Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 16, 1898, Image 1

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VOL. 33.
Business Cards.
Emporium, Pa.
A business relating to estate, collections, real
estates. Orphan's Court anil general law business
will receive prompt attention. 42-ly.
Will give prompt attention to all business en
rusted tothem. 16-ly.
Collections promptly attended to. Real estate
and pension claim agent,
35-1 y. Emporium, Pa.
Emporium, Pa.
I have numerous calls lor hemlock and hard
wood timber lands, also stum page &c., and parties
desiring either to buy or sell will do well to call
on me. I'"- D. LUfc/T.
Emporium, Pa.
Having again taken possession of this old and
popular house I solicit a share of the public pat
ronage. The house is newly furnished and isone
of the best appointed hotels in Cameron county.
30-1 y.
(Opposite Post Office,)
Emporium, Pa.
U.S. MCDONALD, Proprietor.
Having assumed control of this popular Res
taurant I am prepared to serve the public in the
best possible manner. Meals furnished at all
hours. Give me a call. 29-8-ly
Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa.
This new and commodious hotel is now opened
forthe accommodation of the public. New in all
Its appointments, every attention will be paid to
the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17-ly
Emporium, Pa.
Scholars taught either at my home on Sixth
street or at the homes of the pupils. Out of town
scholars will be given dates at my rooms in this
F. C. RIECK, D. D. S.,
Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa.
Gas and other local anaesthetics ad
ministered for the painless extraction
+U ! v* 4 of teeth.
SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeth, in
cluding Crown and Bridge Work.
1 will visit Driftwood the first Tuesday, anil
Sinnemaboning the third Wednesday of each
Has removed to the Odd Fellows' building,
Emporium, Pa.—up stairs Office hours: 7to !)
a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. m.
Mr.VMmiam on i ini iimii iii u 'in 11 n>
S'olitical Announcements.
All Announcements under this head must be
signed 6// the candidate and jwid in advance to
insure publication.
Editor Press:—
Please announce that should the Hon. Chas.
W atone not be a candidate to succeed himself,
I am a candidate for Representative in Congress
in the Twenty-seventh district, subject to the
decision of the Republican district conference.
Warren, Pa., April 26, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Grove, Pa., April Ith. 1898.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate JudKe of Cameron county subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Sterling Run, Pa., April Bth, 1898.
Editor Press:—
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge of Cameron County, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., April 20th, 18.98.
Editor Press:
Please announce my name as a candidate for
Associate Judge Of Cameron county, subject to
the decision of the Republican County Conven
Driftwood, Pa., May 7th, 185)8.
pm\ \\\\ \ \ \ \ \:\y
km ™ !
I Jul oiUilLg
y Next to Post-office, Emporium, Pa.
| Fancy Stationery. I
/ /
/ Just received the choicest invoice of Fancy /
I. Stationery, including Envelopes, Paper
/, and Tourists Pads, ']/-
I Toilet and I
/ >
| Bath Goods.
% /
My line of Toilet and Hath floods includes '
/ a fine line of Soaps, Brushes, Sponges, /
% *
/>_ /
% '%
✓ \-\ \ s v;\ \ .\ v \ \ \\
The Red Cross Society.
The Red Cross of Philadelphia have
issued the following appeal to all
clergy in this state. The noble work
executed by this society calls for a
liberal response from the people of all
Philadelphia, June 9th, 1898. j
Dear Sir: —The Associated Society of the Red
<'ross of this City and State, is making, stren
uous efforts to equip an ambulance corps and
field hospital, to send it to the front immediately
and to maintain it.
To carry out its plans successfully a large ex
penditure of money will be necessary. The peo
ple are responding generously to the appeal, hut
the contributions are not commensurate with
the undertaking.
The society must act speedily in the matter.
The urgent need for its services' iu this line is
undisputed. An opportunity is presented vou to
ameliorate the iriseries and sufferings ofthose
tossing in the deli rum of fever in tropical islands
or wounded on the field of battle.
