Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, June 09, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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People of the South and North
Observe Memorial Day.
A tiraml Out burnt of Patriotism from Ilie
tiulf to the Takes Marks the Octanion
—Sectionalism Has Been Buried
Washington, May 31.—1n the center
of the field of"the bivouac of the j
dead." the great amphitheater of the
National cemetery at Arlington, Presi
dent McKinley and three of his cabi
net yesterday joined •>,OOO other citi
zens in doing honor to the patriotic
dead. Ceremonies were held simul
taneously in several parts of the ceme
tery, but the main ceremonies were in
tiie amphitheater close to the old man
sion. There 2,000 people gathered,
while on the platform was a distin
guished company headed by President
McKinley. Vice President Ilobart. Sec
retary Alger, Secretary Cage, Secre
tary Wilson and I'nited States Senator
Thurston, of Nebraska, the orator of
the day. Prior to the services there
was a procession of members of the
Grand Army, Sons of Veterans and
Women's Kelief Corps.
New York, May 31.—The celebration
of Decoration day in this vicinity was
the most notable since the nation has
had the graves to decorate. Organiza
tions which ordinarily take no part in
the exercises turned out in the parade,
which was reviewed by (Jen. (iobin,
commander-in-chief of the (i. A. K.
All the cemeteries in the vicinity of
the city were visited by the soldiers.
Lafayette post went to Fishkill un
veil a statue of Den. Lafayette and pre
sent it to the Daughters of the Revolu
tion. All the statues and tombs of
martyrs in the city were decorated.
U. S. Grant post held memorial serv
ices at the tomb of Gen. Grant after
the parade.
Chicago, May 31.—1n addition to the
great number of graves of Union sol
diers, 0,000 Confederate dead lie buried
in cemeteries here. None of them,
northerner or southerner, was over
looked yesterday. After the ceremo
nies at the cemeteries there was a
magnificent parade in the heart of the
city. The line of march was ablar.e
with national colors. The city has
never before on Decoration day seen
such an enthusiastic outpouring. Prac
tically the whole population turned
out to honor the veterans and cheer
the volunteer defenders.
Lexington, Ky., May 31.—For the
first time since the war the Confeder
ate veterans joined with the G. A. K.
in observing Memorial day and decor
ating the graves of Union soldiers.
Nashville, Tenn., May 31. The
graves of the Federal soldiers in the
national cemeteries near Nashville
and Murfreesboro were decorated.
Chattanooga, Tenn., May 31.—0n ac
count of the volunteer army being en
camped on ground where thousands of
Union soldiers buried here lost their
lives during the civil war. the decora
tion exercises were unusually impress
ive. The thirteen thousand graves in
the national cemetery were covered
with flowers and flags. At 3p.m. a
long procession formed and to strains
of martial music furnished by the
Fourth Ohio regiment band marched
to the stand in the cemetery where the
exercises were held.
Pittsburg, May 31.—Memorial day
was more generally observed in Pitts
burg and vicinity than for many years.
All the cemeteries in this vicinity were
visited and no soldier's grave was left
without a floral emblem.
Army Supplies lint on the Tracks.
Tampa, Fla., May 31.—The quarter
masters' and commissary departments
are having great difficulty in caring
for the tons of supplies of all kinds
that are being shipped here, 'l'he rail
road tracks are almost blockaded with
cars and in consequence of the difficulty
of switching, many cars of commissary
supplies arc spoiling on the tracks.
Fifteen cars of bacon have already
spoiled. The matter has become so
serious that the army surgeons have
issued peremptory oi ders to have tint
sttill' removed at once. Several tons of
spoiled meat have been pitched into
j tue bay.
A Reciprocity Treaty in Hlcneil that tilves
Mutual Advantages to Hotll I lie Con
tracting Parties.
