B.—A special from Cape Haytien, describing the bombard ment of Santiago de Cuba on Monday, says that tlie forts about the harbop are now a mass of ruins. The Morro is a shapeless pile of ruined masonry and dismantled guns, and the Estrella battery is utterly ruined. This result, the dispatch says, was the work of ten American ironclads. Scarcely a yard of the coast escaped the deadly can nonading. At Port Aguadores, the fort recently constructed by Col. Ordonez, the famous artillery expert, was blown to dust and Col. Ordonez was badly wounded. Two other artil lery officers were also wounded. Two infantry lieutenants and 21 privates are reported fatally wounded. Later in the day the American ships moved closer toward the mouth of the harbor, where the old cruiser Reina Mercedes had been discerned attempt ing to place explosives about the hull of the Merrimac to blow her to pieces and clear tlie channel. A 13-inch shell from the Oregon landed squarely abaft her pilot house and tore all her upper works to shreds. Her "second commodore," five of her sailors and a marine were killed. A second lieutenant of the Keina Mer cedes and 16 of her seamen were ser iously wounded. A perfect shower of shell and shot fell upon and around the old cruiser and she was so badly damaged that her crew abandoned her and sought the shore for safety. About noon a landing party of American marines near Daiquiri was attacked by the Spanish infantry and it squad of cavalry. The insurgents were posted in the •neighborhood and with the aid of the marines successfully took up a posi tion, holding it and later making it a base from which they operated. The Spanish force was defeated with heavy loss and driven back toward Santiago, leaving their wounded behind them. The Americans are now entrenched near Daiquiri and are landing heavy guns, preparatory to moving thein toward Santiago and laying siege to the city. It is further reported here that the ■Cuban forces attacked Santiago de •Cuba by land, during the American bombardment, inflicting heavy losses .on the garrison. Has Cleared the Way for Sampson. London, June B.—A dispatch to the Mail from Cape Haytien says: The American victory at Santiago has cleared the way for the entrance of Admiral Sampson and the destruction of tbi* Spanish fleet. As Santiago's land defenses are reported weak, it is likely that the city will yield to a vigorous attack. It is reported that the commander of the Keina Mercedes, second in command in the Spanish fleet under Cervera, was killed during the engagement. The combined American and insurgent forces are en trenched near Daiquiri. THEY SAW IT ALL. Four of tli© Men Who Wi»re With Dewey nt Manila T«'ll of the (ireat Itsittl*'. Bnn Francisco, Jnnt> 8. —Among the passengers who arrived here Tuesday on the Belgie, from Hon}? Kong, were four men who partici|)ated in the fight at Manila bay on May 1. They are Paymaster A. Loud, of the dispatch boat McCulloch; Dr. Charles I*. Kin dleberger, surgeon of the Olympia; Ralph Phelps, secretary to tlie captain of the McCulloch, and.l. C. Evans, gunner of the Boston. They left Ma nila on May 5. Dr. Kindlebi>rger and Gunner Evans are going home on ac count of expiration of their sea time. Paymaster Loud and Mr. Phelps are here on business, and will return to the McCulloch. They all speak of the valor of their opponents in the battle of Manila. They say that the Span iards fought bravely, even after the last vestige of hope had gone. Dr. Kindleberger gives a graphic account of the terrific tight. He was on the Olympia through it all. In the first assault the flagship took the lead, the other vessels following in her wake at four ships' lengths. At one time the smoke became so dense it was necessary to draw aside to let the cloud lift. The vessels were ex amined and it.was found that they had sustained no damage. Breakfast was served to the men and in a few minutes they re-entered the fight. The second fight was even more fierce than the first. It was then that the Baltimore was struck. During the first flglit the Spanish admiral's ship put bravely out of the line to meet the Olympia. The entire American fleet concentrated their fire on her and she was so badly injured that she turned around to put back. At this juncture the Olympia let fly an 8-inch shell which pierced through almost her entire length, exploding finally in tl*e engine room, wrecking her machinery. This shell killed the captain and 60 men