To whom should we appeal, if not to the
Christian Church; the source and stimulus of all
great philanthropic movements?
We beg most earnestly that you will take a
special offering for this work on Sunday, .June 19.
The Red Cross Society (organized under the
articles of the Geneva Treaty of 1864, which
afterwards was ratified by all civilized nations)
"devoted to those humane and merciful minis
trations, deserves the hearty co-operation and
aid of ail good citizens who estimate at their
their just value, the patriotism and de
votion of those who fight in their country's
cause." Its efforts are "for the alevia
tion of the horrors of battle and for the relief
and comfort of those who must die."
Because of its international character, the flag
of the Red Cross Society is exempt from attack
and its goods from confiscation. Terrible would
be the calamity that would fall upon a nation
violating the provisions of the Geneva Treaty.
Because of its magnificent organization and
years of experience, it is exceptionally competent
to utilize supplies and funds without waste; and
because of recognition by our Government, it
has unusual opportunity for thoroughly effective
work with our troops.
The Society does not so much ask large sums
from individuals as it does eagerly beg smaller
contributions from many.
If you will help to supply our needs by pre
senting this cause to your congregation on June
19th, the Society will feel very grateful for this
concession and favor.
If you can consider this request favorably, |
kindly send the offerings to the Headquarters of
the Red Cross Society, addressed to Frvsinger
Evans, Treasurer for the Fund, 1501 Chestnut
Very truly yours,
Chairman and Sec'y of Committee.
Goodwin Hanged.
WELLSBORO, June, 9. Walter E.
Goodwin was hanged in the jail yard
lie re at 12:351 o'clock to-day. He was
composed to the last, and exhibited
every of the bravado which has
characterized his movements since the
jury pronounced him guilty.
After he had been taken with en
closure he spoke and as anticipated
reiterated his innocence. His first re
marks were: "I will say to you gentle
men that I have fallen into the hands
of ii just God. I fear not what
men can do. Gentlemen, are you all
as near prepared as I am "
Here he paused and conversed
for a few seconds with the sheriff and
Sheriff Johnson then addressed the
crowd saying:
"I have talked with Walter and he
wouldn't go without expressing him
self truthfully.
Goodwin then continued: "Gentle
men I can forgive every one of my
enemies for testifying against me."
After another talk with the sheriff
Goodwin continued: "Gentlemen I
wish your attention about this crime
now charged against me. The deed
was done by Gertrude Taylor and this
is no lie. I could not face death and
tell a lie. The people with any mind
at all will say that I could not tell a
lie at this time. I will say to the peo
ple that I was implicated but did not
do the very actual deed."
Here Goodwin broke off and had
another talk with the sheriff, after
which he said:
"Gentlemen it is the power of Christ
that holds me up at this moment. I
hope to meet you where we will part
no more."
The Rev. Mr. Wynne prayed silently
while Goodwin uplifted his head and
closed his eyes. Mr. Wynne said:
"We thank the Almighty for the evi
! dence that Walter has given his heart
to Thee and now we leave Walter in
thy hands."
"Farewell sheriff. I hope to meet
you all in heaven," said Goodwin and
at 12:35 the rope was put on Through
the black cap Goodwin said, "God
bless you Mr. Johnson."
A moment after the trap fell and the
body shot downward. The knees
drew up and the hands twitched, and
at 12:36 Dr. Bacon applied his ear to
the chest and at 12:45 the rope was
The three brothers and brother-in-
I law had previously carried in the
I coffin and the body was placed in it
j and taken to Buckley's undertaking
| rooms where it will remain until to
: morrow morning.
Flag Day Notes.
A large crowd was present at the
! Citizens Hose House, Tuesday even
i ing to witness the hoisting of the stars
j and stripes over the tower of the com-
I pany's building. After several selec
| tions by the Young America Drum
i Corps, Rev. W. R. McNeil was intro
duced to the crowd and made a ring
ing patriotic speecli-
Jos. Kaye has unfurled a handsome
twenty foot flag at his residence.