Washington, May 31. —The 1 nited
States and France have concluded the
first commercial agreement entered
into under the Dingley law. The ne
gotiations have been pending for eight
months and were concluded on Satur
day last, when Ambassador Cambon,
in behalf of France, and Hon. John
Kasson, reciprocity commissioner for
the Fnited States, affixed their signa
tures to the formal agreement. It
makes important changes in the tariff
rates on a number of articles consti
tuting the chief trade between this
country and France. The particular
advantages secured by the I nited
States are on meat products and lard
compounds, France reducing her rates
one-half on meat products and about
one-third on lard compounds. The
chief benefits to France are in reduc
tions in rates on brandies, wines, ver
muth and works of art. There is no
reduction in the rate on champagnes,
although the Dingley law contem
plated a reciprocity reduction on cham
pagnes in case mutual concessions were
By the terms of the agreement the
new rates go into effect to-morrow. In
the meantime, under the terms of the
law the president has issued a procla
mation granting the reciprocal reduc
tions specified in the agreement, and
at the same time the French authori
ties at l'aris will decree a reduction in
the French rates in accordance with
the agreement.
Sisj*l>ee Captures » Steamer.
Key West, Fla., May 31.—The British
steamer Kestormel was brought in
here yesterday by a prize crew. She
was captured while trying to put into
Santiago de Cuba with a cargo of coal.
The steamer was bound from Cardiff to
l'orto ltico. The Kestormel was cap
tured by the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul,
Capt. Sigsbee.
The Kestormel was captured under
the very guns of Morro castle, at San
tiago de Cuba, at 6 a. m.on May 25.
She carried 2,401) tons of Welsh eoa'
from Cardiff, presumably for Admiral
Cervera's fleet.
The St. Paul had been lying off San
tiago de Cuba for six days, and last
Wednesday morning the big collier
was sighted, making at full speed for
Santiago harbor. The St. Paul tired a
blank shot and the Restormel came to.
Key West, .lune 3.—ln the I'nited
States district court yesterday .Judge
Locke rendered a decision condemning
the cargo of coal of the British steamer
Kestormel, seized while trying to run
the blockade. Judge Locke's decision
releases the Kestormel.
Dewey ( ailed a Halt.
Hong Kong, May 31. l'he British
cruiser l'i<|uc has arrived here from
lloi!o and Manila. She reports all
quiet in both places. Spaniards art
working on the Manila fortifications,
but their guns are old and useless and
they are short of ammunition. Rear
Admiral Dewey has informed the au
thorities at Manila that he will hold
them responsible for the life of the
captain of the Spanish gunboat Callao,
captured by the I'nited States fleet.
I The Spaniards threatened to shoot
him for surrendering.
Sickness lu Dewey's Fleet.
London, May 31.—A dispatch to the
Telegraph from Manila, dated May 2<i,
says: The American warships are stil!
in the bay except a couple of smallct
ones, which are being used for patrol
duty outside. Kear Admiral Dewey if
losing men from disease almost daily.
Small-pox and dysentery are said to bt
rife in the American squadron.
Wilt Settle International Disputes.
Washington. May 31. The Canadian
negotiations which have been in prog
ress here for a week were coneludet
last night, wln-n a definite agreement
was reached for tile creation of a com
mission which shall consider all tin
subjects of controversy between tin
I'nited States and Canada and frame a
treaty between the imperial govern
ment and the I'nited States for tin
complete adjustment of their contro
versies. The agreement is now to b<
submitted to the British government
for its approval, and when tins is giver
the organization of the commission ivil
be completed.
A. W. Stone is Nominated for Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania.
Republican Convention at llnrrinbtiri
NHIIK'H a State Tieket—Juliu Wana
maker Withdraw* from the Kave—
Caen, (ioliiii Nominated for
(■overnor —Tlie l'lat form,
Harrisburg, J*a., June 3.—The onl>
semblance of a contest in yesterday's
republican state convention was ove
the head of tlie ticket. Col. Willian
A. Stone, member of congress from A1
legheny, the favorite from the start
won on tlie first ballot, .lohn Wana
maker, of Philadelphia, and Congress
man Charles W. Stone, of Warren,
were the other candidates. The tight
practically closed Wednesday, when
Senator Quay advised his friends that
Col. Stone was his choice.
Senator Quay did not attend the con
vention. He came here Monday night
from Washington and was in confer
ence day and night with his lieuten
ants until yesterday morning, when lie
started for the national capital.
Tlie convention was called to ordet
by State Chairman Elkin. (>en. 15. K.
