ffl Reliable hi siore. Owing to the very liberal patronage I have had from our people and in view of the hard times I will until MAY Ist,reduce the price of Physicians Prescriptions as follows, vi<-: All I 02. mixtures, regular price, 20 to 15 All 2 oz. mixtures, reguiar price, 25 to 19 All 3 oz. mixtures, regular price, 35 to 25 Ali 4 oz. mixtures, regular price, 45 to 30 All 6 oz. mixtures, regular price. 65 to 50 All 8 oz. mixtures, regular price. 85 to 65 And a corresponding reduction on all packages of Powders, Pills, Oint ments Also liberal discount on all Patent Medicines, Baby Foods, Per fumes, Toilet and Fancy Articles and extra liberal discount on Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Atomi zers and Nursing Bottles. I will guarantee my goods to be strictly fresh and equal to any goods in the market. Thirty years experience in tho town of Emporium is sufficient evidence of competency. If you wish to avail yourself of the liberal offer, leave your Physician's Prescriptions and drug trade in general at the OLD RE LIABLE DRUG STORE. L. TAGGART. EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., June", JS9B. NEMOPHILA, persack #1 75 Graham " 9" Rye " 70 Buckwheat, " Patent Meal.., " -10 Coarse Meal, per 100, 90 Chop Feed, " 90 Middlings " 90 8ran,.... " 90 Corn, per bushel, *>o White Oats, per bushel 40 Choice Clover Seed, Choice Timothy Seed, , A t Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed, *'«.nny Kentucky Blue Grass, J LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributiona inviter' That which you would like to see in this department, let u* know 6 4 'O#- tal card, letter, or personally. D. S. Seibert, of Kutztown, Pa., was in town yesterday. Mrs. Ferris, of Buffalo, is guest of B W. Green and wife. George Huntley, Jr., of Driftwood, was a visitor to the county seat on Sat urday. Mrs.Mayer,of Gardeau,was the guest of Mrs. S. L. Stoddard, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. A. Dinsmore Davis and daugh ter, ofDeLana, Fla., stopped at Warner House yesterday. Mrs. Agnes Wade, of Sterling Run, visited her sister Mrs. Welch over Sun day at this place. H. W. Mitchell, one of Driftwood's most prominent citizens was in Empo rium Monday evening. County Supt. Miss Mattie Collins, of Driftwood, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith, last week. Ed. C. Council, of Cameron, and H. M. Council, of Sinnemahoning, called on Emporium friends yesterday. Mr. H. E. Plubell, one of the wide awake business men of Northeast, Pa., was visiting in town the past week. Mr. Charles Diehl, wife and baby, left Wednesday morning for a three weeks' visit with relatives in Elmira. Geo. A. Walker and wife, returned Tuesday from Scranton, where they had been visiting their new grand son. Jno. J. Hinkle, who is employed in the U. S. Mint at Philadelphia, is visit ing his wife and many friends in town. Mrs. J. D. Lord, ofFriendship, N. Y., is visiting at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H. Day, on Woodland Avenue. Mrs. F. G. Judd entertained "The Gang," Tuesday evening, in honor of her brother-in-law, John J. Hinkle.— An enjoyable evening was passed. Mr. Fred Sizer, of New Bergen, N. Y., visited friends in Emporium the first of the week. Mr. Sizer was form erly an engineer on the W. N. Y. & P. Miss Katharine McDonald, who has been visiting relatives in this county for several months, has returned to her home at Montreal, Canada. Miss Mc- Donald made many friends in Empori um during her visits with friends in town. Charles Kresge, who went to a hos pital at Philadelphia a few weeks ago, for the purpose of having the fractured bone reset, returned home on the "Flyer" last Saturday morning. He reports a slight improvement in the condition of his foot, and at present has it encased in a plaster-paris cast. Miss Iva Bedford and Mr. William Howard Young were united in marriage last night at half past eight o'clock, in Trinity M. E. Church on Third street. The wedding, which was a brilliant one, was witnessed by a large number of friends, the handsome toilets of the ladies present giving life and color to the audience. The church decorations were confined to green, palms and ferns being used In profusion.