"Liberty and Union, One and Inseparable."—WEßSTEß.
To Become the Rector of the New St.
Joseph's Church at Oil City.
It is hinted in Catholic ecclesiastical
circles that Rev. M. Meagher, of St.
Leo's R. C. church, of this place may
be assigned to the rectorship of St.
Joseph's church in Oil City.
While nothing definite of that char
acter has been done as yet, it is gener
ally understood that the Ridgway
priest can be promoted should he so
The vacancy in the Oil City church
has been left by the death of Rev.
Father Carroll, and the parish is
known as one of the most desirable in
Western Pennsylvania. The church
at that place is a new one and one of i
the finest in this section. The con
gregation is a large, wealthy stud influ
ential one, and should father Meagher
be assigned to the rectorship he would
find a church and people awaiting him
that he could well be proud of.
There is a large and flourishing paro
chial school connected with the church
and by the will of the late rector,ss,ooo
has been bequeathed for the erection
and occupancy of a house by the sisters
who teach at St. Joseph's school.
Three thousand dollars were bequeath
ed for the support of the school, and
three thousand dollars for the poor
fund of St. Joseph's church. Father
Carroll by his will also left $2,000 for
keeping in proper repairs St Joseph's
cemetery, so that it can readily be
seen that the parish is a most desirable
one for any priest in this diocese.
However, were Father Meagher to
consult his own inclinations, it is not
likely that he would care to leave
Ridgway. He has toiled and labored
here for the past twenty-four years,
and the fruits of his hard work are
seen in his rapidly growing congrega
tion and the magnificent church build
ings that ha% e been erected through
his instrumentality.
Father Meagher came to Ridgway
when he was a young man,but twenty
three years of age, and through all the
intervening years he has labored zeal
ously for the advancement of the
Lord's kingdom.
He is universally esteemed and re
spected for his many good qualities,
not only by his own parishoners, but
by the members of every other Christ
ian denomination in town. It is to be
sincerely hoped that he will not be
called away from the people he has
served so well and faithfully for
many years, but should he be, he will
receive the hearty and sincere con
gratulations of Ridgway people on his
good fortune and advancement.—Ridg
way Democrat.
An Old Campaign Relic.
On Flag Day, Mr. J. F. Parsons sus
pended a streamer in front of his resi
dence on Fourth street, that during
the Seymour-Blair and Grant-Colfax
campaign, floated from the top of the
Hag pole in front of the old Democratic
wigwam, which formerly covered the
site now occupied by the residences of
Mr. Fred Julian and Dr. S. S. Smith.
The year of the Centennial, Mr.
Parsons had the names of Seymour
and Blair removed from the streamer
a*ul substituted thereon the dates 1776-
1876. At the close of the Centennial
he laid the streamor away in an old
trunk, where it remained undisturbed
till a few days ago, when Mr. Parsons
happened to run across it and decided
to hang it out on flag day along with
the Cuban and American flags.
What is the Trouble ?
The number of school children who
wear eye glasses must be noticeable to
everybody. Middle aged people have
no recollection of such a condition when
| they were children. Are we becoming
weaker, or is it the spectacle man
abroad plying his trade to ail unusual
extent? Or yet are our children con
fined in school too many hours, or re
quired to study too much at night?
Watching the pupils of the schools as
they file down the street when released,
it will be noticed that about one in
every ten wear a pair of glasses. What
isthetroble? No such condition ex
isted twenty or thirty years ago.—Som
erset Democrat.
Social Dance.
A social dance will be given at the
opera house. Emporium, Pa., Friday
evening, June 17th, 1898. First-class
music has been engaged and a good
time is guaranteed. Gents' admission,
50 cents. A general invitation ex
tended to all.
Genera! nerrill Failing.
Word has been received at this place
that Gen. Merrill, Lock Haven, has
again been stricken with paralysis and
is in a very dangerous condition. His
. legion of friends in this county will
| deeply regret to hear this sad intelli-
I gence.