Fisher, of Westchester, presented tin
name of Senator Penrose for tempo
rary chairman and the senator was
elected by acclamation. Sena<.<_»! .'en
rose made a speech on taking the
chair. Frank W. Wheaton, of Wilkes
barre, was elected permanent chair
The convention then proceeded to
the selection of a candidate for gov
ernor. Thomas M. Marshall, of Alle
gheny. presented the name of Col. Wil
liam A. Stone. Representative Chul
•sey named (ien. Frank Reeder, and Jo
seph M. Huston presented the name of
John Wanamaker. A. S. Shields pre
sented a letter from Mr. Wanamaker
withdrawing as a candidate. In the
letter Mr. Wanamaker asked his dele
gates to vote for Charles W. Stone.
When Mr. Shields had concluded the
reading of the Wanamaker letter the
chairman of the resolutions committee
was recognized and presented the fol
lowing platform, which was unani
mously adopted:
The platform reaffirms tho republican na
tional platform of ISUS; approves tlie course of
the president and congress in the war with
Spain: demands a vigorous prosecution of tlie
war to a successful conclusion: pledges earnest
support to the president In whatever measures
he may deem necessary: rejoices with the peo
ple of tho ration upon the navy's brilliant
record in the present war: demands an in
creased naval force and adequate coast de
fenses: views with pride Pennsylvania's
promp response to the president's call for
troops: reaffirms adherence to tlie doctrine ot
protection to American industries: urges the
imperative necessity for tho construction of
the Nicaragua canal: advocates the construc
tion of a wat Tway connecting the Ohio river
with the groat lakes and the lakes with the
seaboard: reaffirms the law restricting foreign
immigration; heartilv indorses the administra
tion of President M Kinley and commends the
administration of the present slate govern
Nominating speeches were resumed,
and ex-State Senator Allen, of Warren
county, offered the name of Congress
man W. Stone. The roll call showed
l'.is votes for W. A. Stone and 1(12 for ( '.
W. Stone. Two delegates were ab
sent. Before the result was announced
five votes cast for (ien. Heeder wer
given to the Allegheny aspirant, the
general's name having been with
drawn. Col. Stone having received :
majority of the votes, he was declared
the nominee amid wild enthusiasm.
Not much time was lost in makin
up the ticket after Col. Stone's nomina
tion. Senators S. M. MeCarrell, of liar
risburg, and John Grady, of Philadel
phia, had withdrawn from 4 he contest
for lieutenant governor. This left a
clear field to their colleague, Senator
J. P. S. (iobin, of Lebanon, command
er-in-chief of the Grand Army of the
Republic. Gen. James XV. Latta. of
Philadelphia, was renominated for sec
retary of internal affairs, and Galusha
A. Grow, of Susquehanna, and Samuel
A. Davenport, of Erie, for eongressmen
at-large. Judge William Porter, of
Philadelphia, was nominated for supe
rior court judge.
The candidates and Chairman Wheat
on met after the convention and re
elected John I'. Elkin, of Indiana,
chairman of the state committee.
Mr. Wanamaker's retirement from
the fight came as a startling surprise
to his delegates and it is understood
that he determined upon that course
only a short time before his letter wa>
read to the convention. The with
drawal is interpreted to mean that Mr.
Wanamaker has placed himself in posi
tion to run as an independent candi
date for governor if he so elects.
Congressman Willi;: ;n A. Stone, who wat
nominated for governor of Pennsylvania, ha?
been a life-long republican. Ho was born fr
Tioga county, April 18, 184>j, and received his
early education at the state normal school
Mansfield. Pa. lie served during the war a
sccond lieutenant of Company A. One Hundred
and Eighty-seventh Pennsylvania volunteers.
He studied law and was admitted to the bai
in 1870. He has been district attorney of Ti
oga county and was appointed United State:
attorney for the Western district of Pennsyl
vania. lie was elected to the Fifty-second.
Fiftv-third. Fifty-fourth and Fifty-tlfth con
gresses. He is a warm personal friend ol
Senator Quay.
Two Steamers and 37 Lives Lost.
San Francisco, June 3.—The Austra
lian steamer Monoano hits arrived
from Australian ports and firings news
of the wrecks of the steamers Maitland
and Marksworth off the New South
Wales coast, with a loss of 37 lives.