—Evans ville, (Ind.,) News. The happy groom referred to above is the son of our former citizens, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Young. Their many Emporium friends extend congratulations. John H. Day returned last evening j from his semi-annual visit to Brooklyn, ! N. Y., and reports the great bridge and all the surroundings, in flourishing J condition. lie visited the great mar kets of New York and his customers will profit thereby. I Prof. 11. F. Stauffer, in company , ; with Mr. F. W. Goodwin, principal of tho Wilcox public schools, made tho ! PRESS office a pleasant call, Wednes day afternoon. Miss Anna Kndinskey, of Emporium, and (ieorge Kolier, of Renovo, are visiting James Nangle and family, East Bald Eagle street..—Lock Haven Democrat. Mr. L. N. Nash, who has been in the employ of the Penna. It. R. Co , at i ! Kane, during tho past several months, ' ! is ou duty again at the telegraph office j at the junction. Mrs. R. P. Heilman was called to j j Titusvillo on account of the serious j illness of her mother. She expects to I be absent some time. We enjoyed a short visit from our ! old friend IX F. Marsh, last Saturday. J I Mr. Marsh is one of Mason Hill's pro.- | ' perous farmers and good citizens. J. G. Nyhart, ofßeechwood was a business caller at the PRESS sanctum 1 { last Saturday and made ye editor feel ! ;happy. Danie' of Cleveland, Ohio., I | a nepnew of M. C. Tulis, has entered > | the employ of F. D. Leet, as clerk. Mrs. T. H. Norris. of Sterling Run, j | is visiting friends at Corry and Buffalo j this week. Ex-County Commissioner E. Housler ! is dangerously ill, at his home on North Creek. Ball (iame. Manager Soble has arranged for a game with the Austin club on Satur day afternoon at Atheletic Park. Game called at three o'clock. Small Fire. A fire broke out in S. S. Hacket's blacksmith shop on Third street, last Friday afternoon, but was extinguished by a few pails of water before the arrival of the hose companies. The damage to the building was very slight. Public Notice. The undersigned wishes to inform the public that having bought out the wagon business connected with J. A. Fisher's blacksmith shop, would re spectfully solicit the patronage of my former patrons. Lumber and farm wagons a specialty. For workman ship and easy running, I defy compe tition. Yours respectfully, 14-4t. C. L. BUTLER. tie Jumped Too Soon. A woodsman, of Sinnemahoning, jumped off day express eastj Monday, while the train was slackening its speed at the Normal crossing, and • ploughed his head through the coal dirt. A scalp wound several inches long was inflicted. He was also other wise bruised about the head. His in injuries were dressed by a physician in this city.—Lock Haven Democrat. An Easy Victory. The base ball game between the Sterling Run and Emporium teams last Friday afternoon failed to furnish , much excitement after the first two innings, as our boys got away with the visitors with but very little effort. The Sterling Run boys are a very gentlemanly set of fellows and played the game through without petty "scraps" of any kind. The score stood 29-9 in favor of the home team. H. W. Hottonville, Sec'y of PhiladeN phia Board of Education; I Says: "At a meeting of the Board of Education First School District of , Pennsylvania, held at their chamber C on Tuesday, February 11th, 1896, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved: That the Universal Dic tionary of the English Language be adopted for use in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. 25 cents a week places the four vols, in your home. Enjoyable Evening. I On Tuesday evening, of last week, j L. Emery, Jr., Council, gave an enter ! tainment to its members and their families, at which the following in teresting program was presented: PROGRAM. "Fraternity; its Business and Social Relations," > Address of Welcome, Mrs. Chas. L.Butler 1 Recitation, "Wreck of the Royal Helen," I Mrs. D. W. Keys j Select Reading, "Deacon Jones'visit to World's Fair," Mrs. W. A. Sprung ; Music Miss Maine Farrell t Reading, "An Irish Letter,".. .Miss Maine Butler Solo, "Little Lost Child," Miss Rose Farrell Recitation, "A Dutchman's Horse Deal," ' i Dr. A. W. Baker 5 | Singing, "America," By Council i After the program had been carefully . rendered the company were served , ice cream and cake and enjoyed a 112 social visit for an hour, when President 3 W. W. Weeks called the meeting to > i order, and Mr. S. A. Harris sang a * ! solo, "Beautiful Gates Ajar," after 1 which six year old Mabel Butler gave - i a recitation, "The Little Fluffy Cotton I Ball," which though last was by no r means least on the program. All . present returned to their homes, feel i ing that the evening was well spent. ONE WHO WAS THERE. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1898. II PUPPIES I IP! fill MADIUU June S—l p. 111. — 1 lie communication from ('aptain-( icneral Augusti. dated at M;uiila, June has been pulilish ed: ''The f-ituution is very grave. Aguinaldo lias succeeded in stir ring up the country and the tele graph lines and railways are being j cut. lam without communication ' with the provinces. The province of Cavite has completely rebelled, J and the towns and villages are occupied by numerous bands. "A Spanish column defends the | Zvpote line to prevent the enemy i .roin invading the province of ' Manila, but the foe has entered ! through Uulacan, Lagina and Mo ron, so that Manila will be attack ed by land and sea. <- I am striving to raise the cour- I age of the inhabitants, and will I exhaust every means of resistance, I but I distrust the natives and the i volunteers because there have al ready been many desertions. 15a j coor and Imus have already been seized by the enemy. The insur rection has reached great propor tions, and if I cannot count upon the support of the country, the forces at my disposal will not suf fice to hold the ground against two enemies." General Correa, Minister of War and Captain Aunon, Minister of Marine, have gone to the palace to confer with the Queen Regent's to to General Augusti's communica tion. It is reported that the Spaniards at Manila have already been compelled to take refuges in the fortification part of the town. A dispatch from the commander of the Islands of Yisayas says that official sent two gunboats to the island of Luzon with instructions to try to communicate with Manila, but, he adds they were compelled to return unsuccessful. The gov ernment, it is added, replied, in structing the [commander of the Island of Yisayas to restore com munication with Manila at all costs. A member of the government, whose name cannot be used, ad mitted that the dispatch of Spanish troops to the Philippine Islands could not change the situation. North Creek News Budget. Very nice weather here at present. Mumps are raging, and every one has enough of them. Miss Alda Carter and Mr. Mark Goodwin were guests ofJMiss Alice Lewis on Sunday. Miss Rose Carter, Eddie Morton and Bernice Housler Jand Messrs. Wayne Hamilton, Henry Carter, Warren Moore, attended church Sunday even in Rich Valley. Elihu Housler is quite ill with heart trouble. A large bear was discovered in Elihu Housler's corn field near where three children were at play on Sunday even ing by Mrs. Mi Ida Morton. Her screams brought the neighboring families to the spot, but as 110 onejhad a gun it crossed the road and disappeared in the bushes before any one could get a gun and being near night it could not be tracked and escaped. ML-CH TALK. The Bear Lake Record says that an intelligent young lady, after entertain ing a young man until the chickens were crowing their last nightly crow, handed him a pencil and paper and asked him to make nine ciphers in line, thus: 000000000, then to commence at the first on the left and fromjthe right side of the cipher draw a straight line; on the right side of the fourth make a short line up; on the right side of the fifth make a line down, on the right side of the seventh make a short line up, and from the right ol the eighth one mark down, and then readjwhat he had written. Kane Republican: From all sections of Elk, Warren and McKean counties comes word from large delegations of the Knights and Ladies of the Macca bees that they are making arrange ments to come to Kane, Saturday, June 11. If the weather is at all favor able there will be the largest crowd of outsiders in the city ever assembled here. The business men should realize this fact and do all in their power to 1 make the meeting a success by not i only contributing toward the necessary expense, but by decoorating their places of business and residences, especially along the line cf parade. Council Pro eedings. 