Foot Crushed.
Last Friday, E. H. Marshall and four
other gentlemen brought Chas. Keiper
from Thomas & Whiting's camp, on
Bailey Run, to Emporium. His left
foot was smashed and the unfortunate
man was taken to Williamer jrt Hos
District Hanager.
We desi. i the services of a capable
man as ma lager for our third Pennsyl
vania distr ot, consisting of the follow
ing counties : McKean, Potter, Tioga,
Jefferson, Elk, Cameron, Clearfield,
Centre, Lycoming, Clinton and Union. !
To the right party we can offer a
lucrative position with opportunities j
for promotion. No canvassing.
Apply by !etter with refferences to
16-4. Roseville, Ohio.
Death of firs. Chas. Hall.
MRS. HANNAII HALL, aged 76 years, j
one month and four days, died at the j
family residence, on Clear Creek, June j
9th, 1898, after a painful illness of eight |
years. The funeral took place on Sun
day last, at 2:00 p. m. Rev. Johnston,
pastor of M. E. Church, Emporium,
officiated. It was one of the largest
funerals ever held in this section—over
forty carriages being required to con
vey the friends of the deceased to the
church, where the services were con
ducted. The M. E. choir rendered the
singing of appropriate hymns.
Mrs. Hall was greatly respected by
all who knew her for her many good
qualities of heart. She was ever kind
to the poor or afflicted and her many
little acts of kindness will long be re
Too Mot for Austin.
While Emporium may not be located
within the limits of the torrid zone,
nevertheless, our boys demonstrated
to the Austinites on Saturday, that we
are pretty warm anyway.
Emporium went to the bat only eight
times and won out easily by a score of
10 to 5. In the absence ofMcFadden,
the regular pitcher, Hemphill the six
teen year old twirler of the second
nine was putin the box, where he did
excellent work, striking out nine
men and the visitors being un
able to find him but a few times. He
also did good work with the stick.
The leading features of the game
was the clever catch made by Walker,
of the Austin team, who captured a
fly after jumping a barbwire fence; the
one hand catch by Gainey and double
play to Pearsall and the double by
McGee to Pearsall.
A Tribute to an Artist's Worth.
The many friends of Miss Eliza J.
Scliulze, the well known artist who
has been conducting a studio at this
place, for sometime past, will be in
terested in the following clipped from
the Erie Hearld of recent date: "The
elegant oil painting at H. J. Sevin's
art store is attracting much attention,
it is owned by Mrs. J. K. P. Hall, of
Ridgway, it being a portrait of her
eldest daughter. It was painted by
Eliza J. Sehulze, the artist so well
known in the scientific world by her
illustrations in natural history. This
skillful artist shows herself a close
student. In her illustrations we find
the strictest adhearance to nature of
the smallest details, while her land
scape work detail is dropped and
charm and breadth is grasped, and a
| fine feeling for nature displayed on the
| canvas. The clearness and tenderness
I of her flesh tones and wonderful rep-
I resentation of fabric may be seen in
the portrait. Mrs. Hall is to be con-
I gratulated upon possessing such a
j work of art."
His Arm Torn Out.
Thirteen year old John Seewald, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Seewald, of 642
Second street, met with a frightful ac
cident at the West End planing mill
! about 7:30 o'clock yesterday morning.
| Yountr Seewald, whose father is em
j ployed at the mill was in the habit of
! accompanying the latter to work, to
I look after the belts. Yesterday morn
j ing the lad while endeavoring to run
| on a belt caught his left arm in it.
| The rapidly moving belt whizzed
J around the shaft and completely tore
j out the lad's arm together with part of
i the collar bone. The severed mem
j ber was not found until after a, two
l hours' search among the machinery,
j The lad was taken to his home and
1 Dr. C. W. Youngman summoned. On
the physician's arrival the unfortunate
boy was placed under the influence of
ether and the terrible opening in his
side dressed.
The shock, together with the large
i quantity of blood lost, will probably be
I more than the boy's strength is equal
| to and slight hopes are entertained for
i his recovery.—Williamsport Bulletin.