The steamers were caught in a terrific
gale which swept the coast on the
night of May 27.
Will Kncamp 75,c00 Men There.
New York, June 3. A Wi'sb.i-igton
disratch to tin: World says:"lt was
determined yesterday to place 75,000
troops at Chickainauga, which is to be
made a permanent camp. Secretary
Alger gave orders to prepare that
camp for the accommodation of that
number of men. Cbickatnauga park
being too small for a camp of the size
demanded, the park commission was
authorized to lease additional ground.
This will be the largest camp in the
United States. Most if not till tlie
troops mustered in under the second
call will I t- sent there to drill."
An Attempt to Overthrow tlie <«o»ern
nieiit of Man Domingo Kudu In t lie Uralli
of Several of the Conspirator*.
Cape llaitien, iiaiti. June 4. —The
mystery surrounding the movements
of the Clyde line steamer Fanita is now
said to be explained. The reports of
an uprising in the republic of Santo
Domingo against the power Presi
dent Ileurreaux are correct. Thy in
itial blow was struck at Monte Cristo,
on the borders of Haiti, the nearest
Dominican port to Cape llaitien. It
would appear that the Fanita, instead
of having on board only 17 Dominicans,
probably had l.'iO on board. The Fanita
arrived here on June 1, half empty,
bringing from New York provisions
for the navy, which she landed at
Matthewton, (ireat Inagua, Bahama
Islands. She slipped away the same
night and went to Monte Cristo.
The majority of the Dominicans
while here were shut up in the hold of
the Fanita. (ien. Juan Jiminez and
Gen. Pablo Villasiueva were on board.
The former has long been in the pub
lic eye in Santo Domingo as a desira
ble man for the presidency. Villa
nucva fought bravely against Presi
ddent Ilerreaux's alleged usurpation
and was exiled.
Friday afternoon the Dominican con
sul here received a dispatch from Pres
ident Herreaux saying that an at
tempted revolution at Monte Cristo
had been defeated: that (Jen. Jiminez
fled at the first fire of the government
troops, taking refuge on board the
Fanita. and that all the others who
landed, with the exception of three,
had been killed.
Two of the prisoners are Pablo Vil
lenueva, son of (ien. Villenueva, and a
laborer named Calderon. They will be
executed with the other prisoners.
<>en. Morales and seven Dominicans
who shipped here are among the killed.
Another person was killed on board
the steamer l-'anrta. which put to sea
immediately and escaped.
(Jen. Jiminez was regarded as the
wheel horse of the revolution which
put llippolyte in power in llaiti, man
aging the financial end of the move
ment. Whew he was here the last time
President Herreaux warned l»im to
leave Dominica for his own safety.
President Herreaux is said to have
recently resumed the arbitrary execu
tion of his opponents; sometimes open
ly. sometimes stealthily. The tragic
disappearances of men of political
note have been frequent of late in
Tlie Senate Authorizes tlie Issue of $8300,-
UOII.OUQ of 3 I'er Cents I'riipiHal to Coin
«42,M00,000 of .Silver In Adopted.
Washington, June 4. —While the war
revenue measure was not passed by the
senate yesterday, two very important
votes were taken —one on a proposition
to coin the silver bullion in the treas
ury and to issue silver certificates
against the coin, and the other on the
bond proposition presented bv the re
publican minority of the committee on
finance. In lieu of tlie seigniorage
amendment offered by the majority of
the finance committee. Mr, Woleott
proposed an amendment directing the
secretary of the treasury to coin silver
bullion in the trea.sury to the amount
of £4-,000.000 and to issue silver certifi
cates against it. After some discussion
the amendment was agreed to —3s to 31
—several republicans voting for it.
Mr. Aldrich then pressed the amend
ment of the minority of the finance
committee providing 'or the issue of
5f00.000,000 of certificates of indebted
ness ands3oo,ooo,ooo of 3 per cent, bonds
to be used only for the payment of
the expenses of the war. After an ex
tended debate by the decisive vote of
4. r < to 31 the bond amendment was in
corporated in the bill as a substitute
for the amendment to issue legal ten
der notes. The bond proposition re
ceived the votes of 37 republicans,
seven democrats and one populist. The
democrats who voted for it were Caf
fery, Faulkner, Gorman. Gray, Lind
say, Mitchell and Murphy, and the
populist was Mr. Kyle. No repub
licans voted against the issue of bonds,
the votes in opposition to bonds being
cast by 21 democrats, five populisms
and five silver senators.