and set the vessel on fire. Tn the heat of the fight two tor pedo boats moved out to attack the fleet. They were alfowed to come within 800 yards, when a fusilade from the Olympia sent one to the bottom with all on board and riddled the other. The second boat was later found turned upon the beach, covered with blood. In the second fight the Baltimore was sent to silence the fort at Cavite. She plunged into a cloud of smoke and opened all her batteries on the forti fication. In a f«w minutes a shell struck in the ammunition and the fort blew up. After the principal ships had been destroyed the Concord, Raleigh and Petrel, being of light draft, were sent close to handle flie remaining vessels of the fleet. They made quick wort of that. In taking possession of the land forts several hundred wounded Spaniards fell into the hands of the Americans and nearly 200 dead were accounted for oti the spot. The Span ish loss footed up 400 killed. (>OO wounded and a property loss of any where from $0,000,000 to $10,000,000. Experts have figured out that the fighting volume of the guns of the respective sides of the battle was.l for the Americans against 7 for the Spanish. It is clear then that the superiority was in the ships and men themselves, the men having the ex perience and nerve. "For two houjrs," said Mr. Loud, "the steady thunder of cannon was kept up. The roar was something terrible. At one time I really thought we would be beaten. This was aftei the fire had been kept tip an hour. It looked like every gun on the Spanish ships had turned loose on us alto gether, and the shore line was a veri table blaze of fire from the batteries. The din was simply indescribable. Tons upon tons of shot fell over our ships. There was steel enough to have sunk our entire fleet. Our salvation was in the bad marksmanship of the Spaniards. They handled their pieces like boys. Nearly all their shots went wide of the mark. "We left Manila on *he sth. At that time Commodore Dewey was iu pos session of the shore forts and arsenal. Considerable ammunition and some fair guns were captured. Manila on the opposite side of the bay had not been taken and it w«*,s not the inten tion of Dewey to do so at that time. The city and its suburbs were com pletely at the mercy of our guns and we could have laid it in ruins in a short time. But the Puce on the war ships is too small to land and tak< possession. "When the troops arrive from San Francisco. Dewey will demand the im mediate surrender of the city and the troqtns stationed there. If a refusal is given fire at one<- will be opened from the warships and forcible pos session will be taken at once." The Monterey Start H for M'-inlla. San Francisco. June 8.- The princi pal event in the local war situation yesterday was the departure of the monitor Monterey and collier Brutus for Manila. The order to get under way was issued about 1 o'clock and soon the wharves and docks on the \v»ter front were crowded with people upxious to witness the departure of tin* formidable fighting machine and the collier which is to accompany her. Every steam whistle on the water front blew a farewell, and as the two vessels moved from the harbor toward the Golden (iate the crowd on the wharves set up a mighty cheer. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE i6, 1898. WITHOUT DELAY. The Senate Passes the War .Revenue Measure. THE VOTE STOOD 43 TO 22 Will Become the Law of the Land To-day. ANNEXATIONISTS' VICTORY. They Sernrw an Ajireem«nt in tlie House that a Vote on the Hawaiian Kenolutlon Shall he Taken Next WedneMilay Volun tcen Can Vote for C'ongroitMUieii. Washington, Jue ll. —Friday after noon the conference report on the war revenue bill was agreed to by the senate after a discussion lasting four hours. The debate upon the measure was without special incident. It was a foregone conclusion that, the report would be a {freed to, and the only question of interest involved was how soon a vote could be reached. The de bate indicated {generally that the bill as agreed upon by the conferees was reasonably satisfactory to everybody except as to the bond provision. The votes cast against the adoption of the report reflected the opinions of those senators who are opposed to any in crease in the interest-bearing debt of the country. The report was agreed to by a vote of 43 to ~2. Kvery republican voted for the measure and their votes were supplemented by those of eight demo crats. The democrats