Asleep on the Railroad.
Last Saturday night, Asa Kritner,
who has been employed as night watch
man for Messrs. H. C. Rich & Co., at
Gardeau, met with an accident that
came near causing his death. The
young man had been working during
the day and watching the engine at
night for three days and being tired
sat down on the W. N. Y. & P. Ry.,
track "to get some fresh air." The lad
fell asleep along side of the track, his
right arm laying on the rail. One of
the hill pushers came down the hill,
running over his arm, completely ser
vering it above the elbow. The maim- i
ed young man with wonderful nerve, j
ran down the embankment to his own
engine and blew the whistle to stop
the hill engine, but without effect. He
continued to blow the whistle, but
failed to halt any of the passing en
gines. His mother and brother, who
reside some distance from his station,
heard the alarm and came to his as
sistance. Dr. Smith was summoned
from Emporium during the night
and amputated the arm below the
shoulder. We are pleased to learn he
is getting along nicely. Young Kreit
ner is a very industrious young man
and his misfortune is deeply regretted
by his friends.
Adams Express Company.
In order to attain distinction and
become reputably conspicuous, yet at
the same time without any fulsome
ness, the Adams Express Management
appears to be determined. The record
it made at Camp Hastings, Mt. Gretna,
Pa., will ever remain a happy reminis
cence to those of the officers and pri
vates who enjoyed its services in times
of sore discomfort. Its arduous and
faithful discharge of duty during the
Civil War shall never be forgotten. A
trait its officers appear to most sedul
ously strive to inculcate in the hearts
and actions of its people is to do a
thing right or not to do it at all. The
display it will make at Reading, Pa.,
seals this as conclusive.
Without any ostentation, with the
same freedom from parade that charac
terizes the movement of its numerous
special trains over the Pennsylvania
Railroad, through the manipulation of
the General Manager, and General
Superintendent of Transportation of
that system, it has arranged to make
an exhibit at Reading on Thursday
that will doubtless surprise the good
people of Berks and other counties
who witness the procession.
Reading, indeed, is to be honored by
the appearance in line of one of the
Company's mammoth vans, the capac
ity of which is almost equal to a car, a
vehicle whose dimensions are, length,
15 feet; height, 6 feet 9 inches; width,
5 feet 8 inches; height, from ground
up, 10 feet 9 inches; weighing 4,800 lbs.
This van will be drawn by fonr fine
bay horses, equipped with beautiful
harness specially sent from New York,
and will be followed by four horse
double, and other single wagons.
When one considers that the express
business was inagurated by this con
cern in 1840 through the medium of a
hand satchel, followed by the intro
duction of a wheel-barrow, until it has
reached its present costly and extensive
equipment, it would appear that good
management prevailed during its en
The great van referred to was sent
to Reading by special movement of
the Pennsylvania Railroad last Mon
day night, and is already a conspicuous
feature of that thronged city. It is
needless to say that these vehicles are
not kept in stock because of their great
cost, lience the citizens of Reading can
feel distinguished indeed because of
its appearance there, although it is
understood, by those who know, that
the Adams Express Company simply
wanted to testify its sincere apprecia
tion of the good fellowship of the
people of Reading by this unusual dis
play upon its part and did so cheer
Reflections of a Bachelor.
; Only a small proportion of civiiiza
j tion is civil.
j Whatever the average woman does
; n't like she says is "just like a man."
A man who doesn't carry matches is
about as rare as a girl who can't find a
pin somewhere.
There is only one thing more univer
: sal than religion, and that is the long
j ing to spit over when he is up to some
' high place.
When two women get together to
sympathize about each other's ailments
they always end up by talking over
their husbands.—New York Press.
Hremens' Smoker.
The Smoker given by the Emporium
Fire department last Thursday even
ing at the City Hall, was largely at
tended and an enjoyable occasion.