They Ask for a Test.
Washington, June 4. —The owners of
•he Holland submarine boat, who had
proposed togo into Santiago harbor
and destroy the Spanish warships at
so much a vessel, have requested a
practical test by riaval officers of their
craft. The navy department declined
to entertain the first proposition, as it
smacked of privateering and was in
violation of international law. One ob
jection was that the boat could not be
in regular commission and in com
mand of a naval officer. Besides, they
contended that she had never been
thoroughly tested. Now the boat's
owners propose that naval officers go
down in the Holland, and then thatshe
be commissioned.
Second Kxpedltlon to the Philippine*.
San Francisco, June 4. —The second
expedition to the Philippines will prob
ably get under way next Tuesday or
Wednesday. It will not reach the pro
portions at first anticipated, owing to
the fact that all the vessels that were
to have made up the fleet of transports
are not ready. An order issued Friday
by (ien. Merritt designates the full
companies of the Eighteenth and
Twenty-third regiments of infantry as
part of the second expedition. The
troops togo besides these regulars will
be the First Pennsylvania, First Col
orado and Seventh California, four bat
teries of the Third artillery anfl four
troops of cavalry.
Musi Act Promptly.
Washington, June 4. —President Mc-
Kinley discussed the question of Ha
waiian annexation with several repre
sentatives who were in conference
with him yesterday. lie told them it
was of the utmost importance that the
two houses of congress take prompt
action upon the resolution. He indi
cated that lie had received assurances
of a majority in the senate which will
vote for annexation and is therefore
confident that it will become a law.
It is generally understood that the
j resolution will be brought up in the
I house next week.
Spaniards Damolish One of Schley's
Seoonil Attack on Santiago <|e Culm in Re
ported to Have Resulted in the KOHH of
the Steamer Merrimac—Eight of
Her Crew are Sal I to Have lleen
Captured l>y the Knemy.
Cape Haitlc. Haiti. June 4.—The
American fleet, ace- 'ing to advices
received by cable from '-ntiago de
Cuba, the cable being under Spanish
c<" ./01, opened fire again at 3 (/clock
i-riday morning on the fortifications
and warships. The cannonade was
well sustained until 4 a. m. One of
the United States auxiliary cruisers,
well armed, attempted to force the
passage into the harbor. The Span
iards allowed the cruiser to cross the
first line of torpedoes, but before she
arrived at the second line they dis
charged at her a torpedo, which broke
a great hole in her side and caused her
to sink almost instantly, bow first.
One officer, one engineer and six sail
ors were made prisoners by the Span
A dispatch from Santiago says the
vessel sunk is understood to be the
Merrimac. Only the extremities of her
funnel and two masts are visible above
the water. The Santiago advices in
referring to the sunken vessel as an
auxiliary cruiser, probably mistake
her character. The Merrimac is a col
Port au Prince, Haiti, June 4. —Fri-
day morning at 8 o'clock the American
squadron again began a bombardment
of the fortifications of Santiago de
Cuba anil a lively cannonade ensued
for two hours whiuh silenced the Span
ish batteries.
An American vessel, the Merrimac,
described in advices from Santiago de
Cuba as an auxiliary cruiser, in mak
ing a dash to force the entrance, suc
ceeded in passing the first line of de
fenses, but was torpedoed about 500
feet up the channel. She went down
"perpendicularly." An officer, an en
gineer and six seamen were taken
prisoners. The number of victims if
unknown. Only the funnel and »::Hst
heads of the sunken vessel can be '.. en.
There is great excitement in the
city. A part of the population assisted
in the lighting on the heights. Every
body is astounded at the audacity of
the American vessel. The American
squadron was cruising all the while iu
the oiling.
It will be noted that there is an im
portant discrepancy as to the time at
which the bombardment is said to have
begun, between the dispatches from
Cape llaitien and Port au Prince, the
former saying 3 o'clock and the latter 8.