1 Regular meeting Borou# Council, June 6tli, IKW*. Present: Messrs. Hurko, Balcom, Warner, Uucket, Strayer, Lloyd. Absent: Messrs. Day, 1 Burns, Palmer. Minutes of last regular ami special meetings ! re ad and approved. The committee appointed to confer with property owners on Filth street, near Chestnut street, in regard to a sewer was continued. Moved by .Mr. lialcom, seconded by Mr. Burke, ' 1 that the Secretary he instructed to inform the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railway Company that the sewer they proposed as cross* | ing Portage street was considered impracticable by the Council and they are requested to con -1 struct the said sewer upon their own right of way. | Carried. Moved by Mr. Strayer, seconded by Mr. ' Balcom, that a street light be erected at the foot 1 of Broad street and that the Council meet on the 1 premises June 7th, at 8:00 a. m., to locate the ; same. Carried. i The committee appointed to investigate the i matter of putting a partition in the large room lon second floor of City Hall, etc., was continued, j The committee appointed to investigate the I cost of water troughs or fountains, etc., was con j tinned. ! On motion by Mr. Balcom, seconded by Mr. i Lloyd, the following bills were ordered paid: i Joshua Bair, work on streets, $ 700 | John Welsh " " 4t 7 .10 j Thomas Smith 14 " 44 28 35 1 Charles Kry " " " 300 | i Thos. Cavavangh 14 4 4 44 300 j Wni. Snyder 44 44 44 562 ] 1 W. Ruber 44 4 4 44 5 25 I | K. Kinny Charles Prosser 4 4 44 4 4 team 700 I Gus Whitmer 44 44 44 150 i St. Marys Gas Co , gas to July Ist, '9H 34 00 l Emporium Water Co., water to July Ist, 98 810 00 j Frank Wheaton, drying hose, 1 00 | Henry Wheaton, " 44 etc., 250 ! ! George Kempher, 44 4 4 100 | Emporium Machine Co., repairs for hire _ , Department 4 77 ! i Emporium Machine Co., street r011er...... .1000 I On motion the Council then adjourned to meet I June 13th, 1898. C. JAY GOODNOUGH. Scc'y. | Flag Bunting at Balcom & Lloyd's. I Fast colors and each yard a llag. Pure Bred. Cornish Indian Game, Golden Wyan dottesand S.C.Brown Leghorns' eggs SI.OO for flUeen - I. F.OSTRUM. Emporium, Pa.—2-3m. Are you Troubled with Dyspepsia? If so, do not neglect until It Is too late this opportunity of ridding yourself of this trou ble. lir, Fenner's Dyspepsia Cure, as the name implies, is simply for Dyspepsia and Indigestion. This is a preparation long and successfully used In private practice by one of America's best qualified physicians, who Is an accepted authority on all medical ques tions. If not satisfied after usingono bottle your money will be refunded by R. C. Dodson. THE SUN DIAL. [On which was written, "I mark only the bright hours."] ( mark the bright hours, and only the bright; [ dwell not in darknoss, but ever in light; [ garner the sun sheaves and dream not of nigbt. Fast, fast fades tho brightness, the bloom o' the years, And life seeks tho light while the darkness it fears. 'Tis too swift for your sighing, too sweet for your tearsl I mark the bright hours. Tho shadow is cast So soon on life's morning—the noonday is past. Treasure light for the night—treasure light to the last I —Atlanta Constitution. REMARKABLE TOWNS. One In England That Is Made of Railway Carriages. Scattered throughout tho area of Great Britain are numerous towns and villages of a curious character. One large village actually consists of old railway carriages, even the little mis sion chapel being built out of four large horse trucks. Another village, with a population of 1,100 and a ratable value of £B,OOO, has neither church, chapel nor school, tho only public edifice being a pillar letter box. Villages with a single inhabitant are not unknown. At Skiddaw, in Cumber land, there is a solitary householder, who cannot vote because there is no overseer to prepare a voters' list and no ohurch or other public building on which to publish one, while tho only ratepayer in a certain rural Northum berland parish has recently declined to bear tho expense of repairing a road be cause he considers it quite good enough for himself. ' In the isle of Ely there is a little parish which has been somewhat con -1 temptuously described as "a portion of i land, with three or four houses and per haps 12 inhabitants." This place has i no roads at all and is consequently put , to no expense in keeping them in repair. As a matter of fact, there are no ex penses of any kind and no rates. 