who voted for the adoption of the report were Caffery, (iorman, Lindsay, McKnery, Mitchell, Morgan, Murphy and Tur pie. The vote against the report was east by 16 democrats, three silver men and three populists. As soon as the engrossed bill can be signed by the presiding officers of the two branches of congress, it will be sent to the president, .lust at tlie close of the session a bitter personal discussion was precipitated by Mr. liutler. who attacked Mr. Kyle for having voted lor the issuance of bonds. House. —The feature of the session of the house was the securing of an agreement to consider and vote upon the Newlands resolution to annex Hawaii. Beginning to-day the debate will proceed until 5 o'clock next Wed nesday afternoon, when a vote will be taken. The annexationists Were de termined to force consideration and for three hours the opposition fili bustered. Consideration of thj reso lutions could have been prevented, as under the rules a recess until the evening session necessarily would have been taken at 5 o'clock, but it was plain that the annexationists would win their victory to-day. Real izing this, and knowing the resolu tions would pass and goto the coun try, involving a prominent issue, the opposition treated for liberal debate, anil their demands were granted. Eight democrats voted with the an nexationists in the movement to force consideration of the resolutions. The bill to enable volunteer soldiers to vote at congressional elections was passed, and a number of minor meas ures were considered. Are Really, but Vet Delay. Washington, June 11.—The troop transports have not proceeded to Cuba, either Thursday or the day be fore. as has been repeatedly asserted. They are in readiness togo, but will not move until the naval convoy is ready to -accompany them, assuring safe conduct from Florida to the point of destination. Whether that will be to-day or to-morrow the department positively declines to say, and there is authority for the statement that any reports purporting to give the hour or day when this flotilla of in vasion will start is not only unwar ranted but meets with vigorous offi cial condemnation. ItuMsla Is I' xpectl'd to Hell the Cat. Vienna, June 11. —The government has declined to initiate mediation be tween the I'nited States and Spain, as it wishes to avoid the appearance of making intervention seem only a dy nastic action in the interest of the queen regent, which, perhaps, might give fatal offense. Nevertheless a decided opinion is held that the time for intervention is nearly at hand, al though a hesitation to take the first step is evident everywhere. The prob ability is that Russia will undertake the initiative. Took Possession of the Town. Middlesboror, Ky„ June ll.—News from the Howard-linker feud in Clay county is startling. Howard's party, 50 strong, has taken possession of the town of Manchester. The Maker fol lowing, consisting of 40 ' well armed men, have rendezvoused three miles from the to\vn. Judge Mrown is unable to hold court. Although he expects troops sent by (iov. Bradley. it is feared the two parties will come into collision before the troops can arrive. Desperate Battle with Train Kohhers. Dallas, Tex., June 11. —Reports were received by the Santa Ke officers in Dallas Friday that four train robbers attempted to hold up an express train on the Lampasas division Thursday niglit. A fight ensued between the trainmen and the bandits in which one of the latter was shot and Fire man Johnson was killed. The Santa Fe officials declare that the robbers got no money. A Protest from Japan. Washington, June 11. Japan has entered a strong protest against the duty on tea provided for in the war revenue bill. The protest is based on the ground that a uniform duty of ten cents a pound on all teas will have the effect of ruining Japan's tea trade with the Cnited States. I'lnwn to I'leeeM by Dynamite. Jacksonville, Fla.. June II. —An ex plosion of dynamite occurred at St. John's Bluff, near the mouth of St. John's river, Friday, killing two men, John O'lloiirke and Kdward Houston, and seriously injuring Lieutenant Ilart, U. S. A. COOLNESS IN BATTLE. C»pt. \\ titles I)rnnU Ilia Collff Willi# Klitlilini* ihr Mpanlah Fleet in Mnnlln Hay, If you want to say that any man is always cool, calm and collected, say that he is as cool as Capt. Wildes, of the cruiser Boston. He is one of the offi cers with Dewey's fleet at Manila, and all the world is wondering at his calm ness. While the Moston slowly steamed into the bay of Manila, while two op posing storms of projectiles swept the waters, while a man could not hear himself think in the thunder of the guns, Wildes stood on the Boston's bridge watching, when the smoke raised, the deadly accuracy of his gun- TAKING THINGS EASY. ("I'd Thank You for a Cup of Coffee.") ners. Wildes was as cool as a cucumber, but the weather was warm. So he called for a big palm lea 112 fan, and, calm as a woman at the opera, fanned him- Belf. So cool and calm was this Yankee fighter while the Spanish ships were sinking under the hail of lead that he remembered he had not had his break fast. It speaks well for Wildes that, un der the circumstances, he bethought himself he was hungry. If a man has a good appetite he is in good health, and if he's healthy he can fight. Feel ing the cravings of his appetite, Wildes ordered a cup of coffee to be served to him on the bridge. One can easily imagine he hears Wildes' order, punc tuated by orders, thus: "I'd thank you for a cup of coffee — lieutenant, you've got the correct range—and not too much sugar. An other s-mash like that and the Castella'a a goner." This is probably the first cup of cof fee ever served and consumed on a fight ing bridge during battle. "Cafe a la Wildes" will be a popular drink in Uncle Sam's navy. But Wildes was not the only hungry man in that fleet during the first part of the magnificent fight. Dewey was hungry.and,being kind and thoughtful, he remembered that all his men and all his officers must be hungry, too. So when breakfast time came Dewey drew off his fleet, and every Yankee on the fleet enjoyed his breakfast very much Indeed. Having finished breakfast they went back and finished the Span iards. COL. JONES ALLEN. Thf Man Who Innpreta and Rfvlifl All the I're** Dlnpntchew Sent Via Key Welt. Capt. Jones AMen, nominated a lieu tenant colonel by the president, is a •phinx and a terror to the correspond ents now quartered at Key West. The new lieutenant colonel is the censor of *he press dispatches at that point, and, although implacable in that capacity, he is a very good fellow otherwise. He was graduated from the mili'tar}- aoad- COL. JONES ALLEN. (Censor of Press Dispatches at Key West, Fla.) emy in 1372 and spent three years with the Third cavalry in Wyoming. After that he was detached for signal service and remained in that department of the army until 1878. He was sent to New Mexico for three years, and in 1881 returned to the signal service in Wash ington. In 1884 he rejoined the Third cavalry, then in the Indian territory. For two years—from 1887 to 1881)—he was detailed as cavalry instructor at West Point, was detached again for signal service, and from 18 ( .)2 to 1894 he was a member of Gen. Miles' staff at Chicago. Since 1804 Capt. Allen has done staff duty, chiefly with (ien. linger and (ien. Merrltt. lie was pro moted to the rank of captain ten years ago. I.ooilon'N llllk Supply. If only pure milk were sold in London it is estimated that from 20,000 to 30,- 000 more cows would be wanted to keep up the supply. Small Piitntoe* In Greenland. In Greenland potatoes never grow larger than marbles. A CONVOY FLEET. It Is Now Lying Off Port Tampa, Fla. COMPRISES HI I»I(» SHIPS. Is Fully Capable of Protecting the Transport Vessels. INDIANA IS THE FLAGSHIP. The Government I* Fully Determined that No S|»iuiMh Crulfter Slmll be Uiwti an Opportunity to Capture a Defcnnelcsj Troop Ship. Washington, Juno 11. -Another for midable American fleet has assembled, consisting 10 warships of various classes, headed by the bijf battleship Indiana, which for all round effective ness stands at the head of the navy. This fleet is assembled at I'ort Tampa and is to serve as a convoy for the troop transports from that point. The formation of this formidable convoy fleet is ilue to the reports that Span ish ships were lurking between Flor ida and Cuba with a view of inter cepting the troops' transports. The navy department has not given seri ous credit to these reports, yet they were more or less circumstantial. In order to avoid the slightest possibility of a dash by some Spanish ships .against the troop .transports, this new fleet of 10 warships was determined upon. Commodore Remey, naval com mander at Key West, has brought to gether this powerful fleet of convoys. It is strong enough-—both in num bers of ships, size of individual ships and armament—to