The Smoker was given in honor of the
Past Chiefs and many attended. The
occasion was one long to be remember- I
ed by those present. I
TERMS: $2.00 —$1.50 IN ADVANCE.
Pressed Bricks.
B * lino of gents' furnishing goods
at I Segers.
rh largest and finest line of summer
cloth ig at N. Seger's.
Pre are for the Glorious Fourth at
Empoi uni. Big time assured.
Supper will be served by section No.
3, of the M. E. Society, Friday, June
Balloon ascension and parachute
jump at Emporium, July 4th, by Prof.
Chas. H. Kabrich, of Boston.
An exchange favors a war tax on
cigarettes so that the dudes may have
a chance to do something for their
The second nine of Emporium went
to Austin this morning, where they
will play the return game with the
second nine of that place
There will be a strawberry and ice
cream festival, Saturday e%'ening, June
18, on the lawn between Warner House
and Mrs. F. Judd's, by Mrs. Allen's
Do you want to see a fine line ot
ready-mado clothing and furnishing
goods ? Goto N. Seger's and you will
secure the greatest bargains ever offer
ed in the clothing line.
The Ladies' ninth Undenominational*-
Meeting will be held at Mrs. Bert
Close's, Spring street, Friday afternoon
of this week, from 2:00 o'clock until
3:30. All ladies are invited.
Senator Quay has introduced a bill
pro-viding that pensions of all soldiers
who served in the War of Rebellion,
which have been cut down, shall be
restored, and declaring that no pension
to a soldier should be less than §l2 per
month. This will suit the veterans.
The largest and most valuable crop
in the United States is corn; next to
that is hay; and cotton comes third
the list. The value of the hap crop
$100,000,000 greater than that of tho
cotton crop. New York and Pennsyl
vania are the greatest grass-growing
A country editor puts tho old ques
tion in new shape, and says to his sub
scribers: "Brother, don't stop your
paper just because you don't agree
with the editor. The last cabbage you
sent us didn't agree with us either, but
we don't drop you from our subscrip
tion list on that account."
Col. W. A. Stone, the Republican
nominee for Governor of Pennsylvania,
is an old time friend of Col. W. W.
Ames, of this place, a native of the
same town and a member of the same
class at school.—Ridgway Democrat.
Mr. B. W. Green, of Emporium, was
also a class-mate ot Hon. W. A. Stone.
Tho Postoffice Department asks the
Press to give this notice an insertion
or two: "Friends and relatives ol
soldiers in the field, in addressing
letters to then, should mark plainly
the company and regiment to which
they belong, as by doing so the distri
bution of the mail will be facilitated.
This applies to both the regular troops
and the militia volunteers."
Educational day in the Methodist
church next Sunday. 10:30 a, in.,
baptism of infants; 11:45 a. m., preach
ing by the pastor; 7:30 p. m., an illus
trated sermon. Subject: "Heroic
Methodism." At these services a col
lection for cause ofeducatton will be
lifted in the baskets and the envelopes
furnished to the members of the Sun
day School. Let friends and members
of the church be present.
Sinnemahoning Items.
The "gang" at Barclay Bros', mill
has been laid up for repairs nearly two
Tommy Snyder is now assisting post
master Beldin in attending to Uncle
Sam's postal business. Vice D. B,
Beldin has gone to war.
Eight of our young men rjfcvoaireadv'
gone to knock tho oblp off Spain's
shoulder, and Several more going to
night. Those who have gone are John
Swartz, D. B. Beldin, John Clontz,
James WykofV, Arch Deshnlter, Bert
Leightner, Howard Fry and Jack
About twenty-five of our young folks
met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. H.
Mc CI OH key on last Tuesday afternoon,
to celebrate tho birthday anniversary
of their little daughter Gretta. The
| little ones were entertained and enjoy
ed themselves in fine style arid did
ample justice to the elegant refresh
ments served by their hostess, and the
little miss was the recipient of manv
Presents. t,le Participants
voted the affair an enjoyable one, and
wished their little friend many hannv
returns. 1
NO. 16-