1 One of the most remarkable villages 1 in this country is Keinpton, near Bed > ford, which is seven miles long and ex tremely straggling. To walk from one end of the village to tho other occupies two hours. i Sometimes whole villages will prac tically disappear. A little Shropshire j village has gradually sunk, until now it is almost out of sight. It is built on j a disused coal pit, and the sinking goes on steadily every year. Now and then ' a tottering house is propped up to keep it standing, but in spito of all prccau t tions buildings are constantly falling to ; tho ground, and in courso of time doubt i less nothing will be left but a few , bricks to mark the spot whore a village j. onoo stood. There are plenty of deserted villages 3 throughout the country. A diversion of 1 trade into other channels is sometimes 5 sufficient to produce this effect. Not many years ago tho proprietors of an Iron works at a townlet near Sheffield, 3 being unable to obtain certain conces -3 sions from a railway company, removed 112 their works. Shortly afterward half the place was to let, and tho windows of . many of the houses were boardod up.— London Tit-Bits. i 112 A plant grows in Assam which has j the peculiar property, when chewed, ol temporarily noutralizing the sense of 9 taste as regards sweet and bitter things. 5 Tho Hindoos claim that the plant is an t antidote to snako bite. 112 r Oat of the enormous number of worn ; en in Constantinople—the population is ' nearly 1,000,000 —not more than 5,000 can road or write. Beat* the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville j Tex., has found a more valuable dis ; covery than lias yet been made in the j Klondike. For years he suffered un told agony from consumption, accom | panied by hemorrhages; and was ab solutely cured by Dr. King's New : Discovery for Consumption, Coughs j | and Colds. lie declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this | marvelous cure; would have it, even if j it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. I I Asthma, bronchitis and all throat and ; lung affections are positively cured by j Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- I sumption. Call on L. Taggart, drug- ; gist, and get a trial bottle free. Regu- i I lar size 50c. and §1- Every bottle ' guaranteed, or price refunded. Whitewashing a rascal never helps ! | him any on the inside. Fulton & Pearsail. These up-to-date painters havecon- I solidated their business and may be | found at their shop in Parsons' Bazaar. \ Both are practical painters and will J give prompt attention to all work en trusted to them. Estimates furnished I for all kinds of house, sign and deco ! rative painting as well as wall paper { ing and frescoing. Especial attention | given to out of town orders. 47tf. Notice to the Public. The road now being cut through ; from Salt Run to Bailey Run, we ask | the people in the habit of going to j Baily Run and going by the Climax j | Powder Co.'s works, togo via Salt j j Run, as hereafter no one will be al lowed togo through the Climax ! Powder Company's works. THE CLIMAX POWDER MFG. Co. 10-tf. A Great Deal of unnecessary expenditure of time and money maybe saved if you will only keep a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in the house. Nine tenths of all ordinary sickness is from the stomach; keep that organ in proper condition and all will be well. Syrup Pepsin is a specific. Trial size bottles 10c., large sizes 50c. and SI.OO, of L. Taggart. No matter how far our army may go there will be Miles ahead of it. Hundreds of thousands have been induced to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, by reading what it has done for others, and having tested it« merits for themselves are to-day its warmest friends. For sale by L. Taggart. jun Time is money. That is, it takes considerable money to have much of a time. Ballard's Horehound Syrup is not a mixture of stomach destroying drugs, but is a scientifically prepared remedy that cures coughs and colds, and all throat and lung troubles. Its action is quick, prompt and positive. '.15 and 50c. L. Taggart. If you want to live long, don't try to live more than one day at a time. "For three years we have never been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ir. the house," says A. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins & Co., Indianapolis, Ind., and my wife would as soon think of being without flour as a bottle of this Remedy in the summer season. We have used it with all three of our children and it has never failed to cure —not simply stop pain, but cure absolutely. It is all right, and anyone who tries it will find it so." For sale by L. Taggart. jun The moment a man finds out he has been making a fool of himself he has learned something valuable. Kidney or Bladder Troubles. If you suffer from kidney, bladder or urin ary troubles, or from too frequent or scanty urine. "Dr. Fonner's and Backache Cure" is what you want. Bed-wetting by children la generally cured by one bottle of this powerful remedy. Testimonials are disregarded, many people doubting the ho«- esty or sincerity of them, we therefore avoid giving any here, but will furnish them on ap- Sllcation to dealer whose name Is gives elow. If not satisfied after using one bot tle your money will be refunded by R. C. Dodson. There is nothing for which men have to pay so dear as for the privilege of being stingy. Diphtheria. So far as known not one case of diphtheria has ever been reported to health officers where Aamstrong's Diphtheria and Quinsy Drops was used as soon as soreness was felt in the throat. It is a wonderful remedy and should be in every home, and used for any affection of the throat. R. C. Dodson. 6-ly When a lazy man looks toward heaven, the angels close the windows. Diphtheria. The most successful throat remedy in the world is Armstrong's Diphtheria ond Quinsy Drops. Sold by druggists. R. C. Dodßon. 6-ly What more patriotic demonstration could you have than a red-headed girl with a white dress and a blue sash ? asks an exchange. Is your liver tired; does it fail to do its duty? If so, don't neglect its call for help. A few doses of Herbine may save you a spell of sickness. Herbine is the only perfect liver medicine. It cures chills and fever. 75c. L. Tag gart. BUY DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS. THE ■ K GUARAITEED SINGLE TUBE TIRE* LIGHT AND FAST YET STROND AND DURABLE. $5.00 Per Pair. THE "KING" M'F'G. CO., Office 830 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 11-4t. It is Strange that some people who say they never read patent medicine advertisements will he found lugging home every now and them a bottle of some favorite remedy of theirs. We don't bother you with much reading but just ask you to try a 10c. trial bottle of Dr. j Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for constipa • tion, indigestion and stomach troubles, j GOc. and §1 sizes of L. Taggart. June The man who most deserves a monu ment does not need it. * I Mr. Isaac Ilorner, proprietor of the j Burton House, Burton, W. Va., and j oneof the most widely known men in- I the state was cured of rheumatism | after three years of suffering. He I says:"l have not sufficient command j of language to convey any idea of what I suffe red, my physicians told mo that nothing could be done for me; and my friends were fully convinced that nothing but death would relieve me of my suffering. In June, 1894, Mr. Evans, then salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co., recommended Chamberlain's Pain Balm. At this time my foot and limb were swollen to more than double their normal size and it seemed to me my leg would burst, but soon after 1 began using the Pain Balm, the swell ing began to decrease, the pain to leave, and now 1 consider that I am entirely cured." For sale by L. Tag gart. j un R. C. DODSON, THE ftrdcjdist, KMPOKIIJI, I»A. FORTIFY. Fortify yourself against the weary ing, wearing summer days when nerves and energy lag, and nature is exhaust ed. New life comes with stimulation. You expect too much of nature. Build up the system now and be "one ahead" when the enervating sultry season arrives. ®'S v S > S v S v S v ®^ , S v S 9~'9'9 / S v S'9^ / 9 / S J i J 9^ / S / 9 / 9 C**> (••) a® Now East and West, £•> §2 His skill attest, • And Pillsbury's Best leads (••> all the rest. (••> <••) (••> &•) r*«> If the inscription on gg <••> your sack of flour is like (••j J the above, you have the £•> fjg best flour in the world 2$ (••j ou S ht to ' iave the (••j best bread. Better look (••> »« (•« (••) and see, and if not, go at 22 M nnrp to (••) "lICC (••) (••J (••) || DAY'S • • (••) , , »•) (•g and procure a sack ot gg P World Famous, II Pillsbury's Best. ('••) There are others, but (••) »•> 22 none so good. 22 1 J. H. DAY,I (••) '23 Fourth St., <*•) 22 Emporium, Pa. 5