cope with any Spanish vessels that migTit be at in the West Indies, and it entirely eli minates any possible danger that might attend the transporting of the prmy of invasion to Cuba. Capt. Tay lor. who commands the Indiana, is available as commander of this squad ron, although it is not disclosed defi nitely who will be its chief. The Indiana probably will be flag ship of the convoy squadron. There probably will be other battleships, but it is not deemed advisable to give the full list of the ships. The Indiana is one of the most formidable ships afloat. The desirability of forming this fleet was suggested by the"i forma tion, coming through official chan nels, that Spanish ships left Barce lona some days ago, bound for Cuban waters. This information came to the .state department. It was to the eft'eot that the ships included three Spanish warships and one transport. The in formation was regarded as trust worthy. It was communicated fo the navy department and led to careful consideration. A little later came the reports from the ships off Florida that suspicious looking vessels, with military tops, had been seen in the offing. These last reports were received with some credulity, but naval officers were dis posed to dismiss them as myths. They were treated lightly and some officials spoke of the matter as another case of the phantom ship "Flying Dutch man." But the better advised ones, knowing of the reports as to the sail ing of Spanish ships from Barcelona, looked upon the matter as one which should not be dismissed too lightly. A single troop transport, carrying no armor, might be at the mercy of some stray Spanish ship, and there was no purpose to hazard the lives of 1,500 men on any of our ships when reports came from two widely separated sources of the approach of Spanish ships. While it is inexpedient to give the exact make-up of the convoy fleet, yet some general idea may be given of the warships which might be drawn upon for this service. There are a number of ships which have been do ing scout duty and others held in re serve, while Commodore Watson's blockading fleet in front of Havana gives another source from which the convoy fleet can lie made up. The fine auxiliary ships, like the Vale and Harvard, with the torpedo boats, could be used for scout duty, their swiftness permitting them togo far ahead as pickets for the approaching fleet. The smaller cruisers, gunboats and torpedo boats, are also available. Some of the ships which could be used with the Indiana are the Helena, Han croft, Marietta, Newport, Wilmington, Castine, Cincinnati, Detroit, Mont gomery, Annapolis, Vicksburg, Krics son. Dupont, Cushing and Foote. Admiral Sampson will still have ten or more ships, including the battle ships lowa, Texas. Massachusetts and Oregon and the armored cruisers New York and Brooklyn. The blockading squadron will continue to have 12 or more ships, including the four big monitors, Puritan, Terror. Amphitrite and Miantonomah. Besides fjie fleet of 10 convoy vessels, there will be from 30 to 50 transport ships, making in all a remarkable flotilla of trans ports and naval convoys. No of a ftlf v -inent of Troop*. Chickamauga National Park, (in., June II. —The impression prevails at (■en. Brooke's headquarters that there will be no removals from this place to points south until the government i ready to send another army directly to Cuba, and then it is believed that troops will be sent directly to the point of embarkation and thence at once shipped. All Keferre«l to \Vylimn. Washington, .Tune 11. —Senator Ba con. of Georgia, had a conference yes terday with the president concerning the reported yellow fever in the south and the precautions that it will be necessary for the government to take to protect the troops from the disense. Senator Bacon advised the president to see to it at once that the I'nited States forces now in the south be re moved from the region of contagion, either by sending tlieni to Cuba ami Porto Rico, or by removing the per manent camps from the low lands to higher elevations. The whole matter lias been referred to Surgeon General VYy man. TJ\E PRESS CENSOR. Ie Suppresses All News Not Agree able ta the Government. (Jen, Ad»l|>hun W. Greeley, Chief Mjf mil DBloer of the Army, la at the II rail of Thin New-Kanifleil Suiiprenxlou Uureuu. The trail of the press censor is now over everything. Never did remorse leas editor with deadly blue pencil slaughter beautiful "copy" as does Uncle Sam's censors, who are editors in the true and root meaning of the word. Newspapers which for 35 years have not known what it means to be inter fered with are now having a luminous object lesson taught them, and for once the special correspondent realizes how small the individual can feel when thrown against the mass of the nation. This so-called censorship, says the Chicago Times-Herald, shows what truly sovereign power means. And the best of it is that the people indorse thr government fully. They may miss a little of their daily information, but they are perfectly willing to do without it rather than share it equally with the enemy. As it is impossible to get all the newspapers to agree on matter for publication the government has taken the affair in its own hands, and the newspapers get only what the govern ment permits them to get. Gen. Adolphus W. Greely is the head censor. Under him are numerous army and navy officers, who, to the corre spondents, know nothing, and who read every line of news that goes out from important points. Key West, New York and Tampa are under the "censorship," and of course so is Washington. The telegraph is in control of the govern ment. No information is allowed to pass, press or no press, that is consid ered at all useful to the enemy. Not only do the censors cut out parts of dispatches, or throw the dispatches away wholly, but they sometimes in ject misinformation bodily into mes sages that are passed. These cooked up telegrams are sent to the newspa pers with the correspondents' signa tures, and the editors receiving them GEN. A. W. GREELY. (Chief Signal Officer United States Army.) do not know what is the censor's and what is the correspondent's work. Dis patches are received and paid for by the newspapers as news and published as news. The correspondent doesn't know what his paper gets and the news paper doesn't know what the corre spondent sends. Uncle Sam is the only responsible party in the matter, and the humor of the situation is found in the further fact that in this regard Uncle Sam is a totally irresponsible party, if there ever was one. These efforts of the authorities to mislead the wily Spaniard, or at least to give him no information about the plans of this country, are being aided and abetted by patriotic newspapers and correspondents. The latter sends along every item tht "leaks" out. but as all these items are scrupulously vised by the censor, it may be taken for granted that what thus percolates to the public is not considered very im portant information. At Key West and Tatnpa the censor ship over telegrams is especially rigid. The officer in charge of the telegraph office at Tampa is Lieut. Mi!*", an aide of Gen. Shafter, and all dispatches must be given to him. Correspondents who are caught smuggling news will be packed off home, if not otherwise pun ished, and for the first time in their lives young men representing great daily newspapers find a strong wall be tween themselves and their "managing editors" at home. The censorship is particularly hard on the correspond ents of the big London dailies, who have been acting, unwittingly, as couriers for the government at Madrid. They were delighted with the freedom of the American news system in the early days of the campaign, but now their mes sages are turned inside out, pruned, changed, and labored with, when not thrown away in their entirety. Cor respondents in Tampa are forbidden to send out the movements of officers and the arrivals of volunteer troops, and it may be that the American army will be on Cuban soil before the American pub lic learns the fact. Gen. Greely, who is the bogy man of the correspondents and the censor-in chief of the news dispatches, has been in the army since the beginning of the civil war. At. that time he enlisted as a pri vate and had risen to the rank of cap tain' before ISGS. At the close of the war he was transferred to the regular army and in ISGS he entered the signal service. His fame was made in the celebrated Greely expedition to the arctics. The story cf that expedition is part of the world's history. G?n. Greely has been honored by foreign scientific societies in Europe and his works are translated into many languages. Kti ropciin i'onlnl Fori lit lon. Letters dropped into a box in Pari* «ire delivered in I3er!in within an hour and a half, and sometimes within 35 minutes. They are whisked through tubes by pneumatic power. 3