Baltimore, June 4. —The Merrimac
was purchased by the government
from the Lone Star Steamship Co. The
transfer was made in this city early in
April. She was formerly the Norwe
gian steamer Solveig and was nearly
destroyed by fire at Newport News in
1896. She was 330 long, 44 feet beam
and had a net register of 2,193 tons.
The Merrimac left Norfolk, where she
was fitted for government purposes,
about a month ago.
Off Santiago, Cuba, June 3, by the
dispatch boat Wanda, via Kingston,
Jamaica. Rear Admiral Sampson with
the cruiser New York, his flagship, ac
companied by the battleship Oregon,
the cruiser Mayflower and the torpedo
boat Porter, joined Commodore Schley's
squadron off Santiago \N ednesday
morning and their combined commands
iiave the Spanish lleet securely locked
in the harbor.
Admiral Sampson left the heavy
monitors and light gunboats off Car
denas on Monday morning. Under
command of Commodore \\ at son, the
monitors and gunboats returned to re
inforce the blockade on the north coast
of Cuba. Admiral Sampson did not as
sume command or amalgamate the
squadrons on his arrival. Each squad
ron retains its separate entity.
It Proventn a Kelief Kxpedltlon from
IteaeliliiK Imprisoned Whaling; Ships.
Seattle, Wash., June 4.—The schoon
er Brixam brings news that the reve
nue cutter Bear, conveying relief to
imprisoned whalers, is at Dutch I iar
bor. The officers of the Bear recently
attempted to join the overland party
under Lieut. Jarvis, but got only :JO!J
miles north of Dutch Harbor. There
the ice was found packed solid across
Bering sea and ail further plans had
to be abandoned. No news has been
received from Jarvis.
A hurricane which seriously threat
ened the entire shipping of the local
ity swept over Dutch Harbor and Cn*
alaska on May 22. During the storm
the schooner Helen was driven ashore,
though not seriously injured; the ship
Wachusett dragged her anchors, and
but for the timely assistance of the
Bear the bark Harry Morse would have
been hurled upon the rocks and broken
to pieces.
Here's Another One.
Kingston, Jamaica, June 4. The
correspondent here of the Associated
Press has been informed from an ap
parently authentic source at Port An
tonio, this island, that a Spanish fleet
from Cadiz is nearing West Indian
waters and, should it arrive on the
prearranged schedule, it will be oft'
Santiago de Cuba to-day in order to re
inforce the fleet of Admiral Cervera.
An Otttcial Keport from Schley.
Washington, June 4.—The navy de
partment has received an official re
port from Commodore Schley regit ri
ing his recent attack on the fortifica
tions at Santiago de Cuba? it.was read
at Friday's cabinet meeting. Schley
says that his attack was made for the
purpose of developing the enemy's po
sition, to locate their batteries, etc.
In that respect it was, he says, entire
ly successful. Not one of his vessels
was touched by the enemy's volleys
and there were no casualties on his
vessels, lie says that he has no douot
that Cervera's fleet is inside of the iigir
bor of Santiago.
Why tli* Invasion of 4 Htm I* IJi-luvtd -
RiKjKfveH'H ISotiifli Klder. »r« There—A
Harrowing Ili'Nfriplioli of Destitution lu
Tampa. Fla., .1 line B.—With the estab
lishment of general army headquarters
at TamfM anfl with <ien. Miles on the
ground dire* :*<g movements of the
army, affairs here have taken on a con
siderable degree of activity, hut no
embarkation of troops has as yet taken
place from this point. Although the
work of preparing the army for the
campaign continues with ur. abated
vigor, until the fate of the Spanish
fleet is settled no orders for the inva
sion of Cuba are expected. Admiral
Cervera is apparently the unknown
quantity in this problem of war. When
he is disposed of it is probaole the op
portunity the army has so long waited
for will come.
(!en. Miles yesterday made a tour of
inspection of the various regular ami
volunteer camps around Tampa. The
main volunteer camp at I'almetto
Beach was visited in the afternoon,
(■en. Miles reviewing a brigade drill of
the Thirty-second Michigan and First
Florida regiments. Roosevelt's rough
riders, SMSO men all told, arrived in
Tampa last night and bivouaced in
the city. To-day the regiment will go
into camp west of the Tampa bay hotel
where the Third and Sixth regular cav
alry regiments arc located. Both Col.
V'oods anil Col. lioosevelt accompanied
the •••giment.
Col. -rst, who was in charge of the
recent expedition on the steamer Flor
ida, describes the condition of the wo
men and children as pitiable in the ex
treme. When the Florida reached
Point Banes, on the north coast of
Cuba, where the supplies of arms, am
munition and provisions were landed,
it was met by a crowd of
paciflcos, many of th* - emaciated to
the last extremity oy long privations.
Xearlv half these unfortunates were
women, and scarcely one of them had
more than a single garment and that
in tatters. Many of the children were
absolutely naked, and their appeals
for food when the first boat from the
Florida landed on the beach were
heart-rending. As far as possible the'
crews of the Florida and her consort,
the Osceola, supplied the paciflcos',
wants, even giving away their under
Naval OtllclalH Calculate that Hawaii HUM
liy I'lliH Time Heroine an Ally of Oar
Washington, June S.—Naval officials''
now calculate that Hawaii has become
an ally of the I'nited States in the
present war with Spain and at this
moment our government is responsible
for the protection of the Hawaiians
from the consequences of their friend
ship for us. According to the calcula- 1
tions of the officials of the navy de
partment. the cruiser Charleston ar
rived at Honolulu last Saturday. She*
has probably completed the taking
aboard of a full coal supply and is now
again on her way westward, bound for
the Philippines.
The coal was accumulated at Honolu
lu by I'nited States Consul General Hay
wood. and in allowing the Charleston
to take on a supply to carry on opera
tions against Spanish territory, the.
government of Hawaii has east away
all semblance of neutrality in the pres
ent contest and has thrown in her for
tunes with the I'nited States, for un
less we protect her she is subject to
punishment at the hands of
Moreover the offense against neutrali
ty is to be repeated, for it is expected
that yesterday the advance guard of
the transports carrying tfoops to Ma
nila were entering Honolulu harbor to
replenish their coal supply. *
One of the UiftKeHt in the World is to he
Krccti-d at Hunt Chicago.
Chicago, June —The Economist*
says: Samuel H. Waddell. of Pittsburg;
acting for others, has bought 300 acres
of land at East Chicago, fronting on
Lake Michigan and the waterway from
the Calumet river to the lake, and it is
announced that on this site is to be
erected one of the largest steel plants
in the world, consisting of blast fur
naces. steel rail and structural steel
mills and other appurtenances of
great concern of that class. The works
should give employment to 3,00*) men
at first and later onto twice that num
ber. A harbor is to be constructed at
the mouth of the present waterway
and ore for the furnaces will be
brought from Lake Superior mines by
boats. The enterprise is supported by
practically unlimited capital and
among the projectors is 11. C. Frick, of
the Carnegie steel works at l'ittsburg.
Killed and Ate T«n Men.
San Francisco, .June —Mail advices
from Australia contain a brief account
of a cannibal outrage in New Guinea.
A number of native prisoners held at
Mombare escaped and lied to the bush
tribes. The fugitives gathered a strong
force and returned to Mombare. They
attacked a peaceful village below the
police camp, whose people they sus
pected oft reach tfry, and carried off all
the women. They captured and killed
is men, ten of whom they ate.
Is FiM'lint; tli« Way.
Washington. .June ". —lf the queen
regent of Spain has instructed Senor.
Castillo to ask the powers to intervene
for peace that movement has not yet
taken any form in Washington. Among)
diplomats it is thought possible that
Spain is feeling her way toward .se
curing' pence, but it is not believed this
will meet with active assistance from
the great powers.
Will AhU for S'-iOO.OOO Damages
New York. .lune —The owners of
the British steamship Foseo-ia. which #
was sunk by the I'nited States cruiser
Columbia off Fire Island on Sunday
last, will soon present to the navy de
partment a claim for JWOO.OOO damages.
The lawyers ret a ned by the agents
claim that the evidence brought out at
the sessions of the naval board of in
quiry showed that the Columbia was
to blame for the collision and that
that view seemed to have beer ac
cepted by the board. In steaming
along without lights or signals of any
tind the cruiser violated the intcruae